flewc~ 0./ c)octa~1 a ni gettîg to s bec ueery issu"e 0bnigsan poogyfo be ine tis tme rei mus be gien w ecredjit is due: bonaccou)Lnt of the Dcr tion Daýy Service atiodRn ~me1ry.we epotedMiss been he pan, ccoring o th wm ilknow ý-the est lidpln omice, and men ott'l en g commttmnt Nncywas not abl Lomak ilso n Trry Da-,wson took ber place MosiS hymn .s Mi and Mrs-. Pon HcknAd B Rb.an and te irs1wn terregards and wi1 osâ Hello ( o alil hein ned Roe eports they ;arecu el ýoaain2itheir rtr o~o old Canada soe enexm suýommer. Rsehad abauiu tnp an hwilee r dalot of1 sigseengLabr is >inot lfan frolte 2Blfck VForestl aspogt whîh se epors o be atileafour let ccp Also in wît its 1beauty. The 00e îinfg RoesmIId was -the tact ta cyoung peopie over there realiy, scem to cane and are actai oigsomiething 10 okeep their lion was that s oy aLe R«vOU ar îed i(sema. nwas ~teî of 1 13C..Canda7nK ', cial coUe Wm. P. ohnsorn Too înayii nen and womeii ge~ ~~r t huta ok ubecause thev dn~t lok aftr thcmselves. Thescrti< t, wonk Jir'S 0on-, %ay 10 improvu youn seif-defenc- ta, k-s afe ty. service. Preceding the Salva- tion AnmY 1Band unto the field w as a Sot-Guide Color ;asdeParade TàingiiI partin the service were ecombined i Korean ,choir, St Michael', J Boys Choir and a Rlock Choir i J 'er ona caiedLigsht and lHeat. lit il rather formlaI service but it ctanywas delightflati Id Europe ereMr.anId Mrs. mloving to hear 50 large ia Mike Miiewîcz, Susani and c-ongregltion join in thie sing- Timmy whMo rented ca;r iupon îgo eea yîsUo i their arr-ivai in Germany andf introduction as gies;ispae wvent from thre o visit Dr. Jean Vanier received a relatives and fnîedsinRussia ,standinigovation as-dîdii i o and Polant. upon completion of his add- Mn. Bruce AIidred, Lake- ress. Dr. Vanier chose as his shore, accompanied by bis message a dialogue on Pence fiends Randy Tennant, Don and War. Rev. Smith in Alin and JohnRi Uhnson spent =eorig this adx enture to us last week in ChcaoU.S.A.,potd out 23 senior c'itizens where they atten4-qded and were among the traveJllers. He enjoyed seververy good hall also pointed out what aý goodà games. man Dr. Vanier is and what Mr. and M Nrs. Pat Cole, excellent work he is nvolved Cobourg, spen.rt Sunday with in. For instance, ini France, their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Vanier operates a school Charles Aquilîna. Gayie and for retarded aduits; knows as Aifie. "The Ark'. The name is 11cr many irtîeds will be derived from 'No)ahs Ark' and sorry to leairo that 'Mrsý its goal is to resscue the Chales Cwan ha,,d the mis- retarded adult from thle strain fortune to fail at !home)( last and-stress of everyday ilv "ing Thuirsday a ýndi severeiy break andp)repare himi or hier for the herýl left hlip Ti ist'he samec hum Ps and grind of life. Al in hip thait as ewnured aewAil, this Feýstivýal of Fiafi was years ago. Mis.Coa was a beautiful expenienceý and taken to Bowmanville Memor- thoroughly enjoyed by ail]h jal Hospital and later nushed went from thîs vicinity. to Oshawa Generai where she Mn KI. eith D, Barr of still is receiving treatment. Newcastle. Ontario, announc- Our praye ,(rs and thoughts are cd today (Monday) hie will be wîth yvou. seekîng election in Wand 3 Thie Tlillîsoýns -Florence, (Clarke Township -Village of Mark. Donal;id and 'Stewart Newcastle) to the seat of have retuirned home after Regional Counillor. Mn. Bznrr spendinig 2'2 weeks visiting with his wife Mabs and son relatives, on the cast, coast. Chis have been residents of They firstvsited ns. Till- the Village of Newcastle for son's brother ;and family. Mr. over f ive ,ycars. Approxi - and Mrs. James Wright and mately one and one-haif yeans family of Mteghana Stationao r Barr - an Associate of which is just outside Digby, he Insunance Instîtute of N.S. and then went on to viit Canada- who bas oven thîit cousins in Bedford, N.S. Mn. years expeience in ail phas-es and Mrs. Robent Morse and of the Genera] Insurance famiiy. Whiie in Halifax. N.S., Industry and is also a licensed Mark loo)ktcd up al formenýr Life Insurance Agent, comim- villager. Larry Perrin who is enced openation of his own witb the Armned F-orcesý and Agency in the Village of 1stationed inHaix and Newcastle. Mn. Barr is ecx- helpedLar c,elrate his tremely active in Coýmmulnity bîrthday. Misses Linda and Affairs. H1e is presently a Patsy Wright returned to Councillor of the Village of Newcastle wtihtheTilisons Newcastle, a imembeîr and and will be miaking t heir home Secretary Treasuirer of the here from nowý on. Newcastle Planning Board M _rs.. Alain Bennyl Spencer and is a rmember of the bas returned to thec village Steening commnittee for the ftraveny delightful one Town off Newcastle. 11e is a week visit with n. and Mrs. miember of theNecsl Archie Bennlard, Taira and Lions Cl-ub and is Pnesident of Terry\. now of leshlerton, Ont. theN ate and District Thieir NTewcastIe friends wvill Chamber of Commerce. be h1-appy to heair Pat, Archie On Sunlday., Aug. 2,6, the, and the kids are settled in memben of the Newcastle their ncw home and doing Volunteer Fine Dept. enjoyed very well, one of thie more pleasant Last Wednesday Mn. and aspec5ts of their job wchen adi Mr. Charles Aquilina and Mn . but thre~ embenlers and thelir )arid Mrs. Sam Brreto paid famnilies gathered ait Waitona ihceir nespeets (; their oclPark for theivr amial pe j the late anr Ash who passed When the mnen and their awa\ in Cob)ourg Gnealfamilies finaly ,;arrived thingýs Hospitall. Tunesday,' Aug. 2ist. got underway with raices andc Mn. A\sb rested ai the Mac aýctivities for the( young peo- Coubrey Funieral Hlome on ple. Later in thle aftÎennoon the- King St. Cobourg. O)n Thuns- aýdulfts gotinrto the act and a day, Mn and Mns Aul'ine aftennoicon of fuin and frolic and Mrs. Brereton attended was thoroughiy, enjoyed by ail. th(, funeral fnom St. Peter'sý Aften a f un-f iled, ncelaxed Anglican witb intenment in ifternoon a delîcious meal of Union Cemetery, . _ deep-fried chicken, salads, Last Sunday,ý 49 people tomnatoes, pickles, ice cneam), i reprcsenting Newcastle Unit- tea. coffee and freshie was ed Church,ý St . George's Ang i - spread ouýt on the t4ble and can Churchl- and the Orono, hunger1ly devoured by the Kirby, Ncwtonv-ilie- and Ken- apeitv gang. Bef,,ore da] areas left, bY lbus, from anyone ateCapt. AMbert Nay- Newcastle United Chulrch to Ion pronounced Graice. The attend thiFstva of Faitb winners'during the afternoon) 1service at the C.N.E. Before were as follows: ;boarding the bus. and imd Races up to5 ail (,he aalyater the mornin,,g contestants. service ai the U.C., those 5-7 - Sam %ellyicelie goîng to Tononto enjoyed'a Biensteker. ligbt 1lunch at thec church. They 7-11- Kevin Kelly, Pamela ,report approximately 10o,000 Blight, ýNeil de Jong. ,people, attenrded this stîrning 11-15 Bobbie Glanville. Al ccdenitsý are less likely to' happen when everyone is atert- The sure wyto safety is Self- Defence. Yourorkmn'sCompensation Board anEhe Sft socainOntarlo an Glanviïlle, Ricky GavlC Men- 15 & overý Jimn Alldread, AlfieAidread. Dick Biensteker f Ladies 15 &ovrJoanne0 Alldneadi. Greta Biensteker,1 Dorothy 1Kelly v MssShloe Kick Abn Las ShoeKick -Joanne Balo ross -Jim andi Joianne Alldread Trreasure hunt -Robbief, Glanville and Kevin Kel FireniWater PumpfRaeet winners- Alfie Aildread, Jimr Alld(read. Bruce Kelly, Joe Millerr Tug -O -Wan - Alfie Alldread, Jirn Aîldread, Bruce Kelly, Joe Miller, Danny Alldnead and Harold Couch. Peanut.,Seramble -everv- body.f Guesses- Weight -of Watcr- melon - Sam Brereton, Numb-,, er of Mints - Marion Gianville, Largest Receipted Bill - Fred Glanvilie. Tiqýse dcdîcated men donlt have the opportuniit, in theirS job, to b-ave fun ver-y often, but t when tbey do - look out!ý On Saturday. Oct. 6th. these men will once more be working for the fight, against Musculars Dystrophy by holding a dance) -be sure to kecp this date r open, Coînpetitîve Swimmiiig Carol Selhy Breaks Record Competitive Swimming team tnavelled to the Regionalf Cbampionships at the Peter- borough Y.M.C.A. on Wednes- g day atternoon. Aug. 22nd. f There were six teams present, Newcastle being the smnallests in niumbers but stili proved toa be mighty,. The teams were t Port Hope 61 members, i Lakefield 47 members,S Lindsay - 45,members, Marm - ora- 35 members, Napanee -e 20 members and Newcastle only 7 members. The standings were, Pont9 Hope- lst. with 353 pts.-,, Lindsay - 2nd. with 335 pts., Marmora - 3rd. with 231 pts., Lakefield - 4th. with 199 pts., Newcastle -Sth. with 60 pts., and Napance with 53 pts. As yoiu cap see the teami with the most members usually wins. Newcastle brought homne 20 nihbons. Carol Selby was thes only local team member to eann firstp lace nibbons. Ncwcastle's mredley relay team placed 2nd. in the 200 metre relay with the timie of :-2o0.71 - t hey were Timn and Don' Nicholson, RobinDuetta, and Robent Lowry. Dan Kemp placed sîxth in the 9 & 10 yqJar oid boys free style. Carol Selby, placcd 'second in the ginls 9 & 10 freestyle wxith Rlobin Kemp close behind placing sixth. Duol Ni.choison des<erves speciai credit for- placingc cighth ini the Il & 12 year free style against 18 competitors. Robin Duetta placed ntdi bis fre style race. -Robin. Kem p placed fifth in 9& 10 yean girls' back cnawl- she was only two seconds out of first place,' which is quite good. Dan Kemp placed sec- ond in 9 & 10 year boys12-i metre breaststroke. Carol Selby placed first in9 & 10 year girls' 25, metre breaststroke with Robin Kemp right behind lier" in second. Robent Lowry placed sixth in boys 15 and oven oven, 100i metres breaststroke.- Daïn Kemip rpaced fourth in, 25,7 meftre butterfly - this is really quite good as the buttýerfly is the hardest'st roke. Carol Selby broke the previous record for 9 & 10 year girls 25 metre buttenfly with a tîmie of 24:0 seconds. Robin KNemp placed second in this event with a time of 30:4 seconds. Donald Nicholson placed 5th.' in the 25 metre il & 12 year boys' buttenfiy. The Newcastle free style relay team 15 and over, placed second in the 200 metre race. The boys were Tim and Don Nicholson, Robin Duetta and RobentLoy Special thanks go to Mrm Kemp who helped supply traýnsportation and to Jeanette pnoVed to be the better ta winnirîng the game 23 to 17 The wining team consisted of Dairlene Jenkins. pitchen, ,Jeaniette Wagar, catcher, Denie Tuiffond,lb, Susan Wa- gar 2h5-, Louise Steeves, 3b, Roslie Bellefontaine, ss, Ca- thyv Tufford If, Laura McKni- ghit cf, Debbie Nicholson,. rf. Excellentcatches were made byLaura McKnight, Cathy Tuf ford and Rosalie Bellefon- taine. Susan Wagan made ani excellent play in the seventh inning by covering the short The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 29, 1973 2letd, rs.Sa BreetanPhone 987-4121, Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Mirs. cuaespent last weekend, in Port Hope attending a famnily gathering at flhe-borne of Mr, and Mrs. George Cole. They were Sunday over night guests ofMr and Mrs. Richard Archer of CObourg. On Suniday a famInily gatherý îng was held, at the eoi'ntage of Mr and Mýrs. Stephen Saywell to celebrate the 3lst wvedding anniversary of Rev. and Mlrs. F'red Riding a.nd Mlr. and Mjrs. S-ephen Saywell. Cor'gratula- Lions L.ast Sunday Mr. and Ms Vernon Asselstine, Gerald, Colin and Teresa visited MIr. aînd Mrs. Carl WVebber at Wooler where a famniily gather- ing was had. Sunday' guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Vern Asseistine and famnily were Mr. and Mrs. Ken G;williams and famnily, Peter- norough, Mn. and M?ý. AI Asseistine and faiiy,Guelphi, Mn1. and Mrs. Les Asseistine and f amily of Waterloo, Mr. Gerald Asseistinie of Bi.C. On Sunday evening Gerald ne- turnled ti o B.C. ,Mr. and Mrýs. Bob Waldeni, Waterdown, Mlrs. Inez Todd, CarnPkelicr-oft were Sunday supper and evenling guests of Mr. and lMns. Ken Samielîs following the Nestieton Decoür- atioýn Servicees. Mr.andMrs. Évenett Mou- ntjoy of Saskatchewan hiave been visiting relatives and friends ini this anea. Weekenid guests of Mn. andi Mrs. Mlerrilli VanxCamp rand family were Mrs. Margaret 'to and qiuickiy and accur- a tely ca tching the bail and fuchinig the girl as she was trying2 to steal third. Louise Steeveés made the final out by catching a long foui bal. The Newcasle teaxrî played is crne as a team! ilVûry 1od Top hitters for Newcas- Lie were Denise Tufford 5-6, Jeaniette Wagan 4-6i, Lauira McKniight 6-6, two doubles and Cathy Tufford 5-(;. The winn- ing 'pitcher ýa-s Danrlene J:inkins. If Newcaistie continues this type .of playîng they should have no trouble with the next series against Newtonville. Mn. a'nd rs. George Cole, Port Hlope, Mr. an rs. Richard Archier of Cobourg were Tuesday Isupper guests of Mrs. Ruth Wil.son and Mrs Sproule and NMiIss RutIBadg- ley of Toronto. Mrs. Creighton Devitt of Bowmanville'spent Saturdayý atternoon with Mlrs. A.NMc Quade. Mn. and MIrs. Ken Greyv of Orono wý,ere Saturday evenling,, guests of MIrs. ilo and Mlrs. McQýuade. Mr. and Mr.Lloy d Wilson and Valerie of WetHill wene Sna caliers of is mte grandmnother Mrs. John Carnaghan was guest speaker of the Br-ooklin 1HorticuUtural Society last W ednesday . Marion spoke and demnonstnated the art of dryý ing flowers. Mnl and Mrs Milton Han- lin, Dnnnai and David of os ,h:)aa' accompanied by Mirs, Hanlan, Sr, of St. Catherines were necent visit-' ors of Mrs. AIma 1 Fowler Winners at t he weekly Tuesday evening card party, were Ladies High Effie Pioughman, Second - Mildred Tl hompson, Third Elva By- arn. Men's High Gerald Mahon, Second Stanley Malcolmn, Third Charles Smith. Miss Noretta Mitchell of Woodstock was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Blackstock Fa iri On Saturda 'y, August,2.3, the weather was perfect in every way for the [08th antiual Blackstock Fair. Record atu endance enjoyed the day at this ambitious srnall country fair which prides itseif on the variety of activities to be tound there. During the mornt- ing when it hcm apparent that the Rothman's Special Events Carav.an had had difficulties and was unable to appear, the Directons in true showmanship spir'it, made haste ýltern.ate arrangements to.S»ovide lP.A and office The Parade led by the colourful Oshawa Shninens ' Oriental Band was filled with excîtîng entries. Winners are as follows; Decorated Float - 1. ýG. 'Paisley, 2. Cantwright. 'Senior (Sîtîzens, 3. Scugog Church Camp, 4. Cartwright H.Iigh5] School. Decorated Girls B icycle - 1. Lisa Mary Pnice, 2 'Janet Dean, :3. Lisa Little, 4 Kathy Irwxin. Decorated Boys Bicycle - 1. David Corby, '2. Raiph DeJon, 3ý. Kevin Ferg- uison, 4. Jeff Grove. Clowns - 1. Henry Grumiose, 2. IRobbie Graham. Decorated Child's w%^ ASSOCIATE STORE, .r11ý,l">",--B----L A C K S i3rna I M) hn,2. Caria Adm.Decorated Tricycle - iýJeneene Strong,ý 2. Debbie vanCamp, :i, Jennifer Geffes, ,; Ken 'Wilson. , Decoràted Auito - ,i Marilyn Bailey, 2. Cartwýright High School. Nov- elty'- 1 . ornie, Swain, 2. Valenrie VanCamp and Giselle Van Gestel, 3. Leanne Van Camp, -1. Kelly McLaughlin. Child wvith Pony -(flot to be jutdgeri-prize, to show) Paul Gould, Teresa Asse]stine, Lawrence VanCamp, Louise VanCamp, Cindy Grieve, Becky Mac-tDonaldi, Kate Mac- Donmald, Sandra HIopskins, Ken winterbottom, Jr. WVhen the parade had pass;ed theý grandstand, M.C. for the day's programie, Glenn Lar- mner, introduced MIr. Walter Beaýth, Director of the new Durhamn Region who capably officially opened -the Fair. During the afternoon, Neil Werryv another of the Fair's Dirctors assisted Glenn in his Thle Port Perry Judo Club, under thec leadership of i*ts- Dinector, Fred Walker pue- sented two most interesting Judo demonstrations. Mn. Brian Piillips, Personal Loans Officer- of the Royal Bank, presented the Royal Bank a to Mýrs. Dorothy Lee, of Nýestleton who won most points ini the Baking. AlaLaweneM.P. pre- sented the Simpsons Silver Bread TIray to Mrs. M. Butson who wvon thýe most points in the Sewing cilasses. During ithe-afternoon the PAýRTY %STrANDINGS A'Gallup Poli conducted early in July shows Fedenal Party standings at about the same level reported in Apnîl of this year, but decreased from the June figures. The- LilSerals stand a t 41 per cent, down one percentage point from June; the Progres- sive Conservatives at 30 per cent are down four per cent from June; while the NDP are at. 19 per cent, up three per cent from June. Tiýe saleý5 value of products shipped by the Ontario forest industry is estimhated at $1.6 billion annually exclusive of the products of funniture manufacturing, It i, with pleasure that we aonounce the appoint- ment of Peter MacEach-- ern as District Represen- tative for Young.& Biggin Liînited Realtor.- Peter has an excellent knowledge of Real Estate and knows your district. Vou will have ail the advantages of a large firm working for y ou, plus the personal touch that Peter can offer his clients. Y&B has il offices in Toronto, complete finane-. ing and mortgage facili- ties, a National relocation systemî. Branches in Bar- rie, Onilia and Lindsay and many other facilities aîil at Peter's disposai. When it's time for you te buy or seli, caîl Peter MaçEachern. He canes about your Real Estate problems just as you do yourself, 48 LAWRENCE CRESCENT BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-4894 caring Wooda Producta PATY SEBLD'SPECIALS<U BOTDCEDAR PICNIC TABLES PARTY ASEMLEDLEGS DRILLED AND ' BOLTEDJUST ATTACH SEATS AND TOP M'LNGiamIi C QarIyRAG HOD > ~G0303 - VARIABýLE SýPED B3302-3,-SPEED DUCTED MODEL '. DUCTED MODEL COPPER FINISH ANTIQUE COPPER REGULAR$7.Os REGULAR $78.610 $48t' TO CLEAR$..5&* 9o 'ýý TO CLEAR48 9 SIDEWALK and SAKRETEWAEOS PATIO SLABS.SECIS LUMBERLAND -SEASON END CLEARAN,,CE IN TUIE GROUP: 214" x 24" 50 LBî. BAG DECORATIVE O PEN '24" x 0"- 18" x 18" WHI1TE STONE CHIPS SOMNE, COLORS, LIMITE» CHOI10CE REG L 180 bag MONDAI SEPT.3rd SHioP EFARLYV 250 /o Off TOCLOEmAoROpm TWOCONVENIENT LOCATIONS WHERE YOU CAN SERVE YOURSELF MNCOMPLETE Nj. I~W. WET ~ ARDINDOOR COMFORT,. OSHAWA ANDY SALVESROMYARDSELMBR..N A NO[) sT, L.E S Fe, 04C> - PHONE PRODUCTS KNS..-OEA COURTICEOSAAMŽlaDrv 4HGUAY728-1611 728-1617 Aberfiethy 'Family of Oak- wood presented fine enter- tainment in' the Recreation Centre. The Potato Feeling (2ontest brought a large crowd who YOUNG & BUGGIN LIMITED EATO APPOINTMENT PeterMAlcEýachern Mb, AMZ Li 'Édr enjoyed the fun. Barbara Byens won the Manried Ladies class, a counceilor from the St. Christophen's C hurcb Camp w ,on the single ciass and ReeLawrence Malcolm woný the MNen's Class. rdîn£lart