l'île Ca nadiýan'S tatesman, lBowmanville, August 29, 191ý-3 Celebrated 1 stf0Birfhday t3~ :~j ~o M I MsHorace Hiall from ber brothier M-Pute Hall of Rbodcsia, Africa, bas been Norf'olk viitngwibMrs W FH Mjiss CteîeStewart and Foster this past week Also Miss Marion MlcKelvey joined a bus hoad f-on-,Newcastle last B THNSaturday to attend the Tofronto Exhibiti and hear Dr Jean i- anýd Mrs W MlcMlaon Vne have returred borne after- Mrs RE Ellott spent a few spending a week, in New day-s hast week visiting Mr England and Cape Cod area and Ms Jack Bradsbaw of St Mr. and Mrs. V'incent Jac~k- Ctaie son visited wbMi- and Mrs The Septemberi meeti-ng of Id McKhnnonClevland. Ktendal U.C WN wilh be held Mir and MIrs. Ernest B3ow,,en, ýWednesday evening Aug 51tb Or1ono, visited withMi- and1 in tLhe Sundiay Sehool room Mrs: Ray Portous and Mi- The meeting is in charge of and M'rs. Cari Srnlitb is Ste-wart who bas Mi- Mr and Mrs. John Neal3S4 Mirrnol Sinah of Witby and and Lisa have i-et-urind home, after spending a week at a cottage ninCoe Hihi. Vis itors wîitbfiNMr s. Ia Palmier for the weekend wvere MIr. and mrs. Frank Neumnan and'Mi-.NMoiton WkDt i-oit, Mvicig9an, and Mýrs. Netai Farnsworth oef Toronto. Mr,. andi Mrs. Normian Neýas, Elmnvale, visit ed w ith MNi- and Mirs. Carl Smithl. Mx-. and Ms.Cao-h Smnith vîsited with Mi-. and Mr!I-s. Ross Hall, Whitby, and i- and Mris. Gordon 'Sm-ith., Coiborne. Mrs. Marie ilmouir, Terry anid Paul, have retur-nedbon to Weston after visiting witbl ber parents Mr- and Mrs Ross i formerhy of India as t 'he guest speaker, also to show pictui-es of India. Everyonie is welcome ito hear hini and M'rs Bob Craigan Mr- and Mrs Keîth Wood famil1y at their cottagse w heid an annulal fml picice Wolfe Lake atter farm on Sunday Miss Lîsa Craig spent las-~ Those attendîng were i-r and week with bei- sister, Mliss M1sWsWo adRlho Susan Craig at Camp Dare Orono, MIrs Paufl Hethering na aiySudMs a ton and Al',an of Oshawa, Mr Craîg is at Camnp Dare for thîs aindMr Dick Wood and week famnihy, Maple Gi-ove, Mr and Eey10cbcfeet of wood Mrs B3oyd Wood and family of uitilmized b the Ontarîo fi-est Orono, --' and Mrs Robert nuty eeae an esti Robinson and David of Bowý- imateLd S$120 to the provincial anieLisa and Heatherecnm i- and Mrs Fred Pember tonl of Port Hope wex-e suppex- guests Sunday witb i- irand w' Mi-s Leonlard Hoy On "Tbui-sday evemng thlýle wasý an i -tex Party at Mrs WENMITtCA Wn Hloy's vwith Mrs NM INoUSTRIAL, EIETA O Sewelh of Oshawa as iinstruc-l Hi àwt i S A L E Mr and Ms Johni Twist and Mrs Ron Weish and and Mr and Mrs Brian famnily, Belleville Driver, Toironto, were ek Mr and Mrs Farewell crnd guests of Mr and Mrs. E Blackburn spent a week's TWiSt holiday at Birch Poinit Lodge, Mrs Fred Baker, Oakville, Hlaliburton recently has been holidaying with bher Mr Sandy Kemp spent ten sister, Mrs, Bob Collacott and days at the Ontario Leader- Mr Collacott. ship Centre at 1Eark Lake Mr and Mrs Leslie Welsh Miss Elizabeth Kemp spent acopanied by Mr nd Mrs iast week at Quin-Mio-Lac Lews Rundie,iBo vmanvUIieCamp wereSudyvstr with Mr Mr and Mrs Sam- Buttery 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILE S HARVEY E'SSO, HO-ME HEtýAT 'SERVVICE OPENSU Y for yojur shopping Co gve F lenlce ~1i ,1l III HMI1. 1Il ,HEpbed r0 THE CSHAWA 130100F : Dt frpoIlo progress"ve dp nt sl John Edward Rendeli celebrated his first birthday August 23rd, 1973. ie is the son of Wray and Sandy Rendeil and grandson of Mr. aind M.,rs. 1H. ooeBowmanville, and the late Mr, and Mrs. J. Rendell, owmanvi11e. Great-grandflather is Mr. G. Fudge, Oshawa. STARK VILLE Mros. J Bothwell, Bw inville, visited bher parents, and Mlrs Rus-sehi Savery ;t week Ur. G. Mloore, Caistieton, ,s returned lhome after ;itingj bis sister 1is. Jim- rk and also DavidSyv- 1Sarnia, spent a holiday h is grandparents, Mi. d Mrs. Jimi Stark. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, rontlo, spent the weeke'ýnd at FLloydfaloe's rhiursday afternoon last, ýek moi-e than 20 ladies had very pleasant afternoon at rs John Layng's homie. Ahi inreppiç,te<1the hp2litiflîl viww lame,; Insurance 24 5;n S. ., Box LOU D~OUGLAS S. IÀMF,( ý ~Redence 623102 of the countryside fromi her M\,r. and M'.rs. Charlie Yule, homie. A delicious lunch was Oshawa, were Sunday guests served and the ladies enjoyed with MIr and Ms Ewart visiting in Mrs. Layng's hos- Robinison. pitabie home. MOr. and Mlrs. Harvey PIae- Mr. and MArs. Lwart Robin- den, his daugbite, býer buis- son, Mr- and Mrs. Harvey bandc, and chiidre, Califor- Falls were recent guests witb nia,.hve een viSiting I'Mi- Mr. nd Ms. HroldLittle, Lorne Paede-n anid on Sunday Mar.nd Mrsor. Hrod enjoyed a visàit itrlaie Cambelfod.and friends at a piý>cic supper Mr. and Mrs. Lle-w Hallo- arr'anigedrby iMr. Paeýden ai is weii and Jim, Mi-. and Airs. home. Sid Halow lMiss-Noirmia MssoreFaow nt- Hallowell and Miss Bieulah tained a few friendis on heri Hallowell attended the funeral birtbday last week. of their uncle Dr. Frank N. Mirs. LlewHaowlwsa Walker in'Toronto Wedniesdaýycguest with Mrs. BihJ Reidý afternoon ast week and Jhe Orono, ast week and attendeci interment at Grahamesvilie. lacksstock Fair. L ONG Mr-. and Mrs. Don Graham and boys, Ottawa, were Fi- day afternoon callers of Miss Grace Smith. Mi- and Mos. G. Blaker, Gary and Ruth were Sunday guests of Mr- and M,,rs.Ket Goble and boys, Burketoni. Club 5-0 ladies wîth tîheir familles heldi a wiener roast Saturday ýevening at the Wood- ley picnic grounds. Club 50 ladies wihi meet Tuesday evening, Sept. lltb at thé home of Mrs. G. Baker with Mrs. Baker, MIrs. R. Cameron and Miss G. Smith as progo-ayi' convenors. Mi- and Mos. John Baker aftd boys were Sunday supper guests of the K Goble's. Burketon.' Mrs. Ethel McRoberts, Mo-s. Verna Chamberlain, Oshawa; Mrs. Sophie Kovacs were Sunday afternoon visitors of the G Kovacs' Mr anid Mrs-H. De, Mille and famnily, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening guests of Mr-. and Mrs. W Vaneyk. Mr- and Mlrs Fred Brooks, shawa, Mrs, Hfilda Woods, Sunset Lodge, Bowvmanville, were Th.ursdayý afternoon vis- itors of Mi-, and Mrs H Murphy Suniday cahiers of the H. Murphy's wvere i- and Mrs A Gerrow, Leskard, MNi- and Mrs HuWgh Murphy and randdaughtr i-and Mrs. Ron Rowe and1 family, Bow- manvihle and Mr i- ad 'rs. Don Stephenson and James. Newcastle ,, Mr- Gerry Cornish and bis SAULT two sisters Misses Mlary anid Wenidy returned hiome fromn Blackstock Fair wJithnmy fi-st prizes shiowing theirx Hereford ca ttie. Keep the good work up. Congratulàation)s to al. Mr-. anid Mr-s. GlenLes and famýily, Chariot Lake, spent the weekend witb Mr. and -Mrs. M. Carhey and family. Business ;Di-rectïory; Aç co unta n cy 1WM. J. H-. COGOýÜINS Chartered Accounitant 115 Libertyý Street South Phone 623-3612 WILLIAMC C. HALL Chartered Accountanit 36V2 Ki ng St. LE., Oshawaa Telephone 725-6539 G.EWI MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 1 r tee corner of Horsey Street .Phone 623-550,q Office Roi-s:, By appointmen!t 26 FIrak St.,Bomnil (near Dom-inion Store) Office IRoui-s: 9:30 a-rm. to 9 ,ý'Dm. includi'.ng Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLAM KEA'NE DentIal surgeon- 222 King Street Eaýst Priof essional i Office 1Roui-s: Weekdays 9-o Telephon)îe 623-7412 Il busy - 623-471 DÀR. lWILLIAM UKENT DI.D.S. 2i2 King St. E, suite 1lof ProfssinalBldg. Bowmýanvilîe Office Hours: Weekdays -9 to 5 I'elephone 623-7349 D'P. Wt. m. RUDELL, D.D,.S. 75 King St'. E.Bomnil ~1sdSati.wday and Sunday O)ffi(ce Phone 623-5790 16- LB S )CRYO VAG) (FULL DETAiLSATYOUR LOCALIGA STC WE LCHA DE Grapo Drink 332 FL OZ LTINS ORA FANCY 19-FL. Tomato JuiceU OZ TIN IGR FANGY Asparagus Tips OZTN5 c ASSORTED VARIETIES PKG BLACýK DIAMOND. SAMSOE' DANAB3LU OR GRUYERE Ciheese Portions CANADA GRADE "A" FROZEN YqrOUNG Turke'y's~ SHOPSY POTATO SALAD or COLE SLAW 24-OZ TUB E YORK SWýEET PICKLED SCHNtEIDERe'S SLICED IGA SPECIAL" IGA SPECIAL" FLAVOR CRYSTALS ASSORTED VARiEIEES oRelrshe IGA SPECIAL"' Coca Cola or Tab CASE 0F 24~ 1 0-FL. OZ. TINS 29 JUNIOR TEEN OCNE S]ZE SHEER BEIGEWT, 1M) PG COCO, BLACK OR RED J PKS1 ALCAN 18 INCHWIT Aluminum F01 ROLL BOX69 AWHUE2 PKGS45 E " 7IGA SPEl;CIAL" ROWVNTPEE (5 VARIET IES, WIES-TON'S REGUL-AR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE TOASTMAST1ERý ROLLS (MFG 4C OFF> FAMILY PACK OR MINT (BISCUJITS) 2 9 c Brown W Serve 4 "'Chocolate Bars OFBp0E 2' 69c gnWel % 9 ýJUNIOR TEEN ONE SIZE REGULAR - BEIGE, WHITE, NAVY, COCO OùR BLACK DMPSTER S (MF c4 0FF) Panty Hose 3u PI<GS OId orld ROliS CILCFULL O NUTS m"fRESFERVING T/ME I S HERE" ij l M RtOR AS A COMPLETE UNE 0F I PR ~ P!VINO NEES - JARS, RINGS, PECTIN(CYTASOR LIQUID), PARAWAX, ETC CLEOPATRA ;ONE 'SiZE EEG.. OR ALL SHEER PKG Ar SHADES -BIETUE OOI OR REGULAR' 0F1 IC Panty Hose 3 sU Potrato Chips A ýAPPLE S1 l18 ,RharbPi AMY2 E49 EACH f3ETT 1 ECE (ASSORTEO .VARIýETIES) FARMHOýUSE FROZEN', 4 VARiETiES e Frosting Mxs j73 7 c ream ,Pies 3 J.-C~9 orange Juice Si Diapers pksi 37 CRISP, PLUMP CALIFORNIA, PRODUGE 0F U S, A ÏNO 1 GRADE THOMfps ON Seedlesîs Grapces FO PRO'(ýDUCE F REULC 0rSUT F'CA ý' AJUIC OUTSPAN tA LLEN CIA OR ANeuE S CC A GRWN NIALO O iOFAE LCALGj ON OfARi NO i G4AOE CO IlRuEENý 13-OZ 49c rKG AYLMÎER CHOICE CUT Wax Beans 14-FL. oz. TIN LIQUIDO Javex Bleach FLORIDA (CONCENTRATED) 100'% PURE FROZEN Old14,.South OGran1ge Juice Oz. IGA SPECiAL" ASSORiTED COLORS Paper Towels 2-ROLL PKG MIA SPECIAL MRS. LUKE'S RASPBERRY ODR StrawberryC MqL MOI Il gabb ý lamoy WE RESERV' THL- RIGHTTO A\Ail CýUArTFiTIES ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE WFD TO SAT AUC, 29 30 31 SEPT 1