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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 17

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Rea EsateforIalliTe Caznadian StatLesm, ran, Bowmanmville, August 22, 1973 Auction Sales aturday, August. 25, 1:15 P.m1., ai Savý,eon Products Wareiouse, Hwy. 28, Village of Bwloconsisting cf chIesîs of drmawers, end tables, coififeehbbe, teaý wagon, wasi s tan1)d, ch1ete.ýr f i e1lds, chairs, chirome table and chairs, arti- ficia: firepiace, dseglaIss- wee, il amp, pic ture, framesos, electrical ap- pliances and othe-r articles still bbcbg consigned. Roger Barnister, Auctioncer. TRITUSDAY, AUGUST 30 Aucetion sale cf farmstock, jImrplemients -and furniture, the properjty cf William (Bibl) Jenk ns, Lot 16, Con. 12, Maripo&,a Twp., 3 miles north, of Oakwood, 14 mile est. 50 hca,-d of Hostein cat- tle, 22, 13 with calvus by sic-e, remainder wlnter bred,,8 yearling helfers, num- ber of helfi'er calves. 1966 Ford car nis is, 1949 Mercury, trcI/2 ton, as is. Case 430 diesel tractor (now tires), godcondition: Cocksbutt 540 tractor, gas (new tire-s) with alieloder, good condition; JD hlrNo. 24T (3 yi'S);- JD H'Mie o. 480 (3,yrs.);ý MHl,101 jnir -ctr;N manue srcaer, 20 u.;set 0fchain hrov;2wagons androcs;fuill lneofma mHcnry; Sur iiker, pump, motor and,3 units. Chester- field, bedroomi suite, chests- of cdrawecrs, dfishes, quaatîty« of other funihure. Fnrm sold. Termis casn. Sale at 12:30, funture selîs first. Reg and Larry, Johos-n, Aucticacers. Ph. (705) 357-3270. Gerald Granbam, Clcrk. 34-1 Auction, Sale 50 Mill St., Oshrwaý Saiturday, Au g. 251 1 p.m. sharp Office Equipmeat Linen Rentai Supplies DyClcaning Equipment Automotive Equipment Drap)ery andi Carpet Cleanlng Equîpme'nt Laundlry Equipment Plumhbing Supplies Elteetrcal E(sulpment SamBolier Myles King AIüctionerer 725-.5751 34-1I FRIBA.Y, AUGUST 31st Clain uction sale for J.G Mono, farm located % mile snýuth of Hwy. 47 at Stouff ville on tb.e lth lino soutii, or (25 miles N.E. of ortoincluding 35 gond big Hoîstein milk Cows(10, fresh or epingrs): an 44- tan cooler; Sur-ge ipe Uine î~iler ihhaufomatie wnsh-, --Alam~ o. 40 -l us Va c i_- ýý '-ý ufits, 1 ý rs. îYndexcel1,eot condition; olsoi 3 trâýtor; ýIcw NH Hiayb-ine;l - N-H Forage Harvoster, -2 yr. clId; 2 B T silo ulaes blower; S.U. Forage Wgnm 10 ton wagon like new; IMC PTO apreade.r; bunchecr; stooker; 2 RT wagons: coma planiter; PTO sprayer; 32 ele- vator; 2 j D RT wans mcnted plow, 2 yrs. old; quantity of haîed boy and st1mw; 7 pc. diing, suite; lingliïs dryer: 30" electrie stove; 12 n 18 rug ir, 11eplace; xyocodenl shutte -rs, etc. Note: This lant a compflote lisI of items for sale. Also (675 lb. of Quota No. 1, plaesale, phon 41-64-249). Farmi Saile I, p.mi. Lnhavailable. Afinisoin nd isoSale Mgrs, and uciners à4-21 SAITURDAY, SEPT. lst Famsl.Auction Sale of Lvsckand lnIpleents. PmnOprly of Floyd Plumnton, Lot 1,Cn 9, CÈavan Town- sbip), 1 miiile noth ()f Cavan and ½ ile ceast or 2 miles souith of Petemboroughi By- Pass o)n Highway 28, 10 10 ino of Ca an nd 3/miles wos_ýt. 60 iead uf highgrade Hoîestebo, catle, 45 mature cows, 13 fre-sh May' v1 Augusî, 13 due Soptomnbor 10 Deccm- ber. Remnainderi'bmdand; mlng; 8Hosto in iýfers duei-,Septemnbor 10 january bred IHerafordI ; 6 Hoîstoin heifes, 1'-enrs old, open. charolais seer, 2 yenrjs ld, May-June dairy test 3,5 per cên)t. Herd bas used unit breeding for past 15 years. 1971 Noý. 966 Internatinnal Diesel Trictor wlth cab, fully eqjuippeýd, 95 h.p., 750 hmrs, I like now; 1971 _Masseýy Fergu- son 165 D)iesel t ractor, multi- powe, Luly quiped,700 lirs., with MssyFergusen Indulsf iani manurle loader; 1971 Massey Ferguson self-ý poeedcombine, 1' head- or, coýmbined less tino 300 acr es; 1969 Massey Ferguson No.' 36 self pmo-cpelled swaticr, complote; 1970 Gehl No. 300,ý 2I rowý for-age harvestor; 1970j Gehl forage blower, PTO; 50'ý of pipes; 2-1970 Geil self- Mnlodbn foageboxes, 3 beaters; 2-1970 -toixNom- mIn wagons ith flowtatinn tires; 1971 Internatioonal 710 5-umwsemni-mounIted plow, 5-16s spring re,,set; 1971 In- ternationial 16' Vibra Shank cultivator with wing; 1969) Neýw HoIlband 162 h'ýushlelrmn-j mure e!prende',r, PTO; Massey, Ferguson No. 12 haler, PTO;j International 12' T an d o m dise; New Idon 1 ow com picke r. PTO: Farmnd aý!id ak, 2 grain. boxes with I ton wagons; 2-5 ton waons with 16 x 8 ok;2 rube tircd wagonis; '70 Danuser posýt hole dge,12" Auger,j John Deere 4 rew tail comoII p)lantler; 1966,Oeil 6' fidI choplper, PTO: 1973 M TucKe salow blewer, PTO; Cailsa field sproyer. Full lino e ofi m nd rawell intained farin mac-iicnr. Somre fumai- turc, bedruoom suite, china c>abiniet, Sing9er vacuumi, port- able televisin, pool table, chrome suite, 1971Oymi 24 h.p. Ski-Don, mnanY cother itemns. Termns cashi. No) e- serve. MÎachninemyit 10 a.m. CaIlle 1 This i,,4ai) ouf- 'iadng sle.Plese note irtbng timles. Plan 10 at- ý-sncI.Carl Hiekono, Auction- cor, Reaboro, 3*24-9959. 34-2 Auction Sales HealEt-state for Sale Real Estate for Sale PLîeal Eýstate lfor Sale TWO edrom,2 so Steve Liptay hos lcfe tnoh end fi- The Township of Peter Kowal, Jr. Orono. Cahda artwriqht REALTOR AUCTIONEER 983-9247 RetEenL ad 6p vT' Household - Far- Sales __ 3 - off ers for SALE REL STAE' LIVESTOCK A SPECIALTY1 0 sat Part Lot 1P6, 52 KingS. . Bwanil 26-171Con. 7 Telephone 623-24.53 263-2117 94fj~ ~~.~A I B 162 called Shady Aý'cres. B- nv tosoe Aucionsal pivae etao UALTUUThe lotsfront on Beach Ave. roomns. nice zelivin-roo Tut sl rusîce et be 30 -ing 0t.,W(1) BLOCK (C: lots 19, 20. 21, electric beat, ftuli 1basement. for the Public rse ob 0Kn i V and Pt. 22 of' Plan 162 ýAsking $ 375'00 bield at Stirtevaat's Auction 6 23 -40.1S :15'X10. Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Sz:15'n10.An excell.entîaesmct property of -Miss Bernîce Handyman'sSecal(2) BLOCKS E & Ir: L 29- duplex, firce bedrCooms, large1 Quinn, 17 Quebec St., Osli-sld îdrb~ 33 inclusive of Plan 162 kitchen, living roomn and bath awa, on Thursday, August Large, dr.biki Sise 250' x 100'. in0one side; two bedroo'ns, 23da pmpuspiaebuilding it lake view v b Scaled offers to 'xvýiii kitchen, living room and bath estatc from Coîborne St., cated jrigit' in Port Perry b ccped'at the Township in other. Thisis a good bouse Oshawva. Chesterfield suite Red 0b endlldltoOfc lacsok n n2ars0 adfotn Frigidaire refrigerator, G.FE' Y 'lpartmentî:00bouseN.-2 încomy eletrc toeautrnti dy-'82'6"' x 1.12'. Zoned come AUGUST 31, 1973 W e hbave sev'raLd acrege eýr, occasional chairs, 21" Ad- cial. Askin', $55.000,00 j. PI semak e I îoescr-and lots lcae umt oxv mnirai T.V., antiqlue gramo-eae ar avopsc phorie, 3-pce. bedroomn suite, Oshawa ly xv lb the xvords: "Offer to dresser, cbest of drawers, Niceý, olde family hme1 Purciqse'. After hours caîl: 12 ft. green fibreglass canoe. very neat and ready to mvesigned: Dorecn M. Van Camp~ G. Beeeh - - 623-5265, 1972 Aaska Ski ski-doo 25 in. Contains 5 bedroom-ts, ep- Township Clerk.3-2J. Barton 623-3098 hp. 4pc. bdromsuite, arate living mcom anid d n 4-2P. Kowal Jr.- - 623-,5868 portable bar, 4 stools, French roomn New roof.fu nac n; provincial coffee 'and end '8 'cars ld Lvey aro tables. booksbclf, 12 t. Stero- xit h fioxvers, vgtbl lt BROKER ElEAAE foamn saliboat, orange broad- andi plum tres. endo w I loom,, patio chairs, lamnPs, hold mrgg t93, Listg radio, hall runners, Color TV., price $33000 00")ý-) . to.,. power lawn , mowerL M E large quantity of disies, pots Boman 111 and pnns. Termns cash. Myles Seiwoandbm iti TD King Auctioneci' and Carta"ge. 3 bcd-oorns4. 2 bat iroomATE H'M 725-,5751 or 723-0501. 34-I large kthn prilyfln- LEIT _____________________ isird bas(-meot, pvacyarc, -ood area. close10 tscb ools. With only $200.00 down pay- ment and your own building Real Estate for Sa1e 3,0.0.RATRlt o a eliving in a new Hamnpton Area Beaver Home cf your own 67 King, St. E., Bowmanville Neat and comipact 2 bcd- room startci' home vith sep- orate 2 car graeon1 spac- ions 1150'50' ý,couati'y lot. Ennugh ri'oomfor future ex- pansion, veebl gadn swimiog pool, tc. Asking $29400M0. 10 Acres - Hlampton Area Choico 10 acre building lot ini exp1îîive amea, close ho 30 Acres Boivmanville Cedai Parký , sx-ir Bisected by lie beautifullmini golf, andÙ Bowmanvilbe Cmek Ibis par-iTwo oad IroýntLa ccl of mcstly flot land xiti and 662'. Buildi som-- cood frocs almost dofies.1 availablo. Liàsted lai descriýtion., Viow it fromI1 itier of the 2 roads il fron ts. 'El friede JOst- Builders and investors David Allisonp Commercial property big M'elvlle Date cnuhfor Ihree stlores anid FPggy Gray - four aparîments la lie hearf 1Kthleen 1TwaRtes cf dowatnwn Bcwima-nville.iEd »rum - Don'f ho kbicking yourself forI- overlooklingthis-buy! Peter Chopce Vaierie Bre5ar Samuel Amnibs 623-1 664,Rg Ae James Robison . 623-3795 IRe.Ae Mem-ber: Toronto Real Estate Wm.McFtabsc 1Board "salse Real Estate for Sale picnlc aren. agos of 288' ling permit at $42,500.00. 263-2032 -72à-108 - 725-1728 11936", 34-1 m - kLto4 LIuqmr 234 King St. E., Bowznanvllle 1623-3303 Telephone ti25-44155 lois sumrmer. The 10W, 0w, BEWDEY'REA ' armort gages on maniy Beaveri BEWDEY AEA 3 lrgeHome-s carîies for, lcss than, buildinglots on paved road. most ent payments and offersý Viexv of bake. Asking $7,900 lyou future equity. Ove.ral each. Buîbder's ternms avail- cnst hIon, is often tinusands of able.ý dollars îess hecause nf Bea- $1,50.0Siall 2 bcd- x'e's factory precision bu-ild-1 room, neatlv decoi'ated, -fi'ame ing nxethods and volume pr bÏungalow in Pontypool. Gond cbasîag powver in the buildIingý xvell. Large trccd lot. Asîing materials industry. So if $5,300.00 dowo. ycu're Led up with making costly rcpaiî-s 10 your pre3ent Spacicus 6i room home, Bal- home . .. or if ycu're shop- coay and sundeck. All con~- fraaee oeo veniencos. Acre lot.,Sady gnîîr anwerthoe plac beach. Fantastie vicxv of Rice ou'eïciig m Lake. -Asking $20,900,0 vu. enig.-- aeyu 'mnve 10 a new Boax'erHoe 34bYoll bhoglad yo',u did. Phionel s.-:.RAY NORTHrEY 62 Stevenson Bd. N. -Ohw 723-3558. REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS DEVELOPERS Weboy i-cal estate for cash *No Commission Involved Direct purchase from. ownems iDirect sales ho purchasers Commercial, Industrial, s 3 dl REALTOR 623-2503 lesideatial P sperieand Newcastle -odrl~stor- lusneses y home xithi 5 bedmroom's, eving ntriDurham cw abmium sidinig,vr dNoterad ceotîably locnted, akn $23,- ~on ies 900an.uýc yaîsnl mont a-ppliel 10 bunigalow en Ilot 66 x12 .own paymenit of ftho pur- fenced, on qitstreetI close bfase of the house. t n *hnnnmno flall for inlfur-i Newtnvile 5 AresNewcstl 6 S 21 4 1 mat ion. Eiocriclbyhenod be- HlL ilebigwnyfrot- Il14 Dijsioîî St. (P-.. Box 3),B ax-ie-main street romr bungalow. Hoe is alage, corner pmloprtY. il rc,)nm hcatiLfully xvll kepl home homo. Sf ini. Asking onbyl BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRlO commirerciail buildfing pac with- bolh a spaciouýs living $2,000.Q0 pe -r acre-' Caîl _Phl--lip and save ad- xith apartmont, ida of-, mcmo and finisbed roc reom. is McRobbîe or Charlie ed ie oainAkig$100 If alano has a mi-odemr kitchen 50 Acre Horse Farm rno-mi îre le and dinîngrmcm. Situoled on 2 storey,, tri-pIon, wlth 2 anrd' a large lot 73 x 236' witb a Bowmanvîlle. 7 roo hom. 3 bedr(ooms, gondcincepo- large gardon, a beauliful Jodoor ti-aining ring. Gon)d F SALE tential, akigs43.900. stone rckery wvith a foun- horse boras. Terriie bcatin idn ia-2 emo tai. 3csue e ýu tishoe.with 1600 fi. rpaved ýd moadeia!ý tai.2Bsue)0 .00.Call hmo. Liontago. 001l iy $98,1Oý.00 0 I (f(,y furaislied iand itîzdcol- Ask Rig$,500on.00 .Ca-Terrns. Cai îl o e.t e.~m1Itoge, eeloîgBgBob li c d r n .92 A cres O sh acw a rea Lake, ask ing 1 5,000 xvj ith Bowmanville lWest Beach 6116 ý 94 terms. Exclusive and quiet raea This well located far i P tus, 2 b'edroom, rdcea nix' 6 imiles fom th e ity. 137 Ring St. E., Bowmanviihle uyolara-1acre roombunalo, boa. ond 623-7694 -623-7661loLcigon od siin cttge ot10 n17'-spi4.Prieed af ionily 215,- RELTORi askig $6,00 with beuiuiy îed and bedged. spîîngs l,50dwi 41 ft. drillo0wlI.Smll O. o S000.0do1,B50P t mn ocl e l[ed ell, maliJUS'11 REDUCED, building guosf bouýllse.Oîy$2.0,0.1IArs apolot in Tyrone, buildin Oi arsdig3 bdnm otg Caîl PyllisMcRobbe. Fmntoge n 2 pved moda. mt av-ailalîle. colxert andxvitrze .dpatl Lu- Nevceasle 7 i-o oi i e oe 1-i lcd in. nisbe.d, ba os.Aku Lare, ars.pond. Akig$15.500xvhhter s Ideal starteî ni lrCireet$0.0,0 Ter'mus. COUNTRY 1'ILIVING, lox-l' home. 2 buldroomin rsl-bjr!uie 4 ba-dicomu bricthmexxîi .67 acresfiigon3ras home close i10 shopp)ing'. Only 17 Acres Woodls frpae obicar hoome stmwtforfuur $2,50.0.CalPbyllis Me- Located na osotRauc'l large lot. HURRY, îyý eclpet ai Jfor infor- Robbie.ITî-ack and Vilaeif Leskamd. '1sf.- ain Newcastle Very private C>par-like ide-1 lnRu away. Only1,000.Tonus. Gary Winacott - 7?5-8987'Aa oI - 2-33 3 bedroomu brick bungalowEwnJas 2-12 on largo lot. Good a ýrea, close 6 Acres Boîaville jUrsula Beeching- 576-4547-dwnJas - 6-72 te' school.- Asking$590,0 Choice bevecl building landl Marie Berril - 728-7661.a, cDnl 6331 on1 'Mearas 1Avenue.Ol lieSecr - 623-3259 Wif Hawke --983-52741 Caî BlI oiansy.sî,COO perarexvtfrma. Mary Smith, Newtonvllle - 'Helen McDonald - 623-39111 Bailieboro 89ý Acres Maners Towniship 786-2283 or 786-2991 ILloyd Atchison- 705-932-2770 Eneelleol 21 stomey sllO Near Pnypo. 20 aece Boner IPassant 623-3258 Bibr omeinllg n ooded. lOcal i Cîmoat cornerShawn Perry 723-7197, bedmoomus, living rooin ng eSpenCceDourFond3-1-9 oom, 01il hoat* Home in îm-,1 Dn 4- ma-ciulate, condition. smnallCaaRELSTT haro, large gardon. Only 3, 0arsxvfbCv re REM EITE 0û00.0. Gond terma. Caîl Rn', lwigtbogb cta Foster. bobflyfMoisbed( plus n 147 King 'St. E., Bowmanlvîlle frd 1s to,,s ;and he-atîng RI'e'T a i,.iv~ Lt,~.,rn,1, a ,9 year nid spîit, -oc-I (arn- ily home, doublc arge Brtoadloomflroýughout, openiý Li'eldstene fireplace, 11/ baîba. xvel lndscaped lot 90 n,200. Only Ibe boat bas been used la the construction of ibis immaculate bouse. Tie prico cf $74,500.00 ineludes many feofuros. Caîl Pal Yen for in- Newcastle 4 bedrooms. large ivn rocm, sepamate diniug rioomuÏ and large kicbo.Lt size 66n124. Askiag oly $30,- 500.Please calKiy Bown 10inspeet". Orono Commercial Building- Corner Location Idalloatbafort any busi- noas. Biliding baýs over 2,6 56 sq. fl. Silualed on a lot ýY of an acre in sizce. 3 phaýse wir- iag. Large showroomn with office. Must be seu00 10 be ap- pecatcd. Asking oaly $37,- 900.00. Caîl Charlie Reid. Keendal HMIS 2 5 aCcs vwifh fa nt a Sfil viexv\. 2 rond fron1t ngr-s. 10000 Iees 1 yecar olO. Otbeî xood- cd seclions. 10 aýcres gond gardoen soil. Building permit1 available. Asking only $27,-1 500.00. Ternis. Caîl Roy Fos- he, Orono. Modemi Beef Cattie Operation 160 acîis'-Leskard. Feedînt fceds 300 head. 2 silos 25 n 75 vih autornalie unloaders, large boras. 8 roora house, beautiflvo. streams wilh pond sites. Terrifie value aI $250,000.00. $75.000 down. Caîl Walter Frank. George Blyieveni REALTOR Phone 623-5300 an i ý cOS iRwna for, 10,500 broilers, large cool storag e fo friand other exNtras, Priced aý:t 190. Rico Lkeneýw firoom rick bungalow on lrelot, Ask- igprice $31900. Mountjoys HoId Annual Reunilon Tic Motnntîoy Pîcnc me1K t a tic home of Mmr. and Mrs. Cordoin McLcaii.Reais were tiere from O'siaxva, Blackstock, lHampton. Bow- manville anld oui' cousins, Mr, land Mrs. Everett -Mnuutny from Weyburui, Salk. -wiici we werc nîl very pleased to have with us. If was soencjoyable tliat %\c dccided tf0 mucclagaiu next year aItich samie place. Oui' uow Presideot(s a re Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe. isi. vice, Mi'. Alvin Boyd, aInd Sec.-Treasurer, Ms.Lenat Gilbert. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mi's. Arnold Clu- nînon. Peterborough iý,ibed Mi'. a'dIrs,. Bob Fosher, lastI week aase With Mi. and Mrsý. Morley Robinsen. Mr. and Mrs.Howard Q(uan- trill, lizabetliville., speof Sun- i daY evcoing at Mi'. Mr Rinisons-. Matie Robinson, Or-ono, i:d soîne ofJ us vacat ion wti Mr.andMrs MnleyRobin- son andalso Ke iAustin 1puliolidays Ivi1 s lgrand- parentts, Mr. and MIrs. M. Rlobioson and aI lic, Foster ionie. SOFTBALL 1PLAYOFFS Last night ah Mémorial Park, StepheosFuels squ- eezed a 5-4 win oveor Ellis, Sioes in thie second gaimo of ticir semi-final s0i'105 1w tic it aI one game each, Ellis oearly made it a tic Or wio in tic lasI in ii)g, but a beautiful catch by lefI' fielder Ed Ryor-chutk result- cd in two nuts ho wipe ouf E'2lls's hopes. lu tlic nii- cap, Kramip's Furnituce fel11 victimls 10 tic p)owerfui to gve Frank's -ýa itwo Ïgamne lead Tic batîle re sumies Thursday îi OBITTJARY DA VIDSLB GRN A well know itizjen and busnesmanof Bowiainville and area, David Selby' Grant, aged 6G7. passed wysudn ly f1,om11aimassiv'e crnyat Burks f i(s(R!dCross fHo. sp- itaL,0ou TuesýdayJuýýly 24, 1973. Bomp and caed inBo- mavîle, o as fie soni o! Mr.( adMrs. Aninv Gi-ajtý Mhgnho mnarried th'c laIe( .Mary C, .Miller. Far-ming lu Shayoi'. O ntar- in, ho moved tn Detroit wherce hoe was cînploycd as a machin-, 1sf allihe Ford P lant. -Moving f0 Bowmanvillo in tcd- pression years 1930-1933, ho worked at anyl available job, tien lcaving for Sfony Plain,.ho workcd as a mecianic. in 1936 rcturning f0 Bnwmanville un- fIl 1937 wien ho wenit 10 Capreol, rofurniog in 1940 ho 1Pediâr People where lie was siiperiuicudeuh of tie depart- ment, uutil 1946. Formiog a parfuership kuown as Davis & Grant in thc ieating and shoot metal work in 1946, ho wcul mbt business for iimself in 1951 under tic namie Seliy Grani t, î roof repairs and cavc (strougi- ilu". In June 197, ho retired and tie business was scpar.ahed and haken over by John Brinkmiau and George Beice. A communicant inenîber ofi Grace Lutheran Churci. Osli axva, ho was also an avîd fan of nîl sports, playing orgauized baseMIanlad hockey in ls younger day. A lue of animials, ho was also fond of Provincial Court August 1, j1973; fiu'e . B. Ba1xter presided wfihAssisýtant Crown Attor- ney K. Stubliolglotn d duty 'ounsel D. Barb'er. isýs Maxine Gilbanlk, Clatrke Twsicharged IJuly 3 II hwil having a beine' ice-nse and no licensed driver with ber, received a fine of $20 and cabî $1. WVilson Roy Lake, Coe H1ilI, plealded .guilty" 10 lailing fu yicld on highway 35. Const. Latlon investiated. Ticre was $1.00damdage dune. Mr. Barber asked lor a minimum penialtyand in was Olevidua $20and costs. Aliert Liild, Toronto. and Anithony DeSol. Toronfo, hoti ciarged wifi speedinig had their charge dismissed as tie officers 'ho laid tic charge did flot appear in couirt.ý Edward Barreli., 207 Simpson Ave., and Fred L. Hlodgson, 18, West Beaceh, wereecci remanded in cs todyý one week. after pleainlg 'ute faking copper fashîgcamping quipment, ee. kownghemn 10 haviýng been ohtained illegally. A pre-sentece re'port is tf0 be prepared. Albert HBumaz, i R. . 6,did drive xIul bl a Tic ffici said liews ecsayto fake testsTic fine(, was $30and cosîs, ila deflt 15idays, Allan -Jas Adcock, 44-Lb- eryN. , Bwmanville, charg- cd Jiy14 i. did unlawfully use licns pates for a vehicle ot% 14hn fhey wcre issud for, pleaded "guilty". Const. Kozak was called to Counfy Chrysîci'lerwiere license plates on a car did nt agrec. The fine was $100j and cosîs, in defant 10 days. His driver' license will b)e suspended ftor six mntis. Hle was givevii wee("s Io pay Daviýd Stobie. 17, Foî f E., Coorcagdjune 14 caresiy was Mbl yJudge Bahr 'yýou sol aesm consajideraf in1forotepel, an fyou come ac aai \bere who beIa engfhyý suspnsin"Tueevwue six pasner ntic car, Stohie as norhiounid on fie base line road a i aiii rate of sped ndmiseda ure.The fine usas $100and coýzssin delhaulf 10 days. 1e was giveni two Ioks1 paly. Alexande1ir MM -1a1!thSt Hunhting'oto ritisi 1Columnbia, pleadd guilty ' f0 ,two')char1g es ladAus4wt 10,onue of tusiog 1973:1iis Columb-ia licenise was tryin1g Ouf, prior te purchýasin1g if. Il )ad nont yet h-ad Ilieýsaflefy cecTic Meila aid if hle hsld a fn tr pay. ho xxould haivenon gardeoning Survivîng are sdutr 4oyce, son-in-law George PBe- beetre rndhldeone PhîlIlip), Talvistock, Alex, sistI ers Erminie (Mr',ls. 1R1obert McGr'egor() (ofBowmnanville Lillian (Mrs. Ryeurson Hum- phrey) LanngoGertrude (Mrs. W. Fletchr)r Toronto. Another sisterý, Chiris-tine, (Mrs. Wm MVoorey)ý prede- ceased him. Mr. Granit reýsted1 at the Northcutt EloIFuneral Home until the, service was held on Fidfay' , Jujly 2-7ýtromn the Grace Lutheran r rh Osh1awa. v ith Pastori, :lip were Messr s. .John Brinkrnan, Donald MGrg (, onrad Lohnert, Kennelh PDue, AI Goumers and Wrav Hnsel 1Beautiful floral tokens er recpieirlcdattesting 10 the, esteuîn in w~hich the deceased was i-eld. among which, was one from the Lucky Thirteen H-unt Club. Interment xvas in Bowmanville Cemetery. Officai Plan Delayed Clarke Planning Board Fails to Get Quorum also !inclded .is 30,000 pru- '62-41or6329 ed Scoetch Pine à-7 ycars ndI aluelle aqo 1 I rie frhemeing.hfw, andee. AsknJ49.OO0'andW NVbLEuLile7 ( Clarke Tewnisiip laniî mmesdid lnet, Tic or a950.0 3,000 vbitemne blcel. witb terms. Cal Roy Strong. i1rl mu bckb1- ii 1ydeBoard nmeeti) (ig bas resultin u 'as asoshort onemeie oraed lirugbut.Kîthuna delay budcaiugxxi thle (dlme fl rsgato col 197 Acres Dairy ~addntecmitd c-propoed OfficiaI P'lan for thie of ini prex'i)oos. or leef Farîn Yialaig, 1ogzirregJU- TwshpTicPah asbo xv or Vey routie orm LIMITEDÎ/REALTOR rOin arge Twnhi.l iemkigand ibis 1hot (d large~ inuae1pl ariINWASL:5rom II tapbicImoebing on to 1have ,il paýssed h)o ore with utmai feedin1gxithlJust Llsted I sddbnaîx uob151hi, Pianniing Huard Rgina ovorimetcne 75 Lrestals(, s 0stancb- Charming - 'bungalowv, set fullîl bas ]nîeiit jdijii1îgrooi CliairOlniSid 1Lancaster imd- mb being., ion ao i bo stîl, poc anong growmî shade trocs, finishe a' om vti- bed ftýite Bnardwould A specau etigo i yaàrd, 2 sils. lso6 moni4 pce. bath, 1,10' lot, higbxvay Cal îda -pralyrcmmnbcîexf PlauniiîgBoad hs ecun vina] sided home xvwith li' rotaoenra large Litchoni, ni,1'if the icpîailbe su te called for August 2 1Ji battis, large Ltbc.Locatod goo-1pssesin. ORHWAD REA C t Cumcil for its approval. a4ffompt ()te 'he cplan roady jost south fPeeb og. ioMu bunaloxv xvith rod- Thrce rmembilers oi 0wlfor, the Txxp.councilis nent Aking $130000. ewasleAmnloomý u, foîlasemnentatahr Board and tie Ca-o meetinig on Sepbember 4. 15 cre, bn ifor -25 horse, ga-rage, i, l' ) atha. Askil __________________ Are You Consldrlng th if training rack, pai-tlý $29,900, MOVE or TRANSFER? vwoo)ded, 2 storey I h moomiemNrtu- at kathv Blake o pe s ýWe are equipped te haindiebikfim os.Ltt0 0 slVie ot-J.ast 2 tenialandcham. Towni: 98 acre ai-mwt ýyour home needs anywhere beta n him aros and 3 bdom e Baton Teachers Cus iiCnd n .. iStarter Special 75 acres xokbeln.E-Cus Canada ad U.S.A. 2 storoy, brick, large land- cllent viexv0f outryîd scaped lot, walk 10 shopIlpingAsking $190.'Ms KfyHikfbsre Lns Miss DiaueBIownell Catt og schools, c'eA ug$500,0, ZORTHEAST 0F N W etuocdhev, rom Walkheres accmpan li emrech Tell us yoor teî'iis. 'GVLL Beautihol 92 ace ou, ew ok, were sic Kathby's placiolgs0f thre Miii Forai i TON VILLE sucesfll cxapoîd ci Aecn opetiins arc as 5am, bonick, c., (xv;,,h Boginner and Infoermediate flow.Joue 2 lu Akron Ohmo, After9:00p.m. all:Located 15 inuteiis tromu n edroomu b grickhoe.Ct,- l' ton Teocherci-our"so aI tic b> 20 ,lwoýýd 3a - Aflr :00pi. eU:Bowoîanvilîc 8 acre s, bi-o. atahbg rg.Cai Eliejacohs' Baton Scinjol, sxiî,w s nar. Rey Foster - OrOno 983-5801 5 hedroomu bouse, wihgor- hie idden iVlley Campf. fHor 3on 7, Sencua Fais, tNew BilI TuranskIy - Orono 983-5420 geous viex ouf suri-ounding NEWTONVILLE: '8 rom examiner was Bethyv Femat 3rdsq. and a tourfi; Joly 10 aI Geraldîne Woolacott - Ic~oiiiryside. Asking 4q,900. hume wýitlîful basernn't, oil______________ Port Huron, Michigan. Iwo Newtonvilhl 786-2970 2 Bedroom 1licol, bowefanes, and 1 i/thocre Bi11 Sutherland -623-3102 Bungaloxo. ,,niceiy Le Pt, Lotxsî 2.0.RSU T O N !4h. 0 20 n 0 t n Bob Cullen - 623-339.3 cllent location tshopping, REAL MONEY MAKER: the Miss Bloc Wafer of 1973 sebools, country living at Ils Storage and xvarýehouise a .,eveuf. Audrey Plain-- 623-3563MeI used as Arîction Boýini. Prie r. as (lk) et Fat Yeo - - 62-37 Contact:,t o.U UOocd151 r.a h ia Dae ond - 23395 PETER SlacEACHERN Eeuie Syl ncompetitions. Ienather Dolores Rose- 725-14981 Phone 6234894 borne, 2 fi-op1iace's, etc., MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE l of1uly rs. Patsy Scott BWA ILE i123 acres of audc. ont.y15,i nstructed al, Eisenhowe'r Col- Kay Broii -62331505inte Lo o F. shw-&,itrctFaîs'NwYoJKahyoce PhylliluMcRobbie -62-759 inîxol value.' Encept-& logerictirling ScboolSeec Charlbe Reid - Oroimo 983-5914 çcaring for uanada¶'- NORTH BOWMANVILLE: B d as partoor and demionstrator Clare MeCuilouià- 576-3060 2' n165' vacant lot. Encel,-,Reai .Estate Bar foi, hie decasse. I J bof bouy. Cali today. 'r mnm oey1 gthm back fo) Br>litish Columibia1. BsoVigenjevic, 2 ielin Ave. Toont, cargd Apri 22, flu Bowmaoville wtih driv- ing whilchavînjgcoumd Sînijti nveýsfigafed weea ydopole had been hit. Tests weroe.17. Týicfioe was $150 andý( c.Oss, lM default 15 days. port Bîtechar-gedwith falgto yield halt the roaàd on fie- Dar-iiloio-Mýanvcrs lune, I eci c fine of $20 and cot.There was $600 damage te fIe car involved. No RbrW.McTaggart oper- atinlg under AbiotTAlox'ers, 4 East Dr., Toronto, charg -ed Mairci 3 did operate wîfhot a public com-mercial license on) iighwvay 35 received a fine of $"50 anid cosfs, lu dlefault five day 'vs. inspector Meraw of the Deaîetof TrÂlnsporfation andi Comimunications wa;s fie Rentls peraingunder FE.1D. PelyCorp. Box 89. Mark- Wmm11, also eeie a fine $50 f or hinig unP.C.\. liceose. Tywretranspor-tiog onions 10Qubc April 17. moeclosely hanreasnabl prudent aod hus finewa$5 RoetJoîues,110 Woo-d Sf., - Osawa chagedJuoe 9, lu Township 0fClark-e wifi hliavingliqulorin other than hils cosîs, ilu]dfalive days andl Boye, Wilowdiecharged June 110 Ow ildrvig thie proper hlmmt ef were achi fineud $0and ciosîs, finldtault INFLATION HITS COURT Accordiog to an- item bu Ibis morning's Cobo)iurg Star, inflation is about to hut provincial courts lui ts. ra.Becauseý of the lu- Judg R. . Hateris reote 10 eu ppiug the current fie nI $10 10 $200 and perhaps $-250l before C el Cash Today For Old Appliances CL TASTSE , n A Phone 623-330D3 three days, George Poppas,, 1,70 Bloor W.Toronto, was eharged Jun1e 10, with oper-atingý a mini hike %ithout license plates or insuranice. Corp. Foremnan Was the inv\estigoating officer. The fiýne wa-s $30 and costs. Stephen Noddle, 1:35 Ridout Býlvd., West Hill, was charged June 9 with hain iquor in other ta his residence. Cons,,t.Booth was proceeding to M.ýospo)ri and camie rosS a yoth, directing traffic with a 1itofbe in his hand. A case was found in a necarby ditch. The finews $25 and costs, in deufauýlt thrpee day' s. Several fines wrelvîd which weýre taklen fromian aircraft vith Const. IHar-dyin it and relay ed to Const. Foreman. Kenneth C. Lawson was fîed $60 an!d coýsts, in default six days. Br-uce Baird for doing 77 in a 60 mile zone the fine was $51 and costs, in defauît five days. FrsrRitchie. Newcastle, who aqppeared August 7for two brahsof probation was to hiave a lawyer in court today to have a trial, date set, appearved ithilout counsel and was giveii onte week to get legal aïd. Ch Ve . Wilson, Church St., Orn.plae not gulty o divngwileim paired by- alcohol or drug 0on Madi2th e was represent- ed by, E. R. ei. Conlst. Frmnobserved a veicele etoudon 401 near Wav- erYly Rad. The Toyota was c-ontinually weaving over the 1ùne. Tests taken by Const. Martin w-ere .24and.23 per cent. On1 (ieeidcMr. Wiso as founid "gulilty"* as c'harged. Theliefine as$150 and costs, ini default 15-)da-ys and liquor confiscated by FINE QUALITT IMONUMENTS AND> ~~.4 STAFFORD BRSLT». 4,làhriUj ;De'ý4r 1 Stafford Broihers LiIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas st. E. - Wh!tby rhone Whitby 618.3553 COUPLE TO OPERATE CLlDRiEN'S AID SOCIETY RECEIVIHOMIE AT PORT HOPE Mature. res o i, ensier cuwouple; eperien a~i4deions rated a i i le rng itfr c llde prlt'iu a inad lets - lo i ng e ) 1lcint dcrefn d tuhomes.itý,1f hli,î To liv la flceivi g i m wta r limied epplain chdqiicatigenesal o r hr tr;t tak direin fr ociaedycof oretothumer Inteeste co pls stretdport 1e, ivinga reseofAj BUDGET PRICED DEV IAN Dor LUCASATUS Limit 2 lbs. per 'Customier SUNKIST FR* tE s j Extra Choice orEN WAX 69d 39~ KAISE R ROLLS 59z- TOASTASTER TOA STMASTE White Siîced saý e 26c LoC s 9 CEREAL - -- - - -43c KEMIR1-1S Kosher Style - 15-oz. Jar Save lOc Baby Diii PICKLES 39cý CHASE7 & SAINBORiN Sve24ec COFFEE --1 - 95 b. 34--oz. Tit Save 10c SANU FLUSH --45c BRIHTS FNC -19-oz, Tinis Save 2-4c APPLE JUICE 4 for59 SUMMIT 1aGa.Assort.ed!Fiavours ICE CREAM -- -85c DYKSTRA'S Food Market 73-77 KING ST. W FýýREE PARKING HOME 0FQULT Phiono 623,-3541 BOWrfANVILLE Real Estate Sal

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