seter f lteEffitor ,Pretty June edîg nShiloh LUnited Church East -Malilplaza, 6M0là ng Steet, East, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H1IG7 20 ugst 971 Dean Employer 'I'laniks tbyour effort, tris year more students in the( area have otme îno mient than ever nin theMpast The Canmaa Manpower Centre fonr Studfets ws to exliend ils; graItitude fort' rprmt courteous co-opration tm his past sunmmer mihoghor office officualy cose on 7 Septembher, 1973, te regular Canada Manpower Çntewill havýe set up faicilifie's i1 ary and secondary students durjîng the school year The Canîada Manipower Centýre for Students expeets to reop)en in Miarch, 1974 We atthv Canada Manw- Pr Centre in Oshawa want to assue each employer thfat to0 per Cent effort is made f0' iil every mianpower require- mient whatever lhey rmay b4. Tod!ay. witIi more valal care'(er cusllnwilb mcore emiphasýiS on adItrinîng an d manrpower ImobiIty, 'we shaH endeavior 10 (ontinuefi) provîde the type of epo ment sric, IuFrvnîte SSEAP Co-Ordnalor. August 20, 1973 Deajr Sir Youlr recent edîitorsal saîud ithere was no way Hydro coffld please every body Hlowever there is great mentI mnyour suges- tion Ihat concerned tizens group togethler mnloder 1 express their oviton cies The 'presenlt trend of ize uonîirol in tfhe larger areas leads 10 negleci of o areý frequenlly the înost afetdby planis suefi as Hydro or new irports Yet,iech ofthe c(m mnities is made upl-,of volers atnd first class Miiens who deserve b fCe heard on ail issues, Pple or Plahme gree Ihat Hyd(ro cannfot please --r boy uti inssî tht yrobar the com- mentIls of al who will fIe affectýd byHxdo'splans Pepeor lanes. ,Xbuiofipe lo 1100 in aorfice is engged 1 sow havsi 0 w milooer lion, .pl!p ond papier produc- lion orm ther ood oin process<.es. BýLoquetsof îkan bt glad(iolus amdsaprgs decor-ated th' settig in Sio Unfited Curbon Saturdayl, Notice of Public Meeting Re Wesleyville Genieratinig Stationi 8:00 p.m., Trhursday, Septemnber 13, 1973 Sherwvood RoQrfl, Greenwocod Towver Motel-Port Hopje Ontario lHydro spot ubi atciain (hev planning ,,of ewfaiclities ,and has mainde pbi poa i o build anloil-fired gnrtn tto ai ourWslyilsi. community and Fydoincluding la iin-1umberof meinsand in1formati1(onal ecagswthmncplofficiais, irse glrouips anfd in dividuLals. A Pub li1c meetingws 1hl d at Ca n ton> on August(1, t hi clhitheproj eci vas ex pl ai ned and qesIn anserd.Theýre haXalso been accounts of the poje in J ocailcomments (carried by the news edia. To further efnure that eveuryone has had an- oppo)rtunîty to( mak1leblis vesknown con cern,1ing the bidn fte\ely ville GeneratinÉg Station,. another public meetM, ingha b, sche-duld orSeteb 1, for hbnefit (of those wvho werc aiway, coutld not attend or now sekfurther t iformaitio)n. Wiîhn afewwees atertheSeptember 13 eeiga * cmpltepoosai,incldn Informa~tion rci dfroin the commuiîywill bhprsened o the i n1is.ý,rrofEersekn goernimentappovatopro çeed with -ons.truc tion. A (model of a simlar sta1tion and other exibits wllbe on viw rom 3i:00 4 to 5:00 p.mi n the Sryood Roo of the Greenwood Tower îMýotel, Port Hlope, on dthe day of [te meeting. Qaiidstaff will be available drn the afite-rnoon land Ueveinti, o pri-]du information 'an werquesions.1 CLEAR coi by 2611,SUPER CHROMA COLOR SoLID STÎATE (9O 0UMES) Ail sets in1 'IWE SERVICEw! and Robert Enson f Mn' anpd Mis.MnfnFotr RvT. J Sneglo' epor- focntned f 1i-reiy andi'th Gix Ci 0 maîmge be futhe 10ebrid xxoe atra do>ted sxiss orgmnzail the ili ,u iune1levesweu rî ne tbe empire aisl' wlineada flouce a-ourd 10 skit. .of enemniesat the receptio)n beld ai1t0e Duteli Oven.The brides moîel ecivdthe Hu1îsin'lfrma lngth gown ýIof orang1e Ice foral pind Ilwr n hber hair and ber dress was ccent1ed with anl orbdThe goos otheir ix ilbwbie fors ib ber bain, Fus ue lwide wýore a blue xxth wieacsoisaî TChebride asgusto bOr utsx rlsbwr piloir1to ber arie.The staf f of ýIhe 1wre theebride uwaseply cd.I entetaind befl10difilnen al Ibe E'mpresýs le.Mns Mville ams Miss Noreen Proue ad Mrs. R'o% Austiin wereco-bsteses t amis- reltivs ad fiends. The- sbie'or w hich Mr.s. Mari- lvn ulhtrqd nd Mis. Dor is Mrs Snnlc Roinson hlda miscllaeou sbwcrat hber borne. Rlatives iidfinds of Ibe' grom bi 'd a sbomer aI the Guesîswere pesenitt from Buflo arrie, anis, St. Caîbanin1, Peterorougb. Tor'onto. Pio !Hope andBo Tecomul anc resî1dingI (Catchels Fish wîth New Rod 1973 MODES Recntl. len Severn, son of Mr. and Mrs Derek Svern, Bwavle a presenlted with anw in odfrbi irthday. fHe trîed it out, at Bon Eh and ld thîs beauty ashore while is uncle with Wbo he was fishng, had t0 corne homue empty-bianded. The FRANCONIALD4748-9 SER IES 210 Mediterr-anean styled corisole, Full base. Casters. 26" Super Chrtom acolor. Picture. Dark finisbed Oak ve- neers (D4748DE9) or Pecan veneers (D4748P9) 10 oidSaeTitan 210 Chassis with exclusive new Ze,. -i!tt Power Sentry System. Sol îd- Siate Super Video Range Tuner. Super-Screen Picture. Chromnatie One-button Tuning. AFÇ. VHF/ JHF Spotlite Panels, V 426 Simcoe S. Oshawa - Tv 723-0011 remplomle0nt sasa i l x 11;7:; fming u>\ootits ear[0 Osbxxaan Ajx.alog i Ire !li- Sude its in jt1O sanýie ar'eas ffecle a totl fl,09 p lceents 'ibis xas u1nuoso ;ilîxhîh onildwhcl normalE knoxn 1 a \ioc monthfoc îring T1tP<1î alvhigb Iblis July Jobs !baveý cd tellers. bookkeepe s a Defmands for ),I sls, elp- 1 1x dc o aihul IIILco111Mis axIlabýtle il anumr ( ofIl ue bpo ide ntumerusi xoinondtosaiesc ntI i Li onkersLif1om I oher occuationsshoxs tlr'e r toi!pelo! xsor fi nshorl upydrn UgusIi.,, Tobacco crops îbrugbut ntabo ookprom- îsig ad xiliîî woksi are i DYKSTRA 'S Food Market Contest Specials FRESH DAILV, FREESTONE PEACHES $1.69 1askt Idüal for Canning, Or freezint, 73ý-77 RING ST'. W McGREGOR LDA.DRUGS OUR GRATv Super-SSpecials R ING ST. W. 623-5792 McGREGOR HARDWARE brnn Your- ONE STOP FLOORING CENTRE 1- 62.i-2~ 9KING W. ~42 Bpwmanville, September ~, 1I~73 FABRICS Oeîai lday edniesdayS, BýUTTEF:RI1CK a nd VOG6U E PATTVERNS SEWING MACHINES 33 KING W 623-4351, si-,ý 'c rv toiliJu topcio SUDD ARDS OUALITYTE prdutsxaidii hi otetSTATION & CVOUS însea ~ elt ~ion. u jICA R WAS H WVITRN CA Tryou ~i~Ne%%Prop. WALL APPE r RAGEStan Suddard CO VERING jt inhenew0oz. 401 & Liberty'Sis.PXN-ALAR returnble botie N'ES, We hIave the e Glen Rae Dairy moygaecrs WESTERN TIRE K ingm> 2-53 ___________________ y 83Ki NG WV -1 34 M OTHER OD Kut'n*' AT ERlA LS SEK uUR NEWSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 0F: 7IRnS FAIL Plastic Table Cloths - Oven Mts Es STYLE S Dish Cloths - H-ousehold Utensils! 80 KINGWý. 6328667 KinStreet East 623-2546 ý623-501 9 .BRES'I: :TIM'S RENT ALL ruh~LADIES" WEAR Werelit amosýt(everytlineg" SALESanSEVCStdnSpcl WeretandellosttpesNEW FALL oeqimnt y th edarkî JEANS, CORDS &BAGGIES monh fr hme r t Re $10.0 $22,L00 î23-421ZPESENT THI1S COUPON 35 g ~ EatDiisintOR10 PER CENT OFFý THIS WEEKi 7 Kin? WL 623-55 "Name the Cartoon"v CONTEST' AME corrrti arrnge the vi i mkeuop Hucaption tor 0w lrg /i~fI j rarton. Prnt vo r a ngswe l.on an4,nt 0cm fco n c 11w adseniser an mail r brngb th i oes dior.e (ornelyBrso's l ttenan 6 igSt ..R"'as 10, onorheor îei prde imltiaurt' Iroîn X'.ý int : a Giftýs Model Car- Kits, lcontest w Iii ppar e i ut Settbt oO 1 ttf. s, hic he rand dizeda', l", 04)$l 4 heu t u iletres rcn lsitFrîe dl issii cpublihtec1;I. lîe mo 3 i n St. W . ApolloBY BUUCK OOOGE TO. "test drive one to-day!,, 11gh ta w o n 1 i les wvest of Bowmv ii le ï WE Mt ST MARE ROOM FOR THE 741MODELS ONALL1 Mne, SWI - a i 66 KING EAST 623-2586 ~6339 JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE OPE N I10 1 oP.M . 7DAYSAýýWEER 83 1L1'tERETY S. 623-5879 PERCY'S ~ Prop. PERCY LUXTON 6231- 2500 'Itune lips - Gen. Repa irs j t Sun. 10a.mli. -p.mli. I146 LIBERTY 5 H1AH'RCUTTING XNe extend an mx itation fin Mou to MAu N ft eper fai fouing9 ROY NICHOLS Motors SýALES i- SERVICE 1E_71 FOR EIERGENI SE"R VICE CA LL 1o Art Evals %orUMark BrtkeBo wmailville Cortc 62-566 72053.632567860 BEAVER (~flLUMBER BEAVER1S GOT IT ALL McDON ALDOS VARIETY 71 RINGciEAST Opený Weekdays Smidays C. Stewvart ~ITvs 1,imi-iiit ed y r/ f i2.31-2-5 18 This Wýeek's CONTEST SPECIAL Shadow Ban Light Bulbs i i C0 rh t Bo w maiIvil le CONT*EST SP ECliAL PRINTED CRIMP fand 70 hi Wiïde $2.89 yd. STEPIIEN mCAR VETH 00emh- MOTORS Ltd.~ 169) FORD FUELS a4-Drpwrterg 1IIA R0LD 1)K NI CT1 andbrakes. Nearly'% New l-op fiew ý tires. S aft NwPo. checke cd. 138 harfRd. SPECIAL $1295 BowanvlleNEWCASTLE 623-5410 987-47S6 :ý' 1 1 1