12 The Cana dian Statesmnan, Bowmanvilie, September 12, 1973 Miss Catharme uwlanas SO LelN AMradMu.CrRby Mu. and AMrs. Tom Baker NMr. and Mus. Randy Fa.er Bwmniiead Ml- an0 and Kathrvn' attended the spent the wveckend with i.Ms John D. Brov,S1arah,11 Bragg family picnic hecd at anýd !rs. Glbert Tapp andMsisîp w( cdcd Slina Hall on Suniday. famiily, Camp Bordeni. vs or ih M ndM Mr and Mus. EnetHocýa- day weeguesi t ;at ti tLZ~rs Lindsay on Sauuay ndon Sunda(y Ithey wuc isior with Mr, and Mus.Barmn "BANDIT" opened-up SIing Taîsn ma and îamih, oîoue sarndaI. Graceful, lady-look Mr. ,anid MusWe Bi attencd t"m crtina unes. ~~Servîccuatleh, d cmtr on Smnda y Mrlad Mus.Ge)Koxançi famn1ýiiy ttn(dd the Golden wcddng eleratýion ,forlte atusparentis Mr. and Mus. NATI1RA1,1ZER 2Iveue(tt Spires PRICES BEFORE ANYWHERE Manyv other FaiI1 Lines il) stock EllS Shoes ýý Mr. ntI rs. ruceTinik Mise an Alun and Mar ian GriTrnowr .Severallto hecommunjl Cet cash Today Fo ar 01J Appliances A CL A 51 Fl ED s J Phîon.e 623-3303 BetSteve ns refuses to gýrow oldi. It vaLs his 9J5thi birthday on, Sunday adhe enjoyed every minute of thelirtcypaîrty tha t wa s hfid for Iiim at~~ Statavn using Hlome, King St. East. During the day, lhe welcomecd ,manycaer and receivedfoes and congraitulatory cards. Hlere, he is reflc-11) oniapic ture that was taken -at an ecarlier anniversary. NE TON VILLE LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE- PRICES MN EFFECT 10 DAYS ONLY McREOR -,DWARE 9 5 KINruýG S T , W 623 -2542 BOWMANVILLE for, ic ýýfli rm, in ch1arge Qf tic oloigteabhing saf Prïincipal John eidui Graes ad 8,Assisltn Muvs.DianeRoci M. a Dýonalýd Gaes-an i u Col\ville raes3 nd 4, Mus. Bass - Gadesiland -2Mus. The ullo io beinr arc in S raeI-Kevi m rmn.Bily ag.Lisa ighburMonl- ica' Wind. ay adte Mu., and Mus. Jlim Adams, spent ihe Labor Day ceen Vi thIlMu.- anid Mus., Doni \Visit orlast we\ýekwih rs A. Miligaiciudc M.nd Mus. A Couter, Mindfeil. Mr. aind M\rs. R. iv Ersichilond Blil, Mr. and Mu.s. R". sm!;I ito W(cks oh Gimsby. Vi'sitors ast ekn vt Mu. and Mrs. Phi! imra Chcm;ong, werc re ndMs Lod Clyýsdal, Orono1l, Mu and Mus. Haulold BIlurhey and DuBridgenouth. Mu. anwd Mus. AuthurRe on~~~~u tredfei he v;ilge, Mu.Ken Fleïtchu inchu-lded Toron'-to, Mus. IBarbara ary utoshwa ýMu. an1Muls. Ilarold CselMu-s.Bob Bicad son) David of Port HoplM. Frank Alexander, of Bowmlanvihhc, and 'Mu, and Mu-s. KeithFle tcher, Irene- anld Ke,înl]of onsiw May rom t his aucaattnd cd Orono Fir ast week, as ujsual, a vcue ucesfh afi.For ilte fiust tim-e, wc understand, it in)chuded a " booth, spolnsou-ed hy tho Unit- Torontio, and healdd byKey73 Venlt ure. \Voltiluterwokes tromi the churchies in Oronio, KibNevîtonille Sihohl, anid Kenldai, asite ith the salfutreigious ;and iother type utPeadng ateiafl, îand agiyi'ýng sum wa'-Is 1rcahizcd. There was lso a itiutlillonl ufi fue ierature, inoi ce tion wih arious orgalniza- Postrs doringthe booth, maeby vau'ious yvoungpepl a1mong thein being our owýn Carol HBenderson and Penny- Web.steu. Thaniilks also to Mu. Walacc Bloughen for his lhchp in constuuci;lting tý 1whooth. Mu. and fiMus. Malc rwin weu Fidi a affernoon visit ors with Mu. and Mus-ý. F. Mu. and Mus. Lno ae of Port1 MeN caevictn Mu.- anld Mus .Saltn S To VFIee or i, 'vs thinee chosen b., ey S cao be rucaized onhy if our fith lis suogenough to spur us on, te resist evii. T'le choir~ sang -Jesus Is The Man For Met an! Mrs. Jim Aam \ce isinlg fiends atI-a wOod, SaIturdlay. OnSuay Mu. and NMus. Don Adan- i ad famiiy, Mus. MacMurchy ind byIl of Braumaia, were visitons with _Mu. and NMus .. Mus. Bea Jonces with Mu. alnd Mus. Cariman Connisbi, attended thie lveruill famihy picnic, Sunday, at Camirpbe-,i Mu. and Mus. Trueman1 Hlenderson (duove to %Waterhloo unataking daughteu Bue- rida bamckto resum-e lheu course ut studiesý at Univ"eusity. Mn. and Mus. C. H.lanI-e are, visiting Mu. and Mus. Hauuryi lanle, at Owen Sourd, this ceek. Mur. and Murs. Bruce Don- ehlhcy, Loni-Anne, and Daurîl of Pont Hope, Gary Staphetoln, of Hamilton, and Neih, of Toronto, vw.eue Sunday supper ý ucsts xith Mu. and Murs. Don, taieton, celebuatinig the laitt- er 's birthdayý - Don s comnes 40ater , on Thursdayv. TheNeonieRodu- New Pentecosfa toiMinis fer Thurýsdày where they ýwere defieated 13-10 by the E-ast Side Bomnbers. This vas the Road- ruinlers first defeat iceJl 3adNewtonvcille hiad woni 16 straight games sinice that timie. The Bombers seemned to be thet letst likeliest teamY to stop the R1oadrunners winning- streak. fin four previous met- ings the Roadrunners had outscored theu Bombers 179-5.5, anld thieprevious meeting had resuLltcd in a 5-8Roadrunner win. flowéver, the Roadrunni- ers wereobiul looking ahlead to the finals a ndc ,ou-pled with good defensiveý temou y the Bomnbers, Newonvllewas unable !o score runs. Joany Willems and ilrne Vogels shared the pitch- ingÏ oswhile Rosey Spry 33 'stap1)letoni 2-2 and Joannel( \ ogelsît ahome run er Newtnvîle stop Ihîtters. Murs GodoRce, Sudburyv spent thle wceiwth Mrl, and M1) . J. Camecron. Mu.,iand Mrsý. RussellilAd- erlsonl and Bill, Port Hlope. wec riday eveningc, ir Mus. PBr uce Gil lage day with Mr. ian d MrSý , o Mu. a;11diMis, o uky nin cllusai Mr a1nd Mus, MisMauN PottsTolonto. spent the wcckcnd (lat - heu Mu.WMauin1, SnstLod Asilton. Toronto, Mu., and Mrs. Toml P'ot ts. andCarn, ~ere undayvisitors, at Mu. and Mu.J. Potts. Mrs, . F. Osmlond anid Alr:, (,ro>secy. BowmavieMr. 1ndMus -E R. thompsonl, vi' ere lstwck visitors at Mrs. Mr.ý and MIrs. Walter Brid- Thompson, CntnPlace, Mu. L. F. Ihompson and visi,ýtors at Mrsý. Thomnps;on's T iey vail cle on the Jerry Abbhott fa-mily at', uetn igTyrone. M 1i ss Gu îace Ti cwini, Toronito, we;(re Satuflr- dayv vnigclesat M.and Mr. a ýnd Mrs. E.". H Talor. Enniskilliln wuc Sunday isup- pur pucts of Mr.ý and Ms Lloy :d Simon San and Mr. and Ms.Wayne Bhack- hurn and Susan, O,ý'ono, Mr. and Mrs. Dougý Blackburni and Wcndy Whiby, erc Satur- diay supper gucsts of Mr. and Mrs, W BIlackbu irn-,and Gfam Mu. iand Mrs. Lloyvd Siemion, Susanand red, att.ended DeoainDayv service atL Bethsda cmEduyon Sun- Mu 1S. A. 1thom 1pson, s pent t he h ýoli day wee(.ýkcnd ,vw1fthvbr daltuhter antd sni aMrl. and Mr " . A. Osmonld, and thec Wisemlan famihyv, at their, ootge~n Gu l iver. 8 NGWEST - BOWMANVILLE, to the-4 CI management ol BOWMA NVI LLE on the Grand Re-Opening of their Complete-ly Re-novated anid Newly Decorated Storel IT HAS BEENl OUR PLEASURE LICTION MTET. LAN' Oshawa UN ASSUSTING UN THE CONSTRI 0F THIS MODERN RETAIL'OU BATHE & cLELI 202 Rosedale Phone:7,28-9461 Bow,ýmanville's Pentecostal Chur-ch on .ibervty Street h-as foun-d a new minister to replace the Rev. Harold Dawvson, who left in .June for a parish in Peterborough. Pictured above is the Rev. Donald Rogers, who cornes to Bowmanville from the Toronto Highw,ýay Gospel Tabernacle oin Markhiam Road In Scarborough. Rev. Rogers ga-vehs first sermon in the local Pe.ntecostal Church on Sunday-, September 2nd. HIe is married and hiastheciden SPECIAL THIS WEEK THURS. - FR1. - SAT. ONLY CORDUROYS OnIy $yard