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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1973, p. 3

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Beehive Re Annual Pen After reading artic statements by Mr. I that there is.some c( referred to mini-h Neither mini-housi council, and I am s to confuse the gen knowledge regardi I assume, froi since his conscience he experienced reg election, Mr. Robe, I would likeÏ plan. The plannin received approval1 studied and review of a municipalityi invested in the cou pass the approriat forwardedto the pr As it now stari the planning board. document. In no we as some might thi However, the applications submi- refused. The counc best interests of th financial benefit i denied by council. This decisior At the preser these two proposals a notation be attac plan be made, so t into, to ascertain t In no way do developments, if th they would not be Again, if I m made note that the these applications 1 to the planning bod Planning Board thâ not be treated light that I would not vc complete study, ar( Planning Boa on my findings, as motion was made. Mr. Payne's1 exact size, engineeri to that of Rice Cons As to Mr. Mc benefit to the munic accountant, specia municipal books.1 misleading in cont With referen advantage of my misleading, as it isi making a report whi his findings. There presenting a reporti support. Statements s indicate lack of ex I have never required under the Also, I cannot recal of involvement ini called the meeting; detained by otheri However, I n emergency meetin In closing, I v: candidate for elect I make no ras area, if you, the v bekahs Hold ny Sale with Host of Doiated Prizes The annual Penny Sali Beehive Rebekah Lodge held on Friday Sept. 21, ai Centennial Hall. it was ar er very successful event, many lovely prizes, all do ed by members of the Lo Guests were, greeted at door by the hostesses, N Grand Karen Michelson, Vice Grand Carol Rob( Sister Michelson introdi Sister Alpha Samells, Dep. Pres., of Port Perry, officially opened the sale a few well-chosen words, wished Beehive Lodge n success in their work. The Hall was beautil decorated with autumn f ers from the garden of andMrs. Cliff Samis.. Pouring tea at the I ta'ele were Past Noble Gra Sisters Elva Byam, E Colwell, Susie Levett, Porter, Alma Powell, 1 ence Moore, Elva Leach Amy Winacott. P.N.G. Sis. Mazo Ar was convenor of the tables; Sis. Verna Burg assisted by Sis. Ruby Hi inson were in charge of kitchen. Other conveners % - Bake table, Sister ] Alexander; Variety table, ter Florence Moore; C table, Sister Edith Moore, the ticket convener was S Edna Kerr, assisted by S Elva Leach. Sister Nina C looked after selling ticket the Hall. A lucky draw was r every hour, on the hour VOTE IBBS winners being - Betty Lea- man, Blanche Corden, Evelyn Large, Michelle Lamont, Tom Ingram and Judy Brown. Many of the Lodge members helped as waitresses, while many others helped in the kitchen, too many to list all the names, but everyone had a job to do, and in some cases, several different jobs, and they were all well done. AT 8 o'clock, Noble Grand, Karen Michelson introduced Mayor Ivan Hobbs, who drew the tickets for the lucky winners. Winners: Electric Griddle- 870-George Michelson, 2 Avon Talcum powders-780-Joyce Major, Bathroom Scales - 1177 Grace Bridges, Rug Shampoo- 641 Eva King, Archery Set- 2073 Mary Blunt, Plastic tray and note paper - 2277 Edna Kerr, Powder puff set-1027 Fern Bradley, Blue Lamp-2424 Mary Balson, Toy cement truc -459 Marion Pascoe, Toy truck-546 Pat Gosmark, Gold Brocade stole-626 Betty Han- cock, Bath mat set-168 Grant Bright, Port Perry, 2 Talcum Powder-857 Joan Begg, Mark- ham, Toy truck-180 Annette Hancock, Pillow cases-484 Shirley Robson, Gold Chip & Dip dish-920 Vi Osborne, 2 Pr. Panty hose-2442 Sherry Mc- Innes, Gold Blanket-1677 Gra- ce Murdoch, Skipping rope-463 Martha Roberts, African vio- let, pink-161 Grant Bright. Pink & White quill Nicholls, Baby'Crib Quilt-1275 Sandra McInnes, Topsy Baby doll-826 Cindy Armstrong, Scarborough, Devilled Egg dish-1257 George Richards, Avon hand lotion-1715 Gwen Gould, Blue bed jacket-479 Shirley Ingram, Veg-o-matic- 1268 Mrs. Iva Farrow, cup & saucer-168 Grant Bright, Glox- AND ORONO fles appearing in the local press, wherein certain Ioffatt and Mr. Entwisle are recorded, it sedfTis t ipe onfusion existing between them, as Mr. Entwisle has ousing and Mr. Moffatt referrell to trailer parks. ng nor trailer park is being considered by Clarke re that the articles I have rea-d, must have a tendency ral public who may not have complete background ng the issues before council. n Mr. Entwisle's article, that he must now feel better has been relieved, and I hope that the deep sadness arding the action of his opponent in the forthcoming rt Chater, will not have a long-lasting effect. o point out the procedure of establishing an official board may prepare a plan, which, after it has by that boar , is submitted to council. Here it is ed, and, pursuant to the appropriate acts, the council na y accept the plan as submitted, or, by powers nci , it may reject, add to, or amend such plan, and e by-law to establish an official plan. It must then be oper governmental department for its final approval. Zthe council has accepted the plan, as submitted by This plan, as many of you know, is a voluminous y is the council rejecting the draft plan as submitted, ik on reading articles heretofore published. planning board had recommended to council that ;ted by Mr. Howard'Payne and Rice Construction, be 1 did not feel that such a recommendation was in the . community as a whole, because of the substantial ivolved, and therefore such recommendation was was made by majority rule. .t time, it is the wish of the majority of council that be considered as approved in principle, and that such led to the official plan, or that an amendment to the iat further exploratory negotiations may be entered heir full and true impact upon the municipality. s this mean that council is committed to permit these ey, the council, should, during negotiatiors, find that beneficial to the municipality as a whole. ay make reference to statements by Mr. Moffatt: He Reeve did not vote when Planning Board decided that ë refused, but he did not give the reason that I related ird for not voting. At the time of voting, I advised it a proposal such as that of Rice Construction could y, this being a development of some 25 million dollars, ice an opinion until I had made a further and more d that I would report my findings to council. rd did not afford me the opportunity to report to them they decided this matter, without debate, once the proposal has not been presented in detail as to its ing data etc., but he described it as being very similar ;ruction, and it should receive the same consideration. ffatt's questioning regarding the proposal's financial ,ipality: He refutes the figures quoted by a chartered ly licensed by the government of Ontario to audit Iis report is not only grossly incorrect, but very ant. ce to Mr. Entwisle's suggestion that I topk unfair executive privilege: This is equally incorrect and only proper procedure for the head of council, when erein certain recommendations are made, to support certainly would be no point in the head of council of his recommendations which he, himself, could not nch as these, made by educated men, I feelncan only perience in this particular field. called a meeting of council, without giving notice as statutes of Ontario, both as to time and advertising. Il ever missing more than one meeting in my 18 years nunicipal work, whether or not I was the one who , and at the time of that particular meeting, I was unicipal obligations. (ow find it extremely difficult to call a special or g to suit the convenience of ail members of council. ould like to remind the citizens of Ward 3, that I am a ion for regional council. h promises, but will endeavour to do my best for the ters, should favour me with your support. Edward R. (Ted) Woodyard, Reeve of Clarke Township. inia plant-938 Marg McMahon, Toy Tonka Car-1978 Mazo Archer, 4 piece kitchen uten- sils-314 Mrs. Carroll, Newton- ville, Pillow cases-1984 Caro- line Gilman, Tea towel set- 2291 Rose Osborne, Green Mountain dish-1930 Bill Marks, Market Reminder set- 1298 Lorraine Smale, Pink Bed Jacket-828 Matt Waugh, Scar- borougih, Pie crust maker- 1620 Mrs. Jim Callan, Bill Fold with $2.00-1277 Mary Vinkle, Gibson Tea Pot-1253 Lisa Richards, London, Toy tow truck-2445 Derek Lamont, Thermal Blanket-1499 Lona Kirkpatrick, Cup & Saucer- 1586 Wendy Murdoch, Rug Shampoo-1424 Gwen Hallo- well, Toy Mustang car-2660 Mrs. Glen Mallette, Shoulder Bag-1222 Eva Woolner, Fram- ed picture-1004 Nancy Mc- Dougal, Yellow &white quilt- 1010 Laurel McDougal, Men's Pajamas-1602 Mrs. Si Trewin, Green Vase-1230 Olive Rich- ards, Luncheon Set-2475 Inez Boughen, Cup & Saucer-267 Mrs. Florence Empringham, Vancouver, Lady's Pajamas- 1344 Mildred Downey, Steak knife set-1280 Mary Vinkle, Steak Plate & hand lotion-2163 Mrs. Ada Hallowell, White STole-789 Greta Luxton, Toy telephone-1260 Marie Yeo, Child's Pajamas-1988 Doreen Carr, 2 Cups & saucers-733 Kevin Tripp, Hillier, Blue Towels-1787 Shirley Draper, Cup & Saucer-1678 Reta Cam- eron, Cream & sugar set-1787 Shirley Draper, African vio- let, purple-1344 Mildred Dow- ney, Oven Mitts-1022 Heather Selleck, Toy Baking set-2098 Mrs. Joskow, Multi-color Quilt 537 Rebecca Lern, Toronto. The unclaimed prizes may be picked u at the home of Mrs. Ruby Spicer, 78 Queen St., Phone 623-3717. 330-2 Brown Mugs, 373-3-piece serv- ing set, 659-Tea towel and dish cloth, 1094-Pyrex percolator, 1391-4pr. nylons, 1454-Skipping rope, 1915-Men's Pajamas, 2354-African violet, white, 2687-Toy See-a-show, 2880- Swan plaques, 3059-Toy tele- phone,red. 1 i F Rotarians Come Through Annual Car Wash in GreatShape The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 26, 1973 3 STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell were in North Ba3î last week and visited Mr. Earl Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallowell, Mount Forest, be- fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow and family attended the twenty fifth wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby, last week. Mrs. Carl Todd was hostess for the September meeting of the Shiloh U.C.W. at her home with the president, Mrs. Gordon Trim in charge. Rev. T. J. Snelgrove gave a fine message on the "Blessings of the Church". There were 14 in altendance and it was a very pleasant evening. oùry Bowmanville Rotary Club held their annual Car Wash on Sept. 15th at two uptown locations, the Bank of Montreal and Canadian Tire parking lots. The weather was ideal and the customers kept club members and quite a few sons, daughters and other young volunteers busy throughout the day. Final receipts from the wash have not reached this office but the club will probably realize several hundred dollars from their effort. No casualties were reported among the Rotarians. Cancer Society Booth at Orono Fair Volunteers for the local chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society were on hand to answer questions and distribute pamphlets from their booth at the Durham Central Fair, held earlier this month in Orono. Mrs. C. Kelly, a spokesman for the local Cancer Society, said that the fund-raising campaign held in this area in April was an overwhelming success. $10,605.87 was raised in general campaign funds and a further $7,442 was contributed as bequests and in memoriams. Mrs. Kelly pointed out that that amounts to 163 per cent of the target set for this area. Congratulations to both canvassers and contributors for a job well done. Two Years Old August 25th flowers to the next meeting. The meeting was then ad- journed. Colette Taylor, Press RTùrrter. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well, Mr. Jim Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. B. Caswell and sons were Saturday evening dinner guests with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser and Alyson visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson, Elizabethville. Mrs. A. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell attended the party for Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby. Thursday as week the Shiloh U.C.W. annual bus trip was eastward to Lanark. It was an interesting and enjoy- able day for everyone. Mrs. J. Bothwell, Bowman- ville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Savery. cieaners CIwcüe A woman who ran a boarding house would get her knives sharpened from four to five times a week. When the knife sharpener asked why she had ber knives sharpened so often, the woman whispered, "Well, it's cheaper than buying tender meat." CLOTHES CARE HINT: Home cleaning is dangerous. Cleaning fluid should be handled only by experts to avoid explosion and fire. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE Monday, October lst, 1973 BOWMANVILLE M CLEANERS LTD. "-'tt"84 KING ST. W. AMER "We Specialize 623-5520 In Shirt Laundering" IBRONC WE HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL, COMPLETELY EQUIPPED 1973 BRONCO 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS BY FORD. ONE HAS A WINCH, PERFECT FOR GARAGE WORK OR IN THE BUSH AND ON THE OPEN ROAD. BOTH ARE DEMO'S, ONE RED AND ONE BLUE. GIVE US A PHONE CALL AND WE'LL BRING ONE OVER FOR YOUR INSPECTION. THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. 623-4481 This young lady is Meesha Lynn Edmondson, who celebrated her'second birthday on Tuesday, August 25th. Unfortunately, the black and white reproduction doesn't show her colorful auburn hair. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edmondson, first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edmondson, all of Bowmanville. SOL 4-H Homemakers On Sept. 10 the Solina 4-H Homemakers met for our first meeting in Solina Community Hall, Miss Pearl Leach one of our ladies called the meeting to order. Our other leader Mrs. Helen Werry was not able to attend. We chose Solina Serviettes as our club name and Orange as the color for our record books. We then had the election of officers which resulted as follows: President INA Valerie Taylor, Treasurer Donna Hancock and Press Reporter Colette Taylor. We looked over and discuss- ed our Members Pamphlets and the books on Flower Arrangements. Miss Leach informed us that Achievement Day would be on Nov. 24 and that we would be doing Table Settings for Different Occas- ions as our Club Exhibit. We were asked to bring an arrangement of weeds or TO THE CIIIZENS OF CLARKE, NEWCASTLE Cet Cash Today For OId Appliances through S T A T EsMAN LAssIFI EDS Phone 623-3303

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