DEADIN FOR CLASFE Tuesday.43 Births Deaths Cards of Thianks Cominq Events Articles for Sale j Help Wanted Help Wanted Wanted To Rent, Lietc FrSl B ARBER-Mlchael and Kath KERR, RbrtDvi s-A .H.S. JBand Parents Asso- Euchre and Penny Sale, COB, corn~ $55 ton. Phone CLEANING lady, experience BOOKKEEPER for Accounts BED sitting roofor lady. 50 1ERIGLghr es ryn are thrilled to announce Trenton Memorial Hospital, ciation wishes to thank ail Monday, October 22, at 7:30 986-4679. 42-1 preferred, one day per week. Payable and Receivable. Typ- Unfurnish1led. Phone 623-2716. Ernesi okdy 6-78 theariva o thirbab ss-Wednesday, Oct. loth, J973, those who contributed to the at Memorial Park Clubhouse. -IE arwo frfre- Phone 623-5213 after 6. 42-1 ing essential and shorthand 42m1_____________________________ 42-e ______a_ 2of CONTRY hose wsthn 30XMRGANahoses, twfrrgii teRosemary Anne, on Wed- husband of Minerva Good- success of- its $500 draw, es- Sponisored hy L.O.B.A. 1291. plaes 26-295.42* RSTURAT eiMfr.orS83355_________ nesday, Oct. lth, 1973. Proud brand, 10 Napier St., Brigh- pecially Pab's Cab Company CEDR-pst an àrils. part-time. Apply Noon's Res-______-______ miles of Oshawa desired 1by teredhfbedilei½ parents, Doug and Elaine, ton (formeriy of Bowman- and the Ban ebr who Dance in Port Hope Lion Phone 6359.4- taurant, Orono, 983-5536. FULL time gas bar attend- young working couple. Phone yearsodi30èc.As wish to thank Dr. Sylvester ville), father of Robert, parn- were SO active selling tickets. Centre, 40-3 ans theEsso-62338094aftr _4p-m. 49m1* year on or nbed andthse n heMaternity ild and David. In lieu of The winner was Mrs. Flor- Mscb a AasadTeMEN'S hockey skates, size 7, W40R/aires.Aply i et e Hwy.401,tNewcasi.TO 63-89beroo6 partenting fr vial o w pn hs ntevWIersoniQue's.Hotel n-aaybnsadpianCetaScoiaabNv s. auae Floor at Mernorial Hospital, flowers donations to the Can- ence Lake, number 762. country Hits. Dancing 9-1. good condition, $10. Phone aay ou n ad n ta e hors Bowmnanvilie. 42-1 adian Cancer Society, 443 42-1 42-1"ý 623-5646. 42-1 caer phouen' e 7-4684 nual vacation. Must have own lst. hRelabe ea yntswtov am 7628.4- Mount Pleasant Rd., Toronto, _________Serice._________________ly i pe CLOSS-Mike and Jeannine would be appreciated. A1 me- I would like to express my Rummage Sale sponsored SUDE aRrvc. G newm 42-1 tsaton. 4p2y-npe- children. Caîl after 6 p.m. ______________ are happy to announce the morial service was heid at sincere thanks and grateful yBwavleNrs'A-ndud REGISTERED nurse part- EXPRT- aidr1se6reui-774buines4grlswn safe arrival of their first St, Andrew's Presbyterian appreciation for the beautiful sociaon, Frida, ct.l9thPu Garae.-41-26-12.2-tino and registered nrige-orBwavle aoatmObuentgirlsm a nileTWObomaartment child, a boy, Christian Mich- Church, Brighton. 42-1 floral tributesàmesae of 10-1 .. omnil u-UE Furniture and Appli- assistants fuli and ll Saln, part-time.winan i1 eT ______41-2Pthoug9tfu44-.licfguarantee $90.00 clear fllarea, immediately; references. cenriy oae.Poe63 ael, born Oct. 4, 1973, at 5:30 sympahy and thetogl-ie Library (downstaîrs). ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- Phostns 987-4441. p 34tfLm.Pstinas pnforPoeDaunlewen9l 31.4 p.m., weighlng 7 lbs. 6 oz. METCALFE- At Marnwood ness of my neighbors, friends____4- ton, 263-2241. 26-tfTYIST-Bookkeeepr-p time r. Pone725- 725-6521.r424* SMALL apartment s9-5tab2e First grandchild for Mr. and Nursing Home, Bowmanviile, and relatives during the 11- Friday Night Bible Schooi G.E. REFRIGERATOR, Mo ecep efee ,epr-pr iew. Phone 983- 87102. 42- o opeo*snl esn Mrs. Pat Conell, fourth for on Monday, Oct. 8, 1973, 'Miss ness and psigo dear every Friday evening from fat stove. 623-4569 after 71,4r.Stn2yer, urpl Mr. and Mrs. John Cloas. Evy Blanche Metcalfe, in her husband. Special thanks to 7-8:30 at Maranatha Christian p.m. 42-1 Wood Products, Orono., 42-1 WAREHOUSE Junior- young Riding Instruction Phone2326.4. Special thanks to Drs. Sylves- 83rd year. Beloved daughter Rev. T. J. Snelgrove for his Reformed Church, HIwy2BRN ne Conilinnpesnrurefv da ter and Hubbard and ail of the late Mr. and Mrs. consoling words, the Nurses east. For rides cali 987-5215. ro utwt i h MACHINIST wanted, good week, must work, Saturdays SADDLE Seat and Hunt t 100ACE ffriead nures n mtenitf 4 FloChrleecle r. DaP sserey on th ird fora otal Wand4-1 hhand buffet. Phone 62~'3-2wrigcniin, mst rt detsr45 / Eutto.Toisrc0s iutdrgti on ______ o Forece(Mr. erc Sm- ile MmoiaiHopitl nd Turkey Supper - Nestieton 5105 or 623-3504. 1 42-1* have own tools. Phone 942- Canadian, Statesman, PO with 10 years show ring ex- BowMnvle$2prar. HIGHFIELD - Lowell and mons) of Bowmanvile. Aunt on 5F at Oshawa- Generai Presbyteriar Church, Friday, IELC wod$2trc 0101 Ajax. Ask for Bert Hum- Box 190, Bowmanville. 42-1 perience. Phone 623-5506 be- Cal] 2-58 0t Mary (nee Basinger) wish ta of Evelyn (Mrs. Orman Hospital, also Drs. Grant, An- Oct. i9th. Settings 5, 6, 7 p.m. a, $2snlmcrfe e _________fore7 ______6234304_________ON thank God for the safe ar- Tripp) and Keith Simmons, derson, Fekete and McKenzie, $250 aduits; $1.00 12 yrs. and livrya hoe 2-347o$A12IUSpsi onglfor yere d- aNGrs f ae ao cferia042130 ibryNA.3,o rival of their son, Shawn both of Bowmanville and Ar- and the Morris Funeral Cha- under. Tickets, phione 986- 623 32. Poe63342-1r mn'Iad oySprs' waexer-forers ofandaniorsafr CrsFr ae-hne62-84.42t Michael, 4 lbs. 1 oz., barn thur Simmions of Niagara pel. My grateful appreciation. 4460, '986-511.2-323.-2- on' ncepeed butnotearepre- SottsRersauranto. t. ________for______ -5118. 0-3 enc prefered butNEt b e-dS otos oesaaraatto.ent, Thursday, Oct. 11, 1973, at Falls. Funeral service ,took Pearl Clark. 42-1* alw'nDceOt2-aesCMteC rsFrS e pi: Oshawa________Hosital._plce__ Hallo, ecen11Dance-Oct2th MEN'S skats :Mtakquisite, 40 hr. week. Repiy (Texaco Service Centre), 401 1971 TRIUMPH TR6, ONea Poh a Gensa raiH stal. plac enurday, Oct. lbIn-atBowmanvîîîe Legion wthsize 81/2, used haif sean in writing to Advertiser 427, Highway E'sbudPr1cniiomsts, $ 00 ,stv adrergeao Mr.dandarent shaarenrd emet42-wodCe 1er. lIn Memoriam Bobby Dwîth tu$40; also size 5 Bauer, na/ h aainSttsaHp.lXst hveonPrtras-dPhon62-3094. 4l .$220 -1 ldd vial D.Cotme and c/_Te______________Hoe.Mutav_________hoe__3304,421 ne Mr. and Mrs. Lester High- ALUIN In loving memory of Door Prizes. Bar privileges.car4246 4Macom,92.O.Bo10jB42-1 le patworn.g oditio. la Cl field of Bowmanville. Special STEPHENS, Mary Gertrude - a dear mother and grand- Couples 18 yrs. and over SMALL*G4nera.E 42 e c t2 p1 y nt ersn ondyitdiionsn O Rustlc, sno tieson- SAO trg o et thanks to D r. Sanderson and A t M em oria i H ospital, Bow- m oter, Cora L ona, w o om . 4 - * stove; Cof e l w in e cr 16-18 EARS of age to îearn _ _____ a dnop p r seaso . Phon th u s so F a d 4 . manville on Tuesday, Oct 6, passed away suddeny Oct. C m oe1om , taOur S. owasht le rn- _______ Ph ne _62 -3560_ 42_____ a thenuse o S ad A.42-1 1973, Mary Gertrude Stevens, 22, 1964. rumage, sale îaylOt.2 ing. machine; Westinghouse a trade in anx established BOYS AND GIRLS 1970 HONDA Mairi, x on R 2-60 r63 inie______a, if of the lier memory is as dear today fo 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at cbnet TV;, children's slide pat us exteetdad Earn extra money for cellent condition, $225 or best24.39t Christian in her 82nd yearmaswifebefromg _a_______6.23-5139______6._42-___ LDY-CpanMcalltArhrBritton Stephens,' As in the hour she passed Knox ChrsinShoSu aîl 623-2997. 41-2 Of neat appearance., Good _________________ HE LEdY -CapandMihaeamteerthrenefits. Good future. Appiy Chitabyeomna ofr.6359atr6.41*bdom prtet adPhyllis are pleased' to mother of Arthur n ae, away. gog Rd. N., Bowmanville. THRIFT Shop. 32 King W. i wiin t dv tsr41 UNA U ARER '1CE.wth'2mtrHImsnAenarBsLi. announce the birth of their grandmother of Scott and -Aiways remembered, dau- 4-ni n osgnetfu-co aiaintoadte 2, ox ND yoSUNrarea. als'61 CV h 62otor.Poneicue.Aalbeimd son, Brady Christopher, 8 ibs. Kathy, sister of Bert and Mrs. ghter Marjorie, son-in-law niture, appliances, baby u-i9nBwanile 0-fPoe 72-977.98-4542*ity.hoe7305. 21 11/2 oz., on Friday, Sept. 28 E. Boyd (Esther). Funerai Kenneth, grandchiidren Gre- MONSTER BINGO plies, bikes, skates, etc. Good ;_Phon_723_77Z._83-541._ 42_____t a Chrottw Hoptlsevc1 'ic rdyatr oyadGi.42-1 books aaiiable. 398 R.N.A.tFull'T' 42-1 P..At Chrote on Hospial, servic. 19t'cioFidyther- goryand Gil.-. -:45U±.L±ime1969 G.M.C. haîf-ton with THRE edomfrm hu Micel. A rotherfoCande n lo nOttlt frote cha- BTS-I oigmmr pnoe yALUMINUM siding, doors, DAYS REQUIRED by leading retail tradesman's box, new tires, threemlsnrhoNwo- ,aeMrel. ard rJankdrent el ofnothcutt CEilit. ofn- BATE - n oing miemory swMnor S balwindows, .awnings, railinbuilding materials, o u t 1 e t. leaf springs, .good condition, ville nNwovil od Nare, and Mrs.ak edd, ermnetedWCmtry hfour ssdaar frict. Milli, JOshawE A MInrSbLl raincarrying systems. Lo'r5é R.N.A. or R.N. Position for ,outside, and Phone 786-2225. 42-1 Cal9396 orapit Newcasti, Canlotetons.Heen 421969pse. aa ct Sh JBLEPAIlN Allin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871. warehouse work. Permanent Muph, haloteow,.EI.L99.O SH A WA 30-tf 42-1 PART TIME employment, good benefits HALF ton V8 International mentr2t 42-1 THICKSON, James Arthur- As time unfolds another year, Eveninso ihs adsatn aayaepo rc,6,0 iego n OMNIL oe ______ A Nwcstl o Fida, c-Memoriskecp you eerEbenezer United Church NEWCASTLE Trailer Park ig&or vi aded fr the succy eu p-tgine, 6new00tires, ood n- bapfourroa n ah SINCLAIR-Todd is happy to tober 12, 1973, Jim Thickson, near, Turkey Supper will be hed Sales-Your district Rambler Ca il Mrsthe ___________________tire,_bo _on______pt announce the arrivai of hîs 0f Bowmanviie, in his 53rd Silent thoughts of times to- Saturday, November 3rd. Sit- Trailer Dealer. New and alM s Clark plicant. Apply in writing stat- needs somne body work, make Immeit pseson ah baby sster, Tara Anne Mar- year, son of the late Mabel gether tings at 4:30 and 6:15. Ad- used trailers. Highway No. I cg qualifi 26, c/ton th anadvrian MOf r CY L to, Sttt. Phone 623-2341. 40-tffin garet, weighing 9 lbs. 9 oz., and Johnson Thickson. Rest- Hold memories that will vance tickets only. Admis- 2, Newcastle, 9875131. 16-tf 623-5813Stesman6, co.ThBox 19an0, O ct. 27,1p.m.carne actI. Bwaniletre bd on ,Monday, Oct. 15, 1973. ed at the Northcutt Elliott iast forever.. sion Adults $3.00, Children BEDROM uie cmpet;421 omaniP.e. B 42-,190 Otn7 of us eamace: '72 rNnmhmsnl aae Proud parents are, Larry and Funeral Homne, Bowmanville. Ab. and Anne. 42-1 under 12, $1.25. For tickets R650uie, Yamaha42-; '72 XL254-10 n o uedma hins 7 on-lreenlsdyad v Doris. Special thanks to Dr. Funeral service was heid at phone Shirley Locke 728-dnig6uie,0-iee;chstr 'odw rkn Miklos and imaternity staff of i o'ciock Ivonday afternoon. BATES, Millie - In loving 212.395 ooed se, ew. Mu seil acr- RA Hon W ow kda '69 75 Har; '71 2-35.4- Bowmanviile Memorial H- 4tret2omnTil e-mmoy1f dar 969.ho APERING AT fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf CAREER M cinss.7 Y-haTai;'72 30 h.p. FRIHDrosb h _______ Though absent you are very Th Q eens Hotel DRES.SERS, Beds, Cheste- We have openings for sales required immediatel>'. Yh.p. Skio bl; '68cr C-mn16btshwr V THERTELL-Bruce and Joan WRIGHT-Suddenly at Osh- near, NEWCASTLE fields, alkinds f Used Funi- nohssnil s w.SW ER, B ND A , lnkG, d '7manur y -hes emoi e orpol an (nee Adams) are pleased to awa General Hospital, on Stili loved and missed and "THE RIDGE RUNNERS" ture, Antiques and Appliances. perience Flying Dutchm Motor InnW, clneGT ad an ohes el annunc th sae arivl o Suday Octobr1t, 1920 ey er Pad dy 's Market, Hamnpton, offer a continuous training TABLESAW1 AND ROUTER.S Location: Archer Cycle Cen-_ and icne rmss pl thi gthersae arria oAnndayOctobeyrihth1, veryBdla. 424* 'Fn., JaL. - O t.1-202 2241. 26-tf programn. Another language Experience an asset but tre, Peterborough. W;e will 623 Elizabeth, born September14, ler 86th year, wife of the O co ter 9i 20 VITAMINS Supplements, low-atervîew cl 56-970 cl - Go o t ea th l.afor yuctfor a sîmal charge 2.A A T EN , cn aîy - 193 egig7Is 12ozs. late Thomas Wright, dear BATES -In loving memory -cobter 9-206-700(cl-for yinforaion p h e.- atemiPlor iigr 197, wighng lb. 1/2Dancing 9-1. est possible prices. FREE lit- 1et. Gobefit a xailalent295-319.frmstioCah ore 206- wth elclag ce A wee sister for Todd. Proud mother of Dick, Doris (Mrs. of Millie. 4- erature avaîlable. Visit o eeisaalbe granparets ae Mr andWm. avis, Rchel(Mrs El-The earspassby, 2-1write Sunsîhine Shop, 75'im- ~Mendyk Mantl,0 Appi> in person te deposit on day of sale, bal- and bdom 15prmnh Mrs. Harold Therteil and Mr. wood Shackleton), Ross, Don, And stili I miss you more, WOVE coe St. N., Oshawa, or tele- ane itn14dy.resrvcsncue hoe2- and Mrs. Henry Adams, and Joan (Mrs. Bert Engley), Mayyou rest in peace. WODIWpoe5629.39-6 R~ea~ly and C ryly4oo1-3 2473. 42-1s Fre er g r e a t - grandmother M r s. Doreen (Mrs. Bruce Lidster), Nelllie. 42-1 COMMUNITY CENTRE ph- 7-31 '"' refreshments. 4--27 James Adams, all of Bow- dearsister of Rachel (Mrs. D. MONSTER BINGO INENAIOA 504 Diesel Insurance Inc. Products manville. Special thanks to Brough) and Tom Humphirey. BATES- In loving memory Tractor, power steering, new 42-1 HWY. 115-35,SOTPLN Help Want Dr.SyvseadthnussSriewshdinteMr of a dear mother, Millie, who NEXT MONDAY tires, 30 hors. on rebuîlt motor, OrnOtParjo Sylveter nd te nuses ervic washelhouserMo of the maternity ward. 42-1 ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- passed away Oct. 15, 1969. 7:45 p.m. block heater, heat ndi- P & .Relty ___ ____ __Ontario.ER WILSN -Alln ad Sýr-ville, on Wednesday at 2 Her smiling way and plasant RED BARN - WAYNE ST. new battery, like new cco- .&R elyS P L E LON -e lla and arehar-y o'clock. Interment Bowman- face toOS250HA'WArcnsde-394 tee (none agt) are appy vll Cemetery. 42-1 Are a pleasure to recaîl; O H W ed. 942-8356 Pickering. 42-1 C..ompAany . toanunete ria o ile ___She had a kindly word for 21AJ-tf tin,$2500RESoRofEr sidTer- requires additlonal maie Marketing Career R Q IE M their son, John Allan, weigh- CARNATcONBwmian ville Draina Work- NEDaPRSUESYTM and female representa- K ~ E M E U T L ing 9 lbs. il ozs., on Saturday, U VSuLieoCadahsn S-pebr2t- LWR n EDSOESc)Ad fi' eîd blvd yal hop xesenits A GownFo PU S tîves te assist in sales SuLiefCnaaaàn September 29th, l9-72 a hthe FLOWERnand SEED STORE Ad bsiovovember FPrPREPAIESTO 4LL MAKES -rug u ms-interesting position for Oshawa General Hospital. A 33 Division Street ' er hp, î tfrsNvme 8, 9, forgh urBwmn boherfr 10 ndSot.L 8:15 p.m., Bowmanville H R B A T E ville office. marketing representativefo b rther for Lor and Mst. Hosptal Arrangements Some day, we know Vnot Hig!i School theatre. Aduits andEY . N R ladngto additional respon- grndo frMr adMr.Corsages when, $20.suet 10 hn rn 8-26-Znt 42 nquiries strictly confidential sbltis Must be local resi- Mrs W J.Ta gat. peial Pote 62-j l4 for tiket. om li-41tf c ommission stpr uctuPrefex- det wih abiity, ambition ST. JO S E PH-S S H Jhnk E.t Wilson nd r . n and- la tst ls er land i t e et- 62 -3 1 fry tickets Compîi 41-tf ceî en t a pre aedB Pr fean a d show progress for age. Mrs.W. . Tagar. Spcia Poted er tandpmetarttckts vaiale o965FORD 'sedan, certif led; ec ie olclBwa-Recenft entryinto equity pro- staf n thflor. 421* Weddîng -Ever remembered by her day night. 42-3 onc train set with about 200 vleae plcns ducts has created this open- thaks o D. Hndesonand ulats chNde, er oartai. alleioitznsr hr- cars; one refrigerator; alumi- CALL ing. Experience, not neces- 90 PARKWAY CRESCENTBW ANIL Adpin Fnrl \dia and Hank, Bill and Linda Goodyear Retirees Associa- num counter; two ktchen Oshawa 576-6120 sary as we are prepared to Adoptions__________ Funra and Wilma. 42-1 tion, Bowmanviile: There wili suites; one electric guitar 39-6 Srî-tendresutmeto HIGGON - David and Dawn Arrangements '¾.. be a tour of the St. Marys with amplifier; one pump or- APPLY T THE PINCIPA (nee Rayworth) announce We Send Flowers b>' Wire BATES-In fond memory of Cement plant at 6:30 p.m. gan; many other items. Phone Sun Lif e of Canada the arrival of their chosen Phone 623-7141 or 623-5517 a dear grandmother, Millie, Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. Members 987-4047. 42-1 Good Opportunity Bieof CaR.GnadaGE -62-55 baby boy, Darin Scott. A we 1-tf Who lf us Oct. 15, 1969. wishing to take the tour wîî ODseeto f5 n o slscre i u EEBORO9R.UGHRIG brother for "D J." and a new ______________ We do not forget hier, we love meet outside the St. John's 8Ahp. o tionw:of ndno Fnwofficsaes serin ohawPETROOG grndo frMr adMr.w. Cards FooertfderyPrshHll epeaceS. blower, 5 h.p., best offer; one and the surrounding area. o D. Higgon. 42-1 of Thanksier memory to fade Bowmanvilie. Cars wili leave chain saw; one 5 h.p. roto Waralrgineatn-CLFor APITET4- ________________ Sincere thanks to friends from our lives like a the church at 6 p.m. sharp. iller; one 1971 snowmobile, aremayr intertin-O 745466 COLTECT -and relatives for cards, gifts dream; Ah Goodyear Retirees wei- 30 h.p.Ma, esenatB l's mabihtperesons andwofo Forthcoming and cails, also to Doctors Our lips need not speak when come. N. Allison, Secretary, pa.nMow eSles and llser-mfrta rGOD OPORUNITYn of 7Cars6 SaleCT Beer, Martinan Marcellus our hiearts mourn sin- phone 623-5550. 421vieauenarst Gog for ea. aaeet Mariages and nurses in Oshawa Hospi- cereiy, BoovCi icePh 622622 2andSt.__George___for_________management.__ ________ _ .tal. For grief often dwells lo Donor CincSts. Pone 62-2. - Starting incarme up to NORTHUMBERLAND Mr. and Mrs. Wonald Rahm . 41 hr t edmi en DELICIQUS aples, seconds, $1,000 per month,, bonuses, AND DUR.HAM Haorcng w isann onc the Cale rîg. Sadiy misscd by Wendy \Ved., Oct. 31 $3 bus.; Macs, seconds, $2.50. ail fringe benefîts, nationally COUNTY BOARD 0F dauorthoming arg Mofrter Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mutton and Andy, Michael, Debbîe, -a Phone Bill Feddema, 623- advertised product. 1 EDUCATIION 'a Gary Alan Ferguson,so would like to sinccrcly thank Robbie, Kevin, David, Tracy, -a 4835. No Sunday sales. 42-1 For personal Interview,Ca tke thLas insomuitno and Stephen. 42-1 LinOCnre NE Only - 16 cu. ft. chest pîcase write: af~~~ Mr.Drty uhrythe compîcte surprise party frezer, harvest gold, $239.98.POBX24Apiaonwilerci- and Mr. Bruce Ferguson, atFia vnn n o SEVERN, Elsie - In îovîng B OW MAN VI L LE Carnegie Crest H a r dware, PSA-0. OT2R4O Applbyteones ign e runil Belleville. The marriage to late oviy oupnting npfr-memory'of ada ohrad 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. King Si.East, Bowmanviîîe. O42-1- TuAIO edy, tobuneri23, 197,71FRDCUTR QUR TAIN AO take place Nov. 24, il a mth ________aitig____a_________nd6:3_-9:0____7_FODOUTRSUI Tyrone United Church. 42-1* sented to us. 42-1 grandmother who p a s s e d 6:042:0 ..-1 42-1 _____________ftepoiton f u im Fl23wrlca onr,409783,wrset _____away Oct. 15, 1969. Transportation Provided foVld 1 Crtaeratsition o w ultmn- lpwelcl we,4 ____________________I wouid like to thank MY Sadly missed along life's way, Please Caîl 623-9010 FOR HOME DELIVERY 0F ~Ailes~ For SJaAvile SaenioerPbicheool i. B66..............690 E ng ag em en ts family, friends, neighbours Quiety remembered every 2-2 "ThelSundaioSun"uHO VER washing machineH6o6l.dg...f.c.eanin _______________________and elaives ais U.CW.n ior life ta share, Pnp nBwmnile rn with spinner, asking $75. Caîl teniais and caretakîng pro- 71 LAND ROVER late John Delbert- Bowins, tives and ncighbors for seeing Court Bowmanviile No. 964Rors u ESSevcDalr u finl daeshp i dear mother of Wilma (Mrs. my husband got to and from Canadian Foresters' Annual Rotors. our ESSOServiceDealer69rFOriDnGALAdeaErshlp I Leroy Hyland) and Betty hospital. Aiso many thanks ta Dinner and Dance. 'Ted Koss SUNSH INE PARTY Homes pre-wired and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES good work,godp>,rie (Mrs. James McKee), both of all my famiiy for their kind- and his orchestra. Lions Cen- goTD enft.Poed ue rot, Oelgarjutlokng o oe Pontypool, Roy, of Oshawa, ness ta Dad. and myseif. re, Saturday, Nov. 3. Dînner TOURSi. Ask about our guarantee. 98352 u'rono Sevice Mahner, frhe rosi Livc. a37..................199o0 grandmother of tweîve grand- Hazel Myles. 42.1* 6:30. $11 per couple. Tickets Service atnanorextra charge ore. BAt37r..... children. Service was held lan one week advance. Phono MYSTERY TOUR - OCT. 21 within a 20 mile radius.Zeih 460 M DO A DF D 68OR LT SE N the Morris Funeral Chapel, I would lîke to convey my Clarence Bell, 623-5939. 42-1ieih160 aD N LDF R 8FR T EA Bawmanvîlle, on Saturday at sîncere thanks and apprecia- r 2 o'clock. 'Interment Ponty- tion t0 Drs. Ewcrt, Sylvester, Kendal United Church An- Hadassah 'Bazaar, Yorkdaïe Phone 576-5606oulpwr vr lgn poo Cineer. 4-1Siemon and the staff ýin niversary and Thankoffening and Downtown Shopping E. WHITE, COURTICE 24 Hour Service BOWMANVILLE FLi.oEr v5ry . egant.atomobile poo Ceetey. 2-1Emergency, and ahi the nurs- service Sunday, Oct. 2lst, ai OCTOBER 24 140-tf 41-tf 2ie King 'St. Eaat - 623-M1 IcEA9........... 1990 CORBETT - At Memoial es and staff on Medical Floor 2:30 p.m. Rev. Genald Hof- 'Where frmieudy peUYANY0FeHEmBe Hospital, Bowmanville, on for their excellent and effi- stetter, B.A., B.D., g u e s t JHN CASH - NOV. 2nd OSHAW A 42-1 B A TE OFCS TFW Tbursday, Oct. 111h, 1973, cient care wbile I was a pa- speaker, and Daniel Foster 0f JHN Percy Corbett, la his 84tb telent in Memoriai HospitalCHEX eterboroug, g ackt Miner B'rdSanetuar A D & GEL S P L oieADT E P ILL IV year, husband of the late Ger- aiso the Dietary Staff for solois&t.R VE S P LYAN E I trude Mona Simmons, dean their close attention ta diet- Clarke Museum, Orono, an- and Ford Museum Notice____________ father 0f Robert, Cambridge. ary instructions. A special nounces that there wili be NOVEMBER 3-4 Washed Sand - - - Gravel and Stone, STANLEY KULACII YOU $100,00 CS Service was hehd in the Mon- thank you to ahl the kind a teaching demonstration of-- Limestone Produets DceedT SOFE EXI S ris Funenal Chapel, Bowman- people who remembercd- me macrame on Wednesday, Oct. ICE CAPADES*, NOV. 16& 17 Aieie o rieasadPrkneosWud anyoe woknwSTHRDSYOCT 2th T PM ville, on Saturday at 4 witb fhowcrs, fruit, cards, and 17 and 24, 2-4 p.m.,ý in the AlSzsfrDiea ndPkngLt o w a eron hhyacuanted o'ciock. 42-I tehephone calîs; Rcv. Wesley dîsplay room, by Mrs. Hornen rwsproal cuitdSTRAOT -Gake for bis visits and pray- of Gardon Hill. Admission ROCHESTER SHOPPING TOPSOIL AN»DflIRT FILL with the deceased who resid- LoterFoec Night in g ale '35e. Also on Tbursday, Oct. NOVEMBER 23-25 TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT ed on Lot 23, Cono. 2, la the SEVERAL OTHERS TOC1SEFO --Lodge of the Independent On- 18, 2:30-4:30, a teacbing de- Twsi fDrigo n BEAGLE, male,, red and der of Odd Fellows, the Man- moxstration of chair caning Phone betweefl 2 and 10 p.m. 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) died on or about December "The Friendly epe whte orh fMopot ttCALLntad taf725-h0232s LnaGahnio 16,- 1966, please telephone 219 KING EAST 6348 O MNIL 100 ta car. Liberal reward. Canadian Statesman. Newcastle. Caîl 983-5379. PortHoe8520 AL7523Mr. eo a63-44i6348 Caîl 725-9847. 42-1* L. A. MacDotigal. 42-if 42-1 42-1 3- omnii.4-