,-.Durham College Enrolment, With enirolmnent nearly'v dou- bled from the 11972-73 figures, Dur'ham College opened its doors MTonday to the largest class of fulliime students i its six-year hlistory, Mlore that 1,000 students are expected to be enroled ini courses in applied arts, busin- ess. technology, riursing and aduit training divisions, Up 'I'roiri last year'ýs 635 total. But these figures, wvhich show a m1arked increase in studerits for the cýoming yvear, areia a glance slIightly misIeading. ZOMI '74 MAVERICK GRABBER V-S, stick, m1ags. NOW ON DISPLAY AT M«cDONALD FO R D This fail the enlarged schiool Of nur « g of the Oshawaý, GeneriW4osp)ital has officiailly become a part of the college, in keeping with the tranisfer of ail hospital sclhoolýs of nursino to community colleges across the province. Facilities at Oshawa Gener- al Hospital wilI cantinue to be utilized by student nurses at1 the college to I»ecive Clinicat experience throughout their programn. Due to the increased enrolment in the program, more area hospitals wtill also bu used, Nursinig Assisat The college also 'offersa course Ieading to registration as a nursingc assistant, which '.as Previously offered in Ontaiîo County by thie Whtby Psychiatric Hoýspital. Mfiss Muriel Ward, former director offthe enlarged school of nursing, become.s ut-ring departmetit he-ad at the col- eg-e, wîith assistant headships gofingý to MNrs. irginiia Fletch- er and Miss Pat Andlrey. Harold Hoit has assumed his duisas the college's appliedi arts decpartmnent head Mr. Hiot cormeS to Oshawa fromi To the Voters of Clarke, Grorio and Newcastle t is niecessary to My consciente that I State publicly that 1 abhor the rejection by Clarke Couneil of a Planning Board recommenda- tion regarding massive 'iihuig at a Council meetin.g held on Septeniber l3th, and the circumstances surrouiiding the. meetingr. The meeting, and similar-ly one 1eId earlier in the samne week on September 10th,, was called by RZeeve Woodyard with upn'easonably short, private notice to Councillors - and no notice to the public. Ilu effect, a Split Coli follow, the Planning tions against the mir wlther to support Woodyard which sui proposais, was rest vote of Reeve Wood own report - s execuitive fair-muindg At the meeting, wi Reeve's report weri ïMoffatt of the Pha I Iv ~.Kr Rteports from Womnen's Institutes 4ontealwhee h wasman- Te frstfail meeting Qil -hld in ,the lhaU with Màiss Utes anci gave thee tnanicial statement. Several thiank you letters wvere read. Mliss Leaých than(ked the Directors for a very w'ei plaîmed picnic h feld in July. Discssio folowedon sup)- porting our adopted son i-Y-U, since we haven't had, any commuii.nica-tio)n about this, wýe are to enquire before continuing our support. The Area Convention wIIbe Oct. 24, 25,and 26. Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe wîll be our delegatet-. Discussion on char- terig a bus folwed. hi is to be left over to the Octoiber . *0O ',VEGCwA CHEVELLE NOVA 1*8 vv CUTLA SS motion - (' written op~ whiih wer eptember 1973 AT Roy Oraw to be macle by Mr. Lawrence Mason FILL INLICK AT OUR HWrO seve FREE GIFT*. Our gift ut the door inl 74 MAGNETIC POT HOLDER - PLUS - ia Drics and givý extras. Mr. U 4 11il the finesl home at t] e oP CALL OUR NEW' SpeialDraw FIRST PRIZE... Men's Two-Suiter A LOVELY PIECE 0F LUGGAGE FOR THE TRUNK 0F VOUR NEi7W ~O'N YOUR NEXT TRIP. Ci 7Day.s By dire, ewish to extend Our