12 The Canadian Statçsmnan, Bowmanville, August 22, 1973 Resuits of Rceto Dept. Swimmning Tests Resuits of swiming tests Piauline Jones, Kim Bruce, held a, Flyiýng Dutchman11 Lorrie Hiartwell. Chiervi An- Indloor and Oýutdoor pools and yon, Steven Sanderszon, Shar- Creïam- of Barley Pool. on Verwey, Craîg Verwey, RED CROSS SENIOR; Lisa Peter Lvnch. Lisa Carlson, Craig, LesMorsnVaeiPa King,Mairk Price,Nancy Sloos, Dianle ees Laurie Barkley, Debbie Sneed, Sofa Ford, Leslie DaîrymIple, Joe Bradley,, Raymond Barkley. Daîrymple, Susaýn Vander Janette Cralson, Teresa Aug- Weer, Diana Vanjde-rWAe(r, er, Gabriella Batelaan, Amy Su1.san Dustan. Iateîaan, Paul Uraig, Jona- INTERM.\EDIATE: Anne than Reynolds, R1oy Brooks, Auiger, Lyn Laskaris, Cathy Diane O'Neil, Kathleen ONeî Olînski, Kathy !Mayberry, Angela Dejong,Kae Ander- Beverley Stevens, Pamela son, Kevin Anderson, Jill Cattran, Susani Lynch, Paul Huekin, Nancy Feddema. Wiggans, Peggy McCulloch, Lynn Tennant, Donnalee Fer- Julie Haynes, Bryan Morri- guson, Richard Sneed, Terry son, Shelly Ledfdy, M\ark Coombes, Kathy Robertson. Vanson, Denise Vanson. PRE BEGINNER: Gerald- JUNIOR: Rene Bateian. mne Verwey, Debbie Whyte, Grant, Trolly,Tam Prest- Debbie Sanderson, Alice Mul- on, Donald Morrisoýn, Leslie der, George Mulder, Elizabeth McCulloch,! Dougý Brooks, Lau- Clement, Roberta Kunkel, rie Locke, Michelle Auger, John Dow, Keviii Anvon, Peter Wiggants, Neil Osborne, Selrold Wesselius, Gregory Angela 'Locke, Leona Stacey, Smith, Michael Richards, Jas- Steýphanie, King, Elaine Mc- on Parks, Eugene Gray, Culloch, Lisa Stackaruk, Amy Teresa Gray, Dana Oke, Ch oJ" Anne Posthumes, Sherri Hughes, Heather Cru- Ken,, Auger, Brad Hockin, ckshank, Richie White, Teresa enitaPayer, Diana Fayer Trimble, Judy Robichaud, SURIVL:Eric Dykstra, Cassie Wilson, Rodney Mc- Kevia ýMffat, Trudy Mulder, Lena, Drew Filiatrault, Sha- Marvn Olejaýns, Susan Pfeff- wn Hoag, Daniel Desousa, Ser, Carol Troily. Julie Hlayn-es, Carolyn Elston, Kim Bruce, Jule igtCahvOlnsi.Perry Elston, Todd Stephens, Daphae Lobb, Lynn Lasýkaris. Paul Posthumus, Mary Cas- Sandra McArthur, Clifford agnette, Kevin Rines, Scot' Sloos, Mark Vanson, Denise Heard, Kevin Cruckshank, Vanson. Kim Cruckshank, Neil Cruck- BEGINNER: Michael Stutt. shank, Sherol Schamerhorn, Rodney MeLean, -Patty Carl- Jamie' Tate, Andrea Dalry- son, Christy Carlson, Andrea mple, Lorrie Hartwell,jane Daîrymple, Owen Bandstra, Stutt, Scott Murdoch, 'Kari' Kelly Beers, Daniel Desousa, Black, Shelly Uraig, -1Fredly' Shawn Hoag, Bruce Bandstra, Tippins, Mary Ann Vander- Brvant Bandstra. Brvan Bru- Weer, Monica VanderWeer, ce,' Perry Elston, Carolyn janet'Bandstra, Mark Ruther- Elston, Suzanne Staïnton, JO- ford. Richard Mosterd, Laura- Anne Haynes, Scott Heard, Lee Perrîs. Gail Siebarth. Shelly Lnke, Cassie Wilson, Terrilyn Shackleton, Debbie Legion Buys Motor; Lions Buy Trouler for Fire'Dept, Boat ORONO P7S >Mr. and Mrs. James Ard and daughter Gwen of Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lunn ,and daughter Patti, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmid and daugh- ter Hedi have returned home from a motor camp ing trip to Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willow- dale visited her sister Mrs. Geo. Morton for a few days Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Twee- die of Brooklin yisited Mr. and Mrs. J. 'E. Middleton on Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Adams of Bow- manville and her sister Mrs. T.' M. Bulpitt of Willowdale spent Tuesday visiting friends and relatives in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stainton of Bowî-nanville and ber sister Miss Nancy Forres- ter have returned home from a plane tri p to the west coast to visit relatives and frîends for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dues- hury, Larry, Cathy, John, Jennie, Andy and Mary Jane of St. Mary's are now residing in their new bouse west of Orono. Mrs. John Eddyvean of Mill Street North is now residing in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird of. The Fire Dprmn o has a completely equipped boat ready for any emnergency where it mighit be req ired. The ba was donated by the Kiwanis Club, the Lions Club gave the trailer t'O haul it and tMis picture showo.s His Worship Mayor Hobbs accepting the motor from the ,Legion's Bowrnanvîlle Branch. Photo s>,hows, from left to right, Councillor Leola Thrasher, a member of the committee, Mayor Hobbs, Legion President Ed Majer and Draw Fund Chairman StanDunn, and Deputy Reeve Maurice Prout, also on the boat committee. Blauw, Chris Milîson, Victor Homard, Lee Ann Mutton, Allison McDonald, Dorothy DeJong,Robert Andersýon,JayI Kelly, Jo Aftn Carruthers. ROYAL LIFE' SAVING SOCIETY: BRONZE MIEDALLION: Jayne Brad- ley, Lee Ann Hockin, Susan Gatchell, Jo Anne Dilling, Gail Caverly: lst. Bar: Sheily Fry, Janet Locke. WleeklyRpr Week of August 13-19th. inclusiv'e. Admissions ... 67 Births-2 male, 8 femaie ...10 Dscharges ..62, Major Opera lions 10 Mýinor Operi-ons 22 Emerenc Tratmnts.3-17 iitingHou' s 3-8 p.m; Mistletoe is a parasiteý attacking certain, coniferous trees. Rotacry Governor Visifs Here up on necessities and returned back to camp ai 6:30. The rest of the night was spent swimm- ing. A thunder storm that night soaked a lot of sleeping bags and blew one tent over. The.next morning sleeping bags were dried and the tent was put back up. Pancakes were made all during the day iand daring jumps mbt the deep water from the 27' foot *high cliff. We slept under the stars that night. close to the edge of the cliff. Il was one of the(- few nights we didn't get rain... On the morning of August il we packed up camp for the last time and arrived at the store at 9:30. Soon Mr'. *Archibald, Glenn Malcolm, and Mr. Kristensen arrived and transported Mr. Welts and six weary but happy Ventur- ers and their equipment home. Amattock and di:bbLe ; common tbols used in tree planting. Whitby visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Har- ris Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Santo and daughter will be moving to Oshawa soon as their bouse on Mill Street North bas been sold. Congratulations 10 Mr. L. Aý Squair who recently celebrat- ed his 801h birthday. Mrs. J. J, Hendershot of Oshawa, Mr. and.Mrs. Donald Henry and family, Taunton Road on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter were recenbly in Ottawa and district visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and' Mrs., Lawrence Harris visited his mother Mrs. A. Harris, Bowmanville, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stanley Goble, Mrs. G. Kovacs and daughters Louise ,and Judy of Tyrone visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton on Monday afternoon. A number of relatives and former neighbors paid their respects or attenided the funeral of the late Mr. Russell Robbins,> age 83, Bowman- ville. husband of the formner Maud Allun of R. R., Orono. Interment was in Bowman- :ville Cemetery. 1Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit De Jonge of, Main Street South who celebrated their 251h wedding anniver- sary on Saturday evening, August l8th at the Orono 100 .F. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Bunting and family have returned home from a vaca- tion in British Columbia. Shelley and Julie Gray, spent a week visiting their oncle Reeve Alfred Gray, Mrs. Gray and son George and, other relatives la NeWcastle and district. Mrs. John Cowan is now residing in the Major apart- ment on Mill Street North. Mr. and M/rs. Raymond W. Swan of R. R. 2, Oronoare now residing on Main Street and are running their store they recently purchased frota Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mîddleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan and daughbers of Belleville recently visited bis mother Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harvey of Hagerville, Mrs. Geo. Allia of Newcastle, Mrs. Sheldon Moffat, Mr. Wm. S. Moffat, Mr. and,,Mrs. Robert Moffat were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat and sons. 11 Il SEE THAT FURNITURE STORE King St. E., Bowmativillie WILL BE, OFFERING A ... RED HOT SPECIAL EACH WEEK ... Don't Miss This Weekly Bargaîn TIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ELECTROPHONIC STEREOS 1BEAUTIFUL SOLID WALNUT CABINETS NNI-FM Radio Stereo Record Player iight Triac k TapePlayer -LIMITE» QUANTITI CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST OSIN 0F PRELIMINARY LIST THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1972 SECTION 23 (1) and (2) PRELIMINARY LI-,ST, 1973 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM Notice Is hereby given thaf 1 have complied with Section 230of THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1972, and that 1 have posted Up af my office at 40 TEMPERANCE STREET on the 2 2nd day 0fý August, 1973 the ist of ail persons entifled f0 vote in fhe municiPalitY at municipal elections, and that such lisi remains there. for inspection. And I hereby cati upon ail electorsf0 take immed iafe ,proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to laW. The Iasf day for fil ing complaints is fhe 31sf day of Augusf, 1973. The places at which fhe revision will commence are as follows: Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 WardNo.,3 - Present Township of Darlingfon Clerk's Office, Town Hall; Hampt'on, Onfario - Present Town of Bowmanville Clerk's Office, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario -Present Township 0f Clarke and present Village of Newcastle Residents of Village of, Newcast le Town Hall, Newcastle Residents of Towniship of Clarke Town Hall, Orono *The time at whichfthe revision wiII commence wil *The time afwhich the revisiîon wilI commence 9:00 a.m. August 22nd, 1973. Dated this 22,nd day of August, 1973. J. M. M&cILROY, A.M.C.T. Returnting Officer Town of Bowvmanville Guest speaker R. H. "Bob", Watson, Q.C. District 707 Governor Rotary International told Bowmanville Rotarians Thursday they should fight to make their club the best in the District. (see story elsewhere). Rose iaiBlom4Aquai n The beautiful blooms of July are, ail but ov er and the templa lion 15 10 sit back and wail for y our September roses 10 m~ke their début. Soch sll sfoolhai-dy, says R. A, Flemin g. horticultural specc iai.1Otario Minîstrv of' Agriculture and Food. Roses need special ca re during bhe bot day s and, cool, dewy nîglîts of August,, and early Seplember, These are perfect conditions for such afflictions as black spot dis- ease and nîijde,, to develop. Apbîds make th u imost of these conditions aî., ll Resîst thie lure of the law'1n chair and continue to spray roses wibh a good fongicide. Lb is important that the fungicide control hoth black spot and n"ldew, su rend bbc label carefully. Add Nlalathion bo your spray - being careful 10 follow bbc manofacturers' in- str'uctions- for control of aphids and othex' troublesome rose pests. Most of the rose dssor sprays aI local garden centres ('ontaiti the aiecessary ingred- ients forefctv disease and insect conîrol. Use them carefu]lv. v entiirers Canoe Trip The Fîrst Cartwright Vent- w-er Comnpany enjoyed a g0 mile canoe brip in Algonquin Park from Augusf 4 bu 11 On Fî'idav evening AugusL 2, Mr, Archibald left for Lake St. Peter with 4 canoes and, 3 Ventu'ers. They \xere Murr'ay Archibald, Paul Iristerisen. and Rayner Welts and they spent tbc nîgbt tbere. The' ne\t morning Mr. Kuening Ici I with Mr. Welts, Advisor and other three Vent- urers Cordeli Kucaiag, Tom Wotten,,and Dennis Malcolm. They arrived at bbc Algon- quin Park Campsite at noon and tbc other three Venlîîrers arri ved shortiy. Af ter crossiag Canoe Lake we made a portage mbt Joe Lake. Prom- there we paddled inb Little Joe Lake, up rapids and then mbt Baby ,Joe Lake, We travelied up more rapids and camped at the dam at the end of Burat Island lake. Ater the tents weî'e pitched we explor- cd the dam. The ncxtmung Murray and Rayner bckrcked bo Arrowbon Lodge and [rom there xalked back to bbc Portag, Store for, varfous necessîties. We packed up aller lunch and paddlcd into burnt lslanct Lake, portaged into Litle Otterslîde Lake and from there to Ottersiide Lake. We arrived! at 5:30 and campcd beside anothei' group of courteous campers. Usiag aIl our iagenuiby we managed 10 roll a huge boulder 6 leed in diameter inbo the lake. Lai ibc emoraiag ec'jouraey- ed duown Otterslide Creek making 4 short portages. This took us into Big Trout Lake where xve ate lunch on a Peninsula. We set out aloag bbe lake an~d camped at 2: 00 at the north-west corner. Swiin ming aad fishing occupied tbc rest of bbe day. On August 7, we went bo the dam, aithbb north end of the lake on a fishiag expedibion and arrived back with 3 spcckled trout for lunch, Later. linyner,, Tom, and, my'self returaed 10 bbc dam to fisb some more, but no more wcre cauglit. 'Ne rcturned at 8:30 to find a clam bake in progrcess. 'flic lamsdidn't taste too bad. The next moraing we padd- led from Big Trout Lake througbi Trout Lake to Grassy Bay., There was a bit of confusion over bbc route but wc fînally made our way down. Mclntosb Crcek over two oortages mbt McIntosh Lake. Aller crossîng the laRe( we pitchcd camp and got in a Passle wth a raccoon. 1 think we won because he didn't t'eturn.1 On August 9 wp set out at 9:00 a. M. doWn an unnamed river 10 Ink Lake. There bbc water was bbc color of weak tea. 'Ne crossed tbe 2100 vd. portage mb to 7m 'Ihompson c)toLittleJDoe Lake LruhFawn Lake, TIeepee Lake, Joe Lake and then we camped on Joe Island at 1:30 p.m. on a cliff. When camp was made wc lef t for the Portage Store on Canoe Lake and Mr. Kueaing left for home. Whtel there we stocked M Thank You.. MM M ~-'-CI. . M -M M Nilb ap oseyu *e ar-'wpeprngfr teco ig etng seson'- N IN cmplte ome omfrt ervce - furaceFue, Funac Sevic Intlain Func at nuac lnadEulBlig FoMorAtmtv ed'u tafa a po n nikle Me j 1VEj ML N fýrnL Rmuz TO SERVE YOU BETTER OURt SERVICE - PARTS and BODYSHOP OPEN TUES. & THURS.' EVEl:NINGS 'T'L 9 p.m. PHINE 623-3396 166 KING ST.E.