'Pihe Canadian Statesman, Bowrnnvil.le, Septemnber 2, 1973 Provinàl Cur Septembher 11,ý 197'. Judge Runcimnan presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney K. Stubington and duty counlsel K. Van Nest. Robert Sowdeni, 30, Eagle Lake, Ont., pleaded "not guilt t tree charges. Hie waIIs charged Nov. 27, 1972 wi th aýssaulting Canst. Chalmers wbo had cone to assist Const. Legate whai was arresting another persan fllawiing a h)igh speed chase which endea(, inonrth Orono. Sowden was told ta go and sit in the cruiser aind Const. Chalmners was bit ini the chest. There was an odor oý ialcohaol on Sowden's breath. Sawden, in giving e'vidence, said he was vr Irunik. Counsel D). Barbe'r suLggeste-d he had to uch ta drink f0 knaw be was asut ing a police officer-. Judge RuLncîman remar-ked he knew he was dealing with a police officer when he used ani oblsce'ne rear. e was louild "gulilty"ý as char-ged. Th'le Judge said "he takes ia dlin view of anyonle who assaults a police offiucer when they are there ta protect the, public as a whoie not anl ndvua.A heavy fine imight help ta serve justice. It Was $200 and casts, in default 20 dlay*\S. On Jan. 27 last Sowden ,vas Car Wash (Fr om PageOGne) Canadlian Tire parking lot." McTavish said the club hopes ta raise $50 from- the car wash. The profiýs will go tawards buying books for the Bowmanville Public Library. The Rotarians wîill be going dioorý-to-door tbis week, selling 0we $2 car wýash tickets whIeh will, of course, also be available on Saturday. H1e added tfiat the club mem-bers will be doniling "silly costumi- es" for the event. It ,vill probably bc warth the $2 just ta see Dr. Rundle, for exam- pie, dressed up in a pair of mis-matched rubber boots and dliape1rs, or whatever his costumne will be. The Rotarianls expect ta get help from local high school students and mem-bers af tbe local Boy Scout troap for the w,ýashing.l The whole affair gets under- wvay at 9:00 arn. on Saturday and rûns thraugh unitl 5:00 p.mni abserved by Const. Nîrngon on c.ounty raad 72 wbo later stopped hirm in front of Queen's Hlotel, Newcastle. He could smnell liquor on his breafbh, ,sýpeech wvasabora and wben atf the defachierit was quite duk Tests were .24 and .24 per cent. On this Orono Fuir (Fromr Page One) C..ater, 17, of Leskard. 'l'le evening aiso featured a pull-j ing eent ith tams f hases demonstraiting their power. Murray Clifford of Norwood won flicevent. On Friday, school cildren tram fthc are'a staged a great parade, complete with decar- ated bicycles, floats;, pets and costuimes with sev-eraI und- ted yougsfers participating. While aIl this wýas gaing on1, fair visitors were npetn the manyý displayvs and exhib- ifs ini the building and watch- ing the, denonstration of Engiishý jumiping horses as w'ell ajs ithe cattile show, the 4-H1 Club )Day1 andil aI 1safiCt y dleron1sty'a1ion. Jin the c een ing, there wýere horse races. On1 Saturday, t~ewas ano(ther iýparade ti start tle dayý's events, followed bvthe opening ceremoinies, wýifh Presidlent E. R. Lovekin weicomingiic the large crowd. Competifions followcd in flhc light and heay orse show, catle, rabbits and poultry. On band for the affernooni wa S Allan La wrence, M.ýP. A diance1 at Newcastle Conmiuni ty1HaIll wound uip thefreda fair, (From Page Une) ed do-wn the arbitration re- part, stated '"lt is the decision of the Board that sufficient justificatian lbas not been shown ta introduceihtbse (rank)',changes," The police had also request-r cd that twa m nen be assigncd ta police cruisers at ailtines but Mfclvcr's judgmcnt was thaf "the Cvidcnce -. . does flot warrant an order bcing made direcfing that police cars be rnanned lby twa mcaj." "I do) not b-eieve," catin- ued the judgrncnt, -théenr- forcernent of lawx in flic Town of Bownanville is that diffi- cult that two rnen are requircd in police cars.' The arbitrat ioni was pre- scnted alt the nd~mbr701 meeting 50 Years of Commuriity Service 1921497 ROT ARY CAR WAS3H SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 - 9:00 - 5:00 Mýjain Wash BANK 0F MNONTREAL OvrlwCANADIAN TIRE ST'ORE Proceeds to Purchase $2.00 Bowmanville Library per Books Car Tickets available from Rotary Members DURHAIM PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOC. at the residence of MNr. anid Mrs. Wm. J. Bragg R. R. 4, Bowmnanville .Saturdày, Sept. l5th 19738:0p.mn . PURPO SE: Election of Delegates to Provincial Leadership Convention and other Businiess. For Further Information Contact: AlIan Beer, Presidenit - 705-277-2108 WY. Kapeling, Sec.-Treas- 70-5-277-2927 Frthe F ashion[, ,STOP IN AT THE Kut'n'KurI BEAUTY .SHOP FOR ALI, YOUR JIAIR NEE DS« If air pieces and wigs - also cleanlng and styling service. 'Jhere are five of us to serve you WENDY - LENORE SUE JOAN and nýow introducing ROSEMARIE STAINTON (Part-time- Thurs., Fri and Sat.) For Apoiment Cali 623-5019 or stop at 71 Kig St, East ch~arge 01 imnpaný mentl ne was fined $ý200 and costs, in default '20 days consecutive. F'or failing ta show proof of vehicle iinsurance he was found "guil- ty" and the fine was Oand costs, in dlefault live days. Hle was given ta(, Novemnber 30(ita pay the fines. Acclamations (Fromi Page One) Mlayor, anc, Regional Cauncil- lot and anc, Local Couincilior- at-Large will lie electcd Iby a v-ote of al! the electors inth newrniiaty In addition, thIe area bas been divided inita four wards, ance ach for fthe Townships of Cartwright, Scui- gag' and Reacb and the village of Port Ferryv. Eacb ward wili elect anc Local Council mcmi- Cartwr4it Counicillor Don Fr' ý as thle only candidate in Ward Four (Cartxvrig11t Township) ta s;eek týhe Local Counicil seat. Hence, lbewiis by acclamation. Aiso elected by acclamnationI are Reach Txvp. Cauncillor Neil Hunter as thie Localj Counicil miember for W\,ard One (Reach Twp.) and Scuigog Twýp. Councillor Jerry; Taylor as the 1Lacal(Counrc'illor f or WKard Tliree ÇScuigog T'wp.). Ho0wever, in Wr Two, the village of Port Fecrry, it's quite a different stary as fourý persons arece)contestinig the Local Counicil seat. The four candidates in Part l'crr-\,are Chaties Brignal Sr., 'Mrs. Georgia Brendon and fwa miembers of the village Cýoun-_ cil, Robert Brinkman and Grant MDrot M~ayvor's Election Twýo mcen seeking the top JOb) in Scugog. The( present Reeve of CartwrightTwn ship, Lawrence Malcolm, b1as been joined byJerJak man, a farmer nmember otflihc Port Ferry Coucil, in the( election ftor- th Mayor of the ne-w m unici paility. Regionaii Cou0tncil A pair of Reeves and anc Cauncillor are bidding for the 10ac Re(gianaýilCauncil spot in Scugog. Reacb Rpeeve Artblur Carton will dIo baffe witli Scugog Reeve Hl. Clifton rweland Reg. Rose, a Port Perry Couticiliar, for thie righit ta represent Scuigag on1flic Regional Cucl Local onilraiag Four men baecntered the frayv ta sec wvho will represent the entire.rnunicipality on the Local Council Two of the candidates crenl hold clected office -Crwih Deputy-Rccve Vernon Aýssel- Robert Kenny. They- will lie joined by Wiiliarn Brock andi port p.erty -resident Jamets Baird,. B'rock is the Président of flie Cartwrigbt, Port Perry, Reaicl and Scug-og H1-fstorical Soc ict',y, Solution (From Page One) outtal structure and flien tflic ovcrlow ilifind its wýay ta the creek. According ta anc source, no more than the normal arnountl of star-m run)-off wý.ill cross the Scbwýarz property la cn ither case. The Scwr ,liow- ever, bave argued that a drainage swaii would cut off flic iower part of their, farrjn aInd impede their cattle. The lawyver for flie developer lias staýted fliat $5,ooo was affered f'or the casernent in addition to, providing free services, suai as sewvers and bydro, for properfy whichl the Scliwarz's hope ta devclap. The Schwarz famiiy is allegcdly holding ouf for a g-uaranfce thatf-buildJing permits Wili be îssued for this property. Watt ernplasîzed that flie subm-erged ouffail structure is Gnly, à tcrnporary solution ta the'situation. Buiiding peurmîts will not be granted ta the developer for approxîratcly 20 bor1nes whicb arc pianned in the immoidiafe vicinity for approxina tcly 20 borin es whichi are pianned in the immediate vicinity of filic subnerged structure beause it would inferfere withl he normnal wccping file drainage condition ta the Oshawa Gen- e-rai sbortly,ý af fer adm,-ission ta BMWIF. Reports 'indicafe she will probably lbc reieascd oan Thursday, Septcrnber 13tb. OPP-Constable E. J. Jer.ýctt jnvestigated fthc accident , by Clarke Deputy,-Reeve Ent- wisle, a granite merchatit frorn Newtonville, and, Clarke Township Counicillor Robert C. Chater, a faurmer fromn R. R. 2, Oronlo Groduates 1. r( tJ Tn Mi-1ss Linda Downes, Reg, N 01 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ml Allin Downes, R.R. 1. Orona, If graduated fromn St. Jose-ph's fi: School of Nursing on Julytiil 27,1973 :iShiis now on Ille staff ig] of Mem-orial Hospital. ,v C0 aesAdu ci>n cFrom Page One) iwre most gratetujfl tote exhiibitors for t'heir ent1ries in i thissetond spcay apreiae hegenerous supp-1 ort ofteautner and the( folwnbuycrs: Mrs. Thos. CoaGarnetRckrDoug FergsonJohn Rcad Ganmble and Rogers, Wm- M1osle, Arniold Wotton, Elm*er Hjuggins, Chas. Reid, Wm'n Slater, ILawrenulce Hooey, Har-s vey P)artner, SturrocwA ct ing, Stv iptay., and Wearn Texaco E lection ( From Page One) The new town of Newcastie will send a Mayor ndtre Regionll'l Couincillors, one iram eaých of,1thre wards, ta theu Rein Counicil. Inn addition, each Waird will eleet aneLocl ounillr.Ward 0ne consists of the presenti Town tship of D)arlington, Wa:ýrd Two is comiprîsed Iof the tawn of Bowmnanvýille,while UIl village ol Newcaustle plus Clarke Township miake up Waird Three. MWard Une Threueie will be vyînig for the eginalCounlcil seat in WardcOne.Alex Malttheuws, of RR.3, Bwma miile ho lists blis occupa tion as "man- ager ' wiliibe runnling against Bruce Tink and Nash R1oad reien1. Douglas Cook for the( right tao represent Darling- ton~ on the Re Igion;aiCounicil. Dar'lington Counicillor A. D. "Don" Wear'n of WIearn's Texaco from Ham11ipton is runnling againSt Jamles W Robinson, a Real Estate Conisultant tram 1R. R.4 Counicil seat in Ward Onle VarM Tuwo With Don An wnig de Locali Counicil seat, by accia- ,m-ation thle onfly race in the( Bowmanille ard wili be ta sec, who represenits Iltowýn as al Regionail Counlcillor. MIayor Jvan Halbbs is lbeing opposed by Depuly-Reeve MauriceProut intsiectmin Thle lack of aniatsin Ward Twýo is a mlajor disap- poiflnterrf for thlose mwha0like( botly conteste'd elections. Sev- cral people mw11 were kno-wn 1ta be canisideýring running, ap- parently decided not ta give if a go, althaugh sorne of these potentiai Candidates vwenf as far as tairig ouf nominatin papers. One such persan w1ýas former Reueve Bob Dykstra, ,who said that business and famîily canitrnents, as well as Illc uncertainty about the am-oLunt of fime required by thie nlew positions, rnade bimr didtastay out If appears bis re4ans fornat running are Water Skoiing Fails on Lake Scugog Sus pected ln Death of Oshawa Mon iffon ta deal with inii negotiat- tg a collctie agremen" This rnay sounid surprising, arOÉning fromi a top mianage- ient executive, but be ex- piained it's rnuch easier ta *ound ouf ai gre-ieit when ýcornpany's ernploy-ees are represencted by a union 'who re farniar wih your indus- Iry and the problemns involved in thaf industry." Collective agreerneînts are ery legalistie documents, Wilson indica(ed, and dealiing .'itb a union that is farniiar aith the procredures and ferijnology, elimnatdes rnany âeadaches. 11e stresed t(hat "!tie lanl gei a collectie agree- ment rnust be precise. You ave ta strive, and strive to nake the woring as car as possile and elîminat ambig- AI ike ta take the finl idraf )ut ta a foremian or ane of the iarkes and get bimta read it. fl lie ostund(er-stand if, Jrin its almnosta. cer-tainty riat wc'll contýinuagliy be into rievanlce poeue. (ETS UNDURN AY JuveileandMidget hoc-k- ey tinis fheld a imass practice at the aren1a Last nlighit ith several nex.ý playerS on the ice bo ilii gvi the cacsa good crop to choose fron. This Friday inibt, public sýkating wI pnfor.the season. so get thase blades ouf and join the crowdà Thçý ice appears ta be, in good( Shape. Beath Suggests $5,0O0 for, Reg'l Council Duties appointed Chiairmap ofthe1 "Dra~ Region, suggestedi iast week that regionia cauni- cillos should be paid in the fels theil remin lde r of theli lr sa l arieýSI should(!be ecollect ed tfrom 1I te loca1Il leel., He pa iniled filat1 ifta tandidae expet tae paid a saayof $15000 'liesould plnon getihng the dIierence -ram thelocal imunlicipl)i Soehat surprisingly , Be-ath alsaîd ihe'expects the regionial couillot"illor be more1\no!ýivedon a 1local level FTins isnj't an off-theu-cuft recommiendaýtion," added fthe re'gionai Chairmnanl. He said hei bas" invýeStigated thflaarie's paid ta) the Co ni mmbers in h ia( ýgaraan Wtelo A 22-yeaïr-)ld Osha ar died fromi brain clamage in TootsWesternl Hospital on Sundi(ay.September 9th and police suspect the injuries resulted firom isorine water skliing fils on LkeScugog aZ The Statesmnan learned this Weudnesday imorning that a graup of local busineSssmeni ane panIIning fa purchase land for, a se'-conId lmajor par-king lot infiM enr tc of town.i The spokesman for the group, wlio prefers ta remnainanopnous unltil th-e deal is comipl-ted, saiid the parking lot will accamodae rogbly70 cars :Ind ýiIll le lcfdnear flic dawn-tawnCMaaa reek earler,ý Kenneth R. Allisoni, 22-year- old father of two cildrein. had been water skiing from Cart- wrght Park, near Caesarea, Mitb bs brother and a frind I rom Rl. R. 1, Blackstack, on Suinday', Septemnber 2nd. He1c hiad faýllen off the skis a couiple olf times but did flot complain of any pain at the timie. Hiowever, he told bis friends heu had a headache and shoGrtly ata rdmsm wnt into convu- sions. He was rushed ta Port Perry Hoýspital and transfer- red Ahortly afterwards ta Toronto Western Hospital, wýhere he succu(,unbed ta bis injuries a week later. Policeemha zd hat they ;1re niot yet certain of the cailled i on thewcase until a coroners post mortem report ree ledtat the deth ad resulted frmi brain danage. OPP Constabhle DugKazak Isl mv igat ingth tagd C.anadars fastest growing muff 1er chai n c IO PETE'S ESSO SERVICE 72 Scugog St. - Bowmainville Peter Vondlerveer knowvs the muffler business. He'i custom bend the right exhaust pipe for your car or truck so you'Il neyer have to corne back because of parts flot in stock. He knows the importance of customier satisfaction and to keep youmighty happy he'lJ give you a muffler guarantee in writing that's good for as long as you own the car. e muffler insopection -GRAND ÔPENING SPECIAL No Labour Charge on I~aIto Fri- Sept. 1 4th to Sat., Sept. 22nd Appoinitmteitsi-necessarv to take advantage of this Special. 623-715'1 Alinstallations carry complete warranty as long as you own the car. R otary Club trucksm.as fICdl IuVoIiY ,u tr parts 1(From Page One) .IAI ' lWv& *jUa Wilson naw directs a labor WI e n l ju ,-"> force of close ta 100 people. Wilson began bis career as an apprenticn clectrician witli Sf. Marys nany years ago", at the planf ia St. Mlarys, Ontario. His subsequcat ex- pericace -wifh several othier firrns, in Canada and flic United States, lias gliven him plcaty of experience witbthei collective bargainiag sysfcm, Prefers Unions- Executive Offices - "FIve been invoived wifh Warehouse -Training School, buùsines-ýenterprises bath witl 78 Martin Ross-Ave., Downsview, Ontario anld wifbouf unionýis," said Wilson, "and I mucli prefer Telephone 661-0161 flic situation where fliere is a AI 9EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL SPECIALISTS SI 0,1, lýl M, iN DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFIEMNMAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA BUîtILDING OSAACENTRE - OH PARTNERS: CORDON f' SEDGEWICK, C.,A BURT R. WATERS, F.C.A. PHONE 728-7527 CIGARETTlE SPECIAL ALL POPULAR BRANOS Carton of 249 LMITED QUANTITIES, ONL'Y -,(0 CAIIRTONS AT SPECIAL PRICE ÀAMBER VARIETY (FORMIERLY BRýYSON'S) 3KigSt. W. - Bowmnanville