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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1973, p. 7

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On September ioth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamieson cele- brated their 35th Weddinig Anniversary- by attending a dinner party planined by their family, Mr. and Mirs. Jon Mloore, Kedron, Air. andMrs. LarryJam-tiesoný, Oshawa, and M1r. and Mrs. Don Jamieson, Wvhiby. Mir. and Mrs. Normran Gilmore, Lfro, ave been isiting Mirs.W. A. Edger for a fwdays. "Norm" th genial barber where Sullys Shop is, nd Mrs. Giflmore left here 28 years ago. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtie, spent a pleasatholdayin Cýincininati, Ohio guest of bier son Ray and bis family. Ray returned mwith bh inmother and enjoy,,ed Last week, isiting relatives herefre return- ing 1to bis new bhone 6608 Mladira Huis Drive, Cincinn- ati, Ohio, 45243, U.S.A. The Women)'s- Hospital Aux- iliary began its Faîl season on) Priday afternoon Se-pt. 7tb. with a dessert lunicheon in the Hospital Library. Tbeu presi- dent, Mrs. T. Hl. Smnith, Newcstle preidedfor- tbe business meeting.Che of the main itemns of bsneswas imaking plans for the Oshawa Symphony C.oncert.MNr, Cox is planning a programn of ligbt classical m-usic, m-uch of whichshul be fam.ý-iliar to the public, wlIo, it is boped will look forward to this event with pleasure. The new gift shoDp is Lmtco-mpleted and hope- fully will be open for business next w-eek. The next Auxiliary meeting PiH be FA. Oct. 5 at 2 p.m in te Hospital Library. Do corne along and lend us your support. The ladies section of tbe Bowmanville Curling Club held an executive meeting on Wed. Sept. 5h. at the home of the president, Mrs. L. W. Dippel. H was decided Io open with a Fun Bonspiel of two P-end gamnes with lunch in between, on the firstTuesday of ladies curlinig. Two-day curlers w'ill curl Tfuesday and Thursday a'fternoons and one- day culers on Tuesday mnorn- ings. Rlodney Syer, son of Mir. and Mrs. Bert Syer bas returned to Waterloo -University after spending the summner mnonths at the Ontario Hydcro NuLj(.ear Plant, Pickerig. Mrs. Henry Shirk spenit the holiday w-,eekend in Orillia at ChrisHinReformned C>iurch Sýcug'ýog Street Phone 623-4824i Re%. Anthony Deager 10 a.1 Back to God Hour Dial 1:10 Radio Every Suntday 1:30 .n The essence of love is for m-anl to turnî bis heart itothe Beloved One, and sever himiself from ail else but G-,od, an-d desire naught save that whFich is the desire of bis Lord. B A H A"LLA H PHONE 623-3171 the home of Mvrs. Noela Belle.. A motor trip to the Trent Canal, St. George's Lake and Sparrow Lake ýwas \very rmucb enjoyed. Mrs Shirk was also very happy to know bier son bas' been 'moved from tble Stratford Dominion Bank to the Orillia branch as Asý_istant Manager. Mrs. Rý'. Ambrose,Osaa visited with ber niece, Ms Joyce Cooper, Coibourg. Mrs. Alice Dairling,(. Port, Credit visited ber rmother, Mrs.* Maude Dale, Sunset Lodge on Saturday . >Mr. and Mrs. M acCameron and Laurie Lions Heat visited Miss Margaret Perkins, Sun- set Lodge onSauay SMr. aind Mjrs. A. Rae, Markhami, were Sundlay visit- ors of Mis argaret Pe-rkins at Sunset Lodige. Mr. and Mrs. Geo?. Bowers, Nestleton were SatuLrday dinn- er guests of Mr.- and Mrs. Jim AbehMrs. A. W. Ha11rding and Mr. and Mrs. Wlfred Maindonald were in St. Catharines last weekend attending thewedd- ing of Mrs. Harding's grand- daughter Janet Elizabeth Symons, dauighter of MIr. and Mrs. Paufl Symmions to Mr. Brian Stephen Mlelvilile of St. Catharines atl onave United Cburch on Sept. 8. The reception following was held at the Social Hall of! Mount- ainview Chuirch. Miss Nanicy Goodwin bas returned to Lakebead Univer- sity, Tunrderbay tociregister for fourtb year suisin Physjca1 Education. Nancy spent tlle summtrer with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Goodwin, town. Mr. and Mrs. Gýeorge Stap- leton attended a Golden Wedd- ing Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Hloward Farrow in Port Hope on Sunday,. Miss Nanciiy Cnw1e accomp- anied ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cwle, andl sister Vicki, to Kingston last Sun- day. Nancy is comimencing first year studcies at Queen's University. Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes, F. Kropp, Toronto visited Mrs. Kropp's mnother, Mrs. Glen-, holme IHughie, ScuogSt.las! week. On Suinday, Mr. and Mrs. Kropp left for a one mionth's trip to Australia. Miss Janice Baldwin,' and bier friend Miss Lyn Summers, from London, England, hv returned home, after spending their hiolidays in Canada. Their last week was spent with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. Coomibes and other relatives in the surrounding district. MIr. Gary Crom bie, 0Oshawaý retuirned hlomle thi:s past week hiaving vacationed in thec British Isles and Westernl 1Euroi)pe. Mr. ad Mrs. W. Maindoni- ald wýere in M,\ississau,,gai on Sat. Sept. lst., attending tbe wedding o! Dr. 1James Kirk and Miss M.aureen Morgan, daughter oif Rev. T. A. Mlorgan and Mrs. Mlorgan, formerly of Bowmanville. For the second tîmine in a year, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comipanyjý of Canada, Limited, bas anounced an expansion o! its hose plant at Collingwood, Ontario. The_ newest extension, to be comip- leted by Ja,,nuary U975, wl cost $1.4 Million and aidd 17,C000 square feet of floor space. It will provide faclitiies to in- crease by 80 per cent producj-ý tion of wire-bra ided bose andi create 60 jobs. Thle preevious expansion, announiced in Oct- ober 1972 and vrulycomp- leted at a cost of $ý1.-5 million, bas inecased the factory's floor spance by 70,000 squaire feet and created 36 jobs. In 1962 work was commein- ced on the construction o! our Chr-istian Education Center. The building was completed in 1965 and dedicated the samne year. At the beýginniing of this year a further mnilestonle was reached when the, finial pay- ment was mnade covering the TRINUTY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th. - Mnse Jon Crookshanik - Music Director - rganfist SUNDAY, SPEBR 1 197 Il A.M. -- WORSHIP SERVICE Beginners and Kindergarten Sunday Schýool Classes a t usual time Nursery Care A Wa rm Welcome Awaits AIl Worshîppers St. Paulà's United Church Miister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Org1anist - Mfr. R. Metcalf, A. R. C.T., A. C. C.MN. PUBLIC WORSHIP Sermon "WHAT HAS GOD TO DO WITH THE IMEANING 0F LIFE" SENIOR (age 9 and over) register at 9:45 JUNIOR (ages 4-8) will attend first part of Church service w.,ith parents. Nursery care for pre-sehool children every Sunday. ENNISKI LLEN A t the Sundayý moring cburch service, the little MIessengers ando leader Mrs. Shirley ,Stinton attended for' the opening wrhi.Our minister's childreni's story illustrated a little boy's coi- dence in bis eartblyfaer Rey. L. Bigby bad a stirring message based on Jonab' sj commission !rom- God to save Nineveb. Our mijnister urged us to accept our responjsibili- ties and help othiers inevr way we can. Sunday, Sept. :3Oth will bave a special Baptismral Srie Parents wising pa cbildbap- tized pleaose contIact Bey. Bigby. Sunday Scbool session had at large atnac.Mrs. PRutb McGill led in the opening worsbip and conduoctedthe promotions. Some chan-ges weo-re mnade in the S.S. staff. Bea-utiful flowers adorned Jthe altar in miemory o! the lat.e Mrî. Normnan Wright. Ouar deep ymatyis ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. "-Bud" Mcarand famî1:, lyin the deatb of ,Mr. MNrsmoth- er, tÉle JlIte Mrs . W. McNair, o! Stoujf fville. Mywe mention ai peDrfect case co! "Do Tt Yusef.A handsomre ,yýoutb iJn our village was seizedl with a tri abdomi nal pain. Famiily, con- ditioýns w11ere unusulo as (1) bis parentls were at ftheir sme cottage (ophonle) several miiles ay (2) bis only sIIier (a nurse -was on'duty1atthe bospital weesbe is emiploy'%- ed, ý:3) HisptrnlgrandIparl- entsan mtrnlgad mothr wee aailale ut h lad didn't wýisb to aar'hemi so hec decidecd to drive to Memoirial Hospital al! b-, himiself on Sunday. On arrivai total building cost o! $48,00f), To miark tihis achievement. we aýre hoùlding a special "Burnig o! The tMrgage" Service on Suniday Septem ibei- l6tb. at .0 .. -aAwesn youi a hearty invitation to rejoice wvith uis. For this occasion the guiest speaker wwh be bRBy.John Romeni. Speciaq1zlimsic- will also be aI feature o! the Service. Mn. nd Mrs. Ian Tuviner and famly wl e eaving9 shortly for London wvlere he has receiv-ed a promotion wt Cbarterways. While we are sýorry to see thým 9go - we wish tbem all the bes!. The appointment o! thie Honorable Walter Lockhart Gordon as Chancellor o! Yori),k University iwas announced today by ,DÉr. Rober! M0. Miaclntosh, Chairman of the Board o! Governors. The new Chancellor will be formally installed in office a! the Atkinson College (York Uni- versity) Convocation on Sa!- urday, Septem ber 29 197:3. Mr. Gflloonsucceeds FodS. Chalmners who has served! as Chancellor since October, 1968, there be carefully parked bis car in the parkiýng lot to be in reç insfor bIis rtr oe After ad-mittance in Emrer- genc-y he wv'as eaindand the M.D,'sdiagpnosis was a andý advise to hv meit reov l1e signed bis s-ur- ery' permit and wetlo the operating room. On recovery; grandIparentsI in case they wondered wbere be was. lie was released in a few day1s and able to drive himself home, dene and sutper nrv.Now be is back to school at Dra M, a'nd (1rs.Dave Bothwell o! Bowmnanville; Mr. and Mrs. Bob) Sel'ick and Tammy, Oshiawa were guests a! Mvr. and Mrs. C7. Stainton'.. Mrs. E. Stainton is: visiting with Mr. and M àrs. Henry Carlson at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Georige Peth- ick, West ili, wrerecent visitors o! MIr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethickv. Mr. and Mrs. Allatn Werry and Jamnes were Friday even-_ ing guestý',s o! MIr. and Mrs. Alex M ýathiews and!aiy Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamnb, Baysvlle -Mr. and Mrs. Clffodutz, Fairview, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb and Lesley were Sunday, guests of Mr-ý. and-Mrs. Lorne LambÎ. Mrs. Tom Hockin and Clint, Elmsvale, is spending a !eIW (la *ys with ber parents MIr. and1( ýMrýs L. Stainton. Mrs.Nom Bradford,, Miss MargueritLe Wright,Osaa Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandierson, Columbus, were Friday een- ing supper guests o!f r.and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, MVr. Bert Werry, were Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry and fanily.* Mrs. Geo. Irwin was ,a, recent visitor o! M0i sses Louise and Marjorie Mclintosb, Wbitby. Mr. and Mrs. E. Holdstock, Norland; Miss Arvella Beck- ett, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beckett, Brian, Terry and Harvey, Miaple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb, R. R. 1, Bowmnanville, bad Sundiay supper atir.and Mrs. F. B3eckett's after a-ttenid- ingo Betbesda decorati ser- vice. The U.C.W. mceeîtg is postponed. to WVednesday, Sept. 26tb a!tbe home o! Mrs. Edgar Wright at 81:00 p.m. Mr-. anii Mrs. Harold Asbtlon attended Decoration Service at Bethesda on Sunday. Mr. S.' Kýýrsey, Hamptoni, dSna supp)er with- the Astoni's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Rekker, Newcatle; r. apid Mrs. Murray' Mar-sbaïl, Mfr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Miss Linda Avýery, attendled the Wilsn-Kulmanweddinig in Watlý,oo on Saturdayý and spent the weekend Wi rela- tives >at',Londfon andWaroo Mrs. Wmn.Corae Mr. and Mirs. HnyMercer, Orono, were Sunday evening dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue and girs. Mliss Lindia Avery accomn- panied Mliss Katby \Vice and Mliss Nanlcy Knox to London on Mnl!iday where they are commcencing cla-sses a!t West- ero i eriy Mr. and Mrws. George lrwin weSudaysuIpper", gueStS O! Mb. and Mrsa. Dan Jackman, Gra! ton. Mir. aînd 'Mrs. Fred ]igionî, Mir. and Airs. Jim- Lee, Scarbor-ougb MrAb. and NMys. E. A. Wýerry, wreSunday-;guesîs o!f Mr. and1 MrS. G. Werr-y. Mr. Johin Bele, wo is atteninig scbool in Toronto, carpentering is bis trade, spent thie wee(kend xîhMr'. and Mirs. 1WGriftin. Citizenls ! omalileand district wre sbck!)tolearn1- o! the sudden passing o! Jack Cidaged 49), a prominent businessman o ofcwjmanvýi lie for, 13 yar, n Wded August I15,1973 at bis lhome. Born and eduIcated in Bow'- aviethesofo!the late Mrli. and Mrs. 'Joe Ch1lds,' he wsmarricd July 0195t 'Mý'ain Malanuk. self- emriployed, lie owýned and storeChi'sLadiesWer During Wold WrIf he sevdin the Royal Canadian Navy ý. lHe wals a1)member o!f st. John's Anglican hurh.Sur'- vivin besdes is mwi!e is fa dlaughter imwo sses Grace(Mrs.G. Terbuu), Mary, (Mlrý. AM. Mc-Kigbt) and a brother Donald. ese bis parents.,he,.,was also) predeceasedi by a brothier, Joseph. The funeral wa_ýs held on- Friday, Augus! l7tb !rom the Murris Funeral Chapel with Rey\ T. CGraci(, oficiating, Mrs. A'lbert Cl presided at tce organ. Pll-bsearers were Messrs. L. Parker, J. C. McKnight, N. Hodgson, J. Clark, G.ý Terbunecý and 'M. McKnigb-t. Man, beauti ul filoral1 tokens attested (o the estceem in whwh the deceased w tas beld, a'lmonig xichwee ofern !rom theRoalCanadiani Legion,ý the Wýest End Mercb- aInts and the Chamber o!l Commnerec Intermencrt ws nBwman- villeCemeer. MEýMORIAL HOSPITAL W'EKLYREPORT For the wýee2k of Sept.ý1 3-9 inclusive. Aîdmi'ssions ....,,... 5 Birts-lmle,2 female ,-.. Discharges..... .......63 Niajor Operationý. . .....8 Minor, Operatfions.....20 EmerencyTreament . î21 Vésting hours 3-8 p.m aily. On Sunday afternoon, the ball field at Zion (Mitchell's Corners) was the scene of somne unusual and hilarious basebal as the Zion Cuties took on a teami from Port Perry Lumnber to raise moniey for local community projects. The final score 01di't matter, it was whiat went on during the gamre that had tLhe large crowd in stitches. One of thie Cuties lost"h" wig as " shie" dove f'or a bail. Their fiýrst baseman "Sweetie" Rout broke her string of pearîs when. a bal slipped through her hands and sm-acked her in tne bust that almi-ost collapsed. These unidentified pictures wvill provide somne idea of the hi-jinks and the out-fits that were worn. Hîasn't that pitcher got, beautiful legs?! Team members for the Cuties were-: Caýtche-r Rosie Scott, Pitcher Bernice Huckster, lst Swoeetie Rout, la Baby Bisho-p, 2nid Viekie. Rout, ss Lulu Sally, 3rd Big Bertha Bell, rf Pau(,line Boynton, cf Cecilia Pensent, If Dianna Baird, alternates, Racquel Welch, Betsy MiýcKennra, Bubbles McKenna, MJavis Grant, Bey Cory, Viola Little, Rene Jeffery, Joyce Cook. No injuries were reported. The Canadian State-sman, Bowmanville, September 12, 1973 SALEM £Itelms qfnlterest Phonle 623-3303 Sunday for a two week visit with their sister and family, Mr, and MWrs. Russell Hedder- ley, Den-ver, Colorado, Mr, and Mrs. Stan Adamrs, Toronto, were Saturday sup-' per guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. Blackburn, The general meeting of the U.C.W. will be held at, St. Paul's on.Tuesday, Sept. lSth in the form of a pot luck supper. Our unit meeting will be beld atSalem rCbirch on Tues., Sept. 25th. Mrs. Bukd Walker, Toronto, wasý an ovýernight ýgurest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn last W,ýednesday night. She also visited with several other friends in, the community. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davies and family, South River. Mr. and Mrs. Doni Welsh and Tracey accompanied by ber brother and family,7 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Griffiths ,anid Dawn, Bermuda, lleft on Zion Cut les Take on Port Perry in Hilarlous Softball Gamé THE ROBERT MAcLAUGHLIN GALLERY> CIVIC CENTRE, OSHAWA FALL ART CLASSES LIFE DRAWING CLAS Sepembr 9th - Novemaber 2,lst Alex-ý Millar will teach an intensive course in figure dra inglsing varjouis techniques and mnaterials. Babtysittng for pre-school- ers isprovided,. Mýaterials supplied. Cost for 10 sessions $20>. Galery miembers $15. EXPLORATIONS INTO 2-DIMENSIONAL and3-DMENIO A ATS Septem ber l9th to Dec ember 50h Thsseason, the Young People's Art Class wilhave two inistructors; one will explore the various aspects of sculpture while the other instructor will explore various techniques of drawig, in particular the figure. Classes will be geared for aniy initerested person 15 years and older. Materials supplied. CHllIDEN'S ART CLASSES Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon Septemiber 22nd to D-lecembiler lst, Ages 6-1-1 This session, the instructors will emphasize the basic principles of drawing and painting. There wilI also be classes in sculpture and printmaking. Materials supplied. -Cost $12 per child; $10 gallery mremiber more than one child per family $10 each; gallery miembers $9.00 each. To pre-register for the above courses please telephone:7630

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