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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 11

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Mrs. Samn Brereton Ilewýlcasz'Ie il, intothesigoftig now , things are back toa routine - thekidsare backto schaooL the brend winner is back to womk and plans are fevemi.sly beîng mnade for the resumiption cf youth and receetioactzivtifr thle Faîl and Winter mionths NOTICE BOYS anGIfCRLS age 7 fo 16 years Registration for EWVCASTLE RECREATION CODAITTEE'S Youth Bowling League Daturday, Sept. 15 10 a.m. to t2 Noonm NEWCASTLE COMMl UNITY HALL, Fe:50e per Saturday for 2 games. jýague to begin October 6th. Noregistration accepted after Sept. 39, 1.973. U6-2 High on teUis o Èyut events aîshe beining of Cubs, Scounts BrowCes and Guides. B1rownies actually stnmrted last week but any lit le girl 7 to 10 years. of age illI be wmnywelcomied into either Newcastle Brownie Packs by the leaders for a couple of wveeks yet. Brownies mieet in thie Comnmunity Hall every Wednesdny nighit beginnîng 6:30 p.m. Cub)s, Scouts and Guide-s will hiold thecir fiî'stmeinsof the nezw season tlis week. New- castle Girl Guides wo(-uld like to biave any girl 10 to 14 yeaýrs join tbem111at termeig eveî'y T(lesday nighit, 6':30) pin. in the Comirnunity Hail Cubs and Scouts botbmeeti tHe ete Community hall on -Monday nligit's innd would (icertainy be pleased to welcomne any y-ounig boy to their midst. Alongwiththe eciteen-if the youth organizations gett- ing underway for a jolly new season, tie Recreation Commi- ittee is energetically making plans for their- Faîl and Winter progamRgismatonsare ai- ready annonciied for Youtb Bowling and Girls and Eoys KENNETH "KEL" LYALL SAYS: This Is What It is Ail About: The October 1 election to select people to run Durhamy's Regional Government is the most imiportanit election ever to be held iocally -- for October 1 YOU willi be selecting the people that will have to make the new system function. Tt wili be YOU that wiil have to endure, if the wrong persons are elected to do the very important job of admninisteringï the niew Regionai This Is What Is Going To Take Place: Clarke's Mý.unicipal Council wJil be w'iped out. Orono's Police Village Trustees wiiI be out of business: Newcastle's Village Council wiii be long gone. The mien, that YOU eiect October 1 will formi the replacements for these extinct Counicils. Do YOUI realize that there wiil be no more local Arena Comm-ittees or Recrea- 4i-ýon Comrfïiittèes? These will be rufl by the Muncipal Government and the persons that YOU eiect October 1. Do YOUT reaize that there wilii be no more water departm-rents run by the local PUC's? -- this function wiil aiso be assumed b)y Regionai Governmient and the men YOU elect October i. Do YOIJ realize that YOUýR roads and your road services such as snowplowing wil b e takeni over by Regionai Government and the persons that YOU elect October I? Do YOU realize that the future of Planning for Oronio, Newcastle and Carke wiil al be taken over by Regional Government and the persons that YOU elect October 1? THERE WILL BE FEW 0F THE OLD MUNICIPAL WAYS LEFT AFTER 0CT0EBER 1i Tlherefore Voters of Clarke, Orono and ý Newcastle AMUST elect smart, experîeniced and active people as representatives to Reg(ionaii Government, for If the proper choice is not made - the resuits will be chaotic and each taxpayer and resident of this area will suffer. Feedba)ck has been received by rny Commii-ittee that m1y opponents are criticis- ing my action of resigning frorn the School Board to contest thiselcon ilere is the truth of the miatter. 1 ai-r stili, and have aiways been interested in thie, youth of this great country ,andthi educlation and their future. How-ever, thesse are years of chýanges. T'le old Ba'idwini systemi of miunicipal government is out and ý new systei s in, which xiii require persons of experience, and person-s accustomied to public life to make RgonGovernimentfutinsc cessfullv for the benefit of uis ail. Thle neeêd of experienceçi persons to be candidates for the Regional Governmnent elections isth reason for miy resigning fromi the Schlool Boar.d, Itwudbe too late for me to carp about the quaiity of candidates after the n-om-iination- period so 1 putl action where my mnouth is. Wlien the timne com-es on October 1 to vote for the person of YOUR choice to represent YOU and YOUR inteIrests mark your ballot in favour of Kenneth "KEL" Lyaii. He is the candidate you know and he is thie candidate that you can, trust to speak out ioudiy on the behaîf ofYO and YOUIR famiiy. ON OCTOBER 1 MARK YOUR BALLOT LYALL - X For Alert and Active Representation at REGIONAL COUNCIL Mm. Walr ested at the Nortut Elliott Funeral Hlome until service in st. Joseph's Chur-Cb onSatuda Sept 1, with Patherank fmirlieocting. Paîlbeamrs wre llessrs. '1ohn- Davis, Douglas ynt Dnvidi Rogers, Raymond Gibbs, Kaspar- Viehover and Hecinz Veoelr. Intel ment, was iB mavleCr- tery Hockey and mn the very nieur future there -wihl be nw of a newi season for the Baton and Ballet classes. We inlaginle the other organizatîons in the village -smVcsoilor church - will be onee more seýttling down to an husy season1 after a most pleasant surmmer break. Recent c:allers wvith Mm. and Mms. Hownrd Alln wem-e Mrs. FlmnePearce, Richmond Hil, Ms.Te-rry Gamwvood, Moteland Mms. Albent Pearce und Mms. Stnnliey Powell of Town. Miss ennieriGay wýho just mecent'ly returned hýomne fmom a hovely summn-er spent life- guajrdin1g at thec Baniook Caýnoe Club, Datiouth, N.S.. lef t onu Monduy to pursuie ber sýtudies in Rec(rea1tiorn at Wa-t- erlo Univemsity. Wbile she wýas okingl]atrotî Jennif-er \stnyed wihem sister and faily, M.and Mr,. Gary Turner and cifldreni. Last Thumisdayý, relaives anid fiends of Mrs Alice Qu1inney gntbered-i at ber homeu to) hiavea lîttle pa-rty and tfo preentberwih s)oe thiou- ghfl ovely gfsprior tofhe tnip to Englaîid Preseýnt e l\Irs. Adna damnS, Bowrnan- ville, Mirs. Margaret Evnns and bier duheMichelle, Port Hope, Mmi. Cy-ril Q)uînney, Bowmanville cand MsRose (Ishomne, Mrs. Dorothy ý-Goodi, Mns. Luella LAbit rs. MagrtRudmian, Mr. and MIrs. H1oward 1Quinne'y and boysand Mm. IHamry Collison, aUi ofthe villge, Mmr. and Mrs. Stanley owl rce(ntly meturlned to thle vill- age from a ý very pleasant motor tnip to the Eýast oat Thein- iing included tirips lto New Busik Prince Ed- wamrd and Cape, Bre-ton Is- lands. WVhile in Nova Scotin, they, visited it Miss Jenniýy Gray who wab emnployed i Dartmouth for thesum. Tbey also visited with Ms Plowehî's sister aundfaiy Mm. and Mrs. Terry- Garwvood and family of MIontreal. Mr.. Hamold Powell of Toron- to suient the weekend with his parents Mm. and Mms. Stnnley Poeland bis sister Dale. M.George Gray receuntly accompianied Mm. Howard Payne of Newýtonville on a motor trip to the( West Coast, specifically Vanicouver, to vîsit withl Miss Sandr'a Payýne. While enroute to Vnovr George took a-'lside trip to Edmlonton, Abrtwhere hei spenti a few dnys wih bs uncýle, Mr. and Ms.Bih West and family . Newaste VluneerFireDe partnient was called uipon to extingui sh an autoiobhile fire ont file Proçlerty bi Af Mm. R Loyst of Beaver St. N. Fortuniately, noon -ws hurt but the cýar %vas svr damnaged Ht is gtting nmorand more difficut tokeep this colmnn intresting and up-to-date. We would c"rtinly apprecite your co-opemation in cnling in your nw. utphone 97-22 and we -would be dielighited 'to share your new,,s witil our readers. Compiliments arecsti1 comig in for oui' effort.-s,bu we cannot keep up thfie good ~work %wCithoutyour lbelp. By the w-ay, Imene BýreMon is, delighted wditheresponse, to hem request for Statesmian c.ustomencrs. She is doing ve-ry well, but would cemtainly be pîeased toý serve yuever'y Thursday if you so desire. Just cali Irene td 987-4221 for conscientious, cutosdl ivery H1ave you made yor mser- vations for, Oktoberfest, Sait- uî'day, Sept.-15. If not, you hnd botter get on the ba - we know, fmom xprinca good timexvas hAd by YnîllAtyear and bigge and better tHings are, planned ftor this year - Village attended theý festivities ut OrrooFaim lastwend, R'eports indicate eac-h year the s'how's, ipnsmdaetc. ~ etbiggr ad bectter, 50 it olIows evenyone had ciwon- CKSTOCK erBneAuLy cAhn j andho vs of Cahiýornia 'are Phone 987-4221 atesnthar. - ri. iand Mrs. Ric2k Thom-lp- 1~r~7Iflq1l~T snund oys moved into their YELnew homelast week. Witb h osauh of fll! \rl. and Mr S. Jim Rowett andi the ralpid decline in,.mean and b y-)s moved fomCes temertremakes onewod arEýiea intothir new home ini er iflwe Sbouldn't hlave recenth v stockpiled soime of that bot i1 mnuggy we,4ather suffered or Winneii rs at trhe we ekly'v enjoy)%ed during fthe recent Tueday venig ar-prt eleven day hea"t wave to mix were 1oLadies igh li Lorna i hi ol siLtff. Alwaysfol, ihrdScnd Mre lateirne,'Third Lena Muni- CongatultiostoM.and ro. Meni's Iib Art Baýiley, Mrs. George Reid (nee miss Second - Gordon Strong,- Third Chewryl Hamilto'n )who we re Marwood MKe mairriied on-- Sat. Sept. 8 in St. Mr. arîd Mrs. Roy MbAjýug'h- Andew PrshteranChucblin altended thlleDecoration, in insa wih ecptonl in Services a ebsaCerne-i Veleron niedChur-ch Hltery ",on Sundcay atron served b he l( ladies of St. Supper get tMLuh Mar ý'S AgicnCburch of lýinS were AMr,.iand M rs . T*:'ifor. Walter Murphy. Neouc a Stî le, Mr. and MmrsDnl BrowrlN Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy. andm grandicsonDoad ccr- momanv'i1'e and M 1r. iand piediu by MUiss Mona MalcolmMrs. DvidKte. Karven and attendefld the n-inith Canaidian Ja'son. open Shleep Dog ,tr!ials at SBond Syathy f h cmunt H-)ad, Ot.Ilon Sat. Sept. 8. Thlis I xeddt Mrs. W'm1. is a very iitereý,sting c-(ompet"ýi- Hooeyon te tragic drown'[ing tion of sheep dogs bandled by ofj her19yaolneew thewir wovners of sebin nyMac'Donald of Sebrigbti small lot of shleep aýnd pjunlas weknd thmthrougb a',set course of A finecro(dfof pighbI-ors, open g'ates and finlly eningreatiesanld rienlds ofMr sm ntes hed afIIfew ;fistm an;d Nirs. Dona'ld EdIgertonl utinIg out a memiber of týhe attenided a hous-waring' flock sbedding>s. The major- partyin their honor l at hei ity of thlese bIigblyj trninied new-V home east ofBlcso. inýtelligýenit dogs are brougt ù'Che eeig 'a pnt, plnying Sum mer fhotldayýs oeMarlene ,were presenîted xithb church serv'icets startcd for alveypicture and a sum oi' falterin. Thiis Sunday on mloney on bhîlltoflfthe Harib observes its airy. Nex_,t Suniday Yelvertlon Mr. alnd 'Mrs. Howaý-drd B- United Cburcbi observes itS cerdeofieor visited ll2Ith Anniversýary atI'Il a.m Iwith bleriaunt Mr's. j.A wih bemiiserof insay Jobi"'oston o udy Queen 1Street fUnited CbIurch Betty bealthi s isbed foýr1 as gu esitkspeaker for tlie MrS. Courtnley Grabam who is occsin.still a patîint in Port P1erryý Colm tn e a frienlds twedîd- Mrs. Rutb ilo and Mr-s. în i Otaathis ween.MQmadewere Fmdy Ltr Mr lr obinson pc'ci!oo ndspp'guss rfM.r pat'ed in a bal tomn menti and Mrs. Alvin cGllof Baie is wee.Ckendt. Lnsy bywere Sunday, Congýratuillationîs tCevr eno adspe usso tnSenlior Girls "0boagi Mrs. AdaCareoftbay voi the Eva Tb1'omaus Tropby M1rs. OlýgaHil wa -s Sunday for Northi Durbunm Sm. girls výs supper guest ol bier brotherC the Janetville S. irl s 4 Rv.and Mrs. erii eru .gameus strnýight - last two son of Oshnwva.f gam1es by a very arow Quite a ilinmbr of Cart- rmargin A ýgood tamSpirit wrigbt relatives and friendls ably- coachýed by MmI. Teryatenedthefera l te late Malicolm rougbt om1O e teMr. Norman Wý1rîgb, fo erl bacon. The tealm apprecintes of Enniliskillein B nvII 1the, support of their avid fanis on Tuevsdayý. Interment was int who lentItbem mïIovral support Elidad Cmtey tiîôugouttheseaon.Mrs. Geýorge El-der, -Milo, T'he Junior Girls lost one AIiberta.ý and Mrs. Georwge andf won one to Crwib eslof Okwod er Juniors to lie fthe series 3-' SunIdaý y gueSsslofMr. and Mrs. withthe inalgameint VilbertAre. B'lackstockonTues'daIY 1even- ' Mm. '1ndl Mrs. lBob 1Fraser, in.Torontc'v'(,.(we rinda igestl:s of Th antIll-Yehe"'rton lsmMr. innd Mrs. Bl 1ij Mabtfyand Mnpuflled up fithe sa gging b oy S. bicbes of fast wek nd TheSuda Shooitncer bounced igbt balhick to lite on of the United Chrch et on, sclugog 12-6i to fie t b dr Ghuch service. Sundny Sci- seif inls 2 out of3, one g dme ool-for the taî term ýillI 3lpie'ce. Dni Tinl'l hurl"d cmec on Septemlber 16 at goo0fd baîfl allIllte ny with a'il lealst trkouswihTer hiomerun-iis by, Clare RHobIinson aiid Tery alom sise th oasin recnlpturing the lederyin the gae ad mantiingi to the end.An" Fina lae next Sunday ati toni leads Nestleton by a oneý run mar-gini in tble tfist am'e of their series" ik. ie Ponity.pool is one0garn2eup on Kedmon in theirs. WESLEY VILLE__ _ _ _ _ _ Mloinrcbbutterflîes are stîll with us, e'very e(ven!inIg they BUILDALL INTE th banhe of the trees, evidentl spedingtbe dysinPiN thý!e filswhere goldien '.rod Ï"A N and aster lhave put on their bright autlum dîIspln. UAIY AIT 1 ThÈIe tcool weatber of tîhe past WHIUTE SATIN LAT] few\ das as been a relief to AD~M-LS everyo----"e __ad_ gaveSE I-good ..RIOR r N L4?EXO Ex PIN E SHlnU TT ERS 1)ROOM'N, BATH, COTTAGE, BARM, LMUVRES, PAINT OR1% STAIN. Slies from ,~.8 6 16. .E..h To$79 HARDAREFOR FOURi --.PANELS- $1.19 PKG. ENT LOCATIONS WHERE YOU The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 12, 1973 Il il arn. A earty wloeis estended to anrew children. Mm. and Mrs. GmndKlly) and girls were Snturday ovemniht guets of Ai. and Mms. Gordon Kely and faily, Niagama Fails. Ain excellent cmowd atended th-e joint showem in honlor of Mm. and Mms. BiH! Thompsn aind,'- Mm. and.\Mrs. Ron Mayn on Snudyevenîng in thle Rec. Centre. David Kyte was the fine Mt.C. for the followîngc programme. So.meu m-bers iromr the Kids fmomi Sesam-e Stree, a reaý-ding byElzaet Thompson, a soo y ary Loi Mnlcolm, a piano solo; by Bamnry vnCm a nskit by JudyMunjy Debbie Swaîn, Carol Mairs n.s nd Blaine- Bail- ey,. a. readiing hy Gordonn Paisley, at pianlo solo by LDebbie M\cLauiýghinii, a solo by Alice Crmnaghajnid annhilar- bous skit by Blar Martyn, Muïrrny Carnaghan, B7rian Le ndol on right. ýAt this point, David pmesented Ron anid Ellen wvithl a card table seýt and a sumc of m-oney nand Bill ndSandra wtha spool bookease and a sum cif money. Both coulples (eXpressed 1their apprecitntothe Commun- ityý and aInother enIjoyvable even'ling conc(.luded %withluc and socuialtime. Plans arundemflrw.ay for a shIower for M.adMrS. Bill be held on Septem)ber 29 Mm. and Mr-s. Ray Essemy, who are on vacation, spent several dayslat ee visitinrg fien"ds in te1 raptn1me Women'sIntiut Fifteen m1-1emlbers and two viior vere cordinlly wel- coined by -Mrs. b. Thornpson, Pre-(sident of the Blackstock Womenn's 1nstitute- on Wednies- day; September 5 in the Commn-unity Hlall. The meewting opened in thle uýsual mnanner, reas rme- p-orted on the il,(,projects the laisha ad t his yeýar - th flamarket, luicky luncheon, caeinfo the- Weýrry Pîcnic and thie bus tncp. Al wmere vemy successful, financially. Their dayý Party was awamdd f imst prize at Blsock Faim, The peietthnnked everyone who bad contributed inl any way to these projeets. Correspondence consited oh ai notice to the Amen Conven- tion to be held in theRoa York IHotel in TrntOcto- hem 24,25 and 260 two weeks enniier Otacte usual time. Mrs. IHamold Mc-Lîaghlin, onle of the 4-H1 leaderswa prýeent and otd a géodly nnubr of girls are looking fomward to an intemeustingyeam wittHie nwunit, 'Tie Club Girl Entert'ains. The dcso of card parties for te fa! wilbe decîded at te-N t metinig. Pmogram underlth tbem. Educeation, was chaîred by Mms. Fm-,ank H foskîin. Rolal. FIBREGLAS INSULATION B'ATTS W1111BIL VAPOUR BARIilE TO FIT 12"- i6Iî'2"STT PA1G STY ROFOA M INSLATON 4'x 'SHEETS '2 TICK o 2"THICK Show ý,andc Teil and farniily H eiloom was very mwelhans- wered but withot manly airticles osh ow. Motto -Spend youm lîoums- learnin,g of y-ening. M 'rs. Staînford VanCamp gave a reading witb a histor- ical essence mentioning brief-1 IV the -Museum on Scugog Isýlandi in which we are now involvedi, the old and new1 bidnsin Flenelon Falîs, and boats on the Trent Vflley1 Canal. Mrs. Hioskin rend a paper telling a fwof the prosý and ýonis which will confront us soon whv1en thlemeicstm Come1Ls into se On display werteTees miriii histor-ies whichl are beinig1 kepft up-to-date iby Mrs. 1L Mchm ad a ioiabut ton collection done b y Miss Dor'a Dempsey. Both of these were e'njoyed -emy nuch. O anada and a lovely lunch of fresh fruit cocktail, cookiesj and ten concluded '- delightful meetintg. Nice Stnrt for the LONG SAULT brinik nnd Son. Whitby, . Gilbjert vnder-brink n1 nd fren, olland were Sundny nfterno1(on guests of Mm. and 1'rs. %V. Vnneyk. Gla1d to reportMrW vaekreturned home from Osnn Gneral tHospiLil niu ch imnproveA in benl tJi after bis ten day s tay in MernoIrial Hospital,, Bowminnviile and O)shawa Genemal. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. MCue Busbnell, Florida spent a couple of diays with Miss Grace Smwith following the. funemai-l of their uncle the late F. G. Sith. Mm'. and M\rs Hlarmy' Bates, Kenit, EIngland are visiting withi their iece anid famnily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlarold Mlurphly:* Mm. nndMis. Dic.k Gibbs wereSunny eenig gustsof MisGrace sm-iith. AS LOW As $14,15 Sheet CAN SERVE YOURSELF IN COMPLETE HANDY COURTICE YARD 'aa ,~A ND SALESROOM Ohw Cortc R,& lorEatWood PHON E PRODUCTS COURTICEOSHAWA 728-1611 728-1617 iNDOOR COMFORT. ;IIUS 7â 8PÇAN atA l Sre /je0(1/? hEA TING OIL YOIU WOVLL' TRY- YOub FNO g THEB ST rMONFY CANI .8(1 Wm. P. Johnston Gas - Miotor Oi - Fuel Ols and Grease FURINACE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS m-ontb witl the ,dethls week of Emil, Lies wrequîltinig Iin Port TWO CONV E N I Britain ils ekat fthe Andnmsoj. Z2 Hyy. WEST M.and'] s.Alan IHolda-- waywr ini vinelanld on At thie rglrchuirch serv- ice at Wyelcomne On uda mio rnýing the chi ir san g "Snnlds of Time«' and th arrangement of asters >a pinced theeùby Mrs. Harold Best On behaîf f 1the gr']oup from WeV(sleyville unit of the UCW res,ýponisible for Septem- > lî~iA ber's flowevrs. Sundny se-bool began for the faîl term iii > deligted i the exýtia rom P prvddin fthe neww -n

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