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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1973, p. 15

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PONTYrPOOL congatuaùos toMr.amiapproximateiy i125 descenc- Mrs.Larr Dion (ie aleats of WillaimCurtis and Hyland) who were married il vun Ai Lowerv gathered po, po ntdCucho ea aly Park (origin- Sat. Au;g. 25jth at 3 p.m-,. ally the Art Cuirtis farmî) for a Folowîg he eddnga family reunion. recptin ws hldat the Red Willicam Crtis r-eceived the Carpeýt In, ila, with original crown deed for the dance feoiowing in pontypool north haîf of 1 lt,1, township of Comnity ente. anvers ila the first concess- r%î and Mrs. Wîlfred Rich- ion oncekow as Sandy asoDebbiePu and Hook. Hlere lie and his wife Harry, returnecd homne Sat. settledl and raised a famnily of eve.qing after a trip to the four 'boys and one girl. Maritim-es. William, Jim Arthu)tr,erb 'anld M/r. and Mrs. Bruce Seizer Grace. Two other children anid famnily spent the past died at a youing age, John, if6 week at acotg on Lake yr. and Annie C.,10ý yrs. Ch e mon,:1gAlil of the second g-1eeation Pa'ul Muh as aiso re- are 11ow dcaed otlie tred a fter al motortp to the gathening comprised of 3d east coasýt-vwIi hbis sse and 4th anld 5th gen1ýerations. Carr- bro;ther-i-law . ie Woodfs, idw f Arithur F'our cidrnwere baptized Curïtis and lM'argaret Fair- by Rev. Ficko at our Sunýrday hurist, widow ,ýof Jamzes Curtis mnigservice. Thiey were, were both preserit at tlhe Emmiet Garner, son; ofMrfaiyaten. and 'Mrs. DBIhlonU; Teressa Lo"uise, duhe of Mýr. aýnd........... ........ Doug fPorter; Mihael, Robert and Kevàiln osr, sons of M".and MrsRbtPorter, ...... The Ponitypool Suniday Sch- ool loe ail chiîdren to a Thurs. Aug. 23. sp 1alRly Day service on ELFLSUET Sudy et. 9th' at 10 rn recent 0-aIl gamrres, Ponly- M.Jms pool Sr'. Mon p ayeadoubl I wuldap.eciaamies, header with Lous Discoý-Unt on 1%ol prcaei o Sunday 1and lostboth wîthhJîe wouli by kind enougl to print scores 5-4 in a 10 ginninggae te ollwing nyu.dtra and 5-1. 'The teamis ii flnot be Thoslum hv b playing this comning Sujnday as ThsumeIhaebe there is a weeýkend touna-aving myoutside w-ork mnent in Omnemee. Our id- attended to, b y te young gets won their first gamie of st9Ldents*, hchh ve taken on the payoffs againstCaa thïs project, assisting the Sr. the scor,;e 5-3. iPontyp)ool Pe:citîzens of this town. Weeshavewontheo fist tO 1 would like to say 'Thank flayoff gair-es a7a;inst Mii- on to this groU, lui app)rec- grok. ation. for the fine job' they SundGaýy guests witl Mn. 1and have" donie for nie. I founad Mrs. Douîg Porter were M,,rs. them-, couirteous, and very Nor-a Jackson, PhilipJako obliging, and they didn't and friend, Mîr. and Mýrs. A.diapntm one W. Jackson, Mîr. and Mrs. Sincerely, ýimi Beggs, ail of Lrnsay, Mf;r. and Mrs. Robt Porteýr and A gratef ul Sr. Citizen. famnily , Oshawa, Mr. anid Mrs. Rod PT'orteýr, Jartetille, Nî. anid Mrs. PercyBeg and Mî%r. Renewable resources whetn andi Mrs. Ralph P-orter and managed properiy cai prIO farn-iiy. \ide an aîinai harvest ever Curtis Reunion yoar, forever. OnSudyAu.26th, 1973,. OCLER'S NO5w.TICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F PREIMINARY LIST THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1972 SIECTION 23 (Il andi 2) PRELIINARYLIST, 1973 TON0F NEWCASTLE REGION 4AL P4UNICIPALITY 0F DURHA-M Noice i-, hereby given that I have complied with Section 230of THE MNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1972, amid tatmI hve pcsted up at my office at 40 TEMPEANCESTREET on thie 22nd day of August1, 1973 the ist of ail persons enîitledti vote in t heý MU1icipality at munficipal elections, anti that such litt remaips th>ere for inspection. Anti1 I hereby caîl UPOn ail electors ftakeimmlecfate procee i,% t have an'y errors or omissionsrrece accordin i l o Ia The tas? day for filing complaints is the 31st day of The place-s at whizh tthe revision vvill commence are as follows., W ard No. i - Prese-nt Township 4)f Darlir5glon Clerk's Office, Towmi Hall, Hampton, Ontario WadNo. 2 - Present Towr, of Bowmianville Cler-k's Office, 40 Temperance St., BowmnvileOntario WVard No., 3 - Present «Towinship of0fCarke andi present Village of Newcastle Residents uf Vlage of Newcastle- Town Hll,80,Newcastle Residients of Township of Clarke TocWn Hall, Oronoi a', ti e hich tRie revision wilI commence 9:00 a..Aligust 22nd, 1973. Dated thiis 221d day Of AugUSt, 1973. J. M, MciLROY, A..C.T. Returning Officer Town of Bowmanville Sale pq 1H15 sPRICE INCLUDES Ge CNIE0 5BSCFRAME ýSTYLES, SHAPES M OCOLOURS *YOUR PRESCIPTION, N WHITE RSE OR GREEN ENS U NE YEAR REPLACEMENI W'ARRANY AGAINS BREAKAGE * ORCHOICE 0F CASE FRO0M A WIDE SELCION * ýý 4 lü O.BOIE EYEGLAiSS LAIN QUTION Firemren Have Exceptionally Busy Week OBITUARIES NIES. CH1ARLES W. FE£ In fa-iling2 health the last few yeairs, Frances Elizabeth Fee, passed away in lier 87th year, fin Saturday,, August 11. 1973 at Comntfeoil os-, pital, Port Peny. Thie dauglit- M .nseoh and Mareiret Xç!rshe was born iii Cartwigh't Twp., anid educat- ed iiino.1iSchool, there. 0On Mcarch 19.1919 she wsmarr- led to Charles MWilliam Flee. Living in Cartwright until maibrnîed, Mrs. Fee resided iný Omee on a farm for eleven ye isnoved back to Cant- wngt'tafamly farmun itil 190 thon lIived three years iii Suidbuy with relatives, comi- igback to Cartwvright in A tragic train-and car. accidient rlesulted iii the death al Williamin Russeil Rabbinis, aged 8,at the C.P.R. crossing ona Scugog Street, Bowman- ville, on We-dniesdiay, August 15, 1973. Born in Zion, the soni oyf Myroin and Zemuli'a Roibbins, ho was educated at Mitchell C7ornecr's SChIOOl. on January 18,1922 ho marriéd L.. MaudI A lin %whi survives. A farmner aIl his hife, he farmned on ithie home farm at Zio,_util lhe an Church,. lcsok r'ce is survived bey fouir 'rngl Oshawa, Annie,ý llarvv,,ArcsiSk four greatl p 'nd Rose oý arers %wen ne uana a Eaesman, isowmanvmle, August 2$J-973 reunion ai (rono Park. ?wl fee olo fe The Ken Trew n-,famly O-tesprsfrnetya w duCted he sports event. mnts ice was obsrve& Donorne Powll, wh ico mp- in mnemcry oftewo fr iig a failuyhistory, was fam»thhiïiatndantsEthelWI t migadvisitn wee Gren, illamGlenie, Arn-edeanheprn. tory, Cadmus. Hazel Crago, Seer~t~rv ISEE TA King SI. D. owanvMlle WILL BEOFlFERING ,.A RED) goT SPECle E A cHWeE E K . . Don't Miss This Weekly Bargai3.n TRI$ WEEK'S SPECIAL This fire in an unoccupied cottage soutf the St.May' Crnà plant on Tuesdiay aflemnoon destroyed the building while firemen kept it fromspeinthog the nearby grass. An hour before, one crew had been fight'ing a bush fi orth of Tyrone. It's been a week foir theml with two fires on Suniday. others on Mndy A HzarousWay of Making a Living latiII5 arju z residing at earersw Kennedy,1 Russel HIaý Nelson Rob ,Mary beaut wef"42re cei sympathya ores fromI ianý-ville ai ELECTROPHONIC STEREOS BEAUTIFULSOID WALNUT CBNT [- Radio - lý -reo Record Player E gltt Track Tape Player ..... $2s - lAi-ilTED QATT 001 TOW OF E IlýeCý1- Present andi Clarke, Newca st le. municipalities of owsipcf Darl- ingtori Town of BwavleadVlaeo NOMI NATIONS Nominations for the offices of rMayor, thîrefc ebr of the RegionalCeci and three members of' the Local Council for the year 1974 to 1976 inclusive> will Commence oit ThursdaySptmer Gt1, 1973ad end on MnaSpebrît~ 1973 at 5:00 p.mi. The nomination papers Caïn be oba ed atte following locat*ions:-. During tCe thunderstormn earhy Monday moring, the Fire Depatmen intrcomuni atinarial high atop Bowmanville'S masivewatr twerwasstruek by lightning and put out of cozmmissionl. Prosper Lepine and PtrWolf of Pi ne Ridge Towers, Port Hlope, were on the m usdynon mnaking essidial repairs. They hiad.l been butisy doing sîimilar repairs il over the area to police radio towers and othýers. On top of the tank, the breeze was quite strong, but it didni't bother thiem as muich, as the. climbing up and down the ladder in the extreme hot weather. ORONO NEWS losithreIy Ends Saturday, Sept. 8, 1973' 23 BOND ST. YusWd, hr. - EASTStuay-2No OSHAWA onday Closeti Mîr. Mlarvin Colvin of R. R. visite-d rover the weekend OIrono was the speaker at the aiogthroo of lher sisters and cobrdse-rvice for NMapie oather relative. n.and Mrs. Grovo and Ebenezer, held in ClevelatîdCaeeyMs.. the Miaple Grove United Cidn5ard, ' Mrs. Johni Church on Surday morning. Kerr, ahl of Boiter. Augustý 26th11. J. Crydor- Dr. Waiiace Rýandolph Horn mari was the organist. PhD. (Researcli Co-odiator (?ogr~uitinsto MnadIillingAsoitn of Car- Mrs, Da iAthur, Ernest ad,ýa 1 age 61l, husband of Mrs. Hughes, the formier Mis azel Ja-o I Horn, father of Deborah PaulineBod Reg. Hiilda Patn-icia, passed awayý Nref iKirby. on thieir-. atth- ToiotoGenenai Hospi- wed ng n aura! ftr-ti o Wdnn dyAugust 22, no \,mgasi 2-)[h in] Newýcas-17. Fuieralsevc ws ik UriedChurch Rv.T.,H. from the Morris tFuneral mthficitd Chapol, Bowumnvili, on Sat- The Dunham County 4- Inay afteritonintrmn Fa TndHme, EiectnriC Club apoUCmtr The Achevement ay wýl eiloheild Horris have a home zor the tl teOronoI.OO..HallatEighh LinoMWstR. R. 8:00 p.m. Thunsday, August Oroilo, as, xeHl as at 44 3Mt. Avenue Road, Toronto- Mn'. and AMrs. Boýb Lwsanid Son Darnspent las! -week Camping at Wailace PIoit. e It onabwee River. n. OmO la. lïU- Mn. and Mns..rl Sri,thi of Bethany wcre rocent visitons Mfli nad NMrs. Ernes! vv eeky Report Mrs Bruce W. MnIýcer and snKenniy of HaptrM We1o3 ugs1-6mc. and Wr. Ken Bail wereAmsios..6 Sunaydinerguetsof Mr. fmale - and Mns. Lavevrneattrso, i Divisin Swtree. Ischarges . . .15 Mnr. and lMns VW. Frank MOajor Operatios .4 Rickard of Newcastle visited M'inor Operations 29 hon brother Mn1. Wm. S.,mrec Treatimenus .310 Moe-ffat aon Suria ad Mda evenîng tvisitorýs weè r. and iitnîhus341 p.m.daly Mns . Ament Huis of Bowm~an- Mnk. anid Mrs. Johin Withor- id ge sentlas wok ~ît~ Japanese ye reit- icg( ad fnieeds 'ig estýed jinane stino nçIatîves aéhinsin Belle- Caia I bucwhetaich vleard Kirigstori. azInwhh Mnls. Maion NMarjerrison of n)iay offer farnons- a new anrd BownwnrlHe. adMsexpanded imanket. Vhe new Taîboi Aldnead of Nwc sutais wcunrenty heing Mn.ari l'rs.Cha. Gay esttiand stocksicead rentiy enjoyed amtortnp %with the hope thal t heproject, te C'ape Cod, U.S.A. wjllie cmpltedbyeanly Mrs. Marshall hteto etveal, Town Clerk's Off ice, 407CT epzece Street, Bowmanville, Otro Tow.nship Clerk's Offie,Hmpon OtaF Township Clerký's Office-, Orono, Ontarjo,, Village Clerk's Office, N,ý,ewca>stàle, OntrC THE NOMINATION PAPERIS, WHEN CMLTDMYB TAKEN TO ANY 0F THIE ABOVE NMENT1OlrNED CEK O HCIG U NOMINATIONS WVILL ONLY BE RECEIVED BY Ji.5. mIRYREUN OFFICER OR BY AN ASSISTAINT RETURNING OFCRA IJ ONHL IN BOWM,%ANVlLL.. ELECT9ONS The Municipal Electionqs Willtake place aon Mýonday, îOCtober islI, 1973.JPois w open at Il ocokin thie forenoon and close at i 4o'cloick mi tie afternoon.u Tl'ie Advance Poli il Re heildon StraSpebr2t,17.a h folloiig locations: Ward 1 - Township OfOalgtn TwspHll Ontario Hapton, ntarÎlo Warcf 2 - Town of Bowmranville -- Town Hall, 4 Temperance Street,BomnleO aro Ward 3 - Township of Clarlke - Township HýAall", cOronoe, Ontario. Ward 3 - Village of Newcastle - Villiage Halfl, Nwate Ontarjo: Thie àAvance Poils w-ill open at Il 'otok inI &e forenoon a!kd close atI 8 o 4ic Peronswisîngto %vote at thie AvnPoil I mi Rie ýr-equired tb makeýý declaration that he 0or she expects tb Rie abetfr mtRie mncplt nOtbrI A .M cLO Lait mn, îad mta ayles avalalea ionly $1,00 additiaaal Imm il 1

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