île~r and 7rC. LayS Broomne patient at St. Josephl's HoCspi- and Jennifer, Campbellford, tai, Pete-rborougb. were weekenid visýitors with iss Sally Langmnaid bas Mrn and Mlrs. Lloyd Breoome retur-hed from a ý very enjoy- and family. able tp tW Washington, she Misses Nancy Hamer, Oak- being a dlegate to the United wood, Angela and Laurie Natioýns from Duhamcouinty. Locke, Bow.7manvi lie, spent a 'lerry Kellett, Bowmianviile, few, days with Kathryn Bkr spent the weekendi with bhis Mlr. and Mfrs Jackson Wray, grandp1jarents, 'Mr. and M1rs. Oshaw;a, Mlisses Alohai and Dong Flett. Naomi Horn Dutton, were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- Sunday evendingcaliers with maid were gustson aa Mr. and MNrs. Ross Cryder- afternoon at the Giiroy-Elford pixan. wecdding in shawa and in the Mlr. and Mlrs. Raiph Davis evening al, the Preston-Lucas attended the Siniti-Beariie wedding ini Bowmianvilie. wedding at Collumnbus United Mr, and Mlrs. Orvilie Luinn Church on Sturday. and Nancy, Peterborough Mliss Nanicy Knox hbas re- ,werc weekend guests of Mr. turned from Giambo, New- and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid anld foundland where she lad a on Sunday r and Mrs. L-loyd very pleasant tjime working Prestoni, Colleen and Janet, withi "Operation Beaver Pro- M.Tomn Barrie, Bowmnanville jeet"* were also guests at the Mlr. and Mrs. Ernest Hiocko- Lagaihorne. day visited on Stra ib Ms Joe Snowden, Sheryl Mrs. Ivan Ellicott who) is a and Bruce spent a few, davs ........ UNIVERSITY 0F TORONTO CC/uSÀER VATORY iIh~OF MUSIC David Ouchterlony. Principal 273 BlIoor Street WVest Telephcmie enquiries: 928-3797 FALL TERNI OPENS SEPT. 4 Comprehensive train ing in ail musical subjects IndJiviual In.struction- Special Courses Classes for Children Electrrnic Music- Speech Arts and Drama Orff Method Daîcroze Eurythmics Pedagogy and Theory by Correspondence 2.73P with ,Mr. Is aic Hardly and IstanfleyLnsy Mr adMrs. Bruce iHarri- soni, and famnily, Oshawa, 'Mr. Ron MetcalfC BowýmaýnviI!e, wxere Sunday I\visýitors withMr and Mrvs. Harvey Yiol and fam-Iily. Dr. Johns Allun, Miss Robin Binnis, 'Toronto, Miss Nani A linrMssMarian Garvenï, Toronto, Mrs. Clare Aliin, Bowmnanville, Mr. aind Mrs. Harold YVellowiees and John,, Orono, were Sunday Sý-'upper- guests of Mtr. and Mrs. Wes. Mr. and 'Mrs. Kai Potter Jr., Minnesota, 'Mr. and Mrs. Kari Potter Sr., Islinigton, jMrs. Ray Mdltn Robin and Billie, Midland, MAr. and Mlrs. Jixn Potter, Louanne, Dannly and 1Laurie, Salem.i visited àMr. and Mrs. Ale,, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young- man, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur younggran, Tyrone, were Sunlday supper guests of Misýs PearIù Leach. Several fromi the Commun- ity enjoyed Blackstock Fair oni Satunrday- and congratulations are due to the exhibitors whoiç won prizes. We are very sorry lfor the Erniest Hockaday family whIo had the misfortune to have a fire on Sunday,, which destroy- ed their chicken bouse and some poultry. The proxîmnity of the other buildings made it a very anzious time for a while but thanks to the Bowmýiianville Fire Departmient tbey were saved. Then on Monday mnorn- ing the electrical stlorm struek the loafing barn on the Russell Best f-arm w-,hich was destroy- ed along with hay and strawv and several implements also two cattie were killed. We hiope there are no more fires around here for awhile but at these times one realizes the value of nieigh-bous. -Notice of public hea rings into the transmission of power f rom Middleport to Pickering jj1. ithe Province of Ontario appointed Dr. Omnond Solandt, unrder the Public Inctuiries ActE *by 0Order-in- Couil O'iiC)--2053/72 dated the 21 si of Ju ne, 1972, as a mended by Ordier-IFn-8 Council OC-2947/'72 dated the l3th of September, 1972 -to inqijire into the transmis-1 saion of power from Nainticcike to Pickering". 2.Following on the recommrrendations containeci in Commissioner Solandit's lnterim1u 'Rteport, dated the 31ls of October, 1972, Mr. Bruce Howlett, environmental consultantA lwas retained by Coîmmissioner Solandt to undertake a public study and tu, make recon-' gelendations onm the best location for the 500 kV transmission lines between Middleportl ,and Pickering.a j3. Mr. Howlett wiII file his report and recoimmenda ' ions pertaining to this matter, withl the Comm issioner, and wl present ani oral summîary of the report and recommirendaionsg Ito interested parties, at a public hearing on September 13, 1973. 4, Any ïnterested party who wishes to present a brief related ta this matter should file, la copy of such a brief with the Secretary on or before October 5, 1973 indicati ng at the is~ame tinelther or not he wishes to speak to his brief at a subsequent publichea-ng. 5 , Any other interested party wvho wishes to make oral representations at the subsequet' Ipublic hearing, L-ithe-r personally or through a representative, should indicate his intentto dsoin writing. to the Secretary, on or before October 5, 1973.I 6.. Commissioner Solandt wîll hold further public hearings on October 15, 17, 19, 22,1 ad24, 1973.,(nd n such additional days as may be required ), in order that interestedi p1,arties may have2an opportunýity to ask questions of Mr. Holett, and to present evidence.* ~The public hearingqs on Septemnber 13, Octobe-r 15, 17, 19, 22, and 24, 1973, willIl î- q i -e OtaioRom Macdoanald Block, Queen's Park, Torornto, aommcncing &tg ' --9:30 a..To accommrrodate special circuristanccs, and unique local conceris, Commis-" I sioner Solan'dt will consider requests. by interested parties, to hold addition al public, lhiearin g in othor parts of Ontario, eïther day or evening sessions. Alil such requests,I g*toweveru, should e f led with the Secretary on or before October 5, 1973.1 8~. Copies of Mr. Howlet's report and recommendations willbe on viewv in area Munici-U Spal Offices and the Solandt Commrission office. Copies of ail briefs will be on view atl theSolan dt Comm-issioný office. Individual copies of Mr. Holett's report and recommen-, Idations may be purchased from the Ontario Governiment Bookstore, 880 bay Streeit,* SToronto, M7A 1 N8, for the sumn of $ 5.00 each, *For further information; please contact: I&ecretary, IThe Salandt Comm-ision. ~9th f loor, Ferguson. Block, QpnsPark, Toronto. (416) 965-1431 W1t* , CEARNCE SALE -TINDED 26" Instant Play Coor TY Transformer Power Choiesis Solid State AFC with Stereo Sound BUILT IN 8 TRACK TAPE PLAYER Reg. 899.00 Sale 719o YOU SAVE $180 [$39.OO Value-free wirth purchase of SU I A Admirai Color T.V. illustrated above. FALCON T426 SIME 5. OSHAWA FJ&LC() N T723-0011 Married in Yelver ton United Church Mr. and Mrs. Ross Edward Hi The Canadian taemn owmnanvllle, August 29, 1973 Tbeý-*L, Y latjitsriefrtecsoin tteHso-InLLt oEal nt Hoe onsip charge of theialCentre, Port Hiope-, last cePntuiry. UutitedCýc hurch wxas held al Saturday. She and Mesdames Weather has'been woniderfi Garden iiH on Sundcay morn- A. E. ufr and 1). Grahiam for, combinfing and most farmr- ing ith RUev. J. Ramrjit in wýere pleasd occeýpt the gifteshv tcmltdo cbage~ is îtsa, fo'r the o a minute book~ of the first aimost so. Sou is very dry, and mornXing va ýs an ase to the hospital cmite Thiss a good rain -would be appr-- commnon carethat God v idetyfor the first hospitai cîated. cano e love, when tis worid csuIffers qso uch nmisery. Butl manri s fe nayo Y E L V E R T0ON thelu ofmakid ae ausd becotmpietion- of hiarvest- good bail during 9 imxgs ad by bis own misbndiing5 of ng trips totetoEhbi- Terry Malcolmstohm nakfuturai Iaw lI was pleajsanÏton Toronto and Blktc runs put the locals ahead andi to greet the ineigh-bors f ro were the h Iiliteýs of activity in helpedimaiti bi leald. the otbier comm-llunitie.s but weteco unt this wek he Next Sun. should start the wîlb ack to regular routinie pseuido-Cbristians founid them- semni-finais ýf they hope to on Septem-ber 2 with services siveson (tbesaefoigscopteaebfrenw in the three churche-i tb osisti eek-no fîtes. Hlarold BarocouhwntcucrdetiRv!Jry' to Toronto Generai 1HospitalHftttrtkn sm el ii h Uist Tusdy here he hddsre oias BýaI i tams quiet;: one gamre surgery perfourmed for a.- mrdyi extrmejeoipardy in plav afenoon and is progre'ýssîngofs it another ls 'asweil as possible. Crwrgtdue to cost PP Ken Aszbby, wbo bas been eosofwak batting. Both, l eeing uwei orsmetie.picer wreqite effective. Specializing in- tv(nt to Port Hlope hiospi.ital iast Sr. grstat their finals on Prs-Clr Thrdynigb t and -we hope Mnayvtis ek sjae-CliolWg lie too, wil soon be on the wavý ill r il.LtstCtgTcnqe Sto recovery . Thle YletnJnti Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorni- hscontinue therunheat0en P E6355 d 1dyke and Lewis were in strek on Sun.i with ain 37 St. W. >Consecon, Prince Ewr xibto aeVs Kdo omni Conyon Sat'urd!a to attend6-.roie îmsn ure he wedding of ihr Bur- don and (CbristineFoste Richard, for, someyasll r le e s C ~ c l made bis home witb- the. Thornidykes and Lwivas best mani for him-. L0 Rihar nd Soitmbdy told usabout.a little boy and anl ol nwh11o Chritin wii lve n Hailtn hd ist en ollars. After listening lO the coldster's story, the -s, A.where R ichr -i mpedw.id, bad foud te ïone,, decided i i ust bie bis, and1 y ~« ~MrsiA, Tondkewnt to handeit ovýier. "ey syste old gent, "o'ean ho%(nesj ~ Wtrio nSuda1igto boy but what 1iost las a $10 bil, and you've givenme ten Sspend this week wt e Sdaughter, Lindla. Lindaý andon. hubndEic Oliver ad be 1t' igt"says the boy. "Last time t found one, the here f'or the weekend. mndd' aeaycag. 'Mrs. Gart Jiý,igins(Ja NichoIs)ý of Chatbîlam bas been LOHE CARE HINT: very iii during the past two weeks and Mlichael and Pat- Gretsaeruined by pressinig at home. P1roper equlipm-.ent S rick have been staying îî in 1 necussary to) do good pressing. '~~" Wseyilesince thieir girnd- Plan to attend the area 1 1 Faiars parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroil PORT PERRY FAIR - SEPTEMBE r5l3rdç ir enNichols brought them down R N FA R - S P E V B t7 8 Photo by Astor 'Stu(dio) last Sundlay, August 19. Glad OOOFI ET M E -- an leadwht lrlto repo(rt Janr is much bcttcr.MMle 1 skits Thy oreble wde Ladiescoped a quilt at skirî,ýý Theý ý,qrthome of Mrs. R. J. WI. brimimed rnylon straw bats anýrd Stlorpe ast Tesday carried basket's of pinkl roses Ms enc ni fTr ýýýih ren oss fer nnd:ink ntoainddaughtrMrPiip . t CLEA N ERS LTD1 thear oom, wasbtlhanorAidr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby last LEANR 84 KNG ST. VW. uhe rs nwr e tmi.Rnal,-d Tuesday evening. LA"RWe Specialize In Shirt Lauindering" Hurren, brother of the groomn, Mr.HolBetwsoeo Mr. Torm Appleby andc Mr. Haoldloirecetonhldm ljaold oga el. I nhel in Yelverton Churcb Halil, the couple departed for a honiey- moon at Lake Placidl. The happy couple are residing atilR0