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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1973, p. 2

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The Canadian Statesman Bowmnanvîlle, Sept 5, 1973 N E ST L E TOUN This communîty wýas sbock ed and saddened to bear of the sudden deatb of Mr Konstan tint Pantschuk at bis borne, on Tbursdayý August 30 The funeral service was Saturday, 'Setembier 11, at 2 30 p mnit ntrntin Mounit Lawn c'èeeer y Oshawa Sîncere symnpatby is extended to hlis b;ereaved wîfe and family Con ratulations to ÏMr and Mrs Grant Thomoson wbo observedl their forty-fifth weddîng annîversary on Sat- urday September 1 Sunday1 guests in bonor of the occasion were, Mr and Mrs Neil Wecrry anid Joy, Mr and Mrs Neil Blailey, Howard iand Tarla Lynti, alI of B.,soc Mr and Mrs George Bowi- ers spent the holiday weekend touring and camping withl thIeir cabîn tradler On MIonday, Miss Janîce Wllîams left' Malton Ai-port f'or a vacation nin England Mrs Ed Lawson attended the golden weddîng annîver- sarv recepiton of Mr and Mrs H Hiall lit the Presbyterian1 Cburch in bindsay ,on satur- day and theslnner at the Red Carpet Inn onrtuaiosto M1r and Mrs H1all on attaining Ibis milestoneý Mýr and Mrs Lawrence 1 Malcolm vîsîted frîends at ýWlliam's Point, on Saýturday evening and attended the Association Dance and Draw at the Pavîion SheIly and Kevn MaC044 visited wîtn tneîr granipar ents Mr and Mrs Stewvart Endîcott, R R Lindsay while their parents were vacation ing Lauren Vine was a Sunday over-nîght guest vwît'hber friend Laurie Malcolm aha? attended Port Perry Fai% with the famîly, on Monday Sunday visitors with Mrs Ivan Proutt were ber dauigbter and son-in-Iaw, Mr and Mrs John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas of Lindsay Guests, from Hull, England, who are vîsiting Mr and Mrs Fred'Dayes for tbree weeks are bis sisterÀn-law, M\rs Aif Dayes and is niece and ber busband, Mr and M\rs Tom Brown., Mr and Mrs. Jimi Daïes,Christine, Stewart and Julie, of Brookhn were Suinday supper guests, M1ýr. and Mrs Charles Andrews Jr., Colleen and Tracey of Prince Albert were Sunday evenîng visitors. MOr and Mrs. Alvin Frank, Peterborough were recent visitors witb Mýrs. Ed Lawson. Owýing' to thie splendid serv- /Announcement We are pleased bo anniounice that Bonnie Blancher lias rejoinedl our staff. She*illtake appoinîments for Friday) & Satiurday only ARTISTIClo BEAUTY SALON 23KING ST. EAST 623-293 I Doni Allun has dcîded to throw hs bat into the ring for the October lst R7egionial Gov ernmient' election Alini, whio were two separate cascs oi air conditonng systers drawîng too much power andi causîng partial powver faI ures 220 Volt Tlhree Phiase power was out fr an bour or More at Gien Rae, Bowmanl vileUCenrsand the Canad ian Stýatesmani and the IGA stor on Kîng Sotre The Bowmnanville Horticultural Society's Junior Garclener award- in the front rowý of the photo, from lef t to right, are program hias really caught on this year, as the number of Owen Bandstra, Janet Bandstra and Janet McKight. 'ln the youngsters in this picture will attest. Seventeen children mniddle row are G. D'ykstra, K*evin Anyan, RichardI Mostert, entered a total of 89 exhibits at the annual flower show held Raymnond Mostert, Dianne 'Neil and Kim MýcKniight. In the last Wednesday, August 22nd. There were so many exhibits, back row are Carolyn Mostert, Kathlee'O-NiChry said M~rs. Bernard Dilling, "that somne of the displays had to be Aniyan, Heather Anyanh, Brenda Gibson, Andrea D.ykstra anýd exhibited on a piano for lack of space." There were plenty of Carol Slute, pirizes, she added, so that evèry youngster got at least one ice provided by the Robrer- Dorrel Coacb many Cart- wright res>ide-nts were privil- edged 1Io ttend the Canadian National Exhibition. Toronto. sunday ev-enîng visitors -with Mr. and AMrs. 'Victor MNalcolm weýýre Mrand Mrs. Jamnes Kentl, Orono. Springwater Trailer Park iA proviug a popular retreat for Nestleton resideuts who bhave their camper ter.The cool water of the pondis refresing after the extreme beat. Off sbore from atwib Park, on lakre Scugog, on Saturday evening, Scoîý1t Wi!l- iams was ai the corolès of the morlaunich and is !father Air. Arnold Wlliams was troling AI a leiurey fie milesý per bour. Su-ddenly the fine býcam1e caugl an itwa îhought tîhat il was entangled in some debr-is in the lakre. Hevering te boat tbey foud to thieir srriefhat they had hooked one of those large fish that usually get away. Excite- ment rau higb btmnuvr ing the boat with bbcskill of Fjro fessional and keeing 1the tn aut the tirty-'tree inch seven pouind nine ounce Multsk- alunge wýas finally dropped mbit the net. Mr. Wilas i planning on haiving Iis bat mountred wbih ill be tang- ibe proof of bis expertse as a fishermnan. Stephanie RPobrer- spent a few; d1ay s iast wçek w li er sister and hu,,sbaud. MIr. and Mlrs. Don Jenkins and Jîîimmy in Port Perry. Dougie Robrer ARTHUR COLLISON Dachelor of Music, L.R.S,,M. Licentiate of The Royal Schools of Music TEACHER 0F PIANO and ail Theoretical subjects Pu pils prepared for the Royal Conservatory of Music Exa minations FALLTERM BEGINS SEPT. loth Residence and Studio - 34 Prince St. Telephone 623-3900 Bowmanville COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION EVENImNG CLÀA SSES 1973 -74 PLACE- BOWMANVILLE FIIGH SCHOOL, 49 LIBERTY ST. N. REGISTRATION DATES: WEDNESDAY, Sept. 19,7 p. M. - 9 p. M., THURS., Sept. 20,7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Registration wilI talie place ini the main foyer of the school Flee: 20 week course $10.00 10 week course S.5.00 <plus materials if necessary) Eeigclasses bjegini the first week of October 1973 and continue for 20 weeks unless otherwise ifidicated. Clases illbe held in the subjeets listed below, providing a sufficient number of applicants enrolinL- each course. ARTS & CRAFTS Art -Introductory Art -Advanced C'eramics Photography & Film Dev-eloping BUSINE~SS SUBJECTS Typewriting - Initroductorýy Typewriting -.Advanced Office Procedures - Introductory Short Hland (Shorter Hland) Business Law Display Marketing Introductory Accounting FOODS Cake Decorating - Introductory Cake Decorating - Advanced (10 wk) Cooking Is Fuin (10 wk) PERSONýAL GROOMING Hairdressing & Cosmnetics Physical Fitle£ss Men Physical Fitness WýNomiet HOME IMPROVEM4ENT interior Decorating l ntroductory Interior IDecorating - Advanced He.ROomn & Cotage Building Hec. Room & Cottage Wiring Smiall Applicance Repair T.V. Maintenance 8z Stereo- sndSystems Flurnittîre Refi"ishing SEWING( Basic Kniits - nrdctr 1 k) Basic Knits Advanced 10wk CONVERSATIONAL LANGUIAGES French introductory German - ntroductory TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Autoimotive Mechanics - Itroductory Aubomnotive Mecbanics -Ad'vancedj Smnall Enginfs -Initroductoryv Small Engines- Advanced Creative Welding Wlig- Introdactoryý Welding - Advanced Machine Shop Introductory Machine Shop -Advýanced Drafting BMie Print Reading MISELANEUSCOURSES Bridge. Contract Amateur Radio (Leads 10 Lijcenýce) cUP-GRAING SUBJECTS Grades9& 10 Engîish 1Matbemiatics Science Grade Il Biology Physics Mathematies Grade 12 Chemiistryý Mathematirs OTHER COUJRSES MAY BU (WEE IF SUFFICIENT PEOPLE REQUEST THEM., For a course descrýniption and aditional information,cott Bofwmanville Iigli Scbool at 623441. v.isited witb bis, sister and ber busband, MWr. anid Mrs. Steve shaw and Charleîîe in Tor- onto). fImproved blealth is wisbedI for- Miss Brenda iSbaw wh Mo eners Sunnybrook Hospital tomorrow <Tuesday). Mr. and 1Mrsý. Rick Gl;ass; returned home on Friday evening folwng their vaca- tion wîtb bier relativeýs a! Elpbilnstone, M-,anitoba and witbbsrtvs in Ilinois Stae. East ('oast V acation Mr. and Mrs.Vicor and Mr. andl Mrs Wayne- Malcoinm retlurnled on Sunlday, eveniung from a eight day holday 0 bb easýt coaýst. They enjoyed the scenicu drive over the Cabotfl Trail. Watcbing the Ide corne in aI Truro, Nova Scotlia was aý inewu (exlperieice and Ibis ypar it is onîe of the ighest in hisory. Agnetic HiUI cont- mnues 10nbe a, myýsteryv. At Halifax they isited the Cita- de! and aI Wllae hey sw an old grisi, miii operýated by wvateier and uising stones, as in pioneer days, 10 make the flour. At the Alexander Grabam Bell National Hist- oric Park they saw the museumn and Dr. B3ell's study in the mnuseum. A bookiet telîs of bis invntin of the tele- phone, is work witb thedta and tbe introduction of the "Cvnaet" in 1907 (a giant n carring kite. At tce Sure Irait Mu!"seum t)ýaIl, atamia- gouche tbey procured a book of tbe HAf story of Auna Swau the Nova Scotia gianbtess ( 8 feet i, inch taîl) The Malcolmns had a delight- fuil holiday- but they regret that thiey wer~e unabie- to visit Prince Edward Island. On accouint of the strike the ferry service was discontinued. SunçlayService Tl'le Pehtran adUnt edi Churches returned 1their regular schedule, ou Suuday, September 2. Inlu IeUnited church there wÀas rio service during August. lInhie Prestty- terian CurbMr. Feriie was the guest speaker on August Il. On Augst 2p, te spueke wats G. Kelly, Dominion Presidenit of P1resbyteriaui issînary Society. Ir- the Presbyterian Church on Sunday inorinaii Mr. Rick Glass spoke on Labour Dy & the Dignpity mi or workninor own wvay of hf e. Reverend Victor Parsonis Chose Christ- ian Voaionis the theme for is message. Janet and Mlari- eue Parsons favored \vith a delighful duet, "Spir io G"with M'rs. Lwec algm accomipany-inÉ on tde orga. Tnree Day Fair et r >iy>m iý( t 1feaLturs ALamoiOcete e lati (FoPaene nidw\ay ", run by Roertsonfi ini sbed Bowým anville's Durham Central Beauty Sows, willentertain youn drinking water wiul e purified Queen Competîtion and bis wit and old like for the duration byý percolating iltb!rougbh three_ sbould make tNe showt doubly ot the fair. One, of the best feet of itrigmeias appeaing. rabbit showýs in tbe reaj incluinîg a 20o incb lyerof FriaMyS Prgram promises sbould be beter than ver Ais anthacite to beuone of the hîgb points of year," saysCas. The PUC mangerWaton est- tbe fairtbis year. The Orono puWîlcîy harmn ls qmi-imates that te new filtrtion School Band wil01 lead the cated tbiattlic inside exhibits plant wil aCcommnlodateca scbool cidrnsparade in the botbs wýýere sold o-utuwell ove(:r ppua iono 500tof i18,"0 afternoon and the youngsers a week b forlte opening of I0popl. II a pre-trlmýOent wcill be twirling batons, riding tbe fair, and il soundsk- like facý(ility is added 1 the pant, thecir decorated bicycles and there Willbe some fine ils ;pwt wudb dud sbiowing off somje impressive displays. i\11sAr,lakSucba pe tealen unit floats.Wbat tbse.chidren ing, Handicrfîs Junior Work would wcst $400,000 t o 00, may lack in polish tbey and Farm imlplemrents are hbe said invarîaby 1make up"wtb heir just a îew ol the î>any, LaL, Ontarîo is not the only cbarm and euthusiasmi. attractions,. source of water for, Bowmi]an' Ilnt mat ter what kind of fi you only go to one ftir alI ill.A pin1orth oYtow anim!al you, like on1 Friday y7ear, mnake il the Durbam sup l s mucb as 30)0,000i aferoo ec-ause moý_st o)f Central Agricultura Fair in gallos per y tbenmowilbe on dispay. Some OWrono bis Tbursday, Friday Heat Affecs !y dro 1 of tbe best borses in tAeaand Saturday. Altbougb the bheat w\ave ba wvill be comlpeting tbe the ___mi_____ ntaffetedthewater spply, Englisb Riding Com,-petîiions M n DOwns il bas created problems ib wbVile HoîsteCIns, Jerseys andthle lbydro power On Tu1esday Ayrsbires wî e îarrelin FrmPage Oneý) nmori ning, for eaplthere the cattle show. For those who difficulty The ponid is report-- love donestic animalsie Acedy spriug fed and tbe ,water Plet Showv should be a rel is extremely cold. treat. Plice drgged tbe pond On Friday nigbt, Harniess unsuccessIflly for four or fi'v'e Racing returris to the fair- bnours on Mo(nday until dark r grounds aI 8:00 p.mi and the rless brougbt a haIt to the very populr Eari Brown and operon.o Two OPP diversne bis group vwill eýntertain bJet- vwere called ninfrom Dowïis- wveen races;. Publicity Chair view on Tuesday morning and man Carsf commented tbat brougbt the body up after the group wvas at the fair- searcbing for 30 nutres.M grounds two or tbree years Corpoai L. R. Jamesý; and M ago and -bhey realy stile tde PC. John Legete, W rmthe shiow,ý." Tbe racîng follows the Newcastle detacbmnent of the Fat CaUî Acton at 6:'30 p.m.n OPP, are învestigating tbe and Carson promiises thiat a dJoronîng. dozen P rime animiais wlbe fo , r brds. ar Fire Dept. îHas- A HrseParde t 100 .m. (From Paqe cOne) will'kk off' the last dIay ocf the fair, A Ligbt and Heavy A wooden box traler used ta Horsýe Show w vill also runi carrý ily gabage hadi caught or 1 7 during theafeno alouig been set ablaze and was 77 witb a Beef Cattle and threatening to engulf the Guernisey Show. nearby' building that aiso A Circus V'arietyý Nigbt anld coutaînsý several othier bi- Grandstand Show,,bglgt nesses. According 10 firefigbt-197 ing tc he bib Brass Band are er Graydon Browvn, the flamesgl latedfor Saturday eveuîng. bad just reached tbe eaves- The CSircus wNill "include tra in- ltougb wvhen firemnen arrived. ed dogs, clowns andspcay Fortunately, other than a acts and is guaranteed 10brke windowý and a -scorched deligbt the younigsters. wall, the buildng was spared. This year'sFair ChiraîranTe railer wsawieof E. Hý. cDick' Lovekin bas said Flamies as higb as 10 feet in "Doli't cailit the 0Orono Vair"-b irpoptdaSipo because it combines 1the old Avuer roesd t aî the Bowmianville and Newcastl enowmnilentFiel!Depat fairs as well and its raillyBwlmieFe ca designied ta accomm111odale and men-"t Ito 24:3 SimpsonAvne19 entertain a id cer range of tb- homne of George Almond, 1?Î people than justý 0rono and Stra evening, Sept., lst. area residents. To prove tbel oevril was oly a Case of point, the clîmax event of the UAlmod burnig a pile of wood II fair wvill he a dacheld in tbe and rubble fromn a garage he 1 U Niewcastle Cou-unity Hall on had earlier tomn down. Pire- Saturday night. Ted Koss and mien were nvot convînced that the Cavalieswi= provide bcIhe blaze could be corolled nuic and bar priveleges will and de2icded t1 dousee lui be avalable.blaze. 0f _course. the aforemnenr- - - TbiunTaxesHot Summer, Torwn aes)i1woukIi like to &From age One)ý H1owever,ltest anyone should thankt those who worksse a ne 1onîhly1ý thiik hattnimýa h,-pifd ,recordpumping 32,5 00 tbnk httxigabsplli heined Pm e 1fl gallons 0of wa ter 1. fHe s unjust, il sboufld be( pointed out te redicting that the August 0ibat il isu erlypart of a achievingtiaward tota!l will top the- 33,000,000 pinc('ia(,olen> 1 Pcnti-of Senior Sal es-,galonmark. bute oue th Ie micipali- The cur rent hal w ave,no ties, master. This is one enteringtce 101hday with In reality il will be Queen'tolhe h "h ttmperatures above 90 de- Park, nolth!e hospibals, %lwbo he hghsgrees, bast sraKed the %Hl be footing the local lax awvards given to a PUC's puimping aécty, IfUs. however, Bowmanvile bas Hospital Adinisîator R. GMA Sa lesmnan. tbree low-level pumps loca ted E. Elslon said the tax levy aI Easî Beach wbhich are from the Bomanville Councilcaalniupyngloe14 will be forwarded 10 the iilioî gallons per ddpy Since Ontario Mnsr of H-ealth . nly aluni and chîdlrine are who, in turu, will send the NiUladned ilbas not been neces- tu the provincial treasury. ary to filter the(aeroda If amnoînîs 1u a $6,45 the supply fromi a reservoîr. provncil grnt 0 bc îon i fience, there is n) danger of a lieu of property taxes on the ,wtrsotg rrtoig Ne, Nears bosptal ,. ":. ..?Comnpletion (rom Page Ore) ~.Y~Simplson Aven-ue South sbou-ld builing ilIbe rntedouIand ,',y . be completed 'by Ihe end o the remnaining500oosquare Sptmbracording !0 Stanl feetwil beome ne shp ~Cacis, a cousultiug engineer for Ibefîrm.1o the job. for ts amos twîe te >The biggest problem 1righît -Tha's amosttwic thenow are the strikes'," said area we havenw" comment- 'Ccî,referr-ing nI only t10 ed Vowles, referring 1u the Caniada's rail s;trike but tu present shop located beh-ind l abor disputes iuvolving some GeorFord on St. Douglas Ferguson of the comipanie2s whicb are, Geoge tret.suppty'ig parts for the Bow- HEAT SHOULD'lowe er'beadded, "il LEAVE SOON ROY NIHOS MOTORS lsprettpy good for the ey of Ailt he weadher reports LTD11.,SepWember or the beginning of indcate that the record- Courice -- 728-6206 October." breaking heat cave that is CHEVROLET TRUCKS Included in the '$1.25 million- taking the ener1gy out of (ldsmiobile - Chevrole t project is an1 0000 gallon every one shouldbe leaving Cutlass - Monte Carlo undlerground water storage uls tonight or toamrrow bo Nov a - Výega tank which is more Ihan twvice b1w pacdb seasolial OK Used(Cars as large as cbe existng 330,000 îernperaîîrt~ç,;glloin rser-voir tower ehn '1970 1968 1968 1966 1967 1966 baýs served fgr, four years on C-ouncîuwllM seek t he loc-,ji Councîl seýat for the B~a vîlI ýwd Prior tb winnîig wk Conclseat the Bwa' ft mnerchan,,t served as a Cut Scblool Board trustee for w years To date, he is ie orideclared caxididate tor il local posoitio Thefoetnutr ep dîtures for g2oods aind s0rv to supportwod a niddml operaioml n uOntLarîo ýamolunlis to an estîmated $1 Si billion annualIý DELOITE, HAKINS 1 SELc ONENTRE8-757HAWA 1970,DON F SED E CA BCURsCeeT P WAER, Fa dvino CNa Prtonlote ïction e N1Acf Transport, atM t a andin the ofieofthe istic Ilegirar of the- Land Rgsr District of Township of I)arlingtoîî, Countyof Durhani, Province of'Ontario, at lianîpton, )ntario, a desc.,riptioin of the site and the plans od a ne%, dockiig acilîty proposed to be built in î,ake Ontario at Darlington Towýnship in front of Lo ts Nunîber îI and 5, Boe Frontl Concession. And take notice that aitr the expiration of one rnonth fi oui ithe date of the publicatOionj of this notice St. Marys Cenient Company a dhiiin of St. Mars Leet Lirnited, %%il! under Section 8 of thie said Act apply to the Mnse of Tr-ansport, for aprvaïfi the said site aîîd 1,pl'ans. l)ated at Boý%manville, Ontario, Iiiis 2Oth day of F HAPPUNESS CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Real Clean car wanting a good home, Lic. EJR173..$28 FORD CUýsTOM SEDAN 6 cl.,autmatcradio. Good economical car rceady 10 C HEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN Vu8 autoMAc, power serupow\er braïke, sYou cîil depndonIbtis one. Lic. EYCO O.s.1$188 BUIC2K LE SABRESEA Full power Gleamring (Grey witb maroon trîml Li. 0R392$28 FORD GALAXIE, 2-DR.HAD P FAST BC Pretty blue. A real sharp car. Liw. BAA337$18 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Spr %Ro itb Halo vny roof. V-8, auîom-atic, powver steecri-ng,poe brakes. A reai sharp interm-ediate Lic. DZZO35 . $2087 V ,automa-tic, spats- siren and tle whloie bit ic DZB582 $1287 METER 2DR.HARDTPI V-8,autmaîi, pwerbrakes, pwer steer-iug. radio. Ra shacr. v emppT bawI- Lic EBX28 159 V-8 auomaicpower sîeeing, power brakes, radio AIl reconlditioned, ready 10o go.>98 Lic ARMO42 LOOK CHE\ROLET BEL AIR STATIONWAO V-,autlomatic. Good deian tran.sportation. lic BDAO8 $28 GM '2 ~TON PICKUP' Radioaud tpe de, withvîlf camiper back, Jlust arrived. lic.C771SL AlL'L THESE CARiS ARE TOTALILY COME ON IN NDTl' O ONE 0F OUR Overloaded With REAL GOOD BUYS! "THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE" mennvle 2348 Group of Junior Gardeners Showv Their Specialisa Hri l'Jno adnr hv hi pcates cf Horticultural So Don Aelun W'11 Seek Local Counci Seat i 31

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