1Lipizzan Sto Iion Show Coming to Oshawva The wvorld's greatest equestriaiîî extravaganza, The Wonderful World of Hormes starring the Royal Lipizzan Stallion Show is coming to Civie Auditoriumn, Oshawa, on Thursday, Sept. 13th. This unique twvo hour equine spectacle features over 40 magnificent horses, a galaxy of internationally renowned riders, exciting acts and thrilling production numbers. c-MÎni (12") Colonial style, or 12" tropical Spindle Flex. 0f select quality harclwood. Ready to pafint or stain'. 881 ea., White Pîne #2 K.D. d-ldeal for do-it-yourself shelving. Prices shown per linear foot. x 8" N4S 311/e 1 " x 12" D4S 541/2C x 10 " D4S 391/* THVI L LE from the hospitai. Mrs. A. Sheppard is stili in Civic Hospyftal but expects to be home soon. Visitors wjth Mlr. & Mlrs. R. White were MIr. and Mrs. William White, Kingston. Bob Mercer, Gary Fowler, Nancy Fowler who plan to go to Ryerson in Sep t. were to Toronto on Saturdayv looking for rooms. They also went up on Wednesday. A goodly number from the area attended the exhibition the past week. Guests wi th MAr. and Mrs. O. Mercpir who ïilso attenided the Westgate Races wvere Peter Murphy' , îAncaster,-Miss Ann Irwin and Mliss Debbie Ing- ram. At thet race the 'Mercer car won t wo second prizes and the diamnond ring for the feature race. This ring will be given to Peter Mrh as Bob Mercer and Claud Hiarness h~aiready won- a-ring *pacî- Mvr. and Mlrs. H. Quantrill speni tindayi in Oshawa at a pîcnic with NMr. and Mrs. IH. Holden andote relatives. and Mlrs. H. Thijcksoni spenit a couple of days ,with Mri. and Mrs. H. Staats. Brantford this week. Visitors w itMr. and Mrs. b. Muldrew were Mrps. Cumm- Qur reputation is on the uine -BELTONE REARING AID SE VICE We siceel -anit to provide the best po)ssibýle service to the hearing handicapped of th-is area. We ask, therefore, that you get in touch with ums if you have a problern with a hearing aid - Beltone or any other make. If you feel you are flot getting full benefit froinyour aid, please bring it in to our offices and let us dean it and niake any minor adjustments that rnay be needed. Often, that's ail it takes to get a quality hearing aid back into good wperating condxitin, andwer happy to do it vwýithlout charge. If yo'd rather just sit down and talk about your hearing probleni and some of the ways hearing problenis can be helped today', we'll take the time to do it. And agini we'll do it wiýthoutî any chargeý whatsoever. %%e strongly feel, that ev'ery Unsolved eaigprobleni - every ursle comVplaint about a hearing aid could'1 affect oir reputation. We are jealous of that reputation and we know that if you are unhîlappy with the service youi are receiving or with, the hearing aid you ha ve, word gets ar.ounîd It eats away at our g-.ood naine. So if you have a probleni with your hearing aidl or the service you are r-eceiv.ing, please catl or c-orne ini. We sincerely feel we- cani shiowyvon the better way to better hiearingýf. WVe will be ini Bowrnanville on Thursday, Sept. l(3t1h. Please stop ini at H-ooper's Jeeellers, 29 î1ý'ng st. Eiast anýy tire between i1 p.m. ai-d 4 p.rn. Or cail 623-5747 and we will be happy to visiAt ou at 1ome. DIANNE BERNATII 40Georg;e St. N. Peterborough, Ontario Phoane 745-3244 ings, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fergu- son, Port Hlope, Mr. and Mrs. O. Falls, Mrlis. VW. Cook and family and M0rs. B. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. L Muldrew spent Monday in Oshawa. Mr. Nyle Bristowe is in Peterborough hospital. Don't forget di.e Jnstitute next Wednesday at Mrs. C. Beatty's. It is Mrs. G. Morris's group We hope to have a speaker on the new Me Vtric System. OBITUARY MRS. NELSON C. MARLOW After a lite-span of eibty- five and one baîf years Mlyrtie McGill 'Marlow died at the Port Peýrry Commnity Memî,-n orial Hlospital, on August 116.1973. Born VFebruary 19, 1888 at Burton, on the Cartwright side ýof Éthe Manvers-Cart- wr'lighit boundairy, shle was the only auhtrof George Mý'cGill and Eliza lHeasiip MGl.A brother, Victovr, died in infancy. Shieiatteiided! Lotus Public Schlool, rc ived usic lessons and vas ra willing helper on ber pare-nts £apjrm. On NMarch 7,1911, the imarr- iage (of "Myrtle MceGili anid Nelson C. Marlow was solemn- nized in the parsonage at B3lackstock. To this union were born four children. For thirt y- nine years until their retire- ment, they farmned in tbe Nesti.eton area. Jiu June 19507) tbey sold their farîm between the two Nestietons and moved to their new buingalow-in South Nestleton wbfich Mr. Marlow buiît. Followýinig Mr. Marlow's death, on Fbur 14,1956, Mrs. aro remained in their home, ie by kind neighbors and fml until May 18,1972. As thie resuLt of a faîl she was >hospIitalî,zed in Port Perry Commrunity Memii- orial Hospital and on dune 5, 1972 she enterecl the Conmmun- ity Nursing Home. Mrs. Marlow en)joyedI her fourteen months at thew Nur~- ing Home, joining in actlvl- ties, making new friends- and happy to receive mnany v-isits- from former friend s and family. During -Nursing Home Week'" this duneý, she assisted in pouring taand helped with the(- guest book. When healtb peritfted, Mrs. Marlow was areua attendant at Nestieton ULnited Church. She was a faithiful member of Nýestietoni United Cburchi Womecn and recently, paid lier tmembersbip feeis for 1973 and lber brtdanoney. For maniy years she was treasurer of the organimzation, and assisted in auditinig the books, Fier many friends will remember ber quiet igçnit,, ber ready smile and gentie> laugh. Thi-s comimunity and Township bias lost a true friend and good neighibor. Surviving tf0 remiembera kind and considerat!e mother and grandmnother are sons Alvin, of Caesaire, G1ibet, of Brooklin, Daughiters IMadeline (Mrs. Jam11es Fer-rier) of Perth, Irene (Mrs. Frank Symnons) of Bwmn i, ine grand.cbildren and seven great-grand!chJildrený. The late Mrs. Marlow rested at the McDrmioti-Panabaker Funeral Homnne, Port Plerry. Tbe funeral was held August 18, at 2:30 pm. ReverendA Harry Atkjnsoni, of Toronto, a former Nestleton resident and family friend condu.cted the simple and comnfortingsev ice. Intermrent was ilu the family plot at Cadmus Union Cemetiery. Paîl bearers were George Bowers, Georg.ce [Heaslip, q randsons, .DouglasMaow ed Marlow, AI Bryans and Don Roug hiey. Mlany floral arranigeme(nts, dJona1tions f0 the Onari Hart Foun-dation and f0 he Gdeo Bible Socie'ty rea sln tribute from firiends, relatives Go Watch for the Beaver value packed Cross Canada Sale Flyer It's packed full of excîting valuies-fîlled with great ideas. Every page contains tremendous buys. You're a 'Do-it-yourselfer'? Then reading Beaver's Cross Canada Sale Flyer is a must! Page after page of 'Every- thing you need to make it on your own", OPEN THURS. & FR1. 'TIL 9 p.m. TO SERVE YOU BETTER S peci a l!n f-Hold everything! Thý% adds decorative flair and solves your storage prob- lems in the b.argain! 6 rig id, stel shelDves are, finished in wvarm Walnut woodgrain. Ebony posts. Easily assembled wvith hiddenr plated nuts and boits. Adjustable shc-tvaee-. Instruction sheet in- cluded. Size: 27" x 11WV' Jeep x 54"> high. r FR11 DELIVERY E LIZ AB E Cburcb services w'ere held at Gaýrden HliÀlle. J. A. Raji ad an excellent message for us. Next Sunday serviJces wiil be beld at the, three chaý,rges,Wecm at 10 arin., ano at 11,:15 a.m. and Ga 'rden Hi'll at il a.m.- MIr. M. Gardiner is home and AIR ODTINN TYRONIE, ONTARIO u Phone 263-2650 -1