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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 16

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16 Tfhe <nnadian Statesman, Bowmanvmlle, Sept. 19,11973,iposleran"b#t- ough the efforts of mnany M A r L E u" 0-V E groups and individuals, this dream wýas fulfilled and is10 Burn M-tag a vision" in 1962 and then on a ahîl to be very proud of. Th'le The "Burning of the Miort- June 2lst 1965 becamne a U.C.W. ladies are to be gage" ceremony on Sunday reaiity 1 and wvas dedicated. especiaily cornmended for afternoon at Maple Grove During the s pring of 197,3 the their outstanding contribu- United Church drew a large hall becane fully paid for at a tions. congregation which was wel- figiure of $48,664.87. As Rev. The Rev. Charles Neýwton comred by the Rev. David J. Romeril began is sermon, broughit greetings from tie Harris B.Th. 'Jancy White, Paru and Cindy Oshawa Presbytery and thie Rev. Harris introduced the [-anthiorne and Marie Brooks Rev. Dermaot Arscott of Court- Rlev. John Romer-il wha was sang "Tl e Impossible Dre- ice United Church led us in the m-inister in charge during am"- and Mr. Romeril said prayer. the time that the Christian that at first the building of the T h e Comnbined Choir consis- Education Center was at first C. E. Center seemed like an ting of the Jr. Choir, Guides, TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F ELEC".TIONS An electîi to fuI the following Offices will be held on MONDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1973 REGIONAL COUNCILLOR Ward 1 - One Mlember, Ward 2 - One Member AREA COUNCILLOR Ward 1 - One Member Ward 3 - One Member Ward 3 - One Member Thse offices of Mayor and Area Councillor for Ward 2 have been filled by acclamation.- There will also be a vote on the name for the new Riegional Municipality to be decided from the following names:, Durham McLauighhini, Pickering, Oshawa The Polils will remain open from il o'clock a.m. until 8 o'ciock p.m. The following is a list of Polling Subdivisions and the PoIing Places: W~rdIiipPWrli ogt 1Polling Subdivision No.. Subdivision No. Subdivision No. Subdivision No. Subdivision No. Subdivision -No. Subdivision No. Subdivision No. Subdivision No. 1 location of 1.-Sam Turner Residence, Concession Street East, 4 - aple Grove Church 9-Ebenezer Church) 6 7 Io0 S- Courtice Church Polling Subdivision No. 8 Poling Subdivision No. 12 - Darlington Hall, Hampton Polling Subdivision No. i Tyrone Hall Polling Subdivision No. 13 - Solina Community Hall Polling Subdivision No. 14 Pohing Subdivision No. 16 - Zion Church Polfing Subdivision No. 15 - Enniiskillen H-all War 2- Twnof wa n v i1e Polling Subdivision Polhing Subdivision Polling Subldivision Polling Subdlivision polling Subdivision Polling rSubdivision Polling Subdivision Polling Subdivision Polling Subdivision Polling Subdivision Poîling Subdivision Poffing Suibdivision Polling Subdivision 1 - Lord Elgin School 2 - Lord Elgin School 3-Town Hall 4 - Town H,,all 5 - Lord Elgin SchooI 6 - Vincent M,%assey School 7 - Town Hall 8 - Vincent Massey School 9 - Ontario Street School 10 - Ontario Street School1 Il - Memtorial Park Club House 12 - Memorial Park Club Hlouse 13 - Memorial Park Club House Ward 3 - Township of Clarke and Villa gof Newcastle Polling Subdivision No.1- Polhing Subdivision N o. 2 - Poiing, Subdivision No. 3 - Polling Subdivision No. 4 - Pohing Subdivision No. 5 - Polling Subdivision No. 6 - Polling subdivision No. 7 - Pohing SubdiUvision No. 8 - Poýlinig Su.bdlivision Noe, 9 - - Pollingy Subdivision No. -10 - (Village of Newcastle) Pofling Sujbdivision No. Poilingf Subdivision No, ~Polling Subdivision No. il -1 12- Newtonville Comnmunity Hall, Churchi St., Newtonvilie Brown's Comnmunity Centre, Lot, 21, concession 2 Lockhart Public SchooI, Lot3, concession 3 Orange Hall, Kendal Council Chambers, Township Hall, Orono Leskard United Church Kitchen,. Leskard Residence of Ken ilenderson, Lot 23, Concession 7 Residence of James Stark, Lot 8, Concession .5 Township, Hall, Orono Towniship Hall, Orono Town Hall., Newcastle. Town Hlall, Newcastle Town Hlall, Newcastle Voters will be notified bymail oftheir PolliingSubdivision anidwher-e to vote, If -in doubt cal:t For Darington ..i. 6323 For lBowmanville ....623-3379 For Clarke .......983-9179 ADVANCE POL~LS Saturday, September '29th, 1973, from il o'clock a.m. to 8 o'clIck p.m. at the following locations: Township of Darlington - Towniship H-all Hampton Town of Bowniville -- Town Hall, 40 Teinperance ýSt., Bowmianville Township of Clarke - Towniship Hall, Orono Village of Newcastle -- Town Hall, Newcastle Persons wvishing to vote at the advance Poils shahl be requested to make a declaration that he or she expects to be unable to vote at thie proper Subdivision on Pohliing Day.. JM McTROY, A.M.C'-.T. RETURNING OFFICER B rother And Sîsfer, Celebrate Anniversaries These two charming youngIsters are children of Larry and Shirley Jamieson of Oshawa. Brntn Brent) Larry will be one year old on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, and Julia (,Julie) Christine is 28 months old today, Sept. l9th. Their grandparents are Mr. and M\rs. G. F. Jamiesoin anldAMr. and Mrs. N. M. Irvine, and great,-graý-ndmoth-er is Mrs. Sarah McýIFadyen, ail of Bowmanville. Brownies and Cubs sang "Bless This House" under the leadersbip of _Mrs. C. Russell and nianist Mrs. Paul Mcmn- tyre. The Senior Cbcýir -sarg "I Love Thy Cburcb O God" witb, Mrs. W. Lairdà as organist. The Burning of the Mort- gage was performed by Build- ing Comm ittee Chairmnan, Mr. Harvey Brooks and Mr. Paul Mclntyre, Chairman of the Stewards. 1Others taking part in the ceremony were Finance Com- mnittee, Mr. W. H. Brown, Truistees, Mr, Ted Foley, Session, Mr. Sam VanCamp, United Church Women, Mrs. W. Hl. Brown, Supt. of the Sundcay School, Mr. Ken Brooks, Womený'sLinstitute, .Mrs. H. "Bradley, Guides-,Mrs. J. Norris, Scouts, Mr. J. Hoogeboom. Among uthe beautiful loers in the churcb we' -re htwo lovelýy standards frm he Enston- Stevens we(ddingand a floral arrangeme n WM. and Mrs. John Huba)ýnd who were unabiý")e taIo rese>ni por-trayed " unn ot gage". ThleUCW.Lde served a dlibtuluch at the close of the service and many stayedan eoedthe social time. Mr. and Mrts. Albert Brown, Hamilton anid Miss Marion Snowden,. Toronto visited over the weeken1d -tbMr. and Mrs. H. G. Femn Mr. and Mrs. Gro es enjoyedc a few days visit of their grandchildren recenti, Master ýStephen Eyman, Rag- lan, nid Master David and Miss He(_athier Besse of Sud- bury. Mr. an-d Mrs. H. G. Free- man wýere Sýaturday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and Miss Mar- ioni Snowden in the Brown's trailer at Darlington Park. Congratulation.s and best wishes of thle community to Mr. anid Mrs. A 'lan Eàston, nee Linda SteveUns, who were married inMae Grove United Churcb on Sat. after- Vis itors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Besse ast wýeek were bier mather, Mrs. L. Leavell of Collingwood and Mrs. Irene Vanderboef of Boise, Idaho., Ar. and Mrs,. Frank Dewell,ý Rexdale, Mr. and MArs. Mel Shiels, Gary, Terry and Kev- in, Newmarket were recent visitors with Mr. anid Mrs. Arthur XV.,Martin. Miss SilaMGur, t- awa and M1 Joýhn Pritchardý Manotick were eekenid gue- sts of Mrs. L.* C. Snovwden and Mr. Bob Snow den,. Mr. and Ms Grant Siater, Willowdale were- Sat. evening cailers with Ms.L. C. Snowden anid Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Metcalf, Hfamton-., Mrs. Rýay Dilling and ber tath-er iMr, Les Anderson, Bowmanv'ille were Monday dinner gessof Mrs, Fred Stevens. ' Miss Barbara. Wright, Uni- versity otf uep spent the weekench at homie with Mr'.anid Mvrs. Fred Wright and family. Ma phe Grove W.1. Thie fahi termn for the Womaen's linstitute began on Sept. 1ltb with a tour of Parkwood Estate- in Oshawa. This beauLtiful 55 room home of the llate R., S. McLaughlin and th1-e urrounding gardens bas been le0t o the O)shawa Genieral H1ospiti. Tours are conducted by voluteerm- bers of th-e [Ladies Hospital Auxiiaryv. Many\ toured the gardens on their owni before taking the condctlced tOur of the first and s-conpd floors o! the bouse. Both tbe Womens Institute and tlhe Good Neigh- bours Club" of Base Line tbruhyenjoyedths tour. The 1members of the W.I, returned 'otrte Cbu1rcb kitchen for some bsns after the summirer reýcess. The Presi- dent, Mrs. C. Genhmwas ini chaýrge o_0 efllwn business. h alCî Wa Visîtors Myw iith rsLoy unraàhael rBan- H1amrilton over h ekn il.ItretOooCern- were àMr. andAMrs RoySmt, , l'etery.rb Miss Brenda Sith1ad Mrs. Mrs. Wm.A. Renidof Kirb Reta Smnli t fToýronto. is visiting relatives and Mrs. Jack Miller of Ptr frienids in England. borough,îMrs. Wlter Miller of Mrs. 0scar Adams of Bow- Toronto wereý dinner' guests of manvrj\ille and hier sister ',\rs. Mr. and Mrs. .J. E. Middrleton T. M. Bulpitt of Willow,ýdalie, Monday. noon. spent Sunday visiting in Orono 1Miss Catherinie Pcower and and were nioon dinnier guests Mr-, John Conforzi of Toronto of Mrs. Geo. Morton. visited her parents Mlr. and Mrn and Mrs. Jim M Aiddietoni Mrs. Godo'ower on Su.n- were Sunday dinner guests at day. the MacMiddleton home, Mr. and AlMs - Fred Dayýes of Claremont. stietun and their hou1jse Mr. and Mr. eg Sutton guests Mrs.Alfrd Daye, M. visitied hersister and brother- and Mrs. Tom Dayes of Hul, ýini-lawr Mr. and Mrs1i. Zack Engiand; Mbs. Kennedy Gray AIdams, Bowmianville on Wed- were dînne guests of Mr. and ndsday, of last wreek. Mrs. Mrs. Rg Sutton on Thursday SuttLon also called on Mirs. evning. John Cox at thec Sunset Lodge. l\rs. ame Mow-lAtirs. Congratulat ions to Mrr. and Kfenneth Neal, Mlrs. ROY AMrs. Mrhl Keast (the M1ercetr are patienis in Bw former Jane Knýiox) ýownrersof manillMeoril Hospital. j. & M. Sot on 11,5 south of Conratlatonsto Mrs W. rono, rwhowoni a prom J.,ý0 Lyctt ne Lîttie) of 120 anrce awrard tiromn the Mlanley, ParkRod SoWhOhaaCorporation (aaaiDiv- formwrly of rn' n distict isio) for an ail expenses pid c on her 9Oth birthday on trip to japan. The presenta- Thiursd, iiSept. 20th, 19)73. tion was nmade at ,tOon-o Mr, Everet A.Courier Fair (on the Friday eveninýg. r-ecently returnied home from Tins is the,( second trip thec Bowanile emoia Hs-Keasts have wvon in the brieft pitaî. t~ime they have beenoprtn Mr. Jim Johnmson and daugh- their J. & m. Sports. terDebie f Pterorogh Th e Kc 73 Comimittee vijsiited, his parents Mr. and representing thec Anglican, Mrs.i J.L.Jonsn f illcrest Roman Catholic, United Lane. .Church and Chiristian Reforrn Mr, Howard George e-Cuc in this area held a lamy, in bis 6Oth year, meeting on Tuesdayeeng hubnlof Mrs. Bessie Law at 8:00 p.m. in the-Main Halýll of1 Bellamny, Rg Nurse, passed Orono United Cbuirch3. Threy away' at the Osaw eneral invite the assýistance of any Hospital on Wedniesdacly, Sept. who would help them iin then.r Wt afterý a lengthy ililness. planning for the forthcoming1 Funeral service w-ýas on Satu-Lr- survey this faîl. day at 1500 p.m. in the Morris Mr. Charles D. Townson, age 55, busband of Mrs. Lilian you tbought 1m-ost interesting Kunder Townson, and father on the Parkwood Tour' rýecal- of (Colleen) Mirs. Robt J. ed m-any- points of initerest.A Taylor of Orono, also survived letter vwas read from ou0r by other chidrefl, passed adoptd Korean cild. It was away af ter a lengthy illness at agreed that we sponsor our the oavle Memnorial ci l' or anýother year. Mýrs. Hlospital on Thui'sday, Sept. Vandcurgaast, 4-H lead- i3th, 19731. R->ested at the W. C. er, spoke of thec new Proýect Town Funeral Home, Whitby. 'Thre Club Girl Entertains and and serviceasini the chapel asked girs Wto tin touch wvith ,on Saturda aflrnoon. Inter-~ her. Mrs . W rongave 'the ment Mut anCemeter 'Good Neighbours' report for the past three months. Mlrs. Hl. Cyderman tod of th:e October meetig on the 3rd Mionday the lSth wenNewtonville! Wl. ill be our guests. AMr. W Mrs. Y. Hurrie, convenor for Ef Canadian industries, asked Mr.Trixýie aneraatto cmeton, the Motto "Think SLA Canadian, buv Canadian and live a Canalan Life". She said thepower of thought canCO be tremenrdousforthe good of Idfe',for as Ca man lthinks s&hle w I e o is e nee to buy Canadianr and boost Ccanan buy9n to hielp the ecolonmy of Our. country. To live a good Canadn Île, wea must make that Mie Christcentereid. WithoujLt spiritual thoughit and CýÀ q action in our lives it is no use thinking Canadfian anid luying Caadan e need al three asetst get the most out of Ail rpaedteColeet in unîson, after whichsadih es and ickle, ta and coffee 1> 8 AF were serv ed by the group in charge. Corne on down and t see1th e 197411Fords. Free Hot Dogs 1 wouci like to tai MacDkO0N>AIL D their patronage ai FORD new premises. K1 KING S T. EAST Oshawa. Rlev. 'Murry Clung- ston of Wbitby officiated. Mr. Elmner Middleton and daugbtler Debbie of Oshawa viiehis parents Mr. and Mrs. JimMiddleton on COrono Fair Dayý.ý M r. and Mrs. Lawrence H.arris, Mr. and rs. Lloyd Ransberry lef t on Sunday on a, mtorip to visit Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fuflford (nee Harris) KeiAnita and (Greg at amopB.C.- M.and Mrs. Reg Sutton wvere Sunay inner gruests of Mr. and Mriis. Fred Dayes, Nestleton, and their blouse guests from'J'ý Huil, Engjlnd OBITUÂRY MRS. DOROTH1Y A. McLELLAN A residenit of Osbafuwa al h1er lite, Mlrs. Dorotby A. cL ian died at Ithe tamïlyv resi-j denice, 866 1Law St., Oshiawa Fridiay, Sept. 14, 1973, tfollow- ing, a engthy ýillness. The former DrtyAima Waddington %vas the dauigbter of the late- Mr. and Mrs. William Waddington. She was born)e. 14,. 1913 in Osbawawheresle \was mar- ried F"eb). 24, 1940. Mr's. MLla was a mfem- ber- of Kingsvie-w Unitedi Cburchi, the United Chiurcb Womeun, a former memnber of the Bowmanvillc Curling Club and the Grandview Golf Club. Shie is survived by ber husband V Ictrl. McLellan:, twio daughteýrs,, Mrs. Johni McFeeers Dianne),Lnn one son Peter; one'sister, Mrs. Jean, Fitzsimmons;, one bro- ther, Bill Waddington ail of Oshawa; three grindchildreri, Janice NlcFeeters, John and Ian McLeian' Mrs. McLellan restedl at the A'rmistronig Funeral Home. Servi%-ce wals in the chapel' on Moda. ntrent in Oshawa Union Cemetlery. Rev. Wesley; Herbert, of K4igsview U'- Churcb officiated. Memýloriai donations tot,,)ibe Ti' Perculiosis and Respirajtory Disease Associatijon Wii l b gratefully appreciated. Word I Darl'Ington DO we wanf the bureaucrats running aur town, or the elected representatives of YOU, the people? DO we want developments springiing up ouf of nowhere? DO we have bo sep, valuable farmland taken ouf of productioni or let lie barren? Are you for realistic plannfing- for aur future growth? MUST we endure any longer wifhouf proper recreation or enfertainm-ent facilities being available? I F a ny of these ideas concern you, en OCTOBER 1sf, GET OUT AND VOTE! RobnsonJAMESW,jX GOVERNMENT 0F TH-E FOR THE GOOD PEOPLE Polling Polling Poling Polling Polling Polling Polling Polhing vote for Experience VOTE A. D. (DON) WEARN LOCAL COUNCILLOR WAR'D ONE <DARZINGTOÏN) W'ith Regional Government beîng introduced in this areai it is benleficial to have experienced representation in Ward 1 (Darlinigton)

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