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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 16

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~6The Canadia n Sta tesmani, Bowmanyille, SeptLem ber 12, 1!973 B ET HA N'Y llenrty Eaton, Kinfley, Sas- katcbhewan; -Mrs. Ruby MeMâahion, R'exdale; and 1Mrs. Lillian Perlender, WNilowdale, visited recently with Mrs. Gladis MIcMah)jon and MNr. and MNrs. Wesley McMlahon. Mr. and M1rs. HalMMan viitd with A Mna Palmer. Recenit \isitors with Mlrs. Iree McDonad were Mr. and àMrs. Fred Griffin and children Debbie and Douglas of Mine- ,ing; and M1rs. W. Fair of Peterborough. MIASs Sandra Stewart, Pont- pool, visited wý,ith Mi. and NMrs. Bill ;ordan. other visitors were Hlarry Rowlý-ey and sons David andi Donald of Trenton, MNrs. Normian Neals, Elm- vale, visited with her mother, MIrs. T. Jackson. Mr. and Ms.Ray Porteous, Lbieand Tracy, visited with irn and MrS. Leon Braithwaite, 1Peterborough. Mr-s. Robert Jones ba returned homne from 13hospit'al. ISs Patricia Jones, a recent B.A. graduate of Trent Un- vesty will be wokni J aiaafter Crsms Miss EvelyýnJoe bas gr--ti uated frm . E. Wdon as an Ontaro Sholar and Wl be attending Trent Universît3. Senior Citizens Thýe first fItl meeting ofth Gýolden Star Senior Citizens of Bethany and Cavan as heldl in the form of a pot luck luncheoon. Archideacon Lorne Ashcroft said G-race and spoke for a few mintes about Seniorities lie said they can definitely be useful despite being antique and said how fotunate we were to have Senior Ciizes' groups as apparently in Eng- Iand people havenot had this privilege and mnare suffier- ing from lack of1 income.ý comppanionship andi commnuni- c'ation. Witb a lev' humerlouis stoies be wishied the mnem- bers good fellowsbi and tnld them to continue with the Iwould like t0 thankc those who lheIped onme in achieving the awvard of Senior Sa les- master. This is one of the highest awarcls given to a GM Salesmnan. Douglas Ferguson R'OY NiIHOLS MOTORýS CH1EVROLET TRUCES O1ldstiobile, - Chevroitet Ctlass - Monte Carlo Niova - Vega OK Used Cars en Joyýi n. In!He absence(of the president. MIrs. Jean Argue, Mrs. Belle Smith preýsided, wel2omýing ,the memnbers bc for another ýer flter xhich sire recordedi the activities of the past year Mlrs. Pete Borrow gave the treasurer's îre Or t. of the nominat- ing 'commnittee, Mrs. R. Fer- min listeýd the followin1g offi- cer's: Pesden, rs. Jean Argue; V'icePrsdnMs Belle Smith; ecetry rs. Ruth Rutb; Treas-urer, Mrs. Iva Porteous, Publi;Rla tions; Bethany -Mirs. Rowa, Cavan Cals mt; rg ramme ýConveniors;: Bethany Mrs, Violet Caýrr, Mrs. Blihl Jordan, Caivani Mrs. R. Ferren, Mrs , uth; Lun1chý Convenors; Betha)ny - Mrs. T. Ward, -Mrs, . F. Wite, CavanM Mrs. McbesoMrs. N. Braitbwaite , isitýing ,Com mnittee; Betbany -Mrs11 C. Rowan and Mrs. 1-azel Kerr, Cavan -Mrs' . Ken yeran Mrs. G. Robinison; Ce weh and bereaýveimenft convenlor: Mrs. IrenMacoal;Car1ds and tables: Mýrs P. Burrow, Mr. andmrsL. Die Namei,,s of decea1sed memi bers ,\il be recorded in the "Memnorial Book ori)- l"ini the permranent headquaýrters of the USO. 'm( . Members wreasked to brinig seicond hanmd books, witb their namnes clea1'rly wrîtein, Eighteen ebrssge up for bowling on ilternate Tuesday aflternoons to the regular imeet;in,and teach memnber wa askeud to bring a wrapped article that couIIldbeý used :as prizes tfo the next ies of thew members were recorded as eacb paid thteir fee of one dolla r. An additional dollar fromn members w.ill be collectedl ai the netmeeting for the AIt Star Memubersh-ip. Anyoýne wishing tranisporta- tioin to the meetingýswr asked cil ýontact PlueeBorrowv, Carl Porteous or Leonard Driver. Th alrCrowe entertainý mient l be on October 19. Noices will be posted at ai laterdae P rize(2winners for(- l'Cuchre were Chaýrleýs Smith and Frank White. New miembers are ailwys wcome1if. The Septeýmbe'r metiing of theBtan United Chiurch Womien was he lld ini the Church Sunlday Sch-ool Hll with Mrs. John -JNeals the fpresident, presiding- Mrs. lier') Coppins read the Treasu-,rr.sreport and the)( Christiain Eduication report .Mrs. Copplins annoMued ithati th(e Sunday Schoolieiewill be heldimeityfoown the openinig session of Sunday School on Septembe-1-r 1M Two new leaders w %ere put in charge of fthe, group lformerly under the leadership of Mrs Allan Beer.Ors. lRoss Car wil be ln chairge of food hits and Mrs. Rlay Porteous w, ill be in chargeo f the progranme planning. The Anniversary ol the Bethany United Chrhwill be held on October 14 this year. Tt is hoped that many pope,îot only Church meimbers, will plan to attend ibissrie The nx mein ill be at the hom11e Of Mr'S. I.Asbr on Octolber 1 at 8":00 p.m. Members were akedto meet at the Chuirch 7:45 p 1w in order that tasoraincan be arranged. Announcemnew's includedi the followýinig :t United Churcb Womnenis FaLP Rally for ibis ar-ea wýill he ht&d in Ponty pool on Wvednesday, S y- t emb er 2G at 7 : 30 lup. Deem mri as set as the tentative cdate tor fthealnnual Christmnas tea and bza wich wil e held in thie Church Sunday School hall this year: and ailChristmnas gift of three dollars was sent to the toster chîld. Mrs. Ray Porteous wýas hn c-harge of thf-e Worship Seýrvice an d rs Adison Scott read a mnonlogue catled "One WVoman's %World" for the Letter to the EdItor Dear Sir Sincth ie public nmetîings weeheld by Onltario Hyýdr-o infHam pton andii mionth ag o, conlcrning the( proposed tasmsio or ridors across uham of conceýrned citizenls have A puiblicnmeeting ld i j Tyrone waý's atnddand resulted ninithe formaltion of a comte aldthe Commlilttee. Tismetn lLso resulteud in hebre (signied iby'-over 100 iti- anortbern alternaitive cor ridor.Beas of the hurr led tim nte 100)p lus signaýture's on thi 'e rie)f'b no mean",is represenited the fuît1 opposition to Itle pr-op oaed cmoiors Sixice tlhat ime î our m-eetings, inlctuding "onu witb representatives ot otario Hydro and other Governîneiit Aeiis the Flying Dutcbmn Mo- tet in Bowrnanvilte. Theý inutes of thatmieeting show, clearly that Ontaio Hydcro is now comitteýd to theu consîderation of a miore northerly corridor. Our comittlee contends bydro c-orridor on thef fringe on tile Gaunraskai (Conlser'vaion RUegion wmoutd be linimial. in opaio \with this, conisider the pmosbe devluaion ( and1 in somce cases, aIctuai removwal) ofisig ouis es and i iteriferenlce with pvio-uusly proposed Cori. idors. Conser1vation Auith orities would do wllto !be rem-inded tbat humnan resý idenlts f orm ain inntegral part o1 the ecology als w"ll as trees and othber gr(owing" things. Our comîlnit tee is hpeul thait the region l l rtnî essentially rurald in ntr Our cnerlort0e ru gion's Coneraton Area isvey ig, buit does not tarepcdoee oer peo- pIe iand agr-icuLltulraIl and L'ocal residentswibn to participate i inlthePre'- serve Durba Actin Commitee ay contýact ayof ithe iundersigned: ono; Mi . anîd MsJ. Kih R.R4, owmnvite;John manvtte J.W. avidison, Rot .R 1 rono;Penny Ane D)avidson, R.. 1Bow- mnanvilt: Mrs. Ann Si&p- Son, RÀ..4,Bwavle Linda Baker. 517 Bond St. E.. Oshwa. OPEN THURS. & FR1. 'TIL 9 p""mt. TO SE-RVE YOU BETT'ER ILLE Notice of Public Meeting Re Wesleyville Genierating Stationi 8:00 p.-m. Thursday, Septemober 13, 1973 Sherwood Room, Greenwood Towver Motel-Port Hope Onitarjo Hydro supports ublic pr~-iainin the planninig of niew facilities and bas made public a proposi to build an oil-fired generatting station am ourWeeyilst. Co01mmunication hbas already tknplace ewech communiiiity and Hlydro, including a niumbeýr of mneetings and informational excbanges wvitb nmuicpal officiais, Interested groups aýnd individuais. A pbi meeting -was held at Caniton on August 14, at whicb the project wvas explaitned and ques'tionIs answered. Tbere, have also been accounts of the projcti and local commnents caýrried by the newiedia. To furtber ensureý that ev,,eryone has bad an opportuity to 1 mnake bis views known con)jcernînitg the builinlg of dieWel- ville Generating Station, anothe r public mieeting bias been scbeduled for Se:ptember 13, for the benefit of those wvbo wr away, could niot attend or now seul, information. Witbin a few weeý'eks after the Septemrber 13 mteeting, a compillete proposai, including ïinformation received from tb[,e community, w-ill bie presented to the Mlinjsýýer of Energy, v.seekingq government approval to proceed with construction. A 1modlel of a similar station mnd othier exhbil--its wviil be on view frotm 3:00() to 5:00 pm in the Sbierwood Room of tbhe Greenwo7Cod Tower Motel, Plort H-ope, on the day of the meeuting. Qualified staff wýill be available during' tbe afternioon aaad evenIng to provide information and answver questionIs.

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