/': mTie Canadi an SZatesmani Bowm aviiie, Septl 9193> FOR (LA'SFE Tuesday, 4:30pm Brths Cards of Thanks In Memoriafi In Memoriamîs Articjes 'or Sale Articles for Sale Business Hlelp Wanted i ForRn UN c(i odtin UTA _e, x-e__t Oprtnte 2 BEDROOMhue $3.0 (nee McRobe-rts) are hap,,py to friends, neighbors and re- ALIN-In 1,,ving . emrY0f my husband, Peter, wopass-Phn 62-0.381cdio,$0. P ne 2-______________ to1ýxifrc h arva flaie fi fte ad ýn --38-1 WELDING and machine sopl- UH MCUT HEE-bdom aatet t auneth4 h e aria f a tiveS forlvelgeft nd isi ater fte n rn-edaa et 1 97. CR 5 ce taning.272. orsal. pî Curch St. thirfrs hid asnKvin cards, floer,97fs nd8iit fthrClffrd ho pase Tgehe b th smeni wy9hoe$2 peebshl. Eniailen sale.___________________y_____4___Ci__ ib. o. o Wdns ate m Cciet hak w-Setme 4. 1971. 'Would be the gr-let e ish .Pl 71 TATES - pick youron, ow avle 84 0RD FEUAT0 etnile Ph e76-7. AIl, 7786s.1. .z9,on_______lter____cl;__BOADO_____________cilill day, Sept. 12, 197, at Mem- agapn ne y yer 2d y.C EScreze,21 c i oo. Gren o se, 26-45. 381 dasp.Two sad and ___________0uhý4 12______ Since our gr, leatsrnwfu wf ysrmebrd yPoe 63-20 ate 4p.. el W ntd aiteci o r ý I a l H o s p t l o w a v i .P o l y T k a t c h . 3 8 - l " ' h a v e p a s s e d - n d F m î y 3 î ' 8 N h S e e n E g t e e i e r a , f i deGt o2 ,a r i g P r o u- d Ig r a ntï D a r e n t s a r e M ~r . S n e o r g e t 8 r o e l e R u b y a n d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __7 2_ _ _ _ s et0w t h e g h t r c i a y - F U l a dp a rc t - t r n e M aghte n a n cee aA d u IR T s n l , n o p t s v a an 'MS. Hwr cobrs Sincere thanks tu friend,The grief that we received reoviesfn mem ONE ayWOINR-inannejx stove godnco n- tback. Phonre 623-78. 8 _* utdo1r ork.Ca li350ganhtal mmdae Ci tts an M . n d i' r . H a r r y F a r - n e i g h o r s , r e l a t v e s f o g i f t , t h a t d a y W O O Lý oR n g 'O r n a . 3 - 2 c a l ] n f c 6 3 3 0 3 1 t ow ai of B w a v i e A i e scard a and visits dur- N o one ca o ever te, o yAfppîar fa h',c,ýr tîonn.q8 -5 û ýWî b r C tei bevn rï _ _ _ _'e stA nf o ssi, nur s e s ag aen ds t e th t o asta f dw m aha r , 8 8.S8-eo et ,d a r g e do1 ,' H 1 R R E S E n e d d î m O c o b r f n dr_ _C m p n y R el1s GILBANK - Doug nd Gai at Meml'ai HepPtai.ButRwhaaitrmen, to lsetMy iars roe abov (ne loa)ae er pod ade clistI'l8il ou adWcnieastm t1eait 25 Sa"ls ecns $ '6" 5Dee.Cal63-289.meaeî.1Exerincenecs- uahaed pre uasr-ji ________ background- A nncbuildinl, eae the semy nttapartmevt.dSe11r- bir -f8teir firtume.d a A sn and Minnes la rstaf Is iney hre wt ou ,h 85 _ _ _ __ _ _ 3-5tngh ac tia fomuancl ~ t nrnc a d drv w y 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u nzo usay etme fmlrltie n renaFrh il notthe in e ta uosfiy t re.sa erbnpce, esnbe pric3- e. O'r jno as saes, r.Lo, 63-67.78-1*X **rine asn oryugc - t3__________________ ______c e, afpie5prefeorred. Ph2-àe3-12.- 'iinan jer Nwcasti. 1- thteketoteCoutceïUC.Wvei' eve saidgoodbe, heaed, fidg&taa-stoe sup GILL-Don It beatve ad rind F rokie oi'theas to bcu 23517.381 arge 141-23-17. 5-f ndhih har. Phne62..Ifor nai ocatlim8-e6. Ph37 e-2 S 's L ANWrt Avertsr41 / h Conbesnanoune tea- 729.38- FATOR hep nto, pr- skates, anaian Staesmn,-1O ozaiimra sio, fwrs anlista duin ly part af us , nwe l you LoSa ,uda S nnep. 2 . 6cb* a263 241. 264f yea- frs ; ri , a e , crseat,Sige er Set1, 17.A rte for chanka t D.aCnna-n-[ham, home.pef Mîchehl. Proud grand fl and D yr. Aos i nd ltoe-al ise yduh eiowmntlydn-maur oadser.Akng$7.22fourfrtre-erol il fv- Dtisttomeon;O Savubewihsm areMrs R~. oomes Oa- wndrfu nuse 0O thid or e uson-in-aw Lloyd e swii om en c eon t., hoe 93-247 3-1 PICK ybur23ow032.clntoshdi- ay e n o aNftel.ri6, 62-1 sospsil.kthe rvlgs 2 ek (Ha) n11, owm"vore tlPtheffor i erh ep abr n.teefero h eodSt 4 ngn a vrtig aini2ml at fPn ta.raMr. Ects od3Rdgeg nSchool. AOpeil, n lyin- LIGH hIusowrk. Wrte to kowledgeifsoffceprc-FO tbe " enAh ou- Special thankraeEmma HoopËr0o3b-e urda b ea*sChuanh 8 A e$000.Ooo935444.- ______4t, Statesman, Box23-546,or awd sjortch nD on sssetajbut nots3730choreat.bouseur36iJane St., erniy stff. 8-1 incrbe othasnk.t Dco U N3n8_îgmeoyof Dnc an Hl StC1 îHESERCEh a nd match- mafonlione. l37-12 seta.Aiiyt cp ihBw avle H B an Jhn1un1e arodeaorson and bath oeSpt39t8-ui1b rakINUaraglyod cckîg chi, ecuoHOee WINIG- rceod - SafofTidFloMmo-LrrwopasdaaySn.Baky 91.Lncrvd-bd.12 c8x7 42ih9.itpe dnn ornsie ki ATES/atr 1 er or oda pa ei __ ______________ sh (e Fga)âr pese alHopta, n teexelet 1,169 u t o frote d.Ata $2, Stue rnts ibl o n-o.Pon 2-adbosaie hn 8-AndovRY,1pu ilrnati e; r. mr morac. rial anounehoMfeariaicae Inrceied hile tu i sa olagn Sosae y ladSndy525 _______372429 8- a-xeiec--ede.Cu plyi-riigsatn a oiS l the Acres Restaurant,î -s)lil po._rL., ew a rt-____________-_____________ for ndrea. eivesfo . 983544.373 33-73. PhO'98-441.34tfCoLlyBordofedut rcafocletcndtonw trs Mrjn Ms on .Fao oy ad 1lwrs adDysolodeswilcr e sp $od.comple and brîng ' ______'I________i._______etc_ü___;___I g nchd fo Mr ad Ms.a.DrA 1siaIlda1tris, d elw otîy l 38 .i e a d etnilHlQen ~ Toe lr ew an lio ne, $0; eddig gwnfisye 1, Paho e a nadan,______ ailth kndnuse iImte- o_____ utthyuit nkuwthrses ondySe .21 230i'usd 'aler. iews N. iz 1, oapice $5 hoinStaosanonO. Boz10 83341,Eniailon Gren i.,ExtrA spclad thNïI p.m.2FN.wcoticy97-5131. 16-tfj23-4703 38-1anwmanvile. 382aTeach r's Aie house. 38l1 Si)Pt Oaibe ýP 3 row Homo b1eraiongthcnd at __________________ 1969 STANDnARD shift Toy-erý Dr. A. Sparsiand D. K.nChares Symanawouic/lik cealed. nurses381 ofB. Mem'ohnriaiHoptaand onN-n i 38-1ry o nlry fea1.tun ch'e Boined o.nc.M a ou g- c hono, 986-4737 i c-pno;pi frtocadSH weswh ase wy et suoiot- fTrn o sitrgio idr '4PY OT sdn ln BINN rc n a-Safowmanvile forther nbihsStra, et 2 d iev hn -4-91 1t tc. __________ oe tr. 12 se'garo dt eher fr tiee6stnarno raef e afbaehafand Hugh n Hwy four ind o se urni-iVEonsleirght weeks nld, well weekf.. Bowmnville, announcý pe tetaHoeithbal, frieecen enda, Becbu 1971 nrg t h p re mil e so dh 0uElîa- p6 y'3 onet am a ,cwagoadios e .price r8a- pm.'o idgh e apy i38 forthcoing maiago 0f thir ieRboa ogeadM 1, . btvle531 312sonble hon 9839201ton epree ed hn 2-ntIne hnnoSet 4 96CEV orcniin Woualndasdabe my ganteea ihM N T R lGECJLN e1 ca Û'ERna oatdl rn. 72adepeineh:MisMi-hll orcnitoba f onOcoor21ha 4p p athcr ler.pelol thakih Rv._____Osaw Mns ofbal atiulrs oplmOtalospaerubgbnuplrecShooateaty cosltntla3811966 CRSERWnso, riday, Scti2,nber 14, to Ms. Harry DavLy an inYardson59y uKeelef ht., vibrato, 3ideal1 for vimahi yourrvarea.v Fu 1llhGme, partnusepart-o_710_5_ Trînlty nte Curh.-1s, 4 ake amilteo rranis FuneAcrsaRstarant 1-4_ di'.iv sedanlo:,-383ad automahicrin, Alan, Larry's fandnrelhoiOesHfArWtAe30t 38-2i-d623-2676.or38-1d, vsîmnt. Cullian M rs. R i75 en es' 'ntd pwr teig an rk Mi' Jon Wstoer ndD pased away nept. 21, 1969. Auplie asioen d t ise GARGE Sae - 35Prospctt Netwte,9 P.0,and on e r6f23.Pon 63 THf.FTShopn Mnyw opn onsnna.e 374.38( siteaar pod oanouc I emove driig The wousn tht yu r UENS ELTeadayo nd3Trrsdas St, Bomanvle1Sept 22,TENDr 3102) taMi. Wilim HgBaes.Thea arhab ad Cliffh Ord thoenyy so-ilc,.t;s 45,c/ heCsrul a wedig o ak panFr1tho mawo asd wyA e og o i u' ers e o e el T aniDlacci pTv donansdcoffe tes, mirrraoinps '05h epices tor1 lr cae 2 93ho'7MsagFrforsit 1 11 i1 ýr i)frwFia, Se ptp6t2.23737 72'wnd1,hv dos2ou msin. C1lM' Miora ac Alters Ae o pin Drn'h. Jh' ngiaD.aeul sepngEetng Al 2wy vilDnin -.NED aPSURE, SYT9? anymae7tes-5) u13r-72-517.372 a be on 92te1ude-7034FOD alon0taidrd Dr,_K. hres wyords wayoules -ady emmbre b Hl-WODVEWsu iîiP PU _mp nus 10 e ntion. 38-1 CI PNO oskoprfoery6:0pmFîay oyfune iern Maawtb10anone h I ienehosffrdeBIG ' -bor pu rmneinN enderORD uad fon ot p.2,Bwovie ~$g1te Ssa Dne b a od e dxiphmroessloe sn boher, NEXT MONDAY O-2 dnn 98-52ui-te, !5'î4 o iNOTChes lon EDgO, $Lc/ T 3andin natz---otn ELGoIN occeptd fe.34 ra,'an Dev ha Ainya i'einte'e,s d byL y n, wompasd ORED Barn -D a n e ST.41-fplr, ecesec, vile.38- Ne asl ren uf Bowmanville. TofeMmai'- wifeeEsi.381aaaudeltet 1,16, # ring thABlue'IA DOMESIC &COMERCIAL i Pernsa n aisWNTDf98v6-4U7 o o oet ord 3- na o th a o inplacoethh-aigTninihuray osp the, icresulb o!sie, ,ant àccident. 4ý T rcuia U te Chrho Tur day, PL cLN-I ndovin m sii- mlsato emory T KfESLmaY -Lihing have hap- 1-IfEG RATON UNTSegana eto Staesoe Ry :0 pm.ta- Ssuia otfber 18 1973 aba8 p.m. my grvnllfaoner CliffrfoAi-fienod, nd APPi ANCES . Switz- er, e lob weko! heTan ! atr, xprincd cp c4, nd C Bnwmanvi t hi tmea pelethnk Klln iothecdawY Countyrh n outyRdal7ao tnI Sford ntquReol, Estate Mrd office Pesý ppy n rîi 381 inwh pvsd wa Spt Sac yu er cllciawy, TH SLVTIN RM SA ES SE I C E 0f Durbain, wha dîed6on-te la Bowmaviile. TypSegtos24, Mi.an -r., JonPedeWj-ecfuours wc o ý n c a ,ýtrfte soud, TulivleFe. 16-UO rereuie a ie rof ffiPtahon er9tise 41(3Hl the fI o rlbcomng 1 4,191.1a97n3.ing hsaanawii reeas 'ua1nerIse 21hday0fSeteber 172 sntil.Reiysboinoqaf Oron, ar iesd-oa- noyd-Hdyo net3h-1ta263a--'1 HONE623-221nanee.hh-2e u2ensined /o CBadia StaesmaBo1 nounceeLoffHCwubw o r their meOiy vey aylasanesiai wy narjo: 4e ir nageui aughtr, BtP sid-,MeW orie 0fyou scmooi' usc 2 Dvsin st., eo lacvll, n i'bfoe h lIda 0 90fuirnile 3 tfhide hav ahy a b ae TERy, OWM NL 26-f OTobr 1973,ifier wich3.:jrecuhPicpl 1Â snofMr. B anlDsMrllHeo, Tflord con nove fn.theflo- r LIAý Es.AIA TSDY -I.45ribube" Od cowitb eaon îyen,ý 10 RN. 22ot' .Nes , _,,r pireiosyondc ,ï lving husbnd ad B.. fi timer -ppsts. Fi g dIttruekea72are t a eLallycosueerit- nae ak pae lacrdayf -'-'-t r *densigp, i ,kail thn ,hav olme Ocice' i elloatHall,.Ino. - - r peia hak t e memberOshbyaon, Daor 197 - 7:3 lp.m.ticl ws ppr str on of who s eadomfo sha1l1 er haveullyour mechanle checklà 38-;,v Cbich 1 ALLîN, Ce a liffe or is- l a i 'gSboockasisersandfailis. dmieon , oSt.,n ave oi ce15. i 623-5813oAirrtiiibeoreîalg s Chapel. INTeýN-n fond ieni38-of Conditioning offphner againatG oui'ne asking price. c W -__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ o y a d a a h r a n 38-i Stuideýnts 1.0 0 - A dul ta ,7 R T O R I ST lE D D A T E D ah B o w m an vil e si______ C 'di rs._________T e nds____e groncifoîhery wbo passodthaway 38-1reHF-VHF Colored Acriast Ibis 51h U day!lofSept.mber,R GTEEEDC N DRc ore aw yccve go arecprti eaon optember 24 _______________ Yur o vs v ersen, o o!of e diïermore or, earbaNEWCASTLE As.,n 1oes1r-w r Daigcir.tany 2Swiyl, "ilaVau:dk Svti EwAsîLED TENaDERS w piM cDONAL FOR You are c ry ially invî lci Y- od s ee9nd cr, wh psoc8a a S pt00, CO M NIW A L EP S Adminis:rahor NU RSE I DrEiSe o roceiviO U ntl 3:0 pcri O N A N I L theMr.home o!11.Milane Ms. But bbc, -soc dt part o ath11, 1972.'NewrToanship Guaranttee by bis saditor)uherein, E vrince Preferred.1, LOCAL TLME on o!Ms C ak W oers, igody. de mle Te.E TIK RATHAVEN THRDYcSPEBil 2 19Kn S.Est-63-4 ,ay c,, Neton ibe, On Da i ssd a y Tlwoden bfr ihrya fe-BADSAiûrcdh AEYuMny A ET USN OEFo h upyoc nt eys 01 rhdy , Sund 19 a y ü ,-, 4 , 7 _1imew1 A i VCn;hot ha21e-22V!iny Ph 227 pt. 3, 1973. foris n g2-5 .m. ure o gulept ý -- 01' BowýýIý-,n monvwe, OLaýrin. Phon e 2355553- E:turaaS rNvr, rOTICo reel ag tan TO REDTOR Prsoablittrctie Holh, ospta Landrla W ante t Thod ai eaie n a-due wrs e- ary, acbf îc r ufeîn Heae-0 D1 Y ' 1 P P uthe T ento!ooun g gnudh n~1my Onîai.RD3- uad Ocber.6,dfn 24gandagtraCsaroe 3.1 k aow, OMPETEd LCY . -Conbe3aied.Tender1Docuetsemyb 31 oac 79 o bc ocaiono!_____ Sanegenie octo!lo e 'i 1 - Counb o! I joi'humberand, otaine frointhe MiistryUSED Frni-ueinciAppl NothSt, rokiaotntar o 191. . h bre IknTOw Hoid "weî donc, Lcy A. Miler, wvo deci OlVFrpomen ti QensPrsTrncn abebxs ec rt d -Peter's Dozen Phon Dbeîeeen 9o rn.n-2op.m Sa riowhat Ho. clu a -SaIy ieci oac abas disin s.ope oul LWMOTL TRS eeme 17, r hrbyA10%PrfraneBodSttsmn Bx19,Bomn You ae codsauy-inibeG boa, re ombeeci y so WraCoac ,.intiat c 7o! October,0,1973, 25 Gray a ____î_i"_ 38-3aV ren-::4r n ie s t o oai ac ie adn bs tedr iaefoncobn. Pcs n oacibful articuons o! heir Mot r Inn aîl Mi' V. Hawkns- Mins-NancTounci sople forlrecAmg Lawryon riaySet. ls, Yu isbd a SINCL I R - laeM ory1,A rinLuu9,e - zclama de( b ntur olte . 3t-- l' o! ove nnQ evcs anto ec tr,3 i 1973, a 8:30 cin theKiry H A Wll ouiifaheroac grncMatFe,,T.KE -ALt'on l ven -ifii b tau GTTooto n arin doehn iin tBwavle Centenni chl Co mmitsaY 1,- r v n galci goerr, o rnay M. in icl i wh R A 6S.EB avlesocrit ies i o h - f an) blciby c. O SO EcpTH 1N No 95-12 7 tee: Mra. GardongLowiy, ou ba iger e bfore d A sl- aySp t.e7n96. WOEd ED aREKnaiorlecaato. FIG AD O lNO ' Th ows o nytndr35 'fb-bgptlas nyOmnp Ms.Roer 2Rth ,Ac19y7o'.kow wy. o vOiy t' OMgAVsNEWTHUtltday o! cl hoptber, 197, heFuilhime care.tuines .C Tacerrc. rc 1ànluedliey cm-ford, Orono:enILÉ, M62-321rsn. biste nd bondl weo ïni cann aItrn-i, nK Mofbt, ea3 FRNACtwiiaho-istnbubei amngeIe meththrdemnci! We noci 7-2 ng, tatig vocetyoaciquae LraLw,_I rono. 3-1 ky oc gt-raison5h1, eshave an many nom- leriSt.,gBOILER p e ransent)iIteiereb o fy nbnaszcr slspr ______________iy b coe ,17,t 1 i ___ ______of- -0f beonewe ove s Se tem er 5,1971 ,soing12 cgai'd o73n fly 10 thcasnt onn ohnisa or HOT a)WATERr o1 hi c h ethe ne sin eialongrime o' or oie&iaBx7,Bwa le _________Lee'______________ Roanutite. 38-e,1Tho!_an t.os HUMrDIFIER OfficeRNManager,1,Pine Ricigr indeaths. ALLrN-In lovingomomory o!&mucb. _______________________ notot noi. Th a-ieceRn, otrainiyouhehonho succsfb a h pT-ae Fsl3- pia, owmanvîlplae oaTurs-pse aa et.2,171 at ,.JH'SAGIANCl ayo etmbr 92 aiiprmto. epya ute ahc.381BYN il udiP- theG iidi ethLoionnire. blk, I tp copettiv moasc erfîbroCoeuyulfbs Jhduber-în,7,Iaw Helen k. A.trogam f xiep , 29 our ESSOSerce and .K yet .. iO Fl ouiybnft rci (rs Rap Bro), Aco!hegetgncci-acgranmsýdaghters indIy sotsekrFE TM TSOoo nalIcuei ooengtîae udy.Frfrhrpie. As te rds 38nce nîarîy 1,'ford - lcnorng roi' tacIzs. 62-3913vn, 23343. 7 IWIS.iUiIiL, onyu ovr nw,~1U~diU..~-icAmisesc.ion:5206Oron dnisaveori. Dissetil srvcesfo moor oidJohin Symons, al of Lea- Anci how we tabko!hues 98-3-5206___________________ I mîgbn.Scvie asbeciin we shareci, SINCLAIR-bn loving mm- 25e each or 50oc i ù r isasppyb ItrgvngD.H A!ëf'sofc wl11-7324 bbcMorisFuneýra luChpel, Andi thinga we soici anci diii.ory of oui' dear father aci babysitting service. ____ions________ 4i' 0 ngOnaio to cober * 2 incseieDr-33 Bomnvleon Salunday aI Yes, Daci, 1'm sure you gr&aif.ather, Harvey M. Sin- roi o ,BoxingIbs62me0njctins n 3 'lak Ilrmn Ee- know clair, wbo passeci away Sept.- LEARIN TO DRIVE 0,LnFa nai. 383-alrisac l accine wl gro MmralCm leyHow we love andi miss you 17, 1969. Pts24 Haur Service TRACTOR TIIAILERS 37 odho '.ýi. n il1 ýrg ives n each uesav 9an.JîI inore ceh day. We 'c-do not ineeci a speciaýi day 41-tf *No on rcin train rig r',CnumrRsarht 5pr35-7 -Loviagly remenibered by To bring yuta our mincis, KiTNnfo o oc oel Canada, eeac1,ý WRIGT-Elbtoa Artbur, son daughtcr Beverly, son-ia-law The daya we do aot tbink o! honmes. Phono 874037. 38-21SEED1 EAT~ neriwr o! te beote lJabnF. Wri'ightlGarde oaci granàcchhcrea. you 1 , T-itiii T1.x DeduCliblO. ýLAInteLLrOiROLeOs oaaah Oke, brther off 38-1* Are vey ard 10 finci OE ppis capo Placement Assistance Canoda's numnber ane Re- *E Garneýt of Part Penny anci If we coulci have a lifetmmeiblooci linos,, brinciles andi Fredrick - It's New Guaranteed.sarhConmpany bas coponina 'CiraîtigBU-BIS Ebr oyl ak MchgoALLIN, Cifford Inl loving wish, fo1 ; rn ae.Phn l Weekend training also for people 10 codue"it inter-_ Augual 26,!973, ila Chicoglo, mnemory o! a dear grancipa One special dreai ntcae 1-(705)-~277-2254. 382* YED IIE avoulable. views (personal & telephono) b 450 )UH3MAACT labs73rdyo.ltn~hac ra-rniwops- truc, PUREBRED Border Cole STANDS STRONGER Foýrài.pplication andi interview ta galber opinions la connoc- Royal kMijchigan. 38-Um cd away Sept. 24, 1971. We'd pray to Goci witb aIcýl pups. Excellent for chldren'a cncosmrssivy Maureen Edw diMR Beauiful memorios are won- Our- hearts pets aci stock doga. Francis BRIGHTER SIRAW write: tun uie oneron vy dads MAKTIGtOR derful tIîgaq, For yestercnda--y andi you. Jase, Newcastle, 987-4789. LOOKS BETTER The Canadian Istitute o! pr not dnnîae.Bt PYET oKY CARNATION Thy at tilI the longeaI .Always rme beribyson 38-1 tsoTaco roernriot Id ayme niconing raer. Auls ndChld FLWRS nlSEED STORE day; Larry, dube~i~a oris DGgroin ac lipng, ENEEE1mipORKTAR 207Quen'sQualW.aseo! ca deiralebu 33 DvsinStreet They nover wear !ouI, they aci granc1ison Tocici. ail breaooile andci span-AIQen' uyW Ueo 'î Eiale ý; Anicon nover be given WOOLER-Ia îoving mcm- P r pcahe.Hm itrv~eîl a ! Trno17 hal 'ioneorsttial. Ie op-Inomtn!l o!,ac'ear fzherePter, rom home boarding. Englîsb . ,or eall 416-864-9381 lo rscn O'e o l.,."1~LC Potdaway. ory *fa erftbr ctr pringer spaniel pueppies for nt hs esî cýash crops. homremakers Interoec1i ~AA-n .~UA1 Corsages7To somre you Mnay ho for- who passe i away, Sept. 21, al1fo EgbshIpotei(Fori-'ly - Trnls Canada Mking a pritai'ble- and la- 3.2 163922 Pipmtp ~~~~~~~~1972. 3~*_______________ WeddlngTo other2s a part o!flthe past. Days a! sainreFsastll canle dam. Phono 76-2234i. Crsor ams Tasor mina) lreabn s !fo ie _____________ YOui momo wll l waed ys o it keandyou ever TmE ntaoci, prtly terinci, B38-3 AiiiîLLE Ota: Eoom and Board K NIGHT S Bouqets -. Jbalynu, Tears in silence often flow, purebreci dLabrador pupaBtb swolvc o ai oe s HE oe sere ,BWNVL, OT.LotCanadian FactsAalbe bat. -irywllawysFr e-or'kniontîme -(,iii ýül arl aolb o lai', CnpnLiMilted 1ROOM Aa bdaoabe APP E -AwyYbvc oc emi- neru dfot lliTrial Capo IOE: 623-7150 -e BLCobaipufvoopn Arraniemoats aci r11rm Thovugh you bave sok.Bylo frIbGun-62-55 bîewhs mringeansf16BI ý t1reel East, fredrygnlmn h WSndFoWver' YWi bereci by granddaughte r La- yar Laga. ing SOSe,0iz or aýs a amlly-î pcb. D F R phone 2-11Oi 2-57 Ihsandi loyd andi great- -al isdby Daývuiaci Te1cephlone 7628,etn-I6373 ers ho"Bc.Cott K. E. Toronto 5, Onlarlo stainer, cenntrial location. 623-îITLTD 1-fgrancison Dea.,81Lid2381 vle 3- 3- orasthe 623-31G). 38-1; 3?-2 7116. 3.12-