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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 15

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Moie Candi Stt s Winners Kin. Art-Cah Paisley: Gn. Art - Debbje Van] C.amp, Craig Paisley, Lynn McLaughlin, lHenry Q-nm- lose; Gr. 2 Art - Colette Lanacque, Elizabeth Kelly; Gr. 3 Art - Sandra Johnston. Kelly McLaigliin, Barry Swain, Janice IWheeler; 1gn. Crafts - cuttîng and pasting - C.'athy Paisley; Gr. 1 Tempr Paining - Angea la Maconiald, BnJian Van Camp, Darlene Vine, Angela Kiezbrink; Gr. 3 Blob Painting - Anne E'd- wands, David Sharpe, Howard Bailey, Stephianie Rophner. Gr. Shape Patterns -,Jimyv Rowett, Angela Mcoad Darlene Vine, Henry Grum- lose: Gr. 2 Paper Sculpture Cindy Wilson, Chis Garnder. Lori Felstead, Karen Bedýý ford;ý Gr. 3 Artîficial Flowers - Kelly MLefauglin,, Bob Hon- ton, Donnaý Prosser, MIelady Johinston; Gr. 4 writing Leanne Van Cam-p, IMelanie Wilims, 'Sand,(ra Little, Kairen Duiivestyn; Gr. 5 writ- ing - Teresa Wygerde, MNar- lent Pansons, Angela Reeder, Leanne (!Fisher; Gr.6witn LorrineMelnesRobin Hfan- yard, Debra Sutton, Susan Swain; Gr. 4 art - Pearlean Michaud, Richard Ayýer, Todd Batley, Ernie Ellis; Gr. 5 art - Pamela Reeder, unknown, Tisha Sleep, Lori Gettins. Gr. 6 Art - Lcori-Ann Emer- ton, Mark Post. Lorraine Mcllnties, Dwayne McClurg; Gr. 4 Fingerpainting over crayon design Kairen Duive- styn, Imene MacDonald, San- dra Little, Leanne Van Camp; Gr. 3 Jtjnkhiead-s - Ken Ca,,pelinig, Johin MNiUn- known, Caroline Carnaghan; Gr. 6 Afnmules - Pattie Benford, Unknown, Mark Post, Larraine MuLllý,yian; Gr. 5 and 6 Design any media - Ivan Duivestyn, Anne Kristensen, Danny Pelstead, Darlene Ccrdid Photos froýi Blcckstock Fair Vince;;Gr. 7 writing - Melody Train, Jean Hiorton, Tammie Demnerchant, 'Brian Harper;, Gr. 8 M'ri ting - Anita Scheffler. Beckie MacDonald, Anita DeJong, Cinidy Grieve; Gr. 8 Poster on eithier conservati on or satety - Cindy Grieve, Anita Seheffler, Jlinet Parsons, Anita DeJong; Gr. 8 Pain ted Plaques - Louise Van Camp. Gr'. 7 Product on a Relief Map - Angela Clemnent, Pat- ricia Peek;ý second - Kathy- Ryan and Lois Van Camp; Tamnmie Demnerchant and Vickie Ayer; Gr. 7 and 8 Thircee Dimensionaî Display - Louise Van Camp; Gr. 7mand 8 HiJstor-y or- Geography Notebooks - Debbie McLaughlin, Louise VanCap; pýGr. 7 and 9 Science OIJARANTUIP Notebctoks- Katie Schmnidt, INVE5TM4NT janet PronDebbie CERTFICTESiMcLaughini; Gr. 5 and 8 M RatesubectochnOechool Trip- - Douga Jud- on;' Gr. 6, 7 and 81 Crafts aniy ONTARO Tiusr em -Louise Van Camp; ________________________Poetry Leanne Van Don Irmine 19,mcoc St. N. 723-5221,\ Camp, MlneWilliamns, Mnlâager Oshawva CALL COLLECT Klly Beaittey",Mr Davis; Gr. 6 Social Studies or Science 1 vvGr. 14 Mode"llinig any 1Meia - v v Pearlean Mîch1aud; Gr. 5 Mosaic Vase - sharonBly, Colleen Radcliffe. Anita Vlei- NORTHUMBERLAND &DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATiON EVENI'NG CLA SSES 1973 - 7 4 PLACE- BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, 49 LIBERTY ST. N. REGISTRAfION DATES: WEDNESDAY, Sept. 197 p. m. - 9 p. m.; THURS, Sept. 20,7 - 9 p. m. Registration will take place in the main foyer of the sehool Fee: 20 week course $10.00 10 week course $i.00 (plus materials if necessary) Evening classes beg,-in the first week of October 1973 and continue for 20 weeks unfless otherwise indicated. Classes will be hield in the subjects listed belowv, providing a sufficient number of applicants enrol ineach course. ARTS &CRtAFTS Art - Iintroductory Art - Advanced Ceramics Photognaphy & Film. Developing BUSINESS SUBJECTS Typewriting - introductory Ty'pewvritiing -Advanced Office Procedures - Introductory Short Hland (Shorter Hland) Business Law Display Marketinig Introduictory Accouinting FOODS Cake Dcrtn - Introductory Cake Decorating - Advanceed (10 wk) Cooking; Is Fun (10 wk) PERSONAL GROOMING Hfairdressiig & Cosmetics Physical Fitness - Men Physical Fitnless-Won Yogla HOMIE ,IMPROV'EMýENT Interior Decoraing - itroductorv Interior Decorat-ing - Advanced Rtc. RZoomi & Cottage Building Rtc. Rom & Cottage Wiring Small Applicance Repair T.V. Mintenanice & Sterto- sotind Systemis Uphostery Furntiture Refinlishing SEWING. Basic Knits -Initroductorv <10 vwk> Basic Knits -Advanced (0w k) Secwing -Itoutr Sewing - Advancvd CONVERSA IONAL LANGUAGES Frnh- Introductory Germnan -Itoutr TECIINICAL SUBJECTS .Automotive 'Mechainics -Introductony Automotive NMechanics -Advanýced Smiali Engines - 1ntroductory Smait Engiines - Advance(,d Creative We(Idinig Weiding -Intnodoctory Weiding - Advanced Mlachine Shop- Introductory Miachine Sîîop- Advancedi Drafting Blue Print Ram MISCELLANEOUS COUR1SES Bridge, Contract Amateur Radio (Leads to Lcne 13PGRAINGSUBJECTfS Mathemnatics Science Grade Il Biology Phy.sics Matheilatics Grade 12 Chemistry Mathemiatics OTHER COURSES MAY BE OFFERED I IF SUFFICIENT PEOPLE REQUEST THEMý,. For a course description and additional information, contact -' B~~owmianville 111gb Schcol at 2-4. Photography Gallery Opens New Exhibition Schedule The Photography Gaàllery, at Bowmilanville Public Libr- airy commirence-d its 1973-74 exiiinsched'ule on Sept. 1 with thle openling 0 Nw ger, Angela Reeder. FLOWERS Bouquet of Asters - Mrs. V. R. Gofthami, Mrs. Frank Biail- ey, Mlarilyn Baîiey; Pompom)(ii Zinnias - Mariyn Baley, Mrs. Hlarry VanCamp, Mus. Y. R. Gontham; Ruffled Ptna Mrs. F. . ailey, Nrs.M,. B3utsýon, Tena Vnywk Cosmnos - 'Marilyn Bajiey, Grace Bajemna, Shirley Scott; Salvia -Mariyn B131eyTea Rose -Shirey Scott, Godo Paisley, Marilyn Bailey; Red Glds- Mrs.Ben DeJong, Milyn Bailey, Paul Larmner; Yellow Gad- Ars. Ben DeJong, MarilynBaey White lads - Mrs. Ben Deiong, iMarilyn Bie;Pink Glads - Ms:Bell DeJorg, Mdarilyn Bailey; Any other colon - Janice Crawford, Mrs, Ben DeJong, Marilyn Bailey; Single Afican V'iolet, - Grace Bajemra, Mrs. Ben DeJong: Double Afnicanl Violets - Mrs. P.iloogeveentI, Mrs. Ben D)eJon)g, GraceBama Comausgrown in a pot - Mrs. F. ailyMarilyýn Bafley;ý Arrangemnent with Vegtable as Containler - Mrs. Gotham), Tenia Vnysy Mrs. F,. Bailey; Basket of Flowers for Church - Marilyn B3ailey; "Cool MWaters" Arrangemnent - Grace Baijeia. Mrs. F. Bail- ey, Marlyn Biley; 'T'a!l Vase Arrangemnent - Shirley Scott, Mrs. Gotham, Marilyp Baiýýl- ey; Table Arrngement of Fruit and Vegetables - Shmrey Scott, Mrs. B 'n DeJon-g, 'MarilynBaly Basket of Tal Gas- AMarilyn Bie;Ar- rangenmnt of Annuals - Mrs. Gotham ariynBaile'y; Most, Points - Marilyn Bailey - won Coca-Cola Cooler, dnt ed by'HmysBvags IMr-s. BnDeJong, Mrs. Beni DeJong, Mns. Frank Bailey - eýach won gifts fromn Saywell's Leather Goods, Oshawa. SCHOOL FLOWERS Single Spike Glad - Janet BaleLaunie B'ailey, Cathy Paisley, Sharon Baîley; Giant Asters -Janet BieLaunie BieSharon Bailey, Roy Cowling; Gernaium igrown' in a pot - Ano Julia Bajemna, Sharon Baîley, Janet Bailey, Lauris Bailèy; Arrangementf of Pansies - Ann Julial Baj- eîna, Laurie Bailey, Sharoni B3ailey, Janlet Bailey; Snap- dragons - Ann Julia Bajema, Rjoy olig Single Petunlias - Sharon Bailey, Lois Van- Camp, Lauke VanRyswyk, Roy Cowling; Maigolds - Tniisha, Sleep, Janet B.iley. Launie Bailey, Sharon Bailey; PoinPomn Ziwnas - Launie Baîly, Sharon Baile, Janet Bailey, Foy Cowling; Ar- rangement of WWId Flowers - Barry VanCamip, Anin Julia .ajma,-oise VanCamp, Cindy ,Gieve; Driftwood1 Ar- rangemen(nt -ShïaronBaey Laurie B I, aetBily toundLan1d" featuring the pho- tographls of John de'V'isser. The 1oogahsaethe, produet ut two trips to Newfundlnd; he fir-st in 19P67 wýhen Mýr.(de Visser- visited Fa1rley Mýowat for the( purpose of a collaboraion estigin thle book, -This Rlock Wthnthe sea" and the second in 1969 on a Senlior Cnaida Counceil grant aad ed for futher w'ork in record- ing the vanshing Mie in the OWuotsoftheoisland. The concept of the book grew ont of a mutua love for this land and its peopleso that Wn AMn. de Vissr and Mir, Mowat met in Newfound-i land and recognized tis shared feelg an ypathyý, for the people whose an!cienit way, of life in the fishing vilages, on the coasts, so isolated from "mnodemn pro- gmess" as tobe destroyed, a joint bok seemedtht idel May toteli thestouy, Photographis for the book were takeni during a six-week peidin Fbur-ac.As Mlr. de V'isser lived with the Mwats fin Burgeo on tht south-west coast and travelled boat with AMowat, fhe develop- ed a great, respect for these peoplewhose lives contained :o miany hardships and sorr- os, quite, different fromn any other part of Canada. Their natures seemied unique. Child- reand sometimes adults, wold enter the Mlowat kîtch- en1, sýit on aý day-bed wvithlout joining intocovrain Seemlingly to absorb somne companionship !lts.way and i;etly slip away again. This patteru Wsas conhfon fil must homeýs. They wrealways polite aind considerate, lbut proudii and pnvtloo. It was a1 great day for (de Visser, Mwhen, a)tter three weeks ot being silewtly follow7ed about by a g roup of children as he took ispictures, one called out "Helo, ohn" de really ftelt that ho had been accepted in- the( colmm1unity. De Visser s second (rip was for thrcee weeks in August of 1969.lis time was spent on the Ava nnisa near St. iJohn's and a"OllllclBonavista Bay, particuy in tht ese- levîearea. At that timie he was accompanied by David Blackwý-ood, a Newfouindland artist living fin Toronto u,1o haýd returnied for a1 summer of teaching and painting. Black- wood's presence wa-ýs partîcu- Iant e pful in opening doors to miany homes of that area, primarilýyinate in-the past by Newftoundland's great Seal- ingCatis The exhibition will continue tbrough October 13, Gallery hours are 2-9 p.m. daily exçtpt We.and Su., saturday 10 a.m, to .5 p u'ing te aSt 40) yeat about haîf the ftime it take,ý to gros a mnature spruce tree - about 10 million acres ff Ontario forest have been destroyed by fines, most of them caused hby human) cane- lessnless. NOTICE NOTICE TO OWN,ERS 0F LAND MN THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON TO OWNERS 0F LAND IN THE CITY 0F OSHAWA, THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, AND MN THE TOWNSHIPS 0F CLARKE, MANVERS, CARTWRIGHT, AND EAST WHITBY. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township (if Dartington for the approval of a By 4aw to regulate land use passed pprsuant to Section Ili of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE (bat the Cuncil of the Corporation o.f the TowNnship of Darlington intends to) applyý to the Ontario municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 350of the PllanniingAct for approval of By-law 2518 passed on the 2Ist dav of August, 1973, A copy of the fyia is furnished herewith. A note giving an caplanation of the purpose and effcct of the B-law and statlng the lands affected therebyv is also furnished herewith. An' esoViywtinfuteen (W4 days atfter the date cdftitis notice send by registerrd mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Tù%wnsbip of Darlington notice of bis obýjection (o approval of the said By-law tog-ether with a statemnent of the grounds of! such objection. Aniy perso(i wisbing to support the application for approval0f (thc By-law may within fourteen (14> days after the date of this notice send b 'Y registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Darlingiûn inotice- of bis support (if approvali of the said Byla ogethler with a request for notice of any bearlng that may be held giv ing also the name and address Io which such notice shold tbe givepl. The Ontario Muïinicipal Board may' a pprove of the said By-iaw bhut before doing su it mayv appoint a time and lace %heni any objection to the By'ý-lawv wilI be considered. Notice of any Hetaring thiat may b bcld willî be given onfly to ptrsons who have filed an objection or notice of support, and who havef- left with or dellvered to the Clerk undersigncd the aïddreýss o which notice of hearing is to bc sent. The last day for filing objection will be Septembher 20, 1973-. W. E. Rfd Dated at the Towýnship of Daràilingtoni this tb day of September, 1973'. Cierk-Administrator, PUPSEADEFFECT OF BY-LAW 2518 Tow4nship of Darlington, PURPOE ANDHAMIPTON, Ontario. BylAMW 2518 reptals that part of By-law 2111, the Zonînig B-l that deais mith signs, and substitutes aM new Section wbich includes definitions and reglulations. regarding the nmber, location, type and size of sigons perniitted in thM Towýnship. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON BY-LAW N UMBER 218 AlBv-law-to amend By-lau'Ntumber 2l11 WI-IHEREAS the Municipal C ouncil of the Corporation of the Towniship of Darington deems itfdial to amend B~lwNumber -1111, as amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington ENACTS as follows. 1. That Secütioni 2 of e3y-lawt Number 2111 is herebyi amended by: (a> frnsertiïg aifter the present paragraph "a 'ACCESSORY' " tht following new paragrapb (a) (1): "(a) (1) BILIG means any edifice or structumre, other than a lawfuî boundary 4ali or fence, which is used or intended to be used< for shelter. acconmmodation or enàciosure of persons. animais o r c'hatteis." (b) Reýnumiberiing tht, present paragraph -"i) 'SHIOP, SERVICE' " to <y> (2). (c) Renumbering the prese-nt paragraph -(z> (a> 'SHIOPPING C(ENT'RE' - to (y>V) (di) Inserting the fIiowing new paragraphs: -(z) "SIGN" mieans any dlapl-ay surface or dlevice having thereon any letters, characters, symbole or Illustrations which identify, or aqdvertise any person, place, product or thlng in sucht a way as to be visible from any public street, buit shaîl net include any flag, emblemn or ins,,ignia of a nation, province, achool or religiou, group, or any display which pertains to a Federai, Provincial or Municipal election. For the purposes, of thýisy-awany sign except a portable sign shahl be deemed to lie a structure. (z) (1) SIGN AREA" means ail space within the, peripher-y of the entire dispîay of any sign. For purposes of this By-lawý, any dui-ae sign sha l be deemied to have one face cnly provided both faces are identicai, contigvus and parallel, or- diveýrging at an angle of not more than il degrees. (z> (2> "-SlGN, GROUND-" mean> any sign permainently supported from the groiund by one or more self- suIPPOrting poles, uprights or braces or bY a fence or fret-standing masonry structure. (1> (3> "SIUN, PORTlABLE" mneans any sign, with not more than two display surfaces fabricated of nietal, plasltic or paînted *oo(,id, which is not permanently'ý affixed te the grounid or to any structure. and includes a sandwïcb board or an% temiporary signi uscd for safety, election or real estate a0%vertîsing. (Z> (4> "SIGN ROO)F" mecan, any ign affixed to a roofedl structure whcre the lowest part of the sigo display surface is above the level of the adjacent caves or top of the parapet wall. (z-5 SIGN, WAÀLL" means, any sign including a fascia signl, %hicb is painted on or permancnytly affixed tO a %%ail or canouy of any structure to wihsucl sigcn la accessory. (Z> (6) "STRUCýTURVE" means anytbing constructed or erected, the use af which% requires that Itt be Iocated, or attached to something located, on the grounfd." 2. That Section 41 of B.y-la>w Number «-111 is herebY a menided by dteletingÏ therefram in its entircty, subsection ( p) and substituting therefor the followting new subsection (pI: "(p) SIGNRE LTON No person shall within any Zone erect, alter or use anY sign except fin accordance wîth the Sign Regulations in Section 1A of (bis 3. Tat By-law ýNuimber 1 11 la hereby amnended by inserting Yaffter Section 4 thereof the followving new. Section 4At: 4A. The following restrictions shal apply: INRE LTOS (a> (S'GNS FIERMNITTED No person shah Aîthiin any Zone er"ect, alter or Use any sign except one or more of (the following signos. namely: (i)l 1 N RE7SDENTIAL (fRI, R2 and R3> )ZONEýS: 1, ne aliaig an on grundsign per lot, each notcexceedinig2 square feet in area, îndic7ating the na me, address and oaccupation of the occupant provided that, whcre such sign identifies a PUblk( or institutional use, the sign area mybe greater but shaîl not exceed 12 square feet in area; 2. Oe tnon-illuminated portable sgper lot. isot exceeding 6 squiýare f'eet in area, adîvertising a 'a le, lease oIr rentai peraLâning to such lot provided that, where frontage on a publi street 3. Ont po)table- sigol, or one grOuInd sigonDot exceeding 20 square feet in area, identifyin1g a contractors job-site; 1. Any sigiitprtaining (oua Feder,1l, Provincial or Mulýnicipal eleclion or campaign, provided that sncb sigri shal ble permitted not more (han six we-eks prior têo the election day or close of capioand salal be removed witbhin 7 dayýs tereafter; 5.Ntaithstandiug anyý provisions of Section 4.4 (b> hereof (o the coptrisry, any sign required by anyý public autbority in Canada including any officiaI traific sign or signai; and any signi, not exceeding sýquiare feet in area, indlicatinig caution for safety upsso N rsasn" il> IN ALL, NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONES: upsso N rsasn" 1. Any sigo pcrmitted in subsection (a> (i) hereof; 2. ny sîgn on any door or w-indow%, not exceedlng 225 per cent of the area of sucb door or 3. -Any tempora)ry streamrer or bannler designed t(o promnote current or imament activities wýithin the uiiaiy 4. NOtwithstanding any prov isions of Section 4A ( b) hereof (o tht contrary, any directionai sigo, not exceeding 8 squfare feet in area, indicating a vehicular entran-ce to or exit from private property, provided the height or sncb sign above ground level shaîl not exceed 8 feet. (i> IN COMMIERCIAL, (CI) ZONES: 1.Any sign permittcd in subsection (a> (i) and (ii hereof; 2.One wall Sign per, lot for each business conductedl on the lot; 3. 'One ground sign per lot, flot exeedçing 20 square feet in area, provided that, where such ,sign idenitifies business occupants of a shopping centre, sucb ign's area may be greater but shail not exceed ont square foot for every lineal foot of tht front lot fine. (iv) IN COMMl)ERýCIAL (C2 anid c3) zones, and IN IDSRA (MI, NM2 and MQ> Zones: J. Any ign permiitted in aubsecticon (a) il) and (il> ereof; 2. One portable sigor per lot iin any C2 or C3 Zone ünîy; 3. One wailI sgn or ont roof sign per lot for each business conducted on the lot; -t- Ont grouind sign per lot, not exceeding one square foot in area for cvery lineal foot cf the front lot fine provided (bat, wbeýre frontage on a public street exceeda 125 feet, one additional such ground sigasshîlbt ptrmitted, and provïded further tht height of eacb such sign above ground level shali be at least 8 feet and not mort (han 35 feet. (y> IN AGRICULTURAL, (A), OPEN SPACE (OeS) and DEFERRE~D DEVELOPMENT (D) ZONES: 1. Any sign permitted in suibsecýtion 'a> (if and (il> hereof; 2. Ont wýallsign on oewl n identifying a farm or farm owner, which sign may include a symbol, emblemn or picture; 3. Onte wall sigo orion ground sigo, not txctcdlog 12 square feet in area, advertising farmi produee raised or produced on tht premises or recreational facilitica. (b> SIGN PROVISIONS No person shaîl %within any Zone erect, altýreto use any sign cxcept in accordance with tht following provisions: (i) 1PURPOSES OF SIGNS. Every sîgn shah bc designed solel 'y for tht purpoates of identifyîng tht use or occupancy o! tht lot, building or structure on whWicb i locattd or advertising Uic sale, lease or rentaI of tht property or tht goods or services available therein; (i> ILLUMINATED SIGNS: Any illuminate-d sign shah be arranigedl so as (o reflect or crmit liglit away fromn any, adjacent Real Esýtate signas advertîsing tht sale-, lease or rentaI of any property as, permniîted iin subsecion (a> (i) 2. lhereof: maximum niunber per lot: ont, pro"vided (bat, where frontage on a public street exceeda 50 feet, ont additional sucb sign shah lie permitted." 4. This By-lawý shaîl become effective on tht date bereof subject to recelving (the approval o! the Ontario .Municipal Bopard. THIiS -A READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TLIME AND FINALLY PASSED ON THE 215T DAY 0F AUGUST, A.D.. 1973. "Hl. BRUCE 'IE "W. E. RUNDLE" Cîerk

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