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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 19

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41BITUARIES ~ RED G. SNMII The oldest resident of the Long Sault community in the person of the late Fred G. Smith passed away peacefully in bis sieep in Medex Nursing Centre, Oshawa Sunday morn- ing, Sept. 2. He had been in failing health for about a year and entered Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmýanville, in March and was transferred to MVedex Nursing Centre in early May. Born in England in 188,4 he came tLo Canada in 1905 at the age of 21 where hie worked on a farm in Peel County for 10 years. In 1907 he married Sarah C. Kidd who predeceas- ed himi in 1965. He and bis farnily moved to th- e Long Sauit community in 1915 where he farmied until health failed, seiling the farm and keepinig the home and lot where hie resid'ed until he entered hospitai. He had been an active Iretbrof the Long Sault Cýhurch until is was closed and mnembership was transferred to Tyrone United Church liee e served on, many boards until health faiied, Hoorryý member of Tyrone L.O.L. 7ý64 and had been a member of the R.B.P. 398. Served on Dariington cqunicil as counicillor- for six years, four of these he was also on the Planning Board. He is survived by one son Fred, omavlldaughter Grace Lat hmgrandda\lgh- ter Gloria, MrýLs. Roy Boudreau of Newmarket;- grandson Bob), Bowmanville, and five great- grandchiidren. One son Geo- rge, predeceased him in 1931. Funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon from Northcutt Elliott Funeral Homie conducted by bis minis- ter Rev. E. L. Bigby who spoke comforting words to the famiify and friends. An Orange Ldeservice was held on Mondlay evening. Intermient was in the famîly plot', Bethesda Cemretery. Pal bearers wvere a'l -close friends of the famnily, Sidney C1orn1ish, Gcabriel FKovacs, Walter, Hughieý, and! Harold Mupyand Roy MclLigliln-ý. Amrong the many iovely floral tributes evidence of the esteem in which the deceased was held, were those from tbe L.O.B.A. 1244, LO.-764 and club 50. NORMIAN EDGAR WRIGHT A well-known and respect- ed citizen of Durhami County, Norman Edgar Wright, pass- ed away in Hillsdaie Manor, Oshawa, follow'ing a few days illni ess, onMody Septemn- ber 3, 1973. 1n Iis 93rd year,. he was born ini Durham County, the son of T. iAlbert and Tirza Wright and \was educated at Egypt Pli'blic School, in Cartwý,right hp.On Decem rl), î -~. fi was arried to ,renta Luella Van Nest. A farmier bis mntire life, be resided at Blackç tock, Solina, Niagpra Peninsula, Maple Grovè, Enniskillen and Osh- awa. A member of Kingsview United Cburch, Oshawa, tbe past few years, hie vas also a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Surviving are three daugh- ters,, Mlarguerite, Normia (Mrs. L. J. Bradford), Hlazel (Mrs. P. A. Tresise) al of ls'w. our sons, Herbert. 0shawa; Edgar, Eniniskillen; Fred, Bowmaýnville; Arthurý Barrie. Seventeen grandcbild- ren, 21 great-grandcbiidren and sister-in-iaw Marlon Van Nest (Mrs. L. M. Ketb). The eldest caugbter, Myrtie Lav- erne, predeceased hlm wben very young. T'le funeral serv7ice wýas conducted by Reverend Mer- riul Ferguson, Pastoral assist- ant at Kingisvi'ew, United Cburcb, Oshawa, on Thurs- The Catnadian $StatesýnTaii, Bowmailvîfle, September 12,1.971 19 k It'11i therest of e People buy complete sets of Funk & -Wagnalls hentcyclopedias for lots ofreasons. But the numnber one reason is Volume 1, With Funk &,WagnalLs, you can pick up the first volume for just 49e, and let it convmnce you to buy the rest ofthe set, a volume or two a ýweek. You don't buy a fai set ail at once, so we nùake every Volume good enougli to keep you comin back for more. The Funk & WagnalIls New Encyclopedia contains 183 900indexed subjects. It has over 7,000 illustrations -ncludingr a fuI-color World Atlas. It's bound in sturdy, elegaut covers. Funk & Wagnalls publies annual yearbooks to keep it that way. And it's written in clear, siple Englsh. (The Funk -& Wagnals isa family encyclopedia, designed to help students, flot stumn-p them.) Read what Saturday Review say s about the Funk & Wagnalls NewEncyclopedia: ",Can agoodencyclopedia be bougzht in a s;ïperiarket?Decidledly,, if it 's t/heia ndy-sized Funk & Wagnalpuj lsNew éuEtncyclopedia, edited byJosephf L.AMorsecaid1Wil'iaiti H. Hendelson. T/w articles co eratrndurangeofsbjctsropeisorytla M"eir, or art, space biQgyand t/e Northern IrelanddisordIers.T/caitofhte-wienbabteyf leaders in thieir resp)eiviefieldis--amiii wner flutrtin m a(more t/an seven t/iousand) are rernairkable ach ievements, epcal /nyucnie / agipie Decemtber, 1972 On e thin g y ou d on't g e t wi,,t h Funk & Wîa niaIUs is a s ales man-. It's sold direct to you through supermarkets. Antd no salesmnah coud convince-you theway you can.conivince you.. Buy Volume 1 ofFunk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia now at our supermarkets. Invest 4W and checkit out. Instead ofinvesýting a lot in a set of encyclopedias soimeone says is terr ifiivetalteanddefo yourself. past two years, bie bad, previously resided at R. R. 3,ý poitypool. Emnployed for six .rio ',ls at Acme Pallet, Pon- typool, be operated tbe rip. saw. A memnber of Poxntypool United Cburcb, be is survived by bis parents, Jbrothens and ,l sisters Kenneth, Clifford, '%ýf James. Lynda (Mrs J, Slap- pedi~Bruce, Nancy (Mrs. B. Kelet) Ruby and Edwand. Tbe funeral was beld from Northcutt Elliott Funenai Hlomre on Tbursday, Septem- ber 6, witb Rev. W. Oake officiating. Pai bearers were Donald Cocbrane, -Richard Rusk, David Woolner, Alec Bowen, Ab McPbail and Joe Fielding. 14'"~n was in Orono ( - ry.

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