intage RICMP Unifoirms WVilI Be Shown at C VOLUME 1,9 18 Pages BOWýMANVILLIE, ONTARIO, WDEDY UUT9 931ePer Copy NJBE3 New hoping ente Lcds 'Shriners Oriental SBand At Town's East End Arouses Opposi*tion- byý Fred Darke ind tia council cham ber fui l o The experts and the niovie iinterested citizens met Wed TWOCOWM ail agree thaf Bowmianville 1 edyevnnAg.2n e AND CALFYDME going, to grow; but nio onle discuss tCheraicton of a Durng I' bad el seemns to be-. able fo a (M o shoppinig cetre proposed o te 1alyMna flie rate or eventual size of the the, corner of, Simpson Ave. aÀ)d C ra go, R .4 muiaïcîpality. Two groujps of eprs (Turn to Page Tw"o), k-illed b ilfig lectric y, Lel- ad fwo a eau Prîmory Gýrade French To Be To pic of School Board Public Meetings A special committee of the Board o)f Educ Ption is plan- ing to hold ait east fhree RÇMP Constable Fredi, Gai- fromn Septem ber th to (6thý lop tries hard to suppress a At le-ft isCotae Ross smile as Oshawa City Hiall Black' in an _18"74 uniform ad secr-etary Irene Forget ceeer- at, right, Constable Kevin fully adjusts thie vîntage 18 Payne sports the cnepr uniform he is wearing. ary dress regalia. The Oshawa Mounities were Thep RCM',P set up theý eighit drêSsed in the colorful regalia m-Iember deta)chjmentin Osh frm a varietyof eras to awa last Septemnber to serve puNiicize their Cnena the areýa stretch-ing firom the year Open House, which runs Hlope-Clarke line in the east to) the Pickering-Scarboroughfl boundaýry in the wetnnd runrîing as far north as Lake Scugog. The Oshawa M4ounities are assised by two OPP oflîcers a nd an Oshawa police- maan. who help enforce thle narcotics laws. Next wceek's Open House will feature the Mounfties wearinig a variety of uniforms C ObouLrg schooil trustee, Dr'. ian Wilson, is the chairman of the commn-ittee and h le indieaý- ed that the French nroalran-m part of the Canadian fabrîc adthe Cnian oial struc ture." said Wilson from bygonle eras, some umixriand-Durhani this fait which wQould empi-,hasize sook Fie'Added that thf Boi d modular dlisplays an d an in,,order to determine thtie en French, could be introduc- administrative departmen,-r assojrtmenit of bohrs reaction of parent., to the- ed by September, 1974. has been a "sked t o resea rch thi Hlours are from 9:00 a 'm0top r o loeLi int r odutic t i onri of -I is the opinion of the costs o implenienting thý 4-:30l p.m. daily. Force cm Frenchintuio at eitherý comnmittee- that if should stairt 'rnv or ei el as suc made St.P.K.Boke he Kindergarten or Grade wt oral French, whichfactl"ors as th availability co arrngd n eqes. heOn lve. holdbe consîderedi as a j(Toim f0 Pape Two)-, RCMP offices are loc-ated On the fîfth flooir of the Rundle Tower ini the Oshawa Cîty Hall inners OfmfïCrton Contest froai s nt àe àe ch Mvany visitors and nmembers A le out to vie heecbt ait the Rowmai-nville District Hlorticultural Scity's anua alwe nd Vegetable Show,, hield at 'the Mmra Park CE'ub House on Wed., Aug. 22., Following fthe affernoon jud-, the display' was open to the public from 4:00 to 9:ý00 p .m. Judgesfo the show were -r. and Mrs. Vnoeo Whitby. Show chairman, Iler- n1ard Dillîng, reported that there were over 250 enitries in the szenior sectioi wit.h about ~ nI~ iht~ecîflprizes The Eaton silver Candî4ates for- thý !Regionial Government electionis on Oct- obc" 1st are stii fWv and far betwý,een but, at least two more h*>ts have becen týhrow intmo the riei the Carke-Newcastlec B(, qard col Education truLsteeý and-f Newcastle Reporter edi-, tor 'Ken Laldeciared his intentions last wveek t0 oiu for, a "diowntownq" seat, his termp fctReýgional Counmcîl 0Oni I¶~pîda, NwcatieCouncjil- 1Ôr~eithIY.Barr announc-.ed tflaj' he too will seek to represent Wiard Three as a vegional Councillor. Barr has been a resident of the vilage for five years anid opea'teS an insu2rance agencýy thetre. In addition tu his position onth village Council he- is the Secretary-Treasurerr of the Newç,astle Plannling B(oard, a memnber of the post Off4i11ceS, ) L abor1Da AI oOffices vwill be Mw~ed and thre uwilbe no leter-arrerdeliverytihr- ou' houttheCenitraI Ont' ario Pstl istrict on Labour Day Holday. St ember, 319M. Rural route delivery and suburbanî services have aIlso been cancelled for the letter boxes will be at iheý discretion of the( local Post office NManager. ln Toronto letrbo'xes w ill not be ëleared on Sun«day and wl be cleared oncý_e on Mo day. "Special Dlvr"ser- \vcAill e maintailned as requird on Sufday, Sept emib 2, but on thehoia Lýoîiday onfly One"peil Deîyer" rn wllbemade in each area. Customers who inurlally pick u13 thelr nmail fromi Pout Offielobby "lock- bocxes"wilb able to do soO on September 3 at stations boxes are accessible on a m.'jond-the-clock" basis. On Tuesday, SeptembJer 41 regular postal serviceý will resumne in the District, w-hich stretches from the ïagara P3enninsula to Port ,ope andid nrOt t Pene- flower Section, Mrs. C ik with Mrs. MW. FDilýlingwnnn the prize fr heseon hihs.The Goya rz for ms onsi h ee able sectIion w wnyMrs, A Wh)tmee. The Sam Deweli Troph ty formostpoints in the rosseýýction was won )by Mrs. C Doney.The Doýminion St!ore, priz7e for the best (Tom f0 Page Twýo) 0ow ca stl'GesNod As Maunicipa-ýlity Nome 1. >«% r lý-ý ZI r 4*4* ..V 0 chOi Coirein~t~ ion Y1eChmbr FTIpeT1To Commece Prsîden'(aEp Fuelers oust Kendul, Hum pton, anldNwcsl E usSh em n Interest and enthusiasm isAeall building p in the excing"'(y nme 'l'e Cartoon" Contest. with the num-ber of entris this week mr than Las nihfat emoialdoulethe first week. Park, EVIS Showmen were wiped ont of dhe payofs i ~ The thewnne rs we ure drawn Wnrom e ig carton and aumzùg-. con's Softballacton when ly enough, uwere ail from suirronding communities. ,ona Bryant Box Sfpe~Festo vr 292, Nlevvastle,,won fist prize of two $ý5 vmuchers that can be redeemied and- blianke e 50 o Ifor nmerchandise at Breslln'sShoppes and sAberniethy's Paints MIrs. games tA one. George Clark, Kendal camte second and ill receiveý a $'5 voucher at ln the late gamne, Kra- Alex MeGryiegor Drugs. In third plaùe vwas Mrs. MI. Prime of Hampton, mp's Furniure came Whr- wose $5 toucher is gcod at Dykstra's Food M.ýarket. ough, with ail9-3 vwin oe Fr-ank's; Variefy (to fie fdîir The correct answver was "To tell the truth, I really don't, quite series af il., e vî understand it myseifl" meetfobe deci«dg baffe Try this week's contest and see if you can put the words together to :,n. --nsda, tarin a rae~ a correct caption for the cartoon. As usuai, thewetr was pe-rfeýct 'for- BlakstckFair on Saturday -anid acarg crowd was on hand for- the eveýnt, înldnrhe ,paiade that was led by ýthie Oshawai Shr-ineýrs Orienta] bandwhose laýder OmeCole shown here, put on a great show, sw,,iniginig a huge sc-initar around. ther photos of the fair are inchuded in insie pges of this editio)n and; a rep9;rt of thle proceedings is part o'f the Blackstock correspondence. JL~MU~ LABOR DAY 1HOLIDAY-- 'WoihPariament slated to sA in emnergencyseio on Thursday, m-emnbers of the rilwynn.puin and the-ir Ufailies probably will have a happier holiday thani ~casle Wrd old oýtherwisre be .the case. So wi-ll thousands castie anid Pesden o he who have beenh it hard by the strike. Probably the Newcastle adDsrc hm only ones who willbe- unhappy are the MYPsy whose ber of Commrervce holiday plans will1 be interruapted. From ail the In ecdig o run for bra ve uttera nces by opposi tion memnbers, it would Regon] CuniledtorLyll ppar that this session right well lÏast much rigEd is seat on tekBoadlnger't han the government expeets or wants, as "Regional Gov-ernmenîlo is a it goes far beyond the railway strike and into other great chiallenge ta cou!d controversial topics. ev"oîve into aàormof ---e-n- ment good for us aIl i we ctI BLAIME THE BEES - An interestig itemi some, people ith exper. »ience". commentced !yas,. appeared in Tuesday's paper to the ieffect that, ~~Howe l(" h-ar c, ~ the crop of apples amd pears woufld be light we get a bunch of pussycas and expenisive because the bees that spread 'donton',then QI'"n s the pollen went on a sitdoiwn strike last ýsprin1g. Park mil] end up running the showý. I thin ' one pUerso)n Apparently, wvhen thkere is nïo sunshine they they wo0n5t be able t o (con"- just don't feel like working. The past few days Despite the factt[hpre are of muaggy weather mnost of uis have feut the, only a handfuil ol elae samne way. The only ones who dlon't mid the candidates with theelcton heat are the pesky (les. less five ekiwa.___ LyaI epresedconjfideýnce that Here are a lot of people PRESS ARRIVES - The new newspaper prunting "hriding i h odok who press that we've been expecting for somne tMe wil be rnnuing. c now a"t fnaîîy arrived fromi Chicag oron Monday and was least haîf a dozen mnen who are yaSa oreptsfinLt bidinig thejir tim-e, wa ilteunîo0acelrusayyatamoexrs rm i sec who else is running forst.'ý and Rig, Oshawa. As each of the four units and the' So far, tlhe onlyý deciared folder weigh about 6,OtlOpouinds, it was fascinating ýacnidate in the ri-iong for to atch how, these men used their equipment. thare oca snil4,sea i teMr thanks to them for thieir- extremne care in the ClarkeTonhpsDpt operation. Next corne the erectors to put it ail Reeve 'Kirk Etil together so that within a few weeks it will be ready GRADSO KILED to roll. We canl hardlyi wait! Mrs lu coîig o Jaet- PO EN ;THOSE CLOUDS -We wondler MvirecentlyMwhen she pas informcd that lier grand- what sanie of our readlers did &uring those two son, InnrryîWnr. w ofthundecr storins early 1Mondaýy morning. There Antrora had ben illed in a mnust have beeni citizens who experienced car accident near ?se"- unusual and possibly terrifying reactions. mark-ef.L lry uisanavid hockey end Soîthal poayer When that tremiendously loudt clap of thunder and vas throwýn from he camne just before seven o'clock, the writer was vehle henit w nt o of Shaving and thoughit he hZAd been Sent for. A c0nro. hm> asather un nick 0on thie heek is evidence. Several have Drama Wrso Cies Drco Workshpi s a rAdyplnn ig for this sao' cii fio es iclnding th iigo tciating fo il os ieorge Feydean a d il sai thset storms were the wýorszt they'-ve ever huddeed throusgh. flow about you? BACKTO SHOOL- Or best Wishes 1o studenIts in- the area who will be heading back to sehool on Tuesday for the faîl term, and a hearty welcomae to returning teachers andne ones. We hope the secondary sehool teachecrs don't g-o through with their plan to just teach their classes and not take part in after school activities. We somehow, doubt if the provincial government will be blackmailed by) such actions into giving in and it xill be toughi oni the kids, maniy of whomq need that supervised coaching to let off their built uip energies. Surely, t iere must be a better wayf0 rotest. ERUROR - To date, no0body's compflaînied, but ,we uderstand ani embarrassing error- was made in laSt w"eek'S Statesmian).The Miss Cogeiaity aWard at the Rinsmen Carnival wvas awarded to Shelley Scott, Miss Mlutual These photos were tal<en eariy Monday morning, about fortuinately, he too escaped înjury. Russeill esxas in the ,in ht oe f'Russell Best's baprns near ilkinig parlor wt four cows and rushed out. 'Whe l 4e fou hors fte lihtnng it i~e0freturned, two of the cows were dead. The fire no only,ý Solina and did an estimated $40,00(j damage, including k,-illing destroyed hay; and srw but also dmlihdseveraJl new and two Holstein cows t ,hat were being m-.ilked in another building. co-stlimpeens Bowmanvle firetmenrcevdig praise A third one alSO had to be destroyed. Nineteen-year--oîd David for their work inr containiic the blaze Lo one buldng!s did Best was atL One end of the building when tlhe lig-ýhtinig hit the several neï,ghbors who Dspent about 12 o'.so'n the job opposite end and started a fire in the thousands of baleýs of hiayv ruderigasitne Insurance wl co-ver part Of the loss. and srw Cl'iiford Abrams who works for th<e Bests waýs Two years agoý, thý,e Bests had c'seývera,ýlecatteklled by lig n %walking crs the yaýrd and saw the ]ig-htnincisre but. and three yeairs agoý, oru their- large slscolasd Horticultur IScit'sSo Aotracts ore2T0nEntries