Mayor and Super-Ma yor Attend Orono fair Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 26, 1973 formal presentation, the, Rot- arians fired several questions at bimand one of tbem dealt with taxes. "It's not true that the tax pict ure will be bleak under Regional Government," he, asserted. "It's been the exper- ience ini those areas under Regional Government that the tax icrea~-nl ecçenit vears bave actually been less than the increases in those areas that are not part of a Regional set-up." Cburcb aroused the ire of former Ontario Hydro Chair- man Ross Strike wben be commcnted that the Ontario Government is moving to- wards eliminating indepen- dent specialized municipal bodies like planning boards, PUC's and Hydros in favor of bodies that will be' directly responsible to the local coun', cils. Cburcb suggested that there, is alI too oftten a lack of co-ordination with sucb bodies but Strike beartily dsagreed. 'I'vc been involved witb Ontario Hydro for 40 years," said Strike, "and thats longer tban vou've been alive. It's been my experience that Hvydro functions extremely Well as an independent body." In Other Rotary Affairs Thirteen gucsts attended the meeting including tbree mcm- hprsof th e a Irli,,aton Tonr- School Bus Accident Kills Ma-ni Injures 13 Children in Cobourg A collision between a car and a sehool bus in Cobourg on Thursday afternoon, Septem- ber 13th, has left one man dead an d 113 public scbool children injured. Dead is 74-year-old James L. Hislop from Horning, Ontario. Hislop was the driver of the car involved in the crash. His wife Ma-rgaret was seriously injured but a report from' the Cobourg hospital indicated she has improved and ber condition is now listed as 'satisfactory'. The most seriously injured ship Council, Don Wearn, Bruce Tink and Graham Dallas, who came as the guests of Garnet Rickard R-otarian Ian Turner was congratulated by club Presi- dent Harry Cooke for winning the recent Oshawa, Rotary Club's Frieiîdslip Day Golf Tournament. Turner fired an even-par 72 on Brooklin's Thunderbird Golf Course to win the title. of the 13 scbool cbildren was Tracey Turner of R.R. 5, CbrgShe was detained in bopialwitb a broken leg. The other 12 students were treated in Cobourg hospital for cuts and bruises and released. An estimated 70 children were on the bus at the time of the accident. The crash took place at the corner of Elgin and Ontario Streets in Cobourg. The Hislop vebicle is believed to bave gone tbrougb a stop sign. Scbool trustee J. C. McKague, wbo arrived at the scene sbortly after the accident, indicated be feels the. con- struction work taking place at the intersection may bave contributed to the tragedy. Bus driver Donald Brooks escaped injury in the collision and was compiimented on bis "expert driving" in the emer- gency situation. "The buswent down a six foot drop and landed in a vacant lot," said Bruce Lest- er, Superintendent of Trans- portation. "If was only tbr- ougb Mr. Brooks' expert driving that hie managed to keep the bus on al four wbel." Trustees Want Lights The Nortbumberland-Dur- bamn Scbool Board met the day af ter the accident and a report from the, Transportation Committee, calling for Cob- ourg to instaîl a stop ligbt, at the corner of E gin and Ontario Streets, was discuss- ed. The trustees voted in favor of asking the town of Cobourg to put in the traffic ligbts. Trustee Dr. Ian Wilson argued that seat belts sbould be made mandatory on sehool buses. "Some of the cbildren were burled out of the bus," lie said. "One has. a broken tbigh. I know the cost woul be significant but I would suegest we send a letter to the Minister in Toronto asking that seat belts be made mandatory in scbool buses." The location of bîghway signs due to construction was also discussed by the Board members. Trustee McKague commen- ted ".Witb ail the construction work going on it would be easy for a stranger to get on Elgin Street tbînking be was till on Higbway 2. This intersection is very confusing, especially for someone flot frnm this area." 111 tbink the Department of Transportation and Comm- unications may bave been remiss somewhere," be add- ed. TYRONE Eleven tables of Eucbre in Tyrone Hall on Friday night. Carrying prizes going out to Mr. Earl Prescott, Mrs. Arth- ur Richards. Lucky chair Francis Tbompsun. Higb sco- re Francis Thompson, Mrs. F. L. Byam, Beatrice Morgan, Mrs. H. Bradley,1 Mr. H. Bradley, and, Mr. Jim Lackie. 50-50 Mr. Jack Cook. 'Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Goble, Brian and Bobbie, Blackstock and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lackie were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble. ýMr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and Christine, Mrs. Don Badour and family attended the Annis family picnic at Markham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hoar, Toronto were weekend visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs A . J.Hoar Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam attended the lst Birthday party of little Bradley Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Park, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and girls, Pontypool., Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare attended the Annis picnic at Markbam on Sunday. Mr. Carry Cornisb did real well at Beaverton Fair on Saturday, winning many priz- es with bis cattle. ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOMZE HEAT SERVICE Garnet Rick the new Mayor Mr. and Mrs. V Saturday, Septe Ontario Joint government as t per year,"Super from Pickering 11 Simcoe. The Beà Fairgrounds an' ard at eft wh wa reentl elcte byaccamaion as f te Nwcatl muicialty s pctredchatig with alter Beath at the Durham Centrai Fair in Orono on .mber 8th. Beath, the former chairman of the Central Planning Board, was appointed by the provincial ~e first Chairman of the new Durham Region. The $27,000 - Mayor" wiII preside over the region which stretches ýo the Hope-Clarke line and as far north as the tip of Lake aths seemed to be enjoying the festivities at t he Orono 1 had a good guide in Garnet Rickard. ______ Speaks At Regiro "A Po Says The new Mayor of N tle, Gdînet B. Rckard duced Gardner Church Bowmanville Rotary C 'a young man witha potential and a very future." Churchhw'o'i the sunny side of30'ye occupies a position 1 Ontario Department o governmental Affairst uulyassociated with one 2o years is senior. senior studies offîcer& primiary responsibilityf past year or two bas be establisbment of ,th Durham RegionalC ment. In is address to Rof passed on a major anri ment, made earlier in t in Toronto, as be ex some of tbe ims and out new system of Regiona ernment. 0MB Powers to Reii Church's boss, Pri Treasurer- Jobn Whit nounced in tbe Ontario lature on Thursday M Sept. l3tb, that the p Ontario Municipal Boa passed on some of it important responsibili tbe Regional Gover level. From now on, all sL ion agreements, offici and zoning by-lawsv approved by the R Councils, rather th 0MB. In addition,Q Park bas relinquish responsibility for rev land severances (breý otary nal Government verful Animal" rardner Church 1ewcas- ýintro- f0 tthe lub as 1greaf brigbit still on -irs old, in the fInter- that is He is a and bis for the ,een the ce new ýtary be iounce- the day plained s of the al Gov- ion, )vincial te, an- àLegis- orning, ýowerful ird bas Is Most tics f0 mcnt ibdivis- il plans will be egional ýan the Queen's ied the vewing i ng u p 1~ "WHAT'LL I i MY WIFEý Tell ber that a Hoi Policy gives 'package' tioli - coverage on t and personal belongit at home and away fr< - family liability ai coverage, both at hep away from home. Sair cent over the individi cies with a package owner Policy from ti Insurance Agency Lt James Insur Agen c y, un 24 King St. E., Box BOWMANVILLE, Ob- DOUGLAS S. JAMES. Office 623-5681..( Residence 623-5023 ELL i ieowner ' protec- ie home .gs, hoth thi home nd theft me and re 20 per lual poli- iHome- ie James of land into building lots.)' "Mr. Wite's announcement (bis morning makes the'Reg- ion a mucb more powerful animal than it was yestcr- day," said Cburcb. "Until today," be explained, "the province bas been giving the final approval on these important issues and the local government bas been reduced to a. sort of, go-befween f or the developers and the provincial government." Now, if a developer, for example, draws up a subdivis- ion plan witb a local council, sucb as the Council wbicb will govern Newcastle after Jan. lst, 1974, the proposal will go directly to the Regional Coun- cil for the final approval, not to Queen's Park. Not only sbould this speed up the wbole process but it will mean that locally elected officials wil bave the final say in important issues wbich affect local residents. The transfer of the 0MB powers to the Regional level underlined the theme of Cburc's address to Rotary. Decentralizing Power "The basic philosopby bebind the establishment of R egional Governments bas been to try to allow the local level of government fo become more important in' the decis- ion-making process. The feel- ing bas been that the local government is the jurisdiction that sbould be making most of the decisions wbicb directly affect local people," said the provincial planner. Cburcb suggested that there bas been a very strong temptation for the provincial government to take over more, and more responsibilities, rather than giving tbem away. He pointed to the original form of regional government established in Toronto as a case in point. In 1953 the area <bat is now called the Borougbyl ofNorth York was undergoing a phenomenal growtb. The area went from a population of 1,300 to 27,000 in one year alone. The local councîl in that area ran into, massive prob- lems trying to provide basic services sucb as roads, sewers and water, and met witb a good deal of resistance and lack of co-operation from neigbboring municipalities. Thbe North York Council final- ly appealed to the provincial government for belp. Cburcb said that the prov- ince was very tempted f0 step in itself and take control of several important functions. Howevcr, if was decided instead f0 revamp the existing municipal structure in Tor- onto and unite the several, previously independent, local councils under a two-ticr system of government. Under this two-tier municipal system the overaîl Metro level was responsible for the broader functions, like transportation, land use planning, and water, wbere economies of scale could be acbieved. Altbougb many details bave cbanged since the 1950's, Cburcb said the same basic pbilosopby applies f0 the new, regional governmnents, sucb as the Durham Region. area, the associated 'problems get more complex and costly. . . Regional Government will mean fremendous economies ORANGE OR of scale," be said. Cburcb re-iterated bis argui- F B 1 D ment that, not only will the Regional system bhe more IGA STARBR econlomlical and efficient in the lonig run, utthat sîgifficant. Liquid decision-nmaking powers bave been de-cenfralized.PERPA "The Regional Government PERPA system is designed to streng- Puffed then the local akas. It will actually reduce the power of ASSORTEO' the province." Many people, be commented, seem to tbink IGA Cai that somebow the provincial government bas garnered PUSS'N SOC more power by the creation of (ASSORTED the new Regions. Ntbing, be Flavor1 asserted, could bc furtber from the trutb. Taxes Nof HigherBye Wben Cburcb finisbed bis Bae J Business Directory QTp WM. J. H. COGGINS AOULT REGt Chartered Accountanft Toothbr 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville R EGUOLARC Phoiâe 623-3612 (BIEGE E tS WILLIAM C. HALL B.Commn. Chartered Accountant 36V% King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chir op ractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D en t a1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours:, Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 'King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowinanville Office Hours: Weekdays- 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349, DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E,* Bowmaxiville Office- Hours: Moni.,'Tues., and Thurs. 9ti15 Wednesday 9 til 2 Friday 9.til4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Plione 623-5790 R GRAPE4F l rinks q OR RITE 64ýF -OZ. Bweach JUGS FOR- Wheat 3 1B1G1FORI VARIETIESJ45 09.5 i OZ.CEL[O IflO' Es3 PKOS. FOR- OTS '- FLAVOPSI - 60Z - Morsels3 PKGS.O 3BTLS. Aspirin 3 0F 24 FOR PKGOS 3OF 54 FOR GULAR J FO irushes F1O OR NUDE iPICE) Exotic Hs BLACK DIAMOND (5 VARIETIES) 4 OZ. Cream Cheese TUBS JO C (FROM CONCENTRATE) 0 32-FL. Orange Juice ) .BLS "WORLD SERiES'SPECIALS'" AROTN 970 DISPENSER Bni Ever ,sonder vvhat to andd ru our chldteu s or husband's) lunch bu. for in bht.twen tealsnackEt How abut fnsh fruit, driëd fruit, ut usi plan tasrs' Raisns ate cou centra ted mortels of nattraifrtut su gars. thuugh kind tn the wfugEt corncous lune calorie in thn auntage taisin). Tt'ey conta1r1119 ai11 utnf tut and many otanins and tinetals a gon d snack fond. Caurion afint natrng tErs or anv ohet swrv- foot,î reetu sh.uld lin earnud Thougn rasnshave n iasdnptien nue1n ont ctps the test twu ynar. rinAusriu , a rtan, troducert theh te wortt cunsiderntgfort liît thîrcontributionr For ideat or prnpatog ctitî it traiSsi ac.ks, trritn tore at tIre adircss. -DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL" "DOLLAR DAY SPEÇIAL" IGA ASSORTED FLAV0ORS PRIDE PACK sofit Beans WITH PORK Dirinks 'AL" (IN TOMATO SAUCE) G26-FL. 9 L ROTT LESTURNOz I rCANAD A GRADE "A"r TABLERITE BONELESS-,ROUND Steakor,$ flj~~4.(BOTTOM R~~osl: CUT) SIRL OIN, PORTERHOUSE OR WING STEAK or SIRLOIN TIP ROASTBONELESS> LEAN BONELESS STEWING BEEI "DOL LA R DA Y FEA TURES" RRAUNSWVEI( FRBACON &LIVR, 0VR0L CHICKEN OR SANDWICH SPREAD SCHN EIDERS LIVER CHUBS SHOPSY CORNED, BEEF S-HOPSY "ALI-BEEF"" SAUSAGE BEEF B OZý 2 PHUBS FOR 4PGFOR 1PKG- FOR "~DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL" SYLVANIA Frosted Light Bulbs (15, 25, 40, 60, 100 WATT) 3 ~PKGS.$ Chunk Light Tuna TINS FOR IGA HOM OGENIZED 1soz. Peant Buter JARS FOR ]GA ORANGE PEKOE BOYES 0F 60 Tea Bags 2aO IGA REGULAR ilmOZ S Potato Chips if PKGS, FOR TOILET BOWL'CLEANER __ 34 OZ. Vanish, 2 TINS FOR- QUIKKI POLY (26" x 36") PKGS. Garbage Bags 240F 10 FORI , F ROZEN __ CLEANEO & DRESSED 16 OZ Omstead Smelits 2iO FROZEN SEABROOK 2- LB.d Fancy Peas 2PKGS. 1 01 FLORIDA FROZEN (CONCENTRATED 100%0 PURE) OId South 3iw 21212-FL f Orange Juice FOR~ Nescafé CJAee R POWDEREO 80 OZ. KING SIZE BOX Cheer Detergent *1.09 11.59 rPRODUCE OF U .S.ýA. NO. 1 GRADE LUSCIOUS, CALIFORNIA CantaloupeI PFEODUCE 0F U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE CRISP. CALIFORNIA SIZE 24 LETTU CE E 2 9~ CANADA FANCY GRADE, FLAVORFUL B. C. BARTLETT PEARS 3 LRS. 9 PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRICA SWEET AND JiJICY OUTSPAN ORANGES IE1279e PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA FANCY GRADE CRISP -iELICIOUS PLSRED OR LBCS OO APPLES~GOLDEN3 9 ~uaaaaL*I**U~Effective October 7th BUTIMANVILLE 10: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. DEO DORANT Right Guard GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS Razor Blades School Snacks SAICO IASSORTED VARIETlES) MANDAR 1 F, SKILLET 3 53 8TO TINS m m PKGSeFDRS ORANGES -& MGC KLEENEX IASST'O COLORS) CA SOU PS FACIAL TOMATO or 10' TISSUES %WFR VEGETABLE "OR0__ IGA ASSORTED VARIIES, EXCEPR1 OLACK CURRANT FIVE VARIETIES JAMS or A L z HOLLANDIA6mo JELLIES FORSBISCUITS, MONARCH POUCH PAK MONARCH POL CAKE j5 9q1 2 DZ,- ICING MIXES %f FOR MIXES 1~ r