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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1973, p. 3

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The Canadian Statesman, Boiwmanville, Sept. !b, 1973ý WESLEYV The rguarmotleet-f inge oflthe UCW , elville unît, was hAed aflthe home Of1 Mr. and Mrs. Harohd Best on WVednesday Sept. l2tb. with1 the presidentAMrs. enm i nner( in carge. Durig bsiness session lteswr edfrom those mwho bad been remm-nM9 bered 1wbile hin hospitafl and1 one from tChe board of1 stew-1 ards Of the chuzrch expressing1 apreciafion for the work done1 in decorating the Sundayi schooi room. Berniece Best < rend a letter from theii. littie irLuk YuIX Man, in flong kong0 wl ose schooi expensesi are iewiicdebyý' the U.C.W. Of the Wemecage.* Thle devotionai peniod was conduitc- ted by Ms.H. Best, Bric Best, Mrs. A. Ford, and AM. T,. Wýilsonj, itb scripture of One ot paý,u's letters from the ",iv ing.. Bibe", pr-ayer and the offeing receivedan dedicated, a lpoem "WVy can't, go fiuc h" written by a Mar1khanm gil, was read. If copcluded wib hde singing of "Lord of the Dance- fromfthe new ymn ook.The pro- grmmwecnisted of a skit on tue toic Youtb andite Cuc"and vas given b Iy Mrs. R. Best as gran1dmlother,' Berniece as 1,1e child, sundy scbol eacenMcs. T.WiU- sonme, Mrs. Harold Best and Mrs. A. Ford, wise women from Wesleyville, as a group they were p eparirng for a meeting on te topic and eacb one presenfed ber thougbhts on the subject o)f mwb-y young people were nof attendîng cburch. One reason wasthe lack of former dliscipline(, in' other generaftions if children bad been allowed to follow their own inclinlat ions they m-ighit fot have attended cbhurcb eiber, aiso it was the onlly place to go for man111Y. In spite of this there are mnany of mnodem -ýlyo)ung people involved in chjurchl act-iities and thJose for wbichi the cbur-cb stands. The ladies were cdîvidedl in two groups for dsuso on the questions,, Do you think the generation gap is %vider and bow are to-das' children different. Cclusions were thaý,ifthere awaswas îa g-eeraion gap anid this one perba1,ýps, inot as vide as previus gnrainwben inany parents had litfile for- maitj education- and their child- ren, djid. it wsconsidered todyscildren are, m-ore vocal an witbstanid tbe ex- treme pressures te ae and( too mnyirnespni parents, remarkabiy eil The U.C.W. president, Ms. ClarkeHigh School REGISTRATION for NigJlîhtschool Classes wt,îi takie place on Wed. Sept. 'I9th & Thurs. Sept 20 Art, Phys. Ed. (Mien's or Womien's) Typing, Boclkkeepîing,, Leathercraft, or any acade- mic subjectwhe there is sufficient enrolmlene. If~ there is sufficient enrolm-ent for a phlotography. class WC will have Mr. INeil Newtion to teach this course. Ken Symronts anid s J. Connielly who haid been at the United Cburch scbool a3t Qui-MoLacin September b)roughit a report of %wbfait they learnied thiere. hrewr maysuggestionýsfor-maffigýj1 lives more useful - onle suggestion wýas to adopt a senir citizen who hiad no close ties and mrake theýir days as little fhappier. heieswr imnpressed and deresd ya film shown ter of the treamentof prisonlers in Vietnam and with )a suggest- ed way of hielpinig. Mrs. Ross with b ler family from fber borne in Zion, was back for this meceting and wý,as presen-t- cd mwith -a cup anid'saucer as au Ioe f apmpreciation, cx- pressed by MNrs. K. Dinner co b)ehaîl'f fithe gro'up. Since coingi, to this dlistrict after, ber marriage, Mrs. joneus bas been a faithful and very aictive riemnber and hersar of the wokadparticipation ii the regular meetings wllbe mnissed. Thanking th1 fie ladies sie oterder services any imie she was especiailly need- Mr. Hioward Pay\ne m-ade a flying tnp t t o1! -;a Sf recen]tlv.At !wsf e lew blorne but doeaca)r out for bis dauiLgbtler Sanidra and viitd itb rlaivs jnd friends along the1way fr-om Port Ho0pe 1hospital last Tusa te supriseof Ibis f1am1ily but ibad to rtunto baestitches remov dn nowithe way is ail cicar or good recov ery. Mr. and Mrs. HaroldBar owclougb weýre iPeterbor- ouhlas ee oraCIeck on the progress of te ormr, eye after recnt suirgery and if was progressing favorably. Congratulatons f0 r. and Mrs. . McFýAddent on the 1birfb of tbewirsn.Mr-s. Mcadnand the nexx me ber of th failu cae ome from h iospilai in1-Plort Hope)ý about a wveek ao Mr. and MnS. Annold Asi anld will e oig om travellinig from. tbere betlore returning ome Sgt. andMr.lrue acin andc baby NaoifomNot ow'cloug la st week The were on tfiein vay tfo tIllwes coaýst beeMrs.LaVinead Naumi will 'sifay wifb b, ie r parentiswile Bruce is in Japanfor tite ots Mr. and M r Ewin;Hi!]iof with Mns. E. Brocog Mr. and Mris. Gog uf ord were in Sunderland on ,Wednesday Sept. l2th, nto take in its annual- fair. Mrs., Tufford's former home was there so they renewed mrany) old acquai.ntaýnces. Rev. J.Ram. tconducted the regulaJýrcurhsviea WelcorneU 'nitedcI hurcb on Sunidayimoring b'Y ut the specia1l speakler w'as the Rev. Rex Nomnof Peterborough repres.entinig the Bible Soc- iety. In of the need foý r support for its work h sId the, demand is always there for seriptures wbich are produced asa wbole or hin part in 1500 languages. Teeare 55> nationa ibleSocieies. Murray PIayn e uwas on lhand to get Sunday *svebc1ool udra for tbeiie, seasn wit teacheors, Mrs. T. Wilson, KteieMcllolm. assist. Carne LynnSymons: Ruth Kell.og; Chiff Brice; -Mrs. D. Lord iand D1awn; ,,jrs. L. Boyko asýsisted bye,, e Lord and Marie rIwin, Mr.Hector Darke enter- tandMr. and (Mrs. Garland Bonof Mo)rton Illinois, last wek PM.Bown is ,a graýnd- soof th 'i,( e teMrs. fHolme-s wbo was born in Wesley-ville as Lo!ise Bsst t-Drinig their viîsit they bad dinner in Port Hiope vutb M !iss Clara Dak, irst cousin of Mr. Br tn' ather. WNEDDING (Fr om the St.,Cathriu1nes Standard) MounainiewUnited Chuch wa\s t1e setfing Satùr- da\ ve Jane-t l7izabeth jmlville excbianged vo(-ws of mnarriage in a eceremo-ny oAficiated by Rev. H. A. Bagnali, on Saturday, Sept cm- ber 8th, 1973.' The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Symons and tbe groomn is the son of Mrs. Melville and tbe Gvninmriaeby ber fathe,b bride wore a go\n of chiffon overcaffta vith ano eprwaist, long 'sleeuves and tiers ýof rflson tbe b ack of lict,'-ikit. A floral ring ot fresh dais;ies ld ia four ýt'iered nylon t ve-\(il. She carraida bouquet ia purpie orcbi'd surrounided lby, wb1itebutton mpumis, bab's lbreatb aniid Gertud eufldthe rmaid uono, a atiina 1dotted Swiss vrtaff lilac gov. iiLr owns re 11wn y hebridcsmaýids, SusanSrnihcrsof Saria er girl, Deu Ann Jodoin ot St. Catharines vore a lilac gown [RiECNETON8 NH$FR1ViWN FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ...CALI NOW 62-3-2506 INCLI)Ei's SECN ES A.M)RECONN"ECTÎIONS' * SEF exclusive cable' coveragse of local e 'SAVE 1490with a free connection plus a events on Cablecast 6! monthl's free viewing! TREAT y' our family to a real varietY Ofof* AIVE you second set connecte'd now entrtanmet!absolutey fre-e! WATCH alilthe sports ,evevts: hockey, *eHUpRRY!Thjjis free -iewn f ris for a b.asebati, football, golf and lacrosse! short time onfly! * EJOYT.V. as it is meant to be seen: shrclear, dependIabe reception on ever'yC chnn ionaH of your sets! * ENJOY shýarp), dependable F.M. reception Pane Ridge., Cable TV Ltir istereo on your .M receiver! CAL L-579 2232(0SHAwýA)-623206BwAVLE68.31WHBY Net, ubse, hs olv tV Wed in Baicickstock United DICKSON - POPRPRELL Mr.andIVFs.WillI'qim ensDickson were umedinmari~eon Satýi2,Ags 11, 1973 in BlcsokUnitedi Churchl. ' The bride i s the former Nancy Lynui Dorreli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreli of Nestietoni. The groom is 1the son o r and Mrs. Hilton Dickson of ulntn The couple are residing in Burlington. ol dofted swiss diies and KeVin Hendeson was Ithe Hunit. fhunch alfl dihien iin !ho ganden of thebrdesparentis. Thecoule iiliv jin wSf. The r ide l(is ithe grandc- dagtnofMr A, W, Hardîng BPo manvflil!(e NÉ WTON VILLE MisCatiarine Sewat Kenll andlMisses Norma ai,-nd Beuiiýlh Hallovelil were upper11)ý gucsf s, Tuesdiay', wifOM. and Mrs. C. M oeaffer ai l had callcd on Ms idsJoncs, and MisE GictBwan- Mr. ad Mnws Sfan1ey Nicb'- OIS of Port C ulngwreý ovcrniigit guesfs ihMn. and Mn.S. J.Lacseas week. evnlfrorn hlere affciende ~~~~~ýdflicBabuePtyath omofMn. a11diMrs. AMex Carruthens last WVednesdayý Some fenty ive local peo- Thndayevnin'd 0 cle Aniversary of Md, and Mys. Athur Rdn ,fre ei dents of t[hisvlag.Dalncing9 and visifing w ith old fienids enferfiniiýed those reenfor the first couple of burs, affer wbhicb pesnffinla made f0 fil hlono-cd couiple on behaîf of Che Senior (Cifzens' Clb f0) whicb fbcy bciong and wifh wo hybv okd for seerl ears. Affer their rpeail joi1edý in singing -Thcy AcJolIiyGîdod F 'eu- owVS". as well 1as -"Happy Bi ndyin honor of Mns. lenaand sevenal of fi-« guyCsf.Rev. R.C. Whife fo rmler ! mIiniý iste ee, a nd now of Oshawaý, was Calleif0the platiofonm andadded bis con- gratulations to Ithose alr'eady expresseud, ai fer wbihqh enjoyable ev en--îlinginishcd Off with lunch,ad a final bit of dancin. Conratlatonsanc extenid ed f0 Mn. Sheldon Pethick of Enniskýi1lln, clbafn his 9ofb irtdyo)Sfra.He is fli sle urivn emrber of the Pticuailwose home anid biac'ksm'ifb1shIop wvere bere, ai f he wesf end of this, vi]llage and is stiil able t'o drive bi-ar. lHe anda rs Pfikaffcnided theRdna celbrfinaloon Thuri.sday,, ivel ng. A corn roaisfws -htd f lte homnf s Sa Paýge, Satundayccnn1 h ocicast:iýlo of teir son G!l'sý firi-tcf irtdaand ar-l ong those pes ,t ere Tim, Tnmle ih JoI1-ston, andJ Blane Gilmer. "The Searcb For Meaning-, was f thoee f Rv.Stuel- gro)ve'sSuda moniger- mon, stafing thafour phiioso- phy :in fle dee ilte Ikind of liveýs we livec, and any wortbf-wl!c achiev-ement de- pends on oun aiml and proe The ýýChoir sang -JolyIiu1,Joy- fu i WAdore TAec"nFlwers ai the àaltar wrein rc olo th- lafe Howard Bellamy, wibos funieral as hcld in Orono, saf 1urdayi intermnent 1in Lakevew Cemefery Weedenid visitons wifb Mn and Mrs. Jim Adamûs, w Mn. lHenry Reichratb, of Westmiountf, Quebec, and Mrs. Beryl Kelean f Tarzana Califonia. A faniy gatbening uns bcld, Sunday,. ai the home of Mni. and Ms .R arw wheýn fthe birtbýdays of Nl Stan B fow,,en, NMrs. IvaFarw an-d Mr. BueTodd, wuemc ceebatdas well as fthe wedding nniversaies of Mn. and AMrs. Mýartin ,Founid, JMnr and Mrs.Glen Farrow anc Mn. and Ms.JohnCross Some iiirty guests, were in Mn. ad Mrs. Don Stapleton we li*M. an1d Mrs. Gflioro oro o Kendai, and Gary, StapIeton of Hlamniton. Mrs. iBerneice lHenderson is in Windsor attending the 5S8f'h AnnverarySession of the Grand Chapter of Ontani. ,,Vu nofi(!cd in the Port Hopeý ýpper, our lIocal teachier, Mn. Do Don onad as madea, narne for imiself in thec sof f bail Icague playoffs, as he pitcbedi an amnazingfwny Iwo stnike-oufts, Thursdayv ni- gbf,. for the Davidson Rubber feam, f0 give fem an 8-2 vî-cfOover Upfown Varicty. Su-nday nighf, we wfche hjini, afthe1i Beach Park, corne inn t he 4th ininiig, and strike ouf e'ighteen batter.s, f0 give the Rubber feami a 4-3 vicfory over fthe Variefy. If was suncly wýonth wafcbing. Woensinstitute, Newtnvile Wrne's'Insfi- nutme afthe10home of Mrs. IvaFarw Sept. 12, wifh ViePe.Queenie Fletcher, p)rcsîding, due f0 the Presidenf being in hospifal. Affer the O-de, and Mlary Stewart Coli- ecf, report of lasf mleeting was given byý Sec. 'lreas. Madeline B3uc-kley. and duly adopten, as read. The date of tLhe cornling Pnnye Sale was changud to Oct 1i, and members are -I requesfed to bring thieir dona- tions to the next 'meeting. Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Mlary Jones, and Mrs. Olive Hleflderson agreed f0 help Mirs. Farroýw arrange mnaffers for the sale. Posters are to be made, Mrs. Buckley offering f0 mrake one for Newcuasf le. An -i nvitation to mneet with thern on Oct. 15, was read, fromi the M.ýaple Grove Bra.pch. A mortlon xas, passed for 'Olive H1endlerson to contýinue lookinig affe«-r 'Li-e Kinl-Ross Inveýstm-ent, hih if was decided, will benceforth be in a non-checking account, thereby acquiring a bigbter rate of interest. A motion was also passed, enabling our Socief *y to provide an- award for two outsfaînding pupils, at a loal school one girl and one boy- - to be chosen by the tecigstaff, atffthe close of the scho)ol ferm. Two elderly shuf-ins are 0 b e rm ee on their coming birthdays. Amýnelia Lancaster was noin-i ated f0 be our vtigdelegate, ait the Ar-ea Convention in Toronfo, Oct. 2,5 and 26m, wvith Beai Jonies as atrae and it is hoped thiaf at lenisf two car loads of miembers will be able t0 attendC. AMrs. Anna Hurghies exfeided an i nvitation for il ',present f0 attend open House at ber humne Sept. 26, tin honor of lber imother, 1Mrs. Sodnsbirfh1day. Thanks- were cxpesse bysevera1 present for01'cards, etc., receiv- 2d fromi) the Sunshine Commni- ttee an appreciation, aiso, f0 Mrl. aind Mrs. SidLaasr for pro\viding the n-ewý pro- gramrs. Roîl Cal was aniswer- cd. more or iess, by% the twenity-four memnbers present to see in our Instue." Motto - The reason a doig bas so mrany friends, is becase he wagos bis tail, instead of bis tnu, was gienb y Violet Gilmer, ad rdigb y liiez Boughien. brougbt the program Io a close. Lunchi was served by the bostess and group. The unemploymenfte seasonally adjustedi for Au;g 2 ust, increased f0 5.5 pýer cn fr om 5.2 percent. n>ls' have noted that young popl seem to be remaining -;intl labor force longer ta o mal bcefore quitting sme jobs ! tor tn0scheool. ~ry Cleanerýs C/iclIe Ahomne-freezer salesmnan had demonstrated hisapiae for a farmer and bis wife. They held a whispered ofeei but finially rejecte the macinfe. As the salestimnwsaott depart, thee farmer asked: "Whait would you give me if 1J sold one- of themi freezers for you?ý'" 1 -Vil give you $ý2,5 fOr every one you>«sell ie,hesemn -Well, 1 bet 1 can seli my wife one(," delre hefrmot. 11e did, too - anld pocketed the comimission. "The trouble with you fellows.- he cen ias hhievped the salesman unlïoad the freezer, "is Otaou Jov'i 1knowý nothin' about selIling-!" CLOTHES CARE HINT: Protect yourself. Alwýaysiss htyurti tr urn gnenssold to you o be dry-cleanable. 111611 SCHOOL EVENING CLASSES check this issule forvaouclsebeg offereý,,d ithroughiout ouri local lihshos 9 CLEANER-SL ~LEAER We Specialize ln Sh-irt Laundecring", We are Proud to Introduce the 1974 Ford Faâmily of Fineà Cars Beginning This Thursday SEPTEMBER 20e1 ait 7p.m. WE WILL BE STAYING OPEN LATE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NITE, THERE WILL BE COFFEE AND PASTRIES, POP AND HOT DOGS AND BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS. YOLI WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN A F.ANTASTICý NEWMUSTANG Il FOR A MONTH, PLUiS OTHER PRIZES. ALSO SEE THAE NEW CARS ON OUR FUTURISTIC VIDEO TAPE COLOUR T.V. RECORDER1, SOI BRINGTHE FAMfILYANDMAKE- AN EVENING OF ILT YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME. Ï DUANE SAWYEIR ARCHIE GROTHI IMARTY STEL 1 Service - Body Sllop BUD FG GREN TMclQUAT' BRIAN BARIS Sales REMINDER EVENING REGISTRATION DURH-AM COLLEGE EXTENSION COURSES You Cali register in person at thec college Wednesday,bSept. I 9th3 Thursday, Sept., 2Oth Monday, Sept. 24th If you Plan to register DO SQ NOWV before classes begin as a minimumm number must register before a course --àCan runi. 2j

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