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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 10

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iii Th Canadan Staesman.Buwmnaii'ille, Septem be.r1,17 D@'"URHAM AGRI NEWlS by Dai Dalrym pie, Agricultural Representative Intenim Re-port [roi TeFarm Classification Ai 'visory Cmiteappointed bv, The AMînister utf Agricuflture &ý Fýood on Arl30, 1973 lbas sub)mitbed an interîmi report otteing necommecndations on the applications ut the 1973 arm Tax Reate Prugrami. T1% inbeim report presented bhý. teChairim )jutthe Con!iiitee, Edfward J. ýKowal ture & Food on Augusb 241973, resulîs trom ipresentfatLions meu othe Committee aI 14 ut the 19schedAuled public meebiýngs across the province. The t, ari Taýx Rebate Pro- grani joint!y admîinisbered by tbe minoi of'sutAgricltue and Food and Tneasury, meutliA aiswsinjiiited in ti, h fou ut1970 ond provided ror provincial governient rcbate ut25percen ýt ut th lime, lu is 1973Ontaio budgt. onorble John petlcet luo50per cent out'bbc ~uniipatTax evy on tarmn inoendations cuntaine i n fhe lm~tnim epo ttbbc Fanm ClasitcabonAdvisory Comn- ilIce anc. theretore, vr Undel tibe preset Far euconPrograni, eligibil- ~loi frretonds mudr the Prugoni aîlinbo twu cîabeý- gie.Every, properby owner wbu resides in Ontario and ax buse proerty is assessed as n~ ~ ~~h tafnbnebctri prprt omnprises t cte ilarsor i-mre.orIesto hmare u yieldeM $2,000 or, muegruss income trom tarming iperatiuns in 1971. (Concern w ýýaS xpressed at a mnner ut meetings across the rovncewitihebbc Farm ClasifcatonCmmIiitce thal terecipienit in order bu oatvneed monivo bu bebb oxvner and r-esî-den1t in On-torîu ut nl ac reýsor more u ofani pruperty. There %vas nu aýppar- ent eurmn for any uise ut Iis pruperty for the produc- tion u ofagricultural comminodi- tics. Deerination utpupr ties aa faiýrm asdependent upon the asssetrol and- theretur e,%val bçn n l province coul esi. ti pruposed b 'He a Clsi fication Cmite htundel a nexv detinition uoigiiiy every prupety ownr x resides in Ontairio and ùown1s tarin land 1beinig Lbaud and buildings devoo(ted uproduc- lion t plants and anima1is useful ibu m-lantalite tai1 land pruduce iian annual gross» revenue trum the !sale t sucb producîs ut aI least a Set, dollar tigure in ibe g v ear. It thereaels ba larsi the pruperbtha[1l-,is ssssd as t2rrmndthemniu figure for grus sals h eef $2,000. the lFan io ssjific lion Commitîebas reconi niende'd bu the Miistr u Iis, minimum filgure be aýd- juscd upýwds in acrac witb btari price inldexý stotistic. Ib is ilso p.rupos,,ed by th ote hthe he ýi 1wappli- cant tfakeihe iiiaiein nequesting tebenetit bY submîltting rprapia tion tormn. TheAplcto Furm ,vouldi nequire a reaýson- able iamotun t u ttsia intOrma1:- tionlul T s'ubtant1iate the kphia 1'bdim ifor such eligibi1ity under the Fan Tax Red1uelion Prograi.ý lu cominentingon teCn A. Stevi artMnseru gi culture aýnd Fond. ad W are peaseýd thai Mr.Koa and his-,,Commnibbee baus seen fit te provide us wîbh Iis< nterim Report. Tew Comittle'srec- omnentiýiiýons ill begiveni consideration \- the. oeu ment uontaio s w rc bu iniplemnent 11-h4,1973 FVanf Tax RebalePrgrm Red Clove Se We haveiruee d nora lion troni MnI. G.KEr os. Letters to the Editor \%a)cou iver 9, B C Kd[îtorÀDear Sir ut myr Congulandianh Sofo la umseifa Nîherne ori Udpidoncr leteranithug ut u or aadire acmpi if nthidgharn ung u on ~ ~ ta th wedwam n q-wiosýoeutsad wlen- th Utl-t ryhxea he treasue \of its laks ndo lad portsbuildpires.n th ishness olits eritage ot o cutue I niiaim Cahnd i ju onunit1-,njtat long1-sbuffert nurse me fo hecrdo l1utgae:eisi ttshm abuseut 1nc taxr m1as ing strikers nhorek mb -lvenmt ild , '1 ings and hiss nylite - ad f ignor 1the eedsofth hl'anadianpatient. patri i, and peacetul< but n wat t) ut eri lyz e tos r Ilitnt. _7k I"stad un urar' l IrE ahindorAnd nuorM ýý3'KINGST.U. 4 un ouiur siajli.but iîotn region,. and to enter m ili f witbout due and proper tics coincemndwi ldb.l operatljo ionis bhe ijce mbit betlh îqcaland reguionl; councîls tu pxoduce ea soundi adminstrai,il untatis xiinand( able tu gi ve a xx'llasreeie.The ro gant nd atuciaticpriuci~ pIes (ut preývioo locai'll govetuments f h e for- senin tavo(r of on ovor-all conicept u uit and flconceru for t11w el being Cut ail tie'peuple. Fres antïd pra1ctîcal ideas, a're neeed1au kecp ouur governéient rm bgg dowl in ius ~nincunpe- lnce btoeil gets stante'd. Xith this iiin mmd. I vou'ld l ke àto î oter my servis 1as o canidateforWlcal coun- cil in Wrd1, Darlington Tuwn iship. During tbbc lasI 2 years in the real eostle hid. Ibaecon1sbantiy bcîin cnatwîbthe Poliiesandpi 'actices varý grecatly (romlcailb Thet public needs comni iCabion 1with thein couneils, ald Iprpoe if t1he peuipleý ar ' e tilingtobecnie lheiUm- nlsilre that u1 otbIng co t - rar bubasic 1plng our rural genpc u metnust hbe peni-iled Imn accurdnce xii nagmeed o p on and acptbeplaî ut~ ~~ dieto i.. I e1can be ute usuis mannller, as a situatinshah pnrobably% nee rs.We imust niake the milost ut this occasion to uida solid based com-ll uniby tu b'e pro)ud oM, and une we wiMlbe happy to contine tin.Ihope bu be aîîowemi tupartake n bhe laying out this toundation. ond f shaîl lry lu prove myselif oby ty Thankliîîg you trpr oi' patience and ptoae Yuors ver', trLI. Wames W. Roinlson AMfer the tirst ite, an apple bePginjs to tom ro lwn, righî?' Scient% issa Agricultue Con- aais Sumenntý-d Researeh St'ation hhklear cloise to ondentandîg xiy Ibis bap-' Pens. ,Olutari's fu'es (înustry payvs direcbly ond indineebly app2roxýim-atels $ý0îfi i llion annuaily in mncpl provin- &'ol ald fdnltxs inelud- ings ove $ý20lliondinectlly luL Ihe prvnilgvrnetin vanouos charges. Geeral j îM anageruti Uec tha ibe ae niticiîpatingla buoyCI lUdMaiudil for(J Red sample [romacrus tu ")(JIcei tointivilltoi au ilsn lt ('cul i ld 11! ah ilf'l LI orie s t eUi1ed. i-àiou do 'hax icld ut -'eed t n îheîî release. 1 iseco also ~tates that lhe~ are ntercstcd iii bu~iiig iocaily gi'oxxn seed lots ot>'Iimothv. Bîrdsfoot Trefoil aud Aitalfa t hange ut Ottice Itours 'Ihe sommer has rapidl~ pa--.ed nuit with Ihe C.N.E iloxi ox ci' and children back lu sehool. t rernînds us that x'~e arc uoxx into the taIt season To go along with this change. the Ontario Ministr~ ut Agri culture and Food xx ill be reveriîng bock to winîer office hoors. ettectix e Tuesda~, Sep tember 4 The îîew oftice hours xxill be l'uni 1430 arn iill 12 nuon and troni i 1~ put lu vOit p ni Clshamwelon Tactics of the Flu Virus' 'iu , iro l cause 1tr1 ois thatbd uI ai llot.Dr Vfdwvn D t Kil Il Mont5mi Sehu u cpareihe (lu vouf lu ih it a -ull îuducedcob0w the unliyviruLs otflictiing manj geneie hanes.Uc elievesoi saisof past Ill irueý or inaiIs hie iith l andoilrecnbuaihutgn uiru neagiii ifciu bak roni aml to man Accurdîng. li-u Dr"ibuumnle, t', fui iruput19\ ich iI kild 1millon ele in t weIl as man. Thiere a 1uutbreak , of Ibis virus ev tomorow'sepidmic re hid- ingul n'ow Vinidomesie fllninals. Bult tmodkem public healh n'easues-cn avert catsîrphes.Kiled virus cocne aui belp provide protectionagis the flu i usif'i-b ut new unoies must be miui oefor eacb varia t ion inutthe virus.l malrofiteadbreath.l r r ~A.m e IMISIX

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