on Sunday, August 19, th GeraldSiaes of ViSt, Verde, R. R. 1, Hampiilton, entertained thieir cousin Dr, Jerzy Lipa, Proiessor oi ntomiolog-y, University Poz. ien. D)r. Lýiïpa is on a tour oi Canadian and American Re. search Institutiions lecturing on his research in natural controls of inseets and noxious weeds. Mrs. Edward Smnialel and Mlrs. Stanley Bernas, poured tea. Attending were Dr. John and Zoe Smialek of Toronto, Mlr. and Mrs. Ralph Smialek of Tor-onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mclnerney, Mr. and sirs. Stanley BiaMrs. Kathryn Krupa, Mrs. Mlary Mfay, also of Torontlo,Mr anc Mrs. Fred Cooper and M1r. and SMrs. Edward SIEniaek, the parents of thie hosts. Following tthe dinner Dr. Lipa left b plane for Regîna to continue hi-,Otour.ý Mr. and Mrs. liarold St. John (nee Ruth Abernethy), Agincourt, wvere the surprisec guests of honor at aý picnic helc at the home ofMr and Mrs. Jim Abernethy on Sunday, Aug. 121hi. About 30' friends and relatives gathered to honor, themn on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniverý sary. Several of the guests participated in a colorful myock wedding. Gifts and, besi wisheýs were presented toi the annîversary couple. After en- joying a bo unteous salad supper everyone spent the remnainder of the evening visiting. Mîr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, 'Second St.,vite her moth er Mrs. Uosken Smith who is spending a few da (ys with lher daughiter Mlr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott, Brooklini. Mir. and Mirs. E-verett Mountoy, WyburnSask., are visiting ïMrs. Russell Glbert and] Mr. and' Mrs. ý(Gordon MeLean. Mrs. E. Black and Mrs. M. Twiner have returned homne after touring the Maritimes ~adGaspe for t1wo weeks as far as P.E.I. Mr. and Mrs. D)ouglas B. Nichols, Kingston, were Sun- day visitors with his father, Mr. L. B. Nichols, Carlisle REHOBOTH Christian Reformied ChUrch Sciigog treet SUNDAY SERVICES fEvery Suliday 10:30 a.m. The essence of wvisdom is the fear of God the dread of His scourge and the apprehension of His justice and BA HA ULLA H PHONE 623-3171 eAvç. ýa Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, iEnniskillen, wer e Mon 'day evening dinnet r guests, andi f Miss Katbryn Ferguson, Eni- - niskillen, spent a few days fwith Mr, and Mrs Jim -Abernecthy. gr and Mrs, Jim Aber- il netbY were ý'Sunday dinner s guests of Mr., and Mrs. kMalcolm Elford. Prince Albert. The wartime personnelI of fNo. SETS Dunnville will get [together for their 28th annuai d reunion ini Dunnvilie on Fri- day, Saturday and Sunday, September 2î,,-'2, 23rd. Highfi- ligh 'ts will be the annual golf d tournamnent, an air show,, a à ýbrief service at the Harvardi eMemorial in the Civic Centre, za banquet at the golf club, and y Sunday morning breakfast. eFor further information, please.contact Frank Schol- field, làox 187, Dunnville, who will send ahl detailsand place Iyour name on the permanent Imailing ist for future reLun- ions. Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Hlig- sgins, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan [) Proud, Pembroke, were rec- fent visitors with Mrs. Higgins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. sWelsb, Barbara Street., 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. 13lakely tand Richard, Halifax, Noya Scotiai, have been holiday, -visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Welsh. While here they attend- ed the National Pee Wee 1Lacrosse Championship gamf- es held in Ajax in which their son Grabarh Blakely, was goalie for the Halifax team. On Sunday in Oshawa, Halifax was defeated by Wallaceburg iin the -C- section, but took home a silver medal forthi tefforts. Michael Gilhooly and MVur- ray Twist are. 'fro of four memibers of thie cast of last year 's Thatchiwork Thieatre who are taking a six w7eek-s course in the Arts in EdinI- burgh, Scotland, in connection with the Edinburgh Festival. A phone cali from M Nike to biis parents Last Friday evenling sathey h1ave enjoyed il At a weIIattended Pleter- borough .Faîr ôn Satur-day, an 1 OId Tyme fiddle contest was held in the MIýemorial Arena.0 Winner in the Ladies Classf was Mrs. Audrey Gîlmiouir. Winners ini the Men's Open Class, Ray Sullivan, Peterbor- ough (Bowmanville barber ]Tennis Sullivan's brother. Lionel Gervis, Lindsay and Ray Pentland, St. Cathaïrines, Mr. and Mrs. For-est Dilling, Queen Street, were hiosts to) a sumi-er reuniion of Ontaria m'inter residents of the Bran- don Mý' obile Hlome Park 1 n Florida, on Saturda, .ai their: home. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wardlow Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Currie, Toronto. The Wallace Marlows, the Stanley Ma-P colms and the Art Bileys ut r Blackstock, thie Geo. Don ner.-f ais, Nestietoni, the Francis i Werry's, nkle, and Mr.B and Mrs. Stan;leyCrde, town. The 1973 Niagara Peach Festival will be held this year from August 17-25. Features P tbis year will include peach c pie baking contest, ,ethnic 'Y dances, bakesales, bands and i farmers and their wives in ethnic costumes. u Tirty .vpractising, creative, professional artists will be working w %ith elemnentary and scnry school children throughouit the province, as the resuit of grants aninouncedC todayv by the Ontario Arts p Council. The grant,_ totalling t s $25,206.5;0, are awarded under c a $90.000 Creative Artîsts-in- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. Wvesleýy Oake, B.Tb. ,John Crookshank - Music Director- - Organist S'UNDAY, AUGUST 26,1973 (ý 1OA., -WORSHIP SERVICE d St. P.u~ ntdCuc umeswI worhipinTrinity during August and the P first Sunday in 1Septembjer., Rev. Wesley . Oake in char-ge of both congregations. i Nursery CareC A %Warm Welconme Awaits e AI l Worshippers h (Il Beauty Contestants in Swimn Suits Vie for Miss Kinsmen Cartrjival CrowrI E party, PONTYPOOL Belated congratulationsý toi Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCullough hocelebrated their it sýecond wedding anniversary on Aug. 91th. Both are enjoying very good health. In fact, Nellie recently visited their' twxin great granýidsons in Hamq- iltonl, and also visited for a few days withMr and Mrs. ClarenrceMCulough ïn Osh-. A family gathering %vas held at therhoe of Mlr. and Mrs,ý Percy Beggs on Suýnda-y fou1- owing the Ponýtyvp)o Decora- tion se!rvice, A Baptismal service -will be hieldi in Ponypol Unt Churchi this Sun day at 10 a.m.n Seven attractive area girls comnpeted for tLhe titie of Queen Royal Bank: and Michelle Robinson, Miss Cable TV. Ha 1rvey of the Kinsmien Carnival Friday night. Pictured ini swimi suits, Webster, righit, was the genial Mýaster 0f Cer-emonies for, the from left to right, Viekie Terry, Miss Carnegie Hardware; event. The ha.ird-working judges, Elaine McKinnon,. John Debbie Jnis Miss Canad'ian Statesman;, Kathy James, Pogue, Ken Nicks, Ted Miller and Margaret Lucas are in the Miss Cowan Pnic;Mrl illenis, Miss IMutual Life;bagond ShelIy Scott, Ms Hooper's Jeweillry; or Van Camp, Miss 'Schools program j% ust intro. duced by ftie Arts Counicil fi projects ini filmaniptg naphy,-, Mui:c. potteny anc visual arts h aea proecî, wichtake the ai-'tiSS ts bschiool casom lutor wmihsudnsanc tcesrun f rom ounewe 10 thn-ee nmonths. necent eekend itheC.'W, the uxdigo i ousin Ma-eeDowney and IDavýe Miss Donee Adialns, Ton- onto, \visýitd th Done famihy and was mmd iýof!oo for Mlanjene pntto xees Wit iends hene. She a o1rtre home.c Oshawa. Ms oaFahr Stonle Haugh 0and IMrs. C W. Done vsîedwifbMn.and and enjoyed ibbc 1000 Island (Orluise 1f nmGananoqjue. MI n ni r.AietPearce aidf Mn. and Mrs. Lai-ny Pear lce a:nd Michael have just returneome fwný rom a delight- ful onewxeek visîith ifiMr. andi VIns. Jim Fl", î- ýral Big MAPLE GR--ÎOVE Mn. and Ms.JohnMcGir PanrySound,. qspeýnt, the ek end witb bis prnsMn. and Vins. Tom McGink ani(JBar- bara. Congratulatiions tý o two pop- ular young ladies firom Mdaple lirove who etndthe Beauty Queen Conites t a' the Bowmani- Fridayeeig Miss Loi-i VanCam;pwa chosen as 'finst pwuinces' and Miss Cathy -Jamesn ,is c second prince ' ss' Bt gnsare studentisatCountice Hligb School. vere MnrS. hne ony reatensbne augh Hiýfax. Mr.1, C. Snowden and Mn. Bob Sodnacconntiedl NIr. anid Mrs John Hluband, )sbawa bu yManlotick anti spent .ai-ughîler, r Is nbhî nd fniy îartin andiacmpnc larin iO famhl euina unday. Comlbined servi1ce on ben ,lin antMýaple Gnroýe o i!be- led ai! MaLple Gnov Uted ucbon Sundiay mnn-in1gZa ~.30a.m.Mn.M. Colvain wilh for your monoy. -PAINTS ....... i -AV AïLA BLEA I PAITanid WALLPAPER iABERNETHYJ'S P" 55 KING ST. W. PHONE 6353 Appoinfmre t Laesi Tr ainipg Course Rger Dorreil andj famnily, Charlt r r S"' aI O rono for the ne Sssin ttaa;Mr.an -S.Jh-Tlb this, faîl, "The Club Girl st11RUan , Mr. an Mrs. othec Entertains" Sun orl n aiyo ed Rev. and Mrs.Merl Ferguson of Oshawa were Sunday evening callerscof Mrs. O. 1Hll. So sorry 10 report that Mrs. Hill bas niot been upi S to par these days as she is suffering from bronchuiis and pleurisy. Better healith is v.ished for, youf, Mrs. IHili. n sunday, Agut12, Mr. Mn àrs. IHarold Martyn bleld a party of' about 60 relatives and fr iends w met henel aridcouple, Rlon iý ane Elien Martyn. Elen's parents. Mir and Mns. Richard Hiemr- mnent wene presýent fromn Ohi-. On Saâturda,1 Ellen was sur- op prised by a visit from an aunt ___ A RI adunceefrom Ohio, M\r. a nd * _Mrs., Paul Hemmert. Mrs. Shirley Simmions and Leanne of Downsview spent a 1 John 0.Dpei couple of days with ber aunt, 8 Kýitchener Chrered Ac- Miss Hazel Enghish. co.(untants Thornen, Hel- Mr- and Mrs. Elmier Archer *P D E E liwell and Chn;isenson an- of Wib were Fia even- i ILE [IL nounced recený ýtl tat Jhn . ig uests of is parents Mr.11'6 ý Dippell. Son of Mrs. and fthe and' Mrs.W -i-lbiert Archer. am lat'ouis-.Dîph as, been Saturdaveeiggusswr poneda prnnin the Mr. anïd Mr. on Fljeig ilý - firm. Mr. Dippeli joinied the and girls of Osb aa.G Kitchiener office in Sept.. 1961l, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter _____________ î-eceived bis C.A. degree in and family of Thunder Bay lw66 and became supervisor in are visiting relatives in B3lackl- . NowI IeHu RFuau 1968 and manager in 1969ý. 11e stock and neighboring area-s.% is active in Tninity United Donna McNeii, Tono.nto, S'TGU Chunch wbhere he is an eider, spent a week with ber cousin ILAUEJ 2a BNOi trecasuî-er of St. Paul's College Chenyl Graham. at the Uniiversity of Waterloo Mrs. Argue is spending a V aud an active member of week ' ith bier daughteî-, CX$JU Conecstoga Rotary Club, Kit- Mabie. Mr. and Mrs, Cecîl clhenen. He bas lectuned in Hyde in Rochester, auditing and accounting to the Sunday aftennoon, cahIers of MACM ANS fourtht year Business Adminî-i- r. and Mrs. Tom HIodge, and stration course at Waterloo boys were Mn. zand Mrs. Stan nTdst Lutheran University and bas i(dam- of Toronto. takcn an active noi( in On Saturday nighit, August comnpany orientation and 18, Ron and EllIen Martyn 3 -ý trainirlg courses and man.ag- were ýsurrisîed by a'ebvarn en's conrferenceus when about 25"-,friends wokA-e >-COOLRAY *POLAROI D themi up b) blarîng hornis, SNrLSE B IL CKST CK attling panis, cow beils and i McLaughlin w hoo g~un!blasts, Tbey took it in O / F Congratulations stride and evc in th aainpae orfreshie, cookies and ice ionsbip Sa ine Open Champ- cream. 'After the cnowd lefI, Sige'at the Cana-, they had to sleept on a couch as dian aiioa Exhibition on thein upsýtairs bedroom b tad -e~e' Saudybeen disassembledl. A T F IV1irs. H-obden and ber daugh- Glad to report that Mr. TALToSYRUP f1er Ca roi of Boston are visiting Wilbent Werry, David Hortoni bier brother Mr. and Mns. and Robert Green have.all Austi Beacck. eturned homne from hospîtal. The1anual ountjoy Pienfie Norman Green is in Oshawa ,E was hehid on Sunday aflernoon hospital and Earl 1Bradburrî at1 the homeofd Mr. and Mrs. bas retun'ned t(u Port Penny IvanIlouiitjoy. The activities Hospital. We hope these twoF. commenced with aà bounteo g entlemen are soon on thfe picic innr fohhwedby oad lu recovery. ' reguhan fa-niy abeigý st Mrs. RusselMounitjoy i ing and sports i Xongthose -eoîîowing showing some progness aind î pi-esent icuded the in nPont PenryComnt rea ix es romiadi-;tance -Nursin1g Home 5 ou ii and Mr- LIorne Waninan. Peter 1 Hiugven asne1 11EDRruO S: ;ý iahnies M-s, Hazel turned hoeffit-som neEDR I Mrxahot. nand Mn1s. hotidaysvi,-s;iing rltvsin Mf aM Don Wannan and son, Mnr. and :2 ollaniadFI Mns. Bud McNeîh and family, Mn.and1Mns. Arniold Taylor, nr. and Mns. Ray Mountjoy Diane and Betty Jane aIthe>ir 0.m and son ai of Toronto, -Mn. and cottageat G uhI Lake, Halibun- W&US Mîs. Les Btishfiehd of London ton, held a faifly parby on sias and r. ad %1r,ý arlTuesday, August 141h lu cele, Gilbank of Bowmanvile, brate Ir. and Mrs) Anson A I D C This week on Wedinesda"y Talors 301h weidding anni- A LLLIULSU and Thunsday oui-4-4H1leaders versary. hi addition t10theM MY'E wili be attcnding the 4-H honored guests, guests includ- ed Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mirs,à% 2s be the speaker -and Mn. J. Garnet Murray, Mivanilla;,'ýI7 Mn. 'rus Cryderman wilI be organist. and,!Mrs, John Devins, Buir- Ï Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Besse lington. Aften swâimingan w.ere Sunday visis witb otig the party noev thieir dauighten Mr-. and M9rs smonjgasbord dinnen at the RI TA G.ary ya and SeeWgnWbeel nean Minden on Mn. PilhîpHynes Peffn- Hgh -ay 35. Mrs. Ron Tylo Spent the nemainder of he iaw, bais netunnied homne ifrom weýçek with Mn. and Mns * v.isitinig bis br-other an'd wife,- Garnet Mra tMnla Mr. and Mr. haneyHyes. He MuaytMnîl MNrs.H.EasS.isa nescogauais patienit in Bxx-anv > Memî- are extended to Mn. and- Mrs. onlHospital anld we are Rkichard Wall wbocelbaed, Iapp lu eport irhat she is 1thein 68th %weddin;g ann»iiiver(- MD imaking a good nevr nm ary hast week. SC $T AIex à aý bout of docuble pnieumi-onlia.n and Mrs. Raymnond SDO Mn, anid Mrs, Frd W igtMason, Victoria, B C., visîte'd Barar an Bveny tbede îecently with Mn. ati MrS. K IN G ST. W. the Mo'gmbr-atiii fa-m- HetorSbortridgeanid Bill and FOR EME RGENCY ily reun1ion at Cedlar Park, Mn. and Mrs Frankiley H ampton n Suniday\. Mr. Mason wornkedfoMrand Art Evans 623)-4566 Miss Ma i1o noden, Ton- rMrs. Leighton about 50,1)years on«o, was a Friday evening ago. vîsitoî- with ber cous-in1s Mn. Recent cýallers of Mirs.J. A. and ML"rs iH. G Ficemn1hnstoni were Mn. ai Mrs, tfon. Mlrs, Ferga Avery of' ury spent a week wi th heir ýr, attended her niece's ng i Oshawa. Mr. and Acelerated Secret aria 1 Grade 13 Secretariai Grade 12 A,ýccounting.-Grade il Stenographic - Grýjade 10 Clerk Typist - Gradte 10 Individual instructio-n Job Placement for Graduates.- REGISTER NOW ENROLMENT 15 LIMITED SPpecial Program for, Hlousewives. GETFREE BROCHJRF.S ACTNO Diai 728-05 SixiimcoeStNrh McGregor fUD-A-Drugs LIIWI7 623-5792 SERVI'-C CALL, BQOWMANV ILL.E Mark Borutskie 728-2Q53 I i e canaclian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 22, 1973 4 à1rs.In local bail, our Sr. Men IVir. KithJohsto ofdefeated Millbrooçk 17-1 in B>ellevillesetModywt their final game to win that his' mîothe(r, Mrs, JiA. series. They now meet the Johnlston , winners of the Lou's Discount- Winnrs t te Snio Cii- arine s-eries with the first zen' Crd ary wre adis'game th is Sunday in Ponty- [-lgh Ela anCmpSecndpool. Buirketon defeated our -Freda: Gibsoni, Third - Lena Jr. Men on Sunday 64. L\lunro. Men ) i Perey Pontypool Midgets have elim' - VaCm.Second -C arl inated Bailieboro and are Wright,.1Thrid Marw'ood waiting to meet the winner NIcKee.between Bethany and Cavan. Wor 1hsben ecid The, score of the last Midget 1-ecetily ofil-he passinig of Mrs. gamý enr(- was 13-2. ËThe Pee Wees (; V. A. Scott, a onie-titme deiýfeated Cavan on Mon. esideni and High School even ing 10-6 and now meet the eacher ot Blackstock in Millbrook Pee Wees. Our Belleville Hospital. Funeral ladies were elliminated by the ,ervceswer hed o Saur.Janetville Ladies tea. servceswer hed o Saur- Mr, and Mrs. Ken, Halfyard iay, Auigust 18 in Belleville and girls fIoui al Mith intermnent in St. Cathar- visitéd wiof rouivs farîs nes iný the family plot. fcw days thlis week. Qui'te a number of Guides ard leaders of Cartwvright are FALL TERMA iwy ampinig at Guide camp) ortenx to~ek.commences at the Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kýelly and gýirls attended the Ehhis OSH AWA 1amily picnic held at the homle B SN S f Mlr. n Mrs. Joe Hunter, B SN S Diunsford on Sunday afternoon COLLEGE and evening. On Saturday afternoon Tues., Sept 4 1leanor and Elizabeth Kelly 1973 ,ntertained a number of The following Courses iiends at a joint birthday are offered il la