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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 6

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6Thie Canadian Staitesman, 3omanviile, Septemher 12, 1973 This Lad Is ReaIIy Enjoying Life counterparts but oncýe theiiy've bceen used mojre ta once thcy're Savin-g monylfe U compauy ýand 1m-oreimet anitly, thcy aren"t contributiing to the garbage problcm. Pinito told the Rotarians tbIlat Plastic and stuee re1jueabl containers are practicai fo smnall businesse2s too and he urged his fellow c1lub nmemb- ers to ask him for assac anid information if thieir opel- ations could kiuiel Main 1Probleinl A1'ercy Craipper pointed eut, it is tlie carelcssncss, laziness and indifference of individuails that is responsible for the bulk of our pollution. Y'oun ay have to sacrifice a littie time, mnyor conven- lence, but these sacrifces must be made before it is ton Cate. Do you realfly want to leave, as your persenal mark ou this planet. 60io ns of garbage9, IpOther .Rotar1j' Affairs: exWalters was presented an atteudance pito comminem- orae 2v yars Awout missing a mieeing. Atedance car man Jack Terpstra c5ealcltd thiat silice joining th club nin April, 1952., Walters bas attendfed 1,,142 mieetings in] a row. QuIte a record. officer, wbo enforce the litter Chamber Ur'r 1 Chombr Ures Action "lot' haveabyaw"si Dykstra, "care simpiy askin1gCocl to instru-lct he To F " h L 5-te ro b e nipolice o enfore it. We realize itsimpssileto catch ecy A delegation fromi the Bo- jointly sponsored by council strno just King Street." A fte ite issue had been, mnanville Charnber Of Com- and the busiesysn's asso- The subject of the town's discssdfor a haU an hour, mnerce headed by President ciation. w ý,as avcae to sce stree sweper c(amne up for Counicillor Norm A1,liisoin mový- RAlph Whyteand 1Bo by U ifthe people can be covviinccondral disusio and cta acomm-ittee of three stra, appeared before Bow%- not te litter. Dykl str wntd to know if it council mnemrsjpus tho manville Town Council on Councillor Allun c etdcould flot be used on Suudays clerk aid the town engineer, TedySeptemibcr 4th, to ta such ai campaign would to cean up the rmess lâef e frmed to investigate the spec if something can bcdeocpbay be a orh ildui te wekendsý. problcmi and rnake cm to dlean up Bomnvlcvnture. and that thie schools Lastly, the Chamrber of mnd tos totheext counIcil particulariy the mrain street coulId probably be conivinced Commrerce report requested mieeting. The motion wvas The Chamber haid prepared to join in, possib]ly tbrough a thAt consderation be given passed and Mayor Hlobbs a reportWtoCouncil suggesting poster contest. Rý'eeve Jimi Bell to instuctig the bya, appoitcd AUlison plus Coun- a numnber of w-ays to approach addMtat it sceems to be the enforcement officer to enforce closAu and Tbrasher to the problcm- of litWtr on young people who. do miost of the anti-litter b-a vigor- surero the ceinmittee. Bowauile~ stees.Anthe Iittering. ousiy." * educational cami-paeIgn i to b The Chambher also feit a A copy Offithe ba was ayuee îo Ted auntol tUeclu tiaturvcy to determine the num- mail and it was noted that the TedâWnWd heclu berx and location of trash cans fine for a first littering offenceof ec plans are definitely goinig ne cdd ould bu a valuabie is not less than $10 and nt aadfor ani international itil& recentlY, the tooth uas yoh echng.A tuet eaFormer Reeve Dykstra nmrdtan $50. Second offend blcc ob iatv.Btb fromt Southa .Afria wil bcvas asked if Uc felt ie theu ewrs are hable to fines up to appîing e h iqu ctve Lop-b rriving inf\Bowmanvlll e garbage containers providfed s$300. ipi1 ecnqedvlp arnay,194ani wîsayn ydeveloper Mario Veltri Councîllor AMfin commnentedcd fý or studyinhg f]uid nmove- Canaa fo a yar, n rcurnwere not sufificient,. He re- tbat the litter byiaws mn nMjrogn nba the Rotariaus mvili e sendhing ,plied. "personally, I'm not hard thing to enforce'-. but tUe icvdeMatdenal inidt twe students frmtMis area te!coniend theaeacnough.-IDystr acnteredthat "een i n osre that denpta fni soih\lic nxtseThe r.'fwentrantc and extof Heif only one person per wekdi mx fomtU enpptie tin SuhAfic en eptmbr. cwhigb schôol mas pointed wer cauhtit 1might be hnesi hednîet U Rotaians that the lub %iol be ont as an example of an area eniough te ee others." Theiwelund that a slowd>(own" holding a car wash hin th near that would benefit fromi trash Coucil ,vas informed by ntivfudmveet auscd futrewihUeprcedsgoýing cnanes-The Camber is lcrk-Administrator Joe b ihsgrdemyb to buy more books for the concerned WhbtUe mimo f u1cIlro)that it i tUe police 1 Idctocith 1naî ', lu lbraý ý î1c od yp it ceipsw vn«c1anýilecuax de\eloning. The high sugar diet is sýaid to disturbý hoûrmnonlebalancre, and wi,Ï-e the so on.of this internal fluid , ltintecth are more TUie dentail researchers fouind tba eltytethi with a norm-Ialfiow iare invulinerable to0 decayI-cau]sig bacteria thalt arc ýiaays ounid in the mouth. ThUe sievtist-s have founid chemicaiilXways of stýimuiating tU cfo ,o this dental flnlid, whih ay some day bre one mcbd of prevcnt*ing decay.- USPARTNER ORONO 983 5206 ESSO HO'ME HIEAT SERUVICE This happy younig fellow is Duane Gary Elford Adams who passed his first birthdiay on July 2th. He is the son of Blaine and Barbara Adamis (nee Browes) of Bow.manville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Church Street, and Mr. and IMrs. E. J. Browes, Division Street, Bowmanlville. Photo by Astor T'our Legacy iîB 60 Tons of Garbogeàf In Tour Lit etime The next tîme you put your, garbage out, s to to think abiout onle appaling statistic. At thie rate yol""e going, you *and very ember of your, Ia1nily will produce 6;0 tons o garbage in your ifetime.o' The sad part about al t1his rnost pcpet inklhere isa every indjividual can make t4à o Ï-dcNg hestaggecrin-g arn- ounti of waste he, or she n roduces. Thel' average citizeon bowever stili sems o ing tIo the ideia that it is thle govcrtimiit's rcsýponsibility to solve the pollution problemi. The BwavleRotary Club devoted their August 30th meeting to the problemn of Pollution and Roctarians Plerc Crapper land Joe Pinto offered. several conlcrete Suggestions to help individuals reduce their owýn personial 'waste. ,lit. s sm a matter of learning to deean upatr ourselves," said Rotarian Te automobile is st'ili responsible for 60 per cet of urban air polflution. You, as ain indiyidual, can fhelp fighit the problem by driving less. Wailk to work ,if possible, formn a car pool with yNour nleighbors or f(cllow moye, take public transit if lits available or, better yet, ride a bi-)cycle. Miake SreCar If you absolutely have to drive a car, miake Sure it's always wl tunedl. The mîore efficiently'\ your enginle runls, thet less it pollutes. And the next time \you buyý a car. iiTHIEN HE KISSED rME!" liar a e. Sa fegllilrd youir ln- v- itine i n t ihadevquate ïilnsur- ail e frofi th Jav esL i nwsu ance .Xenc, Liniited. ialmes InsurmioE 24 K ng E. , Box 100 Ofie6213.. serlously conside'r sacriticmng1 that gas-eating Status symbol for, somnething smaliler- and more econlomlical. lu more geucrall termis, support ani-polilion camip aiguis, both in the scihoo'ls and in goverument. If he sudy of pollutionï is cnuconraged in the schlools our children wýill be able to act more epnii and iess wastelLy than th-e present generatien. Despite recentgvem t moves, our rixers and lakes1 are still being polluted at a frightening rate, Rotarian Crapper idctd The city, of Montreal, for cexample, dîumps 500 million gallons of sewage into ii.s;surrouinding water- ways every-, day. A staggering 96 per cent of that wvaste is uutreated. A SdsS1vrXVud ep You , an mnake a contribui- tion te cleaner water. U'se, a low phosphate detergeut ilu your ,washing andinetge the purchase of asusavg attacment or tUewasit machine. Theýse devitces are now ou tUie market and l'ot onfly do tbey cnt dowvnon tho amnount of soap reqnired but they also reduce tUe amount cf hot waterned. Househo)ld garbhage is a major contributor tete overaîl polution problem. Modern socicties are simpIý runniug ont Mf wayvs and places to dinpoe fail the garbage proueced. Just ask anyone lu Hope Township how serious the problcm of urban garbsage bas becme. We have become a thow - amway seciety. AMl too m-any of the -,codis and the containers we purchase just aren't desigied to last rrte0De re-usedf. Canadians care2lcssly discard everything fromn beex- cans te haîf a mýilion tons of old ca!rs every yýear.t is a sadi commnent ou our sccywhenl govero!mnent ba,,s te legis;iate to One of thesgesin oficred hby teRtran a. that ye shuldneyevuy, neni-returnable ettle or otbý er continer(,s. if yen stop anà tikaotit, i'sa scnseleuSS waýste cf 'atiuable resources and an uuuccded addition te yenr own persoual pile of garbage. Do't bny yonr milk in Ca-rdboard cartons, for example, purchase the returu able lass or plastic bottles. Paper is eue product ,vhich can bu readiiy recy cied.ý Don't threw this espprinte!lUe garbage once yoé ve fiished reading it, I-ecep it, separatie from tUeiestof your garbagie and give ail yolir waste papers tfe Ue oy SIStthle nXt time(- they have a paper drive. Unless you Live in an apartmnt, a compost heap in the hcyr is a good idea for yens organic garbage. 1t011 maýike great fertiiizer nx sprig toc. Used clothing,, regardless cof what shape t ýîis lu, can Dlrobably vbe used by someone isc. Rather than throing away your obd garments, give te Salvatiion Amor some( other charitable erganizatin, a caîl and thy'1 e glad to take care of y'onr discards. Wiasefnlly Packageti Iu a short filmn screened(.t tUe Retary meeting, it was pointed eut th a may eftUe produects you buýynin the stores are excessively anid vt- f uily packaged. One. -srall way you can belp beat this 'packaging polluion' Ps not to take a paper bag every tie you1 maýke ,a prhsespec- ially if there are, oly one or two arties involed. Do you really nced at paper bag to carry the cardbtoard 'box wihcontains th~e plastic tube wicb h1-olds your toh nedthe paper bag if thie tootbipaste is alyoui're bury- ing. Rlotarian Joe Plinto revealed thiat General Motors have discoered that the tonts of disposaible caridboard shipp- ing containers, that corne irnto their factories really aren't ncsayor economical, G. M. is now beginning to use sip ),back plastic car-tons whicb can be uiscd over and overî,agi. The plastic cont- a .mers may cost twice as mnuch to byas, their cardboard Businass Directory Accoun ta nc WvM. J. Ml COGGINS Chartered Accoutant 115 Liberty Street Sotuth Bowmnaville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 3 Kingr St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 C h i rop r acti c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropracor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horseýy Street Phonie 623-5501, Office 1Hours: By appoÏntmnent D.D.S. ,6 Frank St, Bowrnanville (nea-r Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.rn to 9 pi. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR,. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222, King Streert East Pro)fessao11al Bldg Office lUours: W4,eekdayr - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If buasy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. - Bowinanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephione 623-734 DR. W. M. RUDELLý, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bownavillc Office Hours: Mon..Vue., ad Turs 90ti5 WVednesday 9 tii2 Friday 9tHi Not oen Saturda or Sunday OfficePJoe6-79 "IGA SPECIAL" E D.SMITH Garden Cock&tail 3 28-FL Masedotaoe99e IGA Corn ~23c Cake Mixes 45OX c KiTTY PAN Cat Litter B(,79 C J-Cloth Towels '59c Sani-Flush ,L49 c (IG OATSPCAUCE "IGA S PECIAL ALENS ASSORtEDFLVO Drnk Pork Loin Roasts j <3-LB. AVERAGE) I iB PORTION TENDERLOIN PORTION CENTRE- CUI MEATY LON,, 1 SIDE PORK CHDPS SIE29LB SPARE RIBS $1si .9 r FTPRE!l;MIUM EADY TO SERVE HAM ONE IN SMO GKED HA HýAL CRYOVAC iPNDLESS TABLERITE SIDE BACON L VEN ROAST CORNED BEEF AV si .29L8ý 9i TROPICAL TREAT Dole BRDCi01OA iADE w LB. LCIUSCAIPRNIA CANTALOu-UPES2 UMBO 89~ BACS TO S ýCI-IDOL TR.EA' DUISPAN A, NI PRODUi jC EOf '. R FF ýLIC0 SA i-1 c A 'ORANGES .. 2791 ý,,SryLJLAL ý3D\LB BARTIETI PEARS 3 BSu9 COOKING MNONS P1( 9 I'EIsK (-BIrAI' AI-lIETII Biscuits ~k~mnnn DRY NOBMAI GLAIBOL HEBRAL ESSENCE KG MEIUIIIpIDV OBOILY FLORIDA CONCENTRATED 6', -FL. Oz. TIN Eggo Waffles 2 S RIlON S GRAPE OR ORANGEF FBI Nectar Dairy Spread NEs ONSO Ca n dYWAFERS OR 85C 3- FL c aG9 CýLAIROL. HERBAL ESSENCE Creme RinseOPL IWITH CONDITIOBPROEN 89C IGA SPECIAL" Llight Tuna 'IGA SPECIAL" CANADA DRY (ASST'D FLAVORS) D rin'k s CASE 0F 24 x 10-FL. OZ, TIN M1 C NRS ICO6~ HUPYDUMPTY REGULAR z89rc Potato Chips <REO OR GREEN) TOOTH-PASTE 13BONUS P A CK C F 1î-OZ ETA PUSS N BOOTS NESCAFE INiSTANT CAT ASSORTED I-Z (OF EAR FVAR EES TN ECONOPACTREESWEET (UNSWETENEO> ECONPACFROM CONCENTRATE RED ROSE,(ONAÇ>FR UlIT LEOÛ4FA TEa B AOGs 79cJUICES 4AErUT9C Close-up 100Q ML71 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QIANTITIES AIL PRICES EFFECTIVE WVEO TO SAT , SEPT 12, 13, 14, 15 IGA SPECIAL" POWDERED Sunlight Detergent r IGA SEIL KELLOGG'S Rice BKrjospïies [ 7-Lz.5c BOX h- 11eedo 1emoih d,) ou n,,,.r'nmOre m:onth 1eh iman moneyn The a nsver, Ma'y depnd B hw wllyou lan your fond bud gel i omi h rjke Ihn 'iýlld lood dolar m-on'elst Weihunk :good planin, wsd hopping. propr slrageand Uihe rîgîd conirol ol aseaeail ways 0,f nrasnthepurw chsgpwer cf your srnigdo)ll Il you'dcl ,lre 10have oredlaIDrle me, for a lre-e cop-y ol SHOP WISER . SHFi0 HADR -and sîr-tch your loo ddollr. Il 1 Illu iiiis, iim ili 1 1 1 ý ' Àdpmmm ý wWMMM%ý

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