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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1973, p. 10

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10 , he Canadian Stte-gYnan, Bowmanville, September 5,1973 Exchapgi fYan Urban Winner illness. The victim Iequetly does lot re leheis !being over-expo)sed utili isoo laite. Then aýs teha fthe' day\ declines te ympom appear; exp()oeç arasof the skin begin to burn pa)ý)infull ' and, ini extrelme ass.thre is dizziniess and niausea fil, e by chilis. Here is an fetvetet ment that is re ommnended ha Safety Leue istaff miembeur from prsoal xper-ience:t Fi a athtb ithtei xater (body itemiperature) and dissolve a; meldiu ize paýckage of corn II sarch InI it.A haif hour soakingii>i this, body heat, relievinig the in molst farmers Are, aware col theý fact thlat tir orkersare covered und1cer thelntt, Wýýorkmen'!,s (Comipensation Act."Asilalmtterof ners file\ haý ebeen obl to coertei orker-s sinc 966.î Howeversomeo!,fltei et, l tens bunng naseýla and m idn1!1ig-htpho ýn e caýi and resltied inaretungh' sep, T1ïF~TïTi a of cov eraguebear repeating for- those flarm operat0ors wboc don't fuly ti undestand twe wbhole picture,.. T're assessmeýnt rt torý far woker isdivided flinto operation of c-hieken .and turkcy farms. uboom, tobaco, ursey, an*ke-t gar- denis and flonist farjms. That assessmlent rate is $1.50 per $100 paynl.Tbe Second is $335- pr$100 aind covers Cbn-istmas tnee, dairy, stock, bog and ge(ner-al fa)rmis, and those oper'ator-s penfoýringl Il Coýfmpensation on the Farm ~1Ti~h' eligibfle for beýnefits under the Aut. The emlye ust record the employvee name and Swàs inbs payrollrecords. Mlembers of te farmier's famîly, except biswife are eonsidered as workmen when paiid a st.ated wage. This information must be recýorded on thie wages-paid form im the section for "Relatives of Emiployer and Partnen." Room and board] is included at a rate of $00per dy r $40 per wee,except in]the instaincce wbere the employer bsa son or daughter stili attendfing scbool. Farmers and their wives may apply for persona! cover- age in any amount between $4000 and $10,000 per year. This coverage mnay be ne- quested for part of the year only, ýanid this miust be ini xtd hen applied f'or. Wbien sucb application is maàdeý, 1t1eamount 1o flte employer> earninigs or draw- inigs is flot takeni into consid- eration.Cot are calculated at the sanie rate as for emloes ntheinsty For operators wbo do) flot have ,any bir-ed helJp. tbe famenay request inidepen- d1ent operator co0veragewic is assessed at the rate determined for the type of businless that be bas. Exychanee üaf 1 ihar a I j * I I I I 1 ii 1 190.'.BRAZIUIAN, During t[he past summer the Ministry of Agriculture and Food sponsored ani urban-rural exchange plan for young people between the ages of 12 and 15. The participants spent one week -in the country and one week in an urban area, at the home of their partner in the exchange. As a finale to this experience the urban participants were invited to take part in the 4-H1 judging day at the Peterborough fair. Heather Anyan, age 13, of 43 Horsey Street, Bowmanville, came first in the Urban section with 228 points out of a possible 24,57. She was awarded a stockman's cane wvith an engraved gold plate. Hler partner in the exchange was Lois Van Campof Blackstock. BlaIckstock Fair Prize List RoAdster Treamr - i. Mr. and MIrs. L. Blight, Brooklini, 2. Gerald Rain\ , rono, ý3. Wil- son Vivian, Tyrone. Pony Hackney Ta . Mrs. EthIel Gobe, Tyronîe, .2. M. Lockyver, Brooklin, 3. MIr. and 1Mrs. MNatthewvs, Acton. Pony Commercial Teamn - 1. Trophy donated by R alph Swain, Dick Coflli, Nestie- ton, 2. Gordon Hlollîday, Oak- Wood, 3. R. Curi, Oshawa. Canrnage Team - i. Ralph Saddller, 2. Bruce La wson b otb Ponny Team - l. andc 3. Mr. and Mrs. ,StnMathews, 2 Donna Robillardç, Brooklin. Parade or Costume Saddfle Class - 1, Mrs. Glennau Griffin, 2.' and 4. G uy Lu ke, Osbawa, :3. Jack Cross, Hlampton, l. Ken Flint, Bowmanville. 6. Faye Corby,Bacsok Pony Saddle, under 46" - 1. Philip Hoskin, 2.Kerineth WVinterbottom, Oshwa, 3. Teresa Asselstine, Black- stock, 4. Michael Robillard. H-acknev Pony, under 13.1- 1. Ross Harrison, Lakae2 Lockyer, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Barter, Uxbniidge, 4. E. Goble, 5. S.Mates Cartwright Pony Special - 1. P. Hoskin, 2. T. ssestine, 3. K. MeDonald. Three Gaited Saddle -1 Ken Flint, 2. Lillian Kahn, :3. G. Griffin, 4. G. Luke, 5.Jack Cross, 6. Mvrs. Scott, Oshawa. Roa dster, single, 15.-2 and under -1 L. Blight, 2. L. Hoskin, . G. Rainey, 4. W. Vivian. Western Pleasure (10 entr-, jes) 1. D. Gough, Oshtaa 2. ,Till Canifieldi, 3. G. Luke, 4. Brenda Jack-son, 5. Debbie Jackson, Whitby, 6;. Faye Corby. Carniage, 15.2 and under - i BI. Lawson, 2. R. Sadler. Pony Saddle, 46" and] over - j- Phil Hoskin, 2. G. Brent, 3. Cindy Grieve, 4. K. itr bottom, 5> CarolI Allun. Arabian Ladies' Saddlle - 1. F. Corby, 2. Rl. Scott, 3. D). Gougb, 4. D. jackson, 5. P. Marshall, IBrooklin . J Canfield. R-oadister, single, over 15.2- i', L. oskin, 2-. G. Rainey, 3. W.MeFarlane. Lakny'A. and over - 1, Lockyer, 2. Barter, 3. E. Goble, 4. S. Matthewvs, 5. D.. Robillard. Road Race-Buggies - 1. L. Blight, 2. W. MFnae 3. G. Rainiey. Caurnage, single, over 15.2 1R. Sadfien, 2. B. Lawson Single Ponyý,, harness, 46" and under - 1. D. Collins, 2. and 3. S. Mjattbews, 4, Ray Cochrane, i-. R. Tribbýlinig. Gentlem)an's Turnout - 1. L. Bilght, 2. E. G'oble, 3 S. Mattbews LadyjJive -1. D. Bartrý JONF. General insurance fIRE atnd AUTOM'*OBILE' INSURANCE 33 K1NG ST. E. 2. D. Robillard, 3. M. Hoskin, 4. S. Mattbews Child Driver -1 and 2. M. Hoskin, 3. D.Rbad4. S.I Matthews Englisb Pleýasun e- t. G. Luke, 2, D. Gough, 3. J. Canfieid, 4.Karen Reid, 5. F. Corby, 6i. C. Brent Single P'ony, over 46"- - 1. S. Matthews, 2. R. Harrison, 3. Ray Cochrafie 4. l M sn D- Rob 'illard. . Hsî,~ Native Costume, Arabian Saddle- 1. Mrs. R. L. Scott, . Mrs. Faye Cry Single Commercial Pony1%7 Trophyby h D. Collins - 1. and 4. D. Collin)s, 2. R. Cui], 3. G. Holliday. Junior Equitation i.pat Marshall, 2. Debbie Jackson, 3. Sarah MacDonald, 4. G. Brent, 5.Louise VanCami-p, 6. K. Winterbottomi. Pony Tandem i 1 Donna Robillard, 2. Stan Matthews. Showmvnansbip, commii-ercial p on y on Line, - 1. John Curl, '2. ~ Dic k Cifins,3. G. Hoiliday, 4. W. H. Plopp. Heavy IHorses--Belgian Classes were w-ýon by fine entries, of Muirray Grove, Stouffvîlle. Cmecasing- le, light - 1. R. S. Cochrane, 2.1 Elmer Lee both of lackstocK., Commercial, siýngl5e, beavy - 1. R. S. Cochrane., 2. E. Lee. Commercial Te(am - 1. E. Lee,., 2,. R. S. Cochrane. Four-Horse Teami - 1. MWurray Grove, 2. Elmer Lee. IUnicorn Hiteb - 1. Murray Grove, 2. ElImer Lee..k Single in Harness - 1. Murray Crove, 2. R. Coch- rane, 3. Elmier Lee. Beef Cattle-Shorthorn cla- sses were won by entnies of Bill Siater of Orono and Gerry Corniish of Tyrone won Here- ford classes except the follow- ing Heifer Caîf, under one year - 1. Gerry C'ornish, 2. Bruce Robillard, :3. and 4. John Chomnisky. Best Beef Steer, any breed - 1. Gerry Cornish,' 2. Bruce Robillard, 3. and 4. John Choinisky. Beýst Beef Ste, n reed - 1. Doug Smith. Çampbl)ellèr-oft, 2. bill Slater, 3. Doug Larmner. Best Beef Hierd-EatÏon's Livestock Special - 1. and 4. Gerry Cornish, 2. and 3î. Bill Slater'. Best Beef Cowx on Grouinds - Bill Shater - prize by Ralph Swain.' Corn Starch Con HeIp Sunburni This is moidsumminer and the vacation boomn is at its peak in Ontario. Warmi sunny w;eather bas added imnpetus to (he ru)sh for the outdoors an1d the beaches. 'l'leOnao Safety League warns against over-exposure to the su. ot weather is enervating and when. combin- ed wiihb a severe sunburn if can turn an) otberw,ýise pleas- anit vacation into a seious Cet Cash Today For Old Appliances throuli S TA TECS MAN CL1,A S S F 1E 0S I Phone 623-3303 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE Save 3c Sove 1.6Ç AeP COFFE 1 FRESH4IY GROUND IN tHE WATASTRONGER EI.ENDl BAC99 Save 10c STORE WHi-N YOJ UYU IT o -o HOLLANDIA COOKIES 5 Varieties 3for $ 1.OO LIQUIO MIR DETERGENT Pkg of 2 14-f1-om plastic btls Everyday Low Price! I S A&P Brarad, White, YeIIow, Green, Orange' PAPER TOWLS ~iz2 2ROLIS e5,Q PINK', WHITE, YËLLOW SAL BL8 Save 31C N01 BEFORE! a-ýý MI VIVA TOILET TISSUE ~ ks f$ WILSON'S GINGER ALE 28-07. 4q for 85c,_ 6,Plus Deposit _ Buy A 4P Brand Products- Your Best MonerySu vintg Vles! SUNMIX A&P ORANGE CRYSTALS Poly pkg of 5- 31/-oz envs Discount Prices Plus Weekly "Action Priced"" SpeciaIs! MANSON, PURE, RECONSTiTUIED, UNSWEETENEID OR'wANGE JUICE MUSIIROOM, VEGETLE LýBeEF, CHiCKEN NOODLE, CHIC-KEN RICE CLARK 5SOUPS CEREAL cHO4ICE, StICED A*LYMER BEETS v'oL CHOICE AL YME R P EA S ORANGE FLAVOUR T pANG LCRYSTneALS b FLAVOURS m "ASON'S CANNED POP CiETERGENT -- AN A&P BR ANO PRODUCI SAIt LIQUID (PREPRIC 9-FLL ODZ 89C EDI ACTION PRICEP! 64 4L Q 9 ACTION PRICEDI 5 10 FL CýliTiNs 89< ACTION PRICEDi A CTION PRIC D, 4~ ~~ 14Fmu Is9 4 ACTION PRICED 19-FL AVTS 9 PCLY PKG CI' 4-3/Cl ENzf-qVS 3 CAU CFý 24-i0-FL CL ZIP TODP TINS i.6 641-iL-CZLI~L 99<, WITH TOMATO SAUCE ANN PAGE BEANS 3 1-isz Shtop A&P EO7 TOWN CLUB, SLîCED CEFNTRE CUT Si'de Bacon -lb v.,:Pasi$1.3 4 Park Loin ChOPS lb$13 SX BRANO, BY TiRE PIE SX BRAND, ASSORTED ARITIS I.CED Cooked Meats îý2oz vac Pac 98 IOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLIED, VACU.UM PACKED Cottage ROUIS avsl98 SUPER.RIGRT OUALITY PorkHocks lb49o SLJPER-RIGHT QUALITy, UE Beef Liver b88 WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES jj Aîwys do whae is honeSt and fii for uvery RAI NCHECK: if an Adverised special i5 ever soId out, ask tht Maijger for a Ra.ncheck. If enfifles yov t. titi same item aft Te Sanie special Prit." the feIIowirnq week. Or if yoa* wish w11eige ot Y"a COMPai- abeitem at the sarne special price. GUARANTEE: A&P offers an uftconditionet m00ey-back guaraont**. No maffter what it k , noMater Who vuakas if, e P ls if, A&P gaate f Bakery Savings JANE FARKER (Tart 'N Sweet 'N Goocd T- jat) Cherry pie F'8i,2ope6 9# JANE PARKER, MERIZNGUE Lemo'n Pie Fua 8 'n 22 oz pae 6W1 JANE PARKER BragnMîuffiîns pk I3 9ý JA-NE PARKiR <SPJCY RAISIN R9C01> Spanisk Bar Cake ig9 caýke5 3 JANE PRE JeIIy Roll Gan i-ib, 7-oz cake 79 JANE PAREKR, JELLY OR PINEAPPLE OPPEO Sweet Rois Pkg of 84 JApN PARER Glazed Donuts pkg of 849 JANEPAôRKER iEngl'sk Muffins Pkg of639< CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN WHITE TABLE STOCK POTATO ES 20-lb bag ..eut Greut Meut! COUNTRY STYLE Spaore Ribs 'b- $1.08 HICHLINER, FROZEN Ocean Perth Fîluets oz )g9 A&P BRAND, FROZEN CHd illets 1607pkg 87f BRILLiANT BRAP40 Frozen Shimp 8 ozpkg$10 ALL1 PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATý-URDAY, SEPTEMBER BtAh, 1973. common practice today. Em- ployees who are sent to neigbboring farm and sI included on the payroll of tbèï--' employer are covered in the event of an accident. At tis usytimne of year, farmners are, mo-re susceptible to accidents than at otber times. Working with the Farmn Safety As_ýsociation tbe Work- men's Compensation board proteets tbte farm empioyee, and in a, very direct way the employer, also. An unsafe operation can cost the opera- tor untold sumis in iost productivity and thereby, in profits. Work safely. Accident pre- ventican ravs! 11 ýP WHOLE B BOKAR COFFEE Pork Loin Quarters Cut Into t.pO Rk CHOPS îbsl.OS i,9to Il Chops. in a PkgNoCnrSieImvd SWVET PICKLED ENI)CUTS [DflDI( rFANiD(IRCTCf Back Bacon $ 1.39 lb. RbPr1to Centre Cuts $ 1.49 lb. 7 BONE CUT (COIJNT HM 2b.-I RETRN FAj ,, enderloin Portion,,b I? N1 in r 0 e" clé L- C r%0 310 a3M248e fCI A&P Offers You A (hoice For your shopping convenienc e A&P WEO handies nationally, famous brands of Soft Drinks in botk Returnable and Non-Return.. abebotties. THE CHOJICE 15 YOURS! VýONDERFlT, ONE SIZE FIlS AIL, ASSORTED COLOURS IPREPRICEDî P A NTY HOS-*weE k4 9~ custom ahcrpoertos Those freswoe'aei botmi types of operations and cal) sh l separation of dultieýs and maintainl a separ- ate" payr-oll, miay be ligible for! assessmentilt under both rates. For fuirtber iformiation abouti this, anî operator sbouild contact the Toronto Head Ofieof The Workmren's Comipensatiion Board at 90 Harbour Street Anyý penson wm-o is paid a stated wage and ,wor-ks under cont-rol and spriinis automatially covened and is DRK BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF % ýPO Thi4 wuk m WFO

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