Ne m tonville Weil, the Regional and Municipal Elections are over, a ad- we suppose this area shioudn't be too disappointed, m ith a 50 percent win-one out of two local candidates having béen successful. Congratula- tions to the winner, and condolences to the loser, who, v ýry likely, will have been s )ared, a lot of headaches! At Sorry a mistake was made il last week's mention of the o )servanc e of Mrs. E. Sow- d 's birthday in Port Hope, ýich should have read "93", i istead of "90". This lady has a wonderful memory, and at one Institute meeting, we had the pleasure of hearing her récite, flawlessly, a lengthy péemn she had learned, when starting to school. Local adies among those attendine the Luckv Lunch- en, s onsored by the Rebek abod(ge, BowmanvilIle, Wed- n,sday, included Mrs: Ace' FarroW, Mrs. Irma Woo Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Mary Vnkle, Mrs. Olive Henderson, Mrs.ý B. Henderson. Glad to hear Mrs. Mac Irwfi, of Roseberry Hill, is p ogressing favorably, in Civ- icHospital,, Peterborough, wbere she underwent surgery e.-rly last week. Mirs. Bea Jones attended the R tired Teacher's banquet in Si ncoe United Church, Osh- ai a,. last Wednesday after- nc on. lecent visitors with Mrs. Agnes -Burley were Mr. and Me-s. Clarence Nichols, Mr. G rald Zealand, of Elizabeth- vi le, Mrs. Earl McEwen, of Peterborough, Mrs. Harold Burley, of Bridgenorth, and Missý Catharine Stewart, a su pper guest. ~3ythe way, we neglected to m ntion that last Monday, be ides being Election Day, w s also the birthday of our wçll-known authoress, Mrs. Bi rley, who was escorted out TRENT 0 Of f -cam pu s to vote, in ner wneel chair, by. her daughter, Mrs. Mary Vînkle. Just as they came out the door of our Community Hall, after voting, a handsome gentleman serenaded them with the singing of "Happy Birthday", which quite char- med the Returning Officer, Clerk and bystanders. Mr . and MRs. Melville Jones, and Mrs. Bea Jones were Wednesday evening vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moase, Lndsay. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrader, Haliburton. Mrs. Winnifred Elliott, with Mr. and, Mrs., Wayne Elliott, visited, Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, in their new home in Oshawa. After dinner, al enjoyed a drive through the Caledon Hilîs. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancast- er have returned home af ter a 10 day holiday trip to Torbay, Newfoundland, where they made the deiivery of a new Massey Ferguson 165 Diesel Tractor, to a new customer. This was the first of its kind ever to be seen there, 50 one might safeiy say, that history was made by the Lancasters, who had a most enjoyahie stay among the friendly and hosp- itabie easterners. Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster were guests at the Regina- Cosentino wedding, Saturday, in St. Luke's Catholic church, Thornhili, with reception, foîl- owing, at the Inn On The Park. Rev. Snelgrove's Sunday morning theme was "The Door to Fellowship", the latter being one of the unîversal qualities most des- ired -by mankind. This wa,, symbolized by the Sacrament of Holy Communion, adminis- tered hy our minister, with the assistance of Session Memb- ers, Mrs. Jessie Best, Mrs. Tva Farrow, Messrs. C., H. Lane, and S. J. Lancaster. The choir UNIVERSITY Course at Cobourg COMMUNCATIONS Applications are stili being accepted for a non-credit course in business communica- tions offered as part of the Fellows Program in Banking but open as well to the pgeneral public. The aim of the course is to iluprove the student's ability to communi- cante effectively with other persons - to speak and write clearly and to listen effectively. Location: Room 203, Cobourg Collegiate, (East) Date>s& Time: Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. For detailed information, please write or cail (1-705-748-1428) IDepartm'ent of Part-Tiie Studies, For the First Time, Sons and Daugh fers of War Veterans Enrolled as Mem bers The Canadian Statesman, Bowmai Mr. and Mrs. Keitn Gilligan and family, Hamilton, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bray. Mr. Isaac Hardy, Stanley; Mrs. Endicott, Lindsay, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden andi family.j anville, Oct. 10, 1973 5 Mr. and Mrs. William Steer, Oshawa; Mr. Reg Steer, Soutl Devon, England, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. On Monday, Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mr&. Lawrence Moffat and Tammy, Newcas- tle, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. TH1E CANADIAN CANCERSCIT HELPS 1H OSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED 0F ASSISTANCE O TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES LIEVING DRUGS *LODGE ACCON~ AND HOSPITAL eDIVERSIONW VISITING ACTIVITIES C'hnadian'Cancer Society *PAIN REL @ HOME * HOME NURSING SEPuVICE, e HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE AMODATION BOWMALNVILLE d DISTRICT UNIT B)ox No. 42 Bowman piffe, Ontario Recently, a first was registered at Bowmanville Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion when il sons and daughters of war veterans were enrolled as Legion branch members with full privileges. President Ed Majer conducted the ceremrony and is shown in the centre welcoming the group. The new members, were marched to the front of the meeting sang "It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks". Flowers at the altar were in loving memory of the late Brian Read, whose funeral was held Thursday afternoon, with interment in Lakeview Cemetery. Lunch was served, later, to family members and friends, in the Sunday School Hall by ladies of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and son, Gary, home fromn Hamilton for the weekend, were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelly and family, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow, and Karen, of Gatin- eau, Quebec, spent the week- end here with Mrs. Iva Farrow, while callers were, Mrs. Carl Farrow and son Bruce, Downsview, and gran- daughter Susan, of Dawn Milîs, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignaîl of Newcastle, Mrs. Mary Vinkle and Mrs. Bea Jones flew to Washington, to spend the holiday weekend with Miss pat Varma, and her brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Field, aàt Utterson. Mrs:' Marg. Powell, Mari- Lou and Keith, of Orono, were Sunday supper guests with Mrs. Mary Wade and Grant. Miss H. Fitzgerald, of Peter- A word to the wise When it cornes to hot water, using it wisely-not wastefully- makes good sense. yourhyidroQ borough, spept the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce rElliott and David. Mr. andl Mrs. C. M. Jones,, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. iHarve Britton, Newcastle, iwere Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton, Belleville. Mrs. Winnie Elliott was a dinner gest, Monday, with Mrs. Ralph Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard and girls were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster. Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Sunday School Hall, Sept. 26, and President Bea Jones, affer a few words of welcome, opened with the singing of "~The Lord's My Shepherd," and prayer. Minutes of prev- ious meeting were read by Margaret Elliott, and Treas- urer's report given by Mary Vinkie. More cups and saucers have been ordiered, and a preserving pot and spoons purchased with Canada Pack- ers' labels. Corresipondence was read:- Regional meetings are to be held at Pickering, Oct. 15, and at Blackstock, Oct. 22. Notes of thanks Were read from several rememhered by the Sunshine Committee. Six members aizreed to take care of advertising the 100 free Cook Books namely :M. Jones, Olive Henderson, Carol Gard- iner, Bea Jones, Helen Elliott, and Inez Bouighen. Reports were given of the Key 73 service at Orono, as well as the booth at the Orono Fair. A canvass is to be held re "To what church do you belong? " the minister will caill is helpers. A donation was voted the Church, with the Anniver- sary coming up Oct. 28 and the Bazaar in November, this year. Articles for another bale to be sent up north, are to be brought to the next meeting, which will be held on Oct. 24, and wiii be in charge of Eileen Stapleton. Four communion giasses are to'be replaced, and a donation of spring bulbs was requested by Carol Gardiner, on behaif' of the Shrub Committee. The program was in charge of Unit Leader Jessie Best, assisted by Helen Elliott, Mr's. Bougerie, and Joyce Stacey, closing with the hymn, "Count Vour Bless- ings ", and prayer, affter which lunch was served BETHANY Several United Church Women attended the U.C.W. Rally which was held in Pontypool this year. The theme of the raily was "Time". Bethany Women were responsible for the Worship Service. Mrs. Allan Beer, and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son led the worhship service and Mrs. Carl Porteous assis- ted in receiving the offering. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thor- ton of Cannington, and Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Thorton of Victoria B.C. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porteous visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Dave Scown. who passed away in Toronto Hospital on Saturday, September 22. BURKETON Mrs. T. Bailey is spending a * few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. *Peeling and girls Oshawa. Those in the village who are patients in Port Perry Hospi- tai are Mr. Garnet Dean, Mrs. J. Gatcheli and Mr. Tom Trick f0 ail these friends we wish them a speedy recover and al very best wishes. Mrs. W. Bryan made a business trip to Oshawa re- cently. Mrs. R. Davey spent Thank- sgiving with Mr. and Mrs. S. Grant and family, Zion. Mrs. Stanley Taylor had Thanksgiving dinner on Sun- day at the cottage of his CS 3 - 7482 A brother Mr. and Mrs. Doîjglas Taylor at Deep Bay. by escorts W. Bates, left -and R. Abernethy, far right.' Members, from left to right are A. Aibin, N. Ribers, J. Taylor, C. Bould, R. Wright, D. Hunt, D. Oke,,F. Walton, E. Roberts, D. Walton and G. Brown. The constitution of the Royal Canadian Legion was amended at a recent convention to permit the new members to join. FRDEi cFn Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- man, Ellen and Larry, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Clark at their cottage at Westport. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Miss Helen Baker and Cather- ine had Thanksgîving dinner on Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. Barry Cowling and boys at Hall's Lake. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Catherine, Miss Helen Baker, Mr. James Baker and Miss Diane Hind-, man, Hampton, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Leger, Susan and Wayne, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carr were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- man. Misses Carol Knox, London and Marilyn Knox, Guelph, spent the weekend with, their parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox. Miss Saliy Langmaid, Cen- tennial Colle'ge, Scarborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and family and on Sunday Mr. Tom Barrie, Bowmanville, was a dinner guest at the Langmaid home. Neighbors and former resi- dents gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox on Saturday evening fo honor Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Beau-, champ who were recently married. A lovely mirror and tray were presented to them. Everyone enjoyed pictures shown by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crydermani and a good time was had by those present. Miss Cathie Suwala, Ottawa University, was home with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser for the weekend. Mr. James Cowan, Coch- rane who spent the weekend at the R. Fraser home accom- panied Mrs. R. Fraser and Miss Cathie Suwala spent, Thanksgiving Day with Cpl. and Mrs. G. Tapp and famiiy, Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka- day spent last weekend at Algonquin Park and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alex- ander, Downsview, spent the weekend with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs, Wes Hilis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down and famiiy, Sunderland; Mr. and Mrs, Brian Knox, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knox, Bright and Miss Nancy Knox, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. Elizabeth Colwili, Dawn and Lisa, London, spent POST OFFICE CHANGES There have been several staff changes at Bowmanville post office in recent weeks. Assistant Postmaster Ed Greenan has been promoted to Postmaster in charge of the office at Beamsville, He came here from Lindsay in Sept. 1964 and has been an active member of the community. Recently hie was elected Secretary of Bowmanville Lions Club. Also weIl known is letter carrier Ron West, a native of Orono, who joined the local postal stait in luti6. Hie nas let for Willowdale where lie will be a Siipervisory Letter Carr- ier. @DRESSINGS