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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 12

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12ThýCanadïan Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 19, 1973 ELIZA BETH VI1L LE MrCarmon telopenied the chur-ch services were held services. as usual. Rev. Rex Nornm, 0On Tuesdayý eveniing the wvas our spaerie spoke onl United Church WMomen Unit 2 ~~SandtiI t her te wrdof held their monthly mieeting al God". Thechirsang19anMýr. and Mrs. C. Beatty's. Ms anthem. Next Sunday MIr. S. M. McAlister actIed as presIi- Walkr, oboug, Ill1 bete dent and thie secretary Mrs. K. speaker. Services at Il a m read the minutes. M,\rs. The serIvices,. conducted by eAiisterhdteceoila INIr.Norma. v,-re ii t idMrs. Trew reL a tton with the Bible Sceypapr on "India Castes . Lunch was served. WVe plan a si£% fflJ bake sale Oct. 4. our general NEW meetingisthel19th. atrad M USTANG n1Mrs.. Brla'dspet e past week in the hosptial, he f or ~7 wailt a car accident last f or '74 weekenid. y i~wo' t r L. Muldrew is improv- ung soowy. Mrs.,heengr i MUCDONALD also better. Paoc'h FORD attends Trent University was FOwtthiis grandparents, Mr. aInd Ms V. Peacock over the Bowmftvile 23-481xeekend. Molst of the Tobacco farm ?flayq have the Pnvdege anc1opport unit y servînq gyou On ER eio ul overnment. Jvan lU. 17f bls AâLEC MATTH EWS I Vourt Candidate for REGIONAL COUNCULLOR cordially invites yois to attend a at HAMPTON HALL in the Municipal Building on Monday, Sept.24th Drop in and meet "youir candidate anytime between) the hoursof2:0 i :30 P.111 Pl-ACE: A RTS & CRA; -IS Art -Itoutr Art -Avne Phoogrphy& FilviiDevýelOping T perti l- nroductory Typewiing - Advanci-d Office Pocdre w Itoductory Short land (Shou Cake Dcrtn Cake ecrain Cooking ls Fun PERSONAL GRC Haqi.irressinig & C Physical Fitntess Phtysical 1Fitness Yoga HOME IPO Interi-or Decortatij interior Decoeratij Becn Rom & col Rec. Rom & CoI SmnallApplicance T.V. Maintenancf sound Systn Furnitue Refin Oldsmobile's Cutlass Supremie 2-Doorý Colonnade Hardtop Coupe for 1974 displays a bold fr-ont to the world with its handsome vertical har grille with integral pa-rking and turn signal lamps. Front endi panels in the Cutlass Supreme are of fibergljass to minimize corrosion. A four-barrLî carburetor30 cu. iin. power plant, with Hydra-Matic transm-ission anid variable-rt-iio power steering are standard equipmenpît on the 1974 utas Supreme, as are front dlisc brakes. Like ah ldsoie for I1974, the Cuýtlaiss Supremne Colonnade llardtop Coupe is equiîpped wvith energy-absorbing front and rear bumpers wh1ich mileet governmenit specifications for barrier impact. The grille swinigs aayonmir ipcfor extra protection. The sculptured look of the Cuitlass Supreme's overal unes is continued for 1974, heightened by niew rear deck and tail light assembly treatment. Mis. Geo Knox and Katbiryn accompanlied Miîss Carol Knýox, to London -where she willi continue bler studies and ilso called on] Miss Mlarilyn Knox), wbo is at, Guelph and were caleron isses Nancy Knox, Catby Vice andc Lynda Aver'ly Unvriyand lwere supper gussof Mr. and Mrs. Go 'flamlinlo Miiton. Mr. and Mrs. FrankWet lake( and Kevin w'ere. recent ers worked LaI weekend h lop- igto finish týhis week. The owling oiteams have started bowlig again andi meet on Thursday vnns Mr11S. J. DeKoker, spent 'tuesday wt-Mr, and Mrs. H. Th]icksonl. Bob Me(rcer, Nancy Fowler and Gr Fowlier wýere home for thew eekend. Garyrogv afriendlhoime witlhihm. Mrsý. Clements and1c daughteýr Toronto, Mr andi Mrs. J. Barkwell. OIshawavistedwit Mr. anld Mrs. C. Bat this weeuk. Mr. nd Ms. C. Baty ad Mr. and j¶r's. R,. Beatty, Miss Doris Beattyý aud frienId Ms Shir-ley Beatty andfred D)iana and Marlene for dne on, sitinday. COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION EVENI'NG BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, 49 LIBERTY ST. N. OLINi visiîtoîs xitb Mi. and Mis.Bu CoatCrystal La mad aise catieti on Mr. and Mis. Don Barrett and Mis. 'Howard Akister, Fenclon Faits Saturday evening visiters xith Mr. and Mis. Fiank Westlakc xeri. and Mis. Fraink Cook. omaxileand Mi. alnd Mris. Erie Webstei and aiv.Kdo and on îMonday ý-evening Mr. and is. Geo. Smith. Bowmani- Mr.. and i s. Wes Yctiow- tees and M\i. n MsMuray Ycilowlce(s %were Saturtiay evcning suipper gucst1s et Miss Nan Aflun, Toironto. The gath- crii- ghonoîinig Mis. Claie AlniBimivil. ois ieavin Mond l on atrip te Campbclifoîd spent a 1f cw days withlier gatprns . and Mis. ILloyd Bîewom. MiýssMargaet Peikins, Mir. anld Mis. Lloyýd lBrome. MNi. JmsCowanm, C ra!îc, is spending ia fe dayýs vitb., M.r. ai, Mics. d Fasci AntUM. 1Bob îasi M.Glen Fraser and 1(lMiss Bonnie hsSubispent tewecUkenldwilteFis Misý. C. Wkis outh PcuieadntirM. adMs Abert AMontgemery, T immlins sp(-nt a fwdays with i antim Misý . R. Fraser. Mi. anti Mis. Ivan lEllicott,' F1-iaserville, wîeSunday vis- itors vwith I. anti rs.Erest Hocwkadayv. Mi. anti Mis. EvecreItt Cry- decirmaiiand Mi and Ms Bruce Mntgomnery. ampton atteniddLkfel aroný Saturday and weure suHpper guests of Mr and r.Ae Grahamn. MIr. and Ms.Don Tyo ànd familvv% ie on Sundaiy wi th the erebfaies Manilla. Miss, Catheurme Baker \x as aý,ý ; Friday nigbtueuSt of Mliss We ndy 't e. Iyene Mr. and Mrs Don K('1ett and Terry. Bowmanv 'NeI rs Tom Flett, Columbus,.and i.iý0 and Mrs. Murray Flett were Sunday stîpper gessof Mi. and Mrs. Deug FletIt. Mrs. Ratph Davis,Mr Wes. Yellowlees-,AMrs are Yellowlees and isssBre- da, Karen andJaieYlo lees. Mrs. Gin Wrryan MIrs. EgrWer-ry ttndda baby showýer foir Ms. Ross hetd at tleh~omnwýf Ms o o!. nd\I, Chas Laîîg mid ere Sundy sppe anues fM.adMsJh Mi adMi.Rot Jl an is. John KooxIi1"1-iil wi M. Kend MMnnsh a anýd Mrs.Evret yera LOCAL EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS HArng acivit in and ar<uind O)shawýa duîing August as rcported by the Ajax and ()shawal Canada Manpower (lintres de1tclined te a near nniattevlater a very lbusy ,iut S:mlielactinper- (1(15 tr-lditionallx create a 'stexsdewn àiihimins cdring iaN and.August, however nw hîiungs o(ften take place te xvts teen(! of uguýt, Prolngedlay-effs in flic a,itomoti,(ýive industry duetot fli 7National Rail Strike delayed any newbirings NÉisAugust. A, stuiglt increase in hinrings is, expeced for early September. Despite these adverse con- ditions. 892Mplacements were ma&ie bythc Canada Man- poxxeî Cenýtres in Augýus! comard 60 776 foi' the saiec period la!st ycau. A large pairt ot iblis inicrease is a îesult of n ceae at it-, int f- serviceindusfy oLar n- beu's t witusftee ceks btnd e, ibaby sittler ousekeeper andjniters (lrclhave bee nd n.Te bexc nutryavei ene et the fastesi grwig in thr l isaea andprovirdes any eppertuni(ýi- fies er ïepyme. OppertîtnitPesiinse lerca ighlskeiled senoapbersc and sel tableo erical forksaesoh aee numcerous bt ave e n had te expperienceror raning tefmee aIwn csralestranvbasbeen puas ied byCnadie arMan Seme sales positions îesalrs in s eazdsexperiec erstil vcnt loatleinduet thes mnth. Experined se phersons f rsaile<f lades wear. sing mhileachbines an geral alcîs have een this summier and are gfenera ini Southein COntarie. Conini Iling ,induiistial xpnsonan as largebuildin pr jt foeat forthe hfutur e are Ioecedteplace anI eve beavir demnd onthe oça tabor force Inkle actory jobs were ax atabe toaîdthe end eof th, mothan rue epected Ito ar\on inito Septemiber-. s SI 8) ad$25 per heur i, te ptart unte the it. iýThe IDepartmenf1I tieni ba anunedte en ai oet ifs Loýtcal n!tiati , es' Progrlam foi,' this ifa I t i met pp;rtuties pplîcaý tien arenowavaiableuntl Persons xx ti osan îTe deih theCanad Mn Ajrax numeîted 2079., mates anBmnd . emalsCharles ChdinEads SymoSymn Tuhath occurined on TbursdaySeptember 13,173 un owmaville ofd harets Symonsd ,18Yaes. eBrn in BthicaWest Arc and du catein Enlanod,aMsr. Symons adda b e 11 Ontore, pFrente c It Thewmanile.and hadvieen-, îetird 18y er. tember1t them Anglicn Chs urceris surj-, vivt by is ifth The funeal eviC presided at the chapel organ. Basic Knits- Advaniced <'11 wk) ScigIntroductor.y Seig-Advancecd CONERSTIOALLANGUAGES French - itroduictory Germialit - Itout rtýer lland) TECHNICAL, SUBJECTS Automnotive Mcais-Avne cunting Smnal Engines - Inroductory Smnall Engines Advanced CumeativeWing Introuctory Wding - ntroductor - Advnced (11) Wk Wldg -Adanced U10 wk) M1achine Shop - ntroductory Machine Shop- Advauced JOMINGDrafing imetics Blute Prînt Readinig Men MISCELLANEOUS COURSES - WomenBridge, Cotract Amateur Radio (Leads to iene DRVRTRAINING EMENT (a rempreer course- ing - ittroductory licence required) ing Advanced UPV-GRADING SUBJECO'S ttge uilding Grades 9 &z 10 Engish ttage %Wig Mathmatics tRepair Science e & Stere-o. Grade il Biolo)gy us >Physics Mathematics shIng Grade. 12 Chiemistry Mathematics OTlHER COURSES MAY BE OFFERED IF SUFFICIENT PEOPLE REQUEST THEMI. oracoutrse description and additional informaâtion, contact Bowmanville Hligh School at 623-4416. ______________ r I DYKSTRA'S Contest Specials FRESE DAILY FREESTONEÎ PEACHES $11791 4-Qt. Bsk. CANADIAN 1BLUE GRAPES $1.29 $2.99 6-0t. Bski. -4-Qt. Bsk. 777KING ST. WEST HARDWARE ONE STOPI FOORINGI CE K N TR E2-24 FABRICS Open ali lday Wdedy BU'LTTERICK and VOGU PATTERNS SEIWING MACHINES ELNA - WHITE CONTEST SPECIAL! SEERSUCKER 0 198-Yard, 33KI . 6345 signiatilie from ANYOl oujr SUD DARDS QUALITY T11E7 prouet xaid n tis ontstSTA TiO0N & YOU CNTUTYSYU insea o enryfom. Guf CAR WASH IWESTERN*' AN Fry mir pure New Prop. WVALL, APPLE or ORANGE Stan Suddard à COVERING1 in (tche ew 80 oz. 401 & Lberty -Sts. PA BNTWALPIfs r-eturnable bottieýs Complete in and out pA1N1W1111 E Glen Rue DcasesOiyChngs, WESTERN TIRE 55inW 2-4 rny ubsTiesBateje.853 KiN; W. 8233134gn DELUXE PHOTO F1NIS HIN G! 7 1inst.~ NEWTry ourneA/Super Silk Finish FALL on your next roli of color film Es STYLES lween S0 KIG ;. 2326 c 67Kn tetEs 23-2 546 -23-5019 TIM'RENTALLLADIES" WEAR SALE andSERVCE TPS & OTTOMS il.,equipmient bythe dav',week 0l <' 10 OFF THIS WEEK m1onth for homle or industryn JUST PRESENT TIS AD WHUEN YOLIlPURCHLASE 623-4321 ANýY TOP OR BTTO the FRM OUR FALL '55 ingSt E atDiusoiîCOLLECTION. Bowmnanville 7 Kiln W. 623-5854 "Name the Cartoon" CONTEST'LQ.fl AMBER 'il ~ ik ot i ,1 1 K i in om oý01 l tese-rI orcchaianc tic siimae pth cpi fith~VARIETY caîtoonPrînt our anw 0r1onailvn ti irm iman i ei ad ier nd m il or rîlng to (the ln'AtEdtoThle ( me yBrsns Uttel n.! Kinlg St. W omaxi on or-before nc( t /~ ~ ionav ool. 1erhaniscvouher ;vlue $f100 will hv Smokers' Suppflies - 1 cn adtîr ~il each r.cîe crhnd, vujhrainpie ho proldt sinatuei fom XNX (inHaq )irlrdutli, i Gft - Model Car Kits, fouir cotllest spIol!sorsas c hose u siînr iw i i, bc maýdu froI Th31StangsmSn. Wo A polio Y 1UICK "test drive one to-day!" Hlighlway 2 two iiis west of nowmianville FOITE '741 MODELS 13I11)D1S CO UNTS - GOOD1)S E LE C T 0N ON ALL _________________________________166 KING 62.32586 6339 JEFFREYI'S Su pER ETT-1,E OPEN illA.0 JP.M. 7DAYÎSAýýx'WEEK 8LIBERTY S. 623-5879 STEPKEN FUELS HABOLD KNIGHIT Ne'w Pr-op. 138 Wharf Rd. Bom alville 623-5410 PERCY'S Prop. 1 PERCY LUXTON Tune Ups - Gen. Replairs Licenised Meýchanic Mon. thru Fni. 7 a.m.-!j- l. Sa.a.m.-pm SunlO0a. ce-6pm. 146 LIBERTY S MOTORS Ltd. '6!9 FORD 4-Dr-., pow'er steering and brakes. Nearlyý neý Ltres. Sa fetY checkedl. SPEIAL$1295 NEWCASTLE 987-4756 ROY NICHOLS Motors CHEVROLET F1, ISALES - SERVICE II[M I - McGREGOR I.D.A. DRUGS CONTEST SPECIALS SEE 0OUJR SPECIALS ON PAGE SEVEN KING ST. W. 6 23- 57 92 FOR EMERIGENCY SERVICE C-ALL, rtEvans o akBoruitskie BEA VER LUMBER BEAVERIS GOT UT ALL 12(6 Kin g St.E. Bomanville McDONALD'S VARIETY 71 K INGx EAST Sun]days îîa.m. - Ilp .mfil C. St e wart mcIa v i ShI 623- 2 518 Thbis %Week's CONTEST trs SPECIAL IShadow Ban Light Bulbs 6fl01or 100 watt '11 ýt4ýilRegi. Valiue $1.89 6 for' 99C I ) 121w3-1-11i5 e Courtice 728-6206 -'l CANADIANý 60TIRE REGISTRATION DATES: WEDNESDAY, Sept. 19,7 p.rm. - 9 p.m.; THIURS., Sept. 20,7 p.m. - 9 Registration will take place in the main foyer of the school Fee: '20 week course $10.1w 111 week course $5.00 (plus materials if necessary) Evsening lase begïin the first week of October 19731 and continue for - 20 weeks unless otherwise indicated. Classes will be held in the subjects listed below, providfing a sufficient nmber of applicants enrol in each course. HIAIRCUTTING SPECIALISTls %e exte n i iviation for yen te drop in for expert hair cuting. Get Cili et the frîzzies. BALSAM PERM SPE IýlAL'S S250 - NOW $200 rTEM1PE1:R A NCE ST. BOWMANVUILE 623-4191 r

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