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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1973, p. 12

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E N NIS KIL L EN Mrs. M. Stainton wýere recent visitors of Mr. an-d Mrs Wlbert Smith, Oshawa. À %Mr. and Mrs. Baymnan, Tracy and Jeff, Cobourg, were Sund aaternonclesa Mr. ndMr-s. Harold Ashton's. Pleased to report MNrs. Ted Wryreturnedhoe fromi the hospital on Saturday. Mlr. and Mrs. MUilton Starn- ton spent a day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stainton as week at Sturgeon Lake andç al1so called on Mr. and MNrs. ýÎ Elmer Hawes and Mran iVrs. Ray vSmïiliith). K en, Date Gr lffn is do)îng micely since his aýppendix operation Suinday 'v atBPw-mari1le Hosp- jtl Mr and Mrs. S. Pethick visited MUr. and Mlrs. Horace Gibb)s, Sunday evening at Osaa. Miss Elsie Oke, Bowman- ~ EZ'. r u~i~civille is visiting -.ri. and Mrs. Dia ~~~Mr. and r.Evwrv and fami1y, Sudiburywmer' weekend visitors wt r n c____ leilver, PI Mr-s. Ted Werry.Mrad Gordon Wateind Michell,, By direct factory to you selling, evenvngudinner e s ith buyirng, we at National, eliminate costlyTeWrrsanfaiy overhead. Ourýý qualified drapery consultants M.adMs da rgt carry- a complete range off our newest and finest Fnk Sp- ry ghtwereSuna fabrics and are ready te measure your windows vafllerS t ]Mr. and Mrs. W and give you an xact, on-the-spot quote - no adro's oubs extras. , ni\ran Mrs. Murray Mar- shai1, Andreai nd Caria, were ;0dy i irguests at Mlr. and Mrs. Robert Scorrar's, Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Dean English, Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe's. dr pe or yo rMr. and Mrs. Gregg ol t e I ,I.,st custom r p sfr y u and Laurie, asrewr Monday air at Mr. andl MrS. Ted Wrys home Lýat telowest possibleprce WCwredeul learn of the sudden death of the late Mr. ,NormanE. Wgt.The co1munity ex- r ~ tends their deepest symnpathy to allmmbes of his sorrow- Mlleing fam1ily-. Head cOffice 19 milvain dieW so hY tu ". t tfamlly of Cl'! II~ TIf"TrLong Sut S O ATHOME SY xý V'CE' Many beijs are ringing,ý Tradfitionai school belis be, TORNT CLL742M1880 on puipils back to their hous Cali colleet Out of town o lanig Wdd. bhs1r inging, and as they raa IVITOU NWSHOW ROOM rn!onth agofor- Mr. 'and Mr. Scarborough Town iCentre een rewDittn) nthey-,were cC ow a n R oadila t 4 01 East maried and last week return- ed fohtheir weten oney- 0 Nt ' Pli !1511 NP_14 M There's plent'y of Free Parking!N ÏN j Store Hours N * ~~~The friendlyjMo.Tesat N -k Se rls stre in the lO u r y93 Mto: 0..Oh w e., Thus., SF.N N XU s o u h 9:-30a.m. to 5:O"0p.niU N Oshaw \Ved, Fri PlZZCentrZUeEK N N E U Z K K K N K Z moon trip ourioc( lois M na party ai theCmunt Hall in their honor, Mlesdames Dorothy Sharp, and Ruth Stenger organized this gathe- ing. -Mr. Waynie Beckeitta an efficient MI.C. wh"Io with brief opening remarks intro- duced an entertainling Pro- gramn. %Mr. Elgin Taylor recit- ed comnical poemns. iMrs. Joyce Virte's readg had humor and good advice. Two promis- ing young musicians Mlaster Scott Werry and MIaster Brian Mcilperformned capabhly at the piano. Mrs. E. WVrighrt and È hier notorious qatteput oni a 3Mock Wddngvith lRoss Astn harmning bride, O C.Ashtoni, a ie VoUS go E. Wnigbt, i)d6m id and John Siem-on, beýst man. Grant WVerry pflayed the role of the- parson Alrs. E. Wright pres- ided at the piano for a duet by the attendants. The guests of honor Doreen and Robert Dittburner were gi\ven a pretty corsage and boutoni- ljore by Betty, Jane flanewich Dond adRbetwr escorteo)the sta)ge Mjrs Maýrgar-et Santnread h ler n-icely wrde adress amdý1i bronzed ci ard tleandchi set[eepeetdb an Becýkett and GrantWry from , dte Cmmnunitore and Rý)oen eprssd hein sincereý apprec-iation for the enjoyablJ)e panty and wuu gift. Lunch included a speciai treat by the bnide~s parents. Deep estsmpaty to MNon J. Wailraff and berfamily Ùin the suddeýn deathi of bier husband. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeKIri weeSund-ay tea guests of Mlr and Mr-s.Angus ýKinig. Littie Bobo.î KENDAL Mr.n and Mrs. Thonas Run- dhe, of southBen, ndiana visited withthein cousins Cathering Stewart, Marion andi C John MKe AI. r Rudesgrandfatherý, David Stewart, once lived at Leska'nd years ago. Ilis farm was- one oif hose i.ncorporated in the MlospontRaceTrack. On Wdnsdy ening there was a baby shower for Mr.Doug Wý\alker of Oshaw'a at the hme of MOrs. Carl LangstaffîMrs.Langstaff and Mýrs. Geo MDnl the co- hostesses conducted games beforeth Ge gifts were openecd. i Ltra tasty lunch wYýas ' served. R-,ýcerit \isitcrs wîvtb -Mr. and M1rs. Thos. Steveri at their buommier thonm wre AMr. and M1rs. John Stevens of A-imes, Iowa aiso Mnr. and Mlrs. Relebust and famnily of, Tor- onto. M.and IMrs. Jack Stapleton are movine ,rfnm their hom-e on the 6th 1bne tnis wee. Tey wih beliving in a trailen until their new honne is coinplete-d.ý M.and AMrs. David Littie and famihy of Keenie were Sunday viitos ith n. andJ 'rs. Allen) Downes and fami- ily. iMrs. Clarence Therteli att- ended the funenal of Mrs. Sandercock at Roseneath on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. T. Snehgrove was back from bius holidays for church on Sunday morning. Mir. Sneigrove was one among the many wbo were stranded on Newfoundhand while the ferry Hie returned to Nova Scotia by plane.. Snulgrove chose as a Labou Day text %dos Wih and Man's ork". We wr als-o glad to hiave ai choir OBITUARY A esearcb Co-ondinator, Mining Associationi of Canada, Wallace Randolpb Horn, agedl 61, died in Toronto General Hospital, on MWednesday, Aug- ust 22, 1973, following an iHlness of three'weeks. Son ofÎ tLe late IMr. and Mrs. W. W.W Hlorn, Ham-pton, be was born- Morris Funeral Chlapel n Satujrdayl, August 2,withi Rleverend Morse Goddard con- ducting the service.Ronlorar'y Paîl-bearerswrebusiness associates fro Toronto and thepal-eaer Messrs. Jack Wra,,y, Sami-,Keane, Howard Hayv.Oshawva, Clifford HIorn, London, MAhGraham, Clare- mont,1 and Oscar Jamrietson. Peterboroùugb. Interment was in, Ram pton Cemet-ery. Dr. R omI' bad been residing at 484 Avenue Road, Toronto, and R.R 2,Oroo. Tur.pentine from11soiluen pinle treces isý a ma1iýjor- componi- ent of)finle pruns NOTICE NOTICE TQOW",NERS 0F LAND IN THE TOWaNSHIP OF DARLUNGTON TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, THE TOW4ýN 0F BOWMANVILLE, AND IN THE TOWNSHIPS 0F CLARKE, MANVERS, CARTWRIGHT, AND EAST WHITBY. NOTICE 0F. APPLICATION tothei Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Townlship of Darlington for thge approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pprsuâant to Section35 of the Planning Act. 1AKE NOt)ICE th at tuv Council oet Il e Corporaqon af te Townip of Da rilingitninteelnds te a pplytte 8e ta rio Muniipeal Beard pursuantytuh provisons d Arcton a dc the Planning Act fr apprevalf Bylaw 2Ui8 passed en the 2ist da% 0f August, 19M. A copy ni 1he By-awis furnihed herewih. A note givîg an eP"anatin o e8epurpose sud effect of S.e ls4-aw an" satig the lands affeed tereby éisase furniched berewhih Any persenn may, within fourteen te1) ayýS afteir the date of this, notice isendo by registered maild or deliver te the Clek of the Townsip of DarU-liuge notice of bis objection te approvail of the said B-lwtogether with a statemient of Uhe graounds ef such ojection. Any person ishing te support the application tur apparoval aet te y-awmasy witbin fourteen (14N days alter the "datedftéinoticesend by registeared maiL. ordeliver Wte eClerk W ef eTownshipetdrinOglon notice eàhi s"ppot of approval of the said By-law toagetew th a requaet fr notice of any hearing that may ho held giviog aIse the namne and address te which such notice should e g0veci.. The Oentarie M Nunic!iptal Board mnay approve ofth1e said By-abt before doing se i1 may appoin a Uime and Mairce whed any objectiortna te heBaw will he considered. Noice tfany Heariug thait imay be held will 8e given ouiy te peirsoas who have filed! an ojection or notice of suppoirt, and whaoiaveWehtwth or delîverd teIhe Clerk undersigned the address te wthich notice ef henring is te beis sni- The lastday forfilig objectonwill48eSeptember20, 193. W. E. Ridele, flated ai the Township off Daringlon thés 5h day ef Septiphr, 17.CekAmnsrt PtJPOE AtIEFFCToI~ B-LA 218x ,Ot)wship of Daringtou., By-Iatu 518 repeals iat part of Bv-law 2,11, the ouîuiig By-as.thant deals wilh sigus, anad sutiltutes a new Section which inles adefinitions deuat"ons, eg"rding4tenumbter, lcation, type and size o1aigus permitted in the Township. THE CORiPORtATION 0FTHE FTOWNSHI11P 0F DARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBSER 2 518 Avh~to amnend By.a wNpumber 2111 WHRA he tuîcîaldenucîlof thetorpoatiSnet the TonOApMel onug ofemait dviaable t aen By-lawnume 2s, samne i. That Section 2 of IByý-lass umbr i shereb aenedby (a> lnserting afler the paresent paragraph "<>ACESiY"1e fellowinglieu% paragraph (al (1>: (a t ) BUIL1DINGi" mens any edifice or structure, totherthan a lawtful boundary, wall or fence, which is aised or intended te be used foir sheiter. accommodation or en)closuire of persons, animais oir chatls," ( b) Renumbering the present paragraph -wz)&H»c SERVICE' " te (y> (p) cet Reuuembering the present psagraph "l (41> (a>) SlIOPING CNR'"te (y>) 3) (d Isrting the felling n"w prrp haw : S(z> GSION"lmeans anyt delisplayl lsurfIac e aor (Ice havýinaig tîerein enaylet ters. cha racters, symlibols or 1llus tratlions-,'wheichI id eln1!ilfyor r aeilany person., pla ceü, rodutct or th inag in cch a way a S te be vsbefrom nt yi public street, btut shaii net hinue anyý flag, emlblemn or insignia ef a nation, provinice, acheel or religieusgroporiany isýpbay twhich ipertains tue.a Federal, Provincial or .Municipal electioln. For th ppoe s c ntia y-a nysigne except à aportable sigu shai be deemed tube a structure s()"SiG;N AEAneans aIlspace wîthi tce periphery et the entire dsplay etany aigu. For purposeb ifdIbis Hy-bau, ay doue-faced sigu shai! be deemed tu bave one face on!y provided both faces are idphical cnigueous aud aralle, or diveging at an angl elo nmore Iban 15 degrees. , (> SIGN, G;ROI UD" niesos any signt perannitly supperted fromt the germundlbyue or moure self- J a~~~upperting oles, upr-ights or braces>r by a fence or free-sig uaonrystrutur. (z>(3>"SINPORABL" nea'ns any signe, lo nt tmore than twuo display surfaces fabricated ef mietal, plastic o intei oedu tnit !periËmntly afi;xed te thle groui niorIteam, structure, sud inludes a sandich Noard or ouy temporaryQi used foer safey, eleictioen or real estate (z>(4)BiInai.O".mu any alýsign atffixedutea roofed structure twhere the leest part ef the sign ilay suiý'crface i s asuer1te level f the adjacentcaves or top of tMe parapet waI. UZI 3) SIG, WLL"meaîns ny signiludisng a fasca sign, which Ws panted on or permaanently afied te'- wlor 4~nof etauvstructur ten wýhich sncb sign Wii ccessery. (z>) î IiC)'RE ans auytbing cenaslructed or erected, the use et which requires that il 8e lecated, or; attaced tu sonethaing locatedi, onie grounid." 2 hat eton4fBylwNumber 2111 is erb aed Y e&legtbererminits entiretyusectin<p sn sbuting therefor tue fllewug n"M susectie (p '<iSIGNRE LAIN No persaen shail witbili any Zone et ,llror use any sigu e.xcept in acodnc uith the Sigio Regulations in Section ilA of Ibis B-a. loi- eoietlowing irestrictions shah aiJpphREG. AT 0N >> Slt'.NS PERMITTEDý No fperson sh l ithiu any Zonle ec.aller or use auý aigu excepit one la oro th1eflin sign, nme >> I TSID)ENTiAý L i il! anU3RhZONiRS IOne wsall sign sud 'lone grond ignper lot, eacilon,0 excedisig 2'squaire teci in ares, iudicatin-g the naineaddreSs and eccpatJtioef weocupant proîeiedthat, where sncb igu identifies ;a pubic orn-institutielnal us, 1(aesigu aireka nay betgreater but shtah net exceied 121 squarq etdin ares; 2. ne nonilkauminated portale a, igu per lotý, fDMexeding 6 squae feetin une a dvrtsig a sale, lease or rentaýI pertiaiu-ing te sncb lot provàidedthat, wber-e frontage on a public street eeda50u feet, ;lie adtin such atgn shail 8e permnitted: A. eue portbles g e a ",greud sigunet exVceing 20 squar esfeinluarec idesstifyi contracter'c job-site; t. Anal igu plertainig te a FeerlProvincial er Muincipal electien Or'camlpaignl, provided tea cauch sîgutshait 8e prmittd not more than six uw4jks priertutoh1e eection dayr clse f aâmpaign and shah b le removed wi %itbhin 7 days hracr NewihAn"dng any proisions et Section 4A (bhereo e180e coar, anysign rqnired hby anypublic authorhin lu anada incluiding aýny officiai traffic signa or signal; sud auy sigu, înet vxceeiding 8 Ssquiare feeti in ares, indicatingcatin for slafety peurposes or -No Trespassing". l>\IALI, NON-RESliDENlTIAL ZONES: i. Any igu erite nsubsection (a> >1> bereof; 2Any sign oany door or wiudow. nt excveediug 25 per cent efth1e ares et such door or 3.aitny porar3 streamer- or baiannlerdesigne-d 'tepromiote courrent or iinienit activitie wýithin file NMuiipa)lity; INotihstsanditig any provisions et Section IA th> hereo te econtursry, soldirectioneal sign, nt exceedings qurefeet ilu area, indicating aveh, ulr tranice te or exii front privaite propertyt, poid the beight or smecb aunee greundlevlshcahnMe eceedl S çeMt. (i> IN (COýMMERCTIL (Ci ZOINE.S: i.Any sign permited in subsecton t 1 u i>hrr~f (M Oe all aigu Per lot for eachbusiness condutd on 1tu ot :i. Oie greuind si!gu per- let, net exceeding ?o square fetedil area, prov ided that, where such aigu ntifiebuinesccu-pants ef a shopping centre, such signs airea easy 8e grealer bt shalt net exceed eue squajrefooait for every lineal fontofetiefront lot linto. a, > IN CMERIL(C- sud 4C,)1 Zones aud( INDSRIL(Mi, M_1and NMQ) Zonies: i. Auy aQu pmitted in subsection (a) fi> and ,(> hereof: 2.tene portble aiguper lot inany C2 or CI Zone ony; 3. One wall igu or oie roof igue per lot fer eacle business conducted on D8e lot 40On groand aiu rhonot exceeiding ue square foot ilu ares foir ev-ery linealtfont of the front ilothu rie d tat, wefi etae on a publicret exceeda 125 fet, me additiol ush cbgrotnd aigu shai 8e permit and provided turîher the height et epcis sncb aigu abve grouud level shah 8he auIleas 8 feet aned net moreothan 35 et IN AGIUTRAL (A), OPENSPC (OS> and~ EERED DVEOI'ENi (I>ZONES:* 1. Auy aigu pemihte in subseclion <a) Si and %ii hertet symbol, embliein or pýicluare; h.One wall aigui or one groud exeeýdiug i12 square feet lu aresi, advertising farni produce raisedt or prediuced ou the premises or recreatienal facilities. hl SIGN PROVISIONS No persen shaîl witlîin ans Zone erect, aller or use s~a"igu exrepî lu accordance %Rth 1e foillwiug (i)a'PUR POS E S 0F 5IGN Euery au hah b degudm oly for the purpses o e detfyug the tise or occnapancy of thie lot, buldngortrctreon tuhic:h ii laIocaîed aor advertisiug t18e sale. leuse or rentai 0f tJe i1peerty ora>1te. goodaor services availble therein;u ai- LLL',MINATEF) sIGNs: rtaa Aty ilumînated aigu shah8e W angm etiwe aMtereflicu or OmitliHOUaway tro a nyit, Rleal Estate aigus adNertisiug 18e ale. ase or entaifetany proUpet-t(as ýpermitted ilu maximumu numbher per lot:ue, provided that, wbere treilage ou s public2 streiet1xceeds50cfet, ue additýiona usl sncbigu shall 8e Permitted." 4 This shclbc eefetive on 18e date hereof ,sbject te receiving Ore aPprovai efth1e Oulario Mulnicipal Buardl. THIS 8-L i>. I4ED %AiFIRSSEOD NITUR TM It 'NL PASSEP ON TluE, - C NT VA YOFAL ;UMT AO.73 -IH. BR( (EVT'NK" oepty-R eeve W. E. RUNOLE' Clerk ,7T-ý am

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