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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 14

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14 TheCadinSaemn Bowmanville, Septem ber 12, 1973 IuAlckstock Fuir Prix e Winners BAKING Chop Suey Loaf - Dorothy Lee, Irene Whitfield, Mrs. IMvabel Dayes; Gumdrop Cake Square - Dorothy Lee, Janis Craw- ford, firene Wýhitfield; Pan of Chelsea B uns - Gladys Thomp- son, Doroithy Lee, Mrs. Mabel Dayes;: Six Drop Cookies - Janis Crwfrd rs. S. Van Camnp. Dorothiy Lee; Sponge Cake, not î:ced - Rsl Frey, Grace Bajema, June Degeer; Light Cake decorated for a shower - -Mrs. W. Pascoe, Dorothy Lee, Rosalia Frey, Tena,- Van Ryswk; Carrot, Loaf - Dorothy, Lee, Mlrs. E dith MceLaugh]ln June Degeer. Six Fiiincy Cupcakes - Dor- othy Lee, Tena VanRyswk, Irene Whitfield; Six Banàa Muffins - Mlrs.Frn Bailey, Janis Crawford, June Degeer; Six Plain Biscuits - Gladys Thompson, Dorothy Lee, Janis Crawvford, Teý,n a VanRyswk: CherryPie- Wilm-a Van Camip, 'Mrs. ae Dayes, Janis Craw-ýford; Rasp- berry Pie- Janis Crawford; Lemon Pe-Grace Bajemfa, Tena anRyswk, Mr. Mabe'l, Dayes; late of assorted tarts three kinds, two e-ach - Mrs. WalerPsco, Janis Craw-1 ford, Dorothy Lee; White Layer Cake, Lemoni Filing -, Sally FrniVera Assel- stine, Rosalia Firey; Coffee Chiffon Cake, iced - Dorothy Lee, June Degeer, Rosalia Erey; Casserole, single serv- ing - Dorothy Lee, Sally Francis, Irene Whitfield;i Homemade Candy, tbree var- ieties - Ednia Van Caîmp, Janis Crawvford, Dorýothy Lee.' i Gingerbread Cake, single serving - Gladys, Thoflrpson, Cheryl Graham, Irene Wiýt- field. CAINNED GOODS Strawberry Jamr - Mrs. M. Butson, Dorýotby. Lee, Marilyn Bailey; Raspberry Jam - M'rs. Harry Vaïn Camyp, aiy Bailey, Mrs. M. Butson; CannedStweris-o- othy Lee, Marilyn Bailey, June Degueer; Canned Rasp- bernesý - MaIrilyn Bailey; Marmialade - Mrs.' M\. Buitson, Dorothy Lee, NMarilyn B3ailey; Bread &- Butter Pickl-es - Irene Whitfield, Tena V'anRys,,vý Jein-ifer James. Beet Pickles - IreneWit field, MIrs. Cecil Adlam,s, Dorothy Lee; Bean Pickleýs TenaVnysk Dooy Lee, Irene Whit ieild, Mrs. Cecil A\dam-s; Nine Day Pic- kles - Dorothy Lee, Majrilyvn Ba«Iley: Chocolate Cake Speciail - Open - Mlrs. VeraAsesne Irene Whitfield, Saýlly Francis; Gýirls 18 and under - Elaine WihLouýise Van Camp, Cheryl Graham; Men and Boys - Cinton Sleep), Paul Larmer, Roy Cowing; Cham- pion ChoolteCke - plaine Wright; Apple Pie Special - Open - Janis Crawford, June Delgeer, Mrs. Harry Van Camp, Irie Witfield. Girls 18 and unrder - Cindy Van Camp,.Eline right; Men and Boys ý -Roy olig Champion Apple Pie - Janis Crawford; Engedura Yeast Special - Whitc Bread - Mlrs. Y. R. Gotham, Mirs. D. j. Gould, Elaine Wrighlt, S'ally CLARKE HIGH =SCHOOL REGISTRATION for Nighitschool Classes will take place on Wed. Sept. l9th& Thurs. Sept 20 Art, Phys. Ed. (ensor Wmns Typin-g, Bookeeing Lathrcrftorany acade- mjc ubjet werethere is sufficient bftere sficien nre ntfra phtography class we wilI have Mr. Neil Newtoni to Ïeach this course. IFrancis: Plain B3uns - Gladys IThompson, Eline SWright, IIrene WifilSalIy -Francis. MceCorick's Special - Irene Whitfild, Rita Wygerde, Tena VanRyswk, Mrs. MbePay- es; Schneider's Special - Apple Pie - Mrs. HryVanl CmWilmnaVanCamIp, Janis Crawford.Bnaa ay er Cake - IreneWm felVr A"sltin; Sx ButctrTarts- W"ilma Varnp, Mrs. Harry Van Camp, DrtyLee; Christie Speci - Fancy Cookies - Doroth.y Lee. Fry-Cadbury Specia - Choc- d oate Layer Cake - Barbara Byres, Irene ,,Whîtfield, Mabeli Dayes, DrtyLe el Degeer. Tena VanRyswk, Doroôthy Lee; Junior ami Teenage Girls - Sa avn Anita Dedonig, Alisoni Scott, Peggy Scott;Anlimal labil ed), mnadlefrom one or nmore vegeabls -AnitaDeog Caroline Carnaghan, Leanne Van Camp;Qbct(aeed miade fromi burrs - Debra Sutton,. Howard Bailey, Trisha sleep. Anmil ior-Doîl mdefromf papier mnachie - LoÀis Vani Cm;Picture, Paint by nubrCaroline Carn'aghan, AnitaDeog Lawrence Van CmPeggy Sco0tt, Spice Cake, sýingle layer, îced - Eleanr Gibon; ix Branl Muffins - Laurie Baicy Leanne Van Caýmp; Pla,ýce Mat, lavor and place card fOr aý specýial ccsin- 1LoisVa Camp, Carolinre Carnaghian, Eeaor Gion ButnCollection oif 20) but ns ounited - Nancy oukl Debbîe Van Camp, ElaoUibson; Six '17a Bicis-Slley McMah-oný, Elaine WVrîght, Janis Mce- LaglnSix Plain Rolîs - ElieWright, Shelley Mc(- Mlahon, Jaie Yellowlees; Singie WhitcLayer Cake, dýcoratedI for a girls birthdlay . Cindy VanCamp, Alice Carnaghan, JaniceYeo- es;Lemnon Pie - Jan-ice Yeh11o wl ees, Shelley MeMahion, Alice Crahn Homemnade Candy - AMie Carnaièghan, Janis Yellowlees, MUary Lou Malcolm; Rag oîl - Janice Yellowlees, Einej-I Wright, JaIS McLaughlin Mini Dress - Aita JoJng; Article of Macramne - Nncy Wygerde. Elaine Wrigh-t, Jan- ice Yellolees; Slacks - Mdary LouiMlom Jaice Yeilow- leNanciewygcrde. summeInr Dre(ss - Alice Carnaghan,, Janice Gould, -handwork - Janis MceLaugh- lin, Janis (Gould, Shelley Mcao;Nghtgowýn - Jan- ice Yellolees; Top MAade from Kit - Mary Lou W aXolm Jance ellolees. Babyýýs Knitted Setý, Thiree PicsMrs. M. Butson, Vera Assestîn~ Bay'sCrochleted ial,[ u- yars -* Barbaýra By ers. rsA.Duivesteyn1,Grc l-10years - rs D. J. Gould ~irls SumerDress, 5-J î ae aemMrs. D. J 3ould; Girl's Crochetec ShrinIk -Mrfs.M. Butson Dress - Mrs. Aý. Duinvesteyîn; I3oy,'s Fancy Shiirt-Eai Wright. Girl's Hot Pant Suýtit - Graic Bajemna, Mrs. A. Duivestey'n; Girl's Dress, Fail Wec1ght, long seceves - Grace Bajem'a; GilsCardîigan, 41 er Mrs_-M. Bto;B~' -hr oýr swatrkitted material - Barbara By-2ers, Mrs.1D. J. Goul. irl'sPant Sit, 3-12 years - Grace BajeA it chen Apron with atching pot holder Droh LeMs Ceeu Adams. lortess Apro, dainy - Dorocthy, Lee, 'Mrs. Cecil AdJam-s; Tunic Top - Grace Bajea, rs.Ann Wiliamns, Mrs.1D. j. c Go ld;Hstess Skirt - Elaine Wih;Batinj-g Suit - Grace Bajema; Cape, any material - Mrs. M. B-,utson, Alice Crnaghaniý; -Pant Suit- Derothy LIee; Fafli Weight Dresý; - dennifer Jami- es, Grace Bajern-a; Slippers, niew design , Dorothy Lee, Mrs. M. ýutson, Mrs. Ben DeJong; Maxi Scarf and Beret EL,'aine Wright, Mvrs. IM. Butson; Long Dress, any mateil . Doroty Lee, dan- ice CafrElaine Wright. Meon'sTrousers - Nha, Ann Williamis, Mrs. A. D)uiv-esteyn, Elaine W\right; MNen'-s Shirt, knit mraterial,an stl - Goumd; Men's Mittsheavy knit - Dorot hy Lee;, ýTie, Long JaieCrawford, Mr-s. A. DuiestynElaine Wrght; Sports Shirt, long sleeves - Elainle Wight, Practical Cusio)n - Doothy Lee, Grace Bajemia, Mrs-W.Pascoe, -Mrs. B. Dedjong; fhn knittd or crocheed - Mrs. M. Butson, Janice Yellowlecýs; Lamp Sade- lHaînmade- Mrsý. NM. Butson, Janice Yel- lowee, DrohyLee; Door Stop, original - Mrs. MI. Buatson, Elaine Wr'ightl, Mar- ilyn1 Bie;Doil.y, crocbcetedl, shaded coýtton, not less: than il- - Ms.B. DdnMarilyn. Baipey, M ALM.Butson; Book End s onted - s.nM. Butson), MrlnBie;One Pillowcase, colored lace - Mirs. Ccci Adams, Mrs. MI. Butson., (me Pillowcse, lquid em- rodrd- Doroth-y Lee, MJrs, Ml. Butso-,, M-rs. Cccii Adamis; GuestToe - Mrs. S, Van Camnp; Bah oel, crocheted trim - MJarilynBaly Mrs M.L Buitson :Quilt, pieced -, Mrs. Cecil Adam3s; Handwoven Art- icle -EaBonBarbara Byr;Florentine Cushlion - Mrs. S. Vanf Camip, Dorothy L-ce, Ms.W. Pso;Mac- raeBelit -Lis Kiste-nsen, GLadys TopoNancie Wygarde; Article 0of Needie- point - Jaïnice Crawford, Jenninfer Jms rwlEm- broder -St. Christopher1 C-hurcýh camp, Mris. S. Van Camp, DrtyLee; rtcl mnade fomnet-MrButson, Dorothy Lee, Debra Sutton; Wall Hanging Hooked on1 Burlap - Do--rothiy Lee. Nýovelty made fr-om colored egg cros-Ean rgt Mirs. M.ButsonElda Brown; Charcoali Draw'ing - Mrs. Walker, St. Christ opher Church Camp; Fetwork - Elaine W0.rightf, Barbara Byers, Dorothy Lee;ý Set ul Four 'Pla1ce Mats-Maiy M.Busn Dr'iedFlower Aýrrangent1ï - Shirley scott,' Yarn - Mýrs. Gerald Kelly, Airs, Ml. Butsýon, Elainýe Wrgh,Anguis Fraincis; Art- icle of Ceramnics - Edda Bowmnan, J. Yellowlees, Barbara yer; nyote Variety of' Crafts - Mdrs. M Butso1, janice Yellowl1ees. Janice Crawford, St. Chris- topher Cl11hc amp, Senior Citizens: HandwvritLing Mrs. Cecil Adamns, Mrs.Percy Van Camip, M Court(ney Gra- ham, Pillowcases %ih cre- cheted edging - M\rs. Percy Van Camp, Mrs. Ceu Adams., Mrs. outnyGraham; Twxo FancyHandkerchies - Mrs. Ha11rry Vani Camip, Mrs Court- ney Graham, Mrs. Cecil Ad-ams;: Tea B3iscuits - Mrs. Courtney Grahai-n, Mïrs. Percy Van Cam, rs. Cecil Adams; Six uns .- Mrs Courtney G rahamn. G;RAINS FalWheat, - George cot Stormnont Oats - Hlarold Swai0; An y other na med oaas- Wes Ylole;Haîf Bushel, torow barley - Doug Larmer, Harold ýswaîin, E. L. MâcLaughlin, Wes Yellolees; Haîf Bushel six row barley - Pauil Larmner, DugLarmner; Bled Hay, firs cuttng w0 slce - Paul Larmer, .Doug JÀarmýer; Baled Hiay, second Attractiveý- Younq Rider ot Blackstock Fair cuttiflg - Eric 190st, Jonn Watr;Sheaif Ensilage Corn - Rob Mlonroe, Hlarold Swain, Jýim Byers, C. Ba'jema; Ten Cobs Grain Corn - Don Frew, Harvey Graham, Rays Sugf- gitt E.. cLaughliii; Ten early potatoes -Mr.B. Dedong, Paul Larmner; 10) late potatoes - MNrs. Hl. Vanl Cam'lp, Mrs B.DeJngMarilyn Bafley. Six Table Turniips - Marilyn Bl.,,ey, Sh.iey Scott, Gerald Kelly;; Six Table Cairrots - Mlrs. Bien DeJongl, Marilyni Bailey, Grace Bajema; ,ýOne Head Cabbaýge - Mrs. Y. R. Gotham, Marilyn Ba5ley, June Degeer; Thiree Green Peppers - TenaVnRsMs.F Bailey, Mrs, . E.McLaughlin;ý ToPie Pumnpkins -'Mrs. D. McbughinMarilyn Bailey; Six Duitch Set Onions - Geraldl Kely >aul Larmer; Six paihOnions -Marilyni BieGerald Kly Mrs. G. R.Gothamiri; Six Tomatoes- Mrs. D). J. Stuart' Mrs'. P. Hoogoeveen, Paul Larmer; Six parsnips - Mis. G,. R. Gothami-t GeraldllyMarilyn B1ailey;ý Sis Picklin;g GekisMar- ilyn; Bailey, Elaine Wright, Tena VanRyswk.' Six Slicing Cuicumlbers MrlnBailey, Gerald Keilly. Mrs. . R. Gotm: Six Ears Table Coýrn - Colin Asselstine, Larmer; Article made from MNrs. Y. R. Gothamn, Mrs. milk cartons - Howard Bailey, Hlazel DeJonig; Six Beets - D. Roy Cowlinig; Child's Penny J. Stuart, June Degeer, Ger- Bank made from a jar or can, aid Kelly.; Collection of Veget- decorated - Craig Larmer, ables -Maiy Bailey, Mrs. How ard Bailey; Article Made F. Biy.Tena Vnyw;from Spools -Craig Laýrmer, Five Early Potaîtoes - Rloy Lawrence Van Camnp; Pencil Cowling, Laurie Bailey, CrayonDrin of a cartoonj Sharon Bailey, Ann Julie character - CraîigLrmr Bajema; One Pumpkin ,- Ln Collection of rocks, weeds, MceLaughhn, Lawrence Van, etc. - Hloward Bailey; Bird Camp, Janet Bailey, Laurie Fêeder - Craig Larmer, Paul Bailey; Five Tomnatoes - Craig, Larmrer, Jack Guniter; Article Paisle, Cathy Paîsley; Twac made fromPywd- Jack Pepper Squash - Laurie Bail- Gunter. eyý, Lynn MýcLauighlin, Sharon ar or Hlomne Namec Plate Bailey, Roy Cowliing; Five Paul, Larmner; Decoration Carrts - Ann Jfia Bajema, Wind Mlill - Jack Gunter, Paul Craig Paisley. Robbie Gra- Larmier; Article Made from ham, Brian Výan Cam-p; FiveMea - Paul Larmer; Useful Long Cucumbers - Roy Cowl- articles made from discarded ing; Five Ears Table Corn 1- materials - Craig Larmer; Shiaron Biiley, Laurie Bailey, Presechoolers: Craig Paisley,. Brian Van Longest Carrot - Tari Lynn Camp. Biley, Esther Kelly, Elaine Five Beets - Craig Paisley, Keilly, Lisa VanRyýswvk Odd- 0oy Cowlinrig, Luke est Potiato - Jeff By-ers, Julie VanRyswk, Debbie V'an Byeýrs, Elaine Kelly; Largest Camp;(Ane Watermeon -Pumnpkin, Brent lMcLaughlin; Janet Baily, Sharon Bailecy, Gourds - Jef!Byers; Crayoni Laurie Bailey; PreschoolDain - Brenda McMahon, Cb tlas: LonetCarro - LAia Tari Lynin Bailey, Glenn vanRyswk. Decgeer-, Elaine Kelly; Longest Juinior and Teeniage Boys: Gladiolus - Jeff Byers; Plasi- Mlodeo Snomobile Craig cine Mondel - Brenda Larmer; Bird flouse Craîig McM!ahýon, Tari Lynn Bailey. Larm-er; Article miade- fromr School Classes: six quart basket - Crai g r. 1 Priniting Brian V-an BYAM PLUMe1NG & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO u Phonie 263-2650 Camp, Eleanor Kelly, Angela Kiezbrink, Angela MacDc ald; Gr. 2 Printing - Ký Newlove, Ralph DeJong, Charles Walker, Nancy Leath- erdale; Gr. 3 Printing - Alan Ferguson, Lorinda Jackson, Marilyn Green, Stephen Kris- tteie: NOTICE,ý TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NOTICE TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, AND IN THE TOWNSH-IPS 0F CLARKE, MANVERS, CARTWRIGHT, AND EAST WHITBY. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the on tario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Towneshiip of Darlington for the approval of a by-Iaw to reglate land uise passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE thiat of teCrprto of the Township of Darlington intends tIo apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of the Planning Act for approval of By-law 2519 passed on tire 2lst day ol August 1973. A copy of the J3y-1ai is furnished hîer'ewith. A1 note giving an explaniation of the purpose ad efet of the B3y-law and stating thre lands affected thereby is als unse herèih Any person miay, within fourteen (11) days after tbe date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Townisip of Darlington notice of bis objection to approval of the said B-law t ogether with a statement of the grounds of sacb objection. Ay person wvisbing to support the application for approval of the By-law may wvithin fourteen (14J asafe h date of tbis notice send by registered mil or deliver to the Clerk of tbe Townsbip of Darlingtoanentice of bis support of approval of the said By-law togetherdwib a request for nostice of any bearing that mnay be held giving also the name and address to wbicb sucb notice sbould be given. Tbe Ontario Muinicipal Board ma ' approve of the said By-Iaw but before doing usu it may appoint a time and place we any objection tthByaw will be considered. Notice of auy Hearing that miay be beld w'lll be given oenly to persons wbo bave filed an objection or notice of support, and wbo bave left with or delivered to tbe Clerk undersi 'gned tbre address to whicb notice of hearing is to be sent. The last day for filing objection wiIl be Septembeër 20, 1973. Datedl at tbec Towýnsbip of Darliiingon tbis 5th day of September, 19731. Clit Adin istra toi'. Tonbpof Darlington, JIIMPTON, Ontario. PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0FB-A 2519 Bly-law, 2519 defines and r-egulates swýimmring pools 14Y providing for tbeir location and tIenjcing, deffines andJ regulates specialized farmis by restrictingo the location of buildings wbere animiais or poutry are kept, ini relation to residential buildings, anid cbanges tbe nard Mg of tbe Sections classifyjnâg public streets. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON BY'1-LAWNUBER2519 A By-law to amend By-law Nuniber 2Ii111 WHEREAS tbe Muicipal Couincil of the Corporation of the'lTownisbip o4 Darlingtonx deems it advisable to amend Byv-law% Number 2111, as aimended. NOWV THEREFORE tbe Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townýship) of Darliingtoni ENACTS as follows: 1. That Section 2 o 4f 1B-law Numiiber 2111l is bierebv amendJed by adding,, thereto tbe following subsection W(z)f "(z () (i>SWIMIMING POO0L, PiVA,,TE" means any body of water, perm anentfly loüated outdoors on privately ownied property, contained hi artificial mreans, and used and miaintained for tbe purpose of swimmning, wading, divine or bathing." 2.That Sect-ion 4î(f) of Byý-law Number 2111 is bereby amended bydeleting from itbe first paragraph tbe words "an improved public street" and suibstituting« therefor the w'ords "-a Class A public street" so thiat the said first paraýgrap)h reads as follows: "No person sball eýrect any building or structure in an.y zone unless tbe lot upon wvhieh such building or ,structure_ is to be erected fronts upon a Claiss A public street whickhbas been opened and which has a width of G66 feet, or more; save and except in the case of a sumumer cottage in an Agricultural Zone under Section il; save and except a bidi accessory to a building existing at the date of passing of tbis By-law; and further save and except lots wbich front on tbe following streets and tbe following properties:" 3. Tbat Section 4(f)ý of By-law Number 2111t is bereby amiended by deleting at the end tbereof the following par-agrapb: "For tbe purposes of tbis subsection, an "improved public street" means any street in the Township of Iiarlingto,(-n other than a street desigitated as an unimproved public street on Schedule "A" hereto." and substituting therefor the following: -For the purposes of tbis susection, "a Class A publi street" means a street so designated on Scedule "a" but in no cajse sball it include a Class B publicestreet as designated on Schedule "A" hereto." 1. That Section 1 of By-law Number 2111 is bereby amendfed by adding thereto tbe following subsection. (w): "w PRIVAýTE SWIMYMING POO0LS (i) Notwitbstanding any te rvso fti ylwf b otay. in anyv Zone a private swimming pool may be erected and used in any yard provided that: (1) nio part of sucb swýimingc pool shal be located dloser tban 30 feet to any street line; (2) no part of sucb swin1mig pool shaîl be, located dloser than 10 fret to any rear or side lot Unoe; and (3)0 a fence is constructed and maintained completely around sucb swimming pool having a miinimm heighýlt of 1 feet and one only gate equipped witb self-closinig and self-locking devýices. (ii) A private swýimmiiing pool shall not be considered part of tbe lot coverage provîded thiat nio part of such simiming pool or ifs railing protrudes more than 41/2 feet above tlie finisbed grade." 5Tat Section ii of Byý-law Number 2111i is hà-ereby amended by adding thereto the folowing subsection (d). "(d) SPECIALIZED FRS (i) "SPECIA\LIZED- FARM", meanus a lot on whicb the pre-dominlýate ecen'Omic activity consistý, of raismng chickens, turkeys or other fowl, the raising of fur bearing animais, tbe raising of swine or gobats, tbe raisinig of cattle on feed lots, tbre raising or boarding of dogs or cats or tbie grow'ing of mulshroomis. (ii) Wbere a lot is used for tbe purposes of a specialized farmn, no stable, barn, shelter pen, cage, kennel or other building or structure used to house anïimiaIs or domestic fowl and no feed lot area or manuire storagýe area shali be located witbin 1,600 feet o! any Residential or Deferred Development Zone. 6.That Scbiedule " 'A" to By-law, Number 2111 is hiereby amended by deleting from the Land Use Legenid the f0fooingÏ symbol and words: UNIMPROVED PUBLIC STREET (foir reference see Section 4 (f)"- and substituting therefor the following symbols and words: CLASS A PUBLIC STREET i-.----.-CLASS BPUBLýIC STREET

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