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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 14

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14 Te Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, August 22, 19V3 Newcastle's Civic Holiday Parade*Photos EWTONVILLE Presqu'île Point. also spend- îng the îveckend wîth Mc indt Mrs. Bert Syer. of Boma ville, ai their cottLage ii 16e Hlaliburturiî are 1Mr. aiid MsKeIl Fechi called lu. e ouio uteruî cottage. T uemnnderson s wo.o ad MriParhuîî Mrs, etvo aeroe poiied t 16e1yPackhust We nrand Mc. SSeV woo wîll 6 lechîg i andmaille 1Mr. aH rim i aiC ofimpsn' cote, up north.à supper guest,,Snay,.t M. and Mrs CclHne Mc afiA.Mc's. PiGime Blane.Kuf 'Mad Keniî. w wiib c an Mcs F.Milmer. speentnguîs with Mc and Mu's. Roy Biel-Aes i BulhiMr. and Mr aiac Bud Joekend ts'iitig Mc ndi oqer. n and nd M j11ýAirs. re Coj. m tn i PcihRodand were accui mpau(, Ie y i'. and Mr An Ye . of Oron A fd amily gahing awas Mrs. Bea Jo ues. wben ibosev BuilîngionAU . and Mrs.1 Jiud Mr. and MisDnAas and family were lu BrccK ville. M\Ï;cind rs Fred Heuder- la Mcs àMacle TrMM. eue at Nigay alîs, lasi weekeud, s istin Ma i baud. and Tbece wasea amil> gali 6cr înTuesdax eeuiug, at he 11Ua1 i1endersolI. houorîng the latter coule ý2on ti tîv1" ty th iva dugaunivercary, T 1hose pesntucuded Mi' anId Mrs BI ae c Beib Dane, Mr. aud rs. Port Hope. Mc anA Mrs. Moreon HuderonMrrisjl, Mc ad Ms. reýd Heuderson, Mcs.Mare Timand Mc. and mrvs Ross B Lrou. NewtOn- ville Gis utChîa-wace. and a portable steî'eo eepres- ented luOliveandTemaîî. and wvau tlu xteud lOur conIg1ratu!,-lton, alIso. oillo, nd Sbawun and Wdy Roy Besi, t6e pasi couple paid a visi to u Mcs Caibariîîe Arow i her otaatViesi Mr.Mar-gareuWîteyhas erueýd boneeller a niontbs visIll tb hecsýiter andi M.and Mrs. rc EloI ai itp lu Tobermocy.- and Mc. and Mrs. Bud 'Joues. Douglas aud Diane of Edmon- ltn arrcved here Thursday 10 visit Mrs. Bea"ons udother Mcs. Chery!Reid was in charge at the loC Post O)ffice, lats! ee hiePostI mistress Carrolil a wyon holidays. MsAi.Gcaaým, of es ucsteand Mc Raymoud ilmer, of Isilugton ivece vismsithrough the wveek witb Mr. anid Mrs V Gilmen. Mc. aueid Mrs. KeVFltcher speuit several dayýs lasi veek camnpiiniatGoverumeut ,Park A New Breed of Secretary Agrubuiness xecutîes, tioum ime ntoirne ithal 16e girl1 handffiug their coresodence teer and a hiter Nmm. by taking a two-yea diploma cU(Urs(éýioî agrucultual secie- tajries ai idgeIowîm College ufi ma combineosce ania speuit a few dlays las weeR with ibfeir gadanusaud on Tue ,aueesupper guesis mtw itMs. Icene ic ajrdJson ofPeterbocougbh Mcrs. W H Fo-ister wa in Simcoe several day s a wek aInd on Wdusa atided P Hall Mr. and Mis,.1Leo Woo(ock t Torouto wece at teir sumnmer hoiem uKedlou 6ewemeed alsu hec sýister Mc.Norman Elgear t Winç su',, houhbas been siay ing foi'a twuweks reiurued homet Cioven, Vriiwsvstu aI ibeIborne ut Mc. aîîd Mrs.; Allen Fosyer %iasxveek ot Biailieboco wuece Siiuay eve(ý,ug guesîs ut Mc. and Pr. . Elliot. Mcs. Etheilda tWiluamsuii. hiec sou anlici is friywece ai ibir summner home lu Keridal thiis week ou their a home tu GlaiIo reporI Mr, Martin Poser s al u behome ýfrom1 hosptal. Viitrswth Mr'. andm [Vrs Main Foierare Ms.Kers lakeI omSiahainsAlso vus v'oseri moier Mrs. Mcs H. Lowcy, Kicby called Sndyeveuig un Mr. skâls ivthliknuxx ecige abcul course aýt IRidgetown ýdeseiups the sec]cetarial skills uf i uîi techoical audwmanagenit, aspects t agr iculture.Case beginduring the l asI wcettk uf septumn1),' anmd co,nti nuc lhrojugh 1 imîd AriStunîs eîîuolled iiithe progranu lîs'e ni the college residence and partîcipale iii 16e siafl aîîd cultura i le outh16e ollege. 1Graduates arue qualified turi euîploint inbubusinmsme where a knuledge tut agicul turc is of sssanein t16e peîformauceut ecetrilor clerîcai doues ýýSuch epo agricultural ceieldistii amd t ood poesls a hbigh seb.jool diplornla. ighl sclîool g'dutsiuieceýsied bu uudeýrtakiug a stc'earual ar- tccc in accliuesbould contact tbe Pî'iucîpal, Ridge- town College of Agriculiucal T-cbu)ology, Rdeow Onl- aci(,o N-P 2Co iLLHGAL IMGAT linder the lederai golveru mý,en's uew immigrationi legis atnpcopjlc who c 1e(l Caada as visi tors or ilegallyý ou or betorcr November 30 1972, have untl mdih Octoher 15 lu apply toc lan)i(d immigrant Iatlus Pervsons wbo do nl rgte by 6e eadbuedate run 10e risk h beig tctdand depoctcd wi\ýlhtuape. useèr (16e- x.seekoeîdati.cidiiig the Cao maeu Music Pageaîîl , CAi\M P. hece daughtec x ln casaare alsu un Brocýk \ill their 'o Eddie i'ecteiviîig 'irst Pri/e1in Spaîî ish uar Solo.udr Conrtlaton t at"l'mc îalcnîied ytopuîi eep ili, r e ît n Issu and Joanne ne T Te0seondîgam xviiilx' 1a'~cd i Wel o o \ionar 'ugus >0xx ih a 'hMi flci(e icen ýrthe( xx ~ ~ ~ lýjii l~cald lidikesonk \ngu-.i xx h t ploe t t l .di' 1 1 4 o n\jflm Must End Rail Strike Says Federaition Head ert ic)1.A i'ii lu e1 11ia tro ýi n ;'i i n H1 c, tun;c oui] i1 Dlix i' ;!o j u(ca iand )oud stît ls ge t;îg i orhui hi 6e da, T hýissirik- is !,reeding a luai' ps> hcdgyii xxhic epeh'iael u "1iv 0' ) nciai. n utefi' ancil o arc, i "gi outi. cr4 m I~~~~~~~J uoladti an te tm Iaiit on onw rihPime -Tiiise Tudcalias adnîiýit i cal] autquickîx vhen lie put c'xpoi'l cuniî'ls un beel aîî pui'k lunIs I1-cao 6emade cîuicklx ilwtc e us u î'easu ol speecia'iTe cost oF this adiîîg iýillomodi t utue xx ii ud ip n 1e pî'icc tags oti ioodîleîî o n he peînikt ENFIELD \.rs ordon' Taylor. ae- comoanIed lie 6r mother. MrsI(, WaB 'ridgett, Bow- ian il!e,, i s isiting with reatvs n rtihColumbia, MrI'. ad Mr. Eler Lee n, reguests i1e hye-' Vîî lon ediîug i -ýISt Mar'.' Mrs.Wiltid Bwmanhafia leixýi M id'saIWsaga Bec.gues t oM IMyrtle Tarnbillyn and fciends of Tr-- W c are soL'ry to luarn that Mcs. Leslie Cochrane., is a patient in Memorial Honspital WVe hope she recovers î'eal moun. Mc, and Mirs. Don Lee and Kim visited Mr. and' Mrs. Friank Lycett, Seagrave., Keith Lee is hiaving soi' holidays wvith his grandi cuis. . and -Mrs. Wi1f. Fowvier, Hampiltonl. Mcr Talmage Taylor, Osh awa, vsted iMr. and Mrs. Allan Taylor and family. Onai'loresi indusiry is, ocîe f 10e pcovince's wood-

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