tems on Mrs J Atbert Smîtb. Ranlldy and Joann and RogrPeter week îMrIandMrs John Killeen and famiiY MI and MrdM rsrJon P aul, C aneton Pý )lacec nd beýst wishes g1,o bu Sianley Bowen. ,78 ýKîng St West, wbct wi itheertn is 9thf bîtdyon "i Tbusday, ýSep- temlber Gtb Many bî1-1pp y returo!s, irBon pa1Intîng and supueto bcArt Galterv of' Haîmîljton wîl teondspa i t'ti saaSepfeber ltbto The sourcýe of aIl gloryi- is acceptLance of whatsoever the Lord hath bestowv- ed, and C'ontent- ment with that which God hath ord aijn eed 3,A1H4A 'U L L A H PHONE 623-3171 A SPIRiN 200's KING ST. WV. f JÇntel-est 623-330ý trwend ScottWadcanvassedf t0e norilwardncolte $16 65- tosedIo Ithe Msua MI, andMsGoreLl inger . Leslý IeIadlRaYmmnd. Lond(on, spent (tuelong wýeek end xxîth her paren1ts. M"r and ~m), and Nr11o- cGî1 and Arn1old sýpeýn! Saturda (I Ii Cobom- wg n( pntSna with Mrliand MsKli Wight ' FneonFat Mr1, and Mr> Ward Hof mnan. El,1%ood C It\ .Pa ad dauightes aty ndLeli ',istted herm hr.r1e Mr' Go \ Jmesia i Mr andMrsJimAbe silh Mr, anId Mri, rodS Johin attiircottage I ta Congatultion to0 ver REHOBOTH Christian, Reformed Chur ch Un"itjed Church Mîinster- Rev. N. E.. Scfiainerliorn, PUBLIC WORSHIP "TAP ON TCHE SHOULDER"- NOT:'Rgisration for SunayShool mwil l a ke place- on SunIl.day. Sept. If;, 1973" Ail Are Welcoill John rikln 'Music Director -rganist, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9!)j1973 10k . -WORSHIP SERVICE Begiinners and Kinidergarteni Sunda.y Seh(ool Classes beginthis Sutiday. 623-5792 -~ Ma rnwood Nurses Aides ai Farewell Part y .414y.<' t" . .~, .5 ,~545 These eight pretty ,younig ladies must have brightenied up the summinier for the,.residents of Marnwood Nursing Ho1me. The gis workedJ as nurses aides at Marnwood and this phioto wa,&stae at t he far1eweIll garden party held twoj weeks agco. Alil the girls are off to continue tershoigand many, not surpri1singly, are plann'ing caer n nrig lcwsfo bottom l-i ef t, they are Joanne Vandyk, Lily Emnsn Abbie Teurpstra, Reta Bosgra, Trudi Rypstra, Krîna Vogel, aolVndneetad Linda Brock. A,ýbsent for the picture were Pa-,trîcia King and Rh1onda Johnson. Division Sitreet who celebrabe ber 49,th irtdy nSept. 121h. 1Frîcnds out,,Rex andj \ Mrs.jT Arithur Morganm, M isua \will te Jintcrestedtoea onýu etmbriat hrs to ~ ~ ~~l D JaeNrmnKirk, bioran Kirk, Tor onto.The aan tenrieiLodn n oronto as i,,v1en i MhihalowibRx.Mra lon.iiain. i chat1el ift tiis f a dintTd)Mra bcas aneuster. P d(, Bolu manilleDaaWr stopwil te astng bdaq thednesday'. mand tomorrow Top Jno Garideners Eight-y,,ear-old Janet M ýcKnight and her olcier sister Kim, 10 years, were awarded the tocp honors for best floraî-l arr,:angemet1s at the lBowmanville Hlorticultur-al Society Flower Shiowý. Thetw youn2g ladies wr competing in the Junior Gardenlers c a;a the shiowwhh was held in the Memiorial Park Cluý-bhouse last Wednesday, August 22nd, Brok wo ae rtjrng n te In iOntarjo Street spoku ft o n ((tribut1ionth, r hr0asoe10sidso Br1ocks have ad t Ie isore 0w'0î0co ordinlated BowmatitecoermAon'. witbsex en MCA akg Thu Mans[ Cmmttu > panyinlec ture iilake you unde th abi diecton o hitori an beufîfuf oreost ther Caiman MrCeit orotoThe YSIC A is offeri 2 hîghwa y on 1TruLji siodgrpiclub. il epartîcu- oho oepttig t .a- rogra iltae rm onetu Coesp xfhyrniý gh- albu ad byxxibjing l(o the fore. Th, prime bcd wý il l b oonoMc 18 and home imade piesstuen deg ues thte Evroe b orsmshSrîhtGoscoference on.01 have sone orr ofu rcratoute n onc tAgust 227, iin order tou relax anid forget he111(' a the t'iversi tyutf prssrs ndpobeooft hls. estrnOntario in Lond1on. busyword. Pe'opie are on ams ulMiniste-r utthe tinuafty huardtu ~îEvrn~tan'd Darcy 'Mc- cannot off ord rerain euh. iise of Encrgy day.' *"-,The Ure is n11o 1ton f 10 aein o hekIn touenjoy ' *Everylbhmg t0 spakes Otttconfierence competitive and ex-ýpen1sive 1spnsrelor representatives Wby dont these sae peeotecbilsholcrs try somthîng d i ýfferient nai yteMnsr Leuave thwTV for neeigt ùieriyOhrsek Go out as a coup. regardéesr ncue rRoct fen of aga, lo a citolgy wer o te lu 0omeColin there is ton and ,agtrand Mcaln.director of the enjoyabt1e good music aîdarmngmn r ncho cveryone is tearnîng to do the bi ilsrDvd atctof saething a thbbcsamle time thei Canadian Council for They con enya îi oera NECOandEal erer cofeor tea and yý,et pn!eealMtr fCanada vry lttc oney od lidiThietre a co)nfýIeence sqare dancing ffers AIlthbiiss sVilos)toour segmentls and more TT'ere is anahing wit it nrio and the inistructor and ail jmosie ., erg cissurban develop- m-lodem anld on record Ttc enit and the enviroomient and heurs are, good and ateooie eniron nta action. The beverages areOT a iisowd H clos0%g esion commences youavccvcdanceid nyorxitb an examIination ot bbc lite and you are .t....ate 1 l took Lîmits to Gro then TABLETS ache and CoId SUGG, LIST $1 29 BOIWMANVILLE IFOR EM-AERGENCY SERVICE CALL Art van 623456or Mark BorutSkie 728-2053 l'ti Canadian Statesmian. Boxvmanville, September 5,1973 Tyronle Hall o Fiayad Port Perry faris'nh', n gh c, tcHîgt hMrl ' ' 1-knd1-t heir orseiant Bývam, Mlrs Mauode Crawford. did rel well MayHarrison, Mr Bill Cox, ýj1 Mr and Mrs ý, SidBuet Lancw ParMrs. MNcl3ertll- trom ,'loronto sucenit1ttchoti o)tf Carry*ýiing Pizs cn uidlf wekn 10m n Mr mi dMsBill Cox505 rErlPsct Mrs. Marjorie Vance, Lucky- chair. Mrs. Berita White. BI -P LiteMisses Margie and BTUI Leslie cGobie, Pontyp4ool and petSatIurday nîlght with Mr AilepleeoGnet an i' tànley Gotte. Mjobors jor il yeas.Leoar ~csl ypahhygoosoutLinkie died ThursdyAu,-,30i. toMiss Gr:ace Smibh Il ite193athOsaaGera passing_5of 1itr father 'M rFred lHosp1lïita ' He hd bueen 11 )poor1 Sîrnith itaPlt or ite past ycar.The Mr andIMsStw t o-soýn utithlateMr and Mvs t,' . Newýcastle %werc ,SundayAugusfLnkie he 'ashm xisitor's ut Mr and NMrs. Er v2, 19l17 iimaoobOn Prescot t, aIldnd mar riedilhereAp Mr. and Mr. enry Cro 0,91 ndhd sdd . hurst anId sons London. Eng Obaxxa or ithe pasf1,1eas tond uwere recenlt vi-sitors ut Mr(Llniex'.S ;a member o1 l Mr. and Mrs Jack itbs and FautLuthean hCurcbh in 1amilvOsaxa ada eme o1he Mrs1-. E.CoeDryhie Ai oa EnLanijd îs v liîn er' sister tl i ur x dt'1>sx ie Mrs. dockGitsand hsadVtefrerFoeceRdr MrGary'Co-nîsb hdîdratfesiesMr Chte xelat Po rt Pery airon FlketmaISr i Monayxvth bis catble. rnt(eiai r. leîa Hatt iii tuneral Home in, B-ancroft. Friday evening Ttc 't'unerai service was mcd1 rc Lutiteran Chur- ch mn May nuott Saburday with inter-ment 1in Lutiteran Cen- cry inMaynooth Rlev J Mainaondocte'd biteservice Ecologv i bb' science of box'. living thînlgs relate bu TO OWINERS 0F LAIND MI-THE TOWNSHIP 0F1 DARLINGTON., TO OWN ERS 0F L-AND 11N TH E CITY 0FOHWA THE TOWN 0F BWAVIL1AND AN ICE TOWNSHIPIS 0F CLARKEii, MIANVERS, CARTWiRiGH-eT, ANJD EAST WVHTBY. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Onario Municipal Board byte corporation of the Touwnship ot Darligton for the approval of a by-Iaw to regulate land use pcassed pursuant to Sectin 35 o(dthe lanning iAct. TAKE NOICE that thp Councif 0f Me Cmrpoauio of the Townsbip of Dal!qobnenst pply to beo0ntarto Muinicipal Boeard pursuant to the prosions of Section 15 cf the Planning Act fer appr-oal OF B-lw2519 tpassed oz) the 2îist day of Auus 97.Aicpv of theB airsvunse herewith. A noie givig an explanaion f the purpose and effeet of (ltBy-law alid Stating the lands affeted h1reby ts iatso furnishred hecrewitbý. Any Person vmay, within fourteen (ý14) daya.' )ttr;q, ldate 0f this notice send by registered imatior deliver to the lerk of the onuship of Darlingtou notierof hiso cIo n approval of the said By-lw tngether with a statment (Of (ltegrouinds (l ofichObjection. Any person wishig to support the applicatimn fu appi ovai of the By-lWe ma> withn fourateen (4) das after the date of this notice send b: regitercd imail or deèsver (theMrClcrk of the Townsahip rfd Tarington notice of bis support of approval of the said B-law together with a requcst fornoticeofany hearing thntinMay be hew giving also the name and address t) which such notie should be gen", Thle Ontario Municipal Boarti ras prv of the sa,ýid B3-law ut bm efore. doing so if ay ;apint a tubie and plac whn ay obecton 0 te Byiawwil beconsidered. Notice of any HIearinig has may Vbe betd Kitbu given only ta persons who have filed an Wobtin or notice ofsupportand who have Ivl inord-ivriothleClerk un1dersigned the, address to whieh notice of heazring s ta be snt The last day for filng objection swilI be September un, WU. Dafed atithe Tmwnïhipaf Darlingion this th day of Sptembèr, 1M7. u. E. Rundie TIowniship of Dainiigtion., HlAMPT11ON, 4Ontario. 1;y-laes 2519 dinesiiý and reguates swinimcing poolshy providiing for thoirlctinam!fecigdefines and reulte secalze fr y restricing tbe locationiofbudingswec nml o Wltya ket refati (o residenfial bujidings, and changes tde wordg iof bc ectinsclassifying publiNe t. THE CORPORATION 0IF TUE TOIWNSHIP 0F DARLINO';(TO_'N A By-law fui amen;d By.-law Nuiber 2,111 WH~EStheMtunicipal Cotuncil of the Cormporation oa Me Towship of Darlington deems it advisableto amend By-l~ Nmber211. fs amended. NOW THEREFMRE the M»uiipl Counci of bbc Corporation of the tonsi f Drio ENACTS as 1. Thaf Section 2 of Bc-law Numberm2111 is hercby amnended bP adding thereto tbe following subseiction (z) i(f) "'(zO bir "SWii[IMMING PAML, PIIVATE" nensany 1body of water, permaniently lctdouîtduursn privately o'wned property, containcd by artifizcial means, aiid usýed and .aand for the purpose of simnwdig iigor bathing." 2.That Section 4(f) of B3ý-1aw NumbeiriI2111 is heraby amtended by dclettng from bbcefirst Paragraplh Mie words "an ipnîpod public stret"and substiuti n hroMte words "aClass A publc stret"so Mtha he SaiM first paragrapb reads as followss: -No person shail ereet any building or srcuein ;any zone unfless thelot upon wchbsuch build i'o stuctureis to e weeced fronts upn a Class A pubic street %wbch as been opented and whfch bas a idth of M6 fee: or more; save and except in the rceofJ a Sun'mnercotage JIn anu grMtr&aMIZone i"der Section l; save antI exept a building accessory b a buidid n eiing ai lh(e date ofYpaSinf tiisBylw and furtiter save and except 4lothich fronton he 1o414c ig Streets ad tme following poete; 2That Sectilon 4ýf) of B- ~ uhr211isn ereby ancaded by delaîg at ir'c cnd ilereuof,the foilowing paragraph: "Frthlt purposes tif this sub)sectioni, an qmpnoved public street"means any street in the Tuwnshîp of Darlinglon ailier titan a street gdesignated as an unimproved public street on Scheduie "-A" o" and substituting therefor thltfollowin1g: hertoora tretprovidedhby waýs0f a plan of subdivision registered eon or afthe St5. day, fOctobe,!967 but in no cseshal lb includc a Class B public streetas esignated on Scbcdute "A"- bereto. 1. Tlhaft inio vla Nrbe 11is, rb3ancnedbyadding thereto bite olwtngsibsection 1,%i. poouai bý e-erqccted and used in ,aný1 ardprosivied that: ( 1) 1no)paret of suktchilswýýimm -, -jting pol sha r beloca;1fed ,d c1ose 4-r Ithan ri feet t anay stCr e et unae; -2) noq part oft such smigpool shali be loate doer chap 10 feet toany rMar or side lot litje; and (ta fence isosrc, admitiedcmlwyarorund such swimm;ing pool baving a mliniumheighit oflt eld and one oids gatie euipcsitb ef-tigand self'-Iockiýng iiA privsaairs%%imml ning po liahîOt be (onsidredpart of te lotovra prsvidredital ni) pat ofe Tha Si suIch swimu]ming pool oin.s:,railing pobuds ore itlan 4i1'2feet aboe efinisedgrade." .ThtS ection il of By -iný law Number 2111is I heby amended h: adding theretoai lte fo1lwing subisection (d): "(dl SPE IAZED ARS (i) "PCILZE ARM" mleans akailton 0ltch lite peomnee enoncativiry co-nsst's ofraisingchîckens, turkevs or oamer twi, te raismint fifur bearing animais, the ralsing of swine or goai t, c naingofclIeon If cd lots, bie raising eor boarding of dogs or cats or)' tbe growýing of ruiros ou ) Were a lot ysusevri th u posesofai aspeciaiized Iarm, nu stablebarn, sheiter Pen, rage. kennel or other buildng or "strreul 10bo buse animaIsor domesbtic 00 ad no) feed loitarea or imanure siorage area shah bhe loced witdly i Pufceiolany Residentiaior Deferred Dcx elopluenl Zonýe. 1,111at schedde -A", to Býy-law Numiber 2111 is hereby amended b(f h delcting from "lt Landi Use Legend the ffollowtýilgng symbl and words:_ (for IrPelrenc: etecSectiton-4()" nl»tbsitwing thei for tite foliowing symbols and waos _____ LAS A UBIC STN11REET -CLASS HB PUBLIC 'STREET .T h at chdue"A b B-awNube 11 i hrbýamnddbyadusighebonAry1bet..en th. ORONOFAIR N EWdCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, Sept. 8th TD KOSS and ýiRE CAVALIERS Bari iee disin$ 0cul ýEFfECTiVE moN., srET. 1te sAT., SEPT. 15 WVAT FOR TH ESE ADS - TMHEY'LL SAV E YOU MNONEY Lady PaJtricia Lady P-atricia Lady Pato-rcla FlAI R PROTEIN[ýf!' BALSAÏM PLUS s pRIlAY SHAMPOO CONDITIONER S G.S I.5 i SUIG Lf-STS1 25 ;WSGG.0LSi12 32 WE aRESERVE THE RINT TO LIMIT GUANTI'TIZES AlexMcGregor UoDA-Drugs M ,rs c ltr Kuno ýM a ry> o! Mot woo, On.. rs Lsli Frnkad Alex uý t May\nooth, Taýmmy nid Kei f Bow manv il le andCiisohro VIindsor Mm Linke mes 110ai11C, .Xrmsîrng Funeal Home