N Th canda Sctsmr.lowmanville, August 15, 1973 Gives Flyers - fLAHBC-- _,.3Years Aýgo -- Playing under the floodlights, thie Bowmaý,nville C.O.F. Girls Softbaýll Teaw, %were able to squeeze ou( a 7-6 win over Cobourg, a-t that town on Truesday,, night. 'Memibers of the Bowmanville teagu: Ellis, O'Rorke Cole.Shred, Perfect. Kilpa trie k, JlWillatts and-Kennedy. FLASBACK - 1 Years Ago- Paul Mýeldrum of Toronto, Red Cross Swimming, Examnie presented the followîng with Red Cross A1wards i te swdiming tests. Instruc- tors wvere Lorna Caverly, Irwin CoIwell and Briani Hancock headed by W. W. Bagneil: Dick Vnegat Erie Wiggans, Dawn Stevens, Donna llhditch, Cheryl Evans, Lori Mietcalf, Marilyn Stackaruk. Linda Stevens, Johnl Spr,Ge Jacknian, George Kewenga. NicIky Oegem aJan Browning, Bill Hock- stra, Doug Bok Bob McDonald. Gary Murphy andAu Marie Downey. BASEBALL -for this season in Bowmanville, has not beeiin the owling success everyone had hlopedi for. As this is written, the Bowmanville Locke Eleý,ctrons are on the verge of elumination by Port'Hope, three gaines to none. The Bantamns are fiuishedwith no word yet on other teamns. Hlowever, it takestfimie to build teams of All-Star calibre and wýe ,irge everyone to back sponsors.' ýýoaches and plaýyeýrs while the re-str.ucturing and strategy is taking ,plaýce. PEBBESTNE OLF COURSE - reports its ourh 'olein-ne"this season. This tiine, Jýohnm Somersea les playing witb Romn Malrczkon Tbursday, Aug. 9th, aced bis, on th e m00y ard, ith li ole, using a three wood. At Bowmanu11eContyClub. overthe week- end. John Hoqgarth hIad a "hole-in-one" on the third bote.Pain with bis brother Steve, he usedi a five Wro on theapproximate 140;yard hole.And Mua afternoon, Johin Flegg also potted au ace on lte third whifle playing with MikeBrosseu ad Ralph' Rowe. KNIKSCELTICS, BLJCKS - head Braves 10 gameseue in Toronto. The world champion New York Knickerbockers, Boston Celties an-d MilwukeeBck wili be featured in the 10) Natona BaketahlAssociation gamnes f0 b played at MI'ap)Ie Leaf Gardens this season. The first game called for Friday, Oct. 2th. The Braves have schedul,,ýed seveni Sunday, one Friday amÎ,1 two Tusa dates at the Gardens'. Al gams t strt i.8:00 p.m. The Braves boast rooIkiedrblnan passing sensation Ernie Di Gregorio. The Kik stars such as Bill Bradley, WaïtFrair Er h PearlivMonro. The Bucks' two upestar 7 oot 2,'Kareem Ahdul. Jabbar and oscr obetsnThe Celits have r'edhIead(ed pivoman ave~.owns.Cleveland Cavaliers bring star guau-d LennYWilkins, Austin Carr and 6 foot 8FrooieîrnmBrewer. C.NE. Spashng- ffilr the :'501 year, teLake Ontario Dog Swim highigbts Sunday, ugs 19, This historical crowid pleaser. stwrt"s ai Il a.m whien up to 100P caniin- es "of aIil breeds 'participate ini the largest orgauized cqontJt oUis kind in the world. The BurgomastBathtub Derby aetnational Con- test(fCi Maitaetake-s place àt :3:00 p.m. Auglust tic This yeair Cludette Mlar, vivachis Aor tof Cambridge, will defend ber crowî ag ius ine contestinig Mayors, frohi aross Canada. This gyrandstand-. packing ve"t taes place on Caimbridge Day and Miayor CIldtte Millar wihl have a tough batth to maîntain berfeinine suprei-. acy against heýr aie rivais. Labor. Day week- end, when te ntratonlAir Shiow spetaul t wllja npack the waterdront area, w be rvcWed mionSaturday, Septe)-. ber L wîth toec '>".N7 Caoe Caposis featuing and.' top mc1(Iî and women paddlers %iýing~o-c.NE.hoors. The 1;7 wanterfrotprogra ni is planned to attract and excite. Ailthe evets are, a FREE bonus for isiors ttedingtheworl's argest aunuaf ! iiin Re ceîve Good Response for Ai Thiese nînie younlg people, plus Waynie 1-muit Wh(, been aiýSig older Icitizens tbrougut tenm Opportunities forYot grant. Tbeyý are, stanintgi Morrison, Jim Dusaad Charles Caittran. iti and, fo froitt to reýar, Susan LaýComrbe, J. Stackarýuk, -aiïd at rigbt M'Nerridy Morrison and )~ A look tbrougbt Jme dali'I log; book kep -P y t ihei mïeîmbeirs-, of flic Opportunif les Foi- Yout projeci - calle! enouîtzn stdof ixlvdbaeba The oiwngaesm soiections frora Itha o ok FrdyJrîy2 12d Dug ani Cnt G;'s grass s caiedMr-s P's ilawn amd îirrnng pm: 7finisbed laxi i 1Pýs tho xxomk was much ap-cae and she's an A-I lady Frîdayý4!;. July l3th: Bill a.rn Cnt Fs grass. p.rn.Took (CS Oshaxwa for Speech f'eiap Wednesds. July 2".-ofi Roi anne - an.TooX, rsN f cleaing.pin isindSun,eî ode. cboiattedL Chee-s i tii Chait-ehropunsetontho. asked the rmînîstoîs ito'ftell- people albout us. Exen befoî-ej the projecf sfaîted AJ1got lxx o r îh1re(e cail!f-o pope)a( îng belp, hoe iithe ara. nuîin Bovnin111e :aad one la Newcatl,(11n a 1Ivice pi-r week basis. "Tey ea l ook orxva-d to om ist lie commented. "Af une of the bormes a coupule of older ladies wait out side for us f0 couac- Thbe isifs th Ie nid age h1ome1s uuIjly eonisSt ni pie, plyin aîd i hecis cii op ithe daytI' ýýrpeople xx'o are ofte is t ýonely' rhebuýilk nfi te work tor people v.'ho liî . intheir own homaescentre aouad Jcutting I auws ns,teiagdoing small janigobs, mox îng heavy arilsand cieaniag diflicuit togtat places like haseroeats or garages. The group lias also been Winnng-Runfor Pr Ivnd Gane ofLe fil x( '!ait,- A urpise-iî atebs (il fic nafb b Raii-y i11iuî Lüc'ke 'TV\oeak sPr Hope emeged 9- ineishs n thei aîaf lmomath8, the nai oc AVAiLABLE AT PAINT and WALLPAPE R i N G eÏ VVPHONE 623-5"4'31f Pott Hope ,sxsi1gi-bute tr second pitch îuîfo igb iu drîxing ln fhexxnngîa belore a stunned codof Electi-ons and theijr aýrms ni supporters. It seas anu uexPuctcd. bea tfîf ul xxindîîp for-,tie xite' aad a fi-agie, unto-rttîiemss1, Z f oî the gaine Eleetron i xs'výd. tiîeled 2,0, siamme nuit 4 its off Pot -IlopesJobn Satiittuxboîmange t si iefrte icig dcox fie eida 22 îtuoi ,.gaîtt Boss mux ile on i 1emseirbo lias~~it benfage oldydu- 12a 0dwn thrdinin o xsoi' 50 ai- ii th piao 3heEl-2fios on iog diPrei iith 4qt).tuulox în IimastH-esbol î gui tIliib htscmdi ruasand aove Pori Hop b\ A.jirn t arke trme or both clubs, Port i, tcolun sixth iuigHoe eeaaî.ird sack- homerbs aulWakey xas Paulau ae~sahda the teijing bloxx as Pot'of l-pe tio)oui, tiouanomr or'a tugon for a 9-8 victo,,ry over9 lad ovr theElectroas. hre i1itsadtrc he Locke TV 'Electroas ý,lasi oaia ilwho outhit the ssîstin Aged ogg ai uphc ati o cnedyeeriung ia!So 6r1wnner;t&1o, rebouîîded xxîth sateies heir hit ssaut Cre 'lie w llowediteCa p in us in the bottonn>of qLaixsin il, l chpedin Ulvstrst aeaIt)ia ntesixth. Parks olcd .~ x~obit (mtudag he ~i ths EO.BA bst f sxenthir amth safety and 'Ray, t' ~ ... .n iandt w rua drx cr ir, paxof seiesCroie to1lowe d witha .1 .« ~ .:v whleRalh Hdgsn asohada Wkel. ho aagcil -iÀaglile to teft, v.îth one out. [mil Geeorgaeînt oSatiîîsbury, Locke', E oitheRiecroa Rogrs anviie urin reularseatop play nil performrer il, 92 ./~'/ '.~ m Saisbur~pickd up hree on pa-yha a til aliig bangcd out a singlescrm .~ p. hts wileHutb" Bgn1i)xith hi bî. lroundtippr ha oth runners. but was out at b-anged outap!ohevnul~poe t etescn base on the pla;y. .~ ~ xarsrndc'wo rros. nîi dîferacelas Weîmeda~ Pemrberton then gotl the next Ho~naai1e ltt igt ra Te lectr'onsstarte, Kîrbat fer le, erd tlhF bniag. as ~ nes stande Por Hop Rogrs, asted only one ,,and Port ilnpecla oasram ~. srjned 3 tan oe-tirdînnîgs.as ort9-'edge Hoebit up a 7- y ed.o \k a a nd d5V iibits.Car HwkXe1aginî or Hpeduin he ~~ NE WTON-VILE rpce Roesadva eol edtevsts toubcdfo th ' ifs r sorees oxrthefinal three ~i ~ i ad rsrucna(maoin !tree insUnd fix trmesliercîr : ine ofiYithe i Henderson sethstwe ihîtinclud-iiing Wke i;bhsttobater h faedwhifmng 4 Sauît Ste. Marie. and dtrict. '- iicýngcrý-o( S Joanne Harpei l d fiend. otHpspthn ob orPmetnwsnce t Cindy Reed, frornClfona JhnSihand Nil orto letonhtso'"- h t.spent a couple of days hr.Peneto ec'tepcîl ,elsa hreammiirxt last week, visiting A i\ n hr ihra h îttsPrshmRil n i Mrs. C.M. Joncs andMNrs. ea ornnfdteato ntescodtoirn h oîeti JOui ~~~ seriies opener The wTV od (i gt Jnotnae~it ~ Mr Jmes Mneels.a tored Srnith 1"? exi t affer a aeadof eou aîdthe ifnle-tineresideat of tis 1 Il tree and one-third inngs, as PrtHoe elexr eired the pyssedaway rcently at tey jarred hîrn for sixbis cxsxmeasHwia Marmora, and ias rouht owmanvilc trailed 7-4, whcn villscabc k ýel shor y 4 here f0o Lakevie Cemtery Peberton took over in the asnl u for burl.ashis w %ýeife ad foîrtbwith oae away and one \roind te Bses teTV pjatents, also hadbenAfr man on second,trp'Pakbdalnati the serv ic,the rlativs and The hausRHI ig an itv, onrs n lrîends. wee nerane lt u Parks rîpped ont asni t-snle3o hreR the h orne o-JMr and Mrs diving in his tii st rmn -îoif thlbto cthrcuboleisîel Melviie Sais, thetofai series. The Electrons,' riyi asatpcipro ac Sev.era] t[romtins hoaî~Atratin unvetful lftilàlb é;1:ownfO aîttended lthe gatherings ;at the ~ Petet boroug Arena. last o oxer the weekead foradtreRH'sbui week f0 ear Kathritie Ko l, Kevý%in, Robert, Tirn rcc Rgr o aohrPr man several eveings. amoig1andLoiie Sharpe a re speandigIpehemnnteecd ~ ~ ~ them eingon Thrsdaythisweek with Mr. and rWaeyxxbhitw ru Mr i ea. Jonewîth Mrl1 41. 1andJ Ra,1Tornpkins and fri orner aad txo on ripl ivrMs. L.DSmt nd Pau, while their mother is wyofcnrbtdfu usdie JoanneDSiBrcGre.Wt.ifotexinesAotr bioherlik, ad fien, Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Sr utr.vtrnpromrlrPr A%1.Milligan and Mrs. oy alHwavle eeSidyHp.1tc n ý h~pdî 's , ~~Mrs. A. Milligalln Ms -pergesswihMr n Roy H all drove 0Mndn rs. acatr1woas erylast week, toatedheadtergncidr, aryJohana and Delana Ch"'iard, founerah of Mrs. La ural HiKey Mr. and Mis. Wayne lît with thern over thie eed aad Mrs. Winnifred Eliott whîle their parents îret were dianer goests, Thorsýdai., Buffalo. with Mr. and Mrs Jamesc, On August 7 ia a gamne f0 Pendergest, Oshawa. decide first place in the Rie tkthpitrhave Mr. and Mrs. RudyWssh Lake Mînor Softball League, y 4 t P ,b pting undra of Stoney Creek, ,,ece over the Ncwtoavillle Roadrunners yuaeUctp fp nigt gest, ridy, ithMrdefeated Newcastle 29-16. As a Iîpw mc ear frmlettorghBi nd Mrges. L.DeSitand lýther.resoît. the Roadrunners ý ig at î1 hef, Doug Parker - latter's two smaih grand;ýson lie is lc oloe on ob oe ne Cattraw Ro11zanne14 Steven and Freddv ofweJb eeshWloeadadwa h Parker. ~Port Hope, are visitiag tLhem. adnHl ewovl o Mar', this week. batters ila the game xerue Jonc, Visitors over the weekead Kimnbal -:6, Imenie \Vogels6- caled eghary f diveoldr ith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Joianne Vogeýls 6-,ad ao peohctoth bspîahorch i. darns, were Mr'. and iVrs. AÀHnero-u6irnead or tke herndowtowaf0 he unciman of Ville La Sablei oneVoesec hdapi banik orfoer:sorne soppig. Qebec, Mr. Henry Riebrath f h ome tnsjhiJoaay' à ý Ti)r ecor fourmjor oîig fWestrnooint, and Mr.ad Wlen i ooJoany th e wr ssatd ba eben rrnedf0d.teSîsH. 111, 0(AfiDon AMîlîs. Willes pîtc-hed the nirei for hae tî onhTeeGlmer, included dr. andMsi-ieshotdWlcm a tris uualy ivole aoun 20Ken Fhetceri. Ms ou oN2I1 oc ib peopc ard bae î ii de a Rwe. Annette ad Dnacpe our rtisev 'each, a 11>si' teHora-Arthur McAdar, (ol CarnerotUi. eiet ae oa îI vilhc Zoo and tout' o Quite a nomber of our 1loca cn pckdupte mwîa. Top1 moseuro iii rnanvlle. people attended flicweekend Roadrunner ,batt rýs were A Hoxvever, the tî-ips arent fstivities in Nwate a aHee ,Jn ibî embsîe tornc bcus he various ba li ae -~IeeVgl ,amd fbe exlud peple xvbo are Mr. and Ms . e îany Wilms4- Jonn 2 N ST E nisxifh Mr ad 1s TeRarnnr otWh clia.is ~~~~Clarence AliaHwnriil.con nAgut1 a h îs The enorCieas nAssisi The ast ebroftegm o h ei fnljo h anice gop hs ls contacted Nesbitt fariix.x l nwnRc aeLau n eua 'Wher the other OFX ,-ýpî-oject in the blei-e for m any vears, passedfi ehon tefllwn aîea, ibe ttlePeoples Per aýway, Saturdayq he h Mna to(i-mers. ad thelater group ldoath of JaneNsbtSî- liasagi-ed4ofoui thenursngvorth occuîrrdin a Hegina bonesxvth RarngTwen -Hospital. The îfuneri was f0 tîe s~heply lte il Augost. take place, Monday. The log book e-ien showed Mm. and MrS. Ed. RowJ aîî '~ttrîs o on ortwoSatr iff'any. accoînpariod by Mrs days bu if soure la teritic Rowe, enjoyed api Ca businss otbein nu-eto' t Sylvan Glen, Suriday ate peole.a ltte oertmepmob- no b d to taXi Sunday dirnmo guests wt Mr.and Mms MmrayPayn ....and farnily, were Ms v I Pavae, ofPort Hope, and Mrs fires ror Lihîtan' Tanbhym, of Obw 'The latter also calhed on Mrs1 BurleIy duî-ing the afternoon Mr i aad Mrs. Melville Jus Thbeuwaýs a gond turii oufÎ foi Decoratiot inl aeix < îmetery.Sunday. with rmai- mcnoxxing acquaintance xxith ~~~5flrif ffi ut o e î i un n ihii sx'b u t)Rcîlvs H iy weîenMm. aad MsviRu ieltdtbimajr o W(, a triple with Irs mary Wade , ad1EA T C NT S b dee cente tht lid 01i'Mîs. CWak- d -Mrs' iros g abadi-u Th TjMaineLad, aod other ýplaces tmp rîppied y Lx iastoa haxiiig Itfended the Canada, .Xrond ac Iase ~ Cmsi ýi i Hrnaby, . H., iast ProyeedsforKnmnClbCm Heîna lmd a rea tou toi wek. as welh as thet'nt-a i.il .ilit , R i,,.. î.,a ai al:da Plav Offs at Burliîîc rsn boliestoknow il wll b, wat exactly vbn t will be finisbed :hnhepace toý go is 'y Peaple Met w e - $1,00 eacM nun~ty Work woith two singles, Don MeMur- te~r wailoped a, homner off Smith in the second with two mnates onboard and added a fourth ianing single for a two for five showing Rogers collected a pair of hits for Boxxmanville. Thie Flyers mnade four errors to t 'he Electrons' pair. Bowmanville straadcd '10 runners while Port Hope tef t eight. 1 In last year's openîng match- of thc, Port Hope-Bowmanville series.-, Port Hope captured an 8 2dei~rn.They went on to t w h playoff round, four gamýes to one, LONG SAULT Mr. Jame,ýs.,sons Chris and Michael, Toroinlo were Sunday ('lt o the G. Bakers, Micaelrerainngfor a weksholiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allison andi( family, Bowmanville, (- ee Suaday afternnon giiests oMr. and Mrs. M. Carley and farnhlv. Giad to report Mr. Fred Partacr, Orono who has been a patient in- Oshawa General fItospital for somne weeks is much improved and will soon be able to go home. M'Trex or Murphy- spent the , eekend camping at Lake FWATING SPCIALIST Oî,s %as& Eectrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tns Central & Window ijis Chare 1Hecha& Findley Equ-imeLnt Pree Estimates BndgetTermsAvailable t iligril, u t7srien nati