LEYV 1 ;11Summeir holidavs, 197:;, -r n o îaraayse haejoined the, ranks of day S of the debris and dust whnich goe y ndbosïnd girs, aeuuatesate bulig 1with those repoilniie for Tets ilb iidb Auction Sae Real Estate for Sale Real Estate foriSale tbleir euctin1egn n eldy usually attending to. Septî-be-4tb-a---yeaIof the leaning and waxing. Auction S al1e, Saturday ________ erieTenl bgie n M.adMs aodBs Sept , :5 pm.,aSaveonn thelakes-rç oad is Kevin speat aacouple of days /at way 23 in theý Village of ýAustn, son of Mir. andiMr. Cachacoma recently. BeMe cnsshg f lRoy Austin Who wili be Mr and Mrs. Gath Jpwgns, Bewrdlo eycn it f agena pilR Iattýn"ding George HamiltoR of Chatham were brne for wardr'oc, iiroudtbepaoflIIIREAL ESTATL IM*ITiFD idrgre.Patty Bl,('(' the uweekndto visitthr slltolsý, whe ltjst, -dreser, oinIg into unlior 'high and narernts andto get Miichael chaia, bdstrs, Aýsýeîng Dav25 1Pid Austin who lived here and Patrick wo bave been machne, arpes, lassara,____________ * prio b Yldrou-. iHl e here since AMrs. igis eonsîged Rog r Banister, 67 King st. E, BowrnIlanvill P Kn t . BwnniI trig idratna x Londinss Glora N ihlsof011 ancdother items t23i4beng 2 Oher signs ni fl a be Mondonasorrvdbnen Aucioner 6-1 edroomn, Bowmuanvile 62333seen in fthe-fields ýrippedof t Monday, Sept. 3. Sein atraSet 5 2 storey oder homneon 143 Acres Bo0wmanville grain crops. ab)sence' of swýaîî- Mr. aind ýMrs. Clarence a1 p.m sharp, the machin-,large downtn lot. JM,2 4pe. de l fr utriie dvlp ws noh apaac f a Ncoswr1aa o e er ad OuIsehol-d gnonds of baths, f ull basementjI>, newy mnt Uis this gond productive fe W warbler bcgnnig a slw holidays recently, visiting MsThelma iba ki mledeeorated. WValk to stores dairy ar ne mile t%& W m iigration.Moarh uter Huronia andHe msu strigh noth f OonoandClose to eeytig Caýlliits iand hbas_2 ron'd frolnt- espp qregtern i heelinýding if conLsiderabily ile trait nortil ofNow! age , 1zstrybrick hmo, large groups ad Ithey made expainded. Tcyspent somne )rf/o imen at the Irnco mine in- TamunBd Inlu&ddare:Clarke Twp. lot gond barreartesian welfl, n nusuFIILal display ýoneve On-j Mlode] D Case tractor, 1 fur- iareo gn pvd od od sre,Only 32,1000.00 ing when heysetled oni Sudbury where tbey learned r'ow ýtrail 1panughn cultivator. an acre. Terrifke buy. Trms. sp)ruice tries. races iethat the o ore0W beig rubber tired swagon, fnning neal, a creck. Dnt hesUiat Cil hli MRbi. covered ani thir nmovig 1-- miii, larger quantity 0f1fare- on this excellent bnr'. 92 Aes Oshawa wings madeie a pictusre Mo of utýcscae,"tAckSamïuel Annis - 623-7664 6 roo bngao,,ruR eguarchurch service beUomeUUyI7D 2n() ý >as tank wýýith JmsRbno 2-75gond prngs for fpond.6 9gaiat elcqoOlnda nin H l pmrtotiller: fucrniture milesenortbiastoofiOsh wn.moning Sept. 2,with RevA. J.n l-el includes 2 chests of drawers Member: Toronto 1Reai Estate mAlsionly$1f ,000 $0, Rmjiei care.Hiamss (ver nid, f ahstn, d BordOo dIDcown. age was the 'Labour Princ- The Montgomery andMabrt- lamu, qantiy 0 chars,31 ile-"basd on passages Wrm i eno a edo twn smnaîi pine tanbles, twn ) -89 Acres, Scenie Land S.Mr adTisloin. Snday ug. 9, at Cdarn vrv lnd, mirgrorsads -Ideal forfprivtm teat. hechir anbe ws Pra- Park, Hampton, with 45 att- treîngwine asig20 acres wooded. Locatedo ise the Lorýd" anidfthe floral ending. ahi.,set of dlining roomn rinear Pontypool. 340A,00. decorations fo the morning Vitngadsi ig haoif'R, idordmany moreis ,V- ems alDn on. Wvre aangements fromthe wcre cnjoyed durig the Yhalie Reidad 36ffPt- 50 AR cres uoedtn wdin hthe day before, afterrnoon. ~k, Actioeers 36- LUiiBER Near Tyrnýe. Ail plantcd troghthe kindncs of thv Felloing bbc picnic supper, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19h LTD. to )ines, haif mcile irond rn- comfamily. snday sch pr)tizeIs were gvn 0th le 1 ..ae Gond -ravel possibidities ý. (nol wýill begin nexýt SuAnay olwn:Nel are HOLSTEINS STARTER BOUE Askig $400000. T e r m s. afer is long recessan Cupl-En and Karen Mar- Open for offers. altbougb the building add(ition inLreIFml rc Comct Lke 'We.oîT. ein Wth n $200down pay 40 Acres Kendfal 1ilîs Area i o I i ednss;hr nd Jean Taylor, nikiln disersi wne byW.T. en and your ovv building wil be more, room forclse Couple wýith Youngest Ch-ild- Lake, Newastie, Frm Hwv. lot you can be livng in a nem Slighty rnllingaga rydci P s Oon BiIIn on Mcaid 401 take Newcýastlc Bd. exit Beaver lHome of your ow land. Eariy saýndy lams, a roi-ld Barrowýclough r- say, LI onnst Maried - Rober 781 out tolak, ten ' iis suml-mer. The îow, 65 t.radfrnag.Onytruneod homne from T oronto adRb otoey ed mil eat ~ fam.60 head- morîgages on imany Beaver $0000 em.Genleral osýpitat last FVriday'i ley, Eldest Lad' Ani reiserdclssfid ilv fron'u Homes caries for les.t than 91 Acr~es Newcastle mnornling. The operationb Mnmey in dsy1Eds peplaruni sies,21 i' dI mnt rnt aymntsandoffxsOn No. 2 Hgwa.Choie correct thetre(rtnMn r atiBwnn îng Rockman12 (excellent and, ,you future equiti'. Overail level land. Cerner properti' was uuite succcssfui l aitogh ille, Closest Brhdy- cathy ,I exta) 1yhi ion Per ost ton), isofien tbousands 01 Ideal for commercial vnue ovlsec is a slow -Pro- Lytle, Birthday Comng -Todd other by assie Leaderdollars less 1b"eseof Bea- $2950000. Teirms. cess. îMr.VWm. Barrowcluh yi, let en -Ja KaenFrm Anhny ad factory precrision hid y1,0ds yr o SirWiatn. Te ows ýjare e'sb-d-4 crs--temand family of Peterbori iough Taylor, Enniiskille3, NMost ynung and tight uddered mg methods andevolume pur- wih2 ara soe eycbasing power in the building 2 miles north 0nf Newton- sen t suna hterpr es on atn ely gond. Thebifrsarec x atraa industry. So iH villa. 14 acres wooded. onu'ns. Forthest Away - Rôbert NMont- maig33,0.0.Trs Cî i Ken Asbby is still in ort g ey ussn en ttmui'wel ron.An ctyou e fed U with ope hospital whar helas fBreunda Hilton, .Lindsay, celen opotunti t by osly repairs te your present uask' een preparcd for an operVa- Lucky Spot -Clet Taylor. some er' ypi'cow~and home . . . or if you're shop- 61 Acres Invesîment - 1ion Ibis coming week.BosadGrsRc-4an heifers. Alanselin 27 can ping for a newer home or opportunity Ldesi Btoniso te 5yrshenIid MacK andd DeSlaval bulk tank and Surge have outgrnwn the place Gond fronage nn a buipvWelomme UCW bhd n bee a I MLyte. os and GWis p In 10 milkruxSale at 1 p.m. Lloy you nerenting . . . make your highay. argetwo torci' Ithe churcb at Wednesday yenrs -Dana M1acKanyý , evîn Wilsnn, Sale Mage and move tu a nlew Bever Hom, rckhme go hrs o Aucinner, Uxbîdg 46- You'Il be glad y= oud. Phone hors,, stream and ecellentl 852-0524 3-2 1sos. Idea] maets R g(Ae :__ --____-___l RAlY NORTREY site. This ae near Newcas- O O N ON W Real Estate 'W'anted62 Stevenson Rd. N. - Oshawa tieïc sholdineaenvlu ONE or two bdrom _bus i2-358.l te earfuureNPhceAa cueitrailly lctd Imn2-fonu 2,0.0 1rarewtb M.anldMrs. Ra Chamýýpa eek at Baptiste Lake. almer ia ville for- retired cnuple.Wilgntrm.al Pat yen. and daughtier ~Cind', cof Mac ce on a camping trip pay cash. Pivate. Phone 623-, Orono A1real - Mini Ratnch edon-in, 4Oio, U.Sý.A., Ms around Laklonbarie, entering 27795 61 R O AE2à cres vacant land, hifPercy Ha vid f3Bwm-'an- NwYokState M ai N ar wonut AE ,-kabile, g(ond s t rc a ni, ille, wr eetvstn f Fhs Real Esýtatýe for Sal e 1spnlcngs and n eclet r n(Ia aeWetad Cngratulaions te0 Mr. and dw ouaviw.Asing 33,3,000.00 Mr and Mirs. Francis Hal lformner Audifrey Clirson of -7htem.CalPt e. of Agiwncurivis i rs. Wmi. vasIonterarig , ~ 6231604 Kendal Huis - Stream . oino on Tuesdaiy oh, on Sauda ttroon,Set CASFIDE &O ~ 13 ~ingSt E. ownavileBeautiful Ponidast wcek. embe r it the Newca1siiu '13787iacres corner fanm a Mrs. Noman S. M1cN<ahiy Uited Cburcbl.Officiated b' 623-7694 - 623-761 rOOM bric home. Large and ber sstr Mrs. Fred Rev. T. H. ith, B.A,B.D. .~~"- ~ REALTOR painted ibaïrnsÇ. Pav:ed d Lyceti retunned h lom"ehat Rcpin asn eOoo .fonlage. Large new pond .ýWeek tram evealday ýs Visit- 1.O..F. Hall. bdOWM baVlLow fiee 2 OStwadg vlue nly $79,- ingMrs. H. Gills McKay of MIrs. Norenan Kennedy, REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS be drom ualow with gaoc r- o. ~ c.Ci o'Fos- Coîborne ,at ber Coltage. Re'd "oi"is a patient in Bw ag ad inshd ecroni tr.Stone Lake. mnil Memrorial HosptlaL. webyie DVEOPERfOr cash ice el.Bownaniville: Vendcor Orono Fair in Septmber6,7 NicoDe Jonge, age 18, somnto boy rei stae OUNTRYi LIVING, loveli'Tasfre and Btb. AMi. and Mrs Gerrit Dc Jonge No CmmisionInvoved ver oh 1 (ýýd(ice TrnsferedMiss Sadie FBrown bas beenreui fIAtforHolland ast week, as vilcrgarag, ai fst ferrd sro ý4ivct punehase from hom wlt 11 car m~i .s onevile ' coïHosita tethe for sen montha> 'o te Dinrctois replacë, finished tari- lt erombikhmn1fe une odgc, ewmaiIote forspeeil tni e Dbs oys1 ~~,,,Wners teiii' ronml, num1rerus exraSbeatifil bdcked nd rn r.Gan oft rmCaaa Njee" Dietsales -ipurchasenj incîuding a large lot. nei' broaydoomred Fned ecat;mofDih ComercaIdustrial, à-vyfoiCndNji!en. Residlential provpent' n gCSLSustBv.nceto roncl'lni.Frank, Robent and Donald of Mr. and Ms.Wm Grady Buisinesses 3 bedroomplit hcapnScaped. Vailuepacked frnî a vile iatd wih Mnl. Wm aan Kerri neyd ther Se,-vrg ingOtarjýo. DuArbam lange lot. Askýing onli'$8- 3,0.0.Piat oiag .Mffto una' acland boePrinc dard" aind Nnhmbrad 900. 9%. Caîl Phylis McAlie-M. Bruce Aildre d ak- Iln n h atca Counties shore, Newcastle accomnpan- Mrs. Florence B. (Lang- We le-ase b ouises andc afier Banner Passant- 623-ý3Z5g Bowmanville Area ied bi' tree of bis chtuma Don wertby) Nals wrie et the lae yeans ail ent aýfppieidIt Gary Winacott 725-8887 3 bednoom, 11, ;storei' Allen, Jon iobinson and Wiliam Percy NeaLs, mother dowj panien ofthe iii- Uula eecling 57&547homre w-thj carpont on lot 6 j1ZrndyTennant, il oh Orene, (etPhyhis (Mrs. J. R. Hunliy) dnw pamen 0 th pu- rsua Beehng- 56-447x 660 ft. Close tu Ne. 2 Higb- returncd hoerneha eck (nom p[ssed away atScarborough chase of the bouse, Mare BerrlI 728-7661 wai'. Asking $21900.00. culi a week Vin Chicagzo, Illinois, Genreral Hespital on Mondai', 6 213-2 341i Euse Spencer M 2-3259 Audrei' Plain. USA hc byatne uut2,93 uea ev 14 Divison SC. (PO. Box 3) Mary Smiith, Newtonville - Newcaslle and enjoyevd seV0riý1 vr' gond, ice ,as on We-dnesdy evenig BOWMANVILLE ONTAJRIO 786-223 or 786-2991 5 year nid, 3 bcdnoom br4ck bail gam3es. at 8 P.m. à inte Chwaele h -clip and Save ad- ]Rohi Spencer - 623-7694 home. Dininlg rnnm 10 x il,. Mr. F. (. Cooper bas bisen Ogden Funrl Hme, Agin- 36I, 61Lare lot. 'Asking5,90.0 raserdte the Beau Villaý court. Pnva te tbam1ini' ýin1t er ______________________Cao ulU]Turask.. Nursing Home on No. 2 ment wamsin Orno Cemmeer .-~Newaste utskirts hubay ast of Bowmlan- bbc following day. r I Homne with large lot and vcille, trom the AMemonial Me. and Mrs. Wm. P. Irwin, 1~ e I fewig snin. 1/, tory, ospital. wcr wekend b Iouse gueýsaoe Mcr. nd Mi a. lrsHeneyý- Mï. annd Mca. Geo. MalcDona-ild a___ E_______________'$2,00.00 Ca hsT Unki'.man et Newcastle..and oMBluce lattfuir cottage, "0 Khng s. w.j owmianvihe, quiet Area ndKevin visiteýf Mca. A. Mc. 1Kennrebb jackso, tMI 62-43Oldier bedrnoom bungaow, Huner and fami' .at Kililoe Stret l a pat ien i te nliceli'bodomesprt over Cie holiday weekend. Osbawa Genieral Hiospeital, 6F Comiplele - S29,900 .004 REALTOR dinling rom., Lange lot 80' x Mca. VWm. H. Robinson Ward. Ycs, thlis older 21-,stri 165', nicel' ladscaped. Ven- returned te ber,; homne on OicoSeio Citizens will bric:k home w,ýith 4 bd 1ons.623-2503 dor anoxinus, as have bought Flidai',Aug. 24 for new eek rmeet o husay;etembIler s completely funni shed' elsewbene. Onu' ,s29,900,00. aier sevecai cweeka in the 131hLat 8 PAU in the 100. threugbeout, pluls diewa- OrOon - .legal ti-pleoniiTema. CaUiPbI'lis IcRob- bowvnmniii l Meorial Hosp- IHall. er and pool tablei, private Main Street, 2 and 3 bed- hie.ialndinwaibeBu \rTrr'CetntR. drve ,Txe;316ý00 pen r rooms, gond incomne ptential, i- iI ý,nýva ie1cu Ai.TryCi-oo fRR Not-atOshawa. asking $43,900. Are You Coiiside.ring VllaNursýizg IHomle, Bowx- Oronio is a patie-1ntin the ExecutiVe Counitry Homie Hampton -nrena --ZN lVkGnfolHspti o] Minues fom hdron on wt aku W r Alpe ohn ir Vi and Mrs. David Leedi', ingr an atccident in a ý1ntstriiOshawa,. 9 hasement, stuated on 51-,Alntrvet Souitbspent lasi swimmring pool. rýoom)s, 4hdoms sewmng acres of heautifulli' cedared Your home neceds anywhpe _______ rncnm, den, plu lare kit- popct' lts lrg% cee, in canada wnd U.S.A. - à ,Mag-hW Pam1elaCr -7 2 8-3 73 4 FN PAIT -rince Albert. Trentflon to Paîgrave (near itinig 6c uit deiticit. A mnid- Ed Drumm --725-9345 MONUMENTS AND na ndMa G nard Guehpb> approx 150'2200 mie. gm ali rt d eh o KatheenTwaies 72-200 ~ îRKES an taîhi bada hveli 21i Tia wa aonsred i' he tile tee ate. Pîtcher Donnie Re.Aket- - 72-20leeks camiping tholay. Get ieRig ralRdea Tmm a e hegme tromn t.*As.dIV'l'a- "M*and letoiers and La kit et officiai being a complete tac.The Wm. McIFeeters - 72517261 Uk *' "" " Onu'onepet-cenitt0fthiel 14 tdocuameis wre e(arried i' onli' othen bright spots were "Etbihd1936" SAFOR oreat tires in Onttanndunngpoaýit i lyastartiog Autg. '2 3 thetan wrk and baiting of 36-1 1BROq LTD. 1972 we re cauised h'banca llninuiog ihcough the 21h Clae hrx" cul indu1stri' operations, anid tbae and 25th along thGil. Ted oughi and T'revor Neshitt.Te RESULTS COUNT! fines burnied onv',439 acres et and Janîce paricil-)ed in thie 100 dcgree iei proved tee RESULTSCOUNT the total 7,74î2 ac-res et tocesi c-elai' troni Pontypool via mchttelcllads. lThe DaW desroyved. >. Bunk-ýebon lte ytlsom-e 15 second igame,,( will be played ilews and eee1qýd everi' ch nxioSuiii'd aicgog ai 5.310 L(,f Ua Cs t il Tedasue us that tei' np. m. when i t is hioped thie Kheat SI~forduroaaer ' u~ £uay travelling ms emiles "On A nu ofr t elverion MULTPLE ISTNG SRVIC, Monuments For old Appliances end"', muai be p)retti' well ladies wene presenit aitheb LMT calloused. shiowevr lheld in Yelvertoni OshawaELISIN& SEDisictE trogbmn, 1and Mca. Nocman Chiucch basemient tan bcide Osa a&DstitD1350S T A T E S MI A N Wilson e ýnjo'ed svrLLdays edcci Miss Ch'eri'l Hamiltoni ~eal stateBoar 318 Dundas St. E. - WhItby C L A S S,3I F 1 C D S h;,asiisweu copa- ad ai a troums.seau tua lheld at ______________________ Snit on a mater trip and am jmiin WE-S ~iNartin ~ug. 19 Tnylc, irlsle 4 - Collette Rate - auline and Francine Taylor-, Boy-s Wbcelbac-rowý Walter and Neil Tay lor, Girls 3ý legýged race - C-ollette and( AnnieeTaylorFrisbe Toms - Allan Montgoimcry,Lidi' Ladies Shoe Kicking - Collet te 1Taylor, Mena SboeKikn- Lorne Mihîse, ne wEaig wiih ne banida - Neil Tayl1or. 011ticers fior 197 4 - 1reaident -Jini Hilton, LnaiSec.ý Lindsai', Sports - -Mn. and Mca.ý iBrucwe Tayl1or, Enniakillen. OBITUARY CECIL ARTHUR (SANDY) A cea;idlent ohTauinton and flbeCourtice area a Éil bis lite,, Cecil A1tbu11(andi') ishopýl dicd ithe 0Oanwa (General Hlospitail, ensaAg ýiîneas. Be ived ab R3 Bowmianvîllc and wt he son of Arthur and otheaepuiMo BoroJan 29,907i Taui- on, Ont., "Mn. Bisbop was hible cons-truction inidustry ton 304 pearse and retwied in1955. Be Aiswurived byhi'iswife lhe former Margaret Irene Jilammnon, one Son Aiu . ndhildiren ,M.<llan Luke (BonnielSandr a nd Cindy Bisbop, one sisier, Mrs. ïMac guerite WehshoetOulmp ac nd one brother. B3ruce Bishop of Oahawa. one son Stanici' ded in 1937 nnid one br1other Jaeadîed before bun. Mn. Bishep ncested ai ine Mlntosh-Ander-son Funeral Hom-ewtbservice in the chapel Fnid1ai' a'i 1:30o p.1-1. inierment un Zio einetery. Rev 1D. Arseott officiated. Mernoril d ttons tee Canadian Cancer Seelet' would beapprnied. Teachers on Job In High Schols Bannîng ani' untoreseun compicatonshigh ho Cachbersras Oniai ll net be witbdrawing volunari' services ISAi'enr. The executIve oh the Oniarie) Secondari' Sebool Tenebhera Federniien mci Over tCe long weekend and ncoren odt their mmhrbi hai the tenchers g logwitb ibe new educational spendling ceilînga9 ainnounced hi' Educabjin Mi- ister Thomas Wels lasi weck. BIS Principali Earl Wolte reported thai a foîll alte et extra-cuirricular activities is planned bar ibis wec'k non cancelîniion hi' te tenchers et volus'a vcnssucb as cecigis expected. 1cminelvngchosed circuit t'eevsion is bcing tuSed hi' AgicuiltureandascieniiS in Ottawa ta bcelp studies in nind mnsure inSeci and ,virus Ki*wanis Sol Tournameni At Memorioc The club that brought Donk- ci' Ba'sebaili teBow'jmanileIb ibis sume iil get àa chance te show whatthcy (co doM bbc real bsbi aeiblis i The Ilowmnlle Kýiwai diiinlKiwanis Sofibail oSundai'atrooSpe laer 9tb. ea cub, ra a expected ta co'nIpete bihet aia veniPTe tirai am la acbeduiled tegetundra Rtegion CounilI In Oshawa Oct, Inauural cemonies foc Durban Regin's I taconi wil b hldin the- G. L.i 15, haimanWaîer Beatb anniiouniccd M ondi'. Ch-airman Batb absoan- reie' aing clrk e is bas been administraton and cierk-cceasuner of Ontario Cmuny. 'Wiib the exception oet Mc.i Betwowas nppointed bhi' t1bc provincial goverlnment on11 Jl'31, meber etDurbiam negional ceuncîlwil! be Mct- cd hi' ppulr voie on Octoher Atthe inauLgurail cenemionies 1 Lieutenant Governor %W. Rosa Macdonnald will ofciband thie proccedinga il be chair-1 cd hi' Otari Treaýsurer Johin Whuic, wblo i, aise in ofe The Canadician SÉtlsman, Bowxmanville, September 5, 1973 15 Provincial Court i Sunday :d Park ilt 2:00 p.m., wîIIhUibna goingi nia 7 :00 p .m. Kiwýainrî IBinoce Caweh utte ptim-isticall I' ibtie ow nvleClub, , .alog wît\ýh ;heý, ieam tramoshaIa.aie icei'n i0w persaon cahJîm- Refrebmens wil bcavail- ý0ib'e at thle park ;and n iljver' colction w Ill be takeýn Ïfor, basoýe xho ehoose te support be, lacal Iservice Club. MrPet saîd the chloice et osibe er eceremnoniest e, nItîended n noli hi' mnai' spccîiai and utigise lussbutaiseohi' a large oum frahprivate iie. The haimansaid he was ~antculrIypleased te av àWr.Mnng as acting clenk bccause ofhbis extensive ~xcnenein miciipall A nat0ive ahilBrooklin, Ont- ai. Manning bas been clerk-ticensurer oh Ontario Coaunby since 1947. In 1967 lhe thsec bc dditional duieis ft adInist-ator'. Blis bikgo n munici- pal affiaase inicludes sev- ercal years'sýervice in elected positions. Bie served eigbît Ye:aus on Whifby Twsi cotincilI, icUdintlbree iï'ear ais reeve, and sevýerali'years on stjttUu voat n uthpCa n produced 1coniainsa a maîl amoutfet nickel cern pared te ta ithe bcginning-1af mining opecations. They valso viailed c'halk R"iver and cahled a I Mca. Nichol's oeiiWsmab Mn. and Mis, ibr Austin et Port Hope cailledJ on trienda in the commui' hst eek. Mn. Austinba aver' inte-reat- igpie eoetCan!adianna. ibe age ai aauc0ionsale; t sa mdlpresented te ounes agaiat fnianraidos andis Victoia'a ikenes ion theu face and ,an the back ýthe aid Canadý(ian -;lsign with Ille ceai etr aanli iid the date,186 Incnbe aounidfile edgle of the nliedcal is ihle namle ot the lounenPe. G. Aisýthor-p, lorHoeRifle Co, bIn Lter yasvoluira rswere cwar ded wt granits of land inl 'New Ontario," DYKSTRA'S Food Market 13-77 KING' ST, Vii AMPLE IIOME 0F QU,'ATY --L Sepit. 4, 1973. JudgelR. B. Baxter pre-sided witb Cown Attor-ney H. Mac- Donaldi and Dut' counseh K. Van Neat. Judge% Baxter wýarned that there aese ni impaiced drivingcharges, thai future cass cemng usbeuld netbe to Surprised if the penaltyis AnhrHency Maore,. 56, 300 iencresi Blvd. Bucling- ion, pleaded "guiHti' te a ehance lad Mai' 9,Township e4 Clnrke ,withî driving %while hav ing conaumed . over .08 Iotrrvtasýction 236C, nait. Nimnigon Sa'id Moac-e waa driv ing on 401 ocar highwai' 35 z, a 45mles an bour. He, was sbpped and feund unateadi. Teýsts wee:30. Bis counsel asked thihe be ,0oedt retain biis driving license for use, ithe course et bis work. Hle waýs tfined $150. cos $-ý3. in detaull 1,5 dnya. Ani' erder mnade wý,ilh hav e te be taken up witb the deparîmrent of Trans- portation and Cm uia tion. Jo.sep)h Hrb .50Sel igAve., Oswa, charged Ma i'(h ~îbdciiing while having onsumedover 01 pleadcd "uht".Canai. Mac- Kýai' Sud wie npairel he n1otic2ed a car dnriving \'eai on 4ý01 in anl eccatie m1atnner. IHe ,,as stoppcd !and taken ïte ilue Newaaie detacment wbere tes turned ouit.18 and.7 The fieas $1-50. cosis $3. in eaui15 daya. Thece ,will be anl ocderfoc iceýnse suspen- sion. Hwacdoog 43,1812 Simee N.Oshwachîacgýed Jul' 1, ii Twnsipoh Carke wýith baving Illecaine and central et a car whihe 1havinig consumd talb e neasof 08plea'ded 'giIy.Conat. Bu'ke waýs dispatched te a unoier vehiche collision. Tests won a.13and As2.'Te fine was $150. cosaà$. indefauli15 days. Jasr Welbomne. 7 St. Juluan Sýt. Lendm.on Ot.,pea "gli"' te fniing toe repot an aiccidentfonhih Canai. near West Bac, ownanl- ville . n. elbourne said ibe bre rod broke when he bi tihe bridge-. Asbis w ý,ihehad a beart conidition be took bher home anld !oi fiehepolie some houra ne. ug Iatrsuid ihe police abouhd bhe notitied ihtaway et ani' accident. The fine was $50. and cesta, in daut5days. 1Pny Art hur Meadows, 17, ,NewCasilpeaded"git' to; tailing to share halItdhe te baving neopaorsle es.Meadaws waa on a mocyl.He was fined $20. onl eacb charge2 plus casta, in defuht2 di'on each change. Hle was given 2 weeks ta pai'. Allan David Grai', U8, R.R. ful'obsiruet Conlsi. Ricard, pleded"gui.i"'.Hevwas alSo cbarge with iltluldnag- ing the 10w truek ol H.Knapp and plended "guiltUi"'Thre w,ýas a furiber charge oh having liquor î ciller than is residence. Consicard anI VanDyk cbecked a Chevelfle inl the IGA parking lot. Grai ' bld he Canais he didfoi have a key forr113e car trunk. Gray1 went mb -)a tantrum when he knew the car was geing te bee seized. Counisel E. R. Lovekin said restitution had been mnade ta Knlapp Tawing for dam-age ta the left truck door. The crown suîd i isa seuinus mialter whenl police are insullf- Ad and obstucted. The la-w is thlere and they bave the power te take a car. This behavious is iecsbeBeisayog mn nd 1 ti ui eius when ihe starta to d theyie law. I recommend a short ýail ierm. C-ounsel disagreed as lbhe pahce encnot coughe--d up. Whn runlk wa opcieed13 piints ,Oh b)eer were ibond onl ice. Juge Baxter said "ibs type ot conouet oas te be ' siopped Ibetore it la atarted. Il is bee(oinlg more prevahent Pnd bc onli' way we can bopi i stop it, la a severe sentence ifne bas long snepassed ohmen otlmantolee abuse police teks. On tSe tiraI charge the fine vas$250.ceats $ý3. in defaui 2à5 days and a poainorder ton six imotha- witb one efthie tecmns a 7 p.m. curf wiibonfli 'eXception if callcd for avecrtime wack hi' is emuployec. Finte for damng- îng i-, th e lck was $250. and coats, nin detauhlt 25 dams conectie.For iquorniu otefhan re-sidence the fine was $50 and ceats, in defaui.5, day's cansecutive ani lîquon confiscated. 1He Was given 2 lehahipai'. Teurri' Raîphu Joncs, tR. 2, Necslcharged Auguat 16 witb w,.ihfulhiy obstnucting Conat. Ricard, pheaded "guil- t" '. Be interterred when C'onats. Ricard. VanDyk and Sergi. MeGuci' pcoeeded 10 take th1e car et Allan Daviýd Gaýi'. H joned10 ith obseities te the da, enfonce- mnent officers ati the IGA parking lot. Grai' and Jones atolod un front'oh the Knapp Towing truck so it could net remnove, the Gray' car. 'Eacb timie ithe 10wwchain was bookcd te ihe car ihey wouldlit it ol ut. The concomnmented, M. Joncs had no business bcing imanvod as he was not in Mbe oniina chrgebut jusi joined in Mnr. Jones sbould be trentoed nei di1fferent iban, Mr. Grny", Judge Baxter le-vied a fine et $250. coats $3in detault 2>5 days and put on proýbatien1 for six, mnoniha with a 7 p.mn. FeOaaa yoibs, chnrg- ed with brak and enter ai ihe snack bar %WaldtnaPark, NecaieAg. 14, are bo aýppean bacýk in court atter aking lgalaid on ec-unsel aind th1eir pleni wihl bc taken Ibai dam. iam St. Lnscbarged Joi' 1, did take a seeet et and ba1,L glave wîestapped ai a seric sttinpleaded "ul ti"'. AUI'l ee retunnledi l a Inter date. Ceunlsel V an Neat aaid ni, took t tcheafnom apakdvice The crawn Hle la foolihte netthis way' wfienlhe fbas a good jb.A fine of "$250. alnd cosîs was impeaed, in default 25 days. He pas given 2 weeks te pai. John Bac PUi, R..14 Oshawa, cbarged Aug. 23, in Bowmavilledid drive wbile abihiti was imipaired pleadedl "guilti"'. A furiben charge laid in Newcastie the sanme day i' etifaihig te take a breathalizer test, be aise pleaded"giti"'-. Conat. Van- Dyk reporled hfe and Conat. ,Andcson wen TeluScug,,,og Rcd. and conc 3, fom were they foilowevd n car back bo iown; and 010 ung StE.where the car waýs weviu hWen stopp- cd, iltedriver bad t enean o ibe caîr for support. Cenat. Martin aaked him 3 t(Imes for a sam;lplet. Eacl-im bne gave a diferentreann odceusig. -Judge Baxi'er on fihe iMpaied chaýrgeievloied a fine o c50 1 nadcosis, in defull 7,days and for fahig e akethe(l breath teust, the fine waa $S75. and cnsfs. bdetoaul i 7days [te )-un cneuive. B n ue 4 w'eeks ta pai'. Fred F(rguso;n, :35, 77 Ont- ari S. Bwmnvîlecbarged Joli' 15 idiving while b1aving con!si1imed over .118 pleded"gulIy'.Consî. Gai'- lodsaid lie iwas ensibound on ing Si. and aaw a car veer te centre oh the coad. At top oh the hilI a car bad te take toi the m 1 Id j- 1 i - -ffla ditcb. T ests. weý re .201 an7ýd 20. Th e f i n e was $,15ý0. and - cosîýs, in detaujlî 15 days. Be vwas given 9 wveeks te pai'. Blarohd Ro beriEiliott, 537 Bloward St. Oshawa. whe in the spring had pueaded "guiil- t'te Il charges 'of break, enter and theft, appeaced to-day foc sentence. The crown suggmed nshort jil terni. Judge. Baxter said Ellioti bas indicated lbe bas bnd lrne 1th iink ofhbis pasi and is trying te- lea d a dîttr2ernt lite." Ble was pul on suspendýed sentence for twvo vears. to keeD the neacej and bie of good bebavior. If bie is ever- in cont, again he wiIl find himacît in prison and zonli' binif tebo ae.If lbe continues te ceaide in ibis acea, lie cannot be outide bis bouse in the evening junesa be is accempanied byhibs wife. Douglas J. Comd.HR. Oakwood, peaxdd'Mot guil- t"' te openatinig a vehicle carelessli' on cont' rond tive. Township etMaif nson Mai' 4. Consi. MacKaviinveatiigabed n car thai nolled oven in ite ensi diteb, afler comning air- ound aniintersection. en was in the car. The coad was wct. Thene were skid marks 187 teet io a tence line alter il JefI tbc rend. The car wna aa ttal write off. Theý- crown suggested the apeedws grentey hiwranted with tMe ro'd conditions. Be sheud be cenvicted af careless driv- ing. Judgc Baxter said the onus is on the accused te give a realson le ibIle cou'rt as 10, what bappened. If le ;vas felowig anoîbr car as hie stated, il got 0tbraughithe iniersection and bie should havet. HBi s ephoai ni suhlicient anla hous ind"guli- ti"« as cage.The fine la i $100, and $5.ceais, in defa1ull 10 daya. IBe %was given 4wek ta ni pa. bcai' 24 Ahbent St.Bwmnil was foulnd ',guilti"'in absentin et rnakingi undue neionAuguat 19with bisca When stopipd Cenist. Riadsaîd bhe was"vr mout)Ihi"'. The fline was $0 and cesis. GrhmWilson, Wýen)twonth St. Oshvnwa, pleaded "net guil ti" bdrivîg eesli on higbway 401 Mai' 18. Robent Bnian Larose said he vas on bgwy401 and witnessed anl accidenît wbihe dnivinig west. Be snw; a car in tire driving lanre, givýe ne signal and tuirf in front oet birn and çdaing se clipped airunck wihWilson M'as atiempting te pass. thon Wlilson car bit Larose car. L arose was uinconscieus ane, taken 10 hfospital. Conat. Cook, invstgaedth aci entnar Wavecrhy Rd. everpasa. Mr. Wilson )said the tr-uek juast seemfed te ajppear surddcnly and ho bad ne choice bu tot turo lWt.MnMrWilsen aditted having 4 beers1 during the evening. The crownru reommi- ended n comviciion ahoufld be neiseedVhcn on -401, you sboold be', ibigal al lrnes. J (ýmBxir on hlm '-gulti' 'as cbarged. The f'ine mes $100. and $49. ces wbicb included wtcs ees. Two mnen wene -fined in absenýtia for eceigthe speed Uimit et 30 miles an heur on Libenti Si. S. Donald Bone, 48 Isabehla St. Torento, recci- ved a fine etf$45 and cosis, in detaffli 5 days for 45i iles an heur.lKcerib Wbstr.31 Liherti' St. NBwavle was fined $30. and coats ~~VALES CANADA PAKES ANCH1-STYLE BOLOGNA79 M-APLE LEAF RS Cottage Ro0ls Radishes or 99c Green Onions CAIFORNIA SUNKIST WH'IITE GRAPEFRUIT 10' 99c FREESTONE 4QIpasket Fre-shi Dally PEACHESsI.69 (IdeýAl for Free-zing-) ICE CREAM MARGARINE 89M î Ilbs. 89C Asýsorit-Ai Vlaure VeýOil lIONNIE 15-oz. Tis DOG FOOD 8 fo0r 89( GREEN PEAS 2Ifor 5 5c SPAGHETTI and ~ 7 MEAT BALLS 57 LID -RFDYCUT - 2-lb. pack Save i6e MACARONI or 49 SPAGHETTI 49 sehool boards in the area.