SQ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 5, 1973 MApLE rGROV E On iionc1ayv Septcm iber thei swing. At this time I1woul like to wlcmebakth Mtis i i ogeom n aili11 las'yarsCubs. Any hboy ineetdin joîning Ilie l Mape rove. Cubs and bctoecen eight and elev'et yeariis old will be most weicome o 1 join. We meet ever Modaynight at Maplc Grov UntedChurch, down stair at 630 oclock saritpf ..suppori Scouting" sec ylu tee Akela: Andy Van FLASHBACK - 2.5 Veairs Ago -- Bowmni!ville fans offer congratulations to Bill Edger mn apnother seasoni in which h-e has starred on the mound for Petferborough Senior "A's". In the fv eamen Sr. A (YB.A. plavoff between Peterborough and Kingston. Bill, a lom i i~ three of the cordests P) Pro :punch that won the tlhree games the- Eastern Ontario Chamîpý and -$pturday, S .25 at B.H1.S. : Grudge and Final game wîlii bi Sthe Sunday Morning Class, Osborne's Bowmanville Mlen's ille boy, took part ovide thbe'pit+chinýg necessary to take )jonshlip for 194e. grounds at 3:00 a e played between ToroGnto and A'il 'Fl-ASI3AiiCK Ï - 10 Years Ago - I$owm»an- ville AIl tar Tykes setrdby Canapdian Tire woli thie frst play-off game on unay Lloyd Forsey had on the miound, pitchers GayPreston and See osy JOE OWEY -i te nw coacli fthe Whitby Kinb Hili FarmnS OC the Provincial Ontarioe1Hockey AssociatinJnir"A"~ rLeague. Joe Rwea rsdetofWhty married withi four' cildren, is hlead of the Math. dept. at General Vanier Seceidary School in Oshaiwa. RolyStarted his Coach- iing fcareer in the RiChnmod Hiffli Minr Hockey Aýssociatjon befere mvn to Whiitby. In 1974- 71 hie coacehed the Whiitby Pee Wees te the O.MH.A fials aswehl as coýaching the teamn te the finals ait1th Quebec Pee WeToýurna- ment. The te'am w ill open training camp at the Don Beer Arena en Spt th, 7:310 a.mg. The openinshdleg 3amne is iN Markham onm Sept. 28th, wit1h dthe home openler at the -Bro)okhîi arena slatedfo Thursda.y, Oct. Ith at 73p..With North ork AREA CHAMPS -- Although the hardbali teams ~i Bowmaniville are now out of the running after the Juverffle-,wereeimiîna-ted by Mltnon Sunday, several teamis from t-he area are stili. going strong. Both Kendial Eagles and the Junilor Royals have m-ade it to t1he Ontario finals in their sections. The Eaglesdefe-ated Hlopetown on Sunday to takethi series two gamnes to one, and the Royals kokdoff Chesley byý a somnewhat one-sided score to win their series. Port Hope Flyers eli-miriat(-d Midlanid last Wednesday and continue in the playdowrks. MaJUTGUAR PROJCT -A I-eaith Unit Dental Service i1,lbe Comiug te the varjouîS schools in the rea and if esre, ill inidi- vidually fit students 113 years and over, with 'a custm-mdeiniternially worn mouthguard. Watch the buletnkoard for Muhur Cliic dfate. A guard cf4 this type wihl prevent 95 Per cent of tooth and jaw injuries fil contact MOTHR AN 1)UGHTR - olftournament held at Cobourg Golf (Club last week, saýw the 18 hole competition xon by Julie Pearson and Jean Pratt of Bowmnan'vile wh1o broughit home a lovely trophy. Also witinnlýing prizes in th-e nine-hole competition were Debbie Dwl and Betty Trudeau, Sandra and Joain Turnier, Daphne and Betty Lobb, al from owmnvil Kendal Ro"yals first basemlan -Rob Russel stretches Io make a puat out, in the early going of the FOBA Junior basebali finals on Monday, September 3rd. The Royals had littie difficulty handling the Ches,-ley Eagrles, scoring five runs in tbie first two innîings en route to a convincing ',0 to 4 victIory. Startîng pitcher Jerry Thompson is al1so visible in the background of the photo. Steve West held the big bat for the Royalds, pounding out a pair of triples and two singles for six RBI's. The Royals nowT advance to the OBA firiais agsaInst the winner of the Hagersville vs. Hlarold series. Me'n's Towri Leagie Sfbl S tephiens Meet Franks Vaïriety Un Best 4 out of 7 F*indi Series Stephe'n'sFuels an,1d -n V'ariety advýanced to ithe finals last wek in Men' Town League acionOin Tuesday night, Stephens bflanked Eflis Shoes .5-0 to wýIn their- 3 of 5 seis3-1 iandKrnp ohd Fran1ks 9-4 10 force h it andj deciding gatme on Thurs- d nigl.in i that gI;e, Frnsscored an uere i-un In Ihe lasl otthe 81h Iinîng for a 4-3) viCtory The tour out of seve'n fnl wilstarl on Tue'sdaý mgl ançjai gamejjýs wi stan at7 pýIIDon Loruss"o tossed a ýý4 suprtfom Steve Watson, Bi Il Oatkes an ERyorhu as stephens shut oult Ells. Watýson and RdRyhorchu each had aI pair ofihîts tor Stephens s it1hey comnted ah of theilrrns mon thelong haill Stephens 012 002 571 Ellis 00 (00 O 041 Krams. ra'lng -rupted and DISTRICT 1o M runsn tocl lw ast ot 1the tihird and coasted to their -4 wýin ovî Paks arvey Websîr (2-1) tossedi the win wýith relief hclp from DPave Psatand UougCouh Bnjain vanrs and Brian Ad- dnms add(edi a pair of blits to Krampsatac.TerryBae 1 loo0k the os.Jim Beý>ai and Baýker echhad itwo hits Franks10,2 M00 1 61 liramnip> 007 020 X 9 T, OUIînps ot bh raks1-5 mn the( dc i dîn1 g gamen ( on maade th ffeec sFak scrdthe wýinner on an error Da (E, Oct. Oc(t 1 Oc.2 Ocl '2 in thle Iast of tlle ceîghth.i Kramps made 7 miscues ini the gamne. Ternvy Baker (2-1 ) wcnt the distance for Ille %win while John K,ýrmp, in relief of Hart-ývy Webster. took the loss. WescDave fPassant anwd Mike Corn11dl ch had a pair of hlits for Krarnps aknd Cornieil 1eonnctedfor01 his first homler of the series. Franks ) hits were shared by 5 players. MIE Kraps 21000 031 'Phc wînnimr o ei0-50drawv held( on Thur-sday nliglitwa Jack Me'OCarten of Suzs(sexS inOshlawa. Mixed Major Bowling i- fi5 6 7- x 9-10 10 12 3 - 7-8P, 9-10) 17 4 2 1- 9-1IL1 1- 7 8 5 2 9 1)ec :3 Dec. f0 1)ec. 17 NEWCASTLE COMMIJNITY HALL 2ND ANNUAL INEWCASTLE - AN D WASE J DSTIC Mi*44 ATN O ýOIS RIC Or AMBER COMMERCE MMERC Beer Garden COpen 1:30 p.m. Dance 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. German Band German Food Available, From ý: 00 pm. Bar Privilegqes Free Beer NMug Costumes Optional Newicastle Lions Club AUCTION SALE 1 :30m ARTICLES COLLECTED FROM ATTIC TO BASEMENT WISH TO DONATE? TELEPHONE 987-4827 Localty Grcwn Apples& Other Seaýson"al fruits ind vegetables Home Baked Goods 7-12 Il- 8 10- 6 J- ' 12 9 6- I 3 10 34 65 53 9- 7 Il 1 4-12 10- 5 2-11 89 73 21 12-2 3- 5 il 6 10-12 7- 4 6- 8 '2- 3 49 5-11 12- 1 8- 7 ,11-129 7- 70 3i 12, 41 8- 10 2 f6 il- 9 7- 1 411 39 76,14-112-0 - Joh Ogen.Shirley Fowlder. RmnOpoka. M(-NcNuIlty. Teanis PgyHye Cp.John Lufiman, Fbl Draper. AlMartin. lice toiison. GMen Kihlens Tleam 3 ;ý ollie Paýtfiekd ap.Jim Mu Phy atla gell Gnd owling, dna Team4 Brnicýe Budlay t'ptMaurice Annalert,Ma aOpk. John Fowler, in <owlig oyDkta faini ,lim Bruton, Denise ~narChuck Hutton.MarI neSý me Cul f Dralper Team 6 1,Vir-ginia Fire Capi-. RussHty.JAn Huljt, jc cutLr iean, 7 .bnda CRossey Capt, Rone Wrght Hldma Simnilick, Vern lConnlors, Irenle Hiumne, Bill Gray. T'eam 8ý - Vi Coole Cap t., PeeDobbîns. Mlarie Brooks, Bill Jotl. rran (Ogde(n, John1 Tem9 NyhiSheehan Capl.. Don Bgnl. Marion Meee , Don Bishop, ey Marli'), DonEatrok Teamn 10 Karen Re(idi Capt. Aletsaan, Cheryl Wraý Norni eeWed.Kili- rnePeclfect, lBýrb lks WVayne Wa TOim I2-Helen Duon mp. Hon ayneS, Anlge-!l aman,. Trvo ulme Ladies Majlo'r Bowling IADIE"S MAJOR LEAGUE: I IRST SCIIEDULE Se'(pt Oct 2 Nov(,12 12 1-2 12 3 -12 ALLEYS t, 3-6 4 56 8 1-12 2 8-10 7 Il 26 1 7 32 6 9-2f 1 lIan -7 h1-9 14 2 Th ir shedule wýill r Get 0a :45 p.m. sap Tuam i Sharlenie Cain, Eva WhiteeadMinnie Tlaylor. Dýoris loy d. )Janiice Front. l~cam2 (MiePafcd ~- 8 78 4- 5 9- 7 2-10 1- 3 Il 6 5 9 6-12 f-1 9-10 8(ý1 1ü-- 12-41 3- 8' 3- 7 - 7- 5 10- 1 ! 12- 7 10-11 327 Tennant Team 3 Jci afed Brenda Wlknslarilyn l inl-1 to ianle Adlams. Viviant Tery Ar'd. marg Perris, Dor-c Mutt- onP Mae Hartford, et Jansen. Team 6(; Shirley Davis, Becrnice Terry, Mary Hender- s. Ann Caruanaj, Yvonne Edmonston Susan Nayes Team 7 - Helen Depew. Joanne Brown. Karen Burns, Mlarg King, Mlarg lemanger, DaWn Dennis. Team 8 -Hlen Rodgers, Joye ajor. oyeAlmond, [ris Hla, ltyLanld, Greta Luxton 'eam li9 -Fern rdly fMuriel IHolroyd, joyce2 Lyle. Knmma Bragg, Marion WVise- man, Dujainle Pallmer. Team 10 - Nancy Evans. Barb hOSb)ornleç- Pal Luxton, Joanne Sudsbury, Mieg Gifns. Heathr Stewart T lean) ii Floroce Draper, 'rhelmna Forrester. Hilda Sim- nick, Lily Edmonston Beat-l rice Morgfan, Toni Terry. Team 12 -Joyce Tennaint, EnIa Etcher, Doreen P'arks, Jean Alln,DraLory lDian Quackenbushi NEiýW 1973 CARSI AND ONLI 4 MORE DAYS 'TIL THE 1974Us ARRIVE. NOGO 11 IMPLEK NO GI VE-A-WAY JUST THE LOWEST PRICE POssiILE:ý V-engine, powersteeýrîn)g and brakes, S L OoO rable saddle iýJnyl rui. arvest Gold. S L f Betedwhiewal tiesdeluxe wheýel covers, bupe potetvestîp, xtrirdecor PRICE mouling, reoteco'ntrolImirror, rear 1'973, BUICK windlow defoggeýr, radio. serial No4L571i3i540903 LE SBRE 410E SPRT CUPELIST PliCE: $26 S4265 DISCOUNT: s$1000 SA VE $600 SA VE $600 1973 Buick Century i-DOOR COLONNADE HIARDTO? -o00 SEANFînished Goldn Oive with g-reen eloth Bur&xnly h beige contrar denog ad iyln -,30 V-B engine. Powpr ger, bumrper strips, poweiýr dise birzkes ern, automatic transmi sion, bent automatic, whepl covers, bocheat'er' reveal mrodings, re-rnote control mirror, power steerîmg, radio, body svida mouldings. ble wiealtires, deluxe wbeei covers, Senrial No.- D29H13HI94012 dlual horns, push button radio> LIST PRICE: $46Sra o4213590 S LIST PIIICE: $4342 SPECAL DSCONT: 600DISCOUNT:8000 Sate Price $86Sl rc 34 SA VE $600 1973 LEMANS -DOOR COLONNADE HARD)TOP MVesa Tan with beige cloth and vinyl trim, belt reveal moulding, 6 cyl., 20 enginle, ,-speed autornatic, power steïerng, whîte walI tOres, deluixe wheel covers, radio. S'enial No.: W093591 IST PRICE:$48 DISCOUNT $0 Sale Price $608 1973 BuickCetr Taupe mIleta lime vith bi nterior, roof drip moulldinga, lrmote contro irrrpOwer dise braPkes, 350 V-B angine. ow,,er steeriflg. hiewaltires wheel covers, radio, bmîmper proteetlive "'trips, lamp group, delcuxe injjtenior decor muldings. Sanal No 4D37H43-n2487-4l LIST PBRICE:. 34490 DISCOUNT: 00 Sale Price $3890 SA VE 1,AUR1ENTiAN2ifl Sinterior, 350 V B 8enigine, power steeringýand 00 rake, reUar wind(iw d'ge, cs betdwhite wall tireýs, radio. LIST PRICE: 47ài -~1973 DISCOUNT; %1000 PONTIAC Sirle price M357, SIMPLE .TRUf THE PRICE IS RIGHT - RIGHT NQW WE NEED VOUR BUSINESS Door Priie Ticket Reservations': $4.00per person Telephone:987-4202 or 98,,-5187 COME AND HAVE FUN! LegionBoln %e woukl îkeatihis tme lto welomne A of last years bowlers plus the new bowlers that have ýjoînedi us for the 1973-74 season., Our nîew sea- Soni will commnence on Thurs- day, September 6th aW 7 p.mo. sharp. Oulr League will consist of four teamns with six mcm- ber1s per ta Youjr execuitive- for this season is as flos Prescdenit DnseA art lst. Vice Fran BruQe. Secr-etary Joan Sutcliffe, Treasurwer L.orraine Bruton,. Social Convenors rNyhi Shee- ha,I Trixie LBrownl 'lhle four teal ins are as solows Team 1 Joan Sutlffe Capt., Bernice Partnier, Mary- Gray,mae Howvarthl, 1Linda Downey, Rena Bathgate. Team 2 - Fran BruceCp., Mary Wes"tover,ý Marg Perris, Grace Murdoch. Audrey Bate', ALcGibson.ý Tcam 3 Nyi Shechani Capt., Jean Býurton, ilda,-Iý simnick, Lorraine Bruton, Mel McNuflty, Nina C(owling. Team 4- Deniise Annoaert C-apt, RseVanlesse, Irenle Whitncy, Grace Downv1ey-, Dor- othy Oke, Mlarie Bissoneîtte. 'Schedufle 16wesa Allev 91 11 Sept. 6 1-23-4 Sept. 1E) 3- 1 -4,2 sept. 20 2-3- 1-4 Sept. '27 34 2-1I Oct.4 4211- Oct 11-4 3 Oct. 18 22'- Nov 1 32 y41 Nov. 8 4-3 1-2 Nov 1) 2-4 - Nov 2 - - Nov. 2 - - Dcc. U3, - 2-3 1-4 Dec 20 3-4 2-1 Please cliptmis schedule for your ownl referen"ýce and a cp wýi1l be posted at Liberty Bovwl for youir conivenience Good Luck. Jo-wian utff 24 HOUR SERVICE Oil, Oas &EIectrie Furnace &I, Air Condfition Installa- tions - Central & Windoiv Units - Clare Hlecla& Findley Equjipmei)t Free Estimates B5udget Terms Availab1rc. SEPTEMBER 1 lth -1l3th -1l8th ALSO - 2Oth -25th -27th BOWMANVILLE ARENA AXLL ELIGIBLE BOYS %WVELCOMNE HOCKEY DATES Mon. Sept. luth, îîth, î2th, 13th, 14th, f rom :30J a nm. to 5: 00 ilm. Tyke 7 andflot yet 19 ears Atom 9 vyears aa nfot yet Il yers Pe'Wee il yea rs a d net yet 13 years Bantam 13 yeoars and not yet 15i years Midet15 eas ad etyet17 years Ala ges are as of Dec. SLst 1973 Proof, of agee mkst ac-omîpanyý appicaionform. Fee:, Rkfeiden $5.00: Non-Resident $10.0 per cild No Family Plan Register ai, the Recreatien Office No Ail Stars will bke permitted te play in Ftecreation oky Players registering after these dates Mill be put on a wa-itinig iist. Draw Prize Costume Prlizes