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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1973, p. 9

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B.MI.HA. - Any boys who would lîke to tr y Out for ail-star hockey. Age groups are: Mlite, born 1965 M\,inor Novice, borni 1964; MNajor Novice, born 1963; Mlinor Pee Wiee, born 1962; Major Pee, born 1961;ý Mirior Bantam, born 196; Major Bantamn, borni 1959. Try-ot dates:' Sept. 8-- 1:00 pm. Minlor Novice, MUajor Novice;- 2: 00 p. m. Mi nor Pee Wees, Mlajor Pee Wees; 3ý1:00 p.m M :inior Bantams, Mlajor Bantams; Sept. 10 -- 7:00 p.mi., Minor Pee Wees; 80, Major Pee Wees; Sept. 12 - 7:00, M,ýiTior Bantam;80 p.m.,' Major Bantam; Sept. 15 -1:00p.mi., Mites; 2:00 p.m., Minor Novice; 3:00 p.m., ao Novice. SOFTBALL FINALS - The first game of the Men's Town League softball finals was due to begin last înight at MemIorial Park, iwith Stephen Fuels, meeting Frank's V'ariety, at 7:00 p.m. 'Second game willH be here On Thuirs- day. This should be a great series if both teains play biall adshow- a bit miore consid- eration f'or thie umipires who are doing their best undfer îmost harried cruntne.The gamie last Tusdybetween iKram!ps and Franks %vas a grim dslywIth several inici- dents that could ha-ve resulted in fihts.Th umpies don't lay claim to perfection buýt if the players continue te pounce on them Wa every opportunaity, the league wiIll have plentyý of problemis attracting people for those thankç- less jobs. Actually, the playrers theinselves were making far more mîstak'es than the umips. Wihen scorfing opportunities býy the dozen are mnuffed by both sides, it sceems a bit silly to blame the umpires for qujestionable caîls. The final.s should b most entertaining if both sides stick tO Playing and oretthe scrappilig. CHAINPIONSIP DAY - at Boýwmnan ville Country Club is this weekecnd, Satuirday, Septemiber St wth tee-off ime 8:30 until 2:00, when the finals of club matches (Men, Ladies, Juniors and Mixed) will be held. Spectators are welcome to come out andwac the gamnes. Following these, a dinner presqentatioýn and dancing will be held when memrbers andi guests are we 1om. or on the second nine. While a lot of moaning- about the exceptlionally hot speli we are suffering is heard, seeding ,of t1he new nine couldn't have been done at a better time. Already there is a distinct showing of green and if the weather co-operates, play s1hould commence earlier than mentioned last wee-k.. REFSan SCOREKEEPERS - The Bîlow- manvillecretinDepartinent is lnow çac- cepting applications for the po)sition of hockey referees and scorekeepers. Ail applicanits mnust be at least 16 years of agse. AIl plca t must attend a referees cîic wxhich will be held on Saturday, Septemiber 22id in the Bou- manville Town HA at 9:.36 am. Please cali the recreation o)ff ice a nd leave yuranine and phonle inumber if you are inàterested. Knapp's Towîng Tied in Finals wvith Courtîce Girls At the miom-tent, Knapp's Towing girls are tieci with Courtice in the league finals, at oniegamne each. hr game in theo best of five series will be playved Thursday at Stone Park, Oshawva, under the lights, st'arting at 8:00i p.m. Fourth gamre will be at M11emorial Park on Monday. Members of Knapp's Towing are, front row, leift to right, Sue Marshall, Shirley Sellers, Patti Colmer, Brenda Linton and Pam Colm-er;bckrw Ev M-ason, Karen llarness, Retla Parker, Lee Skinner, Laurie Motgmry anyGodin Jle uto1ndCac el Burgess; absent, Sonya Patlterson. ilonElimin t s Juveniles Fron Ontarlo Playdowns By WiningS d a yG, nm e ~A~s extedfrom the Playoff scue last Sunday. as the, were d altaconvinci ng, 10- Sope Crek Prk.Thevisit- oswho captured the first gm.7-2, took Gthe best of thr1e1-A. playaýff series, two Straigh ioss ended their basebaî plans untilnext yar The slin crowd tha simmeured throughi th', second athsaw a Milton club thatlntinedta diply ome soiid hitting. Thyflilb incl iOafter the fist inning.but oMka S2- e i theseod1-odna53 malurgin. Miltonhuteupfv r'uzls in their sixthfrme t leave the0Aswell in the standoutinm the' fir-st game loss. startled onl the Bowmannlville mound.Netr he nor iMvike Corneli wýho relieved, was able- ta contrai the acutive Milton dut ies for, SLnday's steamýj offenice(ion Suniday. omnbt encou-nter trnd did finie ville, who coliected seven hits jobs. Catcher, Tommy-,ý Nowlanl in the opunig gaime defet, eceived abotw12stitchs as coiuid onily manageý threce the resuit of a homne plate pflayý softies against iltanpS hurery nth e gamre, tfor an Oer Rigo.He lfanned ninie mnunfrtuatéeending ta the 193 wibis mates fturned ni a seasan soli. dfenivegamne behfind hlm.i The A's onlyexr base isyamredterun hbo camie in the fourth, whlen of Jutvenîile ba"sebil in Bou- C(Inm]lslammed a tw"o run manviiili( atc quite a iengthy hiomerr over the 1eft field absence. Ilt was ýaiso( the first fence Andy MlcCullogh had basebail played by many of opcinwd the innînig wt a the "K lmbr or a tew sapp the diebase bi-it, eisadteieprec Bowmanviolefiret in the was apparent throughout the game. league and playoff matchesý Rigo une iserl tfoling Despîte the team's shoi-rta Carnelslast, as he Oallwd ings, therpm ects for197 anly a lea doff0 sevent h i nnming appear much hrighter. single by Gerry Mlasterson. MiltonCs third sacker, Kel- Larry Perris and m-yseif. mon, snaped off a Une-de ith aur lMnger, bulle[tfromi "Slip" Rowe ithe Muirray Bate and the players, third, one 01 sevetIral excýellent wit express aur apprecia- fieldng play s by the ,vinriers.> tion ta aur- spainos and Arond the Bases - Coe everyone vW h heed make aso of sawa and Dave aur 1973i basebali1 debut pass- Passant handled the umpiring ibl LEGION 1,E. 178 MIXID AR TIM Team 1 -Dns nar datJohin Gibson. Junec Sauinders,lBob KHayes, Mr Westover, Russ Hiately. Team 21 -Trixie Browýn Capt., Bill Gray, B 'arb ',Mac- Don-'ald, Dick D)ownfey , -Jean] Team 3 -Angela iSaiim Capt*- Bob Blrown, Bernîcue Buday, Jack Bissonectte, Alice Teiam 4 M,ýary Gray Capt., Jm Bruton, Rose lM'arie ('onay, ailyRuiter, lirene Capt., Bill Martindaite, Sheila Dadson.ý Ron Evanis, Ritaî H1ayes, Riche Croy Team6'i Nanrcy Clowes Capt. Jack Baker, Lindat Cros'sey. Colin Fordc, Diane How\arh, Jack.Rond. Tram 7 - Gwen EFvans Capt- BilI Bates, Dorothy Bond, Abe -Mavin, Eve, Bould, Ted Dard- son. Team 3 Nyi Sheehan Capt.. Alert Samnan. Fran Bruce, Lyndon White,. Marg Allen, Eric Downey. Team 9 -May AMartndale Ca1pt.,Franik Hill, Linda Downey, 1EAr-I HwrtNor- m-a Rui1ter, Graham ilon Team. 10 -Elva fHili Capt., laurice AnerBenti Wil- son, Cliff' Bould. June Baker. Mlary Allen, Teai l Lorraine, Brton CaptllewBur'ton, Marie BisoneteMa1urice Conw.ay., Mtabel AMavîn, oy Clowes, Teain 12 - Grace Downey Capt., Trevor Huffime, Sis Conlway, BueMacDonald, Kathy Ford, Gary Conwýay. Mixed Darts start Saturdlay Sept. 8,19731 Rec. Reviews swimming Classes RegisaionforAdt Swýiiiimming (clas.Qss wiitake place- on WedInesdayý eveniing SeptL.sth from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m.i the Recreation Office, Town Hall. The Claýsses will start on September 1-1th. This is a15eecorea the Pine Ridge School and thie Flying DcmA otor Inni. Teen- agers 13 year-s and Up1)will be accepted Referees Clinic Thle Departmient of Recr-ea- lon wHil onduct a Hockey Rutle(s Cliie this faîl on Saturday, Sept. 22ndf. iat[the BowanvileTown Hall and the MemoriaI Arena. The Clinic will be conducted by formper N.Hf.L. Officiai Biil lorion iTe clinic will he oýpen to ail referees and coaches. The ciinic will get underwvay ati930arn. in the- TonHaIl 40 Temlperance Street nieCaniadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 5, 197V! 50) Years of comimnity Service ROT ARYT CAR WASHII SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 -- 9:00 - 5:00 main Ws BANK OF MONTREAL, CANADIAN TIRE STORE Proceeids, to Purchase $20 BowmaniLbrary per Books Car Tickets available fr-om Rotary Members -1 HF Lffll Y E l Alý'ffZNEF< HORSES AS MADE FAMOUýS E8V WALTDISNY'S MIRACLE F f-E -iTE STALULONS". ,EL THEir, V(,lFLD FAMOUS MNUESAND FABULOUS FIORSE BLLET ~.ALSO SEE ... DIRECT FROM MEXICO A SALUTE TO T'HE EXCITING Oshawa Civic Auditorium One PromneOl THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 8 p.m. AMISIO dut $5-00 - $1.00 -ý30 C'hildreýn under 4-,$ idiscouint off imission price Trickeùts on Sale: AudU irum Bx Ofic-Bowm oanville Travel Cenitre sports Villa Whitby - Donald Tra;ve THE WORIWS GREATEST EQUINE EXTRA VAGANZA! NOT A~FlLIAiED WITH THE SPANISM OIDING SCHOOLi Attention Hockey Players for Town and Commercal Lecgues eroswlsing ,ýto play]nnwcmm s btthsewo 56, RyCrombie, 623-26413. tiis yeýfars Town or]Comm er- peromed in cthrof last or Jim Clarke, 623ý-54)07. cial 1 Hocke Leaýgu1es a resaC, S wo eages.The selectionis for-the Thurls- 1,1emîilnd e d thatLthey muist Both gnrps aigain willbLe (dayý night, Townvi League submt teirnams t befou tea opratons whth tems will be, taking place on elgile Tisinluesflt nl Turdamnghit, (onLea Strd .September, 5lt., gue),11r1n111g tram 8 p.m. Io while the ommrilLeague il 00o. The Commericial Lea- takes place on the l6th. guewillagan oprat OfiAnyneinter-ested in referee- Sunay oring beiningating for on-e or bth leagues is 9 xm.untll-il 11:30. asked t o contact the presi- m 'y1'h folowng ersns illdents ol ffier league, Larryý lcepémurnaefo'te'eri, (Commer-cial ) or Gene, 1973-74 Commi-,erial leagule. as,(on Sison, j579 -12-,43),.Gr ke, B ea uesuge any ~ ~7 5 John Fowier, 623-7194, or Jim nwoeswomyb lake,623540. ntereàsted c-oncerning thre op- For- those intereýcsted in ýer atinsofthel( lea6tues to finid pefr ii m e Town ,Leaý out the necessary infoilrmation -V _1 1Vgue,. contact any o ffiithe now frýom lany of thre eXecutive :HICKE folwn xctv ebr ebr itdaove.Re GeeBasn456337 arymmbr -tlpaers romla upan h urrs, 23 888,Ric Wol saso ineithleajý;gue miust nr62-713;, 1Bruci(Meadow s, ee tui heiname ob ICHMOD, VRGINI 6237748Mcl Putna, 62 conisideref or thisya. All e ys Sept. ý) Sept H Sept. 3 Oct 7 Oct 1q Nov 4 No v 2I Dec. 2 Dlec. U St. Joseaph'sBoln 1973' 19ý74 Season ea a MîkeKeed lstSchdul ExaldWîhildall Rasematrie onaDoris Halroyd. Art H-i7 89-10 11-1-1 Reyh)olds, V ivi ut. 1- -4)5-6 7 8 TeinG6- Les Hunt, Matrlon IC _)4 -7 '21 4 1-13 V\anstone. Fathier Frank Dot 2.: i-41- 7-3 2-6F ir, .Bob .Johnsan, Trixie ý0 3i-6 7-2 1 5 8-l ro n 7-1 -6 -8 S 2 -, Team 7 -JeanHoryAln 2-3: i-5 4 I -7 VcLean(. 1 ,Tonily Hor tS'ianIl 1 4--7 6i',j8,-2 3-5 rances Camipapat Wa1ker. -6 7 8 '1 3-4 1-2 C r ls 2-4 1-3 5.7 6m8 Teamn 8 - Gary Conaway, Bob I7-32-6l1-8 5-4 Bow Fran Es, Agnes 8j 1-5 8-4 7-2 3-6 Mcen ngela Seto, Mr ý5 3ý-8 5-2 -C 7-I Wge 4-1I 6-7 8,-,-) 2-3 _:i__ _ __ _ 8l-2 3 -5-) i -1 4-7 lHockeyResrton 6 43 si 87c 6-5 Restatios for the Recre 3 7-5 8-6s3- 'l4-2 atian MnrHockey Lau 8-i 1 4-&62 3-7 uwiii e dam ,di An14r.. Team il111HoLroy d, Maly Hortsman, Joan Gibbis, Rich- aird Khmier, Elen ardy. Býetts Vandenwiidenberg. Team 2 - Jim Fair, Lianel Hickiey, Grant Hardy, Mary ,isholrn', Donna, Kennedy, iAnaa jonnson. Teýam 3 - George Charlanid, Gecorge Gibbs, Lillian Smîith,ý Martin IMalloyBrenda il- mne Shirley Reynolds. TFeam 4 - Eitleen IHickey, Marg Perrîs, Joe, Betty CaanStu ChisýholmI, Mrs. Hlall. Temperance Street on1 t he following dates, Sept. IO,ll1th,l2th, and I3th and Mn boys registeing after teedaiteý will be put on a waitng list. There is nu faily play. Ty kes 7 and flot yet 9 yr. tm9yr and not, yet i i yrs., Pee Wee I1 yrs. and flot yet J3 )yrs. Býan-tam1i3 yrs. anda not yet 15 yrs. igt 5ys and iot yet 17 yrs. as of Deceber3ls. 173.Proof o age utacupn i applications. SPORTS Hwy.115 ' 'THINK ITS THE TOGETHERNESS THAT MAKES THI'S SC) MUCH FUN'

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