The Canadian Statesman, Bwmanvîlle-, August 22, 1973 WVACKY EO BA SERIES - ended with defea t for Eowmanv ille on Saturday as another home team wound up their season ear.,ly. Cobourg defeated Bowmanville here and w-ill now advance into the next round. An account taken from the Cobourg paper a version of wa happened. Bowmanville Pee Wees. and Cobourg Legion Pirates are gro-wing to dislike each other more and more with every passing game in . heir wveird Eastern Ontario Basebail Association pee wee 'a' semni-final. Pirates won the openier rather handily on Sunday but the two teamis have locked horns twvice since then with no winner being declared in eîther instance. The Cobourg team invaded Bowmanville Tuesday night hoping to wrap up the series. Instead, they had to Jiattle tooth and nail to earn a,5-5 draw, thereby throwving that gamne out, the window. Pirates had aniother chance to apply t1he finishiÉng touches Wýednesday night on their hiome diamond but also bungled it. In fact, darkness saved them- from defeat as the zany affair was curtailed afiter just four innings wvith Bowmanville ahead b y an unbelîevable football- type 21-19. This gamne didn't1 count since five complete îrnnîngs are necessary to constitute a game if the homne team is behind. Thèn the managemnents of the teams got into a hassie over whnen the neýxt game should be played. Bowmantville contended it must be held last night. Plirates refeused on the grounds that they were comm-itted to the CNE tournament Thursday evening, that. BowmanivilIle were aware of this and were trying to m1ake hay ais a resuit. Cobourg manager Gus Bamrbridge disclosed late Wednes- day hie was prepared to forfeit the FOBA game and even the series, if necessary, rather than drop out of the CNEZ tourney. He claimed that a Cobourg teami neyer again would be admnitted to the tournament if Pirates backed out of it. He told the EOBA series chairmnan that he was agreeable to any alternate dates to complete the draggect-out Bowmnanville series and even offered to play a doubleheader on Saturday in order to finish it and get on with the final againist Ajax. Bruce Rutherford, Andy Tidd, Flynn Flannigan and Brian Dolley paraded to the firing lune in Wednesday's miarathon. They surrendered 14 hits and nine wvalks between them. Gerard Morrison, Rick Bain and Dean Rutherford toiled for the visitors. They also were combed for 14 base knocks--. Brian Dolley stroked a grand-slam homier, triple and two singles in a starring role off ensively for Pirates. Next in line were Danny Lavis and Stu Warner with a triple and single, and Andy Tidd with two singles. Dean Rutherford was the most potent producer for Bowmanville with a triple and a pair of singles. At Bowmanville, Tidd and Bruce Rutherford, the latter a cousin of Dean's, shared hurling duties f'or Cobourg. They ~.lîmited 'the homne side to four hits. Morrison logged >thie distance on a seven-hitter for Bowmanville. -f- ley claimned two singles for- Pirates, a number "ýal1ed by the opposition's Rick Bain. Swede in Ren#ed Car Wins Players' International Sots car drivers from Sweden have been doing weIl in Mosport rac2es in recent years. On1 Sundalyr, Beril Roos woni the first Pae' International championship when he took the lead after the fourjith lap and held it for the balance of the race. Canada's driving chamrpion Bill Brack put On a good show for the fans but went to the pits for refueling whLen his car developed a vapor lock. H1e was CtU aified for coming out, on the track again, but tme tan oec ms w]uct attemi-pt to Catch tfie leader. This photo shows he car driven by Roos coming out of the first turn. BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623-5410 %,e4ta ao >01w) 1I wish; to announice rny retirenient from flie fuel où business this mnh If iaàs been a incr pleasuire to serve you for flic past several yea3rs and 1" wvish to extend my apprecia;§tionliforyo- YowuiundouïbfedlyN know Mr, 'Hlad,' Knight, my driver, anid I arni very pleased to announcIý-e lthaf'Had' wII e cntn iilie. buiniess to serve youir home comfort needs.1 li as been ini my eînploy for fic .pas-t sixteeni years aud lias expressed his desire fo coninume in flie naine of Stephen Fuels at the Saine àdesand phole lnumber for youir conivenience. I sincerely hope fliaf you will continue your businiess wvithi <Had'. 'Sincere Regards, Dae GASeptf S oSept. 14 Varieh J)I Sept. 21ý Elhis Sbocs aud Fak1s' Oc. 12 Ile"rfse oflthes sF I Nov.1 weem aaisfS teéphens Pd os m1 Kramps. indrankseruteM Nv.2 ses n ns i n hefob inn N os9. and cnastei id t 9 2 i foer 1idc 7' Krampsad stnge nc.i eit,-l-Fy n DveMynrd ieam five-bit iingth b erhom Oi Fry ba thecehits ad- Bo21 Tugssod ad d W pair. -,-Gc Keaps on hir, nesore t 1,i:il Lýd R M-h1iio inan î F iXlanardliiGaren j-lUdv Behpi ctee Tam tbeeebitsaud lnned10 ii a Gor. Ells muaed ni lie !its ie J off ~ ~ ~ l ""igpthr e-~BrIf Ste-n i el-s-- 1 0 000 O -1, 1t1;"EMr iot Ise Il,,eeuîndon ai W oss i on i 1e n l iro ui L Mus h n pe it L'ami îais a M .CSXi Cet3(1 p.m 1 àIOgainsy hi For Gl, Appl\Ii- s. Orn tahdong Buekton fi f 'iesS ca~A T tee %No. i 8 Mi1 SS Fo1dEe, Dla Sok Mi 1- 2 :- 3- 6 7- 8 9-10 1 2 3- 5-5 -- 91 . 5 122 8<> 9- 7 1-111 12 i-1 -1 i 39 2- 8 6 1 4- 5-9 W- 7 t i 71 10 6-1 3- 8 82 il - 104 _î-7 6- 1 6 5 10 8 1-2 12-11 12 I 7 5-4 10-11 3- 2 10 I I 79 3- 5 4- 6 36 912 10- 2 47 i1- 8 19 42 1 3,>1 86 -5- 7 o.IRay West- enee heabSharon iNo.2BbSih rouai, BueMarin rmN(,ee Natalie, Ottawa. Mrs -Tom Rowland and famny, Mr. ~4~j SteardRowland nahd family. IIPort Colbourne. )nSndayMr. anld Mrs. Mufldrew e',r aMr. and Mrs. Bmaclntlosh' s.Cold Springs. Mr. ad Mes. R. Avrnd FFI) (,H UNS POLICY Agricultur MniserEug- (ýn,, VWhelan and Otto Lang. irespoýnsîbIe for the IXea oard. jointIy announc- (,d thu eerlgo\ýernment's txuo stage-national feed grins policnvra domnestiefeed gi ais plan for the current ,io ya nd prnpnsals for a p aet fed grain]s policy. Thi973 -74 plan would gurarntee, prices tor produc- er ndrdetedwiscurepan- eje inpries or grains Cana'da arnid theMaritimles. Propos o hef tue are) sirîlr t0tose outlined for thecurn crop ye(ar but the fina;l fe grais policy will cnly be dtrmndafter extensive talks betxven the federal goverinment anld the grin and livestockindustry Sy es and provincial governiments. 11-12 6- 2 -11 8- 95 10- 5 12_17 XWiliams, Bihl Bur1 na, Walter Piei'srua, Jae Kpteu, ar 'iou Goud. Ce atn Team N.8 L'. Wondeock. G PoIer.H. Phiad,. .Hall. Team N. 9 iXay Aldred. DougNnlad, GorgeFed- denima. Peter umMarin Po(tter. M.Zoîa Team No. 1P M ozia J. Robinsn. F aran Spear. M.TppsH.a- teyni. Team No RtaNln Rob Vadnbeýi)r, M. Daïkin, B. Rtt,DaeDst-,G M'arshahi. Teaîii No. 2 Jubn Guhd. \ Dawvson, G Sith. . Spaies ai-sGîbonPat Walker.Carni Wlkeî-, onald Ceai eAEHY L oi Coldspeings a at speker! A oo i-:p lit v Ra l i wLEh u1 ndsvý v iI1 SMes W. Cook agM. Cas Sheppaicr is ii Iii- h opitthalk Ma-rCenter& ir also ii eitse a îîed w eth Mr .indle ME uite Mr Pestacjk ndMe MA s ek. a(opl fi Ja s 11 Stas IUoe. als cu-iheuoMc. aEid ~ ~ ;il Me.Ed ale kAge lobaco fiids o ;Bei Som at lunelsbos n ioke Ibe clthshu ndiild Jn FWake01wedng wear Mvr. and wereît NagV r Bob Meer - h 'Ni-I )ancoc î-oasî ou Salurd(iieveum atti iithe Wslat Rcena raee ý as wel antwcrsen p! eesuplher oher races.Ii Mes RXvesMhui e au \M udMesi. ".dPa50c ,EL THE LOvELY LEAPING LIPIZIZANER MORSESý AS MADE FAMOUS BY WALT ISNEYS .." MIRACLE 0F THE WMITE SrALLIONS'. SEL IMI OL AMOL1S MANEUVERS ANO' FABUL.O!S HORSE BALLET! S<.ALSO SEE.. DIRECT FROM MEXICO A SALUT£ TO THE EXCITING oshawa Civic Auditorium THUÙRSDAY, SEPTEMIR 13 8 %DM ISSIO-N: Aut 50 40 30 Chilren nder14 $1 00 dscout of ;admission price Audtoiu Bx ffce owma%.lle Tr l a vel Cen tre Sport.,Villa Wiy- Donald Trave¶ tTHE WORI'S REATESI EQUINE EXTRA VAGANZA! Nol AiIILAT[[O ilISTE sr 1ý pAN iSF IIR CIG . Thre a world of things to see and do at this yvear's (,NE nowv on through Sept. 3 in Toronto. Fiji Firewalkers-Miakinig their first visit to North America, this amazing group will perform their legendary cere- mnony of waiking barefoot on white-hot rocks every diay but Sunday. 6:30 p.m. just inside the ÎDufferin Gates. Calgary Corral-This al-new exhibit takes over thýe former Ontario Government Building. Rý,ecaptujre the romnance and adventure of the oid days in this cleverly recreated WVestern tow/,n where you can even pan for real gold! Bandshell1 Concerts-Every day there's muLsic ta suitai mooids. Military bands each atternoon, rock on Monday-to-Thursdayý evenings, the Big Banït-ds on Friday and Saturday nights, and a Gospel Rock Show every Sunday at 9:00 p.mP. Loblaws Dancing Waers-anotherfacntnne attraction in the(, tiutua Buildingi. Youll be speil- boud s hnreof futisdanrce inmli.ciue rîliance ta thne thirfling musîc. International Exhibits-Located this year in the Qujein Elizabeth Building, youjll find mnany intriguingitm on dispiav from 18 foreign couniries inciuding Austri, Brazil, France, Indonesi,,Maro.occo), the Phýilippinies -and West Germ'any. Eveniing Grandstand Spectacul1ars (thraugjh Sept. 2 at 8:00 p.m.). Each great show s heoadlined by such top international stars as JamnesLat Tom Joncs, Charley Pride, and mauy more. (Tickcts-$4.50, $5.50 & $6.50) Ail this plus the Aquaramia Waterfront Show... aýrts, craPfis and hobbies_. Agricentre. . furniture, fashions and foaî-- stuffs ... the miie-and-a-hai!f Mdw jv. ide array of sports... and mnuch more, most of it FREE o)nceyor unside thiegrud Surely the greatestFmî-Aarcer Caiîadfian National Exhibition " Through Sept. 3 Toronto Open Sundays Admnission to ruus Adults $"1 50. Senrior Cîtîzens and St1udents $1.00, ChildrenSO: SEE ONTARIO PLAUE FEE WITIi YOiJR CNEADIIN C'ANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION SPECIALS Chorterways Co. Lîmifed CO MECIGAUG. 1i hTO SEPT. 3rd INCL. DIRECT T'O TUE C.N,..VGOU11,FRM ÎTEFO OW G POINTS: LEAVE: 1'tead D0wn PARE 10:30 a..NEWCASTLE .II1~o 10:e45 a.m. BOWMAN VILLE CHILDR'EN U'NDER 1U IIALF ýPRICEUl Ar rives Ehbto 12 Noon - Eut rance fo Exhiibition Extra Ride thec bus and avoid worryinig about dtriving in] heavy tafc parking or crowdlingç for street cars BUSES LEAVE EXHIIBITION GROUJNDS 1 IUE FE SPECIAL GROUP RATES FOR INFORMATION PHONE Bowmannville 623-3811 From a Russan pavillon to a WiId West town -~ ~ -.The Excitement is onat the EX. ElIlis and F Lead in PI 0f Men's 13@ WHARF RD HEATING ()ILS Terminal $3,50 Owshaiwo.723-7171 ý Phone 623-3303 Budï