14 The uanadian ncatesman, BowIIIIvi1~lleOt.1173 FOR CASFE - - ---- Tuesday, 4:301 Births (2ards of Thanks Coming Events Articles for Sale, Notice ___elp Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Pets EVANS-Mary Evans is hap- I would like to thank My Trinity U.C.W. Thankoffer- FIREPLACE wood. F111-Yo-ur Dr. A. F. McKenzie's office PERSON to prune ard clear IRISH Setter ppisfo py to announice the safe ar- friends and neighbors for the ing Talent Tea, Tuesday, Oct. car trunk for $10. Phone 623- will be closed fromn Oct. 5th- apPie trees. Phone '723-6818 Ref~rgerat1on chminsok rival of her sister, Angel very generous gift that I re- 16, 2 p.m. 41-1 3938. 41-11 Oct. 14th, inclusive. 40-2 after 5 p.m. 41-1 chapion sutock rn Ag 0 Daisy, on Sept. 28, 1973 at ceived from the Enfield Com- Corne to the first dance of INGLIS washer - spin re,- frlgthu .wkpea cl .Memorial Hospital, Bowman- munity. the season at Sln o-1îys lbs fe.dyr The Orono District Credit PERSON forliht ouewok Service pe~ al 1759223 ville. She weighedna9Clb.-811o2. Norm Stinson. 4lfer.Phone Union office wl eclsd0e day per week. Phone 623- ~~îne(Millbrook).4- Her grandmother is Mrs. Rus- ____muiyHlStO. th62--8.4-1Ot. 10-16 inclusive. 41-1 2782 after 5, 41iCo erilad omtl SIAMESE ctmat reoo Raymond Avery's orchestra. FRESH natural honey. Maple Totetre-uh h AYITR icn a Refrigeration -, ilk Coolers late pointfml pyd selu Evans acekRtcand rer Mr. andMrs. Howar Fr- 41-1 Knoll Farrn, two miles east flattened tires on four vehi-syaefv asprwe Phone BERT SYER front claws remoe.Ml proud. pearntae Ruth D. antrish to thdsandthei r- I.O.O.F. notice to ail mcm- of Kirby, 983-5027. 41-1.... des in the Village of Tyrone, Phone 623-7813. 41-ÏDy 2-57iepreecl McKenzie, Dr. H. .B Rundle bors for telegrams, cards, bers- Installation of officers STUDEBAKER Service, new we know who you are. RESTAURANT help, full or _______623_3177_______623_7076 and ail the nurses on mater-knwihsîoeyi ' to be held Thurs., Oct. 18t.11, and used parts. Graham's Tony Janczyn. 4 1-1 " part-time. Apply Noon's Res- Lander Hardware DOG groomingancipng nlty floor. 41-1 the occas o 0f tîron 8 p.m., at Centennial Temple, Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf Dr. H. Anfossi's office willf taurant, Orono, 983-5536. adEETI i res ode n n Wedding Anniversary. 41-1* Qee t.4--1SDFriue nApi e lsdfo etme 34 HAWTHORNE - Rick and____ Golden Plough Lodge Aux- UE untr n pl-b lsdfo etme 34- 1-tf lels are speciats. m ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- to October 12 inclusive. Dur- STORE Help. Apply in' per-- We require a Class "A" from home boar:n.Enîs Jan (nec Black) are proud to We wish to sîncerely thank iliary Autumn Tea and Ba- ton, 263-2241. 26-tf ing this time injections and son et Becker's Store, New- licensed mechanie to work in D A V E 'S springer spanielpulefo announce the arrivai of Jen- aIl those who sent cards, zaac, Satura ay, Oct. 13, 2-5 'seod,$0 allergies and flu vaccine wiil casfle or phone 987-4295 for Our friendly dealershipi sale from Engilhlpre StfMaysHositlKithe- d ban wy o make orLde oor.4-2bse.Poeatr Bi,, begiven each Tuesday 9 a.m. interview. 4i1;Bownianville. Go od shop, Plumbing, -Heating dam. Phone 786-23.:48 S.MarsHieOt.a, 1973het- gdis, elsoa toae oh odhep-p.. aCtobolden P0lo ugh ACS Ppoeles, 5 __5__ g5-7ood w'ork, good pay, fringe ¶I1____________ er rnprnsaeM.and Golden Wedding Anniversary Dac 10 he antie Feddema, 623-4835. No' Sun-to5pm REGISTERED nurse part- benefits. PoeAci rt, a~retia er.ce irandparents are Mr.day sales. 39-4 Notice to ah interested lima and registered nursngSr hceMner, fre ronal and EcRcAL D a tc evc Mrs. Sam Black, and Mr. and such a pleasant and memor- Community Hall, Saturday, rs. prtieervAiublicmeetngeasistats fal enoparttiOeMinteCiew Mrs Heb Hwtorn. 4-Iable occasion. Oct i13th. Music by Fay Ad- 1972 'MOTO-SKI Capri, in hsbe aldfrMnaPoe9744.3-fIDSRA n Clarence and Bessie Werry., ams and The Country Hits excellent condition, cover and October EEeaDO A DF R Farmerrs, Attention7441.34tfINUSRIL n MAIRS-Bili and Donna (nec 41-1140 e cule*l- traîier, $675. Wiîî seîl wtotOter 15, 1973; place, Cen- AL-acoryworkers MRESIDENTIAOR $4.00___percouple.___ 41-1__.-w tho n niai Hall, Queen Street. EEA atr ESDNILFr es Cowe)areplase t an tailr.623547. 1-* rqured AplyinperontoF R E E ESTIMATES DEAD STOC SVCE nounce the birth of their dau- Many thenks to relatives, St. John's Anglican Black-talr 2352. 4-tinie, 8 p.m.; Purpose, The Crquued.WooAPpl nron ctos OW AN IL t MARGW1LL FRFR ghter, Jennifer Diane, on friends, neighhors and Trio- stock Feli Supper, Seturday VIKING two-speed eutomatic organization of a Drug Action SCurhvPlnt Woo rOndut, s 2 . 1Vng StIEast-6234481R. R. 1 under new manaeen n Sept. 24, 1973 et Memorial ity U.C.W. for cards, gifts, Oct. lSth, beginning 5:30. washing machine with suds Comxinittee. Please plan toeo, h lnt40ooOn. 219Kn t.Es 6848rono 786-2471 ownersîiip. We apeit Hospital, Bowmanville. Proudl flowers and visits whiie a Adults $250; chiidren 12 and saver, asking $75. Caîl 623- attend. This is sponsored by 4- 'Where friendly people meet' cali from you whe eesay grandparentsar Mranpainin eoraHspt. under $1.00; pre-àchool free. 4835-efter 5. 41-1 Court Bovimanville No. 96-1 MACHINIST wanted, good 33tf Oelcict2371 Mrs. Donald Cowle and Mr. Special thenks to Drs.. Syl- 41-l1' JOHN Deere 40 tractor with- Canadien Foresters. 41-i working conditions, mus t NORTH(ýMBERLANDLi.N.467 and Mrs. Dave Mairs. Special vester and Grant, nurses and Rummage Sale sponsorcd -scufflr and mower, 3 furrow I, Wmn. S. Gordon, resid ont hv w ol.Poo92 AND DURHAM Wanted To Rent R.R. 5, BowmanileOtao thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundle, staff on 2nd floor, and to my by Bowmenville Nurses' As- 1" ottm ocshutOAowRD teOTwnhip0fClrkooîî Aax Ak fr ortHu- _______ Dr. John Rundie and Mater- famnily. sociation, Friday, Oct. i9th, Cal 623-5069. 4- up to approx. July ist, 1973, mers on. 413 C UT ORDC0Ftral bedroom aartNt. W OEIGLD nity Floor nurses. 41-1 Phoobe Larmer. 41-1* 10-12 arn., Bowmeanville Pub- SMALL General E 1 e c t r i will no longer be responsible MALE or famale help want-EDCTNCetaScolraby ov8f lic Library (downlstairs). stovo; Cofield wringer wash- for any debts incurred in miv cd to grade tobacco. Kendal Office Personnel n. Clal eatr wp.tTeder McMILLAN-John and San- I1 would like to express my 41-2 ing machine;' Westinghouse name without my written area,, 20 minutes frorn Bow- chiIdre40-4 _________6_________ dra proudly ennounce the er- sincere thanks to friends and B.HES. Band Parents Asso- cabiniet TV; children's slide. consent, as of this date Octo- manville. Phone 983-5686 ef- . Applications will be re- 623-7749. 40-___________ rvlo hi agtrA-neighbours for fruit, cards, aio oileenn a fg all 623-2997. 41- ber lst, 1973. Anyone heaving ter~ 5. 41-1 ceived by lhe undersigned un- fz.on esal tlpoe Sco si tveîga sold 10 or deiivered anyPRESS oporators required til 5:00 p.rn. Friday, October Ca r orSaeT w s drea Lynn, 7 ibs. 5 3/ fz..o san eepo calîs. ShoMna,,e.1,81.TRF hp 2Kn .'meitlgo ae September 25th,' 1973. Flrst AMso special tak o l, MretsofndaOctm15 815.THRFshllop,32 ing W. goods of any kind, wili only meitlgo o 12, 1973 for the position of '68Jars Sale Townshipitiof grndhid orMr ed rs. Sprauli, Richmond, Mosienko Alprns0 admmesW elo osgretfur'- be paid if they supply e sigo- withi our nc'w inrentive pioce- e~/1- Phone 623-3056. 41-2 C rw Kenneth Hooper of Bowman- and Hubbard and to thewoe$50da. igh1i:t wi liesitu es,ppaces.ai/sp-cerdrtfsc gos.41work. Apply in person to - -- "YTOWNsHIP-f vile ndfurhgrandchil nurses and staff on the first$50da.4-'pisbkektstc Good1 Curvply Wood P ro d uc t s Krb Oon 196.1 METEOR, runs good, GARBAGEPIKU for Mkrs. Rose MoMillan, bOn- floor 0fÏ Memorial Hospital Turkey Supper-Nettobokaaibe.98 NAVIGABLE WATERS South plant, Ewys. 115 and $0.Piae hn 8-62 don, England. Thanks to Dr. for their wonderful caro. Presbyteriar Church, Friday, NEWCASTLE Treller Park & PROTECTION ACT 35, Orono, Ont. 40-2 Public Schools $204rv1e hn 8-2 celed frte be (o om Howard Rundle and rnatèr- Lawrence Lonsberry. 41-h Oct. l9th. Settings 5, 6, 7 p.m. Sales-Your district Rembler R.S.C.,1970 WNE o attm o-Ti sahî iepsto.16 OE,6cl uoa ce ov. 1t193e nal itstfetMmraHop-$2.50 adults: $100.12 yrs. and Trailer Dealer. New and CATEWa in tore.ar ite to Dies 10acommefne pasition. y 5 j5 $150.1,6 tel, Bowmanviile. 4lh1* We wish to express our under. Tickets, phono 986- useà trailers. Eighway No. Nal work lnsoe rt oDte ocmec sao ic, as s$10 23-5878 after 50 _____most sincore appreciation 10 4460, 986-5118. 40-3 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf St. Marys Cernent Company, Advertiser 424 giving short as possible. 5 pot. 41-1*500.m ORMRME av- andCarvieevaydo ho ad pat b Bef DnneOStudayuNotBROMcsite pcoploe;a dvisonMfut.taryhCevrsuro o pet oplyrnnt, Musrhve ypig,3enrai196 .G..C.Vangod ond- ctoern9di97 neBrosarpesdtamaking the célebration of our vember 3, Trinity Unied dining suite, 9-piece; chester- ment Limnited, hereby gîves exparience and marital sta- knowledge of office proced- tion, $375. Private. Phone Tender forrps aebea annunc thB bithofsh)i 25ranivrsay scha d- Curc.titusg, an/7p.m fild uie, lI urm tek-notce ha itbas uaerSecbtusconanaienmtaesanureandbuines6mchies298-462.-14-1thoe ownhowOficehip(k anonetebit ftérlightful occasion, for the Tickets $300. 'Tickets avail- wood, 00w. Must soîl. Sacri- tion 8 of the 'said Act, depos- PO Box 190, Bowmenviîîe.shradan setbtottck soBrnDvdWilliam, lovely gifts - coffee and end able from U.C.W. mnembers. fîco. Phono 1-241-5971. 31-tf ited with the Minîstor of 4- essential. Ability to cope with71HNAC 70, excellent The lowest orin tne 9 lbs. 121/4' oz., on October 4, îab',,cs ock, purseo f moneî' Phone, 623-2638, 41-1D__ Transport, ai Ottawa, and 16-18 YEAR1S of age 10 learo work ioad et peek periods of condition, $325. Cail 987-4337.ntncssrîecped 1973 et Bowmenville Mernor- andothor gifts. S p e c i e RESSERS, Beds, Chester-wl h r-Adiîtao rd na salihdpiayiprac.4 î notM. Van Camp iaiHopitl.a boterforthnks10ou chldonthse St. John's Marihe Group fields, al kinds of Used Furni 0fthe Mcler Corpoisraton ani Mst eintestled nd Appy inprtngte.g198POTACWgo 1trt-TPhpCir Steven. Speciai thanks 10 Dr. who helped orgenize the 0v- FalRummage Sale, Thurs- ture, Antiques andApics opl Twsip0 arig fnMut appoarne. Goo ad qapliins n exporine19ChiefTbAue, agocndirtioow41-2 Siyvester, Dr. H. B. Rundle, coing and hclped provide re- day, Oct. 111h from 5 to 9l P a d dy 'sMarket, Hampton, ton,, County of Durham, Pro- bunefficatiodnfuture. pply 10: oriie luowner. Phondit263- Dr. J. Rundhe and Materniity freshrnents. p.m., Friday, Oct. 121h from 263-2241. 28-tf vinceuue.Apl o.oignlowe, hne23 Staff. 41-1 Stan and Key Powell. 9 10 12 arn., in the Great VIAI upe ent ow- to 0f Ontario, et Hamnp- in witîng ta Advertiser 421, M. A'. MacLeod, 8814. 4- Hal_____nd___s.4- VTMNSSplmetlo-tn Ontario, a description Of c/o Canadien Stetesmen, Box Business Administrator Townshîno SMT-eliiot>aehpy1 n h em ftonHl.Cfe and cohkies 41-1 est possible »pnicos. FREE lit- the site and the plans of a !g0, Bowmanviile. 40-tf and Treasurer, '69 ENVOY Epic, 4 door, low Cak (nelt VONSTER BINGO enatuno avaiheble. Visit on new docking facility propos- P.O. Box 470, mileege, wbite, $600. Black- (neElot r ap oan h aiyo h aewrite Suoshîne Shop, 7,9 Sim- cd to bè buiît in Lake Ontario RNA Fi ie oor, n.KA L.soc 8-58.4- nounce the birth of a son, Marjonie BlancbercT wish 10 THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. coc St.N., Oshawa, on tole, in front of Lots Number 14 R...Fl * oorg n.KA41-12'66t VAUXHALL5Vive,4has Eric Lloyd, 8 lb. 2 oz., Octo- express our sincerèst thenks Sponsored by phono 576-2391. 39-6 and 15, Broken Front Conces- DAYS 41-1__'66_________________as For Sal ber 5, 1973,.at Port Hope t, friends, relatives and Oshawa Minor Softbali TWO plastie covened love sion, i hRN.ATwshpof. orwpat, ut el Hospital, a brother for Elaine, neighbors for thoir thought- JUBILEE PAVILION soOsvethig hiran àrlington, Province of On- R.N.A. rVV ork \Vanted best offer. Phonoe 0-27 Quotations forth oow scats:m2215ngacher i5dtprionn 1-17-ing will be accepflolte Erily and Erin. Proud grand- fulness during bier illness in O S H A W A 30-tf tables (turquoise);, one head- Iro PART TIME WEL2D15INGaCther t5e 12oclck000,1Tes parents are Mn. and Mrs. Mississauga end Oshawa Hos- E DILNCtar --thn1o'lk Lloyd Smiith, R.R. 4, Bow- pitals, and the rnany acts of There will bc a beke e board (beige); two 'snow tires> And take notice that aftor Evenings or Nights Weil Driliing Ltd., Pontypool. '69 TRIUMPH Bonneville 750 day, October 16, 17.b h manville, and Mr. and Mrs. kidestlrl nbtsadIis Friday, Oct. 12, etth (C78-13); ail good condition. the' expiration of one montb lr Phono 705-277-2504 . il-tf Kit. Extended front end, Han- undcrsigncd. Clytn lioIGadn il.gifts to cbarity during our Dmno îr lz.I o tion of this notice St., Marys JY.S MAN witb îigbt truck wisbes 579-1354 aftcr 6. 41-1 1953, equipped wt rn 41-1 rcn eevmn.As enjoy delicicus -home-baked NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM9 Cernent Comnpany, e division tukn ograehue special thanks tu Rev. J.C. gonds, corne and see us there. SUMP PUMPS 0f St. Marys Cornent Limited, 623-581 away, also chai aw work. '69 CHEV. Impala, 4 door, End Loader. Deaths Johnson, Nortbeutt Elliott Ahl profits will go to the -Funeral Home, Hampton La- D u rh am Christian Eigb REPAIRS TO. ALL MAKES will under Section 8 of the__________ 41-1 Phone 728-2410. 40-2 autornatic, power steening, (B) Quantity 0 ca e BUSN-tHubr e SholOgaiato.saîd, Act apyiyn1 the Minis-WARwesbrd,3"te 327 motor, in good condition, tel. Pnice per ton 411 tn ofTran ontfor eprovl .~ 'D 4 WATR'sWells Boreing30"telwiii cortify. Phone 987-4923. Quotations maybsuit ondies Service Club, and UCW. Sho rHAato. - -RIVEY IPARTNER tro rnpoPrt,±fer±tu 41-1 ted on your stationanye oriel Hospital, Weston, o Editb, Lavonne Ciernens. Osaca Barn Dance (couples of the said site and plans. P.&R1Rat phono 3.2-2030. Represontative411tdo ursa Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1973, Lorne and Family. 4 1 - -1 only) featuning the Log Cabi Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 Dated et Bowrnanville. On-on Sat. Bulson, Wilowdale,, former -_0____a__________OC mpny__ryL.Itm A)m iy of Bowrnanvilio, eged 80 Boys on Saturday, Oct. 131h, 41-tf anio, this ist day of October, . 987-4531. 16-tf Oct. 27,_1 p.rn. clearance auc- up and paid forwt cri yeens, husband of the late In M emoriam 4 miles eest of Newtonville 39" PADDED headboard, box 1973. requires additional maIe -- lion0fue mahns'7fidcoeby5p.,2d Winifrd Pper Rstig e BRMLE, onad prcialon Eighway No. 2, 4 miles spring and mattress: ledy's STnMARY CEMEN representa- WATER wells bored or driii 650 Yerneha; '72 XL250 Hon- of Octoben, 1973, o etbd Winifrd Ppe. Rstig a S. MIRY, CMET tvestoassist in sales ed. Canada Drilling Company, de- '72 750 Honda; '71 350 der will be considnd the Morris Fueran Cape, ] ivinaremoyf adea nrthonnoutysd.65worsn57ob6-sui004k.newRCMPAY hrogh urBowan Phn9 shwe 76600. R- ond; 69 LH71royI'7 tItm ()B) b pcke u Bowmanvilie for service on" Dad and Gramnpy, Donald3mlssuhoHlzbt-adld' e itrca Division of e St. Marys ville office. prosontative Earry L. Wede,j 175 Yamiahia nail; '72 30 hýp. ,,)t laten then 5p.,23do Fnda e 2o'ick itemetPecîaiBrrne, hc p~-ville, 11 41 -J1-1size 11; green fibneglass , C'»,iit<. Enunessnctycnfdnie ecastle 987-4531 224-etaSomb1;6 6Ocoe,17.Criidce Bowmanville Cemectery. Cha- c wyOt ,17.Roast'Beef Dinner, Sundey drapes 9" longx 41";9range'4 pelvistin fcd Tursay i Octedayd8,s ad9t72Ot.a1sd 4:0opmmitisailan2asdgoucturpe eikx-ke- ad cmmisio stuctre x- NSUATIN, low ie-e- p. kido; 67 ercry y-6ue or 100befre oadng et 2 o'clock. 41-1 sadws eead srvd S.Joeb udtr drapes 96 long x 120". Phonc céllently prepaned. Prefor- thod with rock wool, 'work- clone GI, and maoy others. Remainden 10 bepadspe sedly ie b y s son îum,Lie St. suth Audo- 623-7481. 4l14 Notice to Creditors once givon 10 local Bowman- mnanship gueranteed, free Location: Archer Cycle C0 eintih aSdymse yhssndim ieyS.Suth.25;chine 2AdDMSI OMECA OIE OCEIO ville area applicants. estimatos, Sealdaine insula- Ire, Peterborough. We 'will wet orbnilutl.0 DAVEY, Earny-Suddenly aI Keniieth, wife Marilynan ls$.0 hlrn1adDOETC& OMF IA NTCETCR IOS CALL l 'ion. Phono 742-0272, Repre- also audlion your machine Lws ra bis home on Tuesday, Oct. 1, grandchiidnen, Joanne, Don- unden $1.25. Lest week for REFRIGERATION UNITS 'AND OTIIERS n"~ ~ Žrn snaieHryL ae o o o ml hrencessarily occeptd 1973. Herry Dae of 2 Con- aid, Ketby and Paul. 41-1 tickets. Phono 623-5196 or sesaw hno 987-4531ry . 38-t2fFor inforaion p ho70-e... oP Ire St., Bowmanville. Beloved ____623-3233. 41-1 and APPLIANCES Al daims against the Es- 295-4319.0 hne98-Te. 8-ýFo ifrmstioCah ore205 M..Rosprs edn husandof ertudeDwS ,A2iL E S & S E RV I CE talu of _ETHEL AMELIA 39-6 WILLING 10 teach sign lang9-439 epoCshosi% RodSuei husard fat ert re dllMcLAUGE-LIN - In loving NEWCASTLE SCOUTS GUY, late of the Town of- uage communication - telk tô danca t on day of sale, bal- Township of Cak dean. faten 0fatherthndmemnory 0f a dean son and ADTF1 oo Etr - ss i.ý.nil i h onyh efn yhm nac-witbin 14 days. Frea Box 57 Jon.Rstn e teNot- brother, Robert McLeughlin, AD UB ijOO Lteprss owanile 1 te out n7A ,.-theda, yhm nrefneshments. 41-3 Onono, Ontaio.- cutIEll tIFunraiHom.Fwo pssedawHoOc.e1. BTTTET DIVEPDRNIV2-321HONDuEa623-dow(et1neof Durharmfl nil-,s ed wekensne2,pr _________and__________________$2__per_ who passed away Oct. 13, fnlie of the City of Oshawa), hu ihamnmmo w Funenal service et 2 o'clock 1968. SATURDAY, OCT. 131h. 24 Division St., Bownianville deceased , -Tho, died on or :Machinists hu ibamnmm0 w asfrSl Thrsay aferoo. ntr- Always loved, Please have your bottles 26-t about the 21s1 day of July, required immedietely. sessi. ons e indvidul5 pe ment Oono Ceetmont41-1Phonys 983-9259.arl- met1#nêemtry 11 M Alwasofys en ntery GOOD sélection of 5-8 b.p. 1973, must 1,o filed with the SAWYERS, BANDSAW, 40_____T___ MISN oeh t0 . enie s you 41-1 eir-cooled motors,, idéal for undersigned on or befone the ALSWAN OTR Ruddy Hospital, Whitby, on -Sedly rissed by Mom, Dad Ebenezer United Churcb laxvn mowens, roto tillons, go- th day of Novemben, 1973. TBEA NDRUES B I L L ' S G L A S S Monday, Oct. 8, 1973, JosepP Linde, Janis and Kelly.1 41-i Turkcy Supper will be held karts, tillera; also one 8 hi.p. Thereaften the undersigned Experiencti an àsset but a nd M IR R ORS L T . Gibson of Newcastle. In bis ____ Salurdey, November 3rd. Sit- tiller and one 5 h.p.; two will, distnibute the assoIs 0f not essentiel. 7 Division Si. - Phone 623-5187 751h yean. Eusband Of Mer- NORTON - KEMPTHORN - Iings at 4:30i and 6:15. Ad- chair.sews; one self-propellod the said, Estate hiaving regard Good wages with excellent BOwmanville, Ontario garot Keiso, father of Mrs. In loving mnemory Of stepdad, vance tickets ooly. Admis- lawn mower, 22 lochi cul.ý only 10 the dlaims thon filed benefits available. 'he n la lS William Goodman (Barbera); Thomnas Norton, died Sept. sien Aduits $3.00. Children May be seen et Bill's Lawn and in eccordance with the Apply in person to Sae Jitââtr inos7 ODCONR QIE TTO AO Mns. L. Atbotî (Joy); Deb- 27, 1926, mother, Laura Non- und"'r 12, $1.25. For tickets Mowers Sales and Service. Will. BomnilO-~~StoreFrnts - FtrlnoawMlîss71F OR, OcalRYownRE 00 y, p rset onah, Joseph, Charles and ton, Nov. 9, 1929, sistor Paul- phone Shirley Locke 728-CQuvplyanWSt. Georglltpeets, aledaet IVner, 400 V-8, porror Patrick. Resting et the North- ime Kempthorn pn 0,139r17. phono 623-2622. 41-1 tanlo, Ibis 3rd day cf October, PProducts nd lin G l-fLcasH4..............690 cutI ElliotI Funeral Home. brother George E. Kemnp-i1973. Prducs ad -Glzin 17tf ie EB646................... Funeral service 10 o Wc h nmrnansct 1,191.C OMMU IENTREWHITE 5 Hilliard Eani Osborne and HWY. 115-35, SOUTH PLANT A .OSO N 7 AD OE Thunsday morning. Inter- thenmrn n 1971.EWTRDVOEWrne, FrankLRusseli ,. ment Bowmanviile Cemetery. Mîid night reluros. M TV ANTENNAS Osbcuore, O~rono, O-..ntario Carpet - Upholstery 4-wheel drive. No danger of rust,ai alumnu Donations 10 the Canadien -Always remnembenod, Em- M NSTER BINGO, specializing in TOWERS, by thein Solicitor Ihorein, 3- Professionally Cleaned body. Local owner. parecey 41 b a-1me Marsden, Tom Norton.41- N 7:5 m. AYUHIF-VHF Color, Aerials, L. C. Mason,,Q.C. FREE ESTIMATES LcEM6.............690 rCace ocey oudb1e- NE17:TpMONDAY. ox19,Maktig Career LPhone68 623-2002.......... RED BARN - WAYNE ST. Rtr.B129, Marketinge, hon 63-00 MERCER, Jane-At Oshawa WEBB, Hilda -"She looketb 1ms35 irdan epis.BWeall, ngt areet, Su ieoCadahsnBOMNI General Hospital on Sunday, well 10 the ways of ber 'OSHAW1~VA Hms'ewrdadrpis omnilOtal. SnLf fCnd a nBWAVLE71 CIEV 4-DR. Oct. , 793,1973, ThmJane AThabmpsonguabousehold.39."4-21-tfreAskg oabout four guaranusehlee.21LiCma3K9ingr40-3enlntetnestingll opositioncleforamay 31-tfa Orono, Ontario, beloved wifa -Ever nomernbered and cher- Durhamn County Club of Service at no extra charge Personal marketing nep res tati vo -y Lie. EJR173......................... 390 .of Roy Merder, sister of Hil isbed by husbend and farnily Toronto 751h Anvosy within a,20 mile radius. _______________ iiite.Mstb oclrs- evc demanîe Fhred, nolstd aid(af Jh'n Eahn. Dinner, Frîday, Octobor 26, D Are you a single parent. dent with abtlity, ambition Bac1k.JoeSevc NoerBanrlon. estedHoet 41-l11973 et Edoication Centre, 155 Ph.ione 56-60 widowed, seperated on div- and show progress for age. Trenches - Drains 70 TOYOTA COROLA 2-DR. -rno Sric-ws Iel Fo- Ret 10 Ot DTinnerA 6:30-:I Ropn. nrp.m.oniiu r- a Hlospital Arrangements finden & Company Real Es- J. £1LJ.N J 1"1.or IQ~L Assistants L"Ij -tL.IUM Corsages tale. Phono 623-2341. 40-tf Sparks-Vacuu Phone 623-2196 69 VAUXHALL VIVA STATION WAGON Potted FURNISHED noorns by the TOURS Zenith 14620 Cleaner Service $136.80 to $147.20 38-4* Bud Fogg Special Plants if'onth, bath, shower, TV, TO, 623-2729 The Whitby Psychiatrice TDRINTO(N Lic. EBB412................... .....390 tlephone, indoon pool, sauna 24Hu Srie sdvTum,20adU. opta a ppruiteo Weddlng and iicensod promises. Apply W.W..A. 24Hor eric Uedvacum4$0 ndup gHstai bauss poatndities- orN Bouquets lig Dutchman Motor Inn, Ja41-tfe41- itered Nurse sisantgs- MAON 64 PLYMOUTH 623337. 4-tfwould be interested. in em- Brick, Block, Stone Siant six, automatic. Arramnsl~ . THREE room a pa r t mnt, (Wheeling, West Virginle> SHAW ploymeot 1n psychiatrie nurs- CIN rnMOa pca Arranem62-741or ground floor, privale en- 9t l S N R VL S PL n iebnlt l HNYS & FIREPLA'ESGenMOaSpca We $end Flowers by Wire Inence, completely furnished, November 9 r1mSN.GR V UP L ng LC Lic. EBC404......................... Poe6374or623-5577 for winter. Aduits only. No SHOW STARS FriOne benft nlzePoe63-2176 171tf pets. Apply Adventisor '419, WseSn ra n tn i three eeksannlaatin;- 49 If 6 ODX OVRIL c/o The Oanadian Stalesman, Tom T. Hall Wse ed--- GevladSoe asan torv hos aten- --6 ODX OVRIL Wanted P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. FOR DETAILS CONTACT- sion pao; subidizeciboaBOBBEERS Complete ihbkesadcno. REQUIRED imm e di aet e 1 y,4 * omnvleAil Sizes for Driveways and Parking' Lots hospitel, 111e and long terni 3 LI STREET BraHrisSeal noom and board, or just room, Comm ill TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL, incorne protection insurance.. Plumbing - Heating Lic. DYH798.........................990 for maie studont. Oeil 623- LJnq- vents rvlCne TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT Pleese apply in confidence Pressure Systems g Travel Cenrg alQuenS.,;atý4 IN tre 1W.-New 'Work and Repairs SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FRO 2319. 411 10F ane enenal 7KGS.W 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) Personnel Officer,Sevcan sits for 14 foot trailen, Bowman- October 13. Music by Ernie BOWMANVILLE Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital Cal6324 "The Friendly People" ville area. Oeil colleet 416- Archer. $3 a icouple, 9-12. Ban Phone 623-3182 CALL 72e-0232 Box 613, Whitby, Ontario al6324 219 KING EAST BOWMANIL 293-1153.' 41-1 privileges. 41-1*1 39-.3 39-6 LIN 5S9. 33-tf 623-4481