VOLUME119 M6Pages BOWANILEONTARIO, WENSASP.519Î3 15C Per CODY UM'B Locail Firm Buys Three Acres of Industriamcl Land A Rowmianville businessman has purchased three acres of town.i-ownied inidustrial land south of Highway 401 anid plans to buU'id a 10,000 square foot plant on the site. 1Philip Vowles of Vowles Heatin n'iod~oing picked up the option he had secured on the land for$3,500 per acre. Industrial land nÔw selis for, $6,0001 per acre in the area but Vowles had buh the option onx the three acres of land before Town Couincil raised their- prices. T w optl '-he three acre parcel is T w TaxesHopt l toc atedC on theuthes orn oWest Beach an-d 0. A e T0r ashIOn Simpson Aivenue South. TheBwvleTwn yeaýr to the tune ot $50 per bed. '0owles indicated he plans to Counicit passed a byv-law onW ith9bedLs fthe Bowmni1- start bu,,ilin(g the plant in the Tueýsdayý\, Septemlber 4th v \ille Hlospit al il iHbe rqie Spring of lnext year. fHaitlie the whicequires thf e Memorial to py$640in taxes this year. (Cotiue o PgeTw) ospitail f0 pay taxes every (COn)tMindon Pacie -Two) Build2 igUpAma Mode! Cars Fi11 Hoc Two-ýýear-old Jason Wrighit of Hilltop Drive found a great way to beat the sw,elterinig heat wave last week. The young toddler speint the afternooni with his three.-yeair-old sister Pamela and a host of other youngsters in the Mýemrorial Park wadl»ing pool. However, the drinking founitairn was anothier storly. Desp-ite his willinigness to give it his ail, ipluin hs shorts, Jasocn simply wasn't tT enough to reach the water. Wfdidn't upsethi though, the pool was more funanw . vea wîns in Uniused Pond ar-Olid Manveýrs .r2tuiledt a , wim acro,,ss ootii ,, tha -at'l t-e mani)bas drwed in tobacc(o irr-igationi he, south end of the!( and ca 400% O ver Las) There bas been more build- ing in Bowimanyitle in the first eigbt motbfs of 19ý73 thani there was in Iil of 1971 and 197,2 conxxined. BuldngInspector Ilowar-d Wigbt ndiates that a total of 338 building permilits blad bVenl granted byý te-end of July, 1973. 3,24 of these, permnits were granted for residential cons- truction. Ini 1972, b)v contraý,st, a total of 62bid ingeri t s we issued. The figure for 1971 was sligbtly bigber, 183. Wihts onthty repor t sbowýed that the total valuie of construct ion by the end of Jutyý amnounted ta $5.66 million. For' 1971 and 1972, the combined total cntuto cost added Three Courice Girls Injured When Tree Struck by Lightning A report fro)m theI ourtce gound whien the ligbtning area indicatles thaýt thrlee bit eapaive onSudyatrwaonyafwadsdnte nhn Sp.2dwenateroad and winssed tbe freak tby làlad imbdwa tuc cdn. She said that dark bhy tre ligbtning.R j(jctouds blew over quite sudd- T h e~~~~~ tb e e C o r iclR a e-ya n0 We t e sk y o p e n e d Northl youngsters,, Jy e c-upand tewaabibas" FarJand (j12, lber'sister bisa, 1(), Lthenthee grlbwrikoce andi PaýtriciaMCorick, 11 frnnitPz re l,'p nnre ~1 ,rp Year up ta $5.9 million. In Jufly atone, 77;building permits were issued, AIltor residentiat construction. That represents a construction val- ue of $1.2 milion for the mnontb.i Thiere's a sitver tining in the building bom for the townl Over $,000oo in revenue bas beenl added ta thle towýn'ýs treasury through tilebuilding permits. In 1972, $3î,375 was r ised trougb uidigper- mits, white e1971 figure Camle ta 408 1f the weabercoopera;te"s in tbe tai, ite bili nspec- tor's department coutd issuew o-ver, 600 ýons.,t ruc tion permiits this ya.That wvoutd 1beclose tai a 100 per cent ices over 1972. Diesin 9Oth Yr What began as a sifmple wnddsplay in Hoo0per, Shop on King StLreet E SSt haIs blo'ssomned into a full-fle contest. Dan Hoe decided thuat a iew; mod'el cars w window display for Bulova watches, -who sponsor a .Mosport. Hlowever, many youngst:ers, firom as far away the display and asked if they could contribute their owr got so mnany mode'. cars th1at hfe decided. to mnake it int cotrbuedan imupressi ve24nc hig.h trophy as firm es oeîoi fbep -asWo four PRI( licenses was i nadv Bowanvll tht, on uesaysomne ire Dept. Hos ?uiet Weekend contrast to a week ago, 1Sbortl 1ybeore6:0pSm.n omanvile FireDpr-Sna, eptember 2dthe bad an easy tstme of if ir Dpatent answered a the long weekend. Other caîl at Vowles Heating and Air a, number (f' ervceCondtioninglocafed behind fireen erecalld McDoaldFord, King St. E. to handldonylone f-ire of (Conttnud on Page Two) - Last up an Inl, ýocal car. the benletît 01, th just cannôt be r( on, it of a reunion eaeh other inj camera if you lh Harold Bain, 8 S, 7-Run lInning Gives Fuelers wîîîaîîyuie. IN QUAKE AREA - Colleagues around the Town Hall are chiecking the miail carefully these days for a card from T. A. "Bud" Fan- ning, Bowmlanville's popular Recreation Dir- ector. 11eand Fathier Ray Hleffernan, former- ly- of St, Josephi's Churâïch, are holidayîng in M,ýexico) where a bad earthquake caused mlany deaths and tremendous destruction last week. At the moment, it is assumed that no news is good newrs, but it will be a relief to be-ar that thiey are- safe and souni-d. FIHE PHONE - Last wveek, somneone called the Fire Chief's telephone niumber to report a fire. Luckily, sonleone was near the office and heard it, but normally tLhere's a good chance it wouldn't have been heard. The number to cali at( any time of the day or night to report a fire is 623-3300;, that Phone is mannied continuously, NEW CANDIDATES - At long last, thiere are hopes that Darlington will be represented in the new region and municipal set uip. Until this week, nio Darlinigton namnes had been entered in the race othier than Garnîet Rickard Who is running foaor of the Muniiicip)ali(ty of Necsl.Latest wvord is that Bruce Tink of Solina who lias served on school boards and councils over thie years wvill lie a candidate and a letter received by thie editor on Tuesday indicates that James W4.. Robinson of R. R. 4, will run for muniiicipal counicil. No douit, mor-e details will followv as the time for nomi- imations cornes d coser. liss Mîldrecl Youn-g, 15 picturwectabove ting a cheque for $30 from Chamber of rerce Presidetit Ralph Whyte for submit- ne winninig entry in theNm-h-uii ,contest, NMiss Young was onie of four wh entered the name 'BowcastLle" -- a iction of Bowvrnanvîlle and Newcastle - Cham.nber of Commnerce contest. Hler wspicke-d from a hat to determ-,ine the ýr Miss Young is a school teacher in encCounity and has lived in, Bowman- ince 1967. LEFWIS COMING - A pres-s release frorm Tina Olthof, Treasurer of the N-D .NDP executive announces that David Lewis, national leader of the, New Democrats will be vis.;Ïing this area on Sept. 22nid. H1e will be the honored guest at a dinner and dance at, Port Hlope'sMaoi Temple where .he( J wihiv speak on the current pollitical situation in Ottawa. . even if the Hlouse of Comm-ons is still i emergiency session. WEIRD CAR - WVeIve just receivtid a pub- licity release and a picture of the 4Bathitub Bug'that Nvill be onle of the unu1sual cars on display at O-shawa Autofest '73 in the Civic Auditorium Sept. l9th and '2th. The Bathtub Buggy wvas bult by customizer GereBarrie and lias just retigrned from a trip to.Japan. it bas a lavatory for a radiator, a v'aiity for the driver's sieat and a real bath- tub for pa1enersYIs ol oe of the aimaz- in-, vehlicles tjiat will lie01n display. Oýpeiiing ni dangcon Fred G. ýslth A long andi producti onnnodid ne, ao ff lý First GameWin c]ose onSundvith ti Stephenvi Fuels took the Sautit, in bis W0th y eý openerüî last nlighIt in tmhe Smitb carne to the I or Men's Toi I Leaue sot- area in 191') \,ilil bis xi balfinals defeaiting Fra- predceýased bim ,a]t nik's Variety 1:)-8. At oneC been acti1ve inCon l tirne in the gamle, Stephllels affairjs lmo(st of ibis adi hiad Franlks blankledl compl- lHe was a Dartlington lutely and it mas flot unltil illor for six years,' thle iast couple of ings wben lhe %was 80i. IHe W; that he Vriet boy begn annonoary nembe to ilue thir bats effct- oneLOL, 761. Mvr. si ivey. seenrun ining- survivcd by a son Frec gae tehesa big jtmp dagher rae.The on irpoens h tw'o was held ues a a filialists g"o again on>IlTlurs- from Northcutt Elîjot dayai MmralPr at 7 eral Hlome with interri- p.m.Beth'~acilmetery. Water Plant Alrnost Ready ~ewf po i tuf uee-uIay evlcn .,0119 ic is entering its l2lst. Mr. year. who FIVRPLAY basREF W ringo rons in tau lyfs a g iped out iMidland ain Ty-Saurayinl the thîlrd -game 4 ý o theiir sre.TheN met id ~ ~ ~ o a enre Rd 9 in the vrInx ound o ,e ondýqway and on osýt i-:,. Neýxt two0 gamets in iun v 0.e1BAsmi-fnalsarein t nPort 1Hope Sa)tu-da-y and] Sunday. Hot Summer Sets Water Consumption Records lifs ben a loghot summer nnd IUC mngrMre Watsoui bas tile saisi ta prove if. Natolntii have temperatur'e lrecords been braken At across suhr O)ntarýiabut record volumes of aeraebeing' used aswel Watson indicated tbat in JulIy, Bw anil' mer 1(Co)ntinued on PaneoI In urihis year - ai bea-uty contest. arn Ke Hockin will be t h e master ewof ceremonies for the MNiss ded (Continued on Page Two> ontContest y holidy weekend didn't Stop readers from going through those adver- tiseentsin -the Naîme ithe Ca rtoon contest, picing Out dte stray wvord-s and Putting tbem togthr.Its obviousStesa readers love a contest because the entries coninue to pile upeachwek inesthis week are: lst, Joan a lrper, of, 8 Sunset whko r-ceives two $5 vouchers good atBesi Shoappes and Caaadian Tire. Mrs. Barbhara Lyle is seconid and w-ins a $5 voucher at Moather Mod M1aterials. In third place is Jim Blrown, 65 Liberty St. South who will lie able to buy $5 worth of mrerchandise from Western Tire. The correct answer was "Mom, I'm afraid th-e dog lias been naugbty again". Tfry ,a-,gain this week. Yýoux may be a winner Und ev-en if -yout aren't, you'll have f'un tryiing to find the word4s andl placing them together to formn a good cýaptioni for the cartooni. Million Dollar Filtra-ti-on Plant -Ne-,arinrg Crmpletion Newtonville Mon Stabbed in Oshawa A &-year-old Newtonvile man waýs sabdnear Osb- awva's (dowvn town a ýr e a o n Fi'day evening, Augulst,31sf, jack Gray fDom NewtoxWlle was stabbed in the left hip shortly after 8:00 p.m-. at the corner of (Osbawa ld North and William iStreet. G~ray wýas taken to Obw General Hospitat for treat- mient and r-,eesedl later in the ev-ening ninsatisfacdory cotidi- tien,. Cbarged Wii' wunMding iC cýonnection witbl the incident is Vincent Paolozza, 68 years, frmiAiax. Osaapolice report that Gray wýas driving in) a car in Oshawa and had stpped for.a red light wben the accued man began fu harass a feale passenger Illte vbce Grayý stepped ouf 0of the car and Paolazzo alegedtl' pulled Mu a knife and s»abed im. UR 36 's Window