16 Te Cnadan tateman Bomanille Auus 9 173 16DLN à131r FOR >CASSIIE Tuesdy, 4:0 p.m Birhs omig Eent Atices or ale Artcls fr Sle elpWanedHelp Wanted Wanted ______ou_ Autin rde MARSALL- Gergeand4th owmnvile Cb Pck QANTTY f god gainSUPER 8 AguLs movi r- WAITRESS I Waiter reiqu"ired'EXPERIENCED hidesROOM and board for elderlyWDIGrn'fudna USAYETME~1 Gail (nee Patt1on.) are happy will start Wednîesd, î1,Sept. cr.Poo9743. 3-fjcolk e. 6321. full time. Apply in person to fuIlior part, tine eepoegentlemnan, in Bw avle asra.Cl 6-19 5 Clearîng am acto o toannU1ounce the birith of their 12? 173 t 7 pari. at Mvemor -35-U_____________Restaurant,_5_11623-5_55._Phoe_623-3645.___5 _ l i t t e g i r l , T a m miyii G a i l , 8 l b s . i l a i P a r k . 3 5 - 2 O E s a l m o eJi no hnl o o a i o e t u a n . 3 - 2 - 5 5 .2 - f P h n 2 - 6 4 .a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 oz., on Wednesday, A-gst Ail Youth Bowlers will rders Il- and 16', $5 each. Years Cid and failiar wVitrI heîp, Apply J. Anderson 1 XVork W anted OEbs ~ tî Twp., beig6mle S..f '?,ai____________'___nTroto_________n stllonseen Stouffville or < mie NE 8, 1973 at Peterboroupt Clvlc FRESH'corn-at Elmer Cox ý HoSaby, 623-7Ü62. ~diigi oot.TlpoeSmith Co. Ltd., Newcastle. PITN n eoaig eisod n a ae fMrhmI h e Hospital. A sitef~or Steven.rgserti asra, et 623-5576, 3î aî . . Sip Rw, 23 evnoerod ful . Foy r aroMr ra, nldig Proud grandcparents are Mi'îtPhn 378. 3 f33ý 4M LEVEN piece White oak 3 -MATUREH.(Sip person63' to va'icuu[n11*FO' iror Mashll B rtn, N.. pe wil e el a T i t (i Valay and 147 f. oa. hon 63-an t wi bo re 3:0 p. o n o lSnvs tmen. P one 986 W ll srilxn Ld.,74n 9ioo..hr3e stok, exclletc6tng3r- ; S . ago s; foag M a r s h ac ate. T el 6 2 3-3 9 1 1. 3 5e* t h e E ssb cC e n t e, w o r k s o m e veae nd1. P h onP l3 -1 P o o l N o.P1.u o ta b y p ri v at ine J o ) D r e. pV a e d o L a u e Do w a t s i r s t p lain S T E A E R e r c e e w4 1 N e w c stl e .H l h n rvew 6 2 3 - 5 6 2 6 . pr ne 3 1 2 - 2 0 3 0L . R e p r e s n t a t i v e L s- -7 4 a . P o n e 4 6 6 9 5 1 . S St rin atPor3 lharry 70L 277-adù. T l p one s-7' NOEu-_c ýeRN S-T O K R 1 : 0 Re r hm n s N te 193a t eora optal, liSetA. Cars orinfrm-o97-460a 35e ave 8wn.ransoraton35-_ 2S an dBr Csig fr B w niletn 23-2126t ofe. o rninng ordoEr. "A'I CL ti R AL porene sitnPABR T Ti ER lDfo 2Ere resnaie Hry L aeb1:0 am,50 I R nWEBSnEe R re Nil) ws DaandIeeWteto rhop 8play ed- CEDAR fencitg lail s at _______________________lluo -20 -ýiTe osS.ALN Wd. aing ucin ae o 1 _62 5-1j ErssfuCente preen wek fom -5 .m.Ci 2-EEINE a ar3nSp52,-00î.. 00;Reo rs.fr oae ann ones)thre-blr faed a- esa y, e pt.5, Thrs da 6hphoneo G rae ràhno '6RPNT AC Priie ne 2- ttie o ere sabised 321 ghter, ~ari Au, 640bs Newca7stlp.m.SMain Hll, Liose f2r intervire6. 32V ______________1_ale.______ oze, SundayAuuto9f17 etrerd1,ý e For fuherCInforma- - dr. h ardtop , uoai n rwn neewlth35-1 y hmefo. iftsade eend pe- AIOLI Ltie Cr is e fMrhm o Ruon Won er aKnd MAlxn , arilyn __bcPU;__________ 35 a-2 . '-ildtfýup elumh50,urn dooi. 35. 'RlEdpouts ut esl s Timp and r e l terdnrsi1g3Elgin7-c5o. Phone 623-5295ALmES. 7,9 T0hwyi N.s, hnleuh ml Musi be soil b Bowmanville. *aj nduervice tin. hae asi stansufui an part-tin. Apyin ~ .20;L A R D-o onie (r 2 ie WOLE -er n e- C s onsoeyadbnhe, l.Hrey2326.3t'~hv erorryrog a En ikllE a r rerea ona s nty.- ite a dvrtsr ERD-Lhrs.ct 4W1:0thowBowr NH.N. LA BET FIRMr nd Osaw Mno ofbal aiol. hre98-459 '4 FLCON, 86-,9ind.rwicth roug hghcmms-Tesay, hrsay ndiFi 43,c/randinSttemnar.,90;SOT RVE Frae avete it CR nie rJim FimBo %ais leusions wll y ield oodearing da s Caî 263-2356 afe r l, .O. 'Boxst,1 90,Bomavi7oFm.-ct 5 1:01a5,3 1000; an-W d pcu;2Pos3 n daugterCar- OSp..7 h W Av30tftom-A5i. B.toffr.62- ad atifatin fr herigt I1000a.., 20: MNIOU P..O speaer McNo 6 lyn herea t Mr.Lawrnce Osac Bam Dace ad afem p.m, weken incud- 724 parculas t Advrtisr 45, e fo twochilren age 4 and I RR O .S _3 D2Oct 15 1 pm., 00;SsUrvwagn; ertiizerdril; frni William iambe, 6 O1s a. C -0oni.,oast n(coulrLons e, 79-4PONTIAPrt16CHEE P aib Sco h aaia ttsmn n , ,.90pm arisinne3Divisi or n f nts h n 623-517 IVER3,il)Thurs . ct. 18, 11:00; tur ie, tcNoe nl Thewedingtok paceinSalrda, Spt ls, fatrin Hoe. 4- 28 auomt.-, V2 do ard- P.O. B ox 190, Bown lle ,v 23841iihtmhig. o nile naro an 50 o frhrino-afe tm lse er.F Ozsawa, n stda , 1Au 3ust eastr0 e w tnv i n Hyù,6344,51-ýShetad it las AveTising Manag1ifte, Boxmales a. eshmns ae Poficiated 35- remr.tilne suhofEiabvil he Lîn6o3s,5one mile east 0f 4 door hardtop, power steer- ld , EGScuog anursellpare-s, Stoero.cnts - Flat Mirr2s7,K93-1 Sale1110. adAcin on Cuny d.65Lo tr A BinG 7youîri o ,1-continr. 96r LDMOIE ela88 or2asksa oth Peerpr-Satryd n ofoe GasLord___ ____Se ___ LATHAïouNG Er- ad R-r. n37)512. Raglan73-1. 35-ingandbraksi8, ertlied Neca Mstlbe salsoni n dîth egîdere usn g E780. i n d Gho lazhneg62 17-tf 'iîCùw ,SAlREs(u n Tw t an unete arieofiezes.a ~ e eeyIes andi u ars at seuvtree 35-1iLd havea assEtant fCllandring auctio5-p) sale9:3for, John1, Deoaio ATE ahieoeat L .OBON ie. out fHy 7 ther dugher ynnto nd ay arns, 2 mle ort 0fPin 19 2 j50 HONDA, bumph t ioequlomto suppiýe d or3ot4s-st ad rL.CAYret Uirs oueL VE. liS-OCK .oG. Host nnfr oae Lat angu, on f r.Ride ehol. Opn aY : ..ly -i- newin 1973, jarie. ex. hoa mbi ~ tio tîndg n ag, xeri e ig.A so onE exHapo riensiiod, prefr oIýý i te SALS - will be held 0"5 incoudtdy.PhoneeOrono-lEvery TU.730pm sot, r(2 mie NE.o TrniyUntd huc, o- e ntyý-,6,a_ýh e erioy)uganE"l3ýle 9 lng machne, lmossnewo7288535 ni lle. Ofî_,aadny Re una y, uhorSof__________________________ Oronodas ndFr' 13,c/ CnadanS 34-2SOL RVE ivus. S. J. Brereton . Phone 623-2002-C3lves, Sheep, Fetc.1W:100ig Hoîstein milkndows (1 N. W Qak. a 2:3 p.. Incas 0f am sallCold C'ofiel drer ~ F968 CEVO, T Imalae, sOFFICE personnel needed i 5 -0- BoM 190Mly utine n Po rs o pigrs;as __________________ Capl. es oferfo boh. Ph n ad odbd n i- hr.Ot 1 F a v,__________________the __ r vie il b el u 3- 93-54,rmnot3-1ewe seein, po erbrks, S35-1r-resueacontng - yin -ore _______________Caro-_0_S1-_A WA rA i ecelent onditio3- n, dNeasateCm ,Hl ut hv hdprvos 1tfpite. Phn 2 3-46S5 or cn o ler; .0, s ureppeln VOLS riee 63-20frasoaby riednCl 23 D ite sa'7 office experlence. oSdG*ages2 9S3-963,; Ooo.2-f rAam o,4 lu a WOOVIE Ecelen coditon evry 721.35-!, EOX bLeefîts. Apply Cuiltrply X E L DI N GnCminîe; ihatmai ah M.ilir arriaget, s __ __ __ __ __ __ Con.Vs cup ) I-45 ad fopumpidrnagS aiidWllunits, 1ià m. ýrij;SO THraon.f _______________ OMUIT eNTE higrebuo, owtreh eCastle, n tarj WoePoucs Ooo.3-2 MbiStpoevc BBad RNKod eclen oniin;as Mr ad rs JckRear MNSERD N Ocm evre fbelass HAPPESS plcton il ecie UE persan to-9:30ook af- -Dviio ahennou n te o rthcomîng bodyt..liaftm e.tu5-1 and6, 2 p.PN O t 3,3 o tractonýs; e HHy 1 ______9________________2 door harI- I_.NH Borage0Hanvester, 2iyrs. thmaîae oftheiry i daher NTMNAY ECATETaerPr& ISRANGOJUpt .fer 26-44 newbomn i Rrnnes J.%.YalV Ie NG io AUCTIONErtERS noald; 2 -T io noae Susn Eizaethto n. oss7:4 p.. SlesYou-ditrit Rmblr on, sep3K. 1,17. rqie.Peaesaeen-633 MbDn l owe . U.FraeWaon B.is , on n of Mm. iy, and Rt teDBAReN FouWAYN e s. a-e eie. Nw nnDEtisMET$3-22nc..rit Aeerisr341,1j0 n o zn wrin aSl tps0 0tnwgnl e;M Sound, Ont.fThe wedding f0ciSHA , Nwasi,98 13.1-tf 2-er844tere1 Box 190andowmanville L 2tae pce 2:30 p.m. S ees oýzan u iept. 15, 21-tf 3K9. 33-BABYf Phono Newcastler S987-4767t stooken;r 2iRTi wagons;i coa 198973IOIL at'the Bow anville BEROOMrsuiteAcon.p ete ofenitestlChrc. 35-1 o AppcatyRd. 65at r tl e digste , -piee: cheser- Nures Aor itant T EuToonO 'Dtar rea ore FBronEs - FURNA CES __ _1 valeoMr; s D R aos QUEE'S HTEL ields, alBrmta- WNTd a o wmn o ae igi CEAE Actonsleatetrckssontdpeel2yr-o Deathse NothofEWCASTLEt wod, iw.Mi-t0e01,Scri LREULA SwFT rualatmnonhdPeieniper- PUIGRPAtendad 6oe IS Arif hd adn n uniyo ae a HENDRSON Mar Ann- .~-.ewlOWf .rinesDRESERSRodV8Cetcrson- ay.Trck requi62r78d. CandSatmdayevenngSetst.soe 2,~1 u;frpa anvilles, oFniday, Auust 4, NBeau728-117.35-1 Mi drs: ue fo wo dfeetT i i ltacmlt ito taloved wie tfherrge Hon- Dancingil-i.eMarii , IamtoANTED machin3-feetic, utinen. 3510fQutaNo , riat pe Port ope;deanmothr 0f ~ . ESTARANTequiment ~ Ql~. 7T1972 750 HNONDAUndmsiged actioeer lll old.In nw alportarea tBey, Boanvi.le; Myns.aryohn De'itation y or, oter/XX7 ad ri Lathail kindonofofr.undniture -andolap-rfor aSTOKpSALESG-nts. and CecL Ohawa; ,osis ter 0fSE RIround tab3e, washstand , Que- - r 'sý t - FOR SHIFT W in . A soone e pRK a erageg - Pînl g sae f Ms. R C o, 29 m inson n iso, Sl urdy, ugut 5th 193 ,K îng St.ldonE ., Bowmanville M g oth rsadAutoes, 4 Mms Ra Mok, shaa. lsoEveingClsse be heter Phno a05c27- reus nly o Pne as ~ ±terîa The Oap epWrod(juat down besEde the Zoo) Tr estUted Caf th R o Fu-1 u at 2281. 'iditieý; onedan garnted.'Yu 3ue5-1o R sturnt 247Lbrt . ow avle at 1h 'clocke, al er hsîie- nTgor ontensf Hop"ne. Servic as e lci InRSCHOO or.have yon mechaPhoneh623ave00ey',Chesteri7ld, thre ednoo bigto lset a frtvn the chapvMondaya.Z20p. . nhmerIn c raseEAIST ALMKE he eor mn san eealokesBWAaLLI~O Interment Welcome Church offer against our asking price. -hone 623-604e radtey 3- Ciu0,yeBoardeot Edonaition: Neas eD oR Hlotheutrae adpe-os 33.3rcles. Lawreno H m ilOshawo hus wlfl ho inond _T_1eno-983-5206 . ZeVE'vi n',14626 ,na_____________________623-TA.NffrieCierk; Clif Pethick, sic- lngGAgust 304h, Sept, i1,9 -2J- èJ VA l o 1LOWoEdM.O, cO-ORDIrnAoR 34J2iOeenr. 35-1 puderao; FrgcIrel ove HORNAt Tront Genrai edneo i4-tf ctcDNALDFOR ewcghste ool Appicatios willbe ieSovie MOASETr,193comsif;biehst- gppicttns i2nb re, edMAT7E3, Watolok i-aceD Han-,l'ra dop ofn, h.irD., ReserhTurdy Sp.20RFIGRTONUIS 1 ia t Es 63481rd Ms av o kngftheposbcitin of erency erg ogron reonsov orgna) io bcs tion of Cl;andbe ovMr. hus-7:49p5 .ad PLINE '1r3,indpepemetallty ndp5as2g p rso - Meaues Organize ation CO B Mrkhmaco frmhewId stoE; lkcn niu aies- jin dyepngt.îî peo9e. -ERS atr fr he ni ci ER band f Hael Jasbn ovin 52. A=sES &SEDR BCAERN__-___WAYNE______Tosiio moceuitbl fo1aCoutis o Nrtumerian41 hne186-552 Grenio.tiuesoode1 tn bw;sowso~ Hope. Rsteci t therorrisr.' ForREExiT peson254Cicîuîng Ealy anaiancomod; re-plP.O.d FuraCi Caor Wls, TONwenPHN 6 -21 ER rhadnedyf br cidnn3Cr3eesay. Sptmbr4,173 ____________ PleaseOt. Teen.cPd briefa resuW ON eAG Trs o 19reqioci old DRLNTO Mpe hir, acus o'nsuit;aiqehetf vile lefoceie 2 TOURS. e . ,2 4 iiin tBwanil et.Poe63-27 51 i3Ku9n.tlehon nmbr e gJACKgnieB<) aveHaesChir, a hlhb, drpanter; ate drse at 73cloctheInoret amp____vill26tf-taeaiNtutrsesread is M S NRspne wsh tndan 1vtiqbra; itre; ant2 KIM LESudenyatNewNBwmnviic P o e 62- -MR. AE OLI mER n o bo nintten r orae (Cnadina), dishs, lmoge cr es d iocuh tr 23rd,1 1973, I.)aveale aKimble, akd CAPE COD casleonThusaAuu NEWCEADtnsENSLENtwPbciBOX94 FXBROHIFTS rrdaalnd E..o. n laeisef vncil ing-o ut, oed rwooe;aw hi7;pc rom patmn, ecndfooorphpeBwmnvll ig () o and ae a ken hon 63-276 pin tol ox FenPo, abwr;oeti ocr rgod 54 yea ta dearebrotheriSeveneselfoc ntainedondultlion]yi o!Zta(Ms ar K eatigSp.22d&2t 634'tN4pm ednes- Maple1iý- - firacemanepl, oo- hirs ; t1 pon2tbl;se Atted __________________________Y ad ncd AplTcantsf0 ubit tha!26325oîriuc f um woe rriplc, FiBowm gut 4Banie.ReOTR NTLE Pon 26-8835A ug. V2th a r 4 3 .LV.L ment,,fridge and stovera$95. 35-1 ing age, niarital status anc CARPENTRY gueaand ddoove haL-w1od1books; washlng machine; ra M ohe asled 7lmbe. Slferns; lnfoboe;ru mesn 1Bow anilrle Cmtr.SxDy RyAR33.3- Slr 0 b eSlao.TL L Gtime.12:501pKm. Auctioneers:5m1 ifieruo ardntos b 35-1 Dep~ngSep 3Oh wokmas i~ Gii~anfed HUSEexei.~îve ype~'~i' ~\ ilOhiii Geeros fing benfit in ALUINJM SIING waîer-ipty Lt., 8 Ser-din anc lion;haninonmp -Pý)r* * Ail .,....,y ,.mother "of C ' l '623-55eff Ct ok.ndCNCETEM WORE dr ndaitoie ilsl.I prîceci ,,î) ývnoney vict.c; Mcntnal. ReDutisrta com enceorco-pFoNCIGm-ntEC.ROOMSewodWForeesDriveyapkhamentique îshes an s1lvor andOWERÉ sawSE TR wnytre as ~ i 2 adian Statesman, FORP.o. TWORK paehonil anii,1 ý t . )jin feMgami nsdqes hal 33 r. ayMo reet'hwa s DEeparing OCt s' e ' vlulOt .HA ITN, n:r o 90 om ne 35-" Caf et's K, Shemo age r 134re2* Antiquow e utod e alagesae-zlaotoated Covvdbvn rsags dnnKgilnd3Adlt olypn ptsvAai- seran aciDuha, 37ELGIN STRET Saveo Produt WaLirhose csh.No resre.Mls ig -r.eted 'rý the Rossme FeyuCn-Safs R aETnE&dUINS 80Wilin Srot tibi'a-H atronHihay2 i is Vlag uciner ni ataeo75 rcA s fic 2-30.R1tfestOES a ur nroo24piano;rtyoN.inal hirs;ue rig o manl Cobaurg OntarSt.,,Pr34-2UPressure Systemuer, grifeBewdleyO Wconsistin.gaof Bar 40 75lo-e723-0501. use5-m Wloeddipg cý l'., NWYRKan VRMNTBOMAVILE- odm ccmesefemloedin.- 623-3w568 ad epir ces 0 res arorSA ta RDSET. h Bou&zicques , t p FLIGETOR u ptfor norsakn iLsbah. yeeuraraand orear %±QieSrieadEt ts wssads odnbd;Pr o uto aeS Funeral '. ..beRlAND LE OP RY iPosesin ep. st CshPFndYste. ppy 'Fu41 siebar;picoran chis; Llotock ipemns1 Antrrneme urhun RNASUVILLE cTcE. NO OWN PAVENTtae.PhnO63-34.P3-foiner0Ge 2 Roal33f3dck;4ois; 11laps tOshaow oan, .Ere o Flowers byho3Wircilowmne 63-34lCnsrvtoy. aî 63-69. io - om ors; c5 rn - l 1tc- oinePot 10,aCava Phn -7141 ort623-5577ne.,Se t.19e 17ls)"lo, erisaA-f OTOEantd aSt RE EIVR ay exercise iFOReDci. 35-i ppicton wllb r- EXCELvLE gass;DAY Epresson glss;7cina; onsh iml es9o gusi 22,-i, 1973, W-flaStandrd fee, hqrsEs $40 eprecc rfr-cie b h ndrin D A Y CAR isw r; silerware o p r3 i'msie th(!Ptebr __________________Reseamnthhy pones $2 monfly, uv hae Ladioi, orte psitin of0 bowl nyper bN col er pi ne rame ns; og b-aon(oray2 ey .t'issistantinsSt Eat -the448Mermy MOaers thusa OR IFNSAN n thriessf1 enCao- ie, et 3 ed Bowmavillequaîiy ha, bes o! cme. ablitImm d tevacancies reas e phnoC63-568 o 623 Au tine., ie35lseato- le 1 mtue emfod linofCndaike T a elF fer 6 p.m., Bob anci A lnealivinable fr Srve Stffeor72. 342 LnchanAfer-rhofoameShothonUnwsited hors for the cardarf4,we973. \teaw Hospitl Alowsial - NSAL N nesPad'sMaktHap Sptebe 2 nc Mnay MSHERY1:0_N. sees11'kya ad 6Hee thanks f nurses nd staf of Pets_____C___ ton 2 -f sesndbif re e ptemor 3. Oen hueday (1'leE;t e ieLte fr e! ni' yaaod boa ndSt Pu'sU..W tn. 87467.OURUMDIIE tes , bones,23etc. Wit 5A- iHcubingtlpoebe clo d ro Setonbm 1 h ald irst, Nea ste 34 disehtacor p nt eloc. IlorrrAent ïr'p fabilServicep southan eisHwye 2n Ine ratina 50ran, Gardon McPherson. 35-1*blck ancStn, cropeKEATR taesmnBo 19, owan- 150 OPKNSST in tistim ijetios nc hitb Ont. allt peneg iies ainflurvaccnerwllCm eca n oetc 2Arwak(ih ok odrhdalcbce;16 chmponsiec. hoo 23 N pymnt fr ixmofsvil.52 VIharegjven each Tunosdiga n- a.Rergea2o Ml Coer r, Ub crei a rHall Rak, oInteratinl op4s Ou: gratuely, thak Nw-80. 5-1Cal o W ORKniNG laPh e,623 / MS MA OLNECH N S&FRE AE, - pieb kt apcia ton 0th e promp Agut-BX9,FXBR O B NCOTIH errerpppe, A VE- yiD>fotpe7 rb it 3an5-2 (3) for ..3~ hn BR YR eia mpire (sleigh) ii St 1 e e bfaeipow44s 17cItr MPE YE Ntc rdtr lhosn- 623-3177 Gramoadphonea ase Bras Tp Beci,bqpoint okht 1 icse so ard to3, av r othier fo n d A E COille. r p on o m nvle T 35()-2o ai ae enjgro uie n w oe FBEE ESTIrsder ATEhr GrOOD used fumn-ïnteondishesr, S CockthrsailA»OyRSLnearwr uhorAmie ld Wale;hfoagebxs;Al hi buidigs he we10f or UG upies rgîserciin chîî, bbyartcls ad theVlite/Witrss in THrs iEoMpI'TR F ad LECRI Cae orsfoag poutlt;: house, to aur police- nocu-lateyi for hepatîtuseand:983-5206, Orono odds and-ends.chains;Use ma nc1lis h e ale h kini- lîseme, eore, aw are de HEETTEil 0FppMit LEfFen t ttesLoe ivseveH unh.ToMr M7 11F , B-- -.SorF M EnT, caî l -681. poe-6-28-. - -- - ria saasad ARETR ue ands,3 - wheel marnirebooks;der ~oven - nd on wo alrte i WLL U mRsk1Idsb, tWUriei U )JR it;Nfl iYi*IRLaW, D 4*0A- DAV Sc3bat, Ti. et Sel, i;everal Vici Internationa 5bie i expressions, champion sird. Zenit 142 i- -Part tine and full tinte. ED. Cbh ests (heavily carveci),wagon bfh ac bl cue us andi their untiring efforts Phone 728-1852. 35-i'%o xeinqiicesr. I t Renti-Cahs oýkht to free the birçis truhthe 1 Wvanted.& o epeoc ncesry Alpersonis having dhsPubnHab smoe. 1ay hak Dtheooin adslipigteU of_______________ xcllntgrfuty - a aaistth Etae ! yn l ubigTpaabesleneTale, if dye aren;Coksut denaslailobreds. PooIlsadsa-4-fTOo he edombuehv laatproaityIrenie Mariow, late o! the Vil- and Electrical '3 Pc.Bdro Suite, Oul 8 blade tile ih yru Ern-est and Normna ls are speclalties. Home 1--ior duplecx in Bowmanville *** lage o! Port Pemry, in the Lms Dressers, Double Bed ramn; Interioasierl; frmhoebarig Egih U OU ra.63529 5-5AT-IECounity, o! Ontario, Widow, CMECA vr odRockers, Old iInterna,-tIona umo Hocady na fmiy.who dîed on or about te IDSRA xd Sivemwa-ý,,re, RojyaVi Bayreuth, beamn plaw oit ayce dame Ponen786223. 34i11 S W r1 x-/ .1. drPorno 263-8856, 35y1* Would Suif miarried eciln hereby notifieci fe sncate F R E, EESTIMATES rseRoaDbna, oal an ing wragoih ak RobbinsdTh, Pamney of the ' timo 26-35 . et3e5i-eplye friuderisigneci on or bofore theIrsonGmnyBaraUieal-ufsMseya- _________________________ ao Ct orraad tn nUGNL edc amm 21sf o! September, 1973, fulI .R anvl ipn eprsin, ris separafoBatygidr late Russeli Robbins wisaim0i- weekends. particulans of their daims. rn 78-4'layfnign extenci sincere thanks to ne- In Memnoriams HY O omnib rOhw mNo xein iecsay rýç; opradabe1,gi latives, friencis and nelghbors Brassi hCnppe83-an1 oM a983-122.lil,ïgninder, 2 pleasuex'ai flowers anci do ations O W rrn hON -dic Se.o1ryPL ofV R AD35-1 Can be traied. date the assets o! the said 3-tff!Pieces, Casfoýr Set, Shavingýslelghs, bugy cutr ani e fles aii coitoý oWre h ý- ct ,deceaseci will ho distributed M gStcîns, also lncludln, ao.Qatt !hmes -special thanks t Rev. Wes. --Always SA'KURDAYS & DonDA Y-S thereto, havlng regard only Kthn utCook Stoves,1 Sap equipiet ulueo Qake of Trinlty Unitedi Barbara anid Craig Cohrae. N LYaresAtetin 5 Day Week - DayS, 1to cdaims o! whîch they shaîl Homeo Repaîr.s Astral FigT.V., Coffee machineyi his ut Churcis for bis consoling ~ e~~'hus E»SOKSEVC o ponrettlpoethon have notice. Ecstrgohlin -neR06R Tabl,és T< 2 usbwbte oreti words, f0 the ladiest'o apoi 0fntte the" - DATED a' Port Perry, On- A gn c Oi goiCninentlal B o c, imaner, dunn omtbe U.CWgru~who sýervecid the JOUNSTOIN, War num- i'eepn t MARGW1LL FUR FARMi 623-3373 itario, this 21sf day o! August. Tule Floors - Fencing - Stops Lampa, Hardwarýe, To o 1s, chairs, 2 chrm alsac ilunch, acitouhMrrsFun- mory o!fpsy gooci frieýnd TWar- 1THURS. - IEl. -SAT. nder nw mangemen a.nd197 ais-Bsmnt lno.Wse, iieLdrchairs, 3desas wsÈsad gmatfuinas a thi tim InTogoher n th sam ol wayLic.No. î6C'3G Barristers andi Solicitors, Cliother îitemis. Plan tci attend. househalcid atqefr thse suiden Clipassinlg cf ourl Wouidh ygets hTd VcIsn aLico.e41 6C3221DUT,..,l±YL*'Box 131, Port Pemry, B-- ic' rsTerýmS: cash. fume. Ton cs, o eer loved 'n.today. e R. W. BOWmniERION tD oOnt aria. BbRchrsSTALETrON BROS. Sale 12:30p..CalHcoi Wif e VMauii anId Ruth, Jack -Your frienél, Ken Boyd. 6325 .R , BowmanvI'LeDOfaia Motor Inn Slctr o ieaoe6345 utoer.AuctioneerReabr,3 and famiiy. 3- 513- 8-tf 35-1 Estate, 34-3135i*35i)959.-