attended the Canadian Nat- onlExhlibition, onl Sunday. BA C -Mrs. J. Jones, To% nd 11 LJ Sýndy, accom panied -Mr. and Mr. .Joe Crow, Lake Overci the past couple of on Sunday. weeks, miany of local people Mr N rs. Ross Aýsjton have attended the C.N,. E. and and famil had a hay- ride on many of our 'local exhîbitors Friday evening for several have done well as usual. On friends and relatives of Beth the weekend mnany fromi here Ashton before hier departure attended Kinmnount Fair in for nurse-in-training at Civic spite of the intense heat. Port HsiaPeterborough. Perry Fair on Mondayv att- Symnpathy of the comrmunity racted mnany more althoughi is extended to Né. and Mrs. others gave up their plans Joe Leavens and Linida in thec because of the very hîgh deaýth of Mr. Leaven's mnother temiperatures. in the Oshawa Hospital on Winners at thc Weely Sumnay. Tuesday eývening Card Party Symnpathy of the Commr- were Ladies high - Irene Co)x, unity is extended to the famiily Secýond - -Meta Reid, Thiird- of the lateMr Fred Smiith. Olive MlcKee. Mlen's Hligh- Club 21 Meet-infg Gordon Strong, Second- First meeting for the faîl Walter Lawrence and Third- w'ill be hield on WVednesday Jim Latimer. Sept. 12 at 8 o'clock. Group 1 Weir- Swain hias r-eturned in charge. Mrs. Real, Mrs. J. homne fom a prospetig tnp Potts, Mrs. A. Trewin and lo Noirthi-Westerni Ontario. s L. Slenmn MýissLinda AMcLaughlin hfas c(cepted a position in Bell O BITUARY Canada,at Oshaxýa Sho ping CYRIL JAMES COOMIBES Centre. She omec hr Born and educated in WaleSjbASas1 Represeintative on Cyri Jamnes Coombes, aged Friday. Good luck, Linda in 6j. passed auwayini j. O. Ruddy your new endeavours. ospitalWiby, f11owng an Mr. and Mvrs. Ed Harris jIlnessý of 10 days, on Wene oved into heir new home day, AugustL 29th. 1973., last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Retired for the pEa! two Brian Stland and family years, Mlr. Cnoombes had woehouse Mr. and -Mrs. reiddin shw and Whit- Halýrr1is recently purchased are b.The son of Christopber andstyn with r'elatives in the Ada Coombes, he was a area unti their new home in mebrof the S,,alva1tion tbe subdivision in cmitd Armyý. Surviingareo brothers Mrh. and Mrs, Carl Gilbank lie, Bowmanvilleand Eric-, moved into their nwhome Burlington, a third 'brother-, lastweeu(k from omnvle Rinaldd, peeesdhlm.n Their new homre is located on The fune2ral service w',as the ecorner of ber lfather!'s coducted by Captain S. fxArm UM. han AMuntjo n H1ewlett, from 1the NrhutCountý, Rod5 7. Ellioýtt F'uneral Hlome on Mi. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin FridayAgst3,folwdby ar -le cmptn g tj1ý heir move cr.emion. Manyý donations tofrm the house adjacent to the Canadian l-lart Eund Beacock'sHardwareto heir were ade in bis mmry. ew home on Hlighway 7A,' east cSBcta! It sseems the South, tryngtoget thý' Nori Ysoubeve there is NOTICE BlOYS and GIR ages 7 to 16 ye, RIegÇiStratia) for NEWCASTLE RECRi SATUR'DAY MOR Leagu,)e Saturday erý 10 aumr0 2N Fee: 50c per St for 2 games. Leaue to begin OctO No registratin arc afer Sept. 30, 191 THEPESIQ0AL.Y'NOI; ST AN E U T con imid Majer, w luibs coltton bn I er.i !ix2son e hat cotton-pick- ing time. Mrs. Majer says il bas been ifasc.i!atiig !to watcb L S tile pansgr'owand rmature. ars Th flower c anilonlybe dsrbdas r'esemI-blinýg a fl sinigle rose and as il bloýssomjs on 10 imaturity it changes colIor EAINseveral imnes. Mona s isnot just sure wen il will be lime 10 ,harvest ber precloius crop but cm; Lyoucn be sure she Millbe r-eady and wýilling when the Lime finally- arrives. in the meanime she is kept busy tending and nursing b1er crop. ït, 1 Everyone wil bleanouy on awaiIiîng therapn of the fiibdproduct. Newcstleseemns 10 be nLL mainIg progress nin oemi', îra -y lion a 1yay1ave you gotten "our steet numiber yet? Il ber th semsibe Council thjought Iblis eptd asa good idea and proceed- te d ,10 ak nquiries alongý 3 1 tee ie.The,ýn, Motber Bell offered 1 asistintHe maeterjob in regards 10 repars, nstlions-tec Inmucb eaisier and proceeded 10 do an ex'ýcellent job. The result AY is ai]prprte are now aake sure what number yo numbred aj'uWin f o wsb bae-do cekwitb he": master ist wbich is ps idn He unicip l Ofice in the- Comiiuiiy Hll. ,You illif miu havercevd ore teepon ook, notice ite properties Iare numbered in Ibisssu, ut %we s.l.~v ~ou il) check fihe master list beforhe purcbaing numbers 10 put uýp. Wont il be inice nowý, wb len hav ing a dlvr ae soi just Io wsay -pleaIse aeîiver 10, 1209 -Janle St.', Sure mnakes il ue el asier for al onered Congratulaýttionis 1 Council, TOSBell Telephlone and 10 tthe Ntewcasîle Lions Club wbose ! 7 1 1 nmembers tookor; r for Iie sîr(ýeet numlbers. As eýveryone( realhizes, sun- THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THOSE WHO-1 ARE ILL VWITH CANCER AN D i EED 0OF ASSISTANCE *RANSPORTATiON TFO TREATM,ýENT CrENTRES- eD REýS S lS ePAIN RELIE[VI NG CRUGS eHOý)MEA NBD HSITL VISITING eHOME NURSINC -.IE *HOUS'EKEEPINC, SERVICE *LOOGE ACCOM MOlDATION, CDIVERSIO0NAL ACTiVMTES mer i gradally oming tu0'a coeand so, thecrefor, aýre many -of ils reLltd iviis Playvgrounid bas bee ove no fuir nearlyý a monthI and our Banltaml Girls' Softball teamlï were finalloutedfr-om th,1e, Riýe lake-, ir1s , S oftbl) l Leaigue by ýthe hbard Ihittiingu, Roarune taiastVWed- nesdai, Aug*29. Our îBantam girls are to beconralatd on their xeletseason effIod tand tiiii- dsoigo., Garden HIli)il-!inthe- semi-fînais, Io tle fminalroumd lagaafSr Neýwtonville theî girls just s(Peemed o run' out of steam. Tbley put up a go1(od tff ibt ut were, handily beate'n by a betteýr teami. Conglratuflions aire iin order to tche girls, anld their coamvces Msr.George Gray 1and dWgr The NeMwcas[le Peýewee %ent- ry in t'he Rice Lajke Grs Softll Lau sstl on stronlg. T e eded.1up )on top of the Iheap aare nol-w b lthcl( toe!!oftfin)al playof.fs aginst Garden Hili . Goo inrdcdin!two sessions ti yeair, is all over but provýed patirol counlted wîtb the Red Cross regular cýlasses, about 20tonk palrt in these classe-s 0f1atclritrs is the l'eadier Paroicîss b i in p'eople we er red'1andial 5 pass'ed tets ibfyn colors. Theoscesf l cadi- dates wetre 1,tb Patrso Jeanette Wai'igar anilld Pau, Quinneyý. There ,,,ill be a mre comprhensve rpor't on the successfl candidates >in ac of lthe clsssext we.Any axxrdsnotpicedup alti the home of amiBeeo.3 Mis MryPaterson,1Mi ss Kathy Gutar Mr.Geoge Gry.MrIPulQunny1n done indIled. ilut lol Witbthe umm r Ieal Necatl RcratonComm- ite'al and Wntractivi- ties will becakn placei.lBe sure to keep .our ey\es openi for notices un thcsc registra- tions, ser Pthe N.RC., Yoth Bowling KRegistration infmormn- ation elsewhiere on thispae Witt, Mr. land Mrs. jack Pruner amd girls oerthe holiday weekend %were Mr. and Mýrs. Billy Boluc-k of Winch- eýster and Ms Annie Ja(obs of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gog as rick of Wnbse and Mrs. Dorotby _Murphy of Iroq u:ois setlthe hoidaiy weekýend witb r.and Mr 1ls.Ramn Pruner ,aj)d'cifamily ati h Miss L'inda Skeldcing of CippýIewa spenit last ekwt be(r aunt 'and uncle anldfmly Mr1 and Mrs. Ron Hoe Michelle a ' While bjere beur day\s were busy wilbl Mr. and MrsGordonl Garrod Jr'. iand faily wer MýIrs. Garrod's mother and acoter. Mae Friedlander and Mrs. ill Browvn of Heur maJ riends uwill be 50 PI leased to learni that Miss Lois Martin wbo underw-ýent open beat urge'ry M tToronto General Hospitail stMond!ay 1(Aup,27) is coin aonfine ï She is out of inten-sive( c-a-(e and ge('ts ýupaýnd around. -with the helýp of lbe nurses, eývery dIay- 01ur tblough-ts and prayer-s are with you Lois. To celebrate the end of Sum1110rvaication and the beginning of al new school y ear, Mlisses Aimee and Irene Breretonentertained a few fiends lasd Friday raid Satur- day ightIis i a Backy-ard Get-Together. Friday,, night, Aimee entertainecd Mi ss es, Sandra Garrod, Sandra Kel- seSandr a Kean and Mr. GayJohlnson and Mr. Sammy Glaniville. Saturday evening Iree bd as ber guests; Debbie and Janet Pruner, Shairon dle Jonig, Susan Wbyýte an Dan lanxville. Regitraton'or the Ne- castle Cub Pack will be1]e4d Stebr101h. at Newcastle CommuniHall, 7-8:30 p.m. Any býoys ages 8-11 years ec m ad shoul be acc- HAYDON Mi'. Lawrence Tabb), and friend, rlndFloridla, Mr. and Mrs. MrryTahbb Bow- mavle isite1Mr-. and Mrs. W. Backurnanïd family- Mr. and Mrs. ýIa hap Linda and Janet, Ennis-killin, weeSund-ay v isitors -aI the Lloyd Ashtoinhme Mr. andf Mrs. R.Tonnd Kewcspent Labour Da witb ranIdparents, Mr. nd Mr.C. GaIrrard. Mrs. Gordon Ddleyand witber mnother, Mrs. Arlhur Read. MIr Bi MasoMissAlc Jons, N.,Kingston, pn the ekn at berhoe Mr. and j Mrs. ihalSt eng, scarboroughi, spont the ~xeedwith -Mr. and Mrs. Ross Abton nd famijly Mr.Debr Potts, ArnIprior, sPent the \wekend witbte Pot tfmily.> Mhrs. Chrringon, and srs. W. Martin, SunsetLoge Bowmanille, ere Sunday viiosof MNr. and Mrs,.JJ Pofts and family. iMrî. and Mrs. Toma Potts and Chrieneý(,l were Sunday supper guests of thec PolIs family. CongÏratlations to Mr. and Mrs. Johin Potts on c-elebrat- ing their 313rd wedding anni- versary on thie weedand were taIken iout to dinner by their faimily. A iscellaneous showmerws hosted b-y Galil Graihamn at berý home for Mary RoIh, on Wednesday ev-ening. Mr. and 'Mrs. Rosýs Asbton an!d famil y, aind MN»r. and Mrs. McalStrenge attended af weddingparty for- Mr. and Mrsý. JohnMLagl, at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLughinFenelon Falls on sunday. Mr- and Mrs, Wayne Black- humn and 'Mr. iandMJ\rs. W. Blac'kbuin, Dale and Njýil ST OC K Iol Nestilon. CMr. and Mrs. 1Simsi-on of jFlint, Michigan were wveekend sguests of their d(aughtler «Mr. aand Arn. Larry Sbryburt and efamily. ýï Rev. and Mrs. V". M. Pairsons and fami!y returned home last wveek afler spending 'an en1joyable monifh campig in tbe Prairie Provinces ivisiting friendrs in their formecr païrish and in other area.. Church services were hield in boWh churches on Sunday at usual times. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MýcLaugh- lin and Debbie, M. and Mrs. Hlarold McLaulghlin, Lijndza, Janîs and Kelly, M. Roy Bradburn, Mr. and AMrs. 1David Kyte, Kar'en and Jason atendd a family gatbering at thie home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughlfin of Fenelon Fals on Sundffay to rmeet the nelyed r. and MNrs. Johnt MceLaughlin. Mîr.Nrmn reen bas progressed well following sur- geryv and is expected to be ital soty r.Cute Grabam isi',niPort Perr: H1ospital for wbat is, boped Ito be a short stay.ý Mrs.ElizbethSkelding hbas been a'a visiting rieativ 'sý ove r the past couple f 'eks Mr. and Mrs. Da;le une adfamnily 'of Thunder Bay'm weeks with relatives aind frinds lin0tle area. Mr. and Ms.Roy Corden ab'1d Julie spent several day%,s Last week in (Coe HilI at Turnerscottage. Mr. a1nd Mrs. Stuart Mc- Quade and Michael, Port, Perry were lst wcek vein calle rs of Mrs. 111t01Wilson The Canadian 1tatecsmani, B ownimnv ille, Sept enber 5 1973 Il and Ims. McQuade. MIr. and Nestieton atne the Golden Crse Va"e MWsn of Toronto Wedig nniversary voi Mr. were WVednesday noon callers. and IMrs. HlarryHl held in St. Andl'ew s Preshyterian un Satuday Mr.e ndMrs. ChurchHall in Lindsay foll Miarwood âMcKee accompan- wed by, dier at the Red ie yMrs. enLwo o aptIn Vor Lcl*fv is even moreb This year, $83 million is going to be invested in helping' people help themselves in their community. If yours is a typical community, we're putting the "local" into the Local In itiatives Program by set-ting up a Constituency Advisory Group, or by having L.I.P. staff consuit with already established groups. So now yoýu help decide whkch projeds wi1l1 contrib ute most ta-- everybody.1 On the Coijstituency Advisory Group will sit a good representation from the community, including people active in community affairs, people from local gov- emment and social agencies, and L.I.P. sponsors from last year, ail suggestLed by your M.P. Your project could have up ta $75,OOO ta work with, if your idea is a highly cre- ative and innovative one. To qualify for L.I.P kfunds,your projedm ust create not les thain 15 man-m-onthis of em- the skills required for you-Lr project rnust bez- availa--ïble wthnyour cmuntProj'ect sponsors m ust hire alemployees through Canada Manipower Centres. Deadline for applicationýs is October l5th, 1973, though early si.ubmiiss ions could resuit in projedts starting as e-arly as December 1 St. In northern or isolated areas, projects could start as earl1y as Novemnber lst. Pr- jects niay be funrded for up ta six m'oniths. T here's Do-it-L-You rself -Bush iness L..P. too, for com-panies w1hich wanmt ta provide faciliti;es or services for their commulniti es. Projects are not to be related to business operations, and must create additional jobs, Ail i t takes is one good idea. Applications available nowv at your nearest Canada Manpower Cenitre. DO-flW-OURSEF.LF LI.P GETA GOOD IDEA AND GEl' IT GROWeING. * Manpower I and Immigration Robert Andras, Minister Main-d'oeuvre etIm gain Robert Andras, Minsistre Mrs.SamBrertonPhonie 987-4221 P/e ~vcasde L.I*P L J Chndia CacerSociety BOWJ4N ILL eDISTRICT! UNIT