16 The Canadian Statesnl, Bowmanville, August 22, 1973 -WTuesday, 4:030 . Births Deaths Coming Events Articles For Sale Articles for Sale Dead Stock Servicel Work Wante-d WantedI AuctionSae Myrtie Irene-At Fish and Chips. Ail you caniSTIIRDY crib and good imat- FARM Trailer, cultivaorAINTING and' Decoraing. ,ý>RIDE tro owmn tle t ucinSalefrteGy (ne ring,,) are pleased to the Communiii-iity Hospital, Port 1eat, every Satrday.$1.49.tress, $15. 623-7275.' 34-11:scu:ffler, ider-press. 623-220AtenionCali W. H. (Slip) Row, 623- Woolco Store. PhIone 63 r Lot 31, ocsin2 AugustSOpeK Fridy, Sat'rday9and3 4-2 5742,34'1 Clacke Townp, frtra announce 1,theaf arrivai of Perry, on Thursday, ________Open_______________ ___and Kathryn Ann, 7 lbs. 41.',oz., 16. 1973, Myrtie McGill, be-ISunda. crs esauanQUANTITY of good gLIrain 34a. DAD STOCK SERVICE 749-3--.S,_,ý_i_-,__u at MARGWILL FUR aR1,clJOBS arourid îîouse cutting SIN\GER wil MainwetoNecseadnrt oFriday, Augst ltat loved wlfe of the late Nelson TaunonRdL3I2crn Phone. 987-44391. 3-tf GARAGE door7 ft.x8f, under new: management Uaoabandý-24 Fe Memo ialHopta.Aite .'alodear mother 0fBOA__T motor, 31/2 h.p. Ak alu111m9swng p.Phon>101I ownership. VWe appreciateagshoiggrn.PoeRaoab.76243atrDySp.3r.8hadf for H e en -M arie. S p e c i a i A v in o f C a sarea, G ilb ert o f G t A9an e a c , S t- $ 0 P o e 6 3 3 03 l 623-5208. _ _ __ _34 - ýI ea from y ou w h,ýl e n, n ecessar y. 2 20. 34-1 Si x.e thanks to Dr. Sylvester and Brlin, M a d eliln e (Mrs. turdia,Au,. 25th, I8:.30 1).m tt. nlalcuic 6l liAnIG nero n e- LEL ay osaee-er,1 ce sadn on the staff on marternity. 34-1 famnes Forrier) of Perth, and iJaniietville Coimuni1Ility al EEE ol -Ecletcndto1i.N.4673tro,.~dppe agn.ne0 a 11KevenEP day tou,1o , hoe r to10busesgai;80 ae ________Irene (Mrs, Frank Symnons) Mscby Garry BriStow ad6322,ClilffrdSwallow. b623-2756. 34-cR. , o.mavi4e16Ca7 oPhne6278. 32 lse3ofNew EglnndCpCd0fsrw25baehy;1 10f y6327t> ý.5 ntroP"'3- Bowmnarvillc. Also srviv- bis CoutnitryFves 4 per 3- .W OEIGLD WL RLIG aha ncwlte etmber.d ýPhoeig;1ba.Lt0frice and Janice (e obio)seven great'grandchiîdreun, aaepee i iadohe tm o ne 705-277-2504. it'poll-f ____ _7___ pm.Famsod.Tem0.ah thank God for the safe ar- hr16hya.Fnrlsr Leg.ion Golf League Pîrvarty dý (oor Phone 93 saliniue ancbe seen t12ing e70,)ned , ,_0LareceHaril Cer; uI lir-th a.FuýrI Saturd_____34-1 sale.WATnR wells borodt 30 tale. Notice Pethick ladCaii-ed rival of their baby girl, Tricia -i hecapel of McDe r- aucay. Auiguist 25, 197.Orn1 t E 4s vice atith h __________iNotice__PAutio nsd3- Allison Clistia, 8 Ibs. 6 oz., mot Panabaker, Por-t Perry ie-Ces Fls .. RSH"con aIElmr Cox FEMALE clerk for muscrd' WllBoig Tele-i FriAugust 17, nt Oshawa o audy Ags t' P.m. «Dance le, the Archier arri). am'sRd. North. 15 FI. moldied pyoc ot e hn 2-41 3- hn 1-00 ersnaieLCMsn .. AucinvlS Genra Hopial.Fis rad-i-nepntUio1emtey9 .min1ar.Dorpies. Phione 623-718Ï9. 33-4-q- fibra-glass 'bottom, conveirtibl ar .Wd.TlpoeOfc loe h ek0 AUDV UUT2 chiîd or Mr. and Mr. 34Cdms. G5 lcupe.341*3speed Fastback bi- topunngy ii )tighs,635 hp . AB-SITeR6),-(, Mpl Gov-97-53._6f Agut t-25h 3 AcinSl 0 osh Colllngham, Toontn Mr. ____1BacstckFar 1an (es ,IRcoJndiontir Pone62- re.5h5e02766.34-1AERwells nored or dIru]ý- clessons, piano, ho- Furniture. Prlet fM Bruce Johnso, - ~ d e n Saîray Auguist 25, 9p..Phnoeceletcod3~4551:EXPRIECEDh--dresered. Canàda Drilling Company, Arena bond ahe ti_ýowinvluo wdlc,-dance with n ~full or part lime. TeýlephnnPhono Oshawa ,i576-60.Re- gnest rd VRylEihWstgoa ilg ter~pI doing fneOandnaWherIsil- Bomanvlll on Wedesday TUDEBAIKrER Service. new .eaer S23-altf presentative HryL ae Conservatory. Cal 62 3-5698.0faieornxtoAg- on, Cloud "9'.34-1 August 15th, 1973, Rsel"pnWte" o.Cnr:and msd p'to.Gham's 623-5455. Nwatî28-4332tf-__________canChurc.Fidaycmbn RobDbins, 86 Scugog St.1-agedqPAtT-TIME Frigidaireancifrigeratorledrop 83-ea, blvd uhnd fSandy Abrnthyvs Orchiestra. Garge. 1-416-263-8172. -25-tf Y rqi -lo-i-Iýiswsigt -v1o c HANCOC-Pauland Carol MadAln dear fatherf dmnission te, bo)th,$50peýr ISED Furniture and Appli- 10 lb. CHARCOAL for ueekends. Apply 8;Simprr!- position, orefrbyi teteMryMkr hrdyla al n his ah are happy 10 t announce the Ruth (Mrs .John Pearcelý, person. 34-1I ances. Paddys Market, Hiamp- Reg. 99c - Sale 89, son Ave., -omnil.34-1 country. Witel, .Advertiseralronge(:030),igmcie -als ag bit ftheir son, ee Ohwbrohr oa IYIf T~1~4 u,23-21 6t 0liS RIUTTS REQUIRE permoanent factory 403, c/'o CaîîaI iîtatesinai,,pepephone23528or- 623- kitchen cuphorHoe Llod, 3ls. 2 ozs.,oAgst (rs.Herman Walkeurl 0f: CEDAIR fencing rails at Reg. 89e - Sale 79c, heîp. AppJ i. xdursoiiP.O. Box 190, LBowmanivillo 227:3-2 vacuurnfloor plsocr 12 97 tMeoil op Broo n radahe f THRDY :5 .. Burketon Garage or pon o b. RQUTES Sith Co. Lîdlý, Nwasl.LiC 3K9. 34________Clo-sed for 'holidays rpmtbeans cars hetr tai.A bothr fr Dannadseven grandchildreni and 0ne Sponsored by 623-72'6 afler 6. Pho3-nBIeLS SAgs lt eAgut21 fedaid2carssniu Deborahi. any th as 10 Dr. adagîr(eea d. ohw îo otaî USED McClary Easy wringer Rg.$19 Sle$139 BBYSITTER te cone in a nl d M 1 R R O R S L T D. ilusive. IL.. Parker &1 hall troc, ches fdae, Anfossi and the materitySrvice was held in the Mer- 31UBILEE PAVILION washer with timer and pump. Beaver Lumber day10crfotwbys 7 Division Si. - Phone 623-51187 Sons,Pubigand iHeatingiht bead rse' flor staff. 34l' is Funeral Chapl, Bowman- O S IH A W A 3-f icodtin Poe42-31. ii6378 flrtopn.12 ig tbcat..(~ £Ed wmnilOtroville on Saturday at :30. In- ________Alcondition.___Phoane 623-3210, Onarlo 33-0 fer3pn1 52S.Es.2 bedrioom chair, rnbd r HARVE - Mal co m and termoent Bownanville, Cerne- Osa.ce Barn Djance and1 34-1 246 KING ST. E. 34-1 SetadFotGasNTC hivnt n toVe tr.34-1Cern Rat(culsonly), SKIDOO, 1972 Elan electric, BWAVLE EXPERIENCED iperson 1 1 $eldUis tr WnosLdis1 ndoeop-toa ws tn, iobx ortione at iarhpp fetrin akRi ndte8huso egnlk 0 of-îcrate far mchney.For 'Store Fronts - Float Mirrors in, to bowl1 with the coffee table, eigmcie ________Saa o 78-Ladies' daugterSaraEstelle. o0Pneide omTesteaders on Caîl alter -4 p.m., 983-9255. ___ further informautin cal 28 Patterned and Colored Glass 'M'jor League on Monda y odtbeca h rp Tuosday, August 7, 1973, ati ARATO Saturday, Aug 25. Four miles 34-1 Cr o ae 66.3- n lzn 7t vnnps olr s~pwrl~nroelw Scarborough Contonary esHfNwovil nHyoERIEAO s ESOS1-olClert sw bas a 2-77chairs, gardone lradr HosEFRWESGnd EETSTRE, Wesig- ATPRS(S o el elbiOSBORNEplap al 63377sreadishes,rnyotr pia.341 Division 2,ee four mnil"es north on Counityhos, large sîze, reliable op- '64 CHRYSLER, best cash ef- jewellery. 40% commissio, .'*AL G OSBORN or 6347 on or hefore Aug. Hospitl Arra~emen . ý 65Ur ii- ma-ies 'otheration. $40. Phono 987-4710.ifor. Cal263-8493. 34-1 no anvestmont. -Phonoe-9"hîstr' 27th. 3- ev.Sl ..Cr ik MASTERSON-Don and Gin- o Eiabtvil. 41 4- 1 AAM 00c. h 32 ____1________ ny (nec Osnond> are proud Corsages A34na 7eCDA1o sYal ntie63-46aflor 200pc. Phne4675. 34 Pto inal lendson, Auctioner eaoo 10 annountce thoebirth of thoir Potted A ppig a h EA ot.Cl ntm.6"-"9iýf r5p 34-1 RESTAURANT help oer1-, Poesoal lae Noti ce t Creditors 324-9959. 3- duhrSharron (Sharri) PlantUENs HTE fater '4 pan., weekend includ- f ull or part-timo. Apply ini FREE ESTUIATES _____________ Virginia2, born Wodnesday, Q ENWCASTE ed, 797-2462, R.ýL 1, Port HAUF-TON Interna t i o n a 1 person te Noone's Restaurant. Phone 623-2002 AND OTHEÙIS WEDNESDAYAGUT2 AuguLst 15, 19Y73, wighing Weddlng NEWCSTL Hope. 34-2 1965 Pickup,. Phono, 263-8184. 983-5536, Orono. 34-2 BOWMANVILLE IN THE -MAPTTER o Farm sold. - AcinSl 6 ouds 1½ unos Asp-Bouquets '~MRAad GRAY table with six chairs, 3- APPRENTICE paintors help-, 31-tf THE ESTATE OF' MYRTLE of FarrnMacinracial ak, o r.AthanTHks teR Dr. odbufe $0 ceseAnfS1 u-ossif ),,,eTHE eqird WANDERER-S ---- HuehldF $50ndd bffte30;chstr- US bggyo$00or es o reuiedtAplyatMac eT raTkT RENE MARLOW, DECEAS- HueodFriue rpr and tenrses onspaernityArangments , ~ Fri, a.,Ag.2-2 field and chair $50. P 1hono offer. Phone after 6 p.in., l786L- Donald For'd, 219 King St. 1 V W L LJ . ING ED ty of EldonMeniLt6 at Meoaia Hosptal.34-l Arragemets I987-4467. 34-1 2929. 3~. East, Bowmanville., 34-1Aiprsn.hvgdamCo.2EdnTwsip PITT-Jir and Loraine (ne We SendFlowers y Wire Dncmg 91. ANTIQUE Gun Show and '7FR aaxgo o-REGISTIRED nurse part- Mobile Service against the Estate of Myrtle miles north0fodviet Suttd--n)aehoapyne n-, Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 34-1 sl.'udyAg.2,9 ..-dFOD0,00 les. hoo c-tinie and registored numigTT.I,(Irerne Marlow, late ef the Vil- Lorneville(land(/ il aI L_172Wayne__St.,__Oshawa.__3_-1_Phone__987-4441,_ County of Ontario, Widow, trate with caboorser flrst child, a son, Paul James, COMMUNITY CENTRE 72WyeSOhaa341-hne9-41.4tf63 00woddonrabuth'ingapoitey10hr, 7 bs 8t s. o SndyCards of Thanks 1970 HONDA, Mini Trail VAAA'3-15 nue EXPERIENCED pa-rîsman r--1 93 92Sdoesoboe,6 July 29, 1973. at Memiorial MONSTER BlINGO~ 49 ce., aIse 1970 Rupp Rascel. Ai, likc new.' For details quired for G.M.'dalrsi3i3..-3:kl6th o August, 17, are , 7nSeow; MssyFrso Hospital,Boravl. Proud Iwol like 10t, thaink al NXTMO>A Both in good running condi- phone Glen 623-7474. 34- Bowmanville. Apply !la'ar TCKbreby uotified to send te thePOnwM grandparents are Mr. and Irnyv kind frîends, while I was 7:45' .m. tien, Phono, 983-5051 Orono. 1971 BLUE Dodge Charger son 10 Mr.- Morgan at Cowanii- BHES ndrige o r oor he Furr tnphai l Mr.W. Sutton,Buktnn hospital, Anglican Church EDBRN - WANPS.._________ 34-i* 500. 23j,000 miles, one ownr, Pont iac. 234-011,LBURNERS - FURNACES ularofse0ftebr19,ftl T;Msy and Mir. and Mrs. H-. Pitt, Guild Marthia group, Maple PICK your own vegetables, saf,-ty hckd Phono 623- PRESS operators requ3ired, CLEANED pmdart atehe ais poerMasîey eruon7 Necsl.Spciýal thankýs to Leaf Club, Ladies' Auxiliary OSHAWA lomnatoos $2.50 per hushel. 5-788. 341- 1 immnediately, P ièece wr PLTJM IGRPIS dtbh ast ftesî roadcaster, 3pen;ctia Pr. H1uhbard and staff. 34-1 te the Canaidian Legion 178, 21-tfBring your own containers. .basis, good wabs cn h PHN HAMPTON R daee as wll of diEstitedbr, 3 peint;:asyHri and peilthans 10 Dr nd________________The Lintons, 0onermile east of 171PYUHFuyin taearned. ApplyCurvply -Wood ciamonrg the parties entitled sida rake. Fîedspa 00gI I MAH!Anita is haý,ppy fossian nusso th thr Raglan. 34-2 1excell1ent coitioniý, aniy rea- Produets, Orono. 3111?23-21.11ývn nytn,3pýt te announco bbe ariva ffloor, they wero grand. esieo snal ofe.Phno93-ool_ ____Q____- -heeohaig-egrdolytas,- pat,20byoroa brCcioiThainks ho al. 200 LES. Grou Po uota. 5420. 3- WANTED machine' opera>ýtorlsI Mail Address: te dlaimis et which the(y shaîltr,16'ganage1Lse G.ý.é on nStrly, Nr.A rilt 41 UNITED CHURCH Available Sept. 2th. Subjeet . for reuters, saws and dn'ili- P.O. Box 43 - Bowlvmanville thonhavenot-ice. 12 hi arrw,2c]l Gerghoo nSauda, r. .Wrgh. 341to Board approval. Contact 1966 OLDSMOiý,LE Dyniai cing. Alse one exp(,-eri(iened________ 0-f DDat, Port Perryv, O-oies1' feedrcrle Aug. 18, 1973eihng 7 ILb.Decoration ±.ay W. T. LkeNcstlehap 8,c V8 utomatie., power Go ae ItreIi ls a tAgshaigwagonc h ak hone ~~sawyer. GooVINCE . AV.LLJ-LJfiis 1973.o 91/2 oz., aI M'ýernoriaýl Hospital, We wish te -express our _________ i nid. 63-472. 3-Sro504-0Cmr eo) OAD cUYwt nee;1902 hpik ents are John and Margie ou0hîrn eaie n udy uut2 TWO Lord,& Burbama green- rn.(yti er sn7hp our children relativesbousesd90' d22', ail glass.196 HU-TNG.M.C. Suhl- ' OFFICEý ULý', wthrowr ,îe bouses)90'kxa22andaourglidsforFlbEpersonnel needed c-ciPaperhanging - Painting! BarrIrsand Solicitors, Whliz. PreSsrsyemce- grandparonrts are Ms.G. Sik. tori ed lrdsoven f til97e-a 2oc-m. 10'x26, n 7'x 6' usprbn rc:,PS, ..,abeBacunig 1:ng-)rerCrpnrBo 31P(r Pry, pet; lcte mbos im ma, owavleanid Mr. casion of our Silvor Wedding Guest Speaker ho moved. Phono beforo 6, nmie, go cnito,1ceti- desk. Must bave had pBvou OUSE RENOVATING 1taie. 'b e r.May thr hm. anid Mr-S. G. Zwier, Nwa- nvraySpcatansP,., 623-5577. 34-1 fied. Phione 623-30413. :4 - * office expeince. Gnoodwao tour children for thie loely ry nsn NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & '68 FORD Galaie ý5c10, V8 n eeft.Apl uvly7Lbrt1. owavle Sliilrsfo to hotlodedi.n rlmsute hanhDrs.ailoheandrsest-n supper and their thougbbtful- 34-1 'Sals-Your district Ramblor automnatic. Exellntconi oduets, Orono. -3 4 - 2-56 at.talrefuigter, 4chis ness asO8th BlackslcTrailer Dealer. New and ien. 45,000 miles. As>king 13ABYSITTER__________ AuctionSales eocricstvef atqu cais the mnaternity word. 34-1 Helen and Leonard Feskctt. Fair, Sau Bakto dtay, Augusî 251h. Ntw1,95.hohoneago chiidren ho- i___________tlas,ei ale, cs ~TPHNSN lamsFnda rud n buldings open 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf fornmation. '34-1 fore and afler scheol. Phono SEPTIC TANK WEEKY drese, piador ounbty STEIINSN -JaesandGruns ad uidins pe 623-4867 or apply 58 Liherty EKYdesr ad Jud (nc Mxwell) pnoudly 1.oldlk 9:30 arn. Herse Show begins BEDROOM suite, complote; NEW 1973 Ford 1/2 bon Pick- North, Bovimanvilo atten 5' Newtonville LVSOKSLSdserayehrIes an-nojunre tIbe lrth et thoîr t~ o express 12 floon. Parade at 12:30, Fair dining suite, 9-piece; chester- up truck, :160 V8 uonai,34-I IVSO K AE Tornrs cash,.e eere SJ deg.eJernifer Lce 7 lbS. my sincore thaniks ite ail rnyoponecd hy Wallon rBeath. field suite, al Burma heak- power s t e elri gAM/FM AUEpesnt oIf P MIGaIDurham Connty Sales Arena 1 pan. Carl!ik~n 3ioz., on August 18, 1973, friands, relatives and failLieoc-LaisWok-won.MuIsi.ac-stordail heav dulyton newb on bld R fernes'rki-fvr hus,7:0p..boneRohro 2-9 atMeonalHopiaD ow forthieir visits, cards, lettons Judo Demonstrati(,ns - Ar- ice. Phone 1-241-5971, 31-tf loaded witb options, Ziehanct required. Please s1tta experi- BERT TOM4PKINS SlgHorss, CaIlle, Sle manvilie.34-1* and gitîs: ls Drs. Sylvester, thur Latchiem, Sidlewailk Ma- - rustproofifg. Listbed covetneWieAdetsr41 Calves, Sbeep, etc.Wm ______________Anderson, Hlubhard, nurses gician - Midway and Helicop- XIRESSERS, Beds, Chester- $4,600, asking $4000 or will ne.Wit dvrisr40,3îPhonectoee ndPo andstaf o th fist ndter Rides - Potate PPeeling fields, ah kinds et UsedFurni- take eider truck as trade-in- .,ox1Canadian Saiesmnp.. 86 25 Mreoe, APoneer23-n685PrTURAAGST31 Forthcoming third' loor for-.. rwl Cness-ah ageos Adi-ts P Antidqys Manke, apln, FRIENDL6-352Y34l'- 983-9363, Orono. 20-tf Auctien Sule fLvsok g fui care gîven th eirwie terCest t-Ataction(setinluAtiquedys Manke, aptneCî 5665.34-K9. 10 BwanileL-t25 f pietr. hone623468 orimplemonts, sre uniu Marriages a patient in Memorial Hos $,100, Students SO0c, Public 263-2241. 26-tfFULlmeprendga Proporty Page, pital, ewrnanvîe. ~~~~Sehool Froc. 34-1 RSARN qimn bar attendants roquired at O n RN 10, Con. 6, Mnps on MnI. and Mrs. Paul F. Chant Myrîle Smith, 34-1 RSARN qimn-teEs ete Hgw e ti n eiihpaoship, 1/ milenotetLbl moarorige o the or My sincere hanks te Dr pliances, te name a fow . 401, Newcastle. Sbarting rate Furniture rcupholstered TPEOBl an2 com-ing maraeo hi ysneetak oD. 1wlll be open for round table, washstands, Que- ~' $2.50 hr. Company henefits,~ professionally. A CINES 3mlssuhe awo dagbnPatricia Jean ho John Rundie, nurses, candy- the scason on bac healor. Phono (705) 277- . * paid annual vacation. Must 23 KING ST. W. - OSHAWA AUTO ER andn2 lmiles was.56hade Robat WiliamBarbr, sn stripers, Volunteer ladies on 221- 3- have own transportation. Ap- 7598 Specializinig in aIl types of hg grade Hrfr ale et Mn ndMrs. Joseph Bar- scond floon et Memenial Thursdav ,Auci23 ply la pensent. 34-1 SLE ad STTE 2nmtura cowswtv2 ec ber, Coiiingweo. Thewed- Hospitalï, Bowmanville, aise '17 AAKI30 o 3- hn ecate9746 ord rcalvos by io oe dig etae lceaI4p..lemyfmiynigbo~ ti I YUwoldhketolinavery, good running condition, Vf- X . or Newtonville 786-2953 t ord 'Steers, risig1 erod 2 backheantd MsI.JUv.ÂYYnLe A ALINGTON J~,..±116-tf 1Hntr otrnsn on Sabun4oy, Sept'. 15, 1973 in ediYndRe.Bihyhon lege ics cntc mi Trinlhtv nited Church, Bow- vlisits, flowers, cards and its Mgr. lObon- soîl. Ask $750 cash. For more Fer general, factery wocrký, MAyOO ('r oidh erfod al anil.34-1 * duing my ,v stay in hospita AInoratonsborne-417af permanLent position. VAOR Auction salo at Pethick's 3-5 years old;2las;M- and since returning home. , Phione iton 630 p:ni. 34-11 "Our previously owned cars, Apply in person te: Brick, Block, Stone Auctien Shed, Haydon, one sey Ferguson35DelTrc _____- Elsie McGiîl. 341 6356 r 2-27 NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? and trucks are totally reco . 'I mrile casl et Enniskillen, on tt. livec powen ihArte Deaths M_____ one623-5663 or 623-3287 eciatyPaper CHMES& FIREPLACES Satanday evening, August 25. industnial mare edr ____________________33-2, SUMP PUMPS tînedand uarnted. jecxiy l o 'ydauicbuko,14 ntr Mlarlow-T-he farily of theRSTA may inspeel Ihem, drive themn, P t.Poe 2-16i0~ olcion national tracterPT;nt- AR'ýOL),",\l e1 i 1 (Ml) at IINelonMarowývih iREAIR TOAL MAESor have your mechanie check Poduects Ld hn 2-16 articleac1i05ino ntoaltat SARNOLDtMhlii en-Moi) lt ndsnels anwtish TRENTWAY HRVYPRT ~tliem before making us an 63 TEMPERANCE ST. M49-tf new articl'-s (shoclacos, 20 national 3 fuirwpew n Sad-i ihe oshaweayon- te exlndrsice ank ste fIH RE ATE uI adohrtrainlt cr01 ospiol onîuesay Ms. D~ndrae andstaf et (~~TTD~ ?Tt'Doffecr against ouir asking prIce. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO &T TT~IT~( mal!s. sunglâsses andytheroenntenltrcorDanr Aug12, 173 Mlvile(Mo; orcPenyComuntyNurr Orno98-52683 Zei521626Wea-wyshae agod 3-14620 W mal atilesfrm abadyhspaavrDag ultvaor Sandy Anniold, beoloved hbus- ing Home, le Rcv. V. ParsoFnSecas 41-tf selctcn." CARPENTRY store). Sal* oa' seven o'clock. side rake; doubeds,4ec bond etf Evelyn Clake, in bis and fnlends fer visits. At r' OMSTC CMMECIL acON LD OR RQURE RENOVATING, - PAINTING Cliff Pethick 'Auctioncer. 332 ien drag harrwItra 60hya.Father et ]rs. special timne te relatives, TO _&_______aDO AD OD' RQURD 321ira ' 1 TO TIE FLORI1971 Allied 24' o lvhr NelHnig(Betty Osha- neîghhours and fiends ton E NLN ERGRTO NT O M NIL okadAUIU IIGwt nec wa, r. ntu Gi liingharn tlowers, donations and cards NWEGAD RFIEAINUI' O M NIL kad CONCRETE WORK Springer Sale - Durhatiewgowihrc;20 wa.Mlnsha)anLeanbeexressions et sm ndCPECDand APPLIANCES 219 King St. East - 623-44811 Waiter/VJaitresses FENCING - REC. ROOMS Cun-1aesAnn,'reo hlo idby197Fr verna Arnond,L oe. pabhy. Te the MÉmoriai Ho-enDas S A LE S '& SE R V ICE 'Whcre friendly people mcctl !onySls'rn,1-xe Brother of Mns. 0r1 akln tlD.Rnnie and staff tepaDtînSept. 22nd & 29th l FOR SHIFT WORK Poe6329 e eapanîng 34-1 D. R a-- tmentbly Springer Sole on lo t on tuk ikn D,1 adAletANesltnUCW n eM-***PHONE 623-3221 Vyger _______ 3-'Monday, Augusl 27 at 8 p.rnPI. pupand moer hansw bbcAnston Fuesna Home rrtn UspnîngdorsMI iinedRq rur histiiae mcicrp Osaawthfnea erie oe o herkidsev. MCIACILND.- -IELAE .bdom o-WvcyRd n Hy 01 17ELI TRE ae Basre leattnd f e nighpnood edtals In~ý-1 th-capl nlay Ag.244î SxCAYON nd .. U E oe alcneiecs al BOMNVLE-lmia- etn- av-pigrst1alYO 0 ofa-alwino.ahn service t, vey, osph e J anseý,l ton WHEATfouraw Phonos62n- bath. ,,ruînatrfr e L n itOU :0Apm.7 foot; Int. 4 brsd ae SaahansDvi, ilohhoe t Jy 33- Refig Cosrll ultiaton217to0h AIYI,ýhancPossession Sept., IsI. t a. PoneCas-Cunlias et Nothumnbenlanid eainDe ree cetp) girandýson eof M. anid as. music rendered, te Nothcutt 7538.31-PossinSp ltCuà Elli1tI for fuîIfiîîîngF oua- spec- EfI indon & Cemponiy Reali Es- aýnd Durhiam until 4:00 p.mi., 28' by eleateron wheelsksut Ll Rcgî nd Bon et B. oseph- delGODestraw an boy.gPhonituTURE tae. Phono 623-2341. 33-f Septembea- 4, 1973. a ~ Bas n sadlaonwibb mel on;, dum ao c Cleeint1s, MIississaug,, On- Many lhanks particularly to F R987-4ie56s0.tt i , Peso rcaivd holdl_ Bds _____ ait Tbrb taie aedsx oa-s unna orneighbors who pnovided CEMVENT sloh silo, 16 ft. dia- ý26 King St. E., Bowmianville reom and kiceet.Si h a gýood ognsr (2) have Aplace Service Dunean il)Phyfe Drop Ucaf, i hlpd mte, hon 77China is CCabinetd Ro111ste un1d.Kit- ihgasacdadfriie service -was beld Wednosday, adsre uc a , '1-63388dral orwlkn,--ag b r ro ws; mnu August 15. Iloba-ment Wite's us in se many ways. Oua- don Hill. 34-1 esn.Cos eoya peneinomain e gnrl erieoto -MkCoers tioal Seid x 1 Rug e Cemelen, Trentn. 34- specia tbank te thoe who sED Fuitusïret andApli- INSTALL AN plant alo spial ouble public i nnootingmon- Phono BERT SYER (g e, T w o 2Continetlsacdr Pocrcansw _______heiped Marillyna and Delores ocs ad' akeHm-FRAE Sept. lst. Phionle 63763 oth written orra-1-'vl; DayBE-T23-5774 Bds (ged, TwDoubtilfle Bds clerntPixeo itnetr ELLS Sddnl a bi mketh imeiae nces- ton 263-2241. 26-tf 34-lt (3) former eprin with ihtl63317 Desser, omodeR lwgo;2cabe edese hom,Ohaaon Mondaiy, sary arrangements until we __--__BOILER NGLOWintheKenalrade nd MO.anasst;!.13aw4av Bues, Supnoe 8 Moll-kid 2 3' etesolddr August 201h,'19 7:3, Robent arrived Ihome. vWe arecer- AS fr a-al old uhorsHUMIDIFIER BUNGLW_ ti ud ()ejotnIhv 1ee ade BruaeP ejeto, CameandSee30'e -wexlt-ler;Mt fMich-al Ellis, oged 8 weks. nally grateful. Ged bless! ' tables, boxe-s, etc. Write A-o OTWTRHilis, rcdecerated, two ho 4)'- ineo in peopie i and ECTHRIC(vnyged, toe,'nigewor; rote lle bfu belvo so e Rchad nd George, Joyce and fam.ily. v ýentiqea 379, c/o The CainadiainHEATER roomns, tac pc. hathroem, apncnst shi hi ChyEllis, dean grandson et 34-1 Statesmian, Box 190, Bo)wmran- No paymnenîs for. six monlhs largoe kilelieUn and li vin _________1-f lgrad i 1 Obl oon pp-xrnll140 n . a n d M -s . K n e h E l i , -V ille . 2 ý 0 *C ilr o.(iu)e b s d s a l w v i t e n a p p lic a ti n , s t a t W a sh-V r in e r s, a G o s S t o e n d -t e d d m p l n k a n l m b n _____3,______________________Cal ta-eui stroani. Apply in nî- ngae,mnai lstatus andf D A V E' S en, Kitcheý,n Set, Ranettapeim any60fote w"R 3,I Bonville. rvice n-Pets inig leAdvorî,iser 1 44, c /o qThe provietis experienco.evi hss tDes .. sr, i bse tepup;tw was hld i theMorri Fun Vlated T Ren ritnvi~±PARTER Cnadia Staosma, p. SaHARVEY ho egobated rlum)ing £leanng a-esersTable, CIDa.in ý 100 gllontanks app-gxi ora Chpl omnii nDGbuefrsale, branadl - ýU ,ýs eîeDealer Box 190, owmnarivilie '4-1 CGenereus triage benefits l idElct"al 'Mxcr ools, Record PIay-110m alio 00niwa tis uesdýay ah'2 o',-cock. Inter- nw suit big diog, $20. F. 50 TO 100 ACRES et land, VorES evc fei nplus. severai censign- qatt tfnepss ec m~n Bomanill Ceetey.Nickersen, 107 Llbety St. S. _Bwmanvi,,lle'areu, stone ta-e. FREE1 ESTIMATES BEAU GATE ESTATjE Dle ocmec d-CMECA ot e oofrlsig' 1 10 ae 341. I ihn 2ýf7,Bom anville ber1. 1973. IDSTILan ln te boatedfohreis ngaresw; approxîmoe _____________and_____ Phoe 7259674. 33-2 983-5206 Orono IDSR1Asn Ii, ome verygod.ites e h tarccin abnt;cp _________ - 00 rs oing and chiping,- ew2stoney, 4 hedrooms, K. symions, RSDNIL soîd board; 5 legiemextension ookd aIlbreds.Poolesan spri-TI.¶ o î bahslare lvin ad CerkTrosurrF R E E ESTIMATES table wlth boad( fa o ________-________tan jes re sphoeories. EgiHom eih160 dining aoemr, fuilibasement United Couatias e orf -Tri Cs.ds;many ohries GERkMArkNgshehr, aU it mhoebarig EglhMAN S wcdding bond on and garage, $275 imonthly.1 urnherland and Durhiam-, R..IL1 SALTNBROS. bo-sch.Nrenv.Sl Rnce, l oina Rd. S. viol- sle tunmEngllsh lmported Bowmanvilïle7Poli(ce station. 2 collf,ývie meci attar ssix489.C Coho8UngWi nlaSte,78-93ieeHapn.Poo', nt.Cal 725-2987. '34-1 dam. Phono 786-2234. 34-8* 34-1*. 41f134lt295A3A9. 4-2 3tf 34- 2583