1hone6' Mr. Bruce Gillespie, brother of Mdrs. A. Garson, and MNrs. Gillespie, John and Andrew,' have returned to Scotland after a happy reunion and first visit to Canada as guests of Mr. and Mirs. A. Garson, MNearos Avenue. Mr. anid Mrs. Brian Miel- ville, nee Janet Symrons of St. Catharines, visited last Satur- aywith Mýr. and rs. Wilfred Maitdoniald, and with Janet's grandmother, Mrs. A. W. Harding,. Congr atulat ions to Mr- L. B. Nichols, Cartiste Ave., who celubrated is 86th birthday on Friday, Sept. l4th. In hionor Of the occasion a) party was held last Sunday afternoon. Among thosu att ending were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Nichols, Kingston:; Mrs. Wm. Spry, Mr. W. H. Nichols Sr., Mr. and .Mrs. L. Van Driel,- Leslie and Scott, Mr. anidvrs. George Walton, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Legree, Calabogie; Mir. andi Mrs. 1Bi1 Clark, Mr. and -Mrs. Don Hennings anid Mr. Bill BerryN. Where and what are th e graduates of Grade XII[ from 1.H.S., Courtice and Clarke doîng this year? We like 10 have the items for this column. Please dial 623-3303 and give the news to the staff or <mail te Box 19,0, Bowman- ville. Also, the names of the students atten-ding çoleges and universities. Mýr. and Mrs. Al!an Osborne hosted a luncheon party on Sunday for famnily members in honor of iMr. and MNrs. Harvey Wright's 25th wedding anni- versary. 1Mrs. Wright is the forme P-eggy Tighe. liandi Mrs. Gladstone Glraham, MNr. and Mrs. Wil- liamt CoIville and Mr. John Colville attentied the dedica- tien of the 9lth Battahioln mnem-orial plaque in Central Presbyterian Church, Hamil- ton, on Sunday, September l6th. The plaque was unveiled by the Hionrable W. Ross Mýacdonalçl, P.C., C.D., G.C., LL.D. Lt. Governor of Ontario. MVrs. Chajrles F. llubbs who visited Mrs. Glefiholme Hugh- es, Scugog St., over the weekend, bas returned to Ottawa. A group of 62 members of REHOBOTH Christian Reformed '~- Church 11-V. Anthony DeJalger MJNDAY SERVICES Back to Cod Houir Dia! 1310 Radia Every Sunday 10:30 z1-111 Trime iremem- brance is to mnake nmention of the Lord the Ail Praised, and forgýet ail else beside Min. BAHA'U LLAH PHONE 623-3171 Ste PauI's Ui SRev. N. E. S O-(-rganist- MIr. R. NMetce la.m.-MI. Sermnon: "RIDE TllE oct. 2.8 - Anniversar Dec. 16-- Evenling Fe: Dec. 24 -Chr1stm-f 'Nursery care for p every S TRINITY UNI Rev ,N. Wesley Oake, B.Ti john Crooksbank - ýSUNDAY, SEPTE il A.ML-1 WO Begînners and Kindei Classes atl -Nurser A Warm W4 All Wo biave the right to, choosè the AV SQl Pot school to which they wish to As itn a c send their children. 61 per cent ,Ç[ntfest of tlie parents want the Act to ,(fnt rest require parent representation on evaluation and curriculum 2 3-33013 commnittees at the sehool, local board, regional and the East Durham H$istorical poica ees Society visited Bowmanville NE L TO M~useumn on Sept. th white on a Mstr Tour"' which Worthy Matron MIrs. Avelyn included bhistorical and other Williams and Associate M\1at- points of interest. ron Mrs. Betty Staniland of' Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Blue Ray Chýapter, O.E.S., Buck Cowle, Miss Vicki Port Perry, are attending the C~we, r.Ross Wilam,8th Anual Session of the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry Grand Chapter, Order of the t ogethYer with about 50 other Eastern Star, Ontario, Canada relatives fromn Canada trav- in tlie Clearvy Auditorium, elîed to Trenton, Mich., to help Windsor, Septernber 19, 20 andi friends celebrate the 50th 21. wedding anniversary of Mr. Mlrs. Balfour Moore accomn- and Mrs. Lavern Heaslip panied by hier sisters Mrs. (Mrs. Quarry's sister)O0h boy. Grace Cordell, Kýeremy.eas, M r. H-. E. Purdy brought in British Columbia and Mrs. to thle Statesmiýan office ý most Bill Jenkins, Whitby, left on initeresing e dition of the Fridiay for a v-acatio)n with SauayGlobe" publishedi relatives in England. Novemrber 18, 1899. The paper Mrs. Mary Sweatmnan, Seat- was in excellent condition and tle, Washington, and Mrs. wve were interested in reading John C. Johnston of 'Manotick semne items and ads. One e Friday luncheon guests advertisenient in paricular fM.ad Ms Grant caught the eye. It read, Thompson. 7Mr. Jack Curtis, 'upbolstered louinge chairs, Toronto, was a weekend delverd aywbrein a 200 visitor. mile radius, $798 eachi." Mrs. 'R. Gay of Somerset, This year's 25 Year Service Enigland, andii Miss G. Tranter, Pin Dinner for- Ontario and! Toronto. are spending a few western employees of Good- days with their frîend, iMrs. year Tire and Riubber Co. Ltdl. Gordon Gilîson. Other recent This summr.er bas certainl: will be hield in Toronto, i!uests ,ere Mrs. D. Pug.sley turnover of religious leaders in E October 20 and in Quebec City of Somnerset, England; Mr. R. indicates that three, ministers hi on November 2 for emiployees Rooke, Yvette and Paul,anwt the addition of a new Aý in Quebec locations. Oshawa; MIr. and IMrs. J. United Church last week, four n( Oshawa Little Theatre will Watts, Fay, Bonnie andi townj. present Neil Simoni's "Plaza Brenda, Oakwýood, Mýýr. and Pictured above is the Rev. A~ Suites" at the Eastdale Audi- MUrs. B. Daniels, Port Perry, niew assistant to the Rev. Wýesl( toriuni the tbir-d week of MNr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilson, Rqev, Mecher bas corne out Octohber. Little Britain. spent in the sinall town of Zuricl Il. Gordon M\aeNeil, presi- Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Vivian assumne his new dluties in Bowmai dent and chief executive and family of Mitchell, visited work, at Trinity will be visitatic officer of Goodyear Tire and with thie Oliver, Ivan and Born in Plattsvýille, Ontario,; Rubber Co. Ltdi., will partici- Norm-fan Robirer famîilies at Stratford, hesen2 ears inW pate in a 13 week advanced tfhe weekenid. Mr. Orland wife in Saskatoon and tLhey cai mnanagemnenti course atflar- Rohirer returned homie with 1 'hree grandsons and a grancd yard Universi ty beginning themn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.sked why -ý,he decîdedto r Septemrber 15. Burris of Woodstock wreMecher replied, -1 wanted to be Congratula tions to T. A. Sundayl.i afternocon visitors with whien I wvos retîred." Haririson wýho has retired after Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohire'r. 35 years service in the office, Suinday dlinner guests wvith wjîih Mr. and Mrs. Bruce bc and Io A. J. Murphy, andi A. E. Mi\r. and Mlrs. Wilfred Vine and Hleaslip. c Brown with 30 years service famnily, were Mr. and Mrs, Last nighit the temiperature fa eacbî in the plant at the Reg Mdltn son Gordon dropped to 3» degrees. Tobac- t i Bowmianvilie Goodyear Plant. and friend Mliss Judy Larmn- co) men are concerned about til Mr. nd Ms. rank Sobil, our, ail of Mississauga. their crop as it is veryf Clearwater, Florida, are visit- On Sunday afternoon, in the susceptible to frost but about fil ing relatives and friends in the Lake Scugog semai finals 85 per cent bas been baryes- o) Bîowm-anville area. Nestleton vs. Blac-kstock re- ; ed. l the Port Hope Horticultural sulted in- a wi;n for Nestleton. Parks B3oard Opein Meeting in Society's first annual garden This is one game eaux. The On WNednesday eenig r. di comipetition wine as Mrs. th-ird game wvill be played H4arvey Grahamt, Chairmnan of oi D. McGillis. This is to be an Sun-day,, afternoofl, Septemnber the Cartwright Parks Board, ki annual event and it is beingc 23 at Buirketon., presided for theli open meeting \x, s1uggested tlie competition be Mr. Norman Same(,islias ini the Canadîian Foresters X open tn any interested citizen leen transferred to the Comi- Hall, North Nestieton. el with- a goo;d garden. miunity Nursing Hlome, Port BjIluepI-rnts of the newY, hall1 f' On Sundlay, Sept. 16th Mr. Perry. for Southl Nesteton ,were v and Mrs. Wilson Pring cele- On Sa!urday Mr. and M\rs. presented to the group. The t( brated their 40th Wecddinlg Clarence Gînn were guests at bfuildiing wýill be 40 x 80Itll !t C Anniversary wiith a surprise a dinner at the hiome of their df famrily dinner at thie home of daughiter and sorn-in-laiw Mr. their daughter and son-in-la-w, and Ms Gerald Stinson, R. R. A DUÙLT il 11,r. .apd Mrs. David Bowven.ha. This was in honor- of I Present were their son Mr,. Mrls. Ginn's and ber grandson COU NSELLING si ani Mrs. John Pring, Kevin nn Stinison-'sq birtbdays. si and Shelley lof Guelpb' their Congratuliat ions! il 1 GC h ~ (ie ~ ~ 4~ Mr. and I'4rs. Fr(ed JDayes, andt nn ofen), Patti, Joan aecomipanîeLd by their relativ- I o attd an n fDwight and Mr. es, MVr. and iMrs. Brown and - and Mrs. David Bowen (Lola), M\rs. D)ayes from ul Jn- sernething albout your I Helen-lMarie and Katbryn Anni land, enjoyed a mi.otrip to edcton ou 0 of Bovwmnanville. the Thousand Islands and the pr1bycn T'le Ontario Fedieration of boat cruise on Saturday. L Homne and School's Legis- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, 1eoW 1 lative Action and Education Debbliie and Dav-, id ejoyed the eF ,Comittees today released w,,eekends and their vacation Aduflt Cdneio the resuits of 'a survey at Greenï's Lake near Gooder- indicating that parents want ham.n Her parents Mr. and, EVERY fi the province's Consolidated Ms Arthur McColl anid WEDNESDAY c Schiool Administration act tosstr Susan and Cindy wèreEEN G assre arets grate rle their guests during the heat in school placement ancd wave and were able to relax 7 4Y 9 ai thei curriculum decisions. In a by the cool water. INEWLBQWIMANVILLE t, letter addressedi to the lion. *On Thursday MIr. and MIrs. IIIGH SCHOOL1 Tomi Wells, thie Federation Lawrence Cooleýdge accomn- GUIDANCE OFFICE noted the folîowîniig: a. that paniied by bier sister Mrs. parents ma.y be represented Florence Thonipson, Toronto, Th e s er v i c e ii ree by le-al, mnedical and-or spent the day ata Belleville. cnieta-a psychological counsel when Congratulaition-s to Mr. and aponm t decisýions about their child's Mrlis. Gordon Coeg of is nesay rig-ht to attend schlool and Calesareà who bserv-ed their school placement are being 17th wédding anniversary,____________ niade. b) complete access to Saturday, Septembher l5th. ail records of educational and Their daughter, Wanda, bad psychological testing done in planned a very pleasant the schools on one's own child. surprise party in their honor The editor of this )of 12 block (12 inch onýsituct ion and wl aced on the soutbi sid, he hg ay.At, the me no plans are &n nlishing the baserf xis Wiii be a project )rganizations toinst one bowling alley meeting area. Ther( joors or windows ïi r facing the ea itchen, ladis'ani cashroonls are local eesternexreit a ntered from the o( Wom within. The ha! M1 be MYl"x 8". A the vestibule is On Athe wvest end an( dor aso faces sout This was a imein [y for thuladiesto al the kitchen uplarns or1 success in their chosen car- than you do? eers-. Fori ess than 1 Iý a day, An interesting 'meeting is ocaigtyuow llzgu& lArie RC being held M\oni-daiy (toni'ght') 1o a étyu w Minster in the Recreationi Centre, special insight into the Music Director - Or-gamst Blackstock, when the rate- news. Everyday, like pay ers wiill meet al the they do, candidates for the- Regijonal - - - - -- EMBRER 2,17 Governmcrint and for the Send me 4 mnonih , of the School Board for Scugog. Mr. Monio -over 100Q issues - Paul Arculus of Port Perry for only $11. RSHIP SERVICE will be chairnman. DOPaïmsnt eîclosed 1 BiU ie ýater The three new homes i the T'garten Sunday Schodol village are progressing nicely. Nre (laernt usualurneWorkmnen are conpleting the brick work on Mr.Do Adrs Thomipsoi'.s home. Mr. War -___________ ry Care ren Robrer bias is basement City alunost comrpleted and the roof ~tt i and shîngles are firisheti on p elcompe Awaits the horne is Nestleton east. The~ Chrstian Scicnce Montor®ý irsipprs r. Alvin Bruce and Mliss Box 12,5, Asto> Statioýn M)sipr uarjoic Bruce, Poit Perry, BsoMsaiket 02123 - , ware 8turfday evenin$ visitors mI Eâ