18 Te ~nadn Satesman owmnvde, Septemnber 12, 1973 Eg lKerk. L Jean P( Wanted to Buy Auction Sales Auction Sales .feal Estate for Sale Recd Estate for Sale -Real Estate fo 'ae ËrElD cioversee(-d. Phoneo 98- Auction sale closing u1ATQU UTO SL OMNVLE-tree cdiAi 433. 7~8 business, Thursday, Sept. :201 eoh oe, 7 igrou rm uglw wt oses USED Furniture and Apli and 27, CY and C Welding treEst , OsIwa Setur- gaae iet r King, .DAJ.1i.VL ton 263-224 ,1. 26tf lbridge. This is a total alis-litems i ncluding Ciadienla, Ld oC l oî. Pon 23739 vtt APP --weted -1000 -bush _Ipersal1 of altools, weldinig Imi- ii andother ùfîniture, art _________ 7 U B RfI In rn Ael s cltoh Mstb go s'upplies mand stock, and office glass, puesCd glaýss, crialPTNIA udj ', 1 Sflil Jf Vi a q u l a l t W o s i p i c k i f e ý O c s . ' f r i t r . T h e f i r s t s a l e w l l l l a s , c i n ai , l e ml l p s c r o c k , î a n d o nr T en-o no e d L T . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a nl d M r- ar.Poe 623-55312. 71itr t :0 .Sp. 2t bascpp3,ler racrsjstfrh fBwmn TATRHME ___-22571 I' CASH for ralnndcntinue runtil 10:30 p Il ec. "il items eclnt o-vie.Lstedat$13.00.CcIli CAHfo idc cup)boý,rds, 'The second sale will bogin tito.N eev.Sl il a okn ABS PReailty.2- Wi th nnlly$200 ow pay-Nora tablles, boxes, etc. 'Wite Ad- 6:30 p.mr. Seot. 27thi andf con-! 12 noon. Preview 10:00 ar.i 74 r 2-26 fe . etad oron'ulig1 ig S.~,Bw avl nri c/ ICnadien tinue unirtil sale Is comnploted. Ted WttAuctý'ionieer (72- Mu vortiser 379, /oThe Clot you can ibe living ain a new Mteto IvsosHr.e1 Statesman Box 190, Buvwman- Watch for ful ist noxt weok. 3769). 37-1 Gerg BylBo Raver Home of your own tiIIneos ville. 25-90* 'Lloyd 'Wilson and W. D. At- _____leOve hs u mr. Te10,lo 0ace ith cek, and unday 7 D 1fiat acreson al on aer ad -11paved, radc, Mr.S RÏED lvr sed iety isn ae Maaesad Aucion Sale, Sat?,urdayI, R EALTOR nortgges on lmanry Beaverbi ls ntw ibgn r froin combine. Please bing uciner. 71_et.15):1u.matSvenPhonu 62-530 'Hmes carnies foi, lers thanio l'F'ty3- zp. ,) ý o"oi lIýii ono pound sample for pricing,. PoucnWceoueonHy.mst rn aymfents and offeirs otnî1, ci ow owm an Carnation Seed Store, 33 Di-li AUCTIOINSALE 2 nteVlaeo edeBwlyae ls oRc o uueeut.Oerai omrilPoete opr vision St., Bw avle rs iiAcin B~ nsisting 0 f vwainut tblLake, newi c 121)0) sl fît. f6room cùost ton. is often ithousands of Goneloctio son mi dining rooro table, recor br-ickbugao olrg otGdllrd'es bcus 0 Balsret on. )lus nw T AP LE37tf NEWTONVILLE cbnt ahtn, c ets c 0 etfotg n ih a)e~ ctr c -Iseo uld'y ur rirn ttoq'l fi] Lad APEGWE FRIDAY, SEPTEMiýBER l 4th daes ekadcai,2.Pie t$1900. ing mefitods and vsole ur-the BUYING 7:00 P.m. Ieslcrfi ds ermchaismcof- On fe tblchom uiedsh a0o mlslo,,ain owr4 he building JhsnOtor (2 ..,SoIund, 4 aceibuh maerias inustry. fJmsRobinson - 62M-3795 Churo JUCEAPLE ohso Otoad 25hp., sgaswaco lmp ~'t it 70feeq t otage on you're fed up)with rmaing SnnlAnnis -623-764etGr on1 large volume et farmin -iBoat Controls and Tank, Bi- t'ue', ames, bokaý, 6e66e1tricalc bulk, at top competlitive cylesGolf Clubs and B", ippîance, adoie u* taeld ra. Pniced e osl epist yu reotMebr oronto elEtt ly tic o S650. Vndor as ohern- !homne . . . or if you're shoprBad evc prices. A isoohergradeitS. iet Pumpir, Hrdar tems, Boardb onine. Roe RAYMONE> NINC nyTools. S'tecren. T.V..Bnn, ~A cion. ~<e~t adi otu osIpn o nwrhm r37-1 IRex rN A1~~Q9A ~ Buk Bdswit Mttrsss, hae utgrown the placeý Beroo uteiei n' SAUDVYtET.Znion.vu're reing .. .make your 36 Mttresses_, de, Soe. Acins I . Lvesocmrove to e new Beaver 1Home, Ii Auction Saes ChromeSet, Tables and'80eaHeeodndii-Yullbgadyui.Phe Chairs, Chctrflelds, Cff lros o i, puop 1c-rty cfLut AuctiondSlendCTblecs, ig Chall e-nn Auction ae ffuot r ldRceLahrt0-Lod atiEleSit,1oi lESTATILMYSAYNRTE et etbck' AutioiSh d f Rce aFuritr, evrel n-:3. on 81arînto Twn*62 Stevenson Rd. N. -Oshawath or in, et. 1. ar e qu n- w oî î de, DmS ee a b - of '1ointo R.!nJZon R., 34ý - J .LEA T ta(o1iquncsial t7pm lsTo osBfes res 1sc~eod-Hltn cos233 cne No Reeres Ci f Peik, ors, anc lots ore. letc , sro wt avs ~ ILk naj nae RE LIOietare STAPLETON BROS.15.pAil lat to ul y Irzol15;to 9 ce n Lk nei EE A NU A C x o an Sregn tt (i lntonl 16 ed o-lu1ruif t, 1 1 Brokenin e Au tD r poseti Apri'Il to July 15: '23home, n S Ea .,Cl oeleafan d 2 K ng St W , B w m n ile 9 0 t s o rt , D IiCrS lton townshiipls 7ru 86-,2953t, res-IHer11rd-Hoisein osl crows. n601 SrvceR-d3$5,-93ehoe12-253M 623ok -2503 stry r N ao mec ves t olif Prest on(ýk c's 3 - o e i h av es b s d , re 0 0 .' mely renu ated oo t e ne 'Trnsprton Satrda,,ept and __lotsre. bll expe.d Ail lst 1 87 a cre eOnaio îi Tneebeî'o m unglo . cd a vc Auc1inicer.k7tch1n, living roocfx p stParter houSTe, asin $990 îoîow 22,alrbs frm imaeen. t J1 1 5; 5 Charoulais5:eaul 7 tream, ond epca te dining roorn, flue- îth terms. bdclýe en 3 ea 0 oitence- S ALn SETuN rda, Sp. 15 ing hefers; (i Carolais yerl. F01 ti, q att f b y t i tonp.Lotsharpndhe7machin- ing steers: 1s o îsei ad tou wte ith god plac, 4 i ece bathIV , Bo in gi- maele raon9cdb Frne tw eks a pegtr. arn ow l d ry an h ushQd on s f enfod ros caroing boit- ýl II re p nrl. 8Room brck c e c on rent to6c o3-2rs4.scn53po eiy a r . s'rragstororton0farono end Seot.,yeuiing steesd pri I Terý ri e i l Ietly $79, uow jl n ît f u v L s t rei. . l plo h c i o- -nc , ca s: from -lucd 0 c e s N e w n v i I l e ps ru s ii h me fe tu esr4aî ib bo se an h ro , sb w L I E O K S A E ru b b era n t i e w a dg o fe nl g of ...' ý c on h Ic o d d B e d p in a wt1o o st.tb b drû m s l rglki - o , su in rp n , ex o - bac a'veeka chn, liinarom spra Èenaptao en. skngSMs Terno vrys ah rS . :3 . i 'M . ood sot 0f sailes trmilk day 0Fisle. T rm ras , u'v O ly S 500.0. T rmdw -pc c ah, c d fsihe Mosleyk, Auctioncer adPo icue 237t o rxer anto, Otri, 4626- PcursuoedSpo- lwit permis, askng rs.t .\odl Csetr c hai . frs, B eab ro.Onauo. - 7I Timer cli hs ane! maple. bath b nl' aide0and fou __c, _- two aal po ife tables, two .S1i, Uî -$100 e m r ons an at n teî ad , Woul you lieidth iet-,'1 Beatty ttDra ony ae rn nic lrge, wningtý,Of asIg', ci . Sl e AcresiBown ianv sil( poewt tOars0 anhv oelk euo ide ~bu Orn- STAPLTON 730pmachineOo, set o iîgmo toa of Twn imta.on strae srd api tbosesno bSngcor- eise Mspeyializin n and t Po-, xck, ues2cti-e'r.3 %BID N OT het ', ,o l - 41 Hgwy if ak 1351 utc SALS ndESTTE WDN sDAY s of î9t Fie mnuts b 2ca 1frmC8:" cs 'AnvrsTiv Ci p Oki $350.Hee)MDoad- V~jj M .Ci phieon.o nec 623e9-76 o(7 etho heart of Newcastle. 20 Aci s wodd.I)lne Ate hur eu:LlydAthion- 0593-ZlS atie or NewtITcnvilie 786-2io53 G i Mm. CilMnic 16-36,Ooný2-tf H LSEISBeutfl.on cr bidio ratonlnd Ol S0,000. .vato of- 233CIAlnRot1),Mllr ot 27if. uotae) wi1 Tura.Cal an Fun . " i ompialt e ksteable tes, mtur ouh"r"cnw wil. 0 Are etrat . Bech - - 623-265EdwnJans - 6qu7iet ve- Autin al slin F1-dirsI owne andsW, T. e pti tak nd oble o . . owa J. - - 6 0L868 Mc MDeald-f23-> 1 weW0 shr, h huehli oda4tre ewang t e Bd. (Exsit . GootiCbulding site itb_____________ _-z Ma ant grdnig qupmet f 8)sotht of leke, tho c FDRL STsunga. $10.900',00. CiliBts. amî Mu. LTO Harchoais Bee iest tousfarm. 60 btes, TECASTLs iay. f I12iat MM1R St N, ec~tl. nluiairie Re, lasifd il from& AVIGSCO owallIl' Ii MRý) IrA-Mus. M.lý or Neanti tiltef786-2de.oratido winow, weeba-rosga- : 1ui sto. TheI cs areiistreil oet.Abrkut J$9,000 . B rt AL6TOR 098 elov ot ubni ese Oe nFil-r aw wdikbecb ewth 2 l owed bcretv W .ery bai lic lobl l i. 62- 5 (8Mcs. BonCanî Georg-anti vi i t tinosê, i cycle, lenteuns Lakgo Nd. wcashte r are l,,cx- ii- , i il lll A ( i 2500 ,), hor fot0lu be. tee w csl R . AnEx-t Bowmanvel S570. lil lp: Vxîo OU T Y L NG 0 eit h ofOoog1dft- Pecc Pa man moe( )items. Char-78)collen t oruit o buak"e, <'aLereheouom bic uglolca Rsin tte ors nvr minutes miletownt4 eau lti 60 Bî-ooks Mearyat. - Anie SutioN os.362 egifer. Ala sifeln II27 cen k ,I(igci iîkil olr.uSleit 1pmsLod13Irg tc ,rbnilw tnset ore-aop o 8'x 131-1lt onailok nfret rn at o yTUESDA , SEP EM1ER 18 Bo manvile pi niroo anti extra bedu(enxcellent Candtery.37-1coomI, TO , o pingh6 miles SE. j j-ol OW A VL E, nw Trns ubae olgg e statti o lt 32 t. d TeLiealPnt f a- r i airort ere), incuTigreprpery f M. D B ytito ugou0ASIG Ncioi at34,10.ebe 4,5antclII6. anti Mn, 24 Wndo S., 0dae, 3,90I Vnto tstereti , SO cetR \ï-ý nevmflke, u toneic Wb . Saturday, Sept. 15 etId evRp.m.s iilPlýli 9 hervs e rs; h tr cetr;acon u T choe uiste obe cost siels ani ho- ti reretin ooaati et'oicia. argec4po bthIl_____________________ Pool No.Iic Q uota C by p ivet ùch ie r, of oe table, c ar a l ed o m b i k t r y c - o r a t 3 Y - C d liarge II ,Ci d0o0 r n b r ick b i h11ome N ORig!,!)r l i sae.Phne41-69-01. al sts mgain san, abe cuiv hme ii~ca greg , I iMc'hbie.- 11 f"iatt i oth BwBn o Ths aanexr got ane ete, hAt of re rs, w27 ari b 6srnet, 6c 94tis o lage iacr Bownani. ea- e t ly decorateti n SaLuCiy ý1 G I Delaval bulk tanl, anci Surgeý Lio recrei~thu 1,lp1oubost, lrge 'irega1t ojr r iî,O u io(> ci sae. At inn auti Wilson mirror witS2ae ives sler an tiscapeti lot. 66 Ltifu l 1rounda acntpool. Stonelot Jigjut$390 ALctin2or8,teeoervie,,w252-352he, E62ý;j, 11 1'1 ueÀio)r ILIý SatntaySet. 5. - Ac- heaer ocasone cbaisEare ernli - 78-661 Nl'cl n Crtice Roads, doubeat tchtil ge.ago, etc. di, tin Sale orf(8Livestock. obodntbl nifu hirs, goo wiîia 2 acres0f roiing COu rT.i, pe rty 0f i Kine te, Lot 7, fo tipsto lefoanivruber mat-Elsi Sener - 63359 Os aa tam' and 11- 1,00acuc . î xcellentiIIti il ýýSu Ciro. , aSouth on eghain- ,t roesse, sof tMrowe.ryanhtp. Sm.h, Newtonv NllleBrik ati toe1bngaow.anndtonttem Hwy. 28 f0 oth ; utb ongben 49pIa nce s qua t, o isn a, lco tilsr iO tu 4in n ile eest, '/. a ile wsub t. a dy Spt. 5s, plus mny ROI lv 2,sfi Spencerk o c-1Io623-n76:l94 W olgBob Curntllen.sth ant Inibeect r 4miesmoe rtcle tn umros b i NIvonile<ii i south et Boo ut Bridge anti l10 enrtIon. enms r c sh. ' ed i Electuicall ai, o 3-bcd-s, (iI i-i rv . cu L OCAýljm ttiON: North on th L.Coi ,, mile Ua. 80 heanaoMye aint,A Ceteerfilant i siroo bungailandlo Large sec- CF Fou&ulb" pr. adlooiis Charolaste an ýt r efor d a calr- sCietag sue,,751. 3 - iaid s o us l-, i ving on, beti fui DoTO UN sh Rai-S u ml.PnboiCa olaisbul, deser kiantchenzebesf, finishe iluo.ror 30["7Ng0St W Poo mature1Chaolais cws r0- situateti ontabe, ardaablangemlitlots 73% NO corle./sPh wtne celes by s t s, mac zinae spnde tatle 26 ihgo n, atone rock- 623-440 4 eitrei Hnfrd cw rm sha100w tt ho binet!'lslcc ck "iu l11fllbs Tis hsa nves bya igd, I7I eant ' ctio n Hraw r, ali l, 2'0euy a nt e tigo. Aise has et-1, i E tawoi aag. skneoîy Yo e vkd osWClsssinth s btes ise turc Chros an tioHnefoc.ti allst.i, OshweThusde, '3800.0 cICr lIe ed Cutyl to2 Skivig octeiinenolii ac.cure by~3 aielihrlis at os efieao, eecne(oej~ pewastl ube Ïi ci ýeaI , et Oshawa bauîfu Heetrd hefes ue dec. st, aom s uie.te, thuce l'aS g 7 -447 Tiir Ideput inom nt on strtvi ew. ý-1 e ou ntfilsu o nig Ev n ng cas e b gn ui aniJnr hrli n ing (lie new).nCheis ste ry i'iI cTD 725RE8LTOR omeiiiv xrs. 279,850oorn hun- 3 bcdro o (-:bungalo , hlrg S uraSn.1.-Ac. looi tr , occasionai c ha 1ir Ch'ari o 2btior bn ng 3350.0 aî h sf-it trees. Extra lre omxA c i eig Noi en ve. o vSal 1:30 p.ro-n.atioo l, eta le o aleandafour, 4 pco.72bath,6 meinto n- Y ou Conide Rongads, Pictieto y 2 00. x A tq e C le t Cal iksn Acioer orale T, ahe a ' --tonce'troccreumfînurn sitiing,1Are peI-tý of -Bill Kins llaLot, 7, flet seelfoam rubb r t-Elsie Sppner for325fIfers. 1 Hu-,,, Reaor I nio 3249959l36- gie, es hisn g mch in,,e, .p ar li-, e to lotBrc Ln so e uArt. -- -1_- _ __ - wa bcd,.ireplae, offce ,i17'Lu 5fI' goti!v0505 MOVior TR NSFER? Hampti fondcale 8 cows wiIlî dishes, electnical applilnces, lionmit"h1-highiway t rin l',fAfter 9:00 P.m. ceaU: Building Lot - 312'ü00.0o Crochetiug cave by ide anti pasture ,ýpop cooler, commercial park- sho u tdoornice gar- Bob Culon - 623-3393 A-pproximatýý'ely 2 :~ ce eesv rvn breti egain, 2 bruetiheifeus, lng lot swieoper, plus many tien anea gvncutyliv- Ade lI 2-530 lniwl-re ihcekx "Eat etti'e rivegl 1200 bales of bey, lScConmicK mono articles tonl numorous ,îng et ils beasl. Nour etherlain 723-4808 nfti mep w(ltrocs, dniveway Golf7eig B3.275 Diesel trector anti loa-i- temention. Ternis cash. - alucati th Fenet apct c' GolfInstruçtioni or MCoinckFumîlA ylsKing, Auctineer ani Hobby Ferm oi yctr- tracýtor, MîcCornmick No. 45) Cartage, 725-5751. 37-1 0f 8 aconic acres, 2 storeyPtYo --- 2307suuhoeieapovifr-GumtCokn haler, McCormick No. 21 me- ý5 bedroom laouse,hego Dane Founul - 23-3965i 1,100 'iq. fI, home'. ~ ~ Wai nako, McCodrmic doblNdie te., jat intes fmLI Bw-Dolores Rema- -725-1498 ýPark Valley x Macrame nure).) apea, Fanibenus t, ie FNEQ AND Kvile ayBrowu - -623-.31501 Niceat 2 stoî-ey ýbrick,4 (3pt),Gn.Wbt patbl" MOUENIlN Sei-D1fetacheul ChlieReid -Oronco 983-5914 Ibeiroom .(,-eln sbiag brioati auger, cquanrtity 0f other farm - MARKERS l immaculate 3betirooni, _ýRoy Pester -orono S83-5301 loom in lv ing-oo , llanti machilin rFurniture2. The wfll" ety estate 0f the laIe rs.Jesa ý >garage, tamuly izeti k itchienih uasy-Ooo9352eau. ag uî-nmepie M Nost classes will be of a 20 ivu Dear.Choe aleatiObratlorei iin1nt B chnaScbine induiang-rom.which Uwill be 10 weeks in lei chairs, érncking chairs (ani- ofSTAFFORD iguos imrgg.BhStelau 2-13Aa a e om nigames suite, ining ooni tble ani BROS LTD Wvenly ardonsTiai Masters --5746-1493 1nnom. List pnico 550.0xxhscoreae tique), 3 p e. choisterfielti ____________ 9 'a'4 outygo vaulble 6 chirchiacabinet (glass, Spiuouis -4belon wtgvnf coda 'anti -ti) telephone . AO1'hoI: , i'~bths, family kit- RESULTS COUNT!1 David Alison ,8746 Pine Ridge District Health U table anti chair (combineti),Daler ctiin ap ing untom ominalfide.ot t632 dloyen bat parlour table, fiat : g - locrptnMbouhu,~elville Dale - 623-56r3;$Fee: 20 week course $10,00 hzc k kitchen cuphoardwith paomltio dock. Vea glass tonus, (antique) sot of Stafford Brohers cmleey u c otilo wthalri Bsa - - 688531week course $5.00( Amtrq. I dshsap!peggy Gray --5638 A'usnia chna ishs, ppleConact -g - aelaCarr --728-3734 pocher, herselos ant iici- uunt ETRMeECHR E rum-là2594 es, large qu. of other furni-1 MonumenstheTEcourses maER tunre. Farmnti.iTerma cash, LMITD P14me 623-4894 MULTIPLE LISTING SE EIC KahlenTitesB Mile723-2008ina Sal1e at 12 nioon. Note: fumni-, tîre sella firat. eig. anti , Box 133 BWAVLEOshawax & District Peter chepee -725,-1846 Lairny Johnsoîa, AuctonensMR1 Dunda St. E. - Whtby rn forReg. Aker - - 725-020 FOR ADVANCE JNFOIH Pi(705) 357-i270: GereltioPh'ne hRtb E608-3553oardg:Re.lMeFe-eters , 725-17M0 GARTH qiaai lr.3- 7-1 --*I "Elstabllshed 13isiIrI l _ T Y R O-E bi table n-,.Eucnnre in Hall oen Flciday nigh ea cozy like.Cannying iging out in Miss Helen .ualy char Mus. Ack il g score Ethel Gobl, 'otlard, Mir. Jin I La- [r. Prends Thonipson, donc -Kik anti Mn. Ed 3-50 Anvila Balroît ad a succesuhl show oif et Onono Fair on Sat. nmy reti nibons going Mu. anti Mus. Gordyn and Chnistine., Mn Bih anti Donny, anti Mn. -s. Stan Goble. tatlaion l1 M. anti !an McDnnaiti tne- Dcveyl who wu onl Fritay. Fred Partnler, Mnr. visitLois et Iu. ani an Gobles. nd Ns. George Wie nvhlle, Mnr. anti Mrs. O saimon An j1B.C. 7ABETH VILLE -eh services \were heiti ,(on ilI. UMm nid Mns. Kelilogb coniducette loumlan wiýi1l 1be the itc beltitheir Sept. ý aiiMu anti Musn. Ken boule. NMrs. R. Beatty, sien. usitieti. (ur tly MAis. J. Mýorris reati1 us.Ournrol i l a ,ucipe. Our Mte o , te oi)ýýto e 10cm . Our tien et Tor-ontlo ha thain usuel anti we cd sedng nm m n- Our puognanli was a rn Tihe Motr ic systeni sK. Ftsmos of pl. et Agýriculturlfe. 'Se very intoncstiig> lesson Id by a test on wbat we mcdý. Luch as sny 1tb!Ilrd'Joperat ion anti is b ospîtal gainanti O. Wail e nta abe was. ant ir u.l. Qulantril unday wiýthb M. anti :Ellhot, et heiake oui 1us. R. Batty anti se Mn.ý ani us. C. took in Orono tain be girspbcduthop- tf. e by bbcpapen ibat Mn lexvs a pastio nie ( anti was a cousin ni aronce Beatty. Symp- ne etenieti. nt Iu.l. Chelice,. k, Mnr.anti Mmsý. R antid niyObw 1ýh Mnr. ant irs,11H. vu on Sunday old MIrs,. D asanti elong witb Mr. anti Wbite viiteiv. anti Wbiibe, Lintiscy. iti us H. Thicksson c ýouple etf days wl id Mus. J. DKkr ge, tbis week. bbc weekendtirn. nid peacoýck,Kpuksn wh Mu. ant ibMu. V kwben tbey brougbht 1tiowýn to at1ten1d Tuent tiercer, Hlen Fuewý, owleu, Nancy F"ow1eu is Beatty bave ail got ,t tbe vanieus unîvers- hi are back te sobls nt Mus. L. Minew >uswa. )rait Mn. ant \i Mus. ySu1nday, wen'e Mn. s. on Witbreti anti WbVfite, Osbawa. weue recent visitonsý of Mn. anti Mus. A. J. Hloan. Mu.ini Murs. A. J. Hloar visiteti L. S. Hoar, Toronto. AMVoa HotigonToron- te, Mn. ai Mrs. ýLeslie Virtue, Mn. ant Mus. Anchie Vintue. OaaMn. lMilton %Virtuie weeSuntcay dinner guestis of Mr. ant i Ms. F. L. Byam anti aise attentieti twe ecoretion suervie tethesta. Suntay Sept. 9%tbburneti nul te ho a bemautiusunny day on wbicb to attend tiecoration dayp srice, stroîl peacetully thunugli the groutids 10 retIet on other days anti visit witi' frientis, neighbours anti acq aintanes et aBethestia CeMý tory. Thie Bowmanvilleý Salve- tionoArmy Bandi layetid a few seetosanti alan )accoinpan- led te hyrinsinging. Duning jh,~ devtional Oiit Mrs. I.Lenitine sang a hymnn :1n a very pIeasing manner. A girls quande, Misses ShIeiiey anti Melody lbnMisses Brenida Hwetanti Andre-a Blair atiied a joyýfuli spirit 10 the, meditation, acmait Captain Hewletiliveneti t;titing message wbicb i-us appreciateti by a l-ange crowd. - w VREE AMLS!HLNDCHEESE EDAM (NEESE99 Corne and have a lookat ou mr Breakfast 'BACON lh s$1,29 VEATURING THIIS WEEK LookCNE PRIZE WINNUNG BEEF atetefinesc"t Iýeef ProduIced iný Canada ÏFANCY ED TOKAY GRAPES39 ONIONS 29c- FRESH DAILY - No. i FREESTONE PEACHE-S $,79 4Q.Bse Or HEA1PING LOOSE PC 6 qt. basket $2@99 ;ideal forFree iorCa ig AMUNT RYLlOo.Tinis Mandaiîn Oranges 4fVor 99c FLAVUR ACK HOIE 19oz.Tins DOICED BlETS Z f2 or 39C POL-RMlaDrge2- Tins SPAGHE-TTI and29 CHEESE SA UCE 2 '10OASTIMASTER 4o.Lae PROTEIN or WHITE Sliýced BREAD 3 for 99c DYKSTRA'S Food Market 73 -77 KING ST.' W. FREE PARKING HOME 0F QUALIT Phone 623-351 BOWMANVILLE THUMBERLAND AND DURHAM INTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION IING CLASSES :E SECONDARY SCHOOL IWMANVILLE, ONTARIO brtice Road to th-West Corner - REGISTRATION: Wednesday, September 19 and Thursday, September 20,11973 1below will be held providin-g a suIfficient numlber of aýpplicants g the week of October 1, 1973. ess Machines )n h Less" xObservational Astronomny Pottery P'hysicalFins-Me P'hysicalFltness - Womenl SPreïiàtal Caféëxx x Pre-school Child Study xx Rlug IHooking Sculpting Sewing - Basic Sewing - Advanced x Sign Painting x SmlaillEngine Repair x Stretch and Sew x Television Repair Typewriting Upholstery and Wood R lefinising Weldiug and Wrouight 1Iron Wmork WVoodworkiing ýek duration HOÇCEPT those marked with a Single aster-isk(x ýngth. ree of charge under the ausýpices of the Hlaliburiýton, Kawarthia, unit. plus material costs ty be offered if sufficient people request themn. ENMATION CAUL: I GILPIN, EVENING CLASS PRINCIPAL, 728-5146