iLr-ties Fromr Orono Foir Chaumpionsipkýc Choco-late Caïý-ke B rngs$31Bldut uctonSale From Reeve of Reach? Onue of the poplar hîilgh- ights of Bacsoc aîr ve the pa)ýst few àsis the Cote st to dtriethe, There are threclassFrt open to laýdies, scn agrs 18, years anunderl(, and f hird tao mewn anldbo Over the1,ear, there ha betweuen the rop Ti Presideunt, Girlsi ' winI xa PLUM3ING& 1EATING mnd AIR CONDITIONING TVitON"E, ONTAIO phone .261ý-?f50 Elainle '\lhtan e.,,and Boý iî s Clinton Sleep. Whethes theecakes Were- judId'gaist achi anid the $-5. piz. nSaura aiutioe ffwti ey rs Rev0fjec and Candi- daelor RegonalCoucil of nho mvdtruhtecro- ('ots ruh ra\pri ants who mads te ven [wuh vry u esu n r sqa,ida ro ld lau-ilgi .thelu, Blackvusock;ischaof Harotdead Rov MLaghin,- Township GuerseysBullCaif are io iierCi raig Laer 2nd nd rd. -laveyGraharn Senir Clf avelarmer., 4 HaveyGrahm3.Paul Larer.Hfe.oeyrad HarvyGaa4 mer Bros xo ermikn liier14HawvGrhm ,r,Jondors i&2 I-larv yrae Har\el Gaalom- Cow.i mýi 1&3 ohLam erBoS ,& Itoitein Bul Cal-Barey ichr VnCamp. Jniore!1 1 HeietC.î, af - arky VanCmp Rhard Vn( amrp. B arry Va Caîf Baýrr~va nCamp. Joh fil 4i p %, l3rrx Van 1ili te cueia, mîlig yeas ilkig eim Mlclm galcol, et terLahoogeeen, Fibrglss9'x 7'lI Piece InslatonGarage Door Save energy and help cut your power bis %w&ith these economical rolis of Fiberglass R-7,22"' thick. Rb.3i/2,thick. As low as: As 10w as' OPEN THURS". & FR1. 'TIL 9 p.m.1 TO SERVE YOU ETTER Sýtrong, rigid, ail-steel doors that are alIready prirle-coated. They operate effortlessly on large bearings. These are Eaisy-upD-Eas;y-dowýn garage doors AluMIminum ahogany Mahogan Combination SIab Sa b Storm Itro iod Door Low price-dll¼th1 Sizes: 32" x 80" and Doors Stain grade. 138 thick. 6' 8" hïîigh, 2' 8" 10.47 M9.7 124 (Stai'n g rade) 2 paniels. 6"8" hig 4'wd 3' wmde 1(4pae> 19.917 29.97 095 1" VOTE EA L WALKY REGIONAL CUCLO WARD 3