'"fr, ad Mrs. Don Vîn:kIe Lkdurîng Itheirhodas MisBerne"ice -Mlligani is a Bowmnvile, lso rs.Wil- bur StaceyWs.m.Sae ton reurned home, last week, irom Ohw GnrlHo'pi- Tuesay venngMiss Paf Varmna w e brothers AjaWy ild Ashok Vra l'of Washintou, rrived lhere to Nii r. aud Mrs. C. M. Joncs, -Mrs. Bea'Jonýcs. and rît er frien1ds, Wu under'sUtud t9ot)fh irthday of nof our)iolder ber homne, b" oe3mm crs off he family. orr 0hear she bs sfe a couple ('of, t8lsince teau(]d is coufied f0 herbd ,with, bx'oken ibs Mrs. eaJoncs, :and W r andi Mrs Mel('ville Joules %we(re ditiner guestsTurdy i vlth M'sii.ia amlyin Mr. and MriS, . E.lR.Mac hfis lýau"d boyýs have returnewd h-ome ,fmom a holday tnpto th atcoat, hiethi dagbcr Hather, bas rtr nied Iforma monïth's Itnp f N LLEVoluinteers at Memorial Hos pitai Perform 'Valuable Services Eugland wth f@ens Mrs ,,AgesBuleyrtu Jd ~ home, Tburs da"', aflra * ixý' 'ouple weeks' viîi at Bridge1- 2//-~ ~r-,ef uorth wth ', ant(i Mrs Harold urey Mrs.VWinnie Ellîoft aind Ir R. Bruce. WAr. anr rsStan Pafie and boysnfundhm our wek'hoia a Rouie Hudersoîr xtenh ,rack f Nwo d iîhTerI Miles, for, thewekn The î'egular, St rdav miloruI îng broadcast over Couhbourg Inees o some ol our lcl , ,;m basehaîlfans las iSairdalJ, ,ý, Grant was, iinferiexing iri Gilmer, anager'of the'Pot >"' I Ho p eFlrs whlo !boxe pro vi dcd u 0îh some \verx summe1r, i fct stiH l re,as, they elmiuated the ilat Indians, ensa îgt u,,, their hest twýo ouf of fhreevr' ' series, ite scorebig, 21~. Recutcaler wihMr,.. x Burley mnelqded Mrs. Lti McCullough,. Port Hop W and Mrs. 1Lrold Burley ac J/m t§ Doug, of rdeottfelt " THE ROBE RT McLAUGHLIN à GALLERY CIVC CENTRE, OSHAWA FA LL ART CLASSES LIFE DRAWING CLASS Wvednesdaiys 9: 30 a.m. - 11-:30 a.m, Septemnber l9th - Novemnber 21lSI Alex Mllar ill t-each an intensive course in) figure draw-ing, using various techniques anid materials. Ba-4bysitting for pre-sehool- ers is provided. Materials supplied. Cotst for 10 sessions $20. Gallery members $1. EXPLORATIO0N S INTO 2-DIMIENS IONALM ad 3-DIMIENSIONAL ARTS Septe mber l9th to Deceniber 5thl T his season, thef Youing People's Art Class will ha-ve two inistructors one wvill explore the variolus aspects of sculpture while the other inistructor will explore -various techniques ofd drawing, in particular the figure. Classes will be gfeared for any- intderested prsn1. years and older. Materials supplied. Cost $12.00. galeùymber $10.410 CHIDRE'SART CLASSES Saturdays 10:00 a. m. to 12 nioon Sepe~br 2ndte, DecemberIl st 'A ges 6-14- This session, the instructors will emphasize the basic principles of dr-awjing and painting. There will also be classes in sculpture anîd printmaking. Materials Cost$1 per child; $10 gallery mlember more than one child per family $10 each; gallery members $9.0o each. T'o pre--register for the above courses please telephonie: 576-3000 Iiorotly Vssr(extrem leftt), 01oneo2O "Ca ndyStripers" a tMemorial fHo-spital, 1Bowmanville, helps keep ptet hefl At a birthdcay celebration forý Mrs. Whinnfred Osborne she joins ,- nlurs-es' corssillnging happy birthday before returing to her dutiesdispensing sniacks 'to')ihe patients,,oni the secondà floor, Atuit vo)lunteers at lemorial Hos pital, perform a v ýariety of tasks. Mrs NMaureen Willkin. assigned to RUadi)oogy f'or the day. finds herseif changing lînn on the examintion tables. Her duties also incude preliminary paiper wvork as patients arrive for X-ray a tie hospital. Rev. T Srn!'ihofN cate withfwo îsitrs lom opan In sp ouiteofte(i asorato aei )ound),landre1ing her Lieekend. 1l or ia 1'o's if n Man Wok sresing the factta r i con CLEA RANCE SALE RTE 26" Intacnt Play Coler TV 'Transformer Power Cbas-is SoIid Stute AFC with SterOO und BUILT IN 8 TRACK 'TAPE PLAYER Reg9. 89900 Sale o $39-.0O Valuefree withi purchiase of S E. IT T Admnirai Color T.V. illustrated above. T 426 SIMCOF S. Fâ&LCOSHAWV able to Hilm or , the Se , we 1 N h~~~~~i ha n'xe sThe choir Wr anýd 'Mrs C. H rrxx Missee Bkr Trno MI.' nd Mr EertiCr xxee vsfingMr an"Mr 11pe 11a(ebdasomltxxeek derman, WrLChas. Smih eorton Fou ln t inoa' s ith1- Mr. and M rs. omBke.)sa l ,mr.adMsH e over the weekend. ir Mýt i'. CiIllý,hsîmilw. ohaxx. a, Feîagand ndy, Oshawa, ll' Mttendaed the f ds\ st(1[inalalgaead Ms Eertt CrydeFrman. Rhonda, Cjý Aigry an Mletweeu ringKton'and J1Osh Mr adM. Ala Yun Ms onPaco. en, awaj)ý xxn y he late,1t1a1an Chrstine, Toronto, Danrîi and. Maureen, mp home, Saturday nîght. n wereSundayreve,\ng isitostn r.DrtyPso onda, teWdsviieofh radMsRosfml. n rAth Wo Mr and Mr Kithdeee. t Cydeman te Jr, wer isitrswitlM Corunia. M and rs Cas. o cur a d M iIaol aso Sundamtfdýl0w withM adMr Ms Rlh ais i he Hal )l 'at ray niht BoughIli.l CongratultIons. todMr. and at 830 p m ilcl aIl gme aIth m, -ou iPoropînIand lso and Ml'sl andMrs. Jac Beptz Iîcure lu l 1xek1s Satesai amly eunonjilc S Ie t ahrnssettewe iea lhe eso ille oad Porcupin Mra n d M1P r i ' îd Ms Hry E lakei Mnor oftb ll Xsoia<! (p ad Mr ile'tnd r iD M.îug L dPtr \e r.nlle 1 irefhily found 1 ciMi., alud Mrs. Ranýd, rse on o rge t the L i tw the, Roadrunners more "trvou -Mr and Mî 's.Gan rîh mein o ehedMoîa e 'n nthe finl tt lo îunîngs anld Mrs Erne iHoc kaday, 1 0u m Wîpm raiud Ms Wse i pil hdaieenîr gmexxhie ,', top Roarunnerbattersxvei'eholmdaiatoneyLk 70 Joanne X'ogel ,CrlW Gro ocGuaa . H ueron44,Ssa pri ,Sot A eic, Mis ixa-'t Donna McNe~ÂIda ,CrlCae Nwoniuwr Staleon ; ad Jan weked iîonwfhWdu Wîllers 5 aAlida eekerMrs Jon Kno Jonc KmbaîlJnn ols Hathr ad Seve Doin a cd Cao1Hneso >aii)d, udrauutatvidy home runs iP ther, Johnl lKo hmean o On Agus 20the ou aura eeIng Wr andîj hai, haps e hsécr Nei! Suudy îh MU . ani i plonxilleilý caeeckilth ae e uo n Çml ijnmgs o ',mn c 17IhetîvIat erI-)o r aIttne Ju î&n iddl l opnougs LIer LIdomîn i J-o, l kFar r('a rp ilak te hx te o'un ncm' def Couchý4ic inýig'T nii trhm li iiihe R o drunetrsie o ihls otCriî bu s 1ored tx lxeciuns n teisf M s W A Omso J \an 1,Willeîns p ihe upthe G 'aoto rpor! W l-er hoin xxhil T Roparner Tniopor essc I i ng (dx orab)1ý lui ;md JoKiWil m 4ujida in 1Ohawa Hospilled 0 Joanne Voelssupp l theuexf Sday ar f 9 a.m and iil home runs 1 ýWi1 uiis folwsing the servl ýic u ida' On Agus , etonîl coUPomto n wr , x î'mirg "relit il vil fît lion 'h Xii s Bruce i muk fut ."iolmiia Woiîren '. imisti tort' xxiii commente their lau meetings on Weii Sept f2fh xx mth Mrs Stan Mllt~oo and lici r2i'oop mu ehai'gc BETHÀNY I, r etent IN puni co itu\ di insi'i'x atoi'\ Results or pup iii \Ir~ .icaour Xtc 'lîrihon ire toii<îxx iiîg i or rrm'trorî'~ -imould ho mîotod (~r ade VII t i s! i.iass bîîrroi '., Pair ['i t ~tin Pas'- 'Sherrx John -t un md Karon \ iningumar. t, i ode '~ Honor'. Lx un 'Xrni ',îrong Pasi- ,Judx Kei'r "rirai'on I~ainîcr and (~i'aiit urti'- I ho Bu fîranîr XX t dii' pla rirriti ,r bus u'io ru F'ahrrt' Bazaar Plar'a ucar Braniaica I 'ti 'un'- îufe~'o-,te(l iii pai'fici patiiig n Ibm'- bus i rip xxiii ht abie tir shop liii' talrriîs as xxeIl a'- n offîci' '-foie'~ Piea',r x'outat.i Xiî's Xddison Scoît oi lîrs \ muu'eiîî Jackson il x ou xould like to fak p~îrt ru titis t rip ou September 12 191., Mrs Norma Hogg ot XX arr i'tî Xkiuiioha xx as a gucst ot XIî's Bulle Snîrth la,,t week 'Xli' anti Wr- Cari Smîtlr a'rd Xli aird Mrs Norman XX ilsoi, 'icîx erior~ box e re îurucd home atfeî' vacationing n ttîc piox mi î' 0f Qiribot ,n~d "~exx N ork Stame Xli aird \lrs i ami f'îîî r oou'~ nid Wr and Wr'. \orman ifraifhxx amie fax an x msîted xx ih Wr anrd Mis Non flramfhxx aite ai a cottage on stui'geon Lakt' Wr ,înd Wr- t i'eigtiion i 'an Davîd aud Lînda aud "ram Wuliholiand. aIl of Pîcfoî x îsîted xx 11h M r and Mis ffrî'-s t dir \Ir aîmd Xli"- Hartîld Saird em",on have mot cd îo fhcîm rievi home mn Prescoît Mrs troue i-loxxau bas ~murciîased timon' ironie aud ha' mox co i o Beîhari\ from hem tarur homo ru the Bethaux area Sx mpafhx 15 Vxteîrdod n ,tack Poag1, n 'tht' suddemr îieaîh of bis tathei ai Wood >io('k Nir and Xlm's William Clark box e inoved 10 their uexx home ru Kîncardîne Nirs Laura Spici s t îsrrtd îxîth Wrs Waifer Noals Wr Herh (oppius r'- a patient in ('ix mc Hospi i a I Pet erhom ough ~X speedx m'c cîwery is extended f0 hlm Senior ('itizens 'rhe Golden Star Soniiîi f ho i ajadiomi 'SîamesilliâlîBowx oraux Ic. SeptemYber'5 197:3 3 iitmr ni t3ethaiix anti oxat Il nioet un Vi~cdiiesdax "relit Ol îbem r mn thc' l3cthir,îx P .irr-tr Hall t 12 .30 mmi liii i îr'r '0 a Pot I mîck Lutichoomi i mii r ~et anti ircxx momnbr r xx cli a' a i 'Cii tii t'mtmiou'- iii Ibm di, tilît are O t'ltoiïmo :u il i erm~l 1ii1 ortet 'm Wr amuI Xli'- lax loi i îtîxxî mmx t' ofît r'cd i hcim ni usmu ,~t tri iti 10 Dii st mimot r. ifmieîi lit iii tirhr. r 10 \exx 'imîti uIt restmnk pi ogtammimr,('s h i hi r anr'img i coi arr bemng îilanued aird ami imîvîl aI ion rs esiciiuled iii ail îuteresteo -'oumor' <'rfi/ens \ge n ou narrici lot ,~mryouuz v' shinr~ h. tir il Xli aird Xli'- John f. ~rîut a ud la iii Ix ha v ret oî îred fi oiti ~ fh"eo xxeek irîp î~ '-iaskair bey ami Whmfc thet r t fret s m-,mtod Wr anti Mrs B Il l1opoxxhmîch oud iamml~ anti Xli îîîd 'lfms IdIOflil Hodgsrim. anti famnrix Holidax xx eekeîîd x isîtol s xxuih Wr aud Mrs lx B Smnrpson 'xx etc Xli aird 'Xli Morgair Kossoli aud Grog Peltexx ovia, Wr ond Virs Mu Stnmfh l~ondon ond Mi' ~rmd Vli's Keith WcDmîft Ntr'~ VI Scrîrlofî atid Xhms' ~2û~ry C/ca I lui i îtfrx 1. unmiingliom'r . l'oron iii xx cri' x'isirorç. ai the Pasroe' boîrme Wr aird Mi'- t' imcm lcc .x ci e~ guesîs ai o fatb xx eddur~ rmmuix.ei'sai x ~ eichm'~mtrori lot Xli arîd Xli s 1 iai'em'rr c t tIcs if I u~. Osi Hîli ai tht' home 0f \h iriti Xlii Je Bt "lin, i)shaxx r W o i. oii~ obus îhu.îîr t hamîdle a hîraf viave 100 vieil "soîmxe~' ru ',ona r oummtrres iake oit txvtî fît oms miui'iug tht' hoîte',m part ut tht do x and xx ork in the et tii of flic csenmug We struggk ibroutiim tue but houi's aîîd r ollapse mn flic oveurinti 1, ~ S! r ~Hîi'u'îaii;îmig iii i / Perms Colors Clairol Wîgs 'Latesi Cutting Tei'hniqnîes I I'H<)N'F 623-5455 Bt ~ wmauville rIUU 'O"e ,j îtd l-U ic e oluîd l usi ( , 'doion , ro l ig think llipoxr c sn ifatov 'f ' 'ii vmu fi do li "ou.x u iook 4,e11, ci ', sud fe'iunel xxbt .loi thi ok t oi ('LOTHES ('ARE 10\1 1ý,rli fsois\eif does lo it appli o lee mo a i, olmpo t t ilyou , rrcti i, xpeî'ti qu'i idaiuru sned-i srdtem Plan toattend-,, 80 WMAN VI LLE CLEANERS LD ~LEANE~ 84 KING ST. W. "We Specialize In Shirt Launderrng" -aa-a-aa-a-a-aa-a-a-aa-aaa - -,,1 - - --- s a- ----1---- a &a a, a- -- -- Noticela of public hearings into the tranisiýssion ocf powver f rom Middleport to Pickeing! 1rcProvinceofOnat poîniulDm Om)outi S otadiui Ti'u hPubli Iquri"m At gby Orde!r luCoucîOC 29532 dtat h,, 2 1sî o f Joue192 s medei y rdr Counicil OC 2947/,72 datedti h', l 311o1 cpebî 92tof irrm lm ra! 'sioCn of po wecr from NautýJi1i croe il Pickeýr : f-I 'Reporrt dth,-ime31st f Oft) e19-72 rBueHwetevruemi~nu.x 1and Picker inq u3 r o~lnt wiirilehIîs repurI ad ïoniudlmsspeîiuu m hî arrer wilhl ai irerstetiprie,ata bic hlar io Spebof3,17 14 Ani eredpasrîy whe, lhe umnpreý;nur a bifrlit w iî atrshoti le: , la COPY (Jf suCh a bnI;îfwiîh -tieceh r nu r tbefre ioer5 197-1 inic in aiim Isame tîmewf'ethrlcoih it hes 10 soeak h;:0,bis bncahi usqetpbi enn. 1Auy ohU.utre d aity who whs o imake rl -psutîous ci he sub"t1quenýYi Ipublic haig tturprînîi rtruhî eienuiiv.soiiuci uirrîteul ti oe *do s0 'inwriiing. un ihe eriryo rbeoeOtoe 93I 16 Comsîoc olautit wîý it botti erpubic ermq o cibr15. 172, 19, 22, l'and 24, 1 973, (atinusuc idoinaldyr smaly b rqirtlmnode h'îlmete 1partie." may have an upportuniy tn -l"qu'sioi0fMu oletan(I ro peset vîeue Th pblc caîusounetme 1.Otbr 5 7 9, 22', rîd 24,'93, will1 be bel i luithe Ontarm RBoom, Mcinr irtQcusPark 1Torono omucn f9:'30 a.m To acmoanseultrusacsanmi uniqu*loal ocr-sComis Isionler Soiaudi willcnidriqu tby îuresledpatrties' , îo oltiJ dtiilPublc' 1 h ea ritnis inriot hr ris f Oi 1m ubr jý ýif :Tda;,y o ýr evî nug sessins At!l suchreusn, lhowevpr. ihooli be uet iîmfiiSemetr o r bfr co ei l"1'73. 18 Copieýs of Mr Hwut' eotatirmmodîoswml bu' om vemu iaMuc' xpal Offices 'aniiti he Solait C m isincfiedoie faIl biefs wmli bE5onf-, ewai thFe Solaudi omsio fieluiiulcopies a'f rMr Howleýýtt's repor atieom e 'dations may bit piîrcýhased Jfrm the Ou1* oemmu oksoe80b'r ay Street,' IF-i F or t .rrifr ain pei ott INe-il B Cote, *The Solandi omsso ifoor, feguson Blocký Qujeen's Park, Toroutoý - -- - -a-a-a--a-a-a--a-a-a --a-a-a --a-a-a - - - a-a-a-a- 4