18 Th~e Canadi a tesman, Bowmnanille, Sept. 19.1973 FOR (LASSFD Work Wanted Personal Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales IReal Estate for SaleiReal Estate Wanted Real Estate for Sale! Dea terlor painting. Please tele- flot bce responsible for anY Grist Mil iAucetion 'Barn Sept. 22, 1:15 p.m., at Saveo atPetiekl's Auction Shed, CLUstoer lhas cash for, realis-, E E A R S pital, Winnipg nTedy phone 623-4294. Hcoinl ntofE_ýia 37--1 debts incurred in mly name, NETVLE Produrcts Warehiouse on Hw.vHaYdoiml ato n e priced three or for& SAVINGS CO. Sept. 18, 197,AaSndls by mywfe, Jean Boughen, 28 L Min-,thre Vieof wly niskillen, on Satýurday, even- bdciirýùoomn homne within 20 wvif e of thelaeJh Hnr WELL DRILLING. Cathmar fe ensSpebr FRIDAY, SEPTEMUBER 21st Çonsisting 0 hss fda-ing, Sep, 29. A large quan- mriles 0fBwavil.Cl REALTOR Swvindells, da ohr0 _________Roy______ ndat the Mri Fu ra Phone 705-277-2504. lit! 1 riorris W. Weston wil The Household Contents 0 ceso f ied .; s ingtiuepice. ae t pm.ladRelt m. roe WATATeER orewe0"tl.sntbeoerotiibe r3ebt"MssMinieRadalNewtmchne chom sit, r- o esrve, lffo8-2Necatl BuldngLo Chpe, owanvll, ro Wad'Vell Boing. Tl-îcrrdb ywie aytnvle rn n rs ord cabinet; rockin, chair; Auctionreer. etIck,Ra Ett!frSleàvemnte-ycar romfrlday morin.Srien poe312-00RerenaieHlnW tnaerM ia, Spool, Wood, Double, Single trunk; bed; tables; chairs; the heart of Newcastl. Tis the chapel o rdy a ph87 -403 0. 1'rosnntayebeautifuletbuilding lotda.bas1a1o' lock. Inemn omn ______ and Wash ta, om ods-thr)tes s l ngcn- Sale r a, Ooo1CnU n L0TD ELOR1 sz) asamtueoc ad ' ed. an Lad rillng C opny, YVenie 7, 173TondRosTrnkailFootsaosci ine,3- 2ion~8pm hedy0 omniî V I U hk. pertinlbudedinglotism- Phone shaw~576-604. Re COUNRY bose wihin 30HallCablesePlantStand toekale.aale tie 8 pm For3 bedromubrck twnChom New7st45 987453. 2-tf yunMorinW.Wcopl. 3Phone FrgesandStve, BRnn iBB antFRNK ActioeersWiliamMosly1boadcreedlivigl-denig $2,70 RFSOSBE woa iî63-89atr6 .. 3W*C air ans, Smal 'plincs r tessil ei o- aed Arnotïi, Won. 38-1 room. 8 Y%îmrtgageLRAL ETAEas " ehr gan elsIcdo dil CI S t rfoljCI SIliNewSVi k i n gned JtLL. R0 Pr 12nstr JnsýviIb okdin nAce otIlLarge a ottrcivecentur a sue rvisonda rihing un- or Sae or Rent Wigr Wser Auctio N EE RS81 2WEEnKo ý m.iLY bdrom bugaow lrgofE LT R)sîenia scton Et ro - familyy, kitchen, Trachool0tibusosetÉhtsals.hometimenewlyn renovat-o' 5hon7. Oshaw1576-EST4. ReNT-ndGasSte in l cTble iatemStJand-s. eciciibricn ail tlpesno, LIre e Ta t e rr L .g an d o *on ofHOshawa 15 des 35, ery , Id at P 'is, Arh n date, S L S a d E T T S a u h m C u t ae re a tr a f A R S a d H U E - r o a a d piedfloors ee d jîer ewaste.Liinsqur-Umre987-Cne,5MnyPi-.Po2 Nwcstl 97-767 Orno Eery ThuWll r., 7:30 p.m. tour Bedrooms New 1,480ng . ft. cederplog rcfinishing. The bouse is 209 Bond St.BE.,dOshaNa jos, clanng yads bse trs gftshp. Pakig, 2½ tuelen F ae , Ovra r-N wtniaen8-253 Slln Hrss Ctte S sn, Im aultey ket wn ugaow mbdroi, 2 engnsmeiteioIeit prte. Fee sti aeexcelet- oCndg taemn O an er, oli New Pi k ngSP E O superiinE prsnwil rrasa, Tin, FrSal o RntIr, Io utinsl oueodpieo.PoeE023Y 25 ordecram our possesso(iyroo. arn.On aen.bdom uglw) lok ftr nechld i m Lvetok orSae ie, Wickn erla, im ontnsrco qi- 9396, rooC2TfdteOra nar5ewoniS sk- deck offSdininonroom, 2 bathf -,Lsr4homee, one 6hrou- nc, Se a e s, dverisig met, lus rilsumdrai'rusdubl garge, as irepace Frda. ppy t 3 in i.onE en-wyear-o nd 35tnt Pece, aPnsOld sheBandpropEty aonMr.LloyA Pic- Autionsaleeprîvte etateicopeet:ing 52,90.00 WA t 2, Bown ville elding e fv-eeod rtyGas As elna4eig(bty 'wln d to be held eoty Salsrtea t's nsnov PEE10cAH WAVELYaRd. - 3 bcd-pileflor bos laigyrs aeyaers wiit h argood ma rkyer ad PonyanSaev oeroedestvf ed ng2AuctionoHall Thurodayept roomThaeulinumes2d9dBbun raes e SULA iON, 38. 1 Pone 983-575, Orono. rsuem sedalreOrcard soth ! N. 2Hwy, 2 , et 6 p, e27.Hall St Phone, 623-4894 galow. Broadloom through-t. tubaemaP0RiicPns ok,- REALESTATELIMI s Just east o1115 Highway, thd îh oc on ,uwork- sale___________Naine_____ o ubs:,li l e r0) a xra. On b eom l. bdoj Tokatroecid nWcersCsh t1 ..R.C.A. Vnictr eei- 9conditi on rd vevet tb cing ewûiIl, k Myfor to orS le1 rai nec.A skfrDens iew], f oineteia est ie, Sealda r nug la- W ntedSTAPL s AIETO rS i nation radi ed erd fier;bufe-tpeelctie ry 3-1 BE DLY RE - lrg 24 in S.W . , doublle e.$O000. tion. Phone 742-0272.. Hepintce- Fetive a rr y a L. Wade S. jHO CE Y playera fr Sunday A cine eslaeand dntt carspn; eecri toe clre cbidiglosonpacrt: 2-39 Phoe 97-431.38-f mrn n e Port Perry Men'li86i2953(achil ng, (ý'iib like new; d .,s-teevion; ale lampa; evnlc- P TER NTc1A IIEy Ve !Lke . 3ng $,90Motaleved-Ohw Legu.,aî 939p8.382.8i2rsceaB! raer; one ticirnr;wahig ahie;reeris.wa, r.eah Bilers eni aai- atito Hbb ar 3beron smideace '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 7iiinS hn 2-58 sdFuntr,1 Tepe- SAUDAOC.6,173 atre; Wstnhos at- aisanatmt e;1n2RA0ETAE$l,000 -Sal 2bd-bef ewbrs arpls e, omSetri.doui ane t, 23481 33Th Poeryo! M lr. and mati re; ahngm-tals bfe;,niuecars EE2LISUAC rone. 1 y decoatd go ete ansodii/ aeen.$450 Bownvingi e-381,f Ont ad rarloon, hfranceutbungalow in pontya: storeyndgframtb home, compl üite- FNearhdCedsric> ark teald Uits rc- tomWol, ws TorhilOn. Leaed etcol adaoo^soe:xanra lllapaelddn am;il Stor Frnts- Flat irrrs A ctin S les 616Yoe St,, oneblok o fSaurum;She 2stewareatriqedsheistTeehoe 23-45 lt.Id acfr coup l o r-îne.Batiul adcp hs 0arsi ak Parn ed and Colorned Glsf RIASPT1E 8t ot'o hntretonon slewreàiîg an îl ealag ae pa oerhm.Loaonpamn.edigetueqe setn.it1/4n vrlwigsra esi anSdalaz in 17-! Aci ae o ntqeYn etrid Chy , inmo\er;p owe r.Cdriveortes-1isndtia) 3 bedroomi ranchct.As fr eri the town o! ÉTONrhil. vAn- n f ýour.. a moor;es; um nituar;Ge.welome. Salesmd- nce ktce, iin-O ,MavrsTpnlpuOspvd a tin hn 4-22 e fumiurdihs, _ _a adtiu-Fritr, ae oka adnto olsadiord racor, firom uopent-ty enting79searte diin r 38fr- roa'd. e autflvEwA skinage2 ig ke t .arEn, F a - bungaoii . FepeVe0( Zulave Hry . Wde OKEYwil berheldorSndthycîdîn cViin eger ator, dier;s, ixwo furro plchsi; u cter nd Ctge, 725- e , onenbnuoicholad in6 ots opNe om om. 15 crs,80acesexelen Phoe ph7451. stry SPACPrtIery MUS î76-2nd1 balance pasture):dres- eleasondtaLookI-psAhead aw f AkFew Years -ncaln CaptLend Genakmlsnrho lrerne, burled w98-938.a8n2ut3-1îrs;î etîofiumabin ralcorertre5751 381 ppg achne, eicludes fmily rom. Beî oaick HobunalowinbUYNo Professionallyed or milesh-o tig om tblsdb ard lepcasoumldedhfirls acuutmreyend onehal! brck cona ndlunec. Ilco- 6mmacurae,cnditin ins- 8 cefrnay nRr anFMR ESTIMT Sanfildoes, 7an 2And6mNoTnIcarsUEl poan gshetrco-AutonSae pivtAe-hoeEnloel anaapd eiecs.Acelo.-edye Rc.Rom rodlo mnyRednarTanon 7 i iin S .-P o e 6 3 5 8 s Fiat ibeck pine cu p erd, BsAtonrocker C, 197Queen Ann esdton. t inghouscash. ose ainhe dt tie at seAut; ion ab R AL ThîSlhm6 re, o i ,00 00 . 50 7x 22' Greenhouse.uTe rif e cargo nd h r e e . d n-on eda, engerread ock, heat o! dr wers, captan'sIEectra ttoe (ovrtop ven); dinin room fou-piecnnd Caîl Roy1Fst;r hoiaiilOtro all rac., picture81 ram7s, chi r oeth centur.chnse WEicdESD AYSEPT. ma-th dietes; ut; atqchs ;el wopee aLI Ith AN insEdin Pe Bshlpyfan Rhoteeat Cali Ruby Ingleton 176-333- 623262 Jheta ndK B tR GEass rcig hisciega s ea i8aceR.W.ettzgerst a rm soie;23 leeAutio Sal esie oedtaconditin;cfeee at;52Kiion rW, oom. Price et 75 Aci-e ,1ý 1, res aet Potapl coe38- OaledBURNES - F NStomWid w A Upro.20 tm. ln clhi glasawOre. print, pnt ivo ckan , Implsem nt el and aed als; portn able sile- $900 wihtrl.at sot us s ms l 'h-I CLEANED o attend Terma a s Sal3etoale 'swing achin, num er Hoseh-t-Furnture.i'ropr- viion (ood co ndî io n StoremFronts -andoLarry John- 61o r ür e ook , nd te r b rtc- tyo ! Efsar qau m ; ort ihle s tý,ereopho n ie ste e compon Du pl i vne o2m3-nd h rdwoo . Prid etI,7,el P R U N E H A M P T O N 3 5 7 - 3 2 7 0 , G e r a l d G r a h a m , I fo r a t o n c n t ar sc t u d e - s h pn omi emor h,! r c h n i o ) : 5 e . e d r o m u i e r o ea n b t h i1oh eLsd e e d ei n H ili r s u s t h g Mail Arud 1dlrdress s AURI DAY S EPT . R2th Terms:oCah. - onN o feve adst. 2 ead o!Charla-is power largn soler (lnw lt o wthre twedo arso ed -53oved roadAsin $9. Hydroavi lble analzr 7t og t n w.N.7 nderfoowrd cale m4 C er- aed1i an recordpler 1 ndUIstorage 10she:1d.. lsec are. Asking $1,9e, P..Bx4 omnil am.Auction S f altqe o Bdertuh egtw f h iist. Ais our s eligible for reco : rd-png pong tablce. t able s-iw: ew itwo-strey rik, n Honiuseold Fi ure . Pro- Bad iqe riL ALE, re Chsaron'la s; o de ov.antoreas: laoenvrve ai e l irror; sprtoeool nd 41 igwa. beromPunalw'ieteGaroi ArF VLNCESBORN rte roonif ik pac,2-pebabthangarage. and Im"Pr-oe raHyravi an~1,Cn 1 mt o n Markhm - 294-4970 - 9c o ows odue tor ec; 4sei fer o.eler scap.iances ingh5es.poitii (CmuDco) si, 1/2 il e et onBride- " n sFremogeat r isyear od; i Here o steer H oeso Rer an r ale, 5-Afer oureau: weltou basementairdcondi- a esing $a5res0excelGood Capengng- palting prnrts0s 9 esynoado 3 m11 SatIO. 6rr om okAý Cerpntrymile norhees and1 m leciri ctra ne red ,vaInu 91yers ld; 3 He raeord r75Loctig n riis I shoppirtn-- 63308toig Cî oloe no-trand, Caîl ie paturnsk md BOUE RNOVTI G otre e Nk orthmiedoro!fen3-3hef r,-7monh old Chegar- Terma cash. No reserve B owavleAe _______ l Cene oontal, e o lais fbu 8monts olsF rrickesKing Autioner ai G.Bneh - 623526 o! Hltferefond Chy 7arolais1 ARM ACTIONSALE neth Alied aur oinder, Sle38ivtee-hmeo 38vl ln- er oewt oenwm-Te cebidn ow FREE EST IAT S Tc-T c rstïurat). nti1ý1 pltel eqippd (eaion-___, novations, belotgood atarterte homec 1( trS.eed- S with d E c large cedars. n Close y R ad P o 623- 08 2 cale 0attc pn ure Reeorid c)tHUrSoAkerOCT. 4, 197rm hdui c buketns _1,tMinneo- Ac a Sti Sale skig $9,90 ithtera. o Bwmnvile n pve for Bemthi Mut- fettre S-090roed'W 'x22Ask ýi $2,tis.00. fCand 26-tVILE fouc ow s thr 20Charls cos- hi e poter ! M. Cal isiMle BFKti ct, Mince- 27 Hamptonon area - ranchlage styti l T<dni Masters . 0.Trs ncil t d esby aibd (dholais. emly Lo t 23wer, wCo ' n. ,a2o5ine,238urrow ston , ot e1 t.nd27,af6Brok hen , rhomewith 4 edrooma Donoilî Roa, 1, mle Jhnreeremanre preaer /aimlestst P estO"' iiro: o-ic n1ýk ct RyFes r sall ack ld o en 1-Soth o! DiaviesDr, New Tr ailtvao, ub er tié Tr s t o etrde, Set pictur frams, chir, 13tl-, entur chinse WE NESDA', SEP. 26t direte sacrese o!tebeautiful cedaredh, acdfi.3hobedroomnd 2er yearalolR NeAC onBURGESS rord steehars,-c2i/a, yeas marpet,.8 parm Mahinery, wa am on wth acinSalhaonsuite 22nd Aonbistaion); -______________ proprty ith lrge ceelP bric bunglow. Livig an CU PU N R UMP N oid; 8 e, preo.d00 tes. Plenm chSta l li aed Show ,ourmet3 ressur, pepmpse n ow md ndentadb0les-prabloître-n w[tJ Rbaeen, îue batinusu73 lyre r'odl,,oom ls d; NEDto ad erst csh.Se a led; and o mchoinfect. n b l owsem Fo .Funi lie o! me- caie.1sionlk c ning 'osen6 3~ 5 1 akn ,0 iterm);.$di,00go om , end l lwayms PL M GRPho 86 2 S o4swf eod it r og ar ieoosndmoto tier, )fch air pia n st al ti oe ear old heifers; Homolsén-6 PgS. .ricavil att seti 7 ce ih $3,0.0 em a Ca 27Phy0-, sone , plg bidne ; 14pl, (05ork s I10ad acre lakeoni- atonl onood roadourC l 1is llcRo terln.W PHONE____ HAMPTON_____ 357 -0 e ! romJn oA u- u n.ti oi bos shoofquets9dbon.rd,aaTiqu wcu- cl!nt wbte fae ales st.Deîd ra m,95 infoumatioZe ni tt .,Pnae- boar, chli cinofet, chis, 4 :500 ale o!bey; CaisuMo- Doos, a i ns, tc. frotageasking$15,Hwit 26 -2 5 Cer,381sognied.Port. T . new2:3 co!- a ntique cirs, rg a n mie (dclS rcdto); umow tïf, rac C oercia D u p i n- Ol tera. Nweastl1e are o M B I DI G ~ trcor wt iema - mkrso 2n2pwrcuhar, qeen ofiCearbedsfor lugh 4 s eon o!bar- lrge bildt in lofsuiabnd3bdo bic unaow Ma ddes CRARPNelad S Ermail2 Su- To fernCash p osta, and m aedtabes mp,2 apaindw to rhecofrd ail er; ey d 'teofe sshoed. 623be Miîr k- 25n0w, p bed- L rlo. Ho od mea, c l e..0 PM.NoxAT4 NG-PAnTian G er A raor; ACtokSautt428of D rie js f0 ne mous caidratefod atel ep ho-aeiobu nche; tabe;hale New loca twi n -dto wn sbrcr. n oom split-ieve homes$10n900 ALUMINU.M SIDING hedr; 198 hvrle,-t mntonplemns ad SE e LI tAme ip.m qults, 4lin en, larg e u nsing H lebnd rake ncutiator;mN.Do'tmis i! cing epl )ete ith 5att dC al'school Tnd spin.I md-W FanPei nti TLLÉFLOCharoleai-prpelleducobine, 10'cdtgarage rnd goodlots knth e possivHeso.A skn$5- m Terma:Cash. N o!!umntue end ntiqus. 6 MH. moer 6'cut Cas as- 90.00 Cal Bil Transy. leaed f anounJ Mr40i Ç.NCETEM WORE toftruc, 6 clind, Lstock o ReservAYLTD iec. rmuasnotres2 erefoSal man rapre;de; M.ith.sed wA xving $37 Tr00. lexig $3,00 ith fsl erm . cn 4,arswÉbuh (ECNG - REG. r OO)eand 1, good; 1969SmChevown- Biddrs a t Re2 iste970 et pdue Carl H. hicksn Au c- ri l set o! bobs iedihs 3 er mdem ap mt ent 2ibrook ar a ge2aee' Oron AradBard es oied ur taf i lap, 2 mdoor adtof BidV-8 ar W LERLITY TD ier, Re 1 eb ro rd-999 e w); Ca ý--sd e.bammer miiile, Athis surds tructure, a ku aenn'ar o-i h Phone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fre1s Ji- 1";, 32 iBciosh eletr; ithsprt nracaado aalandrmorwith od ak to near n u nusre n omr menure apr),,ii o eede; n tenalMrke - 29-47dbndr3!an1g f2il:scle; hoîg xclln rtud 7 crs nd2 are, sin,,ba!, 3 beroma irplce ce Dviio. Bi bsa mlsnrIes an 1mie eten sio Nodd r; B e ttygo au.- 150prar ih em. !niyrofuibsmn. etniv uiesadids BOUSE REOVATING north o a' NorBendiof and 3atoneleconstructionoeetrial experiencerilhislîback- DAR ING ON ionl 36 np bam pow; "O teiO'sFoemSt UCIO SLE pup nd tak; wb 2l- Bilingltrs - we be 2 close t ron. 4,000 rncwloqais(imt cfshuft n hrlaswt lie uelaiddeeMKeAeiiieS LSN U UI eS rw 1cn l or aul niI-63764god apprsgod sloti Cer f- Tei rmC ali'd4rm etrp. srv hened-otebuins MAS3N3Y68aretLe; 20 mapies;Her- d T1JSAY C.4 93-2 THURSDAY, SiET. 2 wshtnk 2Srg mier Jms obnon - 2-395wigt1,90asking 8,00eechon pý natonl utycutia- nd pup; wafr roghiMebep TrotoRel EtaeouilinMprmis vaCaae.-lissen CurîceReda cmmuît i ou aea H Brck ilok Son fr Mxai ridrPT; AM IJTINSAýFd L4ýblrPO b' rMeEYS &WFIREPLACES on ton tmuekiwithLboint chri Caoainbxad stock reckls N RY -d A _IRY Tis -,sDeertoaldpr sa ! l! PtikAcioer arsl toolsoweldopgnsuppliesS38-ibA-lenRot, - - 725-03on 531 lo tfastn $45000. ahl ob andacuaitacestoeauh Phne62276~lan ugr;~wheltaier EUwMNT sok, andkoffc umire. etl hsuificeae 49-t! e È fui ie !cier / y ine 7HLTI ATE Tesl iisate :0 Acinsl !hucodEwnJans 63-753 ull n aoi Lvr anld;stforocromsute , ancuig 30 iikng Ri pmv0 pPrable WS-,cnetsandriipey o! Mm. G. RB OR SALE Mac MDarge cri623-31 Ar YuCosleln BOBBEES ufftcharschat ! r ablseindS, sven o! hich dri em, 300 Anîp ortalWWood,31 EmgoviAe..W!!Hake- 93-27 MVEor TanFR .FA ELETT PUM IN ol: rad sc1962yeas Oh ond atWedlà n eig osde eein i a____________$____,e0reequ pd t[hnde LMI eoiei)d Etcý n 1ýù Tlei ld nerof n a w1,1 234271KJING STREET EASTmcd Al sideboardbeds, dishs. are fiat cal! cirs, moat dm, ' - I- BOWMANv-LE, ONTARI BERT T01ýPX cash.lNore'h', ale p.m. r, iothr ifpre- ecellnt ich, reis and oE iersoverieutomeidrylv- la6e23-7694yclauan I~e Crl Rikson, Auctineerbred oisten bul. Ahicows mump'6' brke, s,, plte e-00ashnx mahinesewin scin lttr pi, -hi', iaioan soo, i e chrom 'suie, h ee ue- s;11 1 37 0 King St. E., Bowmauvillê IiES_____________ New ork a786-255epa, upicen ens otlt Bu lklTan, dr-ipieavericiseAth O 7rs wt 3,91.0 em Call hyt Sevie ndEsimte STUD, OTOE 6h upue, stain4York steel suraedubgride bard, 5butesfabe cle;1 cele, dr'osn623-764-li623-661 o i at and Impl, bemt, roety Aunis aciey ossaw o! a, aetaiqed saw45ndtablesofour b asto- os, Seii4ce 'Announc.ement Call6232641Aucion aleo! Lvesoc ink, pels n four Pamiikn a d ard), n .c21ieBondeaers, bih hareo!e ad EATO .30king St.0 .Jt_ Mountjoy Hope Townip, Broni/50mils9Dee l or ctor. n, 4 umow (o rtable)echir,amaîlse prvietiqel rcair andfoot s tooc-, Coe rct iial/aD cargaae , 623-4403 Niwcasters - - 5619 a.Ohw pesdt M & 1l BUIDING el rwy westii ec- a y emowr draeIý l u, poelmoat fo r, No. 20A ie thred- hter!ieouhd,4seins bcd arh-landeshopping ltsiail3bcronbik'ioao Fon AtioNs etic Ta nks nue o! o e.. 1970 510Su- tnis ew, N.R erst, a3dr e ng machie, pipe se (sctand i os on, ticycepradler cavfrer ofsinl aub i cloets, 2 s eparate dînîng i, Norm t.Godarcos ti Dug gATEN BackITI G John Dere Die ocsl trat43ortr agncls grainumbic, c haiype, ant" i e tre edo le bookshe y Caequîpe;n a loio n, 14900 LL PRICE or rom01, 4 plie at, 28' x 40 in- Wet(uI-ncîhüupin- 723m-40 TfE 1 REL wîth cab 1300 hrc.,bikne w;0boxmento. DScle tiva itor dge , 1pip theadrs net, D e l tiand, wo. od t miss bdro sum er hme. gon swimm i pool fliy etYoi - - 62-37 xvAU N M U N G do ; 406Jo hn D ere rcor t h E- w lo"r,_. ma fr i/" ppethme aen rdantiueshae, H eletri sander as200Iequipe, 3c argar oage Do- ,Dan e ssund - 6335-65 W F CONCRETE WORK londtruckJohn iDe er 3fumow apres ader h8.0baeN Reyv, cterss, 2N-4" pie cte s el olaur tsa, Colman spae M».rym ill, ewToip l le lot,' 1 3 x15,065' tr. Askng .U0.re Roali -il - 725-1498asd o plough, t df:p p b -8c a .2!r-, 00 haE 1-a , tol id ngdbriiigufit, " eeter lCts dl.e îectm r ic 786-2283 ody s r 786-2991 a 4]9'3 .0 _kKay Brow --2623-3ce 38- rw pouh,3 pin tch mscLKRLnsboshLTd !u- dilhn d) , % dril en) moo2,4lmium fi9ngBane9asan - 63-25 2 vacrent lndCharpod. Luklie et on oe983-5914 ur nd t Ph ne6D.29 curemlsvator 15 toth, 3niue. T8-1peyo!Mm1/0";ii(hn),0321 bndbat 5 .p. uoard moetor, Gary inpaaeott - 25887 Vry scnic buldng lotRo Fote - oo 93-80 R~riertin ponthich amlicutia ad rsuelfoner GytLtnibes(e),patcin pcuefaceatqewodUsl echn 7-5 7 rea nst4acd.r e1bc din, ipl f84ý owr h tb , 3 poDainthtd ,Cn.2 m onbiprmiomcin, och mta ise wood ch mp, ; steles lvirecletrtr aivron ulbs Apli GTnceSevcePO;Cocktshutt aidesMke, n il akeoedeteror-cOinetpafOmU6/B2SIoNE/S" ot ; ter rednit, or, manyarietBerrill -628-7661 Listd apet 290_0.Opn frBi Sutherli an-6310 fort bar; 32' by elvtrog. Sl im:1:0pm 14,de rm632 01i, oa rticles. wTera cash îio Roîîy TSpen R ea63-764, ofls.Locadnd cobtie - 623-7159 Comecil ndDoesicPT; 1e eyFrgund rle em: ah'amSod ostcirC WLesewcuttRKmta,,,,,rve.iMyes Kin, Auc- 38-1 No Comparisoni' Brioke BERTkStEo ikn w te o wagn wih STEE LITAY rve Sht Win brido c krn723-0501. S38-i counry home.alowrescntiy used Days - 623-S'774 reck; 7' d L1ouleî, dis; 15 ds9 iplinofitig camp, ASAURDYSaEsaT.ga2dulex3ccb1av-1, CIDNiFhts - 623-3177 seed driton tfr wt hi ad WATE-IPAYLU. hissma tocable ist 10,f, SiPehik ActeP . L v'r~rT iglodage liviong forme2lbcd-. L,.il sgdrai hmnt; 3 isetrs; Ao! RY Aucioers anges, aniiahuinum asAuptnlsles! Lv8sock Alooa, i etchen, 4 pc.',û0bath IWobMan[mi w'inU 19-t! fu"pre aeryPO .D.14Tial- 47"O TEIN'q ForeiTht q aity o! a at eint, 2" L o and Elle SmttbeLot tbey w%1ioh d ae 26bedoo A r o Cnsd ga cmd PTO ood chond sito Mas- Auctng ýOiners" o-phug v00aes ortandle , 30, con. , pDapritonTw- T. Atah11aaen rzIrLTPELITN SlV sey ferguhaisnael rke blera lsssra elates niaihie o310 Ein, mlè nmt SARERHO Eay, uneckfcrcl driveE r RASF D V£ - moth~,w;2- weofdaw-stocw s 38-4 o wehil di30g g oggla eI I galp 2/ mle Csto!E- adsaedbauiuly.Pu1Ohaa&1itr1 B O B EER Ser,, side oard bes, dslie. ar firt clf hifer,-mosCtlur,3bus.trW ithleron19y $200,00n W ddoslny epay- twreeacresd orLt èan93 penny1ý Piubigilatig ow, hre scton, De 6 HAD EGSTRE1cutig 2uhyruck ie acha, rS epties cat 5 sa!yrle eai E s Bard t andElclic on blde PTO; Currî-Oaler SHORTHORN.'ý DISPERSAL,ýeet)per, office coat reckr, of- 10 H-ereford - Hoîstei*n Cross ment and your own bilding rde.Picdfrcuc a cttie oiler, new; 2000 baies SATURDAY, SEPT. 22, 1973' fiee chairs, office deaka, fil- cows, sOme wé ith calves by lt you cen be living inoanew e SSh900.0. e ot, he.mn n COMMERCIAL of good mnixed bey; 100 bales KCAWARTHA ing ,Cabinets, safe, adding me- .side, rehrcd, bull expos3ed B1eaver Ho1me o!yu Omapa Yemotage.im uLfyý«. INDUSTIAL andI o! straw; 24 acres cob comn; LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE chine-, cash egister, type- April 1sf 0 uy 5;to hi ume. The lw o $39_900.00 - Cbeep; LivingFIE ULTYMSJAKEC NE RESIDNTIAL 50 cedlar posta; quantity o!f IDSV NTRO writci, fileC:crd drawcrs, An-us. cows, ircbred, buli cx-Pmor'tgages On mIr Baer Nw3 erom ath- MONUMAENTS AN.!")csl, h assc alumninum aheeting; qeuntity sielcars-,etn tbeposed Api l1sff0 J uly 1aHoe crIsfrls -thn m,2 storey brick and MREScsful 1pcedalacs R. R. i tanks with pump. 1~3 Here- hulas, Boydcn Imperla istie Xi, nef, letter baskets, tîmie dock, w"ith celvies by aide, rcbred, you future, equity. Overahi home. Plast>eredc, basement ~NN u l e oass afi Oroof76-271 ordexpbsed Arl i te Orono 786-271 poed since May, 13 Hlerefor-d cowa with caJves et foot, 15 boita, chein booka, grab July 15; 5 Charolais ycari-1dollars icas hecause o! Bea- in town, close f0 achiools, Try , O F g STAFFORD »f Ream Estate 33-t!i calves by ide; one Charolais other femnales hredf i theok and chein aivcis, drill ing hýeifers; 6 Charolais yeerl- ver's !ectory precision huild- youir offer. Owncr anxious. AC I BRoq LT» -cow, rebred for sping, cal! o! the ebove hulas, and other1 sets, 200 plow c-hames, 60(f in; steers; 5 Holstein anid ng methoda and volumei pur- DvdAlsn - 9746 %~ Mrs. CauncewIlb erec- bysd;4Herefordc cows, rc- bieifers seling open. The proi tread1ed rod, steel stockz, Rereford cross yeerlin bei- ciasîngp ower ile the buildirrg Deaid Stock Service bred, bu)l xpoed sinceMVay; pcrty o! Boýyden Ferma Ltd, ulbe !eecremtos r; osei n Hrfr mtras nuty.S lElree ot - 26-02 -ajh fn i ewatc FamesAtenio 4Hereford ycavsrl oseiïnbeal ie10 pm aeqenlyo rncehey10 ocowa, rebmed siinenta,costly repaire fn your present Pgg raM--57-N8 Farmes, Attntionco*, rcbred, bu]l exposed 10 neýcesstated for, sefflemenit chiaina 12'-20', 5 wh-eeibar- remaînder ebred, pumcbredifhomie . or if youi're shop- DEAD STOCK SERVICE sin My ; one cow, me-bred, O! cStatd rwa shovels, pieks, crow- Char-iais; 2 Beau Alger, bal!pnUoranwi hon rPamnela Carr-- 728-3734 Safrd ro erFrJckessitneea- at MARGWIILL FUR FARMý buill xposed since Mayt; pure- STE VE LIPTAY & 'bars, block and teekle, pipe French, calves !rom rchred have out.grown the place EtI Drunmm --7-3497-73 under ncw management and bred polied Hereford buli; BILL WALKER ittings, 2500 lb. o! wclýding cows, cen be recorded. Brecd-, you'Ire reting . . . make youir Kathleen Twaites- 723ý-2008 monuments owncrsbîp. We appreciate a 18 geese; 25 ducks; 1 sixy ear WTALKER-_LIPTAY LTD. roam50bîa faow-lgdtsf eaeucd~ove to a new Beaver Home.1Peter Chope - 75146LMTD caUl !rorn you when necessary. oîd Peiomlîîo mare, quiet and Attoer er' bowis, nuts, washers, da'y o! sale. Terma scash. Sale You'îî bc gldyuidPhn aciBrr--6883 ETC HTDA llvee xz . eiî broke;n 2 yeair old filly R.E. eoniale, Ont. screws, cot fer keys, cables, 1 p.m. Arnot Woften, Sale a yud.C683mGE CA Lic.No.41673 nt boke Sae 1 .m.Tera pus many cother items. Lloyd Manager a nid Auctloncer, RYNRHYRg Ae 2-21318 flundas StE. -Whlty T G R..5, Bowmanil, Oaro as. mnt oten Acton 416263-2117 Wilson and W. D. Afkinson, Hampton, Ontario, 416-263 W, OWRIG TD cnHaptn!Oniri, 16 "ntri'sFoemat Sale NManagera and Acini53;Cr iko , ucton- 2 Stevenson Fi, N. -Ohw'm ceees-75l16 pho- 'leatby 6833558 8 T A TESMAN 8-! 63253.38- Aceoers ers. 38-1 ecr, Reabomro, Ontario. 38-i 723-3558,Etblse 18"C L A ssIî '