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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 11

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3k9J2iuALe Mrs. Sam Breretom Gcther Round, Folks, Here's an Itemn You C On Saturday afternoon, the Lions Club of Newcastle held an auction sale drew a lar'ge c rowd of bargain huntters. In this photo, assistant auctioneei trying to peddle some wares. Later, he conned the edîtor of The StatesmÉ couple of bucks for a coal't that was four sizes too large . .. no meéan feat. No in on the cash ret.urns from the sale, but the Lions couldn't lose. The other evei well, capped by a popular Oktoberfest dance in the evening. Socalanc1- §Jersonalf Conigratulations to -Mc. and M r S. Artur R 3na r. now c0f Oshawa and former residentsý of te illaýge who Corning Events Registration for NEWCASTLE RECREATION COMMnITTIEE'S Baton- Tap - Ballet c'lasses Thursday, Sept. 27 COMMUNIYHALL Teachers Patsy Scott amid Kathy Kiraly 32lessons Ist session l12 wkîs. - S9.00 2nd Session -14 wks. - $.9 3rd Session 10 wkis. - $7.50 F ïe to b e paidi upon comi- kencement of eaeh session. classes to bein THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1973 U J-2 tceîebnated (hein -)othiwedding annivensanry reccatly. Fnicnds and rel-atives ga(iened toge-ti - en Tiunsdiay, Sept.13l Oshawa (o fbonon fieRcd- kn-aps and f0 wish (hem iweILl Mrs.Bet Griffitis of Hlamîlfon spent a few daysz nccently wi(b lier sisten and iusbandij, Mn. anid Ns. H. S. MnI. -aad MArs. Dannry Alldir- ead and Shari-Lyna, Scanior- ou)tg, speait Suniday wif i ber paetMn. anid rs. Samy. Býurrfon and girls. Wendvisitorg with Mn. and Mns. Winslow Collie?, Joanne and Lana we Mn. ndmr '. Ted IYeanei(y aic famiiy of Ri 011L, nt Pvt. Gary Ma!,jer stationeýl a' Kinýgstoni spent (lie weekcnd witibisparntsMn. and i Mns. Bdmund Ma(i tljer and i aysia. Banilta m Girls Softba li On Wenescay, ept. 12, flic Newcastle Bantamn Girls Sof t- hltammttfor fie lasf time lai 1973. Tic tcam laid a mos( successful year as (bey endeti Up ini second p lace iin the Rice LakeGirsSoff baIlLag. Thiss verny good for (hein 2first time laii fis league. The girls mnet at the bail park a t 4:4 -5 p m.- for a ga me a-mongst thems<eives and then onl to) the homne of their coacb, Mir. George Gra y, for a barbecuie. Ho()t Dogis and Hamnburgers, suplie by the sponisors, the Newcastle Rec- reation Commrittee, cake and or Rice Krispies Squares,' supplied by Mrs. Jean Wagar was the menu of the hour and thorou9hly e )jYedbyail Speciai awairds vwere handïed ouIt to Jeanetite Waga;,r for erngtop, hono)r as the top batter anid also being the only gwl w.ýho attended eve-,ry game. Runners Up for top honors were Cathy Tufford, Darlene Jenikins and Susan Wagar in that order. Atthis tîmrýe the girls, and coach wouldi like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Aif Gray for the use of their yard, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. W'agar for preparing the barbecue, ail those who suppi- orted the team,- at their sao g-anOs, tiTe umpires who gave of thleir timre antaiilient, the parents wo,- o upplied trans-3 portatio.n and the Newcastýe Recreationi Committee for its, sponsorship. See you ailq next year. Oktoberfecst has come and gone and what a bash it was. There wats a tremendous crowd ciand al;had an marvelous timew. If aniyone dlidn't have a good time it certainly was theirow fauljt because the mu ic ws excellent, the food mas good, there was no shortage of1 liquid refresb- added tLo the festive atmnos- pherie. If there mrust be a comnplaint then we2 guess the obvious one vold be thie floor was too, crowd,-ced for dancing. The Newc-astle and District ot Commnerce is to be congratulated on its initia- tive on- bringing Octoberfest to Newcýastle anld also on making it a bigsger and better event each year. In c'onnection wthOktober- fest the New,ýca.stle Lions Cilb held a ýsuccýessful Auction Sale on, the( east lawni of the comnjjýjity Hall. A good rodattended and thie bld- ding, though not lucrative was lively. The Farmier's Market, also held on the East Lawn wajs weli patronized and if you dinttakç a.dvanttage of the- hoebaking andi fresh fruýits and vegetl)es which were -for sale - it's youir loss. Weekendg visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor -vere M.r. and Mrs. Chris Lockharwt of Niagarai Falîs and Mr,, Pauil Yurkýowskiý of Elginl. Mrs. Yurkowski (the foi'rmer Ida Rogerson) rema-7ined with the NayloIýrs a few, days to visit friends and relatives in and around the Village1 Tjhe Newceastl ereto Coiiteis very h ;p with the responlse to its Boys Hlockey and YVouth Bowlfing regis t ratîrins. There are stl openiings in both iviîeAs fojr the Youth Bowling League which vill be cperated every Saturdaty beginning on Octo- ber, 6, thle first 72 owlers registered wiil form a;tlv team league. T here are only à few vacancies left so if yoiJ want to bowl yvou shouild phone 987-4'221 as soon as possible. As far as hýockey is concerned this year the NR.. s initrodue'ing a Minor-Major system.with severai new teamns being entered into compýetition-1 Teamns (rom Novice<orrl Tyke) f0 uve iare enterec in the O.M.H.A. and as tearr rosters -wii haive to be icomnpletedi very soon it is suggested, if youi intend to play hockey during Cie 1973-74 season, you callin at the home ofMr Sam jBrereton, Recrea- tion chairmani, f0 register 'as soon as you, can. The response to the requestL for coaches bas been most rewarding, how- ever with quite a few niev; teamls being iintroduced mnor<c * Ilaneswas50 rea 'tmadlTe Canadlian Statesn-ji, 1owmianville, Sept. 19, 1973 i1 upincnve neeinurfrd. \Ve.Ilsh; Irs. C, Lush uin fulimasrfo Vic-Principal's reliief; rs spîte of b eîng stranded for a mC P. M 'cheil - Remedial Red-lý week Fran and Do-ug re-port a Dýisic ls ,Sh)e pý,ý erpeaant and exc:eption- Missin-Cartwright prthe seventh gamne of the finlsDdd înîeg antba ng iss IS..1S*oley Spc a esnti1s. Yes, wheeerereyou On 13 (o ,12 b 7scoring sVruG . BtyGie, htyEuaio Ms .N ter ,- il~ ine acaton. ednedayevenîing we the in te last inning.Tatsry ail clled( on Mrs.J.A ibaan MrN. mo Phione 987-4221 01Comil:ttee prûvided (îa t lns omcedt vs -I- Caretaker; Miss M.Vermïel Puçiiiruui.1 panel of distinguisbed officiaIs lavnien almst (xed Jh so t is ernasps ln ereqay The flowers on the atar at to discuss the change in our Batrsor tp eryR r. iand .Mrs. VrAS- ,an 'IlResisf church Suniday morning were area from Durham f0,oOtario ïio ithr id vTomnchy- tine and Teresa ebbn.i OH ,, _ lanced there by the famnily of Counilty Sehool B3oard in Jan- senptcerCri McColl -sseM.adf5 eb il-tle late Wes. M\orton. We ayL et's na t ba1 nyscndbs;KaýthyRyan -leftWoernSudy and relatives of thle deceased no knowving the plýans for our biîrd base; Louise Va nam - e , Lind1say were Sundayi S * Who0 passed aw;ay Tues. night si'hooî E. Chairmann of the first ba se; Joanne Wolters - affernoon callers of 70r. and UI in ive Hsptal Pteror Comftee Grdo Colegerigt ieîd; WlaWolters -Mr.Gerald Kelly and fal. ough.Buria was n Thusdayintroduced the folflowing pan- centre field: Patti Brvan-r r. ury yr from jthje Comnstock Funeral eîists -M W!uro, Director of catncheor. Subs Cheyl ra-sptthwekninLdo Ge ra srne Home(o t.-Jhn', a Education for Ontario Cty.ý, bam- - right field Vieki Ayer - a us fM.adMs Les. < oia Badlknd Sandra Mr. Sutton, Sý.pritendent of (ir ase; Cindy Grieve -left Bsfedadatne on- FE r!ATMBL Stwr aebthptets in Schools, Ont. Ct,, rs. Yvo- field; Mierlene Kroeknstel- 01 Exlibin o saturda.mSUC î, heCvcHoptl e ,wish nnie Christie, memnber Ointario c-entre field; ab Gettins - Mr n rs a urbm ontact : (hmbotba seey eco)very -Cty,. Bd., M.Moorcroftrigbt field; Jean Kelly -Ubig eeTedyatr also (o Master David Si.~~~~tch, a Director of E.Notubr. second base; P1aulinie Gould-nonistrofMsJ.A HRR VO MN patient 'In SickCude' land-Durbamrl, iMr. Gowinlg, first b.ase and SbeliyMca-Jnto.MsJosone- 6331or2-30 HopialTroto reaSueintendent, N-D Bd. on -rit field. The girls thleir oe d baving nIy local 13 RINC ST. E. Mr. nd rs. eg.MitcellMr.A. Rýowan, Chairman friends and coacb E. Chlicebha aller n udy OMN IL ofr.uelp ere FrityandNor thum17--r1and- Durbiam hed a pool party ai the(hmeinicluding Mr. and Mrs. Keitb *.S'aturday gutests of Mr. anIrd Bd., MNr. G. 'Paisley. Principi of Chery- (l raba on Satur- Jbso fBleîl - -'>' rs. Ban WVight. On Satur- CHS, r .Kirkal(dy, day eveniing (o comiplefe the Mr and Mrs. Percy La zr- day rs.BeaticeTownandPrincipal C.C.P.S. and Ms season' S activities.cob ofBnayBîts Miss Minnie Hopkins of o-!h- Bartonî, Secretary; of Sehool - etn Clmi pn svrldy aw ale o hersitrC miee Man, many imip- by Jean HIortonasgss ofMn and Mrs. BiB I Mrs. Harold Masters, w,7bo is ortant pieces of information /S is -Hmeigwa egsn n os ONLO C U y * currently staying ithl thle were excbanged cduring the Iî l nthe C. E. Room n I adMs.Bl Fruon101lH II," Wrights..Sunda y visitors wrepanel's brief speeChesfolow- Tulesdjay, Sept. il with 1 il n aiywr odyAOHRBTL Mir. and 'Mrs.VLoyd 'Masters ed by the question periîod. nie attending. Thie naine (decided oengtgetVf ~ .adC/ EATN andOnd ofOsbwa. decis'ýioi1 for fi(echangýe of uo fr(bscubws r.GrantFenguson ad O/Hs WON Mrs. Curit"s McKay spent boundfaries camef th (e "HosifaityHomSakasf faiiysTooot -~ th weeknd wtb reative in inistryvin Torojnto ba sedTheofficesecedwr OlWngiteSafLsto - e roog.upon the placemient of Hligh ,Presid!eat- LoisVaCm;teatwih Centrai Public '~M.and ms.hAlan Fisk, Sehool studeats -eg. -Mnvers Vc-Pres. -Liada WblerSho 1rncpl-I.J bielda cornI roasf for mlembes High Scbool sýtudent sý ail go (o Pr(,,s Secretary - Jean Hlort- ikl iePicia r ..~ - ~ . " f heiifmilesnecnvy.Lindsay and so Manves 15on; Treasuren - Laurel Vine - Mrs J Muajoy; P.M.t Remaigfo a few bolidays cbangcd io Victoria Scho ol %eCu ilEnetîsi wen-,e Mrs.,Renton, and friend or.Alcotatlilb the theme for this unit. 'J'il egren Ms . od ~ M ~ I -of Toronto. hono1red (o elid Offlthe sciboo girls and leaders demonstrat- e;Grd 1-MisB -- ~~Mr. and -Mris. George Van ear. If iw.aspointd f(bt c d flowen arrangemients, imeaýBabunad r.M.Rbn Dam, In. an Mrs.-Andy ntanlo Couat ill cotinlue suring etc. The younger i-irls Gae2 isK.Mro Dam, M(hein Mirs AsuM.1Fieldeur: Grade 3- j aDmwr ussa h ml neEnetbsoea edr r.D atMsSutch, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jake ftomoeand encouraige the were told about, 4-H by- S. irTurne n rs W .P. Johnston -VanDm %vre gusts torws. OuknPdn sooîwil s tri lendabffyMrs. . Mau li- «in r a d - rs. G Hudson-Brackýlenridge weod- .Tbmpson andMrs E Kiee- Gas - Etoî- Ou Fuel Oil ýe of donated items that îng rn Millbnook on a dy1ucoo eadeso cho n r.~Wllas h nn;Grade -Ms.KadGee ~rLodStpesn Mr. and Mrs. Jim MMule Boardýc. Otioi County Boa,ý-rd mieetings will be held every onl Graide 5&6 - Mr. E. FURAC \ISTA\,LATION Br loy Stphesonis accompanie d Mn. and Mrs. lhis pormoulsfor the Tueýsday affen school. Chalice Grade l6 'tr, E.AND REP'1AIRSý' [an into p)arting with a HoadMMil (1ratn lmntn ecen opo- Winners at, the Card Party adr Grade7-Mr R. Newcastle 8751 nformation is available Michigan onr Saturday to ide cniniyof su Iesli were Ladies Higb - Agnes Rbrsa Grade 7&' - Mr, G._____________ ntsof he ay entoff attend the goldenwedn also baS a pOlcof ',s Prescott, second -Elva Byarn, -cl rae8-M.D anaiversany of (hiein cousinsyug nrgr 0 hbuilding- Third- Cona, Crosier; Mca s; ______________ ?,Ir_ M. and Mns. La.vernie Heas- pnognams. This poicy will High- Susie Hlarnis,,Second ip hv apopsdsaig lf$ Chas. Sitifb, Third - Alymer S' coaches are 'urgenfly needed. Sna vein i itos illion ,idollars la 15 vyearsý. 1AhPloubmn Mn. Dave Lawrence af 98)(7- with the .C. F-llis wene Mi..& sceol boards trugotOnt- mnadMr.WbetAc- --' 4096 or Mn. Ken (Cray at -ariol in (be '70s hav'e expenien- elr et Tusdyin Wib 9ý7-4938 will be glad f(o receive Mn.lid Mrs. Jac-k Elliitf, cd a concern ithat schools rsEmrM yiur offer of, he!l1) Dunsford. be taknIway fnomn theAce.m l tbe Recreaf ion Commîttiieeibas Peadweil enitentained severai insfo (at-1incesng adfmîysatro setf swihsacr rge (a r.Clnnc epi.Ter retodie- n adMs LsAsesin I asked us (o ne pron the cgs Of t (ein fiends fnom Aja, lte schwoo, principal and ast. weekend wt n a nation for Girls Hock, ey waýs xbityad Oshawa at a cora staff have more auonoy Ms Vernon sesîeaaî dîsppinmgsodiapoit-roaist Sa'ýturday night.Ove- hal even before. 2- CommnI'- 1faiîy. Mn. and Ms Al ing, la fact, (hat the wbole idea nigbt guest s were ity scbool comitfteesý providieAsesieadfiyGlb bas hd (obe sratccd. iMs. E. Yarnow, David and a mefhod of giving and speattis eeed ib n at the anena wvas aliottfedChs.oOsaa gathering information for, the adMs os ryadas maialy on the registrations e resony 0 ea tatboard. Tliey also acf savsfdM. a n.Vro nesif s and as so few irls GartLAmr" ong i a patien-t lobby f0 aassess local opinioin. Asltn n aiy scem ( o waat f0 play hockey, g aRs eoilHs-Other subjecfs dsud lac nTundy r.adM (b etnecnept of al Girls tal Lndsy.lucd addition (o C.C21 StnR), r.RamS. Hockey Longue went dowa the ToA ika saloconfianed teaching of lFnenchbila elemieai- an',s. i!vs.ied Mn,,., drin.ii Perhaps the N.R . C.vwilI in hlospital. Hle is on thle 4tb tary scbools, importance of iVl[-S. PaùlRh and(! family in __ tny again next y car and the floon - Roomi 401, -Weýst Wýinigcommiunity views, and liosi- ýpeebonougÏbý-. Mn. and Ms nesponse will b e diffenent. îcaels'ospta, rTn-tive thougbts concernnng i(he Pal Rab ajnd tfamily wiil be Thonse girls who bave already oIto. future ofC..S wencetennl-1mnoviag 1,0 oluceQebc-i Need a SpeCialized building? negisten'ed and pajid in i-fee Concgratlionis Pontyýpool mrtenit p(ipreth(iswek smayfedsws EA E ha ieknwhw ecvearfdiftbchee-ee Our local Pee- year. Paul win la is aiuuew iia E V Rhsteko -o will cali at the Beeo home. Wees defeated Millbnook f0 My apolojgies to Debbie vus On Mody he Fine Dept. wi te fnopby la their lfeague. MýcLaugliîn wbho ofth Cngautis(oMsM We've been building: since 1906 and aur e~eî was once imore cal iîed o(ldt y. ocinibsninn ta oloigaccountf-I missed Arguewboeebîaed ber 8t nc aer las.eer ocevbe ypa This fimje Uif was a grass fine on wee RlphHylad ad Jm icludag t wth ast eeks brtlcha, on Sudoy the ~ ~ ' aot îe fteC.-, nng. Player-s wrRandy aw. rhdy r.Argue. Hpy structure-. !t yau have a uiu uligst~i tnaks- nf er dageouS 'aiu, Mr Bradfley, Gene Sunday m-oiiraing, Augusf Hr an fiends will be we can salve if. and if wýas etnuse uc-and FDany zm ny 19fbl, a ibus blaif 'Muil 0'tf 25 gad o know ,thaýt Mr1s. ar ly, by flic firemen. Faîlis, deyF N ia ratin rmucfosGirl Guid1es, eecatba eundF or ifrainPhone Mn. and Mrs. Douglas and MarkJoacas,- Timi Mc- and (1 olie thnlaif packed fli homne floigsrcyl Wnigh necefly acompaied KEecKlyNeals, Selinof food- Sleping bas suit- Port Pelrry HospiL a!,st week. R M E S E ,59~ 06 Mn. and Mns. Tom Bedi1o-rd Sewat 0rySrng w f cases and al necess;ary, camip- Frieads of (be Athuriley and ttheir datigbcr 1Naacy of oui- teamis - the Midgefs and( ing equipmat lroared ouf o(f wiîî lbe sorry f0 kn-ou 1,thatl or writje Trenfon on a moton trip (o the the Pe-e-Wees - have won Biackstock. Býetty is a patient lan Po(rt Easf Coasf. 1Besîdes vstn launels for, fhemnselves and for Our destinaition was Spru c Penn Hospital, as in Mrs, (lieproince ofNew run- PotpIoo. On Suaday al, 2 Glen, a iovely forest-sunrouin- Cute rhms11 wick, Nova Scof la an Prince p.m. laii Poatypo)ol we -will h&- ded campsite, af Camip Adel- Mnad Mns. GunsraS Bdwand Island, the Cabof ouft in fuil fonce (o vwa(cli tbe aide, a Girl Gulide Camp onDbgrTotoMs.Ba r lobfe sppr f neo fli isnal aad oajypoes Afera ee nlDsor itiPot eny* ec Snay Trailaad akingla adelicous inal ame eeeaLou's Black Lakean a libu)Irtoni.cckadMBesW7t, chnhsdoa(e eleinAcmne Palet. On Suad(ay hast a boun drive filled wýitb gý,iggles , usfs of Mn. andMs.Aia holiday eaded lan nather splec- double-beader was pia yed laug r and soa-g, we boundf- Beaicock ,aaid Bob. facular fashion. Remrember with Omemee wianiag the edoil (liie bus eager for the SudyclesoI'ns PLANNED BUILDINGS DIVISION tlie naiiway strike and liow if finsf game 7-4 and P>onfypoool "dneamied for rougiling iif" . Hili er Rev. kftenc BEAVER LUMBý,E.R COMPANY LTD. affected the ferry serices -tkngtescond 8-7. Hlanid Threweck flcw by wifbFeguoToronto, Miss Oiv _70 ,arirop Die itn n3i e:(1)8842,8631 welfl, thfl7ic Wnglifs aad lie pitcbedfthefinst gamy.e, Stinson plenty (of wýonk and tfua (o f11 if. edfods wee amogt(le (le lafen. Homnuas ýýfofý!lic Bacli pafrol fthere wé,ee5 ______________________________________ many.people wb9we sfran- Ponfy;pol feam erebit b y L,. ld dty (o édoias weila dedaPE.ntî srvie as Bown(2) W. Falis tand G. (heir owni duties. Thene we nestored'f0 flic mainlanld. VaDi. Ponfypool Jr. Mcaer challenges (o be workedl on COM E and SEE OUR SUPPLY Actually the inconveaicace, defeaited Kedron"i 10-1 on Sun- with badges givea for (hein for these traveliers ilat anyday ( ae ol1amsl omloonfwmiacn rate, was sligbt becausFeflc!heio lyof.Tbcv owmeoinadkig weeenjoyedI b ospitalify and concena of flche tvlei semi-finals. Af by ail. The quiet peaceful r finie of w ifigi is believed campfire ecdi niglt was a ellbl: 1 INEw payed bectweea these two busy day. Ve ;sang songs, tem o aura. fsioi Anced Aad even liatili" À LAMBTON COU ndNTY s JohnVanWiernagen to camrp'betore e (cîer. O TRC LU ILadC PN %vr a.evening guesfs of The "o-o"award was O T RC L USI SantOPN à Mn. and Mns. Brian MNorton lai given to Joanne Wolfcrs who WORDSLAGEI heirnenw home in Blackst(ck. always was seen scnuibbîng P ORTLAN DC EME NT, MASONA RY C EM E NTanti Mns. Marf la Losfiaw of pots or sonie oüdd job witb a bîg SEALBOND PIOINGMATH &Fraakfond is visitiiig wi(h Mn. smille. 1XHIB11 0 F Flm and Mrs, . J.Zuo ski. Camp was loads of fun but STEEL LîNTELS - BRICK TIES - B LO K-LO-0K EQýUIPME-NT the boards whicb -we slcp( on PL SI DR NPPECU LN S e,,SU_ýpPýL iES PAREWHA RP becane liarder, homne seemed _ VR30 XIBTrurffien awyad flic wonk E SAN Y" ON 10 ARES Caaiada's wetcrop this oeyer ending and so weweeA D NSTC NO V ~~~year is cxpýfected (to ex,-ceed fie ai very ha.îpy (o retura homie. OlvE R 520,000 N FPIZES 1t972 crop by 72 Milion Coa-grafulafLions (o Pice's SIDEWALK AND PATIO SLABS FOR 30'0 COMPETIT9RS bushels. pros w x on (lhe softball AND THE Wheaf pool and goverrrament cham linship in flie final PLEASE NO SUN DAY CALLS sAAINPOI officiais in tlie Pra1irie provin- playofh garme from Caesareýa CHAMPIONSHIP ces have estimDa(ed taftic in a well-played senies. Good N W CT E C M E T B O K Wheatcîrop could be as iliiaýs work boys' N W A T E %elM ENT B1 C Cno'590 million bushels, com-parcd Congratulation1sasoofi- Onfo ~ wi(i 513 million bushels Inst Jnior Girls wýho won (hein CONCRETE FANC -LA L CKS s g.i~ ,,e,~~ocy car. playoff to wîn tic cham pion- -dtw 'F.sbp.Afe lsig' i fM s (oPhone 987-4444 .1 ~,,,Iteoo ÇodEstimnates on otier g;rains gamres, tic, girls wa1:3 TORONTO, Otao MA indicate production (is year consecutive games (o býe first P.O. Box 219 (41) 95-191 ill not bcmil )diffee" n lfiestanldings at tfiecnd of ____________Ê_______________________ Vfnom,1 1972. fie sehedule. T,1he gjirls won NOTICE TO EQU IPMENT OWNERS followingýý equipment is required: INQUIRY \'NO. U,- 7-9 TUCK - Wih ninimum GVW.2,00pound ls sinle ýaxie) Or 34,00 ponds(tanldemi axie> for mounting power sandinig uits ar'( required at the fliowinig locations:, 2 Tucs Nowod;Youngs Plointi; Coderilgtonl; Rosneah; obcyge~i;Lornevile; Bloomfield. 3 Trcks-1 indsayý; Jct. H 1s 01-115; Jct. 1-8 Jct. 4128 obcnk ontypool. 4 Truckls - Grafton INQUIrY NO. 7;--10 11tRUCKS - Wi th a mininmum G.V..4,00pounds tandem axie) for mouting 1poweir sandingunjits are required at the 1Truck - raýffon;Boagen Boofed Lornvjll; Pntypol;Jet. Vws 0-8 2I Trucks -Jt ly.413;Jct. fHwys.40-1 IQIYNOý. 73-,7-11 With 1 Cubiù Yard Bekt- WITHOUT OPERA,'TIORZ 1 Lo0ader - Norwood; R: 1osene(aH; Cod(rington; Pontyipood; Lreil;Jt ws 115-28; Jct Hys 101-2-8; Jct. 1Hwy s. 41-3:0; Jet. Hwys.40-1 With 1 Cbie Yard Buocket -Four Wheel Driv e - WITH 1 Loader- Grafton Seaied Tedes n orrms supplied b.11the Ministr'y wilI bi rcevedbythe District Eniner luntîl 1:30 Pl.M.i Local Time, esa, Octobe 4r 10t1, 1973. SpeifcaiosTeýndeîv Formis and Envelopes miay be obtained in person or )by mail from the District O)ffice, 138S Hope Street, North, Blox 150, POR\T HOPE, Ontario. LiA 3WTelepone: 85-638. en requesting tenders please specify octio(s The sceslbîder imust have PCV License or apply for saine mithin seven (7.) da.ys of being notified. Thew Loýest o nyTndr not necessarily accepted. ~ Minister of Transportation und Communications ONTARIO

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